(I) KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXIV, NO 016 1I S M'~ly KWAJAI eIN AlOLl, MAHSHALL ISlANDS MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 1987 Gunmen Kidnap Two More Protesters March Peacefully By RIMA SALAMEH ASSOCiated Press Writer four professor"> flOm thL ">Lhool Through Palace Gates The Chll'>tldn VOlle of Lebanon By ROBERT H REID BEIRUT, Lebanon -- Gunmen radIO station !>,ud III ecelvLd two calls ASSOCiated Press Writer clInched fIsts, while others wept and today kIdnapped two men III Moslem Sunday cl,l1111Jng respon~lhilily fOI the sdng "Bayan Ko" -- "My Country" - west BeIrut and one wItness saId they teachers' .lLHitlCllon'> In thl 1l,lllle of MANILA, PhllIppllles -- Govern­ the unoffiCIal anthem of the struggle were foreIgners PolIce saId they had the Organl/,ltloll ot the Opplc'>!>cd on ment forces fell back today as Cabmet , agamst former PresIdent Ferdmand E no mdlcatlon that a group claImmg to Earth, a plO-IJdnldn ')hlll," Mo,>lull mInIsters led more than 15,000 Marcos 20-year authontanan reIgn hold three Amencans and an IndIan group mdrchers arm-Ill-arm past the presI­ After passlllg by the palace, the carned out ItS threat to loll a hostage Vne caller saId a ho<;tage would be dential palace gates to demand Justice crowd dispersed without IIlcldent kIlled If West Germany dId not re­ PolIce saId four gunmen snatched for at least 12 prote~ters slalll last The government and hospitals have lease a Lebane<;e hlJ3ckmg suspect by the two latest kIdnap VIctims from an week by the mtlltary saId 12 people were kIlled III Thurs­ office eqUIpment store m the Saneyeh mldmght Sunday The >;uspect was PresIdent Corazon AqUIno, disre­ day'<; shootlllg when mIlitant farmers resldenual dlstnct of west BeIrut at not released and police said today gardIng warlllngs from adVIsers, demandlllg land reform tned to push they found no bodIes and had no re­ 11 30 a m PolIce dId not IdentIfy the agreed to let the marchers come near through a polIce blockade on Men­ ports any hostage WdS lolled VIctIms or theIr natIOnalities her offICe She did not put m an ap- dIOla Bndge OPPosItIon groups put Gunmen dIsgUIsed a<; polIce kid­ A WItness who spoke on condition pearance the toll as hIgh as 18 In addIllon, 94 of anonymity saId two gunmen napped the Amencan and Indian pro­ The protesters marched across people were IIljured "jumped out of a whIte Mercedes­ fessors Saturday from the campus of MendIOla Bndge, the mam approach PreSIdential spokesman Teodoro Benz, pomted pIstols at the two men BeIrut UllIversIty College Schoolof­ to the palace where the protesters Bemgno saId Aqumo met for 90 mlll­ fICIals saId today they had not been and dragged them out of the Najjar were >;hot last Thursday Then, Ill­ utes WIth the march orgamzers before Contmental Store" The wItness saId contacted by the kIdnappers ~tead of turmng down a SIde street as today's protest began and accepted the VICtimS spoke broken EnglIsh The abductIOns brought to 23 the planned for a rally, they pressed for­ theIr demands to remove troops and An employee at the store who also number of foreIgners mlssmg and be­ ward towdrd the palace gate barners from the bndge spoke on condItIOn of anonymIty said lIeved kidnapped III Lebanon EIght About 600 not police and 1,000 "There wIll be no soldiers, no bar­ the two vIctims were "deflllltely for­ have been >;elzed sInce AnglIcan ~oldlers deployed In front of ncades, no barbed wIres," he saId elgners' Church envoy Terry WaIte amved In AqUIno's offICe wllhdrew Four flre­ "The march WIll be allowed to go "They are fdnulIdr to me, they used BeIrut on Jan 12 on a mISSIOn to free trucks blocked the street leadmg to through ummpeded " to pass by u<; to photocopy docu­ ho<;tage<; Aql11no's re">ldence, which IS across Bemgno SaId AqUIno's milItary ad­ ments, they always spoke broken Waite ramallled out of SIght today the street from the palace vIsers told her they could not guaran­ EnglIsh, but I do not know theIr for the seventh straIght day HIS The protesters hdd planned to hold tee her safety III the palace If the pro­ names or natlonaiJtles," she said Druse bodyguards Said he was nego­ a rdlly about 200 yards from the pal­ testers were allowed to cross the She saId one VIctIm was "blond tJatlllg III secret with IslamIC JIhad, ,Ice But as their front ranks crossed bndge, but that she overruled them and has blue eyes, the other has dark captors of two Amencan>; held III the bndge, Agnculture Mllllster Ra­ However, the marchers were not ex­ harr Both appeared less than 23 years Lebanon slllce 1985 -- Terry Ander­ mon MItra begdn shoutlllg, "You're pected to go through the palace gates old " son, 39, chIef MIddle East corres­ marchIng through, you're marchmg Bayan, the nation's largest leftl~t The two were kIdnapped as stu­ pondent for The ASSOCiated Press, through" orgamzatlOn, the May 1st Movement, dents of Beirut Umverslty College and Thoma<; Sutherland, dCtlllg dean SOCIal Services MlllIster MIta the largest labor umon, and several demon>;trated outsIde Pnme Mllllster of agnculture at the Amencan UllIver­ Pdrdo de Tavera SaId AqUIno asked student groups took part m the march Rashid Karaml's offIce, a few blocks slty of Beirut about a dozen Cablllet mllllsters to FIVe of the PhIlIppines Human from the Najjar Contlllental Store, to In London, the AnglIcdn Church JOIn the marchers and lllsure there RIghts Conlmlsslon's seven members protest the kIdnapping Saturday of !>dld Sunday that WaIte was III "good would be no clash with the milItary have reSIgned over Thursday's shoot­ hands" and pur~ulllg hIS negotiation'> Many of the prote<;ters raised Ings The V O1ee of Lebanon saId the first Journalist Ordered call It received Sunday saId the Or­ ganIzation of Oppressed on Earth White House Condelnns Kidnapping, From China would ktll a hostage If the hljdCklllg PEKING CAP) -- The ForeIgn <;uspect, Mohammed AlI Hdmadl, IS But Says Powers Are LiInited MIllIstry today ordered the French extradited to the UllIted States By TIM AHERN news agency Agence France-Presse U S offICIals want to try Hamadl ASSOCIated Press Writer to transfer from Chllla one of ItS re­ "there's a lImIt to what our govern­ on charges of air pITacy and murder m porters, an Amencan who allegedly ment can do" for them the June 1985 hijacking of a TWA WASHINGTON -- The Reagan accepted mformatJon from a Chlllese Spokesman Larry Speakes said the JetlIner to BemJt A U S Navy diver admllllstratIon today condemned the student government "WIll not make conces­ on the plane wa!> kIlled >;elzure of foreIgners a<; hostages III The reporter, 32-year-old Law­ sIOns to terronst groups despite theIr The second caller said a hostage Lebanon as a declaratIOn of war rence MacDonald, has been m Hong threats" would die If Hdmddl were not re­ agalllst clvllIzatlon, but told Amen­ Kong for the last few days It was not He said 11 would only end1nger leased by mldmght Sunday cans there to get out, warlllng that clear If he would be allowed to return other Amencans "to YIeld to their de­ to Pekmg mands" The action agalllst MacDonald, an­ Reagan Answers To Panel Speakes SaId PreSIdent Reagan met nounced by the offiCIal Xmhua News By TIM AHERN wIth hiS adVisers, lllcludlllg Chief of Agency, came one day after the gov­ ASSOCIated Press Writer Staff Don Regan and natlonal secunty ernment SaId a Chmese student was adVIser Frank CarlUCCI, to diSCUSS the arrested for alleged "secret collUSIOn" WASHINGTON -- PreSident Rea­ chIef motlvatlOn was dn attempt to seIzure of three more AmenLan~ thIS WIth MacDonald gan today answered questlOm for the reopen U S deallllgs wah a strate­ past weekend m Lebanon and' certam Xmhua on Sunday quoted the State fIrst tlme from a three-member panel gically Important natIOn and that gdlll­ deCISion>;" were made But he de­ Secunty Bureau, Chma's IntellIgence Illvestlgatmg the sale of U S arms to Ing the reledse of U S hostages m clIned to go mto speCifics dgency, as saymg that the student, Iran and other progrdms undertaken Lebanon was only a secondary goal Speakes saId the US embdssy In Llll Jle of Tlanjln UllIversIty, had by the WhIte Hou<;e's NatIOnal Secu­ WhIte House offICIals SaId Rea­ BeIrut would not be closed Some provIded llltellIgence lllformatlOn to nty CounCIl staff gan's comments at the meetlllg would members of Congress proposed such MacDonald Accompamed by two aIdes, the not be relea>;ed a medsure III VIew of the ddnger to TlanjIn, a port City east of Pekmg, preSident met m the Oval OffICe WIth Nor will a verbatIm transcnpt or Amencans was one of at least 11 CItIes where the panel he appomted last Nov 26 recordlllg be made of the dIScu'>~lon, The spokesman said the Umted students held pro-democracy demon­ after dl~c1osmg that profits from the >;pokesmdn Ldrry Speakes Sdld last States has contmually warned Amen­ ~tratlons m December and early Janu­ arms sale had been dIverted to the week He Sdld the commISSIOn be­ cans In Lebanon of the dangers of ary NIcaraguan rebels The NSC played a lIeved It would be ' somewhat beneath staymg there and saId there are lImIts The agency did not give detaIls of central role III whdt has become the the dlglllty of the offlce"to take a to what the government can do for the lllformatlOn LIIl allegedly passed most senous cnsl<; of Redgan's presI­ trdnscnpt dunng the mtervlews wllh people who are seIzed on dency Reagan and tormer preSidents Rich­ "Amencans who Ignored thiS MacDonald had reported extensive­ For the IntervIew, I.IStlllg one ard NIxon, Gerald Ford and JImmy warlllng clearly dId so dt theIr own lyon the student demonstrations, hour, Reagan was JOllled by
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