<p> EDDY COUNTY, NM REQUEST FOR INFORMATION/PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CR 725 (LONGHORN RD.) BY-PASS RECONSTRUCTION B – 11 – 22 </p><p>REQUEST FOR INFORMATION/PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CR 725 (LONGHORN RD.) BY-PASS RECONSTRUCTION</p><p>B – 11 – 22 </p><p>ISSUED DECEMBER 2011</p><p>Page 1 of 15 EDDY COUNTY, NM REQUEST FOR INFORMATION/PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CR 725 (LONGHORN RD.) BY-PASS RECONSTRUCTION B – 11 – 22 </p><p>1.0 THE SERVICES</p><p>1.1 Purpose</p><p>To obtain Engineering services which provide engineering and design for reconstruction of approximately 1.54 miles of County Road 725 (Longhorn Rd.) realignment, thereby upon completion of reconstruction a safe, sound roadway will be placed back in service.</p><p>1.2 Goals & Objectives</p><p>1.2.1 To insure the reconstruction of the subject realignment of County Road 725 (Longhorn Rd.) is done in compliance with safe and sound engineering practices.</p><p>1.2.2 Provide positive site drainage along new roadway to insure safe driving conditions and structure integrity.</p><p>1.2.3 Provide engineering design of horizontal and vertical roadway alignments to insure safe driving conditions.</p><p>1.2.4 Provide a roadway structure to safely withstand and serve heavy truck traffic and heavy wheel loads.</p><p>1.3 Services Requested</p><p>1.3.1 Engineering design and construction plans and drawings for the reconstruction of approximately 1.54 miles of a roadway, the realignment of County Road 725 (Longhorn Rd.), which meets or exceeds current American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (hereinafter “AASHTO”), the New Mexico Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, 2007 edition as amended (hereinafter “NMDOT”), Specifications and Construction Practices, and Eddy County Minimum Road Specifications.</p><p>1.3.2 Provide good overall drainage plan to insure positive roadway drainage, positive site drainage, adequately sized and designed crossing structure utilizing H2O truck traffic design criteria. Page 2 of 15 EDDY COUNTY, NM REQUEST FOR INFORMATION/PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CR 725 (LONGHORN RD.) BY-PASS RECONSTRUCTION B – 11 – 22 </p><p>1.3.3 Provide a sound geometric roadway alignment which addresses safe horizontal, vertical and intersection design.</p><p>1.3.4 Provide a roadway structural/pavement design to withstand the heavy truck traffic and wheel loads. Submit 1. a roadway structural design with a driving surface of Base Coarse with Engineers cost estimate. 2. a roadway structural design with Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement driving surface with Engineers cost estimate.</p><p>1.3.5 All designs, plans and drawings shall be stamped by a new Mexico Professional Engineer and comply with Sound Engineering Practices.</p><p>1.3.6 Provide a Project Engineer’s cost estimate for construction. Page 3 of 15 EDDY COUNTY, NM REQUEST FOR INFORMATION/PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CR 725 (LONGHORN RD.) BY-PASS RECONSTRUCTION B – 11 – 22 </p><p>2.0 PROPOSAL EVALUATION</p><p>2.1 Evaluation Criteria (see NMSA 13-1-120)</p><p>The County will use the following criteria when evaluating responses [represents total possible points for each category]:</p><p>2.1.1 Specialized Design and Technical Competence [25]</p><p>The proposer should include information about the team to be assigned to this contract. A resume of skills and experience should be submitted for each team member; identify engineers that are certified Professional Engineers (PE’s) in New Mexico. The proposer should provide information about the company’s ability to perform the services requested.</p><p>2.1.2 Capacity and Capabilities [25]</p><p>The proposer should provide examples of other Road and Highway projects, customer agencies and reference contact information, phone number, e-mail address at a minimum. The proposer should provide information about the company’s staff size and ability to timely perform the service requested.</p><p>2.1.3 Past Record of Performance [25]</p><p>The proposer should provide information regarding any lawsuits or claims made against them for lack of performance. The proposer should provide a summary of past Road and Highway projects with regard to meeting deadlines, timelines, cost overruns and any failure to accept work by County, State or Federal oversight agencies.</p><p>2.1.4 Familiarity with Contracting Agency [10] The proposer should provide any information related to proximity to or familiarity with the area in which the project is located.</p><p>Page 4 of 15 EDDY COUNTY, NM REQUEST FOR INFORMATION/PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CR 725 (LONGHORN RD.) BY-PASS RECONSTRUCTION B – 11 – 22 </p><p>2.1.5 Work to be done in New Mexico [5]</p><p>The proposer should stipulate the amount of design work that will be produced by a new Mexico business within the state of New Mexico.</p><p>2.1.6 Current Volume of Work with Eddy County [10]</p><p>The proposer should state the amount of road design work previously done for Eddy County, to include any current projects and their percent completion/expected completion time.</p><p>2.2 Review Committee</p><p>The proposals will be reviewed by a committee consisting of the County Manager and Project Manager. The maximum points shown in Section 2.1 reflect the weighting/value that Eddy County deems necessary.</p><p>2.3 Eddy County reserves the right to waive any or all informalities or technicalities and to select the respondent deemed most advantageous to the County Road 725 Project, per Selection Committee’s recommendations. Page 5 of 15 EDDY COUNTY, NM REQUEST FOR INFORMATION/PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CR 725 (LONGHORN RD.) BY-PASS RECONSTRUCTION B – 11 – 22 </p><p>3.0 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS</p><p>3.1 Review this document in its entirety: Be sure your RFI response is complete.</p><p>3.2 All questions must be submitted by email to [email protected]. All responses to questions will be distributed to all firms that notify the County (at [email protected]) that they are preparing a response to the RFP.</p><p>3.3 The response to this document will be held as a commitment that the proposed engineering services will meet the stated needs as contained within the response to his request for information.</p><p>3.4 Proposals should make any recommendations for enhancements to engineering services listed in section 1.3 that would be beneficial and cost effective for Eddy County.</p><p>3.5 Please verify and double check the information in your proposal for accuracy.</p><p>3.6You may attach brochures, annual financial statements, or any additional information you feel would be helpful.</p><p>3.7Sign the Certification as shown in section 8.0.</p><p>3.8Submit a Campaign Contribution Disclosure Form with your response; see NMSA 13-1-191.1</p><p>3.9Include the vendor identification information requested in Section 6.0.</p><p>3.10 Include the reference information requested in section 7.0.</p><p>3.11 Proposals must be submitted no later than 2:00 p.m., December 5, 2011.</p><p>3.12 Retain a complete copy of proposal package for your files and deliver the completed original plus three copies to: Eddy County Attn: Allen R. Sartin, County Manager 101 W Greene St. Carlsbad, NM 88220</p><p>Page 6 of 15 EDDY COUNTY, NM REQUEST FOR INFORMATION/PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CR 725 (LONGHORN RD.) BY-PASS RECONSTRUCTION B – 11 – 22 </p><p>4.0 CONTRACT ISSUES The response to this Request for Information/Proposal will become the basis for contract negotiations. The response to this Request for Information/Proposal will be held as a commitment that the proposer can provide the environmental/engineering needs as stated herein. The following is a list of commonly required terms in County contracts.</p><p>4.1 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The CONTRACTOR acknowledges that it is an independent contractor and not an employee of the COUNTY for the purposes of various State of New Mexico and Federal statutes and/or regulations, including but not limited to, application of the Fair Labor Standards Act, Federal Insurance Contribution Act, Federal Social Security Act, Federal Unemployment Tax Act the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code, New Mexico Revenue and Tax laws, New Mexico Worker’s Compensation law, and the New Mexico Unemployment Insurance laws. </p><p>4.2 OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All documents produced and submitted as a WORK PRODUCT by the CONTRACTOR under this AGREEMENT shall become the property of the COUNTY and may not be used by the CONTRACTOR without the COUNTY’s written consent. The COUNTY shall only use such documents for COUNTY both current and future needs of the COUNTY.</p><p>4.3 EXTENT OF AGREEMENT The AGREEMENT DOCUMENTS represent the entire and integrated AGREEMENT between the COUNTY and CONTRACTOR and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral; however, the proposal by the CONTRACTOR shall be fully incorporated as if it were shown here. The AGREEMENT may be amended only by written instrument signed by both the COUNTY and CONTRACTOR. Any monies to be paid by the COUNTY other than in the current fiscal year are subject to annual appropriation. The provisions of this AGREEMENT shall extend to and be binding upon the respective parties hereto, their successors and assigns. 4.4 ASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER OF CONTRACT The CONTRACTOR shall not assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this contract, or its rights, title or interest (in or to the same) without previous written consent of the County.</p><p>Page 7 of 15 EDDY COUNTY, NM REQUEST FOR INFORMATION/PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CR 725 (LONGHORN RD.) BY-PASS RECONSTRUCTION B – 11 – 22 </p><p>4.5 INDEMNIFICATION AND CLAIMS The CONTRACTOR shall, to the fullest extent provided by law, indemnify and hold harmless the COUNTY, its officers, directors, and employees against all claims, damages, liabilities, or costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees arising out of the negligent acts or errors and/omissions by the CONTRACTOR or its subcontractors in the performance of its duties under this AGREEMENT.</p><p>The COUNTY shall, to the fullest extent provided by law, indemnify, hold harmless the CONTRACTOR, its officers, directors, and employees against all claims, damages, liabilities, or costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees arising out of the negligent acts or errors and/omissions by the COUNTY or its subcontractors in the performance of its duties under this AGREEMENT</p><p>4.6 INSURANCE At the time of execution of the contract, the CONTRACTOR will be required to carry insurance as required by the COUNTY for contracts of this type.</p><p>4.7COMPLIANCE WITH LABOR LAWS CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with all existing State and Federal Labor Laws, including Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), in the performance of the work and further agrees to insert this provision in all subcontracts hereunder.</p><p>4.8 VENUE AND LAW Venue for any and all legal actions regarding the transaction covered herein shall lie in the District Court in, the County of Eddy, State of New Mexico, and this transaction shall be governed by the laws of the State of New Mexico.</p><p>4.9 CANCELLATION OF AGREEMENT Either party may cancel this AGREEMENT upon 10 days written notice to the other party. Upon termination, the COUNTY shall pay the CONTRACTOR for all submitted WORK PRODUCTS, subject to quality assurance review by the COUNTY. 4.10 COUNTY FURNISHED INFORMATION The COUNTY shall not hold the CONTRACTOR responsible for any errors or omissions in materials and documents provided by the COUNTY related to the performance of this AGREEMENT.</p><p>Page 8 of 15 EDDY COUNTY, NM REQUEST FOR INFORMATION/PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CR 725 (LONGHORN RD.) BY-PASS RECONSTRUCTION B – 11 – 22 </p><p>4.11 LAW, PERMITS AND LICENSES The CONTRACTOR agrees to abide by all applicable laws, regulations and administrative rulings of the United States, the State of New Mexico, the County of Eddy, and of any other political subdivision, securing or assisting the COUNTY to secure all necessary licenses and permits in connection with implementing the AGREEMENT.</p><p>4.12 NOTICES AND REPRESENTATIVES All notices required by this AGREEMENT shall be submitted in writing to the offices or parties and addresses indicated below.</p><p>COUNTY’S REPRESENTATIVES: Project Manager Eddy County 101 West Greene Street Carlsbad, NM 88220</p><p>County Manager Eddy County 101 West Greene Street Carlsbad, NM 88220</p><p>CONTRACTORS REPRESENTATIVE: Person Name Job Title Company Name Street Address City, State, Zip Code Page 9 of 15</p><p>EDDY COUNTY, NM REQUEST FOR INFORMATION/PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CR 725 (LONGHORN RD.) BY-PASS RECONSTRUCTION B – 11 – 22 </p><p>5.0 LIMITATIONS</p><p>5.1 Format Requirements Organize your technical responses based on the evaluation criteria noted in Section 2.1. For administrative information, either fill in the blanks provided or type responses using the reference numbers in this RFI. Failure to comply with the format requirements may void your proposal.</p><p>5.2Limitation of Liability Neither the County nor any of its employees or elected officials shall bear any responsibilities or liability for any costs, debts, obligations, or losses sustained or incurred by any firm or business as a result of their effort or attempt to respond to the RFI. </p><p>5.3Contract Addendum Your proposal, in its entirety, will be considered to be an addendum to your contract.</p><p>5.4Materials All materials received with your response will be returned at the discretion of the County. Please send only those materials required to evaluate your service. Data submitted through the bid process becomes available to public scrutiny as a matter of public record; therefore the County cannot assure confidentiality of any documents submitted. </p><p>5.5Clarification All firms, preparing a proposal, should notify the County by email (at [email protected]) that they will be submitting a proposal and specify the name and email address of their contact person. Proposers are required to explain and clarify any and all conditions imposed on or included in their responses to the questions in RFI. Proposers further understand and agree that they have an affirmative duty to inquire about and clarify any RFI question that they do not fully understand or reasonably believe may be susceptible to more than one interpretation. Questions may be submitted by email to [email protected]. </p><p>5.6 Award The County may reject any and all bids/proposals with or without cause.</p><p>Page 10 of 15 EDDY COUNTY, NM REQUEST FOR INFORMATION/PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CR 725 (LONGHORN RD.) BY-PASS RECONSTRUCTION B – 11 – 22 </p><p>6.0GENERAL INFORMATION </p><p>6.1PROPOSER IDENTIFICATION </p><p>6.1.1 Please indicate your company name</p><p>6.1.2 Please indicate the name, title, telephone number, and email address of a person who may be contacted with questions of a technical nature.</p><p>NAME: ______</p><p>TITLE: ______</p><p>TELEPHONE NO: ______</p><p>EMAIL: ______</p><p>6.1.3 Please indicate the name, title, telephone number, and email address of the person completing this questionnaire.</p><p>NAME: ______</p><p>TITLE: ______</p><p>TELEPHONE NO: ______</p><p>EMAIL: ______</p><p>6.1.4 Please indicate the name, title, telephone number, and email address of the person in your company to whom we respond.</p><p>NAME: ______TITLE: ______</p><p>TELEPHONE NO: ______</p><p>EMAIL: ______</p><p>Page 11 of 15</p><p>EDDY COUNTY, NM REQUEST FOR INFORMATION/PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CR 725 (LONGHORN RD.) BY-PASS RECONSTRUCTION B – 11 – 22 </p><p>6.2 SUBCONTRACTOR INFORMATION</p><p>6.1.5 ______Number of subcontractors to be employed in this proposal</p><p>6.1.6 Provide the following information for each subcontractor:</p><p> Area of Responsibility Company Name, Address Incorporation Date Contact Persons (Name, Title, Telephone Number) References – At least four (4) with two (2) located in Rocky Mountain Regions preferred (Name, Address and Telephone Number) Additional information you feel would be helpful (brochures, statements, etc.) Page 12 of 15</p><p>EDDY COUNTY, NM REQUEST FOR INFORMATION/PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CR 725 (LONGHORN RD.) BY-PASS RECONSTRUCTION B – 11 – 22 </p><p>7.0 REFERENCES</p><p>Please provide the names and addresses of at least five (5) current users of your roadway design services. It is preferred that at least three (3) of these references be in New Mexico.</p><p>7.1 COMPANY : ______</p><p>PERSON NAME: ______</p><p>ADDRESS: ______</p><p>PHONE: ______</p><p>7.2 COMPANY : ______</p><p>PERSON NAME: ______</p><p>ADDRESS: ______</p><p>PHONE: ______</p><p>7.3 COMPANY : ______</p><p>PERSON NAME: ______</p><p>ADDRESS: ______</p><p>PHONE: ______</p><p>7.4 COMPANY : ______PERSON NAME: ______</p><p>ADDRESS: ______</p><p>PHONE: ______</p><p>Page 13 of 15</p><p>EDDY COUNTY, NM REQUEST FOR INFORMATION/PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CR 725 (LONGHORN RD.) BY-PASS RECONSTRUCTION B – 11 – 22 </p><p>7.5 COMPANY : ______</p><p>PERSON NAME: ______</p><p>ADDRESS: ______</p><p>PHONE: ______Page 14 of 15 EDDY COUNTY, NM REQUEST FOR INFORMATION/PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR CR 725 (LONGHORN RD.) BY-PASS RECONSTRUCTION B – 11 – 22 </p><p>8.0 BIDDER’S CERTIFICATION </p><p>I hereby certify that I have read all items of the RFI and fully understand the requirements listed herein. I further certify that I am an authorized agent of the Firm and may be held liable for any and all remedies that may become due to Eddy County Government due to nonperformance under the contract.</p><p>______Signature</p><p>______Title</p><p>______Date</p><p>______Name of Firm Submitting Proposal Page 15 of 15</p>
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