Unicef in the Press

Unicef in the Press

<p>UNICEF IN THE PRESS EMERGENCY RELIEF Skopje Office July 2007 Title: Macedonian radio Original title: Central news Newspaper: 15:30 Date: 30 July 2007 Author: Stevce Mitrevski Dimensions: Page No: The Office of UNICEF delivered first aid to Bitola for sanctioning the damages from the big fire. This organization donated USD 30,000. The assistance consists of food, blankets, and hygienic means. The representative of UNICEF, Mrs. Hong Vej Gao pointed out that part of the means come today and the rest will come in several phases. “UNICEF strives for full integration of the marginalized groups of the population in Macedonia, especially for integration of the marginalized group of children in RM,” Hong Vej Gao, representatives of UNICEF in Skopje said. UNICEF also provided USD 100,000 for the social and health sector for the whole country. Hong Vej Gao added that they will carry on helping and she got informed in details by her host, the Mayor of Bitola Vladimir Talevski about the problems of the children, especially the Roma population which was mostly damaged by the big fire. </p><p>TV: MTV 1 Programme: Central news Time: 19:30 Date: 30 July 2007 Author: Stevce Mitrevski Dimensions: Page No: The Office of UNICEF delivered first aid to Bitola for sanctioning the damages from the big fire. This organization donated USD 30,000. The assistance consists of food, blankets, and hygienic means. The representative of UNICEF, Mrs. Hong Vej Gao pointed out that part of the means come today and the rest will come in several phases. “UNICEF strives for full integration of the marginalized groups of the population in Macedonia, especially for integration of the marginalized group of children in RM,” Hong Vej Gao, representatives of UNICEF in Skopje said. UNICEF also provided USD 100,000 for the social and health sector for the whole country. Hong Vej Gao added that they will carry on helping and she got informed in details by her host, the Mayor of Bitola Vladimir Talevski about the problems of the children, especially the Roma population which was mostly damaged by the big fire. </p><p>Title: Plamenka was born on fieriest night Lelja Memishkovska went into labor when the fire came just several meters from Original title: their shack, while her husband did not know whether to put out the fire or to save the three children Newspaper: Plamenka se rodi vo najplamenata nok Date: Dnevnik Author: 31 July 2007 Dimensions: Zhaneta Zdravkovska Page No: 365 cm2 The newest resident of the Romani settelement in Bitola – Plamenka Memishovska came into the world on the fieriest night when the fires raged around Bitola. The baby was born on July 23rd, when the fiery tongues threatened to engulf the cardboard shack in which the Memishovski family lives. The father is proud he succeeded in saving his family shack so Plamenka can have a home when she returns from the hospital. Still, lots of things are missing for this Romani family. UNICEF answered the calls for air from the Bitola Municipality. Officials from this organization brought diapers and other hygiene products to the family yesterday. “UNICEF provided USD 30,000 for emergency aid for Bitola. These means are especially directed for aiding the small children,” said Hongwei Gao, representative of UNICEF in Macedonia. </p><p>Title: MTV 1 Original title: Central news Newspaper: 19:30 Date: 30 July 2007 Author: Stevce Mitrevski Dimensions: Page No: The Office of UNICEF delivered first aid to Bitola for sanctioning the damages from the big fire. This organization donated USD 30,000. The assistance consists of food, blankets, and hygienic means. The representative of UNICEF, Mrs. Hong Vej Gao pointed out that part of the means come today and the rest will come in several phases. “UNICEF strives for full integration of the marginalized groups of the population in Macedonia, especially for integration of the marginalized group of children in RM,” Hong Vej Gao, representatives of UNICEF in Skopje said. UNICEF also provided USD 100,000 for the social and health sector for the whole country. Hong Vej Gao added that they will carry on helping and she got informed in details by her host, the Mayor of Bitola Vladimir Talevski about the problems of the children, especially the Roma population which was mostly damaged by the big fire. </p><p>On the night when the surrounding of Bitola was burning, Plamenka was Title: born Original title: Nokta koga gorese kaj Bitola se rodi Plamenka Newspaper: Utrinski Vesnik Date: 31 July 2007 Author: S.T.G. Dimensions: 270 cm2 Page No: Plamenka is the newest resident of the settlement Pesocna Voda in Bitola. She was born on the night when the fire raged around the city. Father Guner is overwhelmed by unsorted emotions. He is happy but worried for the future of his family. He barely managed to safe his home from the fire. Yesterday Mayor of Bitola Vladimir Talevski was visited by Hongwei Gao, the Representative of UNICEF office in Macedonia. “We provided USD 30,000 as emergency aid for Bitola. Part of the equipment arrives today, while the rest is due in the following days. We also provided additional aid of USD 100,000 for the entire country, for the health and the social sector, i.e. the institutions which are in charge of providing aid to children,” said Ms. Gao. </p><p>Title: Fires rage again and are tough to put out Original title: Pozarite pal plamnuvaat i tesko se gasnat Newspaper: Utrinski Vesnik Date: 31 July 2007 Author: Svetlana Unkovska Dimensions: 180 cm2 Page No: The fires cannot be put out completely, while those that were kept under control are raging again. Solunska Glava, Skopska Crna Gora, Galichica, the Prilep region and several points in Tetovo and Bitola are engulfed in the fires again. Several countries sent aid in firefighting airplanes, helicopters and other equipment. Equipment was donated by Norway in value of EUR 0.5 million, UNDP announced USD 100,000 in material-technical means, while Poland, Great Britain and Denmark provided firefighting equipment. UNICEF announced they will donate USD 130,000 in aid for Bitola and for protection of the women and children. The Crisis Management Center expressed deep gratitude for the offered and submitted aid from all the countries that answered the call in the days of need during the crisis situation with the fires all over Macedonia. </p><p>Title: Emergency aid for Bitola by UN Original title: Interventna pomos od UN za Bitola Newspaper: Nova Makedonija Date: 31 July 2007 Author: Editorial Staff Dimensions: 63 cm2 Page No: The Organization of the United Nations provided aid of USD 30,000 as emergency aid for the Municipality of Bitola and it should arrive in the following days, the UNICEF representative in Macedonia Hongwei Gao announced yesterday after meeting Bitola Mayor Vladimir Taleski. UNICEF also provided additional aid of USD 100,000 for the entire country, especially for the health-care and the social sector, i.e. for all the institutions that are in charge of offering aid to children. UNICEF aids the Government of the Republic of Macedonia in the social and the education sector, but when we have situations like this, UNICEF is fully dedicated to aiding the efficient handling of the crisis situations with the purpose of protecting the lives of children and improving their wellbeing, Hongwei Gao stresses. </p><p>Title: Aid for Bitola provided by UNICEF Original title: Newspaper: Pristigna pomosh za Bitola od UNICEF Date: Vreme Author: 31 July 2007 Dimensions: Editorial Staff Page No: 76 cm2 Aid in amount of USD 30,000 was approved by UNICEF for covering the damages that were caused by the great fire in Bitola. Additional aid in amount of USD 100,000 should be also provided for the entire state, first and foremost for the health-care and the social sector. UN Help for Bitola</p><p>(Reported on 30. 07. 2007 in electronic media and on 31. 07. 2007 in print media)</p><p>UN secured equipment worth 30,000 American dollars for direct assistance for Bitola Municipality. “ The equipment is expected to come one the following days,” stated Hongwei Gao, UNICEF Representative in Macedonia, after the meeting with Bitola Mayor Vladimir Taleski. “UNICEF secured additional aid of 100,000 dollars for the whole state, especially for the health and social sector i.e. for all institutions responsible for child services. UNICEF helps Macedonian government in social security and education sector, but when such emergent situations are in question, UNICEF is entirely dedicated to helping with more efficient management with crisis situation in order to improve children lives and welfare,” she emphasised. Sources: Vreme; Nova Makedonija; A1; Kanal 5; Sitel; Telma; MTV; MIA; Makfax </p><p>Title: Macedonian radio Original title: Central news Newspaper: 15:30 Date: 31 July 2007 Author: Editorial Staff Dimensions: Page No: The agencies from the world organization provided assistance in value of USD 230,000 for handling the fires in Macedonia. The assistance comes as support to the Government activities for supplying equipment for protection. According to the announcements, UN will sent experts from the field of environment who will evaluate the ecological damage from the fires. Part of the means will be used for acquisition of field vehicles, alleviation of the access to the rural areas caught in fires and cooling systems for the health and social institutions. </p><p>TV: Sitel Programme: Central news Time: 18:00 Date: 31 July 2007 Author: Editorial Staff Dimensions: Page No: The Office of United Nations provided a grant for urgent needs in value of at least USD 230,000 for the people caught by the recent fires and the municipalities burnt down from the fires. They have provided field vehicles for alleviation of the access to the population in the rural areas caught in the fires, cooling systems and water supplies. The French Embassy announced that a team of six firemen from France arrived today in Skopje, who will help in the fight against forest fires. T-Mobile donated EUR 20,000 for supplies of equipment for the firemen for handling the fires and also opened a special telephone number for collection of financial means for the damaged regions in this country. </p><p>TV: Telma Programme: Central news Time: 18:30 Date: 31 July 2007 Author: Editorial Staff Dimensions: Page No:</p><p>The problem with the fires on several locations and the fight against them carries on. UN and several European countries announced they would provide concrete help. EU also announced that 22 fires are active in Macedonia and that we need international assistance. </p><p>TV: A1 Programme: Central news Time: 19:00 Date: 31 July 2007 Author: Editorial Staff Dimensions: Page No: Russia suggested to the Balkan countries to form a joint air force for handling the fires, considering that in this way the countries from the region will be much more efficient. Fortunately, the fires in the country are slowly going down. The agencies of UN provided grant of USD 230,000 as assistance for handling the fires in Macedonia. Today, the Government thanked to the countries that helped: Croatia, Slovenia, Germany and Turkey with helicopters, and France, Austria and Sweden for their experts, and Norway, Sweden and UNDP for the equipment they provided. </p><p>Title: Winds rage up untamed fires Subtitle Large international aid for handling the fires in Macedonia Original title: Vetrovite gi razgoruvaat nedoizgasnatite pozari Newspaper: Utrinski Vesnik Date: 01 August 2007 Author: Svetlana Unkovska Dimensions: 494 cm2 Page No: More and more countries and international organizations send aid to Macedonia for improvement of the situation with the fires. Several countries sent firefighting airplanes and helicopters, while other sent equipment. The office of the permanent coordinator of the humanitarian activities of UN in Macedonia provided means of USD 30,000. UNDP provided USD 100,000 for support of the government in the firefighting and aid for the citizens, and together with the other agencies of the UN it will aid in the process of summing up the damages and the estimation of the vastness of the ecological catastrophe. UNICEF directed its assistance toward the victims of the Bitola settlement Bairm where they will donate basic supplies for them. </p><p>Title: UN donates USD 230,000 for extinguishing of the fires Subtitle Macedonia gets foreign aid Original title: OON ni donira 230.000 dolari za suzbivanje na pozarite Newspaper: Dnevnik Date: 01 August 2007 Author: Editorial Staff Dimensions: 135 cm2 Page No: 5 The agencies of the UN provided aid of USD 230,000 for handling the fires throughout Macedonia. Grant for emergency needs of USD 30,000 was provided by the office of UNOCHA. Aid of USD 100,000 for support of the government’s activities was provided by UNDP, with which protection equipment will be purchased, and estimation of the damages will be done. Basic supplies, such as blankets, bed linen, hygiene products and water for the residents of the Bair settlement in Bitola was provided by UNICEF. </p><p>Title: Donations for fighting the fires Subtitle The fires awake the whole world Original title: Donacija za borba protiv ognot Newspaper: Lajm Date: 01 August 2007 Author: Editorial Staff Dimensions: 270 cm2 Page No: 9 Aid comes from all sides to Macedonia in the fight against the fires raging throughout the entire country. The UN office of coordination of the humanitarian activities awarded USD 30,000 as grant intended for provision of means for support of the persons who are victims of the fires. Aid of USD 100,000 was donated by the UNDP for support of the government’s activities in the provision of safety equipment and estimation of the damages from the fires. UNICEF awarded aid for means for the residents of the settlement Bair in Bitola, which was also hit by the fires. The WHO provided technical recommendations for extreme climate conditions, health recommendations for the population and general information for the health workers. </p><p>Title: International community provides aid Subtitle Many fires still active Original title: Megunarodnicite obezbedija pomos Newspaper: Koha Date: 01 August 2007 Author: G.M. Dimensions: 190 cm2 Page No: 1 The agencies of the World Organization provided aid of USD 230,000 for handling the fires throughout Macedonia, it was announced in Skopje. Grant for emergency needs of USD 30,000 was provided by the office of UNOCHA. Aid of USD 100,000 for support of the government’s activities was provided by UNDP, with which protection equipment will be purchased, and estimation of the damages will be done. Basic supplies, such as blankets, bed linen, hygiene products and water for the residents of the Bair settlement in Bitola was provided by UNICEF. Title: Only five out of 560 fires are active Subtitle Directorate for Protection and Salvation Original title: Od 560 pozari, samo 5 se aktivni Newspaper: Koha Date: 04 August 2007 Author: Gent Memeti Dimensions: 361 cm2 Page No: 4 Almost all fires in Macedonia were extinguished, the officials of the Directorate for Protection and Salvation informed. The said that at this moment only small number of fires is active in Macedonia and these fires are expected to be localized soon. “At the moment in Macedonia there are only four to five active fires. This means that out of 44 fires in one day, the culmination that took place on July 25, today there are only five fires. They should be localized soon”, said Kosta Jovchevski, new General Manager of the Directorate for Protection and Salvation. There are evaluations that the fires in Macedonia caused damage in amount of about EUR 40 million. The Macedonian Government makes efforts to cover the damage by requesting aid from the foreign states, while the organizations as UNDP and UNICEF also offered their help.</p><p>Title: UN gives aid to Macedonia Subtitle Original title: OON I dade poddrska na Makedonija Newspaper: Fakti Date: 01 August 2007 Author: Editorial Staff Dimensions: 90 cm2 Page No: 6 The UN office of coordination of the humanitarian activities awarded USD 30,000 as grant intended for provision of means for support of the persons who are victims of the fires. Aid of USD 100,000 was donated by the UNDP for support of the government’s activities in the provision of safety equipment and estimation of the damages from the fires. UNICEF awarded aid for means for the residents of the settlement Bair in Bitola, which was also hit by the fires. Also, the WHO provided technical recommendations for extreme climate conditions, health recommendations for the population and general information for the health workers.</p>

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