<p> HARPENDEN TOWN COUNCIL</p><p>MINUTES OF THE PLANNING B COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 24 JANUARY 2012 AT THE TOWN HALL</p><p>Present: Councillors B Ellis (Chairman), Weaver Leadbeater and Farmer </p><p>In attendance: Planning & Finance Officer Cllr Chambers 6 members of the public</p><p>John Bagshaw Town Clerk</p><p>“Informed by the information available, the following decisions were taken by the Harpenden Town Councillors. Those Councillors who are also serving on the District Council will also consider the matter afresh at district level in the light of all the evidence including the relevant officer’s report”.</p><p>82. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE.</p><p>Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Thomas and Mrs Vincent. </p><p>83. DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST</p><p>There were no disclosures of interest.</p><p>84. MINUTES OF THE PLANNING B COMMITTEE HELD ON 20 DECEMBER 2011.</p><p>The Minutes of the meeting held on the 20 December 2011, previously circulated, were duly signed as a correct record.</p><p>85. PUBLIC QUESTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDING ORDER 61.</p><p>There were no public questions.</p><p>86. APPLICATIONS REGISTERED WEEK ENDING 06/01/2012. THREE WEEK PERIOD EXPIRES 27/01/2012. APPLICATIONS REGISTERED WEEK ENDING 13/01/2012. THREE WEEK PERIOD EXPIRES 03/02/2012.</p><p>The Committees recommendations are attached as APPENDIX A</p><p>87. LETTERS OF OBJECTION/SUPPORT</p><p>The letters of objection and support were noted by the Committee. Letters of objection relating to planning applications ref: 5/2011/2930 – 1a Rosebery Avenue, Harpenden; 5/2011/3092 – 135 Luton Road. Harpenden; 5/2011/3144 – 44 Amenbury Road, </p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-03\0a493bf1069d726d4c15f77e28339100.doc Harpenden; were also tabled for Committees consideration.</p><p>88. APPEALS</p><p>The appeals were duly noted by the Committee</p><p>89. LIST OF WEEKLY ST ALBANS DISTRICT COUNCIL DECISIONS.</p><p>The Committee noted the list of delegated decisions.</p><p>90. APPLICATION FOR TREE WORKS</p><p>The applications for tree works were noted by the Committee.</p><p>91. DATE OF NEXT MEETING St Albans District Council Planning (Development Control) Committee North meeting to be held on: 13 February 2012.</p><p>Town Council representative: Councillor Mrs Vincent</p><p>Planning A Committee meeting to be held on Tuesday, 7 February 2012. M Ellis, Maynard, Newns and Williams</p><p>92. CLOSE 9.30 p.m.</p><p>Chairman ………………………………………….</p><p>Date …………………………………………………</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-03\0a493bf1069d726d4c15f77e28339100.doc HARPENDEN TOWN COUNCIL APPENDIX A APPLICATIONS REGISTERED WEEK ENDING 06/01/2012. THREE WEEK PERIOD EXPIRES 27/01/2012. APPLICATIONS REGISTERED WEEK ENDING 13/01/2012. THREE WEEK PERIOD EXPIRES 03/02/2012. ______Ref: 5/11/3085 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of one, five bedroom dwelling (amendment to planning permission 5/2009/2107 dated 22/12/2009) at 20 Ox Lane Harpenden AL5 4HE For Mr Richard Fletcher</p><p>NO OBJECTION SUBJECT TO APROPRIATE DESIGN AND USE OF MATERIALS WITHIN THE CONSERVATION AREA. POLICY 85 (i) (c) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/3202 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Discharge of Condition 2 (sample of materials) of planning permission 5/2011/2170 dated 18/11/2011 for demolition of existing dwelling and construction of two new dwellings with provision of parking at 84 Station Road Harpenden AL5 4TY For Shandy Developments</p><p>NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/11/3088 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Two storey detached dwelling with habitable loft space, associated landscaping and new vehicle crossover (resubmission following refusal of 5/2011/2088) at Land Adj To 26 Roundwood Park Harpenden For Mr Peter Rudge</p><p>THE COMMITTEE NOTE THAT THE PROPOSAL HAS BEEN REDUCED ON THE REARWARD PROJECTION AND OFFER NO OBJECTION PROVIDED THAT ANY FURTHER REASONS FOR REFUSAL HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED. THE COMMITTEE EXPECT ALL PROPOSALS TO ADDRESS ENERGY CONSERVATION, UTILISING THE BEST CURRENT ENERGY PRACTICES WITHOUT PREJUDICE TO THE PRINCIPLES OF GOOD DESIGN AND APPEARANCE. POLICY 69 (GENERAL DESIGN AND LAYOUT) 8.4 PREAMBLE OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/3092 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: First floor rear extension (resubmission following refusal of 5/2011/2400) at 135 Luton Road Harpenden AL5 3BB For Mr John Berry</p><p>A letter of objection was tabled for the Committees consideration.</p><p>EXPRESS CONCERN THAT THE PROPOSED TWO STOREY REAR EXTENSION WILL HAVE A DETRIMENTAL IMPACT ON THE AMENITY OF NEIGHBOURING PROPERTIES RESULTING IN LOSS OF LIGHT. POLICY 72 (V) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-03\0a493bf1069d726d4c15f77e28339100.doc ______Ref: 5/11/3095 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Single storey side and single storey rear extension at 283 Luton Road Harpenden AL5 3LN For Mr & Mrs Les Sheppard</p><p>NO OBJECTION ______Ref: 5/11/3102 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Single storey rear extension at 20 Lindley Close Harpenden AL5 4HS For Mr & Mrs Simon Burridge</p><p>NO OBJECTION PROVIDED NO LOSS OF AMENITY TO NEIGHBOURING PROPERTY, 19 LINDLEY CLOSE. POLICY 72 (v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/3172 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Discharge of Condition 2 (sample of materials) of planning permission 5/2011/2139 dated 27/10/2011 for part single, part two storey side and rear extensions incorporating gable to hip roof and new integral garage, single storey front extensions with front canopy following demolition of existing single storey side extensions at 48 Bloomfield Road Harpenden AL5 4DB For Mr & Mrs J Goodall</p><p>NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/11/3196 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Extension and alterations to car park to create 30 new parking spaces and 3 new cycle spaces and associated landscaping (resubmission following refusal of 5/2011/2124) at Spire Harpenden Hospital Ambrose Lane Harpenden AL5 4BP For Spire Healthcare Ltd </p><p>NO OBJECTION PROVIDED PREVIOUS REASONS FOR REFUSAL HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED. ______Ref: 5/11/3093 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Detached four bedroom chalet bungalow with new access, associated parking and landscaping at Land To Rear Of 29 Oakfield Road Harpenden For Mr Peter Rudge</p><p>Mr Owen spoke against the application. Mr Moore spoke for the application.</p><p>EXPRESS CONCERN THAT THE REASONS FOR THE 1999 APPEAL FOR DECLINE HAVE NOT BEEN ADDRESSED SUFFICIENTLY IN TERMS OF SIZE OF GARDEN, BUILDING LINE AND AMBIENCE OF SURROUNDING AREA AND THEREFORE RECOMMEND REFUSAL. ______</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-03\0a493bf1069d726d4c15f77e28339100.doc Ref: 5/11/3108 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Partial conversion of garage into gym, replacement of existing flat roof with new crown roof and alterations to openings at 25 Greenway Harpenden AL5 1NQ For Mr Andrew Watkins</p><p>NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY COMMITTEE ON THIS CERTIFICATE OF LAWFULNESS APPLICATION</p><p>______Ref: 5/11/3112 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Two storey front extension, first floor side extensions, single storey rear extension, removal of chimney stack and alterations to openings (amendment to planning permission 5/2010/2717 dated 07/12/2010) at 21 Oakfield Road Harpenden AL5 2NW For Mr Paul Tucker</p><p>NO OBJECTION PROVIDED NO LOSS OF AMENITY TO NEIGHBOURING PROPERTIES. POLICY 72 (v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/3116 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Removal of existing flat roof over existing extension with replacement pitched roof with four rooflights at 13 Greenway Harpenden AL5 1NQ For Mrs Susan Evans</p><p>NO OBJECTION PROVIDED NO LOSS OF AMENITY TO NEIGHBOURING PROPERTIES. POLICY 72 (v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/3136 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Conversion of garage to habitable accommodation, addition of pitched roof to front elevation and alterations to openings at 9 Paddock Wood Harpenden AL5 1JU For Mr Christopher Eagles</p><p>EXPRESS CONCERN REGARDING LOSS OF THE GARAGE AND INSUFFICIENT PARKING PROVISION FOR A FOUR BEDROOM PROPERTY. POLICY 40 OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/3181 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Rear conservatory at 82 Grove Road Harpenden AL5 1HG For Mr E Bonney</p><p>NO OBJECTION ______Ref: 5/11/3144 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Single storey rear extension following demolition of conservatory, new front porch, raising of roof to create habitable loft accommodation with one rear dormer window and </p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-03\0a493bf1069d726d4c15f77e28339100.doc rooflights, removal of chimneys and alterations to openings at 44 Amenbury Lane Harpenden AL5 2DF For Mr Graham</p><p>A letter of objection was tabled for the Committees consideration.</p><p>NO OBJECTION SUBJECT TO APPROPRIATE DESIGN AND USE OF MATERIALS IN THE CONSERVATION AREA. POLICY 85 (i) (c) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/3192CPCategory: CP Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness (proposed) - Single storey rear extension and insertion of rooflights at 54 Tennyson Road Harpenden AL5 4BB For Mr Chris Cole</p><p>NO OBJECTION ______Ref: 5/11/3195 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Loft conversion with one rear dormer window (resubmission following refusal of 5/2011/2646) at 54 Tennyson Road Harpenden AL5 4BB For Mr Chris Cole</p><p>NO OBJECTION PROVIDED APPROPRIATE DESIGN AND USE OF MATERIALS ON THIS LISTED BUILDING SITUATED IN THE CONSERVATION AREA. POLICIES 85 (i) (c) AND 87 OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/3042 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Part single, part two storey side and rear extension, raised patio to rear, alterations to openings and widening of existing hardstanding and vehicle crossover at 51 Crossway Harpenden AL5 4QU For Mr R McWhinney</p><p>RECOMMEND REFUSAL REGARDING ONSTREET PARKING AND LOSS OF AMENITY TO NO 49 CROSS WAY DUE TO THE SITING OF THE TWO STOREY SIDE EXTENSION. POLICIES 70 (iii) AND 72 (v), (vii) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/3115NMA Category: NMA Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Non-Material Amendment-(alterations to openings) to planning permission 5/2010/1921 dated 12/10/2010 for Single storey side and rear extension and alterations to front porch at 48 Dalkeith Road Harpenden AL5 5PW For Mr Robert Clarke</p><p>NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/11/3148 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Single storey side and rear extension, two storey front and side extension and alterations to openings at 5 Lyndhurst Drive Harpenden AL5 5QL For Mr & Mrs Chris Lucas</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-03\0a493bf1069d726d4c15f77e28339100.doc EXPRESS CONCERN REGARDING THE LOSS OF AMENITY TO ADJOINING PROPERTIES 3 AND 7 LYNDHURST DRIVE AND THE ADDITION OF THE SIDE WINDOW FACING NO 7 LYNDHURST DRIVE WHICH SHOULD BE OBSCURELY GLAZED. POLICY 72 (v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/3188 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: 1.9m high garden boundary wall with replacement gate and brick piers at 2c Cornwall Road Harpenden AL5 4TH For Mrs Katerina Lewis</p><p>NO OBJECTION SUBJECT TO THE HEIGHT OF THE EXISTING FENCELINE REMAINING THE SAME. ______Ref: 5/12/0002 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Part single, part two storey side extension, single storey front and rear extensions, solar panels on front roofslope, alterations to openings, installation of rooflight in rear roofslope, lantern rooflight in single storey rear extension and enlargement of hardstanding (resubmission following refusal of 5/2011/2450) at 7 Barton Close Harpenden AL5 4QT For Mr Robert Bishop</p><p>NO OBJECTION PROVIDED PREVIOUS REASONS FOR REFUSAL HAVING BEEN ADDRESSED AND SUBJECT TO NO LOSS OF AMENITY TO NEIGHBOURING PROPERTIES. POLICIES 72 (v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/12/0057 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of two new dwellings with provision of parking (amendment to planning permission 5/2011/2170) at 84 Station Road Harpenden AL5 4TY For Shandy Developments Ltd </p><p>NO OBJECTION ______Ref: 5/11/3185 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Rear conservatory at 4 Haslingden Close Harpenden AL5 3EW For Mr Andrew Broughton</p><p>NO OBJECTION ______Ref: 5/12/0030 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Single storey rear extension following demolition of conservatory and insertion of rooflight to rear roof slope at 26 Park Hill Harpenden AL5 3AT For Mr & Mrs Christopher Regent</p><p>NO OBJECTION SUBJECT TO NO LOSS OF AMENITY TO ADJOINING PROPERTY. POLICY 72 (v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS.</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-03\0a493bf1069d726d4c15f77e28339100.doc ______Ref: 5/12/0048 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Single storey side extension and rooflights to existing single storey rear extension (resubmission following refusal of 5/2011/2323) at 19 Park Mount Harpenden AL5 3AS For Ms Amanda Haddon</p><p>NO OBJECTION SUBJECT TO APPROPRIATE DESIGN AND USE OF MATERIALS ON THIS LISTED BUILDING SITUATED WITHIN THE CONSERVATION AREA. POLICIES 85 (i) (c) AND 87 OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/3029 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Variation of Condition 3 (obscure glazing and non-opening windows) of planning permission 5/2011/0047 dated 22/03/2011for demolition of existing dwelling and erection of one, five bedroom house with basement at 17 Oakfield Road Harpenden AL5 2NJ For Mr A Simister</p><p>NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/12/0005 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Retention of ancillary one bedroom studio unit at Little Manor 17 West Common Grove Harpenden AL5 2AT For Mr Sean Coleman</p><p>RECOMMEND REFUSAL DUE TO BREACH OF PLANNING PERMISSION. ______Ref: 5/12/0051 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Replacement dwelling at 51 The Deerings Harpenden AL5 2PF For Mr & Mrs Daniel & Sarah Luhde-Thompson</p><p>RECOMMEND REFUSAL DUE TO SCALE, BULK AND MASS. THE PROPOSAL IS OF A POOR QUALITY DESIGN AND IS UNSYMPATHETIC WITH THE STREET SCENE. POLICIES 69 (i) AND 70 (i) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFER. ______Ref: 5/11/2930 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Erection of five bedroom detached dwelling following demolition of existing dwelling at 1a Rosebery Avenue Harpenden AL5 2QT For Mr Andrew Munroe</p><p>Letters of objection were tabled for Committees consideration. Katy Dunn spoke against the application.</p><p>HAVING CONSIDERED THE APPLICATION CAREFULLY THE COMMITTEE HAD NO OBJECTION IN PRINCIPLE PROVIDED APPROPRIATE DESIGN AND USE OF MATERIALS IN THE CONSERVATION AREA. HOWEVER CONCERNS WERE RAISED REGARDING THE DESIGN FEATURES OF THE SEMI-BASEMENT WHICH IS </p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-03\0a493bf1069d726d4c15f77e28339100.doc DISPROPORTIONATE WITH SURROUNDING PROPERTIES. CONCERNS WERE ALSO RAISED REGARDING THE WINDOW TO WALL RATIO AT THE REAR OF THE PROPERTY. THE COMMITTEE REQUESTED THAT ROOT PROTECTION MEASURES WERE TAKEN TO PROTECT THE TREES IN THE NEIGHBOURING GARDENS AND ALSO THAT MEASURES WERE TAKEN TO PROTECT THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE ORIGINAL WALL OF NO 1b ROSEBERY AVENUE. POLICIES 70 (i) AND 85 (i) (c), (d), (f), (i) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFER. ______Ref: 5/11/3023 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Recladding of elevations, new parapets to rear, erection of valet and wash bay, 1.8m high security gate and alterations to openings at 17 Luton Road Harpenden AL5 2UA For Mr Paul Brayley</p><p>NO OBJECTION SUBJECT TO APPROPRIATE DESIGN AND USE OF MATERIALS IN THE CONSERVATION AREA. POLICY 85 (i) (c) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/3162 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Part single, part two storey side and rear extension following demolition of conservatory and alterations to openings at 23 Sir Josephs Walk Harpenden AL5 2DT For Mr & Mrs David Ogle</p><p>NO OBJECTION PROVIDED NECESSARY TREE PROTECTION MEASURES ARE CARRIED OUT. POLICY 74 OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/3179 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Single storey rear extension, two storey side and rear extension and alterations to openings following demolition of existing garage at 114 Topstreet Way Harpenden AL5 5TS For Mr & Mrs Mark Barnicoat</p><p>NO OBJECTION TO THE PROPOSAL IN GENERAL BUT THE COMMITTEE WOULD LIKE TO EXPRESS CONCERN REGARDING INSUFFICIENT PARKING PROVISION. POLICY 40 OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/3182 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Conservation Area Consent - Demolition of valet wash bay and outbuilding to rear of workshop at 17 Luton Road Harpenden AL5 2UA For Mr Paul Brayley</p><p>NO OBJECTION SUBJECT TO APPROPRIATE DESIGN AND USE OF MATERIALS IN THE CONSERVATION AREA. POLICY 85 (i) (c) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/11/3200 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Conservation Area Consent- Demolition of existing dwelling at 1a Rosebery Avenue Harpenden AL5 2QT For Mr Andrew Munroe</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-03\0a493bf1069d726d4c15f77e28339100.doc Letters of objection were tabled for Committees consideration. Katy Dunn spoke against the application.</p><p>HAVING CONSIDERED THE APPLICATION CAREFULLY THE COMMITTEE HAD NO OBJECTION IN PRINCIPLE PROVIDED APPROPRIATE DESIGN AND USE OF MATERIALS IN THE CONSERVATION AREA. HOWEVER CONCERNS WERE RAISED REGARDING THE DESIGN FEATURES OF THE SEMI-BASEMENT WHICH IS DISPROPORTIONATE WITH SURROUNDING PROPERTIES. CONCERNS WERE ALSO RAISED REGARDING THE WINDOW TO WALL RATIO AT THE REAR OF THE PROPERTY. COMMITTEE REQUESTED THAT ROOT PROTECTION MEASURES WERE TAKEN TO PROTECT THE TREES IN THE NEIGHBOURING GARDENS AND ALSO THAT MEASURES WERE TAKEN TO PROTECT THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE ORIGINAL WALL OF NO 1b ROSEBERY AVENUE. POLICIES 70 (i) AND 85 (i) (c), (d), (f), (i) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFER. ______Ref: 5/12/0011 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Two storey side and part single, part two storey rear extension, front dormer window and rooflight and alterations to openings at 49 Moreton End Lane Harpenden AL5 2HA For Mrs Christina Perkins</p><p>NO OBJECTION PROVIDED NO LOSS OF AMENITY TO NEIGHBOURING PROPERTIES. POLICY 72 (v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/12/0054 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Extension of basement including conversion to habitable accommodation at 53 Townsend Lane Harpenden AL5 2RE For Mr & Mrs P Flanagan</p><p>NO OBJECTION ______Ref: 5/12/0055 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: First floor side extension and extension of basement including conversion to habitable accommodation at 53 Townsend Lane Harpenden AL5 2RE For Mr & Mrs P Flanagan </p><p>NO OBJECTION</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-03\0a493bf1069d726d4c15f77e28339100.doc D:\Docs\2018-04-03\0a493bf1069d726d4c15f77e28339100.doc</p>
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