w * e e < ) % ( * @ z4 'u z% x9*o T H E K E N Y A G A Z E T T E Pubhshed under the Authonty of H ls Excellency the G overnor of the Colony and Protectorate of K enya (Reglstered as a Newspaper at the G P O ) Vol. L XIV- N O. 8 N AIR O BI, 20th February, 1962 Pl lce Sh l CON TENIY GAZEW E NOTICE: GAZET'I'E Noncws- lcontd ) PAGE PAGE A ppolntm ents, etc 198 Tho Trade U m ons Ordlnance- N otlscatlon of D eferm ent of Reglstratlon 208 The Konya (Constltutlon) Order m Councll- D eclaratlon of Incapaclty of M em bers 198 The Trust Land Ordm ance- lntended Lease of L 4nd Appolntm ent of Tem porary M em bers 198 Admlsnon of Clalm s under the Co-operatlve Socletles Declaratton ot Resum ed Capaclty of M em bers 199-201 Ordlnance Appolntm ent of Actlng Chld Justlce 201 Tne C o operatlve Socletles O rdlnance- talquldatlon O rder 209 The C ourts O rdlnance- A ppolntm ents 201 The Leglslatlve C ouncll Electlon R ules, 1960- E1ectlon 'ï Result 209 The Trade Dlsputes (Arbltratlon and Inqulry) Ordln- ance-Reference of Matters to Board of Inqutry 201 Llquor Llcenslng 209-21 1 East M rlcan Rallways and H arbours- Last A frlcan Pow er and Llghtlng C om pany- u nclalm ed Tarll of H arbour D ue.s and Charges 202 D lvldends 21 1 Amendm ents to Tanfi Book N o 3 202 Loss of Pohcles 211 The Records (Dsposal) Ordmance- Notlce of lntended Transport Llcenslng 212-215 Destructlon of Court Records 202 Bankruptcles The Cattle Cleaslng Ordlnance- N otlce of M eetm g 203 The C om panles O rdlnance The M lnlng Regulatlons- Explry of Locatlons 203 The Socletles Ordlnance- Rcglstratlons, etc 218 K enya Stock 203 County, Clty and Rural D lstnct Counclls N otlces 219-222 The W elghts and M easures Ordlnance- N otlce to Traders 2O3 Probate and A dnunlstratlon 222, 223 The Crown Lands O rdlnance- Paym ent of Land Rent 204 D lssolutxon of Partnershlp 223 Allenatlon of Land 204 N otlce of Change of N ame 223, 224 V acancles 204 The Fraudulent T ransfer of Buslnesses O rdlnance The Afrlean Chrlstlan M arrlage and D lvorce Ordln- ance- t-lcenqlng of M tm sters 204 The M arrlage Ordlnance- Llcensing of Place of W orshlp 204 SU PPLEM EN T N o 10 Subndlarv & gIWc/J@ll The Forelgn Com pensatlon (Roumanla) Order, 1961- N otlce 205 LEGAL N o'rlc'E N o PAGE The A2r servlces (Llcenslng) Regulatlons- Appllcatlon 107- The Natlve Lands Trust (Katmosl Settlement) for Llcence 205 (Amendment) Rules, 1961 227 Am erlcan Consular Representatlon 205 108- The Crown Lands (Islolo Leasehold Area) Rules, 1961- D ues G reek Consular R epresentatlon 205 109- The Pnsons O rdlnance- D eclaratlon of Prlson The Land and A gncultural Bank of K enya- N otlce of Sale 205 1 10- The Detentlon Cam ps Ordm ance- Declaratlon of D etenhon Cam p 228 East Afrlcan Custom s and Excise- custom s Tarlfï Inter- pretatlon 206 11 l- 'rhe Greensted's School, Nakuru (Board of Governors) Order, 1962 229 Suprem e Court of K enya- u nclalmed Legal D eposlts 207 112- 'IXe Pubhc OK cers (Change of Tltles) Ordm- The Trout Ordlnance- Appozntm ent 208 ance- Am endm ent of Schedale 234 (197 1 98 THE KENYA GAZERVB 40th February, 1962 CORRIG END A G AZETTB N or cE N o 811 Gazette N otlce N o 696 appeanng on page 169 of the K enya (GOICN211h) Gazette dated 13th February, 1962- SETTING APART OF LAND- THE KENYA (CON STITUTION) ORDER IN ls am ended as follows- COIJNCIL, 1958 ln llne 8 of Descrlphon // land, ytv 158 degrees read 58 degrccxs (L N 158 oj 1958) TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT OF M EMBER (): THE COUNCIL 0F G azette N otlce N o 6114 appearlng on page 1543 of the STATE K enva G azette dated 19th D ecem ber, 1961, ls am ended as By H ls Excellency S1r Patnck M ulr Renlson, K m ght Com - follows- m ander of the M ost D lstlngulshe.d Order of Salnt M jchael jor Lt Co1 L Gamlen read Lt -Col G L Gamlen and Sam t G eorge, G overnor and Comm ander-ln-chlef of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenyq W H EREAS W llham Glthu K lmtvnla a m ember of the CJAZETTF è4oTlcE 'qo 809 Councll of State, Is lncapable of t.aklng part m the proceM m gs of the sald Councll by reason of a declaratlon m ade under A PPOIN TM EN TS subsectlon (1) of sectlon 50 of tho Kenya (Constltutlon) Order 'A LEXANDF.R STORRAR > B sc , AGRIC (EDIN ) A I c T A (TIIIN ) m Councll, 1958* resum ed dutles as D eputy D lrector of A grlculture, D epart N ow , therefore, m exerclse of the powels conferred by sub- m ent of A grlculture, w ltll elect from 12tl1 January, 1962 sectlon (2) of the sald sectlon, I do bereby appomt- SIDNEY CHARLF.S Locx A R I B A , A M T P I y to act as Town C HARLES K ARUGA K OINANGE Plannmg A dvlser wlth eflect from 25th January, 1962 to serve as a m em ber of the Cotm cll of State for the perlod H àRot.n T HORNLEY-D YER, 17 R I B A , x M T P I , to be seconded of the sald lncapaclty wlth effect from 1st February, 1962 for speclal dutles In the Town Plannlng D epartm ent wlth eflect from 25th January, 1962 Glven under m y hand and the publlc seal of K enya thls JOHN GEOFFRFY M ACKLBY to be Dlstrlct Comm lsslonery Em bu 7th day of Febnlary, 1962 D lstrlct, C entral Provlnce, wlth edect from 1st February P M REN ISON , 1962 ' G overnor PE'I'ER H INDLEY BRow N to be D lstrlct Com m lssloner, N akuru *G N 810/62 Dlstrlct, Rlft V alley Provlnce, wlth eâect from 1st F'ebruary 1962 JOHN ROBERT DEVBREI.L to be Dlstnct Oë cer, South N yanza G u F.'r're Nolqt:y- N o 812 Dlstrzot, Nyanz.a Provlnce, wlth esect from 26th January, (I? C 4/ 15) 1962 THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN ANTHONY CHARLF.S D ENIS M ACKIE to be Dlstrlct Ofllcery Elgon CGU N CIL, 1958 N yanza D lstrlct, N yanza Provlnce, wlth esect from 25th January, 1962 (L N 158 oj 1958) STEPHEN SAMwELI- JosspH to be Dlstrlct fe cer, South N yanza D ecLAltm ox ob lxcAPAcITv or N ATIONAL M BMBI!R oF 'rlle D lstrlct, N vanza Provlnce wlth efect from 17th January, 1962 LF-GISLATIVE Couxcjt JOHN THOMAS HODGKINSON to act as Asslstant Com mlssloner By H ls Excellency Erlc N ewton G rlffith Jones, Esqm re, Com - of Pollce wlth eflkct from 1st Tuly, 1961 panlon of the M ost D lstlngtushed Order of Samt M lchael and Salnt George, one of H er M apesty s Counsel for K enya, JOHN H ENRY BAKER A R 1 B A , to be actlng G overnm ent A rchl A ctlng G overnor and Com m ander-ln-chlef of the Colony tect, M lnlstr) of W orks, N alrobl, wlth efect from 4th and Protcctorate of K enya Tanuary, 1962 IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by subsectlon PROM OTION S (1) of sectlon 30 of the Kenya (Constttutlon) Order ln Councll, 1958 as am eaded, I do hereby declare that- N EVILLF R EN EDW ARDS FENDALL, B SC , M D , B S M R C S , L R c 1: )R T' H , to be Deputy Chlef M edlcal Oë cer wlth PETCR JOSEPH H ABENGA OKONDO effect from 1st February, 1962 a N atlonal M ember of the Leglslatlve Coutlcll has, from the 23rd day of January 1962, been unable by reason of abbence REV ERSION S to perform hIs functlons as such M em ber THOMAS H UGHES R lcs M B B ceased to act as D eputy D lrector of A qrlculture D epartm ent of A grlculture, wlth eqect trom G lven under m v hand and the publlc seal of K en) a thls 12th January 1962 8th day of February, 1962 C HRISTOPHER L NLRENCB H ALL B A , M R C S j L R C P , M B , B CH y D ta H ccased to act as D eputy C hlef M edlcal O m cer w lth E N G RIFFITH -JON ES effect from 1st February, 1962 A chng G ovetnor B& Com m and of the Actlng G overnor G m 'n 'e N ol'lc N o 813 R O H EN N IN G S, (f C 4/15) Tem porary M lnlx/er Ofce of the Leader // the fftplfye THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER I;k COIJNCIL, 1958 (L N 158 oj 1958) G AZETTF N o'rlcE N o 810 (GO /CN2/ 1A) AIYOI> MENT or 'IYMPORARV M EMBBR or LEGISLATIVE COt/NCIt, By H 1s Excellency Erlc N ewton Grlë th-lones, Esqulre, Com - THE KENYA (CONSTITUTION) ORDER IN panlon of the M ost D lstlngulqhed Order of Salnt M lchael COU NCIL 1958 and Salnt George, one of Her M alo ty's Counsel for K enya, (L ?/ 158 oj 1958) Actm g G overnor and Com m ander-tn-chld cjf the Colony DECLARATION or INCAPACITY or M EMBER 017 THE and Protectorate of K enva Cot/Ncll- o'lp STATE W H ER EAS thero ls a vacancy ln tbe number of persons slttlng By H ls Excellencl Slr Patrlck M m r Renlson Knlght Com - as M em bers of the Leglslatlve Councll by reason of a declara- m ander of the M ost D lstlngulshed O rder of Sam t M lchael tlon of lncapaclty ln respect of Peter Joseph H abenga Okondoy* and Sam t G eorge G oveTnor and Comm ander-m -chlef of a N atlonal M em ber of the Councll the Colon) and Protectorate of K enya In exerclse of tlae oowers conferred by subsectlon (1) of IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by subsectlon sectlon 30A of the Kenya (Constltutlon) Order ln Councll, (1) of sectlon 50 of the Kenya (Constttutton) Order m Councll, 1958, as am ended, I do hereby appolnt- 1958 I do hereby declare that- D OME OIO CHI BIJDOHI W ILLIAM GITHU K IMEMIA, M B E to bo tem porarlly, wlth esect from the 23rd day of January, q mem ber of the Councll of State 1s, by reason of absence, 1962, a M em ber of the satd Counctl tmable to perform h1s functlons as a m ember of the sald Councll m tl: G tct from 9th N ovom ber, 1961 Glven under m y hand and the publlc seal of Kenya thls 8th day of February, 1962 Glven under m y hand and the publlc seal of K enya thls 7t.14 day of February, 1962 E N G RIFFITH -JONE S, P M REN ISON , Actlng G overnor G overnor *G N 812/62 20th February, 1962 T H F.
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