It Has Become Increasingly Evident That Atheroma Development Is an Inflammatory Disease

It Has Become Increasingly Evident That Atheroma Development Is an Inflammatory Disease

<p> 1 CVR-2008-348R1</p><p>1Atherosclerosis development in apolipoprotein E-null mice deficient for CD69</p><p>2</p><p>3Manuel Gómez1,5, Silvia M. Sanz-González2,4,5, Yafa Naim Abu Nabah2, Amalia Lamana1, </p><p>4Francisco Sánchez-Madrid1,3 and Vicente Andrés2, 6</p><p>5</p><p>61 Servicio de Inmunología, Hospital de la Princesa, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, </p><p>7 Spain.</p><p>82 Laboratory of Vascular Biology, Department of Molecular and Cellular Pathology and Therapy,</p><p>9 Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, </p><p>10 Valencia, Spain.</p><p>113 Departamento de Biología Vascular e Inflamación. Centro Nacional de Investigaciones </p><p>12 Cardiovasculares, Madrid, Spain.</p><p>13 4 Present address: Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe, Valencia, Spain.</p><p>145 Authors with equal contribution</p><p>156 To whom correspondence should be addressed:</p><p>16 Vicente Andrés, PhD</p><p>17 Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia.</p><p>18 C/ Jaime Roig 11, 46010. Valencia (Spain)</p><p>19 Phone: +34 963391752 Fax: +34 963391751 E-mail: [email protected]</p><p>20</p><p>21Short Title: CD69 and atherosclerosis</p><p>22Word Count Text: 5233</p><p>23Word Count Abstract: 246</p><p>24Number of Figures: 6</p><p>25Supplementary material: Yes</p><p>2 1 1 CVR-2008-348R1</p><p>1ABSTRACT</p><p>2AIMS: Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease regulated by immune mechanisms. </p><p>3CD69 is a cell surface receptor rapidly induced after leukocyte activation at sites of chronic </p><p>4inflammation. Genetic disruption of CD69 in the mouse aggravates collagen-induced arthritis </p><p>5(CIA), and partial depletion of CD69 expressing cells with anti-CD69 monoclonal antibody </p><p>6(mAb) prevents CIA development in wild-type mice, suggesting that this receptor negatively </p><p>7modulates immune and inflammatory responses. It has been recently reported that CD69 is </p><p>8upregulated in a large subset of T cells in atherosclerosis-prone apolipoprotein E-null mice </p><p>9(apoE-/-). In this study, we investigated whether altering CD69 function affects atherosclerosis </p><p>10development. METHODS: We studied native and diet-induced atherosclerosis in apoE-/- and </p><p>11doubly deficient apoE-/-CD69-/- mice and performed expression studies in tissues and primary</p><p>12cells derived from these animals. RESULTS: Plasma cholesterol level was unaffected by </p><p>13CD69 genetic inactivation. Whilst this genetic manipulation led to an elevated production of </p><p>14interferon  and interleukin 10 by activated T cells, apoE-/- and apoE-/-CD69-/- mice fed </p><p>15control and high-fat diet exhibited atheromas of similar size and composition when analyzed at</p><p>16different stages of the disease. Likewise, anti-CD69 mAb treatment had no effect on plasma </p><p>17cholesterol and atherosclerosis burden in fat-fed apoE-/- mice. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast </p><p>18to previous studies highlighting the protective function of CD69 against CIA, an autoimmune </p><p>19inflammatory disease, our results rule out a significant role for CD69 against atherosclerosis in </p><p>20apoE-/- mice, an experimental disease model featuring a local inflammatory response triggered</p><p>21and sustained by alterations in lipid homeostasis.</p><p>2 2 1 CVR-2008-348R1</p><p>1INTRODUCTION</p><p>2</p><p>3 Atherosclerosis and associated cardiovascular disease (e.g., myocardial infarction, </p><p>4stroke, and peripheral vascular disease) are the principal cause of morbidity and mortality in </p><p>5developed countries 1. Neointimal lesion formation due to the progressive accumulation of </p><p>6cellular and non-cellular elements within the subendothelial space of the artery wall is a </p><p>7hallmark of atherosclerosis. Factors contributing to neointimal cell accumulation include the </p><p>8recruitment of circulating leukocytes (mainly monocytes, which differentiate into </p><p>9macrophages, and T cells) and excessive macrophage and vascular smooth muscle cell </p><p>10(VSMC) proliferation 1-4. The activation of neointimal leukocytes triggers an inflammatory </p><p>11response characterized by abundant production of cytokines and chemokines, which lead to </p><p>12exacerbated leukocyte recruitment and proliferation and to the induction of VSMC hyperplastic</p><p>13growth and migration from the tunica media towards the growing neointimal lesion 5, 6, thus </p><p>14contributing to the progression of the disease. </p><p>15 A large body of evidence supports that the inflammatory response associated to </p><p>16atherosclerosis is modulated by both adaptive and innate immune mechanisms 7-9. Monocyte-</p><p>17derived macrophages, cells of the innate immune system which accumulate in plaques as </p><p>18inflammatory foam cells, play an important role in the initiation and progression of </p><p>19atherosclerosis 10, 11. Adaptive immune system cells (e.g., T and B lymphocytes and natural </p><p>20killer T cells) are also present in atheromas, with T cells being the most abundant infiltrating </p><p>21subset of lymphocytes 9. Although it is well known that murine atherosclerosis can be </p><p>22aggravated or attenuated by different subsets of T cells, our knowledge of the molecular </p><p>23mechanisms regulating the balance between pro- and anti-atherogenic immune responses is </p><p>24limited 9, 12. </p><p>2 3 1 CVR-2008-348R1</p><p>1 CD69 is a homodimeric leukocyte transmembrane protein that is transiently expressed </p><p>2in vitro upon cell activation 13-16. Expression of CD69 is detected in small subsets of T and B </p><p>3cells in peripheral lymphoid tissues 17. In addition, CD69 is persistently expressed in the </p><p>4infiltrates of leukocytes produced during the course of chronic inflammatory diseases (e.g., </p><p>5rheumatoid arthritis and chronic viral hepatitis) 18, 19 and autoimmune disorders (e.g., systemic </p><p>6lupus erythematosus insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and autoimmune thyroiditis) 20-22. </p><p>7Whilst some early in vitro findings have suggested a proinflammatory function of CD69 15, 23, </p><p>8subsequent in vivo studies showed that the development of hematopoietic cells, the maturation </p><p>9of T cells and positive and negative selection of thymocytes are normal in CD69-deficient mice</p><p>10(CD69-/-) 24. Remarkably, these mice show an exacerbated form of collagen induced arthritis </p><p>11(CIA) characterized by increased inflammation and augmented production of proinflammatory </p><p>12cytokines (e.g., IL-1 and RANTES) that correlate with diminished local synthesis of </p><p>13transforming growth factor 1 (TGF-1) 25. Moreover, CD69-/- mice challenged with MHC </p><p>14Class Ilo tumors exhibit reduced tumor growth and prolonged survival due to enhanced activity </p><p>15of natural killer cells and reduced production of TGF- 26. Thus, CD69 appears to be a key </p><p>16modulator of in vivo inflammatory responses in different pathological settings 27. Further </p><p>17support to this notion was provided by the observation that systemic treatment with different </p><p>18anti-CD69 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) can either exacerbate or inhibit the course of CIA in </p><p>19the mouse 28. Moreover, the ability of the anti-CD69 mAb 2.3 to reduce inflammation in CIA </p><p>20opens the possibility for its therapeutic use as an anti-inflammatory agent. </p><p>21 Altogether, the aforementioned results underscore CD69 as a negative regulator of </p><p>22autoimmune reactivity and a putative therapeutic target in inflammation. Whilst recent studies </p><p>23using atherosclerosis-prone apolipoprotein E-null mice (apoE-/-) have suggested that the </p><p>24upregulation of CD69 induces the activation of a large pool of T cells during atheroma </p><p>25development 29, it remains to be established whether CD69 expression and atherogenesis are </p><p>2 4 1 CVR-2008-348R1</p><p>1indeed causally linked. To address this question, we investigated in this study the development </p><p>2of atherosclerosis in apoE-/- and doubly deficient apoE-/-CD69-/- mice. Moreover, we </p><p>3examined the consequences of targeting CD69 with mAb 2.3 on atherosclerosis burden in </p><p>4apoE-/- mice. Our results show that neither spontaneously formed nor diet-induced </p><p>5atherosclerosis is altered by in vivo targeting CD69.</p><p>2 5 1 CVR-2008-348R1</p><p>1Methods</p><p>2</p><p>3Expanded methods are provided in Supplementary Material.</p><p>4</p><p>2 6 1 CVR-2008-348R1</p><p>1Mice. The investigation conforms with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals </p><p>2published by the US National Institutes of Health and was approved by the ethics review board</p><p>3of Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. CD69-/- mice backcrossed 12 times on a </p><p>4C57BL6 genetic background 24 and apoE-/- mice (C57BL6/J, Charles River) were mated. The </p><p>5resulting F1 was intercrossed, and F2 apoE-/- and apoE-/-CD69-/- mice were crossed to </p><p>6generate the two experimental groups (apoE-/- and apoE-/-CD69-/-). Genotyping was done by </p><p>7PCR (see sequence of primers in online supplement). </p><p>8 All studies were carried out with males. Spontaneous atherosclerosis was studied in 10-</p><p>9month-old mice always fed a low-fat standard rodent diet (reference 2014, Teklad global </p><p>10rat/mouse chow, Harlan Interfauna). When stated, 3-month-old mice were switched for the </p><p>11indicated time to high-fat diet containing 0.75% cholesterol (reference S8492-E010, Ssniff). </p><p>12Four apoE-/-CD69-/- and two apoE-/- mice died during fat-feeding. Blood was withdrawn </p><p>13from the retroorbital plexus to measure plasma cholesterol level using a liquid stable reagent </p><p>14(WAKO). Cholesterol bound to high-density lipoprotein (HDL-c) and to non-HDL (non-HDL-</p><p>15c) were quantified with the same reagent after precipitation with Dextran-sulphate MgCl2 </p><p>16(SIGMA) as described 30.</p><p>17</p><p>18Anti-CD69 mAb therapy. Three groups of 2-month-old male apoE-/- mice were used. The </p><p>19control group consisted of mice fed with the standard diet throughout the study. Mice of the </p><p>20therapy groups were injected 300 g of antibody (intraperitoneally, once per week) and </p><p>21switched to atherogenic diet for three weeks. Antibody injections were repeated once per week </p><p>22during the 3-week period of fat feeding. First therapy group was injected with the anti-mouse </p><p>23CD69 mAb 2.3 (mouse IgG2a) 28 and the second therapy group received mouse IgG2a anti-</p><p>24human CD4 mAb HP 2/6 as isotype-matched control (IMC). </p><p>25</p><p>2 7 1 CVR-2008-348R1</p><p>1Atherosclerosis studies. Mice were euthanized and their aortas were washed in situ with PBS </p><p>2and fixed with freshly prepared 4% paraformaldehyde/PBS. The heart and aorta were </p><p>3extracted, and fixation continued for 22-28 hours at 4ºC. Atherosclerosis was quantified by </p><p>4computer-assisted planimetry of whole-mounted aortae stained with Oil Red O (0.2% in 80% </p><p>5MeOH, SIGMA) or cross-sections stained with hematoxylin-eosin essentially as described 31, 32.</p><p>6Briefly, 3-mm cross-sections were obtained from 2-3 different zones within the aortic root </p><p>7region and the ascending aorta. In both regions, the extent of atherosclerosis was quantified as </p><p>8the surface of lesion. In cross-sections of the ascending aorta, atherosclerosis was also </p><p>9quantified as the intima-to-media ratio (surface area of the intimal lesion divided by the surface</p><p>10area of the media). For each mouse, the values obtained in the different sections analyzed were </p><p>11averaged. Images were captured with an Olympus CAMEDIA-C5060 wide zoom digital </p><p>12camera mounted on a Zeiss-Axiolab stereomicroscope. The Sigma Scan Pro v5.0 software </p><p>13(Jandel Scientific) was used to quantify atherosclerosis burden by an investigator who was </p><p>14blinded to genotype. Methods for the immunohistopathological characterization of atheromas </p><p>15are in Supplementary Material. </p><p>16</p><p>17Statistical Analysis. Results are reported as mean ± SEM. For comparisons between two </p><p>18groups, differences were evaluated using a two-tail, unpaired t-test. For more than two groups, </p><p>19differences were evaluated using ANOVA and post-hoc Fisher's PLSD test (Statview, SAS </p><p>20Institute). Differences were considered statistically significant at p≤0.05.</p><p>2 8 1 CVR-2008-348R1</p><p>1RESULTS</p><p>2</p><p>3Genetic ablation of CD69 has no effect on diet-induced and spontaneous atherosclerosis </p><p>4in apoE-/- mice</p><p>5The apoE-/- mouse spontaneously develops hypercholesterolemia and complex atherosclerotic </p><p>6lesions, two processes that can be accelerated by a high-fat cholesterol-rich diet 33. We first </p><p>7explored the role of CD69 on diet-induced atherosclerosis by examining 3-month-old apoE-/- </p><p>8and apoE-/-CD69-/- mice which had been challenged with an atherogenic diet for the last 7 </p><p>9weeks prior to sacrifice. Pre-diet plasmatic levels of total cholesterol were similar in both </p><p>10groups of mice (apoE-/-: 26720 mg/dL, apoE-/-CD69-/-: 38116 mg/dL, p>0.05) (Fig.1A). </p><p>11As expected, fat feeding significantly elevated plasmatic cholesterol levels but no statistically-</p><p>12significant differences were detected between apoE-/- and apoE-/-CD69-/- mice (134062 and </p><p>13130460 mg/dL, respectively; both p<0.0001 versus pre-diet) (Fig.1A). In concordance with </p><p>14previous studies in the apoE-/- mouse model, the increase in plasma cholesterol induced by fat </p><p>15feeding was mainly contributed by non-HDL-cholesterol, which was similar in both groups of </p><p>16mice (apoE-/-: 131662 mg/dL, apoE-/-CD69-/-: 127259 mg/dL; both p<0.0001 versus pre-</p><p>17diet) (Fig.1A). We also found no effect of CD69 disruption on atherosclerosis burden within </p><p>18the aortic arch and thoracic aorta, as assessed by Oil Red O staining of whole-mounted vessels </p><p>19(Fig.2A). Consistent with these findings, analysis of the intima-to-media ratio and total lesional</p><p>20surface in cross-sections from the ascending aorta (Fig.2C) and aortic root (Fig.2E) revealed </p><p>21similar extent of atherosclerosis when comparing apoE-/- and apoE-/-CD69-/- mice challenged </p><p>22with the atherogenic diet for 7 weeks. Moreover, atherosclerosis burden was not affected by </p><p>23CD69 deletion in apoE-/- mice fed atherogenic diet for 2 weeks, which developed </p><p>24comparatively smaller aortic atheromas (Fig.S1, online supplement).</p><p>2 9 1 CVR-2008-348R1</p><p>1 It was feasible that a possible subtle effect of CD69 disruption on atherosclerosis might </p><p>2have been masked under highly atherogenic conditions, such as occur in severely </p><p>3hypercholesterolemic fat-fed apoE-/- mice. However, 10-month-old apoE-/- and apoE-/-</p><p>4CD69-/- mice fed standard chow, which exhibited plasmatic total cholesterol <400 mg/dL </p><p>5(Fig.1B), developed atheromas of similar size within the aortic arch and thoracic aorta </p><p>6(Fig.2B), ascending aorta (Fig.2D), and aortic root region (Fig.2F). Immunohistopathological </p><p>7examination of atherosclerotic lesions revealed undistinguishable neointimal accumulation of </p><p>8Mac-3-immunoreactive macrophages, SM-actin-immunoreactive VSMCs, CD4-</p><p>9immunoreactive T cells and collagen when comparing apoE-/- and apoE-/-CD69-/- mice fed </p><p>10either standard chow (Fig.3A) or atherogenic diet (Fig.3B). Collectively, these studies </p><p>11demonstrate that both the size and composition of spontaneously-formed and diet-induced </p><p>12aortic atheromas are unaffected by genetic disruption of CD69 in apoE-/- mice when analyzed </p><p>13at different stages of the disease. </p><p>14 Next, we studied the production of effector cytokines by activated T lymphocytes from </p><p>15apoE-/- and apoE-/-CD69-/- mice. Secreted cytokines were analyzed by ELISA in the </p><p>16supernatant of cultured splenic cells which were activated in vitro with mAb anti-CD3. These </p><p>17studies revealed elevated levels of both the proinflammatory Th1-type cytokine IFN- and the </p><p>18immunosuppressive cytokine IL10 in apoE-/-CD69-/- compared with apoE-/- cells, with the </p><p>19Th2-type cytokine IL4 being unaffected by CD69 ablation (Fig.4A). Thus, despite the lack of </p><p>20effect on atheroma formation, CD69 genetic inactivation in apoE-/- mice affects at least some </p><p>21aspects of the immune reactivity of T lymphocytes. We also investigated by quantitative real-</p><p>22time RT-PCR (qPCR) the expression of CD25, MHC class II and the chemokine receptors </p><p>23CCR7 and CXCR4 in the spleen of mice fed control diet (Fig.4B) or challenged for 6 weeks </p><p>24with the atherogenic diet (Fig.4C). The results of these studies did not reveal statistically-</p><p>25significant differences between groups, thus suggesting that a compensatory upregulation of </p><p>2 10 1 CVR-2008-348R1</p><p>1leukocyte activation molecules in fat-fed apoE-/-CD69-/- mice is unlikely to account for the </p><p>2lack of effect of CD69 inactivation on atheroma development. </p><p>3 Since macrophages play an important role in the initiation and progression of </p><p>4atherosclerosis and upregulate CD69 upon activation 34, we assessed whether CD69 ablation </p><p>5affects the inflammatory state of macrophages. To this end, we analyzed by qRT-PCR the </p><p>6expression of the proinflammatory cytokines TNF- and IFN- in peritoneal macrophages </p><p>7harvested from mice fed control diet. As shown in Fig.4D, both cytokines were expressed at </p><p>8similar levels in apoE-/- and apoE-/-CD69-/- mice.</p><p>9</p><p>10In vivo treatment with the depleting anti-CD69 mAb 2.3 has no effect on atherosclerosis </p><p>11burden in apoE-/- mice</p><p>12We previously showed that CD69 targeting by mAbs affects the course of CIA in the mouse 28. </p><p>13In particular, treatment with anti-CD69 mAb-2.3 reduced the severity of CIA by partially </p><p>14depleting CD69-expressing effector cells. To investigate whether this mAb also protects </p><p>15against atherosclerosis, we studied three groups of apoE-/- mice: untreated group fed control </p><p>16diet, and fat-fed mice which were treated with either anti-CD69 mAb-2.3 or with mAb-isotype-</p><p>17matched control (IMC) (intraperitoneal administration, once per week during the 3-week </p><p>18period of fat-feeding). We first performed flow cytometric analysis of thymocytes isolated </p><p>19from mAb-treated groups and stained ex vivo with an anti-CD69 mAb different from 2.3. As </p><p>20shown in Fig.5A, in vivo treatment with mAb-2.3 greatly reduced CD69 expression in </p><p>21thymocytes as compared with cells from mice treated with control mAb-IMC, thus confirming </p><p>22that mAb-2.3 binds in vivo to CD69 expressing cells. We also examined the production of </p><p>23effector cytokines by splenic cells activated in vitro with anti-CD3 mAb (Fig.5B). These </p><p>24experiments disclosed no statistically significant differences in the production of IFN-, IL4 </p><p>25and IL10 when comparing the treatments with mAb-2.3 and mAb-IMC.</p><p>2 11 1 CVR-2008-348R1</p><p>1 Compared with basal levels in untreated mice fed control diet, plasmatic total cholesterol </p><p>2was similarly elevated in both groups of fat-fed mAb-treated mice (Fig.6A, both p<0.0001 </p><p>3versus control diet). Likewise, atherosclerosis burden was similar in mAb-2.3- and mAb-IMC-</p><p>4treated mice, as revealed by Oil Red O staining of the aortic arch and thoracic aorta (Fig.6B) </p><p>5and quantification of the intima-to-media ratio and total lesion size in cross-sections through </p><p>6the ascending aorta (Fig.6C). Moreover, the area occupied by neointimal macrophages in </p><p>7atheromas from the aortic root was similarly increased in both groups of fat-fed mAb-treated </p><p>8mice compared with controls fed standard chow (Fig.6D). Taken together, these studies </p><p>9demonstrate that treatment with the anti-CD69 mAb-2.3 has no effect on the extent of </p><p>10atherosclerosis in fat-fed apoE-/- mice.</p><p>11</p><p>12</p><p>13DISCUSSION</p><p>14 Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease modulated by both adaptive and </p><p>15innate immune mechanisms 7, 8. It is well known that different subsets of T-cells can exacerbate</p><p>16or attenuate murine atherosclerosis 7-9, 12, therefore understanding the molecular mechanisms </p><p>17that regulate the balance between pro- and anti-atherogenic immune responses is of major </p><p>18importance. We have previously shown that CD69-/- mice display an exacerbated form of CIA,</p><p>19suggesting that CD69 is a negative regulator of inflammatory responses 25, 27. Notably, the </p><p>20percentage of lymphocytes expressing both CD69 and CD3 is 2-3 times higher in apoE-/- mice </p><p>21as compared with wild-type controls, suggesting that atherosclerosis may activate a large pool </p><p>22of T cells through CD69 upregulation 29. This could also be true for monocytes/macrophages, </p><p>23although expression of CD69 in these cells has not been characterized in the context of </p><p>24atherosclerosis. Importantly, dietary factors seem to modulate the immune response associated </p><p>25to atherogenesis. For example, the absence of T and B cells had no effect on the extent of </p><p>2 12 1 CVR-2008-348R1</p><p>1atherosclerosis in apoE-/- mice fed for 12 weeks a fat- and cholesterol-enriched diet, but </p><p>2decreased atherosclerosis burden in apoE-/- mice fed standard chow 35, 36. Therefore, in this </p><p>3study we have examined atherosclerotic lesion formation in apoE-/-CD69-/- doubly deficient </p><p>4mice and in apoE-/- controls receiving either control chow or a high-fat diet to investigate the </p><p>5role of CD69 on both spontaneous and diet-induced atherosclerosis, respectively. In both </p><p>6experimental settings, neither atherosclerosis burden nor lesion composition was altered by </p><p>7CD69 disruption. Of note in this regard, previous analysis of CD69-/- mice did not reveal </p><p>8differences in the phenotype of lymphocyte populations or in the expression of activation </p><p>9markers such as CD25 and CD44 24 (and unpublished results). In the present study, we found </p><p>10that the mRNA level of CD25, MHC class II, and chemokine receptors CCR7 and CXCR4 is </p><p>11not significantly altered in the spleen of apoE-/-CD69-/- mice fed either control or atherogenic </p><p>12diet (Fig.4B,C), suggesting that the lack of effect of CD69 ablation on atherosclerosis is not </p><p>13due to a compensatory upregulation of other immunomodulators. Moreover expression of the </p><p>14proinflammatory cytokines IFN- and TNF- in peritoneal macrophages harvested from </p><p>15apoE-/- mice fed control diet is not affected by CD69 deficiency, suggesting that CD69 is not </p><p>16an important player of macrophage activation in this disease model. Taking together, our </p><p>17results demonstrate that CD69 deficiency does not affect the course of spontaneous and diet-</p><p>18induced atherosclerosis. </p><p>19 In the CIA model, inflammation is triggered by immunization of mice with type II </p><p>20collagen, which generates T- and B-cell responses to collagen that are crucial for disease </p><p>21development 37. Indeed, the aggravation of CIA in CD69-/- mice immunized with collagen is </p><p>22associated with exacerbated responses of T- and B-cell and enhanced inflammation 25. </p><p>23Recently, an effect of CD69 on the differentiation of T lymphocytes to effector cells has been </p><p>24proposed as one of the putative mechanisms responsible for its negative regulatory effect on </p><p>25inflammation during CIA 28. T cells also play crucial roles on atherosclerosis by controlling </p><p>2 13 1 CVR-2008-348R1</p><p>1inflammatory responses through the production of a plethora of regulatory cytokines 7-9, 12. Of </p><p>2particular relevance for the results reported herein, studies using genetically-modified mice </p><p>3have shown that IFN- exerts proatherogenic actions 38, whereas IL10 expression protects from</p><p>4atherosclerosis 39, 40. We found similar number of infiltrating lymphocytes in atherosclerotic </p><p>5lesions of fat-fed apoE-/- and apoE-/-CD69-/- mice (Fig 3B), but secretion of both IFN-and </p><p>6IL10 was significantly elevated in T cells that were isolated from fat-fed apoE-/-CD69-/- and </p><p>7stimulated ex vivo through their T-cell receptor, as compared to apoE-/- control cells (Fig.4A). </p><p>8These results suggest that genetic ablation of CD69 in the mouse increases the immune </p><p>9reactivity of T-cells in a manner that leads to the combined upregulation of proatherogenic </p><p>10(e.g., IFN-and antiatherogenic (e,g., IL10) factors, thus providing a potential mechanism </p><p>11contributing to comparable atherosclerosis development in apoE-/-CD69-/- and apoE-/- mice. </p><p>12It is also noteworthy that T and B cells have been proposed to play a minor role in </p><p>13atherosclerosis in fat-fed apoE-/- mice, suggesting another possible explanation for the lack of </p><p>14effect of CD69 ablation on disease progression under highly atherogenic conditions. Therefore,</p><p>15although our results suggest that CD69 may play a role in the regulation of T-cell </p><p>16differentiation in vivo, as previously proposed 27, additional studies in other well-dissected </p><p>17experimental systems of T-lymphocyte effector differentiation are needed to clarify this point </p><p>18(e.g., antigen-dependent differentiation of lymphocytes from T-cell receptor transgenic mice </p><p>19deficient for CD69).</p><p>20 Our previous studies in the murine CIA model showed that anti-CD69 mAb-2.3 </p><p>21administration partially depleted CD69 expressing activated effector T cells, including IFN-</p><p>22+CD4+ lymphocytes, a response which was accompanied by a significant reduction in both </p><p>23macroscopic inflammation and the production of proinflammatory cytokines, and by an </p><p>24amelioration of disease progression 28. Thus, targeting in vivo CD69 expressing leukocytes by </p><p>25treating with mAb-2.3 might be proposed as a suitable therapeutic agent against inflammatory </p><p>2 14 1 CVR-2008-348R1</p><p>1processes. In the present work, we examined atherosclerosis development in apoE-/- mice </p><p>2treated with mAb-2.3 once per week during a 3-week period of fat feeding. Consistent with our</p><p>3previous findings 28, we observed that mAb-2.3 bound in vivo to CD69-immunoreactive cells, </p><p>4as CD69 expression was reduced in ex vivo stained thymocytes isolated from mAb-2.3- </p><p>5compared to mAb IMC-treated mice (Fig.5A). However, mAb-2.3 did not alter in splenic cells </p><p>6the production of cytokines known to affect atherosclerosis development (e.g., IFN-, IL4 and </p><p>7IL10) (Fig.5B), and failed to exert any significant effect on atheroma formation and neointimal</p><p>8macrophage accumulation in fat-fed apoE-/- mice (Fig.6). These findings suggest that mAb-2.3</p><p>9treatment in apoE-/- mice does not significantly deplete effector T cells, either because </p><p>10exhaustion of these cells is not taking place or the effect is too subtle to alter disease </p><p>11progression. The latter might be the consequence of a relatively low upregulation of CD69 and </p><p>12mild level of T-cell activation locally generated in response to antigens present within the </p><p>13plaques of apoE-/- mice. In contrast, the degree of T-cell activation and the level of CD69 </p><p>14expression in mice immunized with collagen plus complete Freund´s adjuvant to induce CIA is</p><p>15expected to be comparatively much higher, thus favouring the depleting effect of mAb-2.3 and </p><p>16the inhibitory effect on inflammation observed in this model. Although additional studies are </p><p>17required to clarify this important point, our findings seem to rule out the use of mAb-2.3 as a </p><p>18therapy against atherosclerosis. </p><p>19 In summary, contrary to previous studies that highlight a protective role of CD69 </p><p>20against CIA, an autoimmune inflammatory disease, we have shown here that CD69 genetic </p><p>21ablation does not affect the size and composition of aortic atherosclerotic lesions in the apoE-/-</p><p>22mouse, an experimental model in which local inflammation within the artery wall is triggered </p><p>23and sustained by alterations in lipid homeostasis. Moreover, in contrast to the beneficial effect </p><p>24of anti-CD69 mAb-2.3 against CIA, administration of this antibody does not attenuate </p><p>2 15 1 CVR-2008-348R1</p><p>1atherosclerosis development in apoE-/- mice. We therefore conclude that CD69 is not a good </p><p>2therapeutic target in the setting of atherosclerosis.</p><p>3</p><p>4</p><p>5FUNDING</p><p>6Work supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III - Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo of Spain </p><p>7(ISCIII-MSC) (Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Enfermedades Cardiovasculares</p><p>8–RECAVA, and BEFI predoctoral fellowship to SMS-G), Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia </p><p>9of Spain and European Regional Development Fund (grants SAF2004-03057 and SAF2007-</p><p>1062210 to VA, and BFU2005-08435/BMC to FS-M). MG is an investigator of Programa Ramón</p><p>11y Cajal 2002 from Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología of Spain and was supported by grant </p><p>12PI06/0937 from ISCIII-MSC.</p><p>13</p><p>14ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS</p><p>15We thank María J. 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The discontinuous line marks the separation </p><p>11between the aortic arch and thoracic aorta. (C, D) Atherosclerosis quantified as the intima-to-</p><p>12media ratio and lesional surface in hematoxylin-eosin-stained cross-sections obtained from three </p><p>13independent zones of the ascending aorta region adjacent to the aortic valves. (E, F) </p><p>14Atherosclerosis quantified as lesional surface in hematoxylin/eosin-stained cross-sections </p><p>15obtained from three independent zones from the aortic root. For each mouse, the values obtained </p><p>16in the different cross-sections analyzed were averaged.</p><p>17</p><p>18FIG.3: CD69 genetic disruption has no effect on the composition of spontaneously-formed </p><p>19and diet-induced atheromas. Aortic cross-sections were obtained from mice fed control chow </p><p>20(A) or challenged with atherogenic diet for 6-7 weeks (B). Neointimal macrophages, VSMCs </p><p>21and T-cells were identified using anti-Mac-3, anti-SM-actin and anti-CD4 antibodies, </p><p>22respectively. Neointimal collagen content was quantified by Massson’s Trichrome staining. </p><p>23Tissue was embedded in paraffin (anti-Mac-3, anti- SM-actin and collagen, control chow or </p><p>24atherogenic diet for 7 weeks) or Cryoblock (anti-CD4, atherogenic diet for 6 weeks). In the </p><p>2 22 1 CVR-2008-348R1</p><p>1confocal microscopy studies to detect CD4-immunoreactive cells (green signal), nuclei were </p><p>2counterstained with Topro-3 (red signal). Representative images are shown.</p><p>3</p><p>4FIG.4: Effect of CD69 ablation on cytokine production by activated splenic T cells and </p><p>5peritoneal macrophages and on the expression of activation molecules in spleen. (A) </p><p>6Splenocytes obtained from mice fed atherogenic diet for 7 weeks were resuspended in RPMI-</p><p>71640 medium and activated in vitro with anti-CD3 antibody (20 g/ml). After 48 hours, </p><p>8supernatants were collected for ELISA quantification of IFN-, IL4 and IL10. (B-D) qRT-PCR </p><p>9of RNA isolated from spleen of mice fed control diet or challenged for 6 weeks with atherogenic </p><p>10diet, and from peritoneal macrophages of mice fed control diet. Results are normalized with </p><p>11GAPDH (A.U.: arbitrary units). </p><p>12</p><p>13FIG.5: Anti-CD69 mAb 2.3 binds in vivo to CD69 expressing cells but has no effect on </p><p>14cytokine production by splenic T-cells. apoE-/- mice were treated with either anti-CD69 mAb-</p><p>152.3 or with mAb-IMC (intraperitoneally, once per week) during a 3-week period of fat-feeding. </p><p>16(A) Percentage of CD69-expressing cells in total thymocytes determined by flow cytometry (n=4</p><p>17mice per group). The histograms show representative examples and the graph shows the average </p><p>18percentage of CD69+ cells. Note that mAb-2.3 binds in vivo to CD69-expressing thymocytes </p><p>19compared with mAb-IMC. (B) Splenocytes were activated in vitro with anti-CD3 antibody and </p><p>20culture supernatants were collected for ELISA quantification of IFN-, IL4 and IL10. </p><p>21</p><p>22FIG.6: Effect of the anti-CD69 mAb 2.3 on atheroma development. Three different groups of </p><p>23apoE-/- mice were studied: control diet untreated (striped bars), and treated with either anti-</p><p>24CD69 mAb-2.3 (black bars) or with mAb-IMC (white bars) during a 3-week period of fat-</p><p>25feeding (mAb given intraperitoneally, once per week). (A) Total plasma cholesterol level. (B) </p><p>2 23 1 CVR-2008-348R1</p><p>1Atherosclerosis in the aortic arch and thoracic aorta quantified as the ratio of total lesion area </p><p>2versus total area in whole-mounted tissue stained with Oil Red O. Results are presented relative </p><p>3to aortic arch lesion burden in apoE-/- mice (=1). (C) Atherosclerosis quantified as the intima-to-</p><p>4media ratio and lesion size measured in cross-sections of the ascending aorta. (D) Area of </p><p>5atheroma occupied by macrophages as revealed by Mac-3 immunostaining in cross-sections </p><p>6from the aortic root. In C and D, three and two independent cross-sections were measured for </p><p>7each mouse, respectively, and average values were obtained for each mouse. Differences versus </p><p>8untreated mice fed control diet: *, p<0.02; **, p<0.009; † p< 0.003; ††, p<0.0001. None of the </p><p>9parameters analyzed disclosed statistically significant differences when comparing mAb-treated </p><p>10groups.</p><p>2 24</p>

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