~ ____________________________________________________Reunion Issue ---------i--- CLUB 100 AUGUST 1975 Vol.29 No. 4 1st V.P. Yasuo Takata responding for Club 100, Hawaii 33rd ANNIVERSARY REUNION PROGRAM Master of Ceremony •••• • Eric Y. Abe Opening Remarks • • • • • • Eric Y. Abe Moment of Silence Honoring our K.I.A. • (Please Rise) Invocation (Please Remain Standing) Rev. William S. Terao Dinner '. • ': . .' • • • • • • 7: 30 p.m. Welcoming Addresses President, Club 100, So. Calif. Chapter Young O. Kim President, 442nd Veterans Association Chick Furuye General Chai rrnan, ,Reunion Corrnni ttee ' • Y. B. Mamiya Response, Club 100, Hawaii •••• . 'In troduc tion of Gues ts and Members • • • • . Keyno te Speaker • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • Mario Machado KNXT-TV (CBS) Reporter and Program Host 1 PUKA PUKA PARADE BOA R D o F D IRE C TOR S Official Publication of Club 100, an In­ CLUB 100 OFFICERS corporated Association of Members of the 100th Infantry Battalion. President • • . • Ralph Ikeda 1st Vice President Yasuo Takata Editorial and Business Offices, 520 2nd Vice President George Hagiwara Kamoku Street, Honolulu, HI 96814. Secretary • • • • • Wilfred Shobu Treasurer • • . • • • Henry Kawano Published bimonthly and mailed to reg­ Assistant Treasurer •• Jack Hirano ular club members, honorary members, Executive Secretary Donald Kuwaye next of kin, Gold Star parents and spe­ cial friends of the club. CHAPTER PRESIDENTS PUKA PUKA PARADE STAFF Able Chapter Tsuneo Morikawa Baker Chapter • Stanley Nakamoto Edi tor . Donald Kuwaye Charlie Chapter. ' •• Sumio Ito Assistant Janice Kochiyama Dog Chapter. Ronald Watanabe Headquarters Chapter Arthur Tamashiro REPORTING STAFF Medics Chapter Kent Nakamura Rural Chapter . • Susumu Ota Able ..• . • Donald Nagasaki Hawaii Chapter Takao Miyao Baker . • • . • Tom Tsubota Kauai Chapter . • Makoto Takiguchi Charlie Donald Kuwaye Maui Chapter .•••• Kaoru Moto Dog Mrs. Helen Nikaido Southern California •••• Young O. Kim Headquarters . Wilfred Shobu Hawaii . Walter Kadota Maui ... • • Tom Nagata Kauai· Ben Morimoto INVESTMENT CERTIFICATE Southern California . Y.B. Mamiya 5 YEARS I I \ v e ~ ·rr.e'lt ("rrollcalc; Special Message . Ralph Ikeda Intcre, t Pa 'la ~)le Quarterly Bowling . • • • • Donald Nagasaki Dancing Club • • • Yasuo Takata Special Reunion 75 . Mrs. Helen Nikaido .1.% 2 YEARS • Donald Nagasaki or. In vC~lment Cerllflco te, Articles . • • . 2···u" In teres t Pa yable Quorterly --" - 7._ -- ---- ----- F Co. News .••• Hakaru Taoka I YEAR Inves tment Cel ttf,colCS Interest Paya ble Quar terly - -------- -------- CLUB OPERATING DUES ARE NOW PAYABLE 1% INSTALLMENT PAYMENT PLAN 2 : ~~v" Interes t Cotnouted Quarterly 6 ond Eo rned D oi ~ y Oahu chapter members (except PERSONAL - AUTO - COLLATERAL AND OTHER TYPES OF LOANS. Rural) $ 12.00 SEE BOB SATO (A) Rural Chapter 6.00 MANOA FINANCE CO., INC. Neighbor Island and Southern 2733 E o~ t I'V't.:JI'\OC Rood PHONE 988-2121 California Chapter members 3.00 DOWNTOWN BRANCH Overseas members 3.00 31 NORTH KING STREET PHONE" 53 7-:1925 KEEAUMOKU S"RANCH ". PHONE 94 1·3361 \~ HAR'RY ASATO Tii~~ PAINTING, INC. Residential- Commercial ~ Industrial 1440--"~»~ ~~ 3006 Uareno Street ....1\ """" &()M()OA , Phone 841 -6526 2 THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE by RALPH IKEDA In thanking all of the people involved in our 23rd anniversary luau, I forgot to mention the main speaker who contributed much towards the success of the evening Congressman Spark Matsunaga. My belated but sincere thanks to Sparky for making a special trip to attend our luau. Sparky flew in on Saturday afternoon and flew right back to Washington a couple of hours after the luau. Thanks, again. We are indeed grateful for Sparky's efforts in Congress and are proud that he is one of the club members. We hope tha t Sparky continues to serve us in Washington, in one office or another. The glowing reports about the recent reunion in Los Angeles makes me regret that I couldn't make the trip. But, work must have first priority. We budget slaves can't very well go galavanting during the end of one fiscal year and the beginning of another. Thanks to the local efforts of Blue Nagasaki and Dick Oguro -- and the countless hours of work put in by Southern Californians headed by Y.B. Mamiya and his various subcommittee chairmen, the Reunion was, from all reports, a roaring success. Bob Takashige and Martin Tohara are busy trying to line up things to do before or after the 1976 AJA Reunion scheduled for late July 1976. The tentative program is published elsewhere in this issue. Look it over and start thinking of what you want to do, but by all means, start saving your money. But, before you put all of your money in the savings account, please put aside a little to buy your wife a nice looking umbrella. She may need to bring one along when you bring her to our Memorial Service. I expect a lot of wives, sons and daugh­ ters at the memorial service.-.l think that we all should reserve at least one Sunday morning in a year to pay our respects, to our fallen comrades. And just as important -- to attend the Service to count our blessings, and to reflect on what we as in­ dividuals must do and recommit ourselves to our club motto: For Continuing Service. Continuing service to our families, fellow members and the community. See you at the memorial service. The Chick Furuye's, Buddy Mamiya's, Mario Machado and ~uest at Banquet head table. 3 Miss Barbara Tanabe, Memorial Service Speaker Barbara Tanabe, KHON-TV assistant Before coming to Hawaii and KHON­ news director and co-anchor person, TV, Ms. Tanabe was co-anchor person will be the keynote speaker at the for the morning news on KOMO-TV in 30th Annual Memorial Service which Seattle, Washington. She has the will be held on Sunday, September 28 distinction of being the first female beginning at 10:00 a.m. at the Na­ minority broadcaster in Seattle. She tional Memorial Cemetery at PunchbowL also co-hosted the "This Morning Show" there. Chaplain Hiro Higuchi will give the invocation; Kenneth Saruwatari This young woman has a long line will be the master of ceremonies; and of credits behind her already. Her Robert Sato will give a talk in Japa­ list of awards include an Emmy from nese for the benefit of the Japanese the National Academy of Television speaking guests. Arts & Sciences for "The Fence at Minidoka," a documentary of the Japa­ The 25th Infantry Division will nese internment during World War IL provide the band and the 442nd Re- For this documentary she also re­ serves will provide the colors and ceived an "Excellence in .Journalism" color guards, the buglar and firing award from the Seattle Chapter of Si~ squad. rna Delta Chi and a nomination as an Outstanding Young Woman of America Conrad Tsukayama (D) is overall in 1974 in the State of Washington. chairman of the event with these as­ sistants from the respective chapters: She also served on the Educational Paul Shirai (A), Stanley Nakamoto (B), TV Commission of Washington state~ Donald Kuwaye (C), Wallace Teruya (Hq), and Geni Masumotoya (Medics). 4 Even tho Gregg Ikeda Insurance won 442d VETERANS CLUB FEDERAL only one game, it split with Ho10 Ho- ~REDIT UNION OFFERS INVITATION TO JOIN 10 Apparel 2-2, but it is sharing Club 100 members are invited to second place with Shiseido. Tom Ma­ join the 442d Vets Club Federal Cred­ tsumura's 198+13=211 was high for the it Union. Two 442d officers - Robert Insurance team, and for the "Ho1o" Sasaki, Executive Secretary and Cla­ Isao Nadamoto's 174+31=205 and Ber­ rence Taba, Credit Union Treasurer, nard Akamine's 179+32=211. spoke to the directors on Wed, July 9, and invited Club 100 members to George Zakimi's 196+14=210, Shigeo join the credit union. Tamashiro's 183+19=202 and Jack Hi­ rano's 165+35=200 lifted Shiseido to Taba emphasized that the 442d's second place by brushing Hirose Pain~ Credit Union is now 25 years old with ing 3-1. Masa Toma's 171+32=203 and 450 members and assets of $493,181. Mildred Kainuma's 167+36=203 had good Club 100 regular members are eligible brush strokes. .. to join. Others eligible are members wife, children, member's parents, and Bob Uyehara's 508 helped Troph~ member's brothers and sisters. Only Center polish a 3-1 victory over Com­ those living on Oahu are eligible to pany B. Albert Nitta's 177+32=209 was join. the high score for the Baker team. The credit union's strong points Roy Nakatani's 190+14=204, Dale include $40,000 insurance on your Nakatani's 211-543, Esther Shimazu's savings by the National Credit Union 182+30=212 and Rikio Tsuda's 199+20= Administration, loan protection in­ 219 gained Nakatani Farm a two point surance, and life savings insurance. spli t fr~m Harry ~a to Painting. Ka­ name Yui s 171+31=202, Lane Nishi­ The 442d Federal Credit Union has oka's 183+19=202 and Tetsuo Tateishi~ been paying 6% interest every quar­ 161+40=201 were highs for the paint­ ter. This is slightly higher than at ing team. savings and loan agencies. Those who want to save regularly and borrow Alvin Oshiro's 191+23=214, Carol without heavy interest charges are Anamizu's 170+40=210 and Norman Endo's invited to visit the 442nd Clubhouse 196+28=224 helped Vet's Termite give at 933 Wi1iwili Street or phone Sasa­ a 3-1 treatment to Windward Furniture ki or Taba at 949-7997. Office hours Ken Nakasone's 190+17+207 prevented are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mon thru a shutout for the furniture team.
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