Paul R. Sutton, MD Phd

Paul R. Sutton, MD Phd

<p> Heather A. McPhillips, MD, MPH 4800 Sandpoint Way NE, Mailstop A5950 Seattle, WA 98105 Email: [email protected]</p><p>PERSONAL DATA</p><p>Place of birth: Alpena, Michigan Citizenship: United States of America</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>2010-2011 The Teaching Scholars Program at the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 1998.2000 Master of Public Health, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 1990.1994 Doctor of Medicine with honors, Pritzker School of Medicine, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 1986-1990 Bachelor of Science, Biology, magna cum laude, Alma College, Alma, Michigan</p><p>POSTGRADUATE TRAINING</p><p>1998-2000 National Research Service Award (NRSA) Fellow in General Academic Pediatrics, University of Washington, Department of Pediatrics 1997-1998 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, University of California San Francisco Department of Pediatrics, Division of Immunology and HIV 1994.1997 Resident Physician, University of California San Francisco Department of Pediatrics, Primary Care Program</p><p>FACULTY POSITIONS</p><p>2013-present Professor, University of Washington, Department of Pediatrics, Division of General Pediatrics 2007-2013 Associate Professor, University of Washington, Department of Pediatrics, Division of General Pediatrics 2002-2007 Assistant Professor, University of Washington, Department of Pediatrics, Division of General Pediatrics 2000-2002 Acting Assistant Professor, University of Washington, Department of Pediatrics, Division of General Pediatrics 1998-2000 Acting Instructor, University of Washington, Department of Pediatrics, Division of General Pediatrics</p><p>HOSPITAL POSITIONS</p><p>2012-present Director, Continuity Clinic Program, Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington 2000-present Associate Director, Pediatric Residency, Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington 2000-2002 Clinical Director, Telemedicine, Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center, Seattle, WA 1998-present Attending Physician, Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington</p><p>1997.1998 Clinical Associate and Attending Physician, Department of Pediatrics, San Francisco General Hospital Pediatric Outpatient Clinic</p><p>Last Updated: 5/7/2018 HONORS</p><p>2014 Academic Pediatric Association National Program Teaching Award for Global Health and Community Pediatrics Pathways 1997 UCSF Department of Pediatrics Nesossi Award for Outstanding Clinical Ability while providing warm, humane support for patients, residents and staff 1997 UCSF Primary Care Pediatrics Residency Teaching Award 1995 UCSF Department of Pediatrics Housestaff Teaching Award 1994 Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society 1994 Outstanding Graduating Medical Student in the Field of Pathology 1994 American Medical Women’s Association Award of Excellence 1992 American Society of Clinical Pathologists Award for Academic Excellence and Achievement in Pathology 1991 National Institute of Health Student Summer Research Award 1990 Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society 1990 Michigan Woman Magazine’s “Top 20 Women College Graduates” 1986-90 Trustees’ Honor Scholar, Alma College </p><p>BOARD CERTIFICATION</p><p>2011 American Board of Pediatrics – General Pediatrics Maintenance of Certification 1997 American Board of Pediatrics – General Pediatrics 1995 National Board of Medical Examiners</p><p>LICENSE TO PRACTICE</p><p>1998-present Washington State Medical License 1995-present DEA License 1995-1999 California State Medical License</p><p>PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS</p><p>2000-present Association of Pediatric Program Directors 1997-present Ambulatory Pediatric Association 1994-present American Academy of Pediatrics</p><p>TEACHING RESPONSIBILITIES</p><p>Regional and National Workshops</p><p>“Your Educational Scholarly Project: From Idea to Design to Dissemination”. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Monday, May 5, 2014. </p><p>“You can be a Successful Educational Scholar: Developing your Scholarship Roadmap through use of Expert Research Mentoring” Association of Pediatric Program Directors Pre-Conference Workshop, Chicago, IL, April 1, 2014. Workshop Co-Leader.</p><p>“Emotional Intelligence (EI) Assessment and Development in Students and Residents: The New Imperative for Improving Health Care Outcomes and Physician Wellness” Association of Pediatric Program Directors and COMSEP combined Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, April 13, 2013. Workshop Co- Leader. Heather McPhillips, MD MPH Curriculum Vitae “Shaping the Future of Pediatric Education in a Competency-Based World” Association of Pediatric Program Directors and COMSEP combined Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, April 12, 2013. Workshop Co- Leader.</p><p>“Your Educational Scholarly Project: From Idea to Analysis to Dissemination” Association of Pediatric Program Directors and COMSEP combined Annual Meeting Pre-Conference Workshop, Nashville, TN, April 10, 2013. Workshop Leader.</p><p>“Introduction to Educational Scholarship: How to Make Your Innovation Count!” Association of Pediatric Program Directors Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, March 3, 2012. Workshop Leader</p><p>“Associate Program Directors: Adapting and Innovating for a Productive Career” Association of Pediatric Program Directors Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, March 2, 2012. Workshop Co-Leader</p><p>“Using LEAN QI Methods to Make Changes in Your Residency Program: An Experiential Workshop”. Association of Pediatric Program Directors Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, March 2, 2012. Workshop Leader</p><p>“Be Not Afraid: Educational Research and Your Friendly Neighborhood IRB” The 2012 ACGME Annual Educational Conference, Orlando, FL, March 2, 2012. Workshop Co-Leader</p><p>“Introduction to Educational Scholarship: From Ideas to Scholarship” Association of Pediatric Program Directors and COMSEP combined Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, April 30, 2009. Workshop Co-Leader</p><p>“Faculty Development Session: Feedback” Department of Pediatrics WWAMI Retreat, Cheyenne, WI, May 30, 2009. Workshop Co-Leader</p><p>“Ask-Tell-Ask: A Tastier Feedback Sandwich” Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI, May 4, 2008. Workshop Co-Leader</p><p>“Outcomes Project Phase 3: What's Toyota Got To Do With It?” Association of Pediatric Program Directors Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI, May 2, 2008. Workshop Leader</p><p>“Teaching Residents Behavior Change Counseling to Enhance Patient-Centered Communication Skills” Association of Pediatric Program Directors Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI, May 2, 2008. Workshop Leader</p><p>“Teach to Your Strengths and Adapt to Your Learners! Understanding Individual Teaching and Learning Preferences to Maximize Your Teaching Potential.”, Association of Pediatric Program Directors Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 4, 2007. Workshop Leader</p><p>“Coaching Elite Learners”, AWARE Retreat, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle WA, June 5, 2006. Workshop Leader</p><p>“Teach to Your Strengths and Adapt to Your Learners! Understanding Individual Teaching and Learning Styles to Maximize Your Teaching Potential.”, Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 1, 2006. Workshop Leader</p><p>“Incorporating Patient Safety into the Curriculum and Culture of Pediatric Residency”, Association of Pediatric Program Directors Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 1, 2004. Workshop Leader</p><p>Updated 03/01/2013 Page 3 of 15 “Ideas that Work: Promoting Work-Life Balance in a Pediatric Residency Program”, Association of Pediatric Program Directors Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 1, 2004. Workshop co-facilitator</p><p>“Personal Styles and the Impact on Workgroups”, Department of Pediatrics Annual WWAMI Faculty Retreat, Anchorage, AK, July 2003. Workshop Leader</p><p>Curriculum Development </p><p>Continuity Clinic Topic of the Week: I developed and coordinate a web-based teaching curriculum for residents to be used during continuity clinic across all continuity sites and contributed 15 individual topics since inception (co-developers were Dr. Jeff Wright and Dr. Kyle Yasuda). 2004-present</p><p>Resident Systems Improvement Conference: I co-developed a noon conference series on patient safety and quality improvement issues related directly to housestaff’s care of patients at Children’s Hospital. 2004-present</p><p>R1 to R2 Transition Seminar: I developed and lead ½ day workshop on teaching and leadership skills for residents beginning second year of residency each year. 2000-present</p><p>Resident-Nurse Collaboration Workshop: I helped to develop and lead a workshop at the Department of Pediatrics Annual Intern Retreat on resident/nurse collaboration. 2002-present</p><p>Teaching Residents to Teach Workshop: Co-leader of annual two-hour workshop to develop resident teaching skills during Intern Retreat. 2002-present</p><p>Intern Retreat Faculty: I attend annual five-day retreat to facilitate discussions on various topics and to co-lead sessions listed above as well as sessions on parent-resident relationships, balancing work and family and cultural competency. 2001-present</p><p>Clinical Teaching and Supervision</p><p>Supervision of 4-6 residents in Continuity Clinic ½ day a week including pre-clinic conference teaching on general pediatric topics. 2000-present</p><p>Attending on the newborn nursery service one month per year with supervision of residents and medical students and clinical teaching on related topics. 2000-present</p><p>Attending on the general medicine inpatient service one month per year with supervision of residents and medical students and clinical teaching on related topics. 2000-present</p><p>Circumcision Clinic: Attending in circumcision clinic supervising family medicine, pediatric and ob/gyn residents (approximately 4 clinics per year). 2009-2011</p><p>Lectures and Local Workshops</p><p>“Evidence Based Medicine Journal Club: Meta-analysis”, University of Washington Pediatric Residency Noon Conference, Seattle, WA, 10/25/2000.</p><p>“Immunizations: Principles and Practice” Pharm 514, University of Washington School of Nursing, (Annual 90 minute lecture to nurse practitioner students). 2001-2004 Heather McPhillips, MD MPH Curriculum Vitae “Update on Childhood Immunizations”, 13th Annual Help on the Line Conference, Seattle, WA, 3/23/2001.</p><p>“Fever in Newborns and Infants”, UW Family Medicine Residency Lecture Series, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 8/14/2002.</p><p>“Behavior: Birth to Toddler”, UW Family Medicine Residency Lecture Series, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 8/13/2003.</p><p>“Behavior: Birth to Toddler” Pediatric Residency Noon Conference Series, University of Washington, Department of Pediatrics. 2003-present</p><p>HuBio 526, University of Washington School of Medicine, “The First Year: Infant Development” (Annual one-hour lecture to medical students). 2003-2006.</p><p>“Teaching in Continuity Clinic”, Community Preceptors Annual Meeting, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 1/27/2004.</p><p>“Fellow’s as Teachers”, University of Washington, Department of Pediatrics’ Annual Fellow’s Day, September 2004.</p><p>“Personal Style and Teaching Style”, University of Washington, Department of Pediatrics’ Faculty Meeting, October 2004.</p><p>“Communication, Teaching and Learning Styles”, University of Washington, School of Medicine, Faculty Development Workshop, March 29, 2005. Workshop co-leader (50% effort)</p><p>“Think Inside the Box! Incorporating Patient Safety into the Curriculum and Culture of Residency Training”, Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center’s Patient Safety Conference, October 5, 2005.</p><p>“Proficiency in Teaching Workshop for Fellows and Junior Faculty”, Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington, May 17, 2006. Workshop co-leader (35% effort)</p><p>“The Intern Retreat: A 30-Year Tradition”, University of Washington Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds, June 22, 2006.</p><p>“The One-Minute Preceptor”, University of Washington Teaching Scholars Cohort, December 14, 2007.</p><p>“Teamwork and Communication Preferences” Three hour workshop at GME office retreat. July 30, 2008.</p><p>“General Pediatric Topics of Interest”, University of Washington Department of Pediatrics, Third-Year Clerkship Lecture Series. (Approximately 6 lectures per year beginning February 2008).</p><p>“Proficiency in Teaching Workshop for Fellows and Junior Faculty”, Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington, May 15, 2011. Workshop co-leader.</p><p>“Teamwork and Communication Preferences” LEND orientation, University of Washington, September 26, 2011.</p><p>Updated 03/01/2013 Page 5 of 15 “Resident Application and Behavioral Interviewing” University of Washington Program Director’s Series. Richard Shugerman, MD and Heather McPhillips, MD. October 13, 2011</p><p>“Motivational Interviewing for Pediatric Rheumatology” Division of Rheumatology, Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington, February 2 and March 10, 2012.</p><p>EDITORIAL RESPONSIBILITIES</p><p>N/A</p><p>SPECIAL NATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES</p><p>2012 Member, Federation of Pediatric Organization’s (FOPO) Pediatric Training along the Continuum Workgroup. 2012 Expert Reviewer, ACGME GME Focus 2010-13 Chair, Research Task Force, Association of Pediatric Program Directors 2010-13 Co-Chair, Associate Program Director Special Interest Group, Association of Pediatric Program Directors 2012 APPD LEARN Proposal Review Committee 2011 Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Moderator for Medical Education Platform Session (also in 2007, 2008, 2010) 2010-12 Annual Meeting Program Committee, Association of Pediatric Program Directors 2010-11 Abstract Reviewer, Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Medical Education 2010-present Abstract Reviewer, Association of Pediatric Program Directors Annual Meeting 2009-11 Vice-Chair, Association of Pediatric Program Directors Research Task Force 2008-9 Nominating Committee Member, Association of Pediatric Program Directors. 2005-present Association of Pediatric Program Directors Research Task Force Committee Member 2002 Ambulatory Pediatric Association’s Educational Guidelines for Residency Training in General Pediatrics Revision Project, section contributor to Well Child Care. 2000 Technical Reviewer, National Network for Immunization Information’s resource kit for health care providers: Communicating with Patients about Immunization 1999.2000 Consultant, Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Immunization Finance Policies. Report entitled Calling the Shots available from National Academy Press, 2000.</p><p>SPECIAL LOCAL RESPONSIBILITIES</p><p>2013-14 Member, UW School of Medicine Curriculum Renewal Patient Care Committee 2013 Pediatric Committee on Faculty Diversity, Seattle Children’s Hospital and UW Department of Pediatrics 2012-13 Member, UW School of Medicine Curriculum Renewal Assessment Committee 2012 Interim Director, University of Washington Newborn Nursery (March-June 2012) 2011-12 Leader, Supervision Task Force, UW Graduate Medical Education 2011-12 Department of Pediatrics Diversity Committee on Retention Member 2010 Ward Restructuring RPIW, Process Owner, June 2010, Seattle Children’s Hospital 2010 Feeding Tube Management Advisory Group, Seattle Children’s Hospital 2010 Duty Hours Task Force, University of Washington School of Medicine 2009 Search Committee Member, Assistant Dean of GME, University of Washington School of Medicine 2008 ICU Rounding RPIW: Management Guidance Team Member 2008 Communication Focus Group, Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center Medical Staff (committee member) Heather McPhillips, MD MPH Curriculum Vitae 2008 UpToDate ad hoc review committee member, University of Washington School of Medicine 2008 ICU Standard Handoffs MD to MD (RPIW): Workshop member. 2007 Senior Resident on the Wards Rapid Process Improvement Workshop (RPIW): Workshop member. 2006 Medication Reconciliation Rapid Process Improvement Workshop (RPIW): Management Guidance Team Member 2004-2005 Faculty Development Sub-Committee, Inpatient Medicine Project, Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center 2003-present Quality Improvement Steering Committee, Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center 2003 Inpatient Medicine Project RPIW: Workshop member 2001-present Intern Selection Committee, Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington 2000-present Residency Committee, Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington</p><p>RESEARCH FUNDING</p><p>ACTIVE</p><p>2012 AAP Healthy Living Grant “EverybodyPlays: A partnership between WCAAP and the UW pediatric residency program” Source: American Academy of Pediatrics Role: Collaborator (PI Mollie Grow, MD) Amount Funded: $25,000</p><p>COMPLETED</p><p>2007 Training Pediatric Interns in Behavior Change Counseling and Using OSCEs to Assess Skills. Source: Association of Pediatric Program Directors Role: Principal Investigator Total Amount Funded: $10,000 Budget Period: 7/07 – 7/08 Project Description: This special projects fund award allowed us to conduct OSCEs on all 29 pediatric interns in the 2007-8 intern class to determine if a shorter training in collaborative management is effective in changing OSCE scores.</p><p>2006 Asthma Management Support Program: Teaching Collaborative Management to Pediatrics Residents. Source: National Institutes of Health Role: Co-investigator at 10% FTE Principle Investigator: Paula Lozano, MD, MPH Total Amount Funded: $150,000 Budget Period: 5/06- 4/08 Source: NHLBI Project Description: This is a three-year randomized controlled study examining the impact of teaching pediatric residents “brief negotiation” communication skills to help change negative health behaviors (such as medication adherence, exposure to tobacco smoke, diet, exercise) in their patients with asthma and obesity. I will be involved in curriculum development and refinement, development of pre and post-test standardized patient encounters and evaluation of these tapes using a standardized scoring format as well as manuscript preparation.</p><p>Updated 03/01/2013 Page 7 of 15 2005 Primary Care Diversity Initiative Source: President’s Diversity Appraisal Implementation Fund Role: Co-Principle Investigator Total Amount Funded: $45,000 Budget Period: 7/1/05 to 6/30/08</p><p>2005 Asthma Management Support Program: Teaching Collaborative Management to Pediatrics Residents. Source: Group Health Community Foundation Role: Co-investigator at 4% FTE Principle Investigator: Paula Lozano, MD, MPH Total Amount Funded: $67,646 Budget Period: 4/1/05 to 3/31/06</p><p>2002 HMO Research Network CERT Prescribing Safety Program. Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Role: Lead Investigator for Pediatric Errors Principle Investigator: Rich Platt, MD (Harvard Pilgrim Health Plan, Boston, MA) Direct Costs to Group Health Cooperative (Year Two): $82,570 Total Amount Funded: $2,747,791 (Y2 award) Budget Period: 9/27/01 to 8/31/04</p><p>Project Description: The larger HMO Research Network CERT project is a multi-year and multi-million dollar study aimed at assessing medication errors in ambulatory settings across 10 geographically diverse HMOs in the United States. The pediatric group specifically examined the frequency of off-label prescribing in children, (2) medication dosing errors, (3) inappropriate laboratory monitoring in children.</p><p>2002 Prevalence and Strategies for Appropriate Prescription Medication Dosing for Children Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Role: Lead Investigator Principle Investigator: Joe Selby, MD MPH (Kaiser Permanente Northern California) Total amount funded: $194,836</p><p>Project Description: A descriptive study to assess the prevalence of ambulatory pediatric medication dosing errors in 2000 children under age 17 and to describe the effectiveness of computerized prescription writing to prevent medication errors. This study took place and three HMOs that are part of the HMO Research Network CERT: Group Health Cooperative (Seattle, WA), Fallon Community Health Plan (Boston, MA) and Kaiser Permanente Northwest (Portland, OR).</p><p>1998 A Survey of Pediatricians and Family Physicians on Beliefs and Practices Associated with Rotavirus Vaccine. Source: Ambulatory Pediatric Association Immunization Special Projects Award Role: Principle Investigator and Lead Investigator Amount funded: $8,000</p><p>1998 Quantifying HIV-1 RNA in the Cerebrospinal Fluid and Blood of HIV-1 Infected Children with and without Neurologic Symptoms. Source: Clinical Research Center, University of California San Francisco Heather McPhillips, MD MPH Curriculum Vitae Role: Co-Principle Investigator and Lead Investigator Amount funded: $20,000 Principle Investigator: Diane Wara, M.D., Professor, Division of Immunology, Department of Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco</p><p>1997 Quantifying HIV-1 RNA in the Cerebrospinal Fluid and Blood of HIV-1 Infected Children with and without Neurologic Symptoms. Source: National Institute of Health Clinical Research Scholar Award Amount funded: $96,562 (7/1/97-7/1/98) Role: Principle Investigator and Lead Investigator Mentor: Diane Wara, M.D., Professor, Division of Immunology, Department of Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco</p><p>PUBLICATIONS</p><p>Section A: Peer-Reviewed Journals</p><p>1. Fairbrother G, Kuttner H, Miller W, Hogan R, McPhillips H, Johnson K, Alexander ER. Findings from Case Studies of State and Local Immunization Programs. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 19 (3S); October 2000.</p><p>2. McPhillips H, Gallaher M, Koepsell T. Infants Hospitalized Early are at Increased Risk for Future Serious Injury. Injury Prevention 7(2); June 2001, 150-4.</p><p>3. McPhillips H, Davis R, Marcuse E, Taylor J. The Rotavirus Vaccine’s Withdrawal and Physician Trust in Vaccine Safety Mechanisms: A National Survey of Pediatricians and Family Physicians. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 155 (9); September 2001, 1051-6.</p><p>4. Thompson D, McPhillips H, Davis R, Lieu T, Homer C, Helfand M. Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Summary of Evidence. JAMA; October 24/31, 2001, 2000-2010.</p><p>5. Keren R, Helfand M, Homer C, McPhillips H, Lieu T. Projected Cost-Effectiveness of State- Wide Universal Newborn Hearing Screening. Pediatrics; November 1, 2002, 855-864.</p><p>6. Klein E, Jackson JC, Kratz L, Marcuse E, McPhillips H, Shugerman R, Watkins S, Stapleton FB. Teaching Professionalism to Residents. Academic Medicine; January 2003, 26-34.</p><p>7. Andrade SE, Gurwitz, JH, Davis RL, Chan KA, Finkelstein JA, Fortman K, McPhillips H, Raebel MA, Roblin D, Smith DH, Ulcickas Yood M, Morse AN, and Platt R. Prescription Drug Use in Pregnancy. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology; August 2004, 398-407.</p><p>8. McPhillips H, Stille C, Smith D, Pearson J, Stull J, Hecht J, Miller M, Davis R. Methodological Challenges in Describing Medication Dosing Errors in Children. In: Henriksen K, Battles J, Marks E, Lewin DI, editors. Advances in patient safety: from research to implementation. Vol. 2, Concepts and methodology. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; February 2005, 213-223.</p><p>9. Cohen A, Rivara F, Marcuse E, McPhillips H, Davis R. Are Language Barriers Associated with Serious Medical Events in Pediatric Hospitalized Patients? Pediatrics, September 2005, 575-579. Updated 03/01/2013 Page 9 of 15 10. McPhillips H, Stille C, Smith D, Pearson J, Stull J, Hecht J, Debellis K, Miller M, Kaushal R, Andrade S, Gurwitz J, Davis R. “Potential Medication Dosing Errors in Outpatient Pediatrics” Journal of Pediatrics, December 2005, 761-767.</p><p>11. Andrade S, Raebel M, Morse A, Davis R, Chan KA, Finkelstein JA, Fortman K, McPhillips H, Roblin D, Smith DH, Ulcickas Yood M, Platt R, Gurwitz J. “Use of Prescription Medications with a Potential for Fetal Harm among Pregnant Women” Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, August 2006, 546-54.</p><p>12. McPhillips HA, Burke A, Sheppard K, Pallant A, Stapleton FB, Stanton B. Towards Creating Family Friendly Work Environments in Pediatrics: Baseline Data from Pediatric Department Chairs and Pediatric Program Directors. Pediatrics. March 2007; 119: E596-E602</p><p>13. Davis RL, Rubanowice D, McPhillips HA, Raebel MA, Andrade SE, Smith D, Yood MU, Platt R. Risks of congenital malformations and perinatal events among infants exposed to antidepressant medications during pregnancy. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. October 2007; 16(10):1086-94</p><p>14. Opel DJ, Shugerman RP, McPhillips HA, Swanson WS, Archibald S, Weldin J, Diekema DD. Professionalism and the Match: A Pediatric Residency Program’s Post-Interview No-Call Policy and its Impact on Applicants. Pediatrics. October 2007; 120(4): e826-31</p><p>15. McPhillips HA, Stanton B, Zuckerman B, Stapleton FB. The Role of a Pediatric Department Chair: Factors Leading to Satisfaction and Burnout. Journal of Pediatrics. October 2007; 151(4): 425-30</p><p>16. Andrade SE, McPhillips H, Loren D, Raebel MA, Lane K, Livingston J, Boudreau DM, Smith DH, Davis RL, Willy ME, Platt R. Antidepressant medication use and risk of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2009 Mar;18(3):246-52.</p><p>17. Lozano P, McPhillips H, Hartzler B, Robertson AS, Runkle C, Scholz KA, Stout JW, Kieckhefer G. Randomized Trial of Teaching Brief Motivational Interviewing to Pediatric Trainees to Promote Healthy Behaviors in Families. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. June 2010; 164(6): 561-566.</p><p>18. Davis R, Eastman D, McPhillips H, Raebel M, Andrade S, Smith D, Yood M, Platt R. Risks of congenital malformations and perinatal events among infants exposed to calcium channel and beta-blockers during pregnancy. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2011 Feb; 20(2):138-45.</p><p>19. Lipstein EA, Kronman MP, Richmond C, Nyweide-White K, Shugerman RP, McPhillips H. Addressing Core Competencies Through Hospital Quality Improvement Activities: Attitudes and Engagement. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 2011 Sept; 3(3): 315-319.</p><p>20. McPhillips H, Frohna JG, Murad MH, Batra M, Panda M, Miller MA, Brigham TP, Doughty RA. Enhancing Teamwork Between Chief Residents and Residency Program Directors: Description and Outcomes of an Experiential Workshop. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 2011 Dec; 3(4): 592-594. Heather McPhillips, MD MPH Curriculum Vitae 21. Tan C, Johnston H, Hirschfeld M, Tryck S, Stapleton B, Batra M, Marshall S, McPhillips H, Shugerman R. The University of Washington Pediatric Alaska Track: A Novel Approach to Training Primary Care Pediatricians. Journal of Graduate Medical Education. In press.</p><p>22. Nayaran A, McPhillips H, Anderson M, Gardner L, Larrabee J, Mann K, Spector N. Faculty Development for Associate Program Directors: Needs Assessment and Recommendations. Academic Pediatrics. Accepted pending revisions.</p><p>Section B: Review Articles and Book Chapters</p><p>23. McPhillips H, Alexander E. "Immunization Policies and Funding in Washington State," January 2000. Case study prepared for the IOM Committee on Immunization Finance Policies available electronically from the National Academy Press at</p><p>24. McPhillips H, Marcuse E. Vaccine Safety. Current Problems in Pediatrics 31(4); April 2001, 91- 121.</p><p>25. Helfand M, Thompson DC, Davis RL, McPhillips H, Homer CJ, Lieu TL. Newborn Hearing Screening: Systematic Evidence Review. Prepared for Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. AHRQ Publication No. 02-S001, October 2001.</p><p>26. Chen L, Downing A, McPhillips H. “Applying for Residency in Pediatrics”. In Insider Tips for the Match. Wiley. Oxford, UK. In Press</p><p>Section C: Editorials, Letters, Reviews</p><p>27. McPhillips H. Commentary on article “Early identification and treatment of hearing impairments in children may improve language development”. Journal of Pediatrics. July 2010; 157(1): 171.</p><p>Section D: Manuscripts Under Review</p><p>ABSTRACT PRESENTATIONS</p><p>McPhillips H, Thompson D, Davis R. “U.S. Preventive Services Task Force: Methods for an Evidence- Based Guideline on Universal Newborn Hearing Screening”, National Research Service Award (NRSA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 6/23/99. Poster presentation</p><p>McPhillips H, Thompson D, Davis R. “Universal Newborn Hearing Screening: A Systematic Evidence Review”, Ambulatory Pediatric Association Region IX, X Meeting, Carmel, CA, 2/13/00. Platform presentation</p><p>McPhillips H, Gallaher M, Koepsell T. “Children Hospitalized Early are at Subsequent Risk for Serious Injury”, Ambulatory Pediatric Association Region IX, X Meeting, Carmel, CA, 2/13/00. Platform presentation </p><p>McPhillips H, Thompson D, Davis R. “Universal Newborn Hearing Screening: A Systematic Evidence Review”, Pediatric Academic Societies and American Academy of Pediatrics joint meeting, Boston, MA, 5/13/00. Poster presentation Updated 03/01/2013 Page 11 of 15 McPhillips H, Gallaher M, Koepsell T. “Children Hospitalized Early are at Increased Risk for Serious Injury”, Pediatric Academic Societies and American Academy of Pediatrics joint meeting, Boston, MA, 5/13/00. Poster Symposium presentation</p><p>McPhillips H, Davis R, Marcuse E, Taylor J. “Rotavirus Vaccine’s Withdrawal and Physician Trust in Vaccine Safety Mechanisms: A National Survey”, Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 5/01/01. Poster Symposium presentation</p><p>McPhillips H, Davis R, Hecht J, Stille C and the HMO Research Network CERT. “Off-label Prescription Drug Use in Children”, HMO Research Network Meeting, Denver, CO 4/1/03. Poster presentation</p><p>McPhillips H, Davis R, Hecht J, Stille C and the HMO Research Network CERT. “Off-label Prescription Drug Use in Children”, Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Seattle, WA, 5/5/03. Platform presentation</p><p>McPhillips H, Kratz L, Shugerman R, Klein E, Stapleton B. “Collaboration Between Resident Physicians and Registered Nurses During Residency Training“, Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Seattle, WA, 5/6/03. Poster presentation</p><p>McPhillips H, Stille C, Smith D, Pearson J, Stull J, Hecht J, Debellis K, Miller M, Kaushal R, Davis R. “Medication Dosing Errors in Ambulatory Pediatrics”, Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Seattle, WA, 5/3/04. Platform presentation</p><p>McPhillips H, Stille C, Smith D, Pearson J, Stull J, Hecht J, Debellis K, Miller M, Kaushal R, Davis R. “Medication Dosing Errors in Ambulatory Pediatrics”, HMO Research Network Meeting, Detroit, MI, 5/4/04. Invited platform presentation</p><p>McPhillips H, Coffey T, Pease C, Hagland G, Migita D, Tamura G, Shugerman R. “How Lean Processing Methods took Resident and Attending Physicians out of their Team Rooms and Onto the Wards for Multidisciplinary Family-Centered Rounds”, National Initiative for Children’s Healthcare Quality (NICHQ), 4th Annual Forum for Improving Children’s Health Care, San Diego, CA, 3/1/05. Poster presentation</p><p>McPhillips H, Coffey T, Pease C, Shugerman R. “When Cultures Collide: Strategies for Implementing Rapid Change Within an Academic Teaching Program”, Association of Pediatric Program Directors Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. 5/13/05. Poster presentation</p><p>Coffey T, McPhillips H, Migita D, Tamura G, Mullin K, Hagland G, Labib P, Shugerman R, Stapleton B. “Do Multidisciplinary Walk Rounds Result in Earlier Discharges in an Academic Teaching Hospital?” Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Washington, D.C., 5/15/05. Poster presentation</p><p>Migita D, Tamura G, Shugerman R, Hagland G, McPhillips H, Mullin K, Labib P. “The Effect of a Standardized Rounding Practice on Patient Satisfaction”, National Association of Children’s Hospitals and Related Institutions Annual Meeting, Indian Wells, CA, 10/12/2005. Poster presentation</p><p>Buitiu T, McPhillips H, Zimmerman J. “Pediatric Residents and Graduates Evaluation of their Residency Training in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine”, Society of Critical Care Medicine’s 35th Annual Congress, San Francisco, CA 1/2006. Poster presentation Heather McPhillips, MD MPH Curriculum Vitae Shugerman R, McPhillips H, Opel D, Weldin J, Swanson W, Diekema D. Professionalism and the Match , Association of Pediatric Program Directors’ Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 28, 2006. Poster presentation</p><p>Lewis C, Linsenmayer K, McPhillips H, Williams A, Mouradian W. “Preventive Dental Care for Children in the US: Are We Making Progress?”, Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 30, 2006. Platform presentation</p><p>Lipstein E, Kronman M, Nyweide-White K, Richmond C, Shugerman R, McPhillips H. “How does Resident Participation in Hospital-Initiated Quality Improvement Activities Affect Attitudes about Quality Improvement and Hospital Engagement”, Association of Pediatric Program Directors’ Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 4, 2007. Platform presentation and poster presentation</p><p>Lozano P, McPhillips H, Hartzler B, Robertson A, Runkle C, Scholz K, Stout JW, and Kieckhefer G. Collaborative Management in Pediatrics: A Pilot RCT of Teaching Brief Motivational Interviewing to Pediatric Trainees. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI, May 4, 2008. Platform presentation</p><p>Batra M, Pak-Gorstein S, Johnston B, Yasuda K, Shugerman R, Lago S, McPhillips H. Simultaneous Development and Implementation of Residency Pathways in Global Health and Community Pediatrics and Advocacy. Association of Pediatric Program Directors’ Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 17, 2010. Poster presentation.</p><p>Bell S, Metz J, Nielsen K, McPhillips H, Batra M, von Alvensleben J, Shugerman R. H1N1 is no Fun: Lessons in Disaster Preparedness. Association of Pediatric Program Directors’ Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 17, 2010. Poster presentation.</p><p>Bell S, McPhillips H, Shugerman R. Recruitment of Diverse Housestaff in Pediatrics: Strategies for Success. Association of Pediatric Program Directors’ Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 17, 2010. Poster presentation.</p><p>Bell S, McPhillips H, Shugerman R. Recruitment of Diverse Housestaff in Pediatrics: Strategies for Success. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., May 1, 2010. Poster presentation.</p><p>Batra M, Pak-Gorstein S, Walson J, Otieno P, Lago S, Piper B, Naulikha J, McPhillips H, Johnston B, Shugerman R. Development of a more sustainable and ethical resident training experience in global child health Consortium of Universities for Global Health Annual Meeting 2010 Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, September 20. Oral presentation.</p><p>Batra M, Pak-Gorstein S, Walson J, Naulika J, Wamalwa D, McPhillips H, Johnston B, Shugerman R. . A Sustainable and Ethical Model for Residency Training in Global Child Health: The University of Washington -- University of Nairobi Pediatric Residency Partnership. ACGME National Meeting, Nashville, TN, March 4, 2011. Poster presentation.</p><p>Hartford E, Martyn M, Quitiquit C, Batra M, Morelli S, Shugerman R, McPhillips H. Standardizing Handoffs in the Era of Resident Shift Work: IAMSAFER. ACGME Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL, March 2, 2012</p><p>Updated 03/01/2013 Page 13 of 15 Hartford E, Martyn M, Quitiquit C, Batra M, Marshall S, McPhillips H, Shugerman R. QuIP It: Establishing a Quality Improvement Rotation for Residents. Association of Pediatric Program Directors Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, March 30, 2012. Poster presentation.</p><p>Davis J, Wong C, Johnson E, May A, Greenzang K, Batra M, Shugerman R, McPhillips H. Developing a Novel Model for Decreasing Evening Sign-Out Interruptions. Association of Pediatric Program Directors Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, April 12, 2013. Poster presentation.</p><p>Batra M, Shugerman R, Whitlock K, McPhillips H. A Longitudinal Study of Pediatric Resident Burnout. Association of Pediatric Program Directors Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 4, 2014. Poster presentation.</p><p>Downing A, Chen L, Davis J, Whitlock K, McPhillips H, Marshall S, Shugerman R, Kendermore D, Stapleton B, Batra M. A Comparison of Faculty and Resident Rank Lists in Predicting Pediatric Resident Performance and Career Choice. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., May 3, 2014. Platform presentation.</p><p>Batra M, Shugerman R, Whitlock K, McPhillips H. A Longitudinal Study of Pediatric Resident Burnout. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., May 3, 2014. Poster presentation.</p><p>INVITED PRESENTATIONS</p><p>“Systematic Evidence Review of Universal Newborn Hearing Screening”, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Meeting, Washington, DC, 9/24/99.</p><p>“Update on Washington State Case Study of Immunization Policy from 1994-199”, Institute of Medicine, Committee on Immunization Finance Policies and Practices, 10/13/99.</p><p>“Update on Immunizations in Neonatal ICU Infants”, National Conference of Neonatal Nursing, Seattle, WA, 4/12/00. </p><p>“The new pneumococcal conjugate vaccine”, University of Washington Family Medicine Residency Noon Conference, Yakima, WA, 3/21/2001.</p><p>“Vaccine Safety”, WWAMI Visiting Professor Lectureship, Yakima Pediatrics and Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic, November 13-14, 2003.</p><p>“Off-Label Medication Use in Children”, HMO Research Network Conference, CERT session, May 5, 2004.</p><p>“Medication Safety in Ambulatory Pediatrics” as part of invited panel for session on pediatric patient safety, Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research (AHRQ) Annual Patient Safety Meeting, Washington, D.C., June 6, 2005.</p><p>“Medication Safety in Outpatient Pediatrics” Invited Speaker for AAP Webinar as part of the Safer Healthcare for Kids lecture series. February 15, 2007.</p><p>“Affecting Behavior Change: Collaborative Management of Chronic Issues in Pediatrics” Harbor- UCLA Annual Resident Retreat. Invited speaker for three hour workshop on October 9, 2008. Heather McPhillips, MD MPH Curriculum Vitae “Understanding Teaching and Learning Preferences to Maximize Your Teaching Potential” Harbor- UCLA Annual Resident Retreat. Invited speaker for two hour workshop on October 9, 2008.</p><p>“Quality Improvement 101: Tools for Change” APPD National Meeting Pre-conference Workshop. Miami, FL, March 31, 2011. Invited workshop faculty member.</p><p>“Be Not Afraid. Educational Research and your IRB” APPD National Meeting Invited Workshop. Miami, FL, April 1, 2011. Co-Leader</p><p>“Teaching Learners of Different Learning Styles” Virginia Mason Internal Medicine Hospitalist Retreat, August 13, 2011.</p><p>“Talking with Parents about Childhood Overweight” Group Health Cooperative CME Course: Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine for Primary Care. February 10, 2012. Invited speaker.</p><p>Updated 03/01/2013 Page 15 of 15</p>

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