Online Training Offered by United Methodist Communications

Online Training Offered by United Methodist Communications

<p> “PEOPLE, LOOK EAST” (UMH #202)</p><p>WEEKLY NEWS FROM THE EAST DISTRICT INDIANA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH May 13, 2014</p><p>EAST DISTRICT CENTER 3645 N BRIARWOOD LANE, SUITE B MUNCIE, IN 47304 EAST DISTRICT WEBSITE (765) 282-2322 OFFICE HOURS 8:30 AM TO 2:30 PM MONDAY- THURSDAY; FRIDAY 8:30 AM TO 1:30 PM</p><p>ONLINE TRAINING OFFERED BY UNITED METHODIST COMMUNICATIONS</p><p>UNITED METHODIST WOMEN SPONSORED MISSION U REGISTRATION NOW OPEN</p><p>LIVE WEBCAST ABOUT ANNUAL CONFERENCE SESSION COMING MAY 4</p><p>OPERATION CLASSROOM WORKTEAM AT BAOMA UMC SCHOOL</p><p>CONTINUING EDUCATION REPORTS DUE MAY 31</p><p>PROFESSIONAL BOUNDARIES AND DIVERSITY TRAINING DATES SET FOR 2014</p><p>2014 INDIANA ANNUAL CONFERENCE SESSION NEWS</p><p>MAKING A GOOD MOVE SEMINAR</p><p>CONTINUING EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES FOR PASTORS</p><p>JOIN BISHOP MIKE ON A 2014 WESLEY HERITAGE TOUR</p><p>COURSE OF STUDY SCHOOL 2013-2014</p><p>PASTORS – HAVE YOU ACTIVATED YOUR INUMC EMAIL ACCOUNT?</p><p>VITAL CONGREGATIONS GOALS</p><p>ABUSE PROTECTION POLICY RESOURCES</p><p>LOCAL CHURCH NEWS AND EVENTS</p><p>YOUTH MINISTRIES</p><p>IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR CALENDAR IMPORTANT LINKS</p><p>2012-2013 EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES</p><p>ONLINE TRAINING OFFERED BY UNITED METHODIST COMMUNICATIONS Online training dates: May 7-June 18</p><p>Start each course when it best fits your schedule and move at your own pace. Each course includes six weeks of ins truction. A facilitator will respond to your work and answer questions via forums.</p><p>A limited number of virtual seats are available and are first come, first serve. Seats will no longer be available after the course is full or after May 6. Click on the title for more information.</p><p> Communicating Faith in the 21st Century – Cost: $29 | Syllabus | Register  Connectional Giving – Cost: $0 | Syllabus | Register  Moodle 100: Basic Training – Cost: $119 | Syllabus | Register  Moodle 300: Course Facilitation – Cost: $119 | Syllabus | Register  Web Ministry 100: What Is Web Ministry? – Cost: $49 | Syllabus | Register  Welcoming Ministry 100 – Cost: $29 | Syllabus | Register</p><p>UNITED METHODIST WOMEN SPONSORED MISSION U REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN GREENCASTLE, Ind. – Mission u is for everyone – women, men, youth, children, laity, clergy – you! Missi on u is where people of all ages come together to grow in understanding of the mission of the church in th e current world context through study, fellowship, worship and fun. Each year, three tracks are featured at the school. This year’s studies are:</p><p> Spiritual Growth: “How is it with your Soul”  Geographic: “The Roma of Europe”  Social Issue: “The Church and People with Disabilities”</p><p>The regular weekday Mission u will be held Tuesday, July 22 through Friday, July 25. Registration deadlin e is July 1. Click here for more information and registration .</p><p>An all day Mission u Sample School will be held Saturday, July 26 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET, 7 a.m. to 3 p. m. ET. Registration deadline is July 21. Click here for more information and registration .</p><p>Both sessions of Mission u will be held at United Methodist-related DePauw University in Greencastle, Ind. Scholarships are available for first time attendees, youth, children, young women (age 18-39) and clergy. Contact your local UMW president for an application form. Local churches and UMW organizations may of fer scholarships also. REGIONAL PRE-ANNUAL CONFERENCE BRIEFINGS COMING SUNDAY, MAY 18 There will be three face-to-face briefings held across the state Sunday, May 18. Times and location of those inform ational meetings are:</p><p> 3 p.m. ET, 2 p.m. CT at Trinity United Methodist Church, 425 S. Michigan Street in Plymouth  3 p.m. ET, 2 p.m. CT at Scottsburg United Methodist Church, 615 South Honeyrun Parkway in Scottsburg  7 p.m. ET, 6 p.m. CT at Castleton United Methodist Church, 7101 E. Shadeland Avenue in Indianapolis</p><p>For an archived version of the webcast and additional information about the Indiana Annual Conference Session, M ay 29-31, visit Registration and housing (hotel) reservations are available online in the r ight column of the webpage.</p><p>OPERATION CLASSROOM WORKTEAM AT BAOMA UMC SCHOOL Operation Classroom will be sponsoring a workteam to volunteer at Baoma UMC School in Sierra Leone. The work will probably involve painting, either in the new assembly hall, or the older buildings. The team i s scheduled to leave Indiana on October 28 and return on November 18. The cost could be estimated to be around $3,200 which includes air fare, travel insurance, room and meals in Sierra Leone. If you are int erested or would like more information, please contact Kay Hess at 765-847-2748 or [email protected] m </p><p>CONTINUING EDUCATION REPORTS DUE MAY 31</p><p>Click here to view requirements and download report form.</p><p>PROFESSIONAL BOUNDARIES AND DIVERSITY TRAINING DATES SET FOR 2014 Diversity and Professional Boundaries Training is part of Healthy Relationship Awareness. This training is required f or all appointed pastors in and beyond the local church at least once every quadrennium. Facilitators will be Jackie Chandler, Greg Hinkle for Professional Boundaries and Sharon White for Diversity. All sessions are from 9 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. (local time) Registration is limited to 50 persons per workshop. Additional workshops will be added, if ne eded.</p><p> Friday, Sept. 12 – St. Luke, 700 E. Southway Blvd., Kokomo – Click here to register. – Deadline: Thursday, Sept. 4  Saturday, Sept. 13 – Crosswind, 616 N. State Rd. 25, Logansport – Click here to register. – Deadline: Thursday, Sept. 4  Thursday, Oct. 9 – First UMC, 201 E. Third St., Seymour – Click here to register. – Deadline: Wednesday, Oct. 1  Friday, Oct. 10 – Castleton, 7160 Shadeland Station Way, Indianapolis – Click here to register. – Deadline: Thursday, Oct. 2  Friday, Oct. 17 – Mishawaka First, 201 E. Third St., Mishawaka – Click here to register. – Deadline: Thursday, Oct. 9  Saturday, Nov. 15 – St. Mark’s, 100 North Highway 46 Bypass, Bloomington – Click here to register. – Deadline: Thursday, Nov. 6</p><p>2014 INDIANA ANNUAL CONFERENCE SESSION NEWS</p><p>REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!</p><p>CLICK HERE FOR REGISTRATION</p><p>For the Sixth Annual Conference Session of the Indiana Conference – The United Methodist Church Indiana Convention Center, Downtown Indianapolis</p><p>For Worship Leader workshops, Thursday, May 29 from noon to 5 p.m., click here.</p><p>Indiana Annual Conference Session housing reservations now available online</p><p>INDIANAPOLIS – Online hotel reservations are now available for the May 29-31 Indiana Annual Conferen ce Session at To receive the discounted rate, your hotel reservation needs to b e made through this online site. These discounted rates are NOT available by calling the hotels directly. In diana Annual Conference Session events registration will open online April 2 at Conference registration will include registration to special luncheons and dinners, workshop sessions and the Saturday outreach mission project with Kids Against Hunger. Reports, agenda and other information about the Sixth Indiana Annual Conference Session are being pos ted online at as they become available. The list and descriptions of Wednesday and Thursday AC14 workshops are now available.</p><p>Exploring Ministries Dinner Friday, May 30, 5:45pm Indianapolis Convention Center Cost $20</p><p>Have you sensed God calling you to a vocation in ministry? Perhaps a pastor, friend at church, or a family member has said, "Have you ever thought about being a pastor, or missionary, or children's ministry director?" Maybe you've had a clear feeling that God has been calling you to a church vocation but haven't known where to start. The Exploring Ministry Dinner is a new opportunity to explore, to learn about vocational ministry in The UMC and paths to serve, and to gain tools for vocational exploration. Join Associate Director of Leadership Development Brian Durand and others exploring God's call. (This dinner is open to all ages. While it is part of the INUMC Annual Conference, you do not have to be attending conference to attend.)</p><p>Delegates to Annual Conference should register through the conference registration process. Non-delegates can register as a guest at the link below by choosing the Exploring Ministries dinner.</p><p>Register at FRIENDS OF AFRICA UNIVERSITY INVITE YOU TO BREAKFAST DURING THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE SESSION</p><p>INDIANAPOLIS – Friends of Africa University will have a breakfast during Annual Conference at 7 a.m. Fr iday, May 30, in the Indiana Convention Center. All are invited to attend. Reservations (which must be pur chased ($20.25) ahead of time) can be made from the Indiana Annual Conference Session website at w If you are only attending the breakfast, register as a guest. If you are registering a s a member of the annual conference, remember to make your reservations for the breakfast. Featured sp eaker this year will be Andra Stevens. She keeps in touch with many students and graduates of Africa Uni versity so she can tell their stories of how Africa University is making a difference in their lives and making a difference across Africa. Those of you who have visited the campus probably met her there before she began work in the Development Office of Africa University in Nashville, Tenn. The AU Breakfast will be a t ime of good food and fellowship, as well as of inspiration. Remember to order your ticket soon.</p><p>Mission Opportunity at Annual Conference</p><p>Hard to believe it’s time to register for Annual Conference again! Don’t forget to check out the mission op portunity immediately following the Ordination Service on Saturday, May 31. At 12:00 we begin packing meals with Kids Against Hunger. Half the meals will go to food pantries in Indiana – Kokomo Rescue Mis sion in Kokomo, First UMC Food Pantry in South Bend, Harrison County Community Services in Corydon, and Fletcher Place and Vida Nueva in Indianapolis. The other half will go to Mission Guatemala. The mo re volunteers we have, the faster the packing will go, but plan on being done by 2:00 p.m. You can regist er through the Indiana Conference website, or by contacting Deanne Heidrich, ddheidrich, 317.525.0915. Cost is $5 per person. If you plan to bring a group, call for information. We’d lo ve to have youth groups, Sunday School classes, or anyone with a passion for helping others.</p><p>Children’s Drawings for 2014 Indiana Annual Conference Session </p><p>The 2014 Indiana Annual Conference Session Implementation Team would like to again involve children in each of our Districts across the state by having them create drawings to interpret the theme from their unique perspective. These will be displayed for delegates to see as they enter the conference on May 29-31 to do their work of loving l earning and leading. This art project is also a way to teach our children about this important annual event in our co nference and to hear their thoughts on our theme for this year – The Outwardly Focused Church. </p><p>We are asking your church to lead the children to create art to welcome and those who attend the session. Their drawings and words will reflect their understanding of what it means to look outwardly from their ch urch, see needs, and transform and change the world so that it will be a better place for people to live in G od’s eyes. </p><p>To make the pictures, please use these guidelines:  Use full or half sheets of 8.5” x 11” paper (any color)  Drawings and words would reflect the theme The Outwardly Focused Church.  Sign with first name only, name of church and city.  Use the attached template if desired. </p><p>Please mail or deliver the artwork by Friday, May 23 to: Indiana Conference Center UMC c/o Ruth Ellen Needler 301 Pennsylvania Parkway, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46280 Thank you for your ministry with God’s children and for helping to make the people who take the time to at tend this Annual Conference feel extra special and loved by others in the church. If you have questions, pl ease contact [email protected]. </p><p>MAKING A GOOD MOVE SEMINAR The Pastor that is moving should register the entire group (spouse and PPRC representatives) that will be participa ting in the seminar. Registration deadline is Sunday May 11 at 11:59 pm.</p><p>Bishop Mike Coyner and Dr. Doug Anderson will lead the Making a Good Move seminar, required for all clergy mo ving to new appointments this year. The seminar is scheduled to begin Friday May 16 at 2:00 pm (ET), and end ar ound 8:00 pm (ET) with dinner included on Friday night. Pastors are required and their spouse is invited, if availabl e to attend the seminar on Friday. SPRC Chairs or their representative is required to attend the Saturday morning session.</p><p>There is no cost to attend the seminar. However, registration is required in order to have materials and meals avail able for all. </p><p>The seminar will continue on Saturday May 17 from 10:00 am until Noon (ET) for clergy and representatives of the Pastor-Parish Relations Committee of the new appointment church. Lunch is not included on Saturday. The purpose of this seminar is to help clergy, spouses and the PPRC begin their new appointments and get off to a good start.</p><p>Topics of the seminar include:</p><p>· Leaving well "Saying Good-bye"</p><p>· Your First Impressions</p><p>· Your Leadership Results</p><p>· Your Teamwork with Pastor-Staff Parish Relations Committee</p><p>· Your First Sunday</p><p>· Your First Week</p><p>· Your First Few Months</p><p>· Your First Conflict</p><p>· Your Spiritual Survival Kit</p><p>Click here for registration Making a Good Move registration</p><p>CONTINUING EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES FOR PASTORS</p><p>September 26-27, Dr. James Harnish, Hyde Park UMC, Florida, teaching on Discipleship, Everyone Welcome! Location TBA JOIN BISHOP MIKE ON A 2014 WESLEY HERITAGE TOUR Join Bishop Mike Coyner and the Indiana Conference for nine exciting and educational days in 2014 on The Wesley Heritage Tour. The dates are July 23-31, 2014. Brochures will be available soon. For more information please contact Bishop's Trip Coordinator Norm Nellis at [email protected].</p><p>COURSE OF STUDY SCHOOL 2013-2014</p><p>An Extension School of Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary The Indiana Conference Extension Course of Study School is a non-residential United Methodist School (for part-time local pastors only) offering the approved curriculum of the Division of Ordained Ministry of the United Methodist Church.</p><p>All classes are held at the University of Indianapolis, 1400 East Hanna Avenue, Indianapolis. Click here for additional information, brochure and registration.</p><p>PASTORS—HAVE YOU ACTIVATED YOUR INUMC EMAIL ACCOUNT Vital Congregations/GCFA will be using email addresses for pastors exclusively. So now your email is a necessity. Once activated you can have it forwarded to your personal email address. Eventually this will be the only email address used by the District as well. Carla (877-781-6706) at the Conference Center will be happy to help you if you experience problems.</p><p>VITAL CONGREGATION GOALS</p><p>Based on the email address you submitted when you enrolled you will receive a weekly email reminder to submit your information. You may submit it weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly.</p><p>REPORTS - Once you enter and save your weekly information, you can click on the “Reports” tab at the top of your screen to see your local church’s dashboard of information.</p><p>QUESTIONS - Email [email protected] if you have further questions or call 317/564- 3254. ABUSE PROTECTION POLICY RESOURCES Click here for policy resources. There is also “Safe Sanctuaries” material available through Cokesbury at</p><p>LOCAL CHURCH NEWS AND EVENTS</p><p>Covenant Partners Ministries – Community Day, providing bags of groceries and cleaning supplies for those in need, fourth Wednesday of each month. Sunday evening meals provided by local churches. Contact Pastor Linda McBride at (765) 284-2545. Clothing made available to community 1st Wednesday of each month. Following is a list of items needed in each bag If you or your church would like to donate bags of groceries or cleaning supplies for Community Day.</p><p>Food List for Community Day 2 small cans of tuna 1 18-oz jar of peanut butter 1 jar of jelly 2 cans of vegetables (any kind) 1 box cereal (any kind) 1 can applesauce or other fruit 2 cans of soup 1 box spaghetti 1 jar spaghetti sauce 1 box of corn bread mix</p><p>Cleaning/Personal Care Supplies 1 bar or bottle of unscented hand soap Laundry detergent (small bottle or box) Dish detergent (16 oz) Facial tissue (1 box) Toilet paper (4 rolls) Shampoo/conditioner</p><p>Place in brown bags with handles, if possible.</p><p>Muncie Gethsemane UMC – 22nd Annual Strawberry Festival, Friday, June 13, 2014, 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. in Asbury Hall. 8” Sub (adults) – 4” Sub (children), Cole slaw, potato chips and Strawberry Shortcake. Adults: $9.00 Children 12 & under: $5.00. Tickets are available in the church office. Take-out available. 1201 W McGalliard, Muncie, (765) 284-6877. Proceeds support our youth, camps and missions.</p><p>Muncie High Street UMC – High Street Travelers 2014 Trips: May 14, Indianapolis; June 17-20 Door County, Washington Island & Lambeau Field WIS; July 9, Beef & Boards: Church Basement Ladies IV; August 6, Quilt Gardens of Elkhart County; August 8-17, Danube River Cruise; September 4-10, Civil War to Civil Rights: Gettysburg & Washington, DC; September 17, Mystery Trip; October 8, “Made In America: Factories Fall and Food”; October 17-19, Holmes County, OH & Longaberger Baskets; November 8-15, Coastal Georgia Mission Trip; November 12, Beef & Boards: Fiddler on the Roof; December 3, Beef & Boards: Christmas Celebration. For pricing and information contact Deb Heeter by email [email protected]</p><p>Muncie Riverside UMC – Come to The Well on Wheeling on Saturday the 24th of May at 5:30pm for free pizza and stay and celebrate for a full hour of spirit filled music. Colin and Emily Hart will be joined by Colin's musically gifted father and sister to lead a concert of truly, spectacular spirit filled music. Both have played music of varying genres professionally and have performed in venues in Nashville TN. and New York including Carnegie Hall. The Well on Wheeling is located at Riverside UMC 1201 N. Wheeling. Call 288-4257 for information.</p><p>Muncie St. Paul’s UMC – Come to Muncie St. Paul’s UMC for Lunch, Good Food, Fellowship & Fun. Open to public 4th Friday of each month at noon beginning March 28. RSVP by Wednesday prior to lunch at 765/288-6454. Cost $3.50. </p><p>The Delaware County Home Extension Chorus meets on Thursday evenings at St. Paul's (Muncie) @ 6:45-8:30.</p><p>Chorus group is only a small group that when combined statewide is a much larger group of over 400 voices that gather @ Purdue Univ. in June, and appear @ State Fair in August. Usually State Fair Group is not full Chorus - 150-200.maybe.</p><p>Karen Bartling is Director, Madalyn Ayers accompanist. We invite anyone who likes to sing to come and join with us in music.</p><p>We like to share music if you are needing a group to sing, call Karen Bartling @ 289-0887. check out our website:</p><p>Winchester First UMC – Chicken Noodle Dinner, May 22, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., 313 S Meridian Street, Winchester. Fundraiser for our new sanctuary—come one come all—Free Will Offering—Eat in or Take Out available.</p><p>YOUTH MINISTRIES SPRING COFFEE CHATS</p><p>Youth Ministry Coffee Chats Join us at a coffee shop near you for coffee & youth ministry discussion! </p><p>LOCATIONS</p><p>NEW! Kids & Family Ministry Coffee Chats Join us at a coffee shop near you for coffee & children's ministry discussion! </p><p>LOCATIONS</p><p>WORKSHOPS & RETREATS</p><p>PRETEEN MINISTRY WORKSHOP YOUTH WORKER RETREAT</p><p>5/17/14 10A-3PM 10/22-23/14 St. Lukes UMC Epworth Forest Indianapolis, IN North Webster, IN </p><p>4-6th graders can be a tough group to This retreat is for anyone who leads youth - pastors, church staff, volunteer figure out! This one-day workshop will help leaders, sunday school teachers, small group leaders, etc. It is designed to help you develop an engaging program for your you experience a time of spiritual renewal through worship, rest, discussions and pre-teen students. training opportunities that will send you home excited, refreshed, renewed and Topics include: Bridging the gap between full of ideas for your ministry. Plus, some downtime to relax or play as you elementary school and middle school, desire. Bring your whole team! Cost is $75.00 for the first person and $50.00 for preteen development, curriculum, each additional person on your team! Cost includes food, lodging, materials and engaging preteens in worship, fellowship, programming. partnering with parents, and engaging preteens in mission & service. Registration Opens Soon Cost: $25, includes lunch and materials.</p><p>Registration Opens Soon TransforMission</p><p>JULY 7-20, 2014 * BUTLER UNIVERSITY, INDIANAPOLIS</p><p>This Summer, team up with other Indiana UMC youth groups for a week-long mission trip in Indianapolis! </p><p>More Info & Registration </p><p>FAMILY MINISTRY WORKSHOP AT ANNUAL CONFERENCE</p><p>ALL IN! Involving Your Whole Church in Children, Youth & Family Ministry</p><p>5/29/14 - 9-11:30 AM Indiana Convention Center</p><p>This interactive workshop is designed to help leaders strengthen their congregation's youth and children's ministries by inviting the whole church to participate in some way! As unbelievable as it sounds, it CAN be done! Topics will include: volunteer and mentor recruiting, family ministry events and fellowship, partnering with parents, bridging generational gaps, communication tips, and curriculum. </p><p>Cost: $25, includes materials and curriculum samples. Register </p><p>For resources</p><p>Events</p><p>To order brochures IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR CALENDAR</p><p>Events for 2014</p><p>NEW DATES FOR 2014 ANNUAL CONFERENCE SESSION, PLUS DATES FOR 2015 SESSION</p><p>May 29-31, 2014 Indiana Convention Center, downtown Indianapolis</p><p>Events for 2015</p><p>Bishop Mike Coyner Africa University Tour – March 2015</p><p>Dates for 2015 Annual Conference Session tentatively set for Thursday-Sunday, May 28-31, which is a day longer due to the election in 2015 of delegates to 2016 General and the North Central Jurisdictional Conferences.</p><p>Events for 2016</p><p>Bishop Mike Coyner, Holy Land Tour – January or February 2016</p><p>IMPORTANT LINKS</p><p>Sign up for the E-pistle from Bishop Mike, e-HUM, calendar, etc. –</p><p>Tweet with Bishop Mike - @BishopCoyner </p><p>Camping –</p><p>Gambling Recovery Ministry – </p><p>Interpreter Magazine –</p><p>Church Leadership Job Descriptions from GBOD - ons.htm </p><p>GCFA resources on local church ministry of memory - </p><p>Secretary of State-Business Entity </p><p>UM Foundation of Indiana - [email protected] </p><p>Vital Congregations - 2013-2014 EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES</p><p>Questions? Contact Mary Ann Moman by calling 317-788-7879 or e-mail [email protected].</p><p>Clergy: Identify three clergy friends who will sign up for Financial Peace University. Call Mary Ann Moman to find a clergy class near you.</p><p>Laity: Go to (click Financial Peace University). Add your zip code to locate a Financial Peace University course near you.</p><p>CEU’s for clergy: Rev. Sandy Harlan, Associate Director for Clergy Services, informs that clergy will receive one credit per hour on contact (excluding breaks and meals) for the Rejuvenate financial workshops and seminars they attend.</p><p>Childcare is available upon request at the time of registration. For a list of workshops click here.</p>

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