Answers To Mastering Concepts Questions – Chapters 1 And 2

Answers To Mastering Concepts Questions – Chapters 1 And 2

<p>Mastering Concepts </p><p>40.1</p><p>1. What is the value of diversity to humans and to ecosystems as a whole?</p><p>Humans directly rely on other species to provide food, shelter, energy, clothing, drugs, and waste disposal. Ecosystems as a whole depend upon biodiversity to maintain food webs (some of which include humans), participate in biogeochemical cycles, fix nitrogen, produce oxygen, prevent flooding and soil erosion, and perform many other essential “ecosystem services.” </p><p>2. Describe the relationships among the three levels of biodiversity. Why is each level important?</p><p>The three levels of biodiversity are genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecosystem diversity. Within a species, genetic diversity increases the chance of survival in a changing environment. Species diversity means the number of different species; it is important because each species contributes to ecosystem function in a unique way. High ecosystem diversity means more diverse habitats for different species, and therefore increases species diversity. </p><p>3. Differentiate among extinct, endangered, and vulnerable species.</p><p>Extinct species no longer exist. Endangered species are at high risk for extinction in the near future, and vulnerable species are likely to become extinct in the more distant future.</p><p>4. What is conservation biology?</p><p>Conservation biology is the study of diversity at all levels, with the goal of understanding why species go extinct and preventing this outcome.</p><p>40.2</p><p>1. Which human activities account for most of the loss of terrestrial habitat?</p><p>Most habitat destruction occurs because of agriculture and urban growth.</p><p>2. How do dams and levees alter river ecosystems?</p><p>Dams flood some areas and deprive others of water, and they change the temperature, oxygen content, and nutrient content of the water. Levees eliminate streamside habitat and change the rate at which water flows. Confining a river to its channel also means that sediments and nutrients are flushed downstream rather than being deposited on floodplains. 3. Why is damage to estuaries especially devastating?</p><p>The juveniles of many aquatic species develop in estuaries until they can move upstream to rivers or into ocean waters. Damaging estuaries therefore kills many organisms before they have a chance to reproduce.</p><p>40.3</p><p>1. How do toxic chemicals, nutrients, sediments, and heat affect aquatic ecosystems?</p><p>Toxic chemicals may persist and be biologically magnified as they move up food chains, eventually causing cancer and disturbing reproduction in some species. Excess nutrients in an aquatic ecosystem cause eutrophication, which causes O2 depletion and kills many aquatic organisms. Sediments block the penetration of light and reduce photosynthesis in aquatic ecosystems. Excess heat reduces the oxygen-carrying potential of water and may kill aquatic organisms. </p><p>2. What are major sources of industrial smog, photochemical smog, particulates, and acid deposition?</p><p>Major sources of industrial smog include power plants, factories, and households that burn coal and oil. Photochemical smog comes from reactions of vehicle emissions in the presence of sunlight in the atmosphere. Particulates include dust, soot, ash, pollen, and other suspended particles. Coal-burning power plants are major sources of acid deposition.</p><p>3. What effects do smog, particulates, acid deposition, and the thinning ozone layer have on life?</p><p>Smog injures plants and causes human respiratory problems. Particulates block photosynthesis; in humans, they may also trigger inflammation, shortness of breath, asthma, and cancer. Acid deposition disrupts food webs in acidified lakes, kills forest trees, and may play a role in die-offs of amphibians. The thinning ozone layer allows UV radiation to reach Earth’s surface, causing an increase in skin cancer and cataracts. UV radiation also kills phytoplankton at the base of food webs in aquatic ecosystems and may be partly responsible for die-offs of amphibians.</p><p>40.4</p><p>1. Why is CO2 accumulating in Earth’s atmosphere?</p><p>Excess CO2 is accumulating from the burning of fossil fuels and from deforestation.</p><p>2. Describe how and why Earth’s climate changed during the past century. Earth’s climate has changed as the atmospheric concentration of CO2 and average global temperatures have increased.</p><p>3. How does global climate change threaten biodiversity?</p><p>Species are adapted to their current environments. Climate change that causes rapid ecosystem changes may cause many species to go extinct if they cannot migrate to new areas.</p><p>40.5</p><p>1. What features characterize an invasive species?</p><p>An invasive species breeds easily and spreads widely from its point of introduction; it also causes damage to the environment.</p><p>2. How do invasive species disrupt ecosystems?</p><p>Invasive species can consume other species, cause disease, and compete with native species for sunlight, food, space, and other resources. </p><p>3. List examples of species declines caused by overexploitation.</p><p>Examples of species declines caused by overexploitation include the dodo, passenger pigeon, Carolina parakeet, and commercially fished species such as tuna, flounder, halibut, swordfish, and cod. Marine mammals, seabirds, sea turtles, and many other species are not targets of commercial fishing but are nevertheless harmed by its practices.</p><p>40.6</p><p>1. What is the relationship between human population growth and conservation biology?</p><p>As the human population grows, we destroy habitats and increase pressures on natural resources. Biodiversity suffers. So, as the human population continues to grow, conservation biology becomes increasingly important in the attempt to preserve biodiversity.</p><p>2. List and describe the tools that conservation biologists use to preserve biodiversity.</p><p>Conservation biologists can set aside protected habitat and reverse habitat destruction so endangered species have a place to live. Laws and practices that protect endangered species, regulate harvests, control nonnative predators, and develop ecotourism are useful as well. Captive breeding and reintroduction help increase population numbers; biotechnology may be useful for cloning extinct or endangered organisms or for identifying undiluted gene pools in the wild. 3. How can scientists, governments, and ordinary citizens work together for conservation?</p><p>Scientists contribute new information about species declines or recovery, and government policies can influence the actions of individuals and corporations. Ordinary citizens can support conservation efforts in everyday life. </p><p>40.7</p><p>1. Explain why subpopulations of alpine chipmunks have more genetic differences now than they did a century ago.</p><p>Modern populations of alpine chipmunks are geographically isolated. With no interbreeding between populations, each group is evolving independently. </p><p>2. How might the isolation of modern alpine chipmunk subpopulations have led to reduced genetic diversity in the species?</p><p>As alpine chipmunks move to higher elevations, the species undergoes population bottlenecks (see section 12.7). Each isolated population has a subset of the species’ genetic diversity. As some populations die, the overall genetic diversity of the species decreases. </p><p>Write It Out</p><p>1. List the main threats to biodiversity worldwide.</p><p>Habitat destruction, pollution, global climate change, invasive species, and overexploitation are the main threats. </p><p>2. How does human population growth contribute to each of the main factors causing species extinctions?</p><p>Habitat destruction, pollution, global climate change, invasive species, and overexploitation are the main threats to biodiversity. As our population grows we use more land, reducing available habitat. Additional pollution is another inevitable consequence of population growth. People and industry demand energy, which currently comes from fossil fuels; an expanding human population therefore means more CO2 emissions and more climate change. We also continue to expand the intentional and accidental global trafficking of other species, and in doing so we increase the introduction of invasive species. Finally, a growing population means greater demand for all resources, including overexploited species.</p><p>3. When trees are removed from an area, patches or strips of untouched trees often intersperse the deforested land. How is the abiotic environment on the edge of these strips or patches different from before the area was disturbed? What changes in vegetation would you expect to see in the next few years? How might animals be affected by forest fragmentation? </p><p>The trees on the edge have a lot more sun and wind exposure. The trees are less likely to survive because understory plants, which now receive sunlight, can more effectively compete for resources. Animal populations that rely on intact trees will be divided when the forest is fragmented. If they cannot easily move between fragments, deforestation will lead to less interbreeding and lower diversity within each isolated group.</p><p>4. Nanoparticles are tiny bits of metal that are used in sunscreens, as a wastewater treatment, and for many other purposes. Recent evidence suggests that nanoparticles are toxic to phytoplankton, the primary producers at the base of many aquatic food chains. Phytoplankton use the energy in sunlight to produce organic matter, and they consume CO2 and release O2. Predict some possible consequences to biodiversity if nanoparticles become a more common pollutant. </p><p>Reducing populations of phytoplankton could have ripple effects on aquatic ecosystems. Since phytoplankton form the base of the aquatic food chain, the loss of these organisms will mean less food for all other trophic levels as well. The loss of phytoplankton could also amplify the effects of global climate change and reduce the amount of oxygen available in the water column. Each of these consequences could mean the loss of species as well.</p><p>5. How does the Gulf of Mexico’s “dead zone” demonstrate the connections among the world’s ecosystems?</p><p>Farming practices from areas as far away as Minnesota cause a huge seasonal algal bloom in the Gulf of Mexico. The resulting eutrophication causes such low oxygen levels that aquatic life cannot survive in the affected area.</p><p>6. How does the combustion of fossil fuels influence acid deposition and global climate change?</p><p>The combustion of fossil fuels releases sulfur and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere, where they join water and form sulfuric acid and nitric acid. These acids then return to the Earth as acid deposition. At the same time, fossil fuel combustion also releases CO2, a greenhouse gas that traps warmth near Earth’s surface.</p><p>7. When standardized for energy production, burning coal produces more CO2 than any other fossil fuel. Some United States politicians advocate “clean coal.” Use the Internet to research and explain methods of reducing CO2 emissions from burning coal.</p><p>Answers will vary. Strategies for reducing CO2 emissions from burning coal include “carbon capture and storage.” In this process, CO2 “sponges” (tiny crystals that bind to CO2) capture the emissions, which are subsequently pumped into the ground. 8. Use the Internet to research ways to make homes more energy efficient. How does reducing your monthly energy bill relate to the conservation of biodiversity? </p><p>Many actions can improve the energy efficiency of homes, such as using geothermal heating, having proper insulation, and using low watt light bulbs. These energy- conserving strategies do more than just lower your electric bill: Using less energy also means that your local power plant doesn’t have to work as hard. It produces less pollution and CO2, which means less habitat destruction and less global climate change. </p><p>9. In what ways is the greenhouse effect both beneficial and detrimental?</p><p>The greenhouse effect supports life, because Earth’s average temperature would be much lower without its blanket of greenhouse gases. As CO2 accumulates in the atmosphere, however, average global temperatures are rising. Changes in temperature or moisture can alter populations, kill some organisms outright, stress others, or cause migrations. Continued climate change will affect not only wild organisms but also agriculture and public health. </p><p>10. Cite biological evidence of global climate change.</p><p>Biological evidence of global climate change includes a decrease in the amount of permafrost, northward shifts in the ranges of butterflies, and changes in migration and mating patterns of many species.</p><p>11. Explain the logic behind planting trees as a way to reduce global climate change. </p><p>Trees use CO2 in photosynthesis, incorporating much of it into long-lasting wood. They can therefore temporarily help offset the release of CO2 into the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels. Planting trees can also help offset the loss of trees from deforestation.</p><p>12. Explain how the threats to biodiversity summarized in the acronym HIPPO contribute to climate change. </p><p>HIPPO stands for habitat destruction, invasive species, population, pollution, and overexploitation. Deforestation (a form of habitat destruction and a form of overexploitation) removes primary producers from the global ecosystem. Trees capture CO2 from the atmosphere. An increasing population has increasing energy demands. More power plants are built to meet these demands, contributing to a rise in CO2 emissions and other forms of pollution. More humans also mean more vehicles, which add to greenhouse gas emissions. </p><p>13. DNA evidence recently confirmed the existence of a “pizzly bear,” the offspring of a polar bear and a grizzly bear. Scientists hypothesize that some polar bears are staying on mainland because of the warming climate, so polar bears are encountering grizzlies more often than in the past. Pizzly bears may be less fit than either polar bears or grizzlies, so some people are advocating that they be killed. Make an argument for or against this strategy. If human actions are contributing to the breeding behavior, do we have an ethical obligation to intervene? Do you think polar bears have a better chance at avoiding extinction if humans eliminate their hybrid offspring? Would evidence that polar bears and grizzlies had interbred in the past change your answers?</p><p>Answers will vary. Some scientists do claim that polar bears have a better chance at surviving if hybrid offspring are killed, but this view may be advocating “pure” species over hybrids. If polar bears were to go extinct, then eliminating pizzly bears would eradicate the only remaining polar bear DNA. There is evidence that polar bears and grizzlies have had periods of interbreeding in the past, so maybe these recent events are not unusual. </p><p>14. Select a biome from chapter 39, and list three ways that an earlier spring and later fall resulting from global climate change might affect biodiversity in that biome.</p><p>[Answers will vary; this is one example]. In the tundra, if the temperatures get warmer earlier, decomposition will speed up, so soils may not be as rich in organic matter as they usually are. The permafrost may start melting, which means plants may start to grow too soon or establish larger root systems, which could throw off the balance of the plants that have established a habitat in the frozen soil. Also, the migratory patterns and mating rituals of birds and other animals could be disrupted.</p><p>15. Why are invasive species harmful?</p><p>Invasive species change the composition of a community. They also carry diseases that spread to native species. Efforts to eradicate invasive species are expensive.</p><p>16. One approach to combat invasive species is to kill the invaders. In Hawaii, officials shoot feral cats, goats, and pigs. In Australia, the government fought zebra mussels by adding chlorine and copper to a bay, killing everything living in the water. Do you think that these approaches are reasonable? Suggest alternative strategies.</p><p>Killing all of the invaders is nearly impossible, and this “solution” may create new environmental problems. An alternative way would be to increase populations of natural predators or to reduce supplies of resources that the invaders require. Invasive species are a persistent problem because there are no easy solutions.</p><p>17. Name three ways you can alter your lifestyle in a way that promotes conservation practices.</p><p>Many answers are possible, but three ways you can alter your lifestyle are choosing foods and products that reflect sustainable practices, encouraging manufacturers to change packaging to reduce threats to wildlife, and paying attention to what you discard and pour down the drain. 18. Give an example of an environmental problem that can immediately reduce biodiversity and one that has a delayed effect.</p><p>An environmental problem that can immediately reduce biodiversity is changing a river’s path, which can cause stream bank erosion and choke out downstream communities. An environmental problem that has a delayed effect is global climate change; CO2 released into the air has caused the average global temperature to rise gradually.</p><p>19. In the southeastern United States, several species of freshwater mussels are extinct or threatened because of habitat destruction. In the past, they were also harvested for the button trade. How would a population ecologist (see chapter 37) approach the problem of species recovery for these animals?</p><p>A population ecologist would consider the effects of migration, birth rates, and death rates. One strategy would be to provide the habitat and other resources required to ensure reproduction and survival; restricting harvesting and otherwise minimizing the death rate would be helpful as well. </p><p>20. Use the Internet to search for examples of conflicts involving the Endangered Species Act and the rights of private property owners. If you owned land that housed an endangered species, what would you be willing to sacrifice to save the species? What information would you need before answering this question?</p><p>[Answers will vary]</p><p>21. Refer back to section 12.7, which describes the bottleneck effect. With this information in mind, why might recovery be difficult for species, such as cheetahs, that are nearly extinct?</p><p>With the great loss of genetic diversity that accompanies a bottleneck event, it is less likely that a species will be able to respond to environmental changes, as there is little variation for natural selection to work on.</p><p>Pull it Together</p><p>1. What are examples of pollutants in air and in water? Which of these pollutants eventually reach land?</p><p>Many examples are possible; this is one correct answer. Pollutants in air include particulates such as soot and methane gas from cattle. The soot gradually falls back onto the land, but the methane remains in the atmosphere. Examples of water pollutants include sewage. After water treatment, the solid waste remaining is often spread onto land. Plastics can also be water pollutants that can wash ashore.</p><p>2. Use arrows to connect each threat to biodiversity listed in figure 40.27 to one or more conservation strategies that might remedy the threat. If a threat to biodiversity does not connect to any of the listed conservation strategies, then explain how we might address the threat. Explain conservation strategies that do not connect to biodiversity threats listed in the figure. </p><p>Habitat preservation and reversing habitat destruction helps to remedy habitat loss. Predator control helps reduce the impact of some invasive species. Limited harvests and economic incentives reduce the threat of overexploitation. Legislative action can help control pollution. Captive breeding and biotechnology help to sustain populations that are near extinction. </p><p>3. Give examples of government actions that threaten biodiversity and examples of government actions that preserve biodiversity.</p><p>Many answers are possible, but here are some examples. Government actions that threaten biodiversity include building roads in previously undeveloped areas, subsidizing fossil fuel extraction and pollution-generating agricultural practices, and trading with countries that have low pollution standards. Government actions that preserve biodiversity include setting aside parks, subsidizing sustainable agriculture and clean energy, setting taxes based on pollution generated, and educating citizens on how to reduce, reuse and recycle their waste.</p>

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