Pipestone County R&B Meeting

Pipestone County R&B Meeting

<p> December 23, 2014</p><p>Pipestone County Commissioner Meeting December 23, 2014</p><p>The Pipestone County Commissioners met with Chairman William (Bill) Johnson, </p><p>Commissioners Luke Johnson, Bruce Kooiman, Harold (Butch) Miller, and Jerry L. Remund. </p><p>County Administrator Sharon Hanson was also present. Chairman W. Johnson called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.</p><p>Motion by Remund, seconded by Kooiman to approve the agenda. Motion carried unanimously. </p><p>CONSENT AGENDA</p><p>Motion by L. Johnson, seconded by Miller to approve the consent agenda as follows:</p><p>1. Minutes of December 10, 2014 Commissioner Meeting 2. Hospital Warrants in the amount of $545,325.06</p><p>Motion carried unanimously.</p><p>EXTENSION COMMITTEE RECOGNITION OF COMMISSIONER MILLER</p><p>Extension Office Manager Carol Scotting joined the meeting to thank and recognize </p><p>Commissioner Butch Miller for his work serving on the U of M Extension Committee for the past nine years.</p><p>CITY OF PIPESTONE LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTRACT</p><p>Sheriff Dan Delaney joined the meeting to present the renewal of the contract between the City of Pipestone and the County of Pipestone to provide 24 hour 7 day a week law enforcement protection to the City of Pipestone by the County Sheriff’s Office with terms of the contract from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015.</p><p>Motion by Kooiman, seconded by Remund to approve the law enforcement contract between the City of Pipestone and Pipestone County with the City of Pipestone paying 43% of the Sheriff’s Office proposed budget in the amount of $565,293.00 and 50% of the Sheriff’s </p><p>Office Dispatch budget in the amount of $153,600.00 for a total of $718.893.00. Motion carried unanimously.</p><p>MARC HALL - BUFFALO RIDGE TRANSIT UPDATE, FAIRGROUNDS BUILDING</p><p>Transit Director Marc Hall reported that the grant funding for the Buffalo Ridge Transit </p><p>Route will end on 12/31/2014 and there are no plans to continue the route beyond 2014. Transit </p><p>Director Hall requested that the counties involved with the route continue to meet periodically to </p><p>December 23, 2014 1 December 23, 2014</p><p> discuss possible future collaboration and consolidation options. Consensus of the Board to continue meeting with neighboring counties on transit collaboration.</p><p>Building and Grounds Maintenance Supervisor Marc Hall requested approval to advertise for salvage and demolition bids on the recently acquired property located at 321 10th Ave SE in </p><p>Pipestone. Motion by Remund, seconded by Kooiman to approve a request for bids for salvage and demolition of residential property located at 321 10th Ave SE in Pipestone. Motion carried unanimously.</p><p>PIPESTONE COUNTY FEE SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING</p><p>Chairman W. Johnson convened the Pipestone County Fee Schedule Public Hearing at </p><p>9:30 AM. Hearing no public comment, Chairman W. Johnson closed the Fee Schedule Public </p><p>Hearing. Motion by Miller, seconded by L. Johnson to approve the Pipestone County Fee </p><p>Schedule effective January 1, 2015 as presented. Motion carried unanimously. The Pipestone </p><p>County Fee Schedule is located on the County’s website at www.pipestone-county.com </p><p>SUZLON TAX WAIVER REQUEST UPDATE</p><p>Administrator Sharon Hanson presented a letter from the Minnesota Department of </p><p>Revenue which informed Suzlon Rotor Corporation that their request for a waiver of taxes due under the Job Opportunity Building Zone (JOBZ) program was granted in full under Minnesota </p><p>Statute 469.319 by the Minnesota Department of Revenue Commissioner. </p><p>Motion by Miller, seconded by L. Johnson directing County Administrator Hanson draft a letter to the Commissioner of Revenue voicing Pipestone County’s disappointment in the </p><p>Commissioner of Revenue’s decision. Motion carried unanimously.</p><p>SWHHS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND PUBLIC SERVICES LEASE </p><p>AGREEMENT</p><p>Motion by L. Johnson, seconded by Miller to approve the Information Technology agreement and Public Services Lease agreement between Pipestone County and Southwest </p><p>Health and Human Services (SWHHS) effective January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015 with the following additional terms: </p><p>Information Technology Agreement: SWHHS shall compensate annually to the County for IT Coordinator and connectivity services in the amount of $5,000.00 for IT Services and $3,750.00 for connectivity services, for a total of $8,750.00, payable by SWHHS to the County. This amount will be paid in quarterly installments of $2,187.50, due on the 1st of every quarter. </p><p>2 December 23, 2014</p><p>Lease Agreement: During the term of this Lease Tenant shall pay to the County as and for basic rent the sum of $38,000.00 for rent and $20,000 for utilities/maintenance for a total of $58,000 for 12 months, which shall be payable in equal quarterly installments of $14,500.00 and which shall be payable on the first day of each quarter.</p><p>Motion carried unanimously.</p><p>VOLUNTARY REDUCTION IN HOURS POLICY</p><p>Motion by Kooiman, seconded by Remund to renew the Pipestone County Voluntary </p><p>Reduction in hours program for two more years, extending it through 2016. Motion carried unanimously.</p><p>DAVE HALBERSMA – ENGINEER SHARING CONTRACT, FINAL PAYMENT</p><p>Engineer Dave Halbersma requested approval of the 2015 Sharing County Highway </p><p>Engineer agreement between Pipestone County and Lincoln County with each county paying for </p><p>50% of all estimated expenses including salary, benefits, liability insurance, cell phone, computer and training costs totaling $147,104.00, or $73,552.00 per county. Lincoln County will also be paying mileage to Pipestone County at a rate of $500.00 per month. </p><p>Motion by Remund, seconded by Kooiman to approve the Engineer Sharing Contract between Pipestone County and Lincoln County effective January 1, 2015 through December 31, </p><p>2015. Motion carried unanimously.</p><p>Engineer Halbersma requested approval of final payment in the amount of $962.21 for project SP 59-601-033 flood repair work on bridge CSAH 1 southwest of Edgerton. Motion by </p><p>W. Johnson, seconded by Miller to approve final payment of $962.21 for project SP 59-601-033.</p><p>Motion carried unanimously.</p><p>HIGHWAY SHOP FUEL BIDS-10:00 A.M. BID OPENING</p><p>County Attorney Jim O’Neill joined the meeting. Engineering Halbersma opened the following bids:</p><p>Gasoline Diesel Pipestone Shop Outlying Shops 10% Bidder “margin” B5 B10 “margin” B5 B10 “margin” Ethanol Chandler $2.095 $.095 $2.619 $2.649 $.10 $2.719 $2.749 $.15 Coop Cenex $2.299 $.19 $2.209 $2.249 $.03 $2.399 $2.439 $.19 Harvest States BioAg $2.295 $.25 $2.295 $2.345 $.10 $2.445 $2.495 $.25 Energy Services</p><p>December 23, 2014 3 December 23, 2014</p><p>Motion by Remund, seconded by Kooiman to award the 2015 gasoline fuel contract to </p><p>Chandler Coop and the 2015 diesel fuel contract to Cenex Harvest States with direction to </p><p>County Engineer Halbersma to proceed with second lowest bidder for gasoline bids if the first lowest bidder does not agree to their bid. Motion carried unanimously.</p><p>E911 SIGN ASSESSMENT PUBLIC HEARING – 10:30AM</p><p>Chairman W. Johnson convened the Pipestone County E911 Sign Assessment Public </p><p>Hearing at 10:30 a.m. to consider, and possibly adopt, the proposed assessment for E-911 sign repair/replacement in Pipestone County. Administrator Krier handed out a listing of the properties to be assessed and properties that had E-911 signs replaced or repaired. Such assessment is proposed to be payable with the 2015 installments at no interest. Administrator Krier reported that a total of twenty (20) properties are proposed to be assessed for a total of $1,725.00 with the amount to be assessed against each particular parcel of land at $75.00. Hearing no public comment, Chairman W. Johnson closed the public hearing. </p><p>Motion by Kooiman, seconded by Remund to approve the E911 sign assessments in 2015 as presented. Motion carried unanimously.</p><p>ELECTED OFFICIAL 2015 SALARIES</p><p>County Attorney Jim O’Neill responded to inquiry from the Board on whether or not the </p><p>Board could set the elected official salaries in January 2015 rather than in December 2014 to accommodate the desire for the Personnel Committee to meet with elected officials to discuss salary, duties and responsibilities of the office. Attorney O’Neill stated that the elected official salaries has typically been done in December and lends to consistency, however the various elected official salary statutes allow the Board to set the elected official salaries in 2015, with the exception of the Commissioner salaries which must be set prior to January 1 of the year the salary is to take effect. </p><p>RESOLUTION 59-52-14 2015 TAXES PAYABLE LEVY</p><p>Motion by Miller, seconded by Remund to adopt the 2015 Taxes Payable Levy at </p><p>$5,319,059.00. Motion carried unanimously.</p><p>4 December 23, 2014</p><p>RESOLUTION 59-52-14 2015 COUNTY BUDGET ADOPTION</p><p>Motion by Kooiman, seconded by Remund to adopt the 2015 budget as follows:</p><p>2015 NET $ NET % 2015 2015 2015 PROPOSED 2014 INCREASE/ INCREASE/ DEPT PROPOSED FROM PROPOSED NET INCOME/ NET INCOME/ (DECREASE) (DECREASE) NO. DEPARTMENT INCOME RESERVES EXPENSES (NET EXPENSE) (NET EXPENSE) TO EXPENSE TO EXPENSE 002 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 185,610 (185,610) (183,765) 1,845 1.00% 004 TRAVEL MANAGEMENT 1,500 8,000 (6,500) (6,500) 0 0.00% 012 COURT ADMINISTRATOR 5,000 47,000 (42,000) (40,000) 2,000 5.00% 031 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 0 126,697 (126,697) (121,836) 4,861 3.99% 041 AUDITOR 12,450 231,350 (218,900) (211,250) 7,650 3.62% 042 TREASURER 21,600 196,536 (174,936) (170,700) 4,236 2.48% 045 INDEPENDENT AUDIT 0 50,000 (50,000) (60,000) (10,000) -16.67% 061 HUMAN RESOURCES 0 74,361 (74,361) (80,822) (6,461) -7.99% 063 DATA PROCESSING 450 37,500 123,270 (85,320) (82,657) 2,663 3.22% 064 ELECTIONS 5,050 5,050 0 (38,725) (38,725) -100.00% 65 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 8,000 150,000 380,037 (222,037) (176,375) 45,662 25.89% 091 ATTORNEY 4,000 216,973 (212,973) (204,162) 8,811 4.32% 101 RECORDER 48,817 135,399 (86,582) (72,802) 13,780 18.93% 102 ASSESSOR 400 263,162 (262,762) (242,413) 20,349 8.39% 103 PLANNING & ZONING 10,375 43,773 (33,398) (32,646) 752 2.30% 104 Geographic Information System(GIS) 900 5,100 (4,200) (4,600) (400) -8.70% 111 BUILDINGS & PLANT 15,000 25,000 285,959 (245,959) (244,529) 1,430 0.58% 112 FAIRGROUNDS 6,000 50,000 67,850 (11,850) (23,500) (11,650) -49.57% 121 VETERANS SERVICES 7,500 60,538 (53,038) (58,745) (5,707) -9.71% 122 COUNTY WIDE TRANSPORTATION 453,900 445,218 8,682 (2,065) (10,747) 0.00% 201 SHERIFF - GENERAL 799,253 1,314,635 (515,382) (439,005) 76,377 17.40% 202 SHERIFF - DISPATCH 153,600 307,000 (153,400) (146,759) 6,641 4.53% 203 CORONER 0 3,000 (3,000) (3,000) 0 0.00% 251 SHERIFF - JAIL 43,000 454,500 (411,500) (396,913) 14,587 3.68% 252 PROBATION 49,801 92,764 (42,963) (40,410) 2,553 6.32% 281 EMERGENCY MGMT/CIVIL DEFENSE 31,395 114,407 (83,012) (87,556) (4,544) -5.19% 283 COUNTY AMBULANCE 426,000 439,232 (13,232) (23,887) (10,655) -44.61% 481 COMMUNITY HEALTH 0 69,571 (69,571) (57,576) 11,995 20.83% 501 CULTURE & RECREATION 0 38,710 (38,710) (37,806) 904 2.39% 502 LIBRARY 0 51,651 (51,651) (51,651) 0 0.00% 503 SENIOR CITIZENS 0 3,000 (3,000) (3,000) 0 0.00% 506 HIAWATHA TRAILS 30,000 30,000 0 0 0 0.00% 521 PARKS 0 3,700 (3,700) (3,700) 0 0.00% 601 CONSERVATION 96,500 167,047 (70,547) (69,847) 700 1.00% 604 AGRICULTURE INSPECTOR 0 29,940 (29,940) (28,934) 1,006 3.48% 611 EXTENSION 4,200 189,585 (185,385) (179,049) 6,336 3.54% 701 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & OPP 0 6,775 (6,775) (6,775) 0 0.00% 003 NON-DEPARTMENTAL 724,828 261,400 463,428 455,228 (8,200) 1.80% RESERVE INCOME 147,000 0 147,000 0 (147,000) 01 REVENUE 3,106,519 262,500 6,528,800 (3,159,781) (3,178,732) (18,951) -0.60% 13 ROAD & BRIDGE 5,813,323 6,781,146 (967,823) (853,776) 114,047 13.36% 11 WELFARE 0 1,144,792 (1,144,792) (1,139,836) 4,956 0.43% 04 DITCH FUND 0 10,400 (10,400) 0 10,400 0.00% Other 0 35-857 HOSP GENERAL OBL BLDG 2022 0 220,894 (220,894) (220,395) 499 0.23%</p><p>Restricted Accounts 105 COUNTY RECORDER RESERVE ACCT 33,204 42,350 (9,146) (22,900) (13,754) 282 E911 92,000 114,000 (22,000) 22,000 44,000 392 SOLID WASTE 278,192 243,350 34,842 20,338 (14,504) 013 LAW LIBRARY 10,000 12,000 (2,000) (6,700) (4,700) -70.15%</p><p>Non Levy Departments/Assigned Accounts 113 PUBLIC SERVICES BUILDING 58,000 19,300 38,700 38,895 64 ELECTIONS 0 0 0 601 CONSERVATION 88,000 84,000 4,000 32,000 Program Aid Levy Before Program Levy After Program Aid Aid Program Aid 01 REVENUE 3,159,781 174,231 2,985,550 13 ROAD & BRIDGE 967,823 0 967,823 15 WELFARE 1,144,792 0 1,144,792 Levy After Program Aid Reduction 5,098,165 Total Referendum Levies 220,894 Total Levy Taxes Payable 2015 5,319,059 Total Levy Taxes Payable 2014 4,926,323</p><p>Motion carried unanimously.</p><p>December 23, 2014 5 December 23, 2014</p><p>2015 MILEAGE RATE</p><p>Motion by Remund, seconded by Kooiman to adopt the federal mileage reimbursement rate of $ .575 per mile for 2015. Motion carried unanimously.</p><p>2015 COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENT, NON-UNION</p><p>Motion by Miller, seconded by L. Johnson to set the 2015 cost of living adjustment </p><p>(COLA) for Non-Union employees at 2.25 percent (%). Motion carried unanimously.</p><p>2014 COMMISSIONER SALARY/PER DIEMS</p><p>Motion by Miller, seconded by W. Johnson to set the 2015 Commissioner salary at </p><p>$18,885.79. Motion carried unanimously.</p><p>Motion by Kooiman, seconded by L. Johnson to set the 2015 Commissioner Per Diem </p><p>Rate at $75.00 per day. Motion carried unanimously.</p><p>COMMITTEE REPORTS</p><p>Commissioner Kooiman: 911 Committee, Hospital Plant Operations, Truth in Taxation, </p><p>Buffalo Ridge Transit Consortium, AMC Annual Conference, Transportation Policy Committee, </p><p>Personnel Committee.</p><p>Commissioner Miller: Rock-Pipestone Collaborative, Truth in Taxation, AMC Annual </p><p>Conference, AMC General Government Committee, was not able to attend Private Industry </p><p>Council because of weather, Personnel Committee, Southwest Health and Human Services. </p><p>Commissioner L. Johnson: 911 Committee, Area II, Redwood-Cottonwood Rivers </p><p>Control Area, Primewest Health Employee Insurance Committee, AMC Annual Conference, </p><p>AMC Ag and Rural Development Committee, AMC Environment and Natural Resources </p><p>Committee, Soil and Water Conservation District. </p><p>Commissioner Remund: Hospital Plant Operations, Regional Extension Committee, </p><p>Primewest Health Board meeting, AMC Annual Conference, Minnesota Counties Insurance </p><p>Trust, SW Mental Health Board meeting. </p><p>Commissioner W. Johnson: Primewest Board meeting, AMC Annual Conference, AMC </p><p>Health and Human Services Policy Committee, Southwest 18 Mental Health Consortium, </p><p>Southwest Health and Human Services Board meeting. </p><p>6 December 23, 2014</p><p>SOUTHWEST COUNTIES LEGISLATIVE ROUNDTABLE MEEETING</p><p>Administrator Hanson reported that all Commissioners and Commissioner-Elects are invited to attend the Southwest Counties Legislative Roundtable scheduled for December 30, </p><p>2014 in Windom, MN. </p><p>Chairman W. Johnson adjourned the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 12:02 p.m.</p><p>______William (Bill) Johnson Pipestone County Board Chair</p><p>ATTEST: ______Sharon Hanson County Administrator</p><p>December 23, 2014 7</p>

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