<p> REGULAR MEETING DOLGEVILLE VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES DECEMBER 19, 2016</p><p>PRESENT: MAYOR: Bruce T. Lyon TRUSTEES: Brock Herringshaw Robert G. Maxwell Mary E. Puznowski William Reynolds</p><p>ATTORNEY: Norman Mastromoro</p><p>RECORDING SECRETARY: Tammy L. Chmielewski</p><p>ATTENDED: Chet Szymanski, Richard Congdon, Amber Kraszewski, Scott Hongo and Ruth Jaikin.</p><p>Mayor Bruce T. Lyon at Village Hall called this Regular Meeting of the Dolgeville Village Board of Trustees to order at 6:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance recited.</p><p>Approval of Meeting Minutes By Trustee Maxwell Motion to approve and place on file the meeting minutes of November 21, 2016. Sec. Trustee Reynolds. Ayes all.</p><p>Abstract of Audited Vouchers Resolution # 137-2016 The following resolution offered by Trustee Puznowski and sec. by Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all.</p><p>RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and hereby authorized to sign the Abstract of Audited Vouchers from the following funds for the amount specified:</p><p>GENERAL $ 139,991.67 TRUST & AGENCY $ 1,360.93 SEWER $ 8.630.80 WATER $ 7,319.66</p><p>AYES: Trustees Herringshaw, Maxwell, Puznowski, Reynolds NAYS: None ADOPTED – December 19, 2016</p><p>C.T. Male – I & I Upgrade Chet Szymanski of C.T. Male came before the Board on the following: Gov. Cuomo – 25% State Funding Chet is compiling a time line of documents to present to the Governor to secure the NYS Homeland Security Recovery 25% reimbursement portion for the 2013 flood that is not covered by FEMA. Mayor Lyon and Trustee Reynolds along with C.T. Male Associates and Assemblyman Marc Butler will attend a meeting as scheduled in 2017. The project approved for $ 512,500.00.</p><p>Insurance Closeout PW-00579(1) 4129-DR-NY-PA ID # 43-20731-00 $ 390,236.00 John Lewis of D.H.S.E.S. is looking for insurance closeout information for the 4129-DR-NY PA ID # 043-20731-00. The previous contact for the project was John Houle. The village is naming a new point of contact for the project. Board approved Village Treasurer to complete paperwork for John Lewis as requested. </p><p>FEMA- Upgrade Project bidding for Contract # 1 & # 2 will go out in the Spring-2017.</p><p>Thresher Brook Update Chet presented the preliminary FIRM – Flood Insurance Rate Map dated September 30, 2011. The preliminary map shows the residents in the Thresher Brook area will be out of the flood zone. </p><p>Per Robert Schaefer – FEMA. Please note: The current preliminary mapping for Herkimer County would not be expected to become effective any earlier that mid to late 2018. This suggested timeline is dependent upon there being available funding in FY2017 to allow the Herkimer County project to move forward. Residents would not be able to use the Herkimer County preliminary mapping to remove themselves from the requirements to purchase flood insurance. Flood hazard zone determinations that govern the requirements to purchase flood insurance can only be made from the community’s effective mapping.</p><p>The current village FIRM map dated March 16, 1983.</p><p>Public Comment</p><p>E.C.C. Fire District Ruth Jaikin – Chairman came before the Board on the following: Ruth is requesting the refund check from the workers’ comp. portion regarding fire coverage. The village received the check and Michele is verifying the itemized coverage included in the payment. Village will send to district a.s.a.p.</p><p>Dolgeville Pop Warner Amber Kraszewski – President, Dolgeville Pop Warner came before the Board on the following:</p><p>Pop Warner is requesting approval to place an equipment shed in the area to be determined by all parties involved located at the practice field across from the Dolgeville Firehouse. The shed is approximately 12’ x 16’. The shed will house all equipment as needed for the program. Scott Hong – D.P.W. Superintendent will work with Amber and Brett Mosher in the spring. Building needs a permit.</p><p>Pop Warner Shed Resolution # 138-2016 By Trustee Puznowski Motion authorizing Dolgeville Pop Warner permission to place a shed according to the above requirements. Pop Warner to obtain insurance for the building and list the village as an additional insured. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all.</p><p>AYES: Trustees Herringshaw, Maxwell, Puznowski, Reynolds NAYS: None ADOPTED – December 19, 2016</p><p>Department Heads</p><p>Police Department Provisional Sergeant Richard Congdon came before the Board on the following:</p><p>Rich is requesting permission to purchase a newer car. The current 2006 Chevy Tahoe frame needs repair. Rich is looking at a 2013 Ford Taurus AWD. The Taurus is police equipped with everything except radio. Mileage on Taurus is 35,000 mile and the dealer will provide a lifetime guarantee on the motor/transmission. Vehicle purchase is from another government entity eliminating the need for bidding.</p><p>Police Vehicle Purchase 2013 Ford Taurus AWD Resolution # 139-2016 By Trustee Reynolds Motion to purchase 2013 Ford Taurus AWD as requested purchase price not to exceed $ 15,000.00. Sec. Trustee Maxwell. Ayes all. AYES: Trustees Herringshaw, Maxwell, Puznowski, Reynolds NAYS: None ADOPTED – December 19, 2016</p><p>Rich will provide paperwork to Treasurer – Michele Weakley.</p><p>Temporary/Full Time Police Officer Rich is looking into hiring a temporary/full time police officer with a 90-day appointment and no health insurance.</p><p>Town Police Dept. Rich let the Board know he would need one full time police officer and a new car in order to cover a town police department if the Board is to move forward.</p><p>Taser Training The Police Department will hold Taser training next month, a fee will be charged for outside officers.</p><p>Evidence Room Rich is requesting a second evidence room due to the overcrowding in the present room. Rich will check village hall for an appropriate room for this purpose.</p><p>Police Monthly Report By Trustee Reynolds Motion to approve and place on file the November 2016 Police report as submitted. Sec. Trustee Maxwell. Ayes all.</p><p>D.P.W. D.P.W. Superintendent Scott Hongo came before the Board on the following:</p><p>Salt Allocation The village currently used 141 Tons of salt. The total allotment for the year is 240 Ton. The current price is $ 54- $ 56/Tn. The price goes up 10% after allotment and tonnage requested. Board asked if there was a cheaper more effective product.</p><p>Backhoe Purchase Resolution # 140-2016 By Trustee Reynolds Motion to approve the purchase of 2017Case 580N Backhoe as spec’d by Monroe Tractor less trade in of our current backhoe - $ 14,500.00. Purchase price less trade in $ 71,735.00. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all.</p><p>AYES: Trustees Herringshaw, Maxwell, Puznowski, Reynolds NAYS: None ADOPTED – December 19, 2016 Paving Program Scott will implement a paving program to include camera footage to laterals.</p><p>D.P.W. Monthly Report By Trustee Reynolds Motion to approve and place on file the December 2016 D.P.W. report as submitted. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all</p><p>Water Plant</p><p>Water Monthly Report By Trustee Reynolds Motion to approve and place on file the November 2016 water report as submitted. Sec. Trustee Puznowski. Ayes all.</p><p>Code Enforcement</p><p>Code Enforcement Monthly Report By Trustee Reynolds Motion to approve and place on file the Code Enforcement report as submitted. Sec. Trustee Maxwell. Ayes all.</p><p>Planning Board </p><p>Timothy A. Barnes Planning Board reviewed request by Timothy A. Barnes to change his side lot property line. The Planning Board found that it meets Zoning Law Section 20-10 D1 requirements. The property line adjustment between tax parcel 17 owned by Mr. Barnes and tax parcel 54 owned by Paul Sorano, thus changing tax parcel 17 frontage to 68.2 ft. </p><p>Planning Board Meeting Minutes By Trustee Puznowski Motion to approve and place on file the Planning Board meeting minutes as submitted. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all.</p><p>Treasurer</p><p>Expenditures, Encumbrances, and Appropriations By Trustee Reynolds Motion to place on file the Statement of Expenditures, Encumbrances, Appropriations for the period ending 12/16/16. Sec. Trustee Maxwell. Ayes all.</p><p>Balance Sheet By Trustee Reynolds Motion to place on file the Balance Sheet for the period ending 12/31/16. Sec. Trustee Maxwell. Ayes all. Old Business</p><p>Relay for Life Use of Village Premises Resolution # 141-2016 By Trustee Puznowski Motion granting permission to Relay for Life to be held on June 17, 2017 At Plowe Park and Helterline Park on June 20, 2017 for closing ceremonies. Relay to obtain insurance coverage as needed. Permission granted to close Cramer Lane 6/16/17 – 6/18/17. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all.</p><p>AYES: Trustees Herringshaw, Maxwell, Puznowski, Reynolds NAYS: None ADOPTED – December 19, 2016</p><p>Relay Committee meeting January 31st @ 6.30 p.m. – Dolgeville Central School, Ms. Winkler’s room.</p><p>New Business</p><p>Check Reconciliation Resolution # 142-2016 By Trustee Reynolds Motion to place on file the check reconciliations as presented. Sec. Trustee Maxwell. Ayes all.</p><p>Unemployment Acct. *953 11/1/16 – 11/30/16 Sewer Savings *792 11/1/16 – 11/30/16</p><p>State Small Program *222 11/1/16 – 11/30/16 Helterline Park *784 11/1/16 – 11/30/16 Sewer Waste Hauling *405 11/1/16 – 11/30/16 General Savings *482 11/1/16 – 11/30/16 Water Fund *490 11/1/16 – 11/30/16 Spohn’s Disposal *187 11/1/16 – 11/30/16 Trust & Agency *807 11/1/16 – 11/30/16 D.P.W. Motorized Equip. *788 11/1/16 – 11/30/16 General Fund *315 11/1/16 – 11/30/16 Housing Rehabilitation *299 11/1/16 – 11/30/16 Police Vehicle *500 11/1/16 – 11/30/16 Fire Truck Reserve *518 11/1/16 – 11/30/16 NYS Affordable Housing *598 11/1/16 – 11/30/16</p><p>AYES: Trustees Herringshaw, Maxwell, Puznowski, Reynolds NAYS: None ADOPTED – December 19, 2016 Payroll Certification Resolution # 143-2016 The following resolution offered by Trustee Reynolds and sec. by Trustee Maxwell. Ayes all.</p><p>WHEREAS, Michele Weakley does hereby submit for certification the following payroll period of 11/19/16 – 12/2/16 in the amount of $ 29,082.95 be approved for payment from the appropriation authorized by the Village of Dolgeville Board of Trustees.</p><p>AYES: Trustees Herringshaw, Maxwell, Puznowski, Reynolds NAYS: None ADOPTED – December 19, 2016</p><p>PERMA Occupational Safety Consultants Review Scott Hongo and Tammy Chmielewski met with O.S.C. for a workplace safety review. Review results as follows:</p><p>Last three years loss runs beginning July 1, 2013 – 5 injuries all closed and no lost time. Frequency of employee injuries has been steadily declining with no injuries recorded in 2016. Claims reporting at 80%.</p><p>Claim Management – currently no formal Return to Work program, transitional duty is sought on a case-by-case basis. One area in need of attention is accidental investigation.</p><p>Injury/Illness Prevention – Toolbox safety talks on a weekly basis – need documentation. Pre-work daily meetings held with D.P.W. employees to ensure all participants have appropriate personal protective equipment and a clear understanding of their role in the task. Safety Programs on file include Confined Space, Hazard Communication, and Lockout/Tag out. These programs need updating.</p><p>Tour of D.P.W. Garage and WWTP found both facilities were free and clear of tripping hazards and housekeeping in general was good.</p><p>Workplace violence, sexual harassment, asbestos, and lead awareness training is up to date.</p><p>Recommendations Accident Investigation Procedures – Develop, implement and monitor. Review/Update Safety and Health Programs – identify, evaluate and prevention or control of hazards.</p><p>D.P.W. Garage Bench Grinder – out of adjustment.</p><p>Safety Training – Weekly toolbox talks should be held early in the week to address upcoming operations, and should be documented.</p><p>PERMA website is available for sample programs, training and guidelines.</p><p>By Trustee Reynolds Motion to accept and place on file the PERMA/O.S.C. report dated 11/29/16. Sec. Trustee Maxwell. Ayes all.</p><p>Application – D.P.W. Place on file.</p><p>Water Unit Reduction 53 Dolge Avenue.</p><p>Municipal Consolidation And Effectiveness Competition Mayor Lyon to meet with Herkimer County Mayors.</p><p>Dolgeville Fun and Fitness Area – FAFA Resolution # 144-2016 By Trustee Reynolds Motion agreeing to supply work in kind services for the installation of equipment for FAFA in the Village of Dolgeville. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all.</p><p>AYES: Trustees Herringshaw, Maxwell, Puznowski, Reynolds NAYS: None ADOPTED – December 19, 2016</p><p>Smart Bonds WIFI Proposal Trustee Reynolds informed the Board about a Smart Bond Technology grant that includes WIFI for communities. The grant includes working with National Grid and the local school. Trustee Reynolds will keep the Board updated to see if it is feasible.</p><p>Gov-Pay Board is requesting Treasurer set up Gov-Pay to allow residents to pay water/sewer and village taxes with credit/debit cards. Village Hall Historic Register Trustee Maxwell asked if Village Hall should be on the historic register.</p><p>Village Credit Card Request Treasurer to obtain a village credit card for use as needed.</p><p>Time Warner Internet Request Treasurer to contact Time Warner and give access to Village Clerk on accounts as needed. Board is requesting buyout amount for Cornerstone telephone service regarding internet access.</p><p>Attorney Village Attorney Norman Mastromoro came before the Board on the following:</p><p>DASNY Grant Village Attorney will review DASNY grant application before submittal.</p><p>3 Baker Street Village Attorney spoke with Code Enforcement Officer Barry Vickers 1-2 weeks ago regarding if the property was cleaned up sufficiently and if we should dispose of the case based on his findings.</p><p>Arnold Street Abandonment Jeffrey and Coreena Ouderkirk submitted a letter requesting the purchase of Arnold Street.</p><p>Village Attorney needs to determine if the village owns the street or if it belongs to the heirs of Alfred Dolge. The village will go through meeting minutes to see if there is a record of transfer.</p><p>Future Meetings Regular Meeting – January 16th @ 6:00 p.m. – Village Hall.</p><p>Adjournment By Trustee Reynolds Motion to adjourn regular meeting at 9:08 p.m. Sec. Trustee Herringshaw. Ayes all</p><p>______Mayor</p><p>______Village Clerk</p>
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