<p>European Master ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTER IN MEMBRANE ENGINEERING</p><p>APPLICATION FORM ACADEMIC YEAR 2011 – 2012 MASTER EDITION 2011 – 2013</p><p>Application period</p><p>From October 15th to December 15th 2010 (mid-night CET)</p><p>Instructions</p><p>Please complete all fields of this form. Any incomplete application file will be rejected.</p><p>Please save a scanned signed copy of the present application form AND all requested documents (included in the sequence listed at the end of this form) as a single PDF file. The file must be entitled: YOURLASTNAME_APPLIC2011.pdf.</p><p>You must send your application via e-mail to the EM3E Management Office: [email protected] After reception of your application, we will acknowledge receipt of your application by e-mail. If you do not receive this e-mail one week after your submission, please contact us.</p><p>Pre-selected students will be requested to provide the originals or certified copies of all documents they have submitted in electronic form with their application and any additional document required by EM3E.</p><p>The EM3E Master is supported by the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Union. A number of scholarships are offered to selected candidates. Details about the scholarships can be found on the Erasmus Mundus website: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus_mundus/funding/scholarships_students_academics_en.php. Candidates should be aware that the number of scholarships offered is limited. Therefore, candidates may be admitted to the EM3E Master even while they are not selected for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship. </p><p>Please, indicate your category: Student applying only for EM3E Master Student applying for EM3E Master and an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship</p><p>If you are not awarded an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, would you still wish to join EM3E Master? Yes No</p><p>EM3E_Application-Form_v1_2011-2013 1/12</p><p>European Master ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTER IN MEMBRANE ENGINEERING</p><p>1. PERSONAL DATA</p><p>Last name: First and middle name: Gender: Male Female Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy): / / Place of birth: Country of birth: Nationality (considered for application): 2nd Nationality (if any): Passport number: Passport expiry date (dd/mm/yyyy): / / Marital status: Single Married Registered partnership Number of children: E-mail address: Phone number: + (including international dialling code) Mobile phone: + (including international dialling code)</p><p>2. ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE</p><p>Street and number: City: Post code: State: Country: </p><p>EM3E_Application-Form_v1_2011-2013 2/12</p><p>European Master ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTER IN MEMBRANE ENGINEERING</p><p>3. LANGUAGE SKILLS</p><p>Mother tongue: Language of instruction of your university first degree: Other Languages: Please indicate your level in other languages according to CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference): http://www.coe.int/T/DG4/Portfolio/documents/assessment_grid_english.do c</p><p>Official certificates obtained / Language Understanding Speaking Writing Scores / Dates</p><p>Note: Pre-selected students might be interviewed by phone or video-conference to assess their English level. </p><p>4. MOBILITY TRACK Please rank the third-semester specializations according to your preference. Indicate the highest preference with 1, the second highest preference with 2, and so on. Details about programme are given on the website. Note: Being accepted to the EM3E Master does not guarantee that you will be assigned to your mobility option preference. Selected applicants will be offered a study track based on preference and availability. If an applicant cannot be offered a seat in the preferred study track an alternative track will be offered.</p><p>Semester S3 specializations: Biotechnologies, Food and Health (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal) Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)</p><p>Energy and Environment (University of Twente, The Netherlands)</p><p>If you are not assigned to your mobility option preference, would you still wish to join EM3E Master? Yes No</p><p>EM3E_Application-Form_v1_2011-2013 3/12</p><p>European Master ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTER IN MEMBRANE ENGINEERING</p><p>5. ACADEMIC DATA Please enter the details of your previous and current education degree(s) (University Degrees at or below BsC level and other Higher Education title (specialization, MSc, etc.), listing the most recent first.</p><p>Institution (full name): Address: City: Country: Official title and subject of the degree: (i.e. Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering) Official minimum duration to obtain degree (months): Starting date (mm/yyyy): / (expected) Graduate date (dd/mm/yyyy): / / Cumulative GPA1 (Grade Point Average): Rankings (out of how many students): </p><p>Institution (full name): Address: City: Country: Official title and subject of the degree: Official minimum duration to obtain degree (months): Starting date (mm/yyyy): / (expected) Graduate date (dd/mm/yyyy): / / Cumulative GPA1 (Grade Point Average): Rankings (out of how many students): </p><p>Institution (full name): Address: City: Country: Official title and subject of the degree: Official minimum duration to obtain degree (months): Starting date (mm/yyyy): / (expected) Graduate date (dd/mm/yyyy): / / Cumulative GPA1 (Grade Point Average): Rankings (out of how many students): 1 GPA: The cumulative GPA (Grade Point Average) is usually mentioned clearly on your academic transcript. If this is not the case, please ask your university to calculate and provide proof of your cumulative GPA.</p><p>EM3E_Application-Form_v1_2011-2013 4/12</p><p>European Master ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTER IN MEMBRANE ENGINEERING</p><p>6. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE, TRAINING, INTERNSHIP Please enter the details of your professional experience, training or internship, listing the most recent first.</p><p>Experience 1 Organization (full name): </p><p>Address: </p><p>City: </p><p>Country: </p><p>Position Held: </p><p>Start and end date (mm/yyyy): from / to / Title of the project: </p><p>Main activities and responsibilities (max. 250 characters): </p><p>Supervisor Contact Name: E-mail address: Phone number: + </p><p>Experience 2 Organization (full name): </p><p>Address: </p><p>City: </p><p>Country: </p><p>Position Held: </p><p>Start and end date (mm/yyyy): from / to / Title of the project: </p><p>Main activities and responsibilities (max. 250 characters): </p><p>Supervisor Contact Name: E-mail address: Phone number: + </p><p>Experience 3 Organization (full name): </p><p>EM3E_Application-Form_v1_2011-2013 5/12</p><p>European Master ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTER IN MEMBRANE ENGINEERING</p><p>Address: </p><p>City: </p><p>Country: </p><p>Position Held: </p><p>Start and end date (mm/yyyy): from / to / Title of the project: </p><p>Main activities and responsibilities (max. 250 characters): </p><p>Supervisor Contact Name: E-mail address: Phone number: + </p><p>EM3E_Application-Form_v1_2011-2013 6/12</p><p>European Master ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTER IN MEMBRANE ENGINEERING</p><p>7. REFERENCES Please identify the two referees who wrote the 2 recommendation letters that you need to join to your application form.</p><p>1 st Referee Last Name: First Name: </p><p>Organisation: </p><p>Department: </p><p>Position: </p><p>Address: </p><p>City: Post code: Country: Phone number: + </p><p>E-mail address: </p><p>2 nd Referee Last Name: First Name: </p><p>Organisation: </p><p>Department: </p><p>Position: </p><p>Address: </p><p>City: Post code: Country: Phone number: + </p><p>E-mail address: </p><p>EM3E_Application-Form_v1_2011-2013 7/12</p><p>European Master ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTER IN MEMBRANE ENGINEERING</p><p>8. SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES Please indicate if any physical or learning disabilities that you may suffer from. Do you foresee any personal problems (family, financial and/or cultural)? Maximum 1 000 characters.</p><p>EM3E_Application-Form_v1_2011-2013 8/12</p><p>European Master ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTER IN MEMBRANE ENGINEERING</p><p>9. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION In the last 5 years, have you spent more than 12 months carrying out your main activities (work or study) in any of the EU member states or in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Croatia, FYROM and Turkey? No Yes, specify: </p><p>Have you already benefited from an Erasmus Mundus scholarships in the past? No Yes, specify: </p><p>Have you apply to other Erasmus Mundus Master and/or Erasmus Mundus PhD for the academic year 2011- 2012? No Yes, specify: Note: Students who already benefited from an Erasmus Mundus scholarship in the past are not eligible for a new one. Students can apply for a maximum of 3 different Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (EMMCs) and/or PhD Programmes (EMJDs) starting in the same academic year. Students that apply for more than 3 EMMCs and/or (EMJDs) will be excluded from the selection.</p><p>Please let us know how you learnt about the EM3E Master course? EM3E website Contact with a partner university Advertisement in magazine/paper Education exhibition Alumni Brochure Friends Other, specify: </p><p>Please, provide here any additional information that may further improve your application. Maximum 1 000 characters. </p><p>EM3E_Application-Form_v1_2011-2013 9/12</p><p>European Master ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTER IN MEMBRANE ENGINEERING</p><p>10. DECLARATION AND SIGNATURE</p><p>I certify that I have read all application instructions and that the information and supporting documents I have provided is true and complete. I understand that misrepresentation may be a cause for cancellation of my admission or appointment. Submission of this application in no way guarantees my right to participate in the EM3E Master. I understand that all documents I submit as part of this application become the property of the EM 3E consortium. Application documents will be destroyed after the final selection of candidates has been made.</p><p>I authorize the EM3E Consortium to treat data provided to the purpose of the student selection for the EM3E Master.</p><p>Date: Name of applicant: Signature: </p><p>EM3E_Application-Form_v1_2011-2013 10/12</p><p>European Master ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTER IN MEMBRANE ENGINEERING</p><p>11. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Please save the completed and signed application form with all requested documents (included strictly respecting in the sequence listed below) as a single PDF file. The document should be titled: YOURLASTNAME_APPLIC2011.pdf. Please, ensure that your application file includes the following required documents (tick the boxes and return this sheet with your application):</p><p>1. Application form dully filled out and signed.</p><p>2. Detailed Curriculum Vitae in English specifying scientific and professional experiences, academic degrees, conference presentations, publications and special skills. Maximum 3 pages.</p><p>3. Letter of motivation in English covering the following aspects: what made you decide to apply to the EM3E Master course, which skills and abilities make you a good candidate for EM 3E, your motivations to study abroad, your professional interests and your career goals and expectation. For non-European candidates, your goals and interests in coming to Europe for education (statement of purpose) must be included in this letter. Maximum 1 page. The letter must be provided in 2 copies: one handwritten, one typed.</p><p>4. Certified copy of academic degree(s) in original language and translated into English, stating the final classification obtained. If you are currently in the final year of your Bachelor‘s programme, and therefore cannot send your Bachelor‘s degree, please send a statement of the expected date of graduation signed by your university.</p><p>5. An official document, from the last institution visited, College, University or Technical School, stating your relative position in the corresponding graduation course, i.e., top 5%, top 10% or top 20% of your Bologna 1st cycle class or of your bachelor’s course.</p><p>6. Certified copy of academic transcript(s) in original language and translated into English, listing the grade/rank/mark of each course attended to obtain each degree. All courses taken must be included.</p><p>7. Official proofs of English language proficiency (TOEFL/IELTS scores or equivalent) for participants from countries where English is not the medium of instruction in tertiary education.</p><p>8. Official proofs of other language proficiency (where applicable). </p><p>9. Two reference letters. The first letter from faculty from which you obtained your degree. The second letter, from faculty or from an employer or supervisor.</p><p>10. Copy of your international passport (preferably) or identification card.</p><p>We request a certified translation in English when documents are not written in English. Only completed applications will be considered. If you are unable to provide a specific document with your application, please use this space to explain the reason why. Maximum 1 000 characters. </p><p>EM3E_Application-Form_v1_2011-2013 11/12</p><p>European Master ERASMUS MUNDUS MASTER IN MEMBRANE ENGINEERING</p><p>Publication of the results</p><p>The selection for admission and for scholarships will be concluded at the end of February 2011. On February 28th 2011, EM3E consortium will submit to the European Commission the main-list and reserve list of pre- selected students. - Non-selected candidates will be informed on March 1st 2011 by e-mail about the decision. - For the other candidates, the selection process will be pursued. They will be informed about the decision only after receipt of European Commission notification. No information will be given before that.</p><p>Admission Criteria</p><p>Academic admission for EM3E course and selection for an Erasmus Mundus EM3E scholarship are two different steps: - Academic admission refers to the right to follow the course, after a review of the academic background and professional project of the candidate. Around 30 candidates may be admitted. - Selection for an Erasmus Mundus EM3E scholarship not only needs that the admission above is confirmed, but also that a number of criteria specific to the Erasmus Mundus scholarship system are observed. Around 18 scholarships will be offered for the academic year 2011-2012. </p><p>The minimum admission criteria are the same for all students irrespective of their country of origin or of the training track they candidate to. - Hold a Bologna 1st cycle degree or a bachelor degree in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Bio Engineering, related Bioscience or equivalent degrees from a College, University or Technical School with a recognised standing or alternatively, a recognised professional experience in these areas. Students in the final year of a degree may be admitted as long as they present the certificate and official transcripts before they enrol. - Excellent academic background with marks identifying the candidate among the 20% best students of his former studies. - Selection criteria include also professional experience, language skills, motivation and letters of recommendation. - Proof of good English competencies (all courses are conducted in English).</p><p>EM3E_Application-Form_v1_2011-2013 12/12</p>
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