Personnel Biodata

Personnel Biodata

<p> Personnel Biodata</p><p>Name : Dr. B. D. Mandaokar</p><p>Designation : Scientist -“F”</p><p>Date of Birth : 05. 01. 1957.</p><p>Gender: Male</p><p>Qualification: M.Sc, Ph.D. FPbs. </p><p>Marital Status : Married.</p><p>Languages known: Marathi, English and Hindi.</p><p>Recognition: Joint Secretary of Palaeobotanical Society, India.</p><p>Nationality: Indian.</p><p>Research area: Tertiary sediments of northeast India.</p><p>Field of Specialisation: Palynology, Palaeopalynology, Fungi and Palaeobotany.</p><p>Paper published: Approximately 50 research paper published.</p><p>Permanent Address: 30, Gittikhadan Layout, Pratapnagar Road, (Maharashtra) Nagpur– 440022.</p><p>Address for Correspondence : Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, 53, University road, Lucknow – 226007</p><p>Telephone no: +91 – 0522- 2740959, Fax: +91-0522-2740485/2740098.</p><p>E- mail: [email protected] </p><p>Publication list:</p><p>1. Mandaokar, B.D. (1990). Palynology of Miocene rocks around Maibong, Assam. Geophytology. 20 (1): 24 -29.</p><p>2. Mandaokar, B.D. (1992). Fungal remains from Jeypore Colliery Tikak Parbat Formation, Assam, India. Jour. Rec. Adv. Appli. Sci. 7: 79 -83.</p><p>3. Mandaokar, B.D. (1993). A palynological investigation of the Tikak Parbat Formation (Oligocene) of Dangri Kumari Colliery, Dibrugarh district, Assam, India. Tertiary Research. 14 (4): 127 -139. 4. Mandaokar, B.D. (1995).Morphotaxonomic advances of Polypodiaceous spores under light and scanning electron microscope from Ledo Colliery. Jour. Rec. Adv. Appli. Sci. 10 (1&2): 17 - 29.</p><p>5. Mandaokar, B.D. (1995). Stratigraphy of Ledo Colliery with special reference to Tikak Parbat Formation in Tinsukia district, Upper Assam. Jour. Rec. Adv. Appli. Sci. 10 (1&2): 5 -15.</p><p>6. Venkatachala, B.S., Saxena, R. K., Singh, H.P., Kar, R.K., Tripathi, S.K.M., Kumar, M., & Ambwani, K. (1996). Indian Tertiary Angiosperm pollen: A critical assessment. Palaeobotanist. 43(2): 106 -138.</p><p>7. Mandaokar, B.D. (1996). A note on occurrence of reworked palynofossils in Tikak Parbat Formation Ledo Colliery of Barail Group, Assam, India. Jour. Rec. Adv. Appli. Sci. 11(1&2): 16 – 24.</p><p>8. Mandaokar, B.D. (1996). Dillisporites, a new genus from Dilli Colliery, Tikak Parbat Formation (Oligocene), Dibrugarh district, Assam, India. Jour. Rec. Adv. Appli. Sci. 11(1&2): 29 – 33.</p><p>9. Mandaokar, B.D. (1996). Palynology of coal bearing sediments of Tikak Parbat Formation, Dilli Colliery (Dilli – Jeypore Coalfields), Assam, India. Jour. Rec. Adv. Appli. Sci. 11(1&2): 38 – 45.</p><p>10. Mandaokar, B.D. (1997). Dangripites, a new palynomorph from the Tikak Parbat Formation (Oligocene) of Dangri Kumari, Upper Assam. Palaeobotanist. 46 (3): 70 -72.</p><p>11. Mehrotra, R.C. & Mandaokar, B.D. (1998). Fossil wood resembling Duabanga from Tipam Sandstone of Makum Coalfield, Assam. Geophytology. 26(2): 99 -101.</p><p>12. Mandaokar, B.D. (1999). Occurrence of palynofossils from Tirap River Section (Disang Group) Tinsukia district, Assam, India. Palaeobotanist. 48: 239 – 243.</p><p>13. Mandaokar, B.D. (2000). Palynology of the coal bearing sediments of Tikak Parbat Formation (Oligocene) from Namchik River Section, Changlang district, Arunachal Pradesh. Tertiary Research. 20: 37 – 46.</p><p>14. Mandaokar, B.D. (2000). Palynology of the coal bearing sediments of Tikak Parbat Formation from Jeypore Colliery. Dilli –Jeypore coalfield, Assam, India. Jour. Palaeontol.Soc.India. 45: 173 – 185.</p><p>15. Mandaokar, B.D. (2000). Palynology and palaeoenvironment of the Bhuban Formation (Early Miocene) of Ramrikawn near Aizawl, Mizoram,India. Palaeobotanist. 49: 317 – 324. 16. Mehrotra, R.C. & Mandaokar, B.D. (2000). Leaf impressions from Oligocene sediments of Manmao; Tirap district, Arunachal Pradesh, India. Palaeobotanist. 49: 311 – 315.</p><p>17. Mehrotra, R.C. , Mandaokar, B.D., Tiwari, R.P. & Rai, V. (2001). Teredolites clavatus from the Upper Bhuban Formation of Aizawl district, Mizoram, India. Ichnos. 8: 63 – 68.</p><p>18 . Mandaokar, B.D. (2002). Palynological investigation of the Tikak Parbat Formation (Late Oligocene) of Borjan area, Nagaland, India. Minetech. 23: 19 -39.</p><p>19 . Mandaokar, B.D. (2002). An interpretation of the palynology and palaeoecology of the Early Miocene, Dulte Formation, Mizoram, India. Palaeobotanist. 51: 113 – 121.</p><p>20 . Mandaokar, B.D. (2002). Palynoflora from Keifang Formation (Early Miocene) Mizoram, India and its environmental significance. Jour. Palaeontol.Soc.India. 47: 77 – 83.</p><p>21. Mehrotra, R.C. & Mandaokar, B.D. (2002). A new leguminous fruit from the Middle Bhuban Formation of Aizawl, Mizoram, India. Jour. Geol. Soc. India. 60: 465 -466.</p><p>22. Agarwal, A. & Mandaokar, B.D. (2002). A leaf impression from Early Miocene of Mizoram, India. Phytomorphology. 52: 311 -314.</p><p>23 . Mandaokar, B.D. (2003). Palynology and palaeoecological consideration of Middle Bhuban Formation (Miocene), Lawngtlai, Mizoram, India. Gondwana. Geol. Magazine. Special Vol.6: 185 – 193.</p><p>24. Jouhri, A.K., Mandaokar, B.D., Mehrotra, R.C., Tiwari, R.P. and Singh, A.P. (2003). Corals and foraminifera from the Miocene (Upper Bhuban Formation) of Mizoram, India. Jour. Palaeont. Soc. India. 48: 135 -138.</p><p>25. Mandaokar,B.D., Mehrotra, R.C. and Mazumdar, B.I. (2004). Fossil woods from Middle Miocene sediments of Karimganj, Assam, India. Geophytology 32 (1&2) : 119 -121.</p><p>26. Mandaokar, B.D. (2004). Age and depositional environments of Upper Bhuban Formation of Champhai area (Eastern Mizo Hills) India. - a palynological approach. Palaeobotanist 53 : 143 -153. </p><p>27. Venkatachala, B.S., Mandaokar, B.D. and Kar, R.K. (2004). Further observation on Meyeripollis Baksi & Venkatachala, 1970. Palaeobotanist 53 :169 -172.</p><p>28. Mandaokar, B.D. (2005). Palynostratigraphy of coal – bearing sediments of the Tikak Parbat Formation from Ledo Colliery, Makum Coalfield, Assam, India. Minetech 26 (1): 46 -55. 29. Mandaokar, B.D. and Ambwani, K. (2005). Tertiary plants and Animal megafossils from Arunachal Pradesh, India. “Gleanings in Botanical Research Current Scenario”. Prof. C.G.K. Ramanujam Commemoration volume, 259 -265</p><p>30. Mandaokar, B.D., Upadhyay Rajeev & Mehrotra R.C. (2005). Animal remains from the Bhuban Formation of the Lunglei District, Mizoram . Jour. Geol. Soc. India. 65 : 624 -628. (Impact Factor Journal 0.42) </p><p>31. Kar, R.K., Mandaokar, B.D. & Kar Ratan (2005). Mycorrhizal fossil fungi from the Miocene sediments of Mizoram, Northeast India. Current Science 89 (2): 257 -259. (Impact Factor Journal 0.80)</p><p>32. Tewari, Rajni., Mandaokar,B.D. & Mehrotra, R.C.(2005). Fossil cuticles from the Oligocene sediments of northeast India. Jour. Appli. Bioscience. 31 (2): 90 -104.</p><p>33. Kar, R.K., Mandaokar, B.D. & Kar Ratan (2006). Fossil aquatic fungi from the Miocene sediments of Mizoram, Northeast India. Current Science 90 (3): 291 292. (Impact Factor Journal 0.80) </p><p>34. Agarwal, A., Prasad, M. & Mandaokar, B.D. (2006). A leguminous fossil wood from the lower Miocene sediments of Tuipang area, Mizoram, India. Jour. Appli. Bioscience. 32 (2): 168 -173.</p><p>35. Chauhan, M.S., & Mandaokar, B.D. (2006). Pollen proxy records of vegetation and climate change during recent past in Southern Mozoram, India. Gond. Geol. Mag. 21 (2): 115 -119.</p><p>36. Agarwal, A., & Mandaokar, B.D. (2007). A fossil fruit resembling Terminalia belerica (Gaertn) Roxb. from Sesawng, Bhuban Formation (Lower Miocene), Aizawl district, Mizoram. Phytomorphology 57 (1 &2) :59 -62.</p><p>37. Mandaokar, B.D. (2007). Depositional environment and age of the Bhuban Formation of Chawngte area, Mizoram, India. Gond. Geol. Mag. 22 (1): 37 - 46.</p><p>38. Prasad, M., Kapgate, D.K. & Mandaokar, B.D. (2007). Fossil wood Ailanthoxylon indicum Prakash from the Deccan intertrappean beds of Shibla, Yeotmal District, Maharashtra, India. Jour. Appli. Bioscience. 33 (2): 141 – 144.</p><p>39. Mandaokar, B.D., Chauhan, M.S. & Chatterjee, S. (2008). Fungal remains from late Holocene lake deposit of Demagiri, Mizoram, India and their palaeoclimatic implications. Jour. Palaeont. Soc. India. 53 (2): 197 -205. </p><p>40. Mandaokar, B.D. (2008). Meliola from Tertiary coal of Tipanpani Makum Coalfield, Assam and its environmental significance. Minetech 28 (4): 44 -49. 41. Mandaokar, B. D. (2008). Palynostratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of the Upper Bhuban Formation (Early Miocene) of Diltlang, Chhimtuipui district, Mizoram. Gond. Geol. Mag. 23 (2): 135-144.</p><p>42. Prasad. M., Agarwal, A. & Mandaokar, B.D. (2009). New Species of the Genus Anisopteroxylon from the Lower Sediments of Mizoram, India. Phytomorphology 59 (1&2): 1 -6</p><p>43. Kar, R., Mandaokar, B.D. Kar, R.K. 2010. Fungal taxa from the Miocene sediments of Mizoram northeast India. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 158 (3-4): 240-249. (Impact Factor Journal 1.226)</p><p>44. Mehrotra, R.C., & Mandaokar, B.D. (2010). First record of gymnosperm wood from the Tertiary sediments of North – east India. Geophytology 38 (1&2): 15 – 18.</p><p>45. Mandaokar B.D. (2011). Two new fossil fungi from the Ledo Colliery (Oligocene) Makum Coalfield, Assam, India. Gondwana Geological Magazine . 26(1):57 -62</p><p>46. Bera S.K., Mandaokar, B.D. & Dixit S 2011. Late Holocene vegetation development and climate fluctuations in and around Northeastern Tripura, India. Special Publication on Jour. Geol. Soc. India.</p><p>47. Mandaokar, B.D., Mukherjee, D. & Kapgate, D.K. (2012). A new arecoid fossil palm wood from the Deccan Intertrappean sediments of Dhaba, Maharashtra, India. J.Palaeontol. Soc. India. 57(1): 83 -89.</p><p>48. Mandaokar, B.D. & Mukherjee, D. (2012). Palynological investigation of early Miocene sediments exposed at Panruti, Cuddalore district,Tamil Nadu, India. International Journal of Geology, Earth and Environmental Sciences. 2(3): 157 – 175.</p><p>49. Mandaokar, B.D. & Ambwani, K. (2013). A new cocoid fossil palm peduncle from the Miocene sediments of Tripura. Geophytology.</p><p>50. Mandaokar, B.D. & Mukherjee, B. (2013). Fossil remains from the Miocene sediments of Paravur area Kerala district, India: their palaeoclimatic significance. Gondwana. Geol.Magazine.</p><p>51. Mandaokar, B.D. (MS). Dinoflagellate cysts from Bilkhawthlir – Rengtekawn in kolasib, district, Mizoram, India : their biostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental implications .</p><p>52. Mandaokar, B.D. (MS). Stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental significance of Miocene palynomorphs from Bhuban Formation (Early Miocene) Unakoti, Tripura, India.</p>

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