Inverclyde Housing Strategy Impact and Policy Prioritisation Assessment

Inverclyde Housing Strategy Impact and Policy Prioritisation Assessment

<p> INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Essential Information</p><p>Name of the policy: Inverclyde Housing Strategy 2011–2016</p><p>Is this policy: New Name of Officers completing this form: Asa Brooks Designation (s): Housing Strategy Officer Department: Safer and Inclusive Communities 40 West Stewart Street Greenock PA15 1YA Date of Impact Assessment: 29 August 2011</p><p>Aims and Objectives</p><p>1. Does the policy affect people? Yes </p><p>2. What are the main aims of the policy? Please list:</p><p> To increase housing options for new and existing residents in Inverclyde  To improve residents’ enjoyment of their homes and neighbourhoods  To provide residents with support when their housing needs change  To enable residents to take more responsibility for their homes and neighbourhoods</p><p>3. Who is affected by the policy or who is intended to benefit from the proposed policy and how? Please list.</p><p>The policy aims to improve all aspects of the housing circumstances of residents in Inverclyde and any household who will become resident during the period of the strategy, or after. It addresses a range of situations which residents might experience at different times and stages in their lives as home owners, renters, homeless people etc., and tries to produce solutions to the difficulties that could be encountered by them.</p><p>1 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>4. How will you put the policy into practice and who will be responsible for delivering it? (e.g. other Council departments, partner agencies, communities of interest, equality target groups. Who else is involved in the delivery of this policy?)</p><p>While the Inverclyde Council has ultimate responsibility for the Housing Strategy, it is necessarily a partnership document.</p><p>Because the strategy is so wide in its scope the Council will look to its partners in the public, voluntary and private sectors to assist in the delivery and – on some issues – to provide leadership in achieving its five outcomes.</p><p>Aims and Objectives</p><p>5. How have they been involved in the process? (e.g. consultation, stakeholders, council working groups)</p><p>See section called “The Work That Was Done To Prepare the Strategy” in the Housing Strategy document.</p><p>6. What resources are available? Is there any change in the resources available?</p><p>The people, funding and other resources available to all the relevant Council services, and partner agencies, all have the potential to contribute to the delivery of the Housing Stratety.</p><p>7. How does this policy impact on other policies?</p><p>See sections called “The Related National Policies” and “The Related Local Policies” in the Housing Strategy document.</p><p>8. How does the policy fit within the wider aims of the Council?</p><p>See section called “The Related Local Policies” in the Housing Strategy document.</p><p>9. How does this policy impact on different groups of people?</p><p>See below.</p><p>2 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>10. What evidence do you have to help identify any potential impacts of the policy? ( Evidence could include: consultations, surveys, focus groups, interviews, projects, user feedback, complaints, officer knowledge and experience, equalities monitoring data, publications, research, reports, local, national groups.) </p><p>Evidence Details</p><p>Consultation See section called “The Work That Was Done To Prepare the Strategy” in the Housing Strategy document.</p><p>Research As above.</p><p>Officer’s knowledge and experience (inc As above. feedback from frontline staff).</p><p>Equalities monitoring data. As above.</p><p>User feedback(inc complaints) As above.</p><p>Stakeholders As above</p><p>Other</p><p>3 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>11. Policy Impact and Prioritisation Assessment.</p><p>The following policies were included as proposals in the Inverclyde Local Housing Strategy 2011–2016 Consultative Draft. Following consultation, the potential impacts of the policies and their suitability for being taken forward to the final version of the Housing Strategy is considered below.</p><p>Consultative 1a. Create a weekly lettings magazine/web page for registered Draft Policy private and social landlords, jointly between Council, RSLs and private landlords</p><p>Purpose of policy  To improve applicants knowledge and understanding of what their letting possibilities are in Inverclyde  To encourage them to look beyond one sector for housing, and therefore improve their chances of finding an appropriate house quicker. Who could  All households looking to rent. benefit?  RSLs and registered private landlords letting houses  Homelessness service assisting households to find a let Who could be  Some households could have difficulty dealing with private let-style disadvantaged? housing hunting, where the onus is on them to seek the property  Lettings agents and lettings newspapers/website operating in this area could face competition  Unregistered private landlords Reduction of  Implementers can ensure information is available in range of formats disadvantages and also provide extra assistance where this required  The new approach will not aim to edge out existing agents, but compliment them and improve the sector  This may encourage more private landlords to register General  Some approaches (dedicated magazine) could be costly and resource- Implementation intensive. Use of existing newspapers, shop window, dedicated issues website etc. may be more manageable and still effective.  Bringing many agencies from different sectors together (public, voluntary and private) could lead to conflict and different expectations of the work. However, there are obvious overlaps and connections that can be exploited. Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  Private landlords already let their houses in this manner  Some RSLs have given strong indications that they will move to this approach unilaterally Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording RSLs, private landlords and Council work together to market of policy: available RSL and registered private lets effectively in Inverclyde. Consultative 1b. Develop a housing options guide for the area – jointly between Draft Policy Council, RSLs, private landlords, estate agents etc. Promote the guide and measure popularity</p><p>4 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Purpose of policy  To break down artificial barriers between housing sectors in Inverclyde and show households that their needs can be potentially met in housing beyond that which they would traditionally look for  To have households find appropriate housing they need quicker Who could  All households looking for housing benefit?  Housing providers, being considered by households that may not have traditionally sought housing from them  Inverclyde Council fulfilling its duties to homeless households Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  This can depend on formats adopted. Implementation  A web-based approach, where households or housing advisors click issues through various pages of questions towards a tailored “housing solutions” page can be very effective, but will require purchasing or designing.  An effective housing options guide will require good involvement from all housing providers in Inverclyde, including estate agencies, who may not be used to working with the public and voluntary sectors. Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  A co-ordinating and repackaging of information that is already dispersed across Inverclyde is basically all that is required: not an insurmountable task  Other councils have had success with this Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording None of policy: Consultative 1c. Investigate methods for establishing and improving links Draft Policy between the Council and private landlords</p><p>Purpose of policy  To emulate the solid working relationship the Council and RSLs have for the ultimate improvement of the private rented sector and the experience of private tenants in Inverclyde Who could  Private tenants benefit?  Private landlords  The Council Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  As private landlords in Inverclyde are not organised at a local level Implementation there are difficulties with making contact and working with a vast and issues complex group of housing providers</p><p>5 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Likelihood of  Medium/high achieving purpose  The Council’s strategic housing, private landlord registration, and homelessness officers have experience dealing with private landlords which can be expanded upon.  National agencies such as the National Association of Landlords could provide support Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Establish and improve links between the Council and private of policy: landlords in Inverclyde Consultative 1d. Partners encourage housing-related agencies to record Draft Policy equalities information, to analyse it for planning purposes and to share it with other relevant agencies</p><p>Purpose of policy  To improve housing-related service providers’ understanding of who receives their services and who is not receiving it. This understanding can be used as a basis for improving access to their services. Who could  Equalities groups who might currently miss out on the benefits of a benefit? service, either through lack of use or exclusion from the service  Housing-related service providers, who will have more confidence in the success and effectiveness of their services Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Some households will be unwilling to share personal information. If Implementation only appropriate information is requested, if it is explained clearly issues why it is being asked for, and if it used sensitively, this problem may be reduced.  Some agencies may not collect the information, and some that do may not use the information effectively. Both may require convincing on this policy. Likelihood of  Medium achieving purpose  The collection and use of equalities information as been promoted nationally for many years, but is still not yet become a natural and effective part of service provision in all sectors or agencies. Guidance and pressure in an appropriate manner could improve this. Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording None of policy: Consultative 1e. Partners explore the possibility of RSLs and private landlords Draft Policy using temporary tenancies and close monitoring and support for households with a problematic tenancy history, instead of suspending them from their housing lists </p><p>Purpose of policy  To bring an end to problematic tenancy histories, including antisocial </p><p>6 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p> behaviour, being used as a reason by RSLs to suspend applicants from their housing lists. Who could  Applicants, who will no longer be suspended from housing offers benefit?  RSLs having a larger pool of potential tenants to let their houses to Who could be  The approach of using close monitoring and support for the disadvantaged? households with problematic tenancy histories is a sensible way of attempting to minimise future problems, but in some cases problems could continue. Neighbours of these applicants, when housed, could suffer as a result of, for example, antisocial behaviour. Reduction of  This would be the purpose of the monitoring and support, and threat disadvantages of temporary tenancy being brought to quick end General  See “Who could be disadvantaged?” Implementation issues Likelihood of  Low achieving purpose  Some RSLs have expressed intention of continuing to suspend applicants for previous evictions for antisocial behaviour etc. Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording None of policy: Consultative 1f. Investigate possibilities for the Council and all relevant Draft Policy partners (housing support, homelessness, RSLs, private landlords, estate agents etc) to open a one-stop housing shop in a central area for advice, support, advertising, comprehensive housing assessments and joint responses</p><p>Purpose of policy  To break down artificial barriers between housing sectors in Inverclyde and show households that their needs can be potentially met in housing beyond that which they would traditionally look for  To have households find appropriate housing they need quicker Who could  All households looking for housing in Inverclyde benefit?  All households experiencing difficulties in their current housing, which could be solved with other advice provided through the shop  All households of Inverclyde who could come to know that the shop is a handy place to turn to for many housing queries  Housing-related service providers knowing their services are being more appropriately distributed to households  Homelessness service experiencing reduction in stigma related to homelessness: as the shop would be about potentially any household taking their housing problems to the shop, potentially any problem, there is no inevitability that the public will assume attendance at the shop is related to homelessness and there is no inevitability that the homelessness service will the solution Who could be  No one. The shop will compliment many of the existing housing disadvantaged? offices across Inverclyde and other means of service-provision so households can continue to use those.</p><p>7 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Finding an appropriate central location Implementation  Promoting the shop to maximise its use issues  Getting the right services in the shop  Making the services work together and compliment each other  These issues can all be dealt with through appropriate planning and effective partnership working Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  Letting agents, RSLs, Homelessness Service etc. already operate offices where households can walk in to access services. This is a matter of combining what already exists.  RSLs and the Homelessness Service have expressed strong intention to open a joint shop like this already Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Partners open a central one-stop shop providing housing access and of policy: advice services. Consultative 1g. Investigate the possibilities of continuing to use private lets to Draft Policy provide temporary housing for homeless households</p><p>Purpose of policy  To provide homeless households somewhere to reside while permanent housing is sought. Who could  Homeless households benefit?  Homelessness Service  Private landlords (another method of letting their homes)  RSLs (another opportunity to provide their services, through property management) Who could be  None disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Budgetary issues and changes to housing benefit may mean this is not Implementation financially viable in the longer term issues Likelihood of  Low/medium achieving purpose  Because of the implementation issues cited, the specific form of the initiative may have to be revised (see revised wording of policy below) Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Partners make better use of the private rented sector in developing of policy: solutions to homelessness. Consultative 1h. Develop more publicity covering specialist housing that is Draft Policy available</p><p>Purpose of policy  To improve the knowledge of households seeking housing, and </p><p>8 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p> increase their chances of finding appropriate housing Who could  Older or disabled households benefit? Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  This would involve developing separate processes very similar to Implementation others being taken forward (marketing lets/one-stop shop), creating issues duplication of effort. Likelihood of  Medium achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 1i. Partners develop protocols for supporting young people into Draft Policy independent living, when moving on from a family home but particularly when moving on from a care home</p><p>Purpose of policy  To provide an effective way of enabling young people to access stable and appropriate housing Who could  Young households looking for their first or new housing benefit? Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  This would bring the attention of the strategy down to a specific Implementation needs group whereas many other types of households could also be issues served well from such a policy  As there are other policies related to this theme, it may be more appropriate to merge several of the proposed policies into one (see revised wording below) Likelihood of  Medium/High achieving purpose  There are many different households with particular needs so there are potentially many different responses that will be required. However, an attempt to improve systems for these households accessing housing can only provide better results. Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Partners jointly review and agree processes for households with of policy: particular needs accessing stable and appropriate housing. Consultative 1j. Landlords consider alternative ways of increasing applicants’ Draft Policy ability to secure appropriate housing as quickly as possible and to reducing void times</p><p>9 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Purpose of policy  As expressed in the wording of the policy. Who could  All households needing housing urgently benefit?  Landlords seeking to reduce void times and reduce rental loss Who could be  Households with particular needs who require longer times to disadvantaged? consider the appropriateness of an offer of a let Reduction of  Consideration could be given by housing providers to these needs disadvantages General  Much of the work of this policy is covered by others (marketing Implementation lets/one-stop shop) and could involve duplication of efforts issues Likelihood of  Medium achieving purpose  Landlords have always been aware of the need to let houses quickly and many solutions will already have been tested or considered Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 1k. Continue the development of RSL allocation policy Draft Policy harmonisation</p><p>Purpose of policy  To increase co-ordination of RSL letting services and reduce the number of different lettings systems that households of Inverclyde need to deal with Who could  Applicants seeking housing benefit? Who could be  Current applicants on housing lists, that will lose points when disadvantaged? harmonised policy is implemented and all current applicants are reassessed under its new rules Reduction of  This disadvantage is inevitable and cannot be prevented disadvantages  Applicants who suffer from it could benefit from other policies of the strategy (housing options guide/marketing of lets) to provide them with alternative routes into housing General  All signs suggest that this policy could be implemented before or Implementation very shortly after the housing strategy is launched. There is little issues purpose including it in the housing strategy. Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  RSLs have undertaken considerable work on this already and are close to seeking approval on it from their governing committees Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 1l. RSLs and Council work together to develop a quota system for Draft Policy lets to section 5 referrals in Inverclyde</p><p>Purpose of policy  To provide homeless households with more effective access to housing</p><p>10 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Who could  Homeless households benefit?  Inverclyde Council, will be able to adopt the 2012 homelessness changes required by Scottish ministers and still fulfil its legislative responsibilities to homeless people  RSLs, will be able to more effectively meet their section 5 obligations Who could be  Households who are seeking housing, but that are not homeless disadvantaged? Reduction of  The increased housing options being promoted through other policies disadvantages (housing options guide/marketing lets etc) can give these households more choice beyond the traditional housing waiting list General  Not all RSLs currently use quota systems, and have other competing Implementation priorities in relation to providing lets issues  However, policy harmonisation can provide an opportunity to expand the use of quotas, and other competing priorities such as transferring existing tenants to allow demolitions, is only going to be a temporary state of affairs Likelihood of  Medium/high achieving purpose  See “general implementation issues” for comments Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Inverclyde Council will work with RSLs to secure 50% of their total of policy: annual lets for section 5 referrals. Consultative 1m. Continue the development of a common housing register for Draft Policy RSLs in Inverclyde</p><p>Purpose of policy  See 1k. Who could  See 1k. benefit? Who could be  No one. disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  All signs suggest that this policy could be implemented before or Implementation very shortly after the housing strategy is launched. There is little issues purpose including it in the housing strategy. Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  RSLs have undertaken considerable work on this already and are close to seeking approval on it from their governing committees Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 1n. RSLs and CHCP develop procedures for rapid access to Draft Policy housing for households being discharged from hospital</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could </p><p>11 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Now included as part of the revised policy appearing under policy 1i Implementation above. issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 1o. Continue to support the work and development of the joint Draft Policy assessment allocations panel established through the Demonstrator initiative</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Now included as part of the revised policy appearing under policy 1i Implementation above. issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 1p. CHCP to develop a priority system/strategy for making Draft Policy referrals to RSLs</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Now included as part of the revised policy appearing under policy 1i Implementation above. issues</p><p>12 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: New Policy The Council will expand its Rent Deposit Guarantee Scheme Suggested Purpose of policy  To secure private rented housing for homeless households that would have otherwise only have been excluded from this due to their inability to provide a deposit. In lieu of the deposit, the private landlord receives a guarantee from the Council for any amount of the deposit that the landlord would have retained under normal circumstances Who could  Private landlords gaining access to a wider potential tenant base benefit?  Homeless households being provided with more options for housing  The Council being provided with more options for assisting homeless households Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  As this acts as a guarantee rather than an upfront payment, the Implementation landlord has the confidence that it will receive money if due, yet the issues Council only has to pay out in the cases where the landlord needs to recover costs Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  There is already a small-scale rent deposit guarantee scheme provided by the Council. The low financial risk to the Council increases its chance of being expanded. Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording None of policy: Consultative 2a. Encourage RSLs to take on property management contracts for Draft Policy private landlords</p><p>Purpose of policy  To assist in introducing some of the good practice’s found in the housing association sector into the private rented sector  To encourage owners of empty properties to let their properties out without them having to deal with the day-to-day management of the properties Who could  Households in Inverclyde looking for housing benefit?  Tenants receiving housing association quality management in the private sector  Owners of empty properties tapping into a rental income  RSLs gaining income through management fees</p><p>13 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Who could be  Owners paying management fees when they may be able to provide disadvantaged? the housing management directly Reduction of  Appriopriate owners could be targeted to make sure it is the most disadvantages useful scheme possible General  There is significant work required in identifying and contacting Implementation appropriate potential landlords to use these services. issues  This ties in closely with other work on empty homes. To avoid duplication a merger of proposed policies will be more sensible. Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  Some RSLs already have these services available Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording The Council and its partners will develop an approach to identifying of policy: and rehabilitating empty homes and properties, to increase the housing supply in Inverclyde Consultative 2b. Council initiate targeted campaign promoting the facts and Draft Policy benefits of owners with empty homes becoming landlords. Do this in conjunction with RSL and private property managers.</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  The ideas of this proposed policy have been merged with the revised Implementation policy under 2a above. issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 2c. Partners assist RSLs in investigating the creation of private Draft Policy landlord wings which can develop and purchase their own housing</p><p>Purpose of policy  To increase the numbers of dwellings available for Inverclyde households through RSLs Who could  Potentially any household seeking housing in Inverclyde benefit? Who could be  Private landlords could suffer from increased competition in their disadvantaged? sector Reduction of  There are other policies in this strategy aimed at increasing the role of disadvantages the private landlord in Inverclyde’s housing system, which could counterbalance the disadvantages</p><p>14 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>General  While there are overall positive results that can be gained from this Implementation policy, the details and decisions to be taken are primarily those of issues individual RSLs, backed up by their own legal advice and financial situations. It is, therefore, not appropriate to take this through to the final version of a housing strategy for a whole local authority area Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 2d. Look into the potential for private lettings agencies which own Draft Policy properties to set up development wings</p><p>Purpose of policy  To increase the supply of private rented properties in Inverclyde Who could  Increased revenue for letting agencies benefit?  More housing options for households in Inverclyde Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  While there are overall positive results that can be gained from this Implementation policy, the details and decisions to be taken are primarily those of issues individual lettings agents, backed up by their own legal advice and financial situations. It is, therefore, not appropriate to take this through to the final version of a housing strategy for a whole local authority area Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 2e. Investigate methods for establishing and improving links between Draft Policy the Council and private landlords</p><p>Purpose of policy See 1c. above. Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General Implementation issues Likelihood of </p><p>15 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT achieving purpose Take policy forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 2f. Look into the creation of a compulsory-purchase strategy for Draft Policy vacant properties</p><p>Purpose of policy Merged into the revised policy under 2a above. Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 2g. RSLs purchase private sector dwellings as a standard form of Draft Policy increasing stock, as an alternative to new build</p><p>Purpose of policy  To increase the number of RSL dwellings in Inverclyde, particularly in response to reduction of HAG available in Scotland Who could  Increased revenue for RSLs benefit?  More options for households seeking housing in the social sector  More potential buyers for private sellers Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  The more significant strategic issue for RSLs in Inverclyde is not so Implementation much what they spend their capital budgets on but how they increase issues these budgets or make them go further. Other policies will tackle these problems. Likelihood of  Medium. achieving purpose  Some RSLs have already engaged in this. Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 2h. Investigate the possibility of existing private landlords becoming </p><p>16 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Draft Policy private wing of RSLs group or becoming RSLs themselves</p><p>Purpose of policy  To increase the number of dwellings available in the social rented sector Who could  Households seeking housing in the social rented sector could have benefit? more options  RSLs could grow in size and therefore grow in influence etc.  As with struggling RSLs, a struggling private landlord may find a new lease of life merging with a larger more secure organisation Who could be  RSLs may feel they will suffer from competition for public funding disadvantaged? etc. if new RSLs formed in the area Reduction of  This disadvantage would be inevitable disadvantages General  Private landlords and housing association landlords operate through Implementation often very different business styles and a merger could be difficult issues  New RSLs usually develop out of a reworking of an existing situation (stock transfer, mergers) or out of financial/legislative encouragement at a national level. These conditions do not exist at the moment. Likelihood of  Low achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: New policy The Council will work with RSLs to investigate alternative methods suggested of funding affordable housing development in Inverclyde Purpose of policy  To increase Inverclyde’s affordable housing building outputs despite restrictions on HAG and private lending Who could  Developing RSLs could continue expanding benefit?  Households seeking housing in the affordable sector could receive more choices Who could be  Central government influence on affordable housing development disadvantaged? could decrease as its share of the funding contribution decreases Reduction of  Central government will no doubt always be considerable force disadvantages behind developing affordable housing, regardless of other funding sources coming into play General  The Council and RSLs already have good working relationships to Implementation kick start this process issues  Council and RSLs have knowledge of the current development funding regime, but this policy will require investigations into new territory Likelihood of  Medium/High achieving purpose  Current funding restrictions almost guarantee the willingness of all parties to support this policy  Because potential alternative funding methods have not been used before, success cannot be guaranteed</p><p>17 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording None of policy: Consultative 3a. Continue the development of the land supply audit to provide Draft Policy accurate information on land for potential development of housing, including RSL land, local authority land and other public sector land, and containing development constraint and contamination information.</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  This is a role for the Regeneration and Planning Service, whose work Implementation is to be directed primarily by its Local Development Plan. Therefore issues this policy is not appropriate within the housing strategy Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 3b. Organise a publicity event to promote the best sites for Draft Policy development in Inverclyde, aimed at housing developers from across Scotland Purpose of policy  To channel more Scottish house building into Inverclyde, and thereby increase housing supply and the options for households Who could  House developers could discover opportunities in Inverclyde they benefit? may not have otherwise found out about  Inverclyde households could have more opportunities to find appropriate housing Who could be  Local developers could face increased competition disadvantaged? Reduction of  This disadvantage cannot be reduced disadvantages General  This will require a joint approach and agreement between services in Implementation the Council responsible for housing strategy and development plan, issues as well as the Inverclyde Alliance and external agencies such as Riverside Inverclyde Likelihood of  Medium/High achieving purpose  There are two parts of potential success to consider: firstly, publicising and bringing in developers who might otherwise never have considered Inverclyde and secondly, convincing them at the </p><p>18 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p> event that Inverclyde is where they want to develop  Both parts can be achieved if a sensible approach is taken Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Hold a publicity event to promote Inverclyde’s housing development of policy: opportunities and sites to developers from across Scotland Consultative 3c. Create and promote a self-build information pack Draft Policy Purpose of policy  To provide households with another means of acquiring housing Who could  Households with the necessary funds and time etc. benefit? Who could be  Local evelopers losing out on sites etc to self-building housholds disadvantaged? Reduction of  The numbers of households engaging in this will be not too disadvantages threatening to developers General  As this policy goes no further than creating the pack and promoting Implementation it, it is not likely to be a major difficulty to execute issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  The Scottish Government has expressed support for the self-build concept, and the practicalities of bringing this pack to the market will not be challenging Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording None of policy: Consultative 3d. Establish systems for supporting regular contact between the Draft Policy Council and private developers, for discussing development issues, promoting sites, improving the LHS etc.</p><p>Purpose of policy  To emulate the solid working relationship the Council and RSLs a have to increase private development activity in Inverclyde and understand and tackle the barriers that exist Who could  House developers could discover opportunities in Inverclyde they benefit? may not have otherwise found out about  Inverclyde households could have more opportunities to find appropriate housing  Inverclyde Council’s understanding of private builders could increase as could its ability to channel their work to the increased benefit of Inverclyde as a whole Who could be  Local developers could experience more competition disadvantaged? Reduction of  This would be inevitable, but all local developers would be invited to disadvantages be included in this process General  While the Council has contact with private developers already, it is Implementation far from the regular and formalised relationships the Council has with issues RSLs. Work will need carried out to identify private developers, </p><p>19 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p> convince them of the benefits of involvement and to design the appropriate structure for such contact. Likelihood of  Medium/high achieving purpose  It has not been traditional for Council’s to develop formalised relationships with the house builders to this extent, but the process will gain impetus from guidance and legislation emphasising the cross-tenure nature of the housing strategy Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Investigate methods for establishing and improving links between the of policy: Council and private developers Consultative 3e. Promote charities/services investing in RSL developments in Draft Policy exchange for RSLs guaranteeing a share of lets to the charities’/services’ clients</p><p>Purpose of policy  To provide RSLs with increased funding income and to provide charities/services with more housing options for their clients Who could  Charities’/services’ clients benefit?  RSLs Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Charities and services are suffering from the same budget restrictions Implementation that RSLs are issues Likelihood of  Low achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 3f. Promote RSLs setting up profit making companies, and Draft Policy reinvesting the profits in their social housing developments</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  The essence of this policy is captured in the newly proposed policy Implementation above “The Council will work with RSLs to investigate alternative issues methods of funding affordable housing development in Inverclyde” Likelihood of achieving purpose</p><p>20 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 3g. Investigate using council tax second homes receipts to support Draft Policy development projects</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  The essence of this policy is captured in the newly proposed policy Implementation above “The Council will work with RSLs to investigate alternative issues methods of funding affordable housing development in Inverclyde” Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 3h. Council provide a financial contribution to housing supply Draft Policy through the provision of land for development</p><p>Purpose of policy  To improve and increase land supply for housing in Inverclyde Who could  Ultimately all households as this could lead to any kind of housing benefit? development as a result  Any developer for the same reason  Landowners, could make use of their land in a way they had not considered before Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  This is a very specific policy, and, as was suggested during Implementation consultation, could benefit in achieving a more strategic boost if it issues was modified and merged with some other of the proposed policies (See revised wording below) Likelihood of  Medium/high achieving purpose  As there are many landowners in Inverclyde, this could be an extensive task, but the potential benefits are high and the timescale to do it in needn’t be restrictive Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording All agencies in Inverclyde will review how their portfolio of land can </p><p>21 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT of policy: be used to increase housing development Consultative 3i. Support private developers and RSLs to form development Draft Policy partnerships</p><p>Purpose of policy  Private developers and RSLs might find more opportunities and achieve more in partnership Who could  Private developers benefit?  RSLs  Households looking to rent or buy housing Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Differences of purpose and method etc between the two sectors Implementation would need overcome issues  Procurement rules would need accounted for Likelihood of  Medium achieving purpose  The Council would play a role in trying to support this, but it is depended on individual RSLs and developers being right for each other etc. Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording None of policy: Consultative 3j. Investigate the potential for merging or splitting sites for the Draft Policy benefit of housing development</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  This policy is now encapsulated in the revised policy under 3h above. Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 3k. Prepare an affordable housing policy in conjunction with the Draft Policy Local Development Plan</p><p>Purpose of policy  To ensure that need for affordable housing is not neglected as private </p><p>22 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p> development opportunities are pursued Who could  RSLs, could increase their stock as a result benefit?  Households requiring affordable housing Who could be  Private developers, being restricted in their pursuit of profit disadvantaged? Reduction of  Affordable housing policies are not uncommon, and can be realised disadvantages in different manners, some of which are more appealing to private developers General  There could be opposition from private developers Implementation  We will require firm evidence of where the policy should be imposed issues and how far it should go Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  Evidence has already been brought to the Council’s attention that such a policy is required, and way of producing one has been made easier Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording None of policy: Consultative 3l. Investigate the conversion of storage spaces above shops into Draft Policy housing, for example, in town centres</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Now merged into revised policy 2a above Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 3m. Support the improvement of liaison and co-operation between Draft Policy infrastructure agencies and developers</p><p>Purpose of policy  To reduce barriers to housing development without compromising the aims of infrastructure agencies Who could  Developers benefit?  Infrastructure agencies  Households with access to more housing, quicker Who could be  No one</p><p>23 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Thought will need to be given to how this support can take place, and Implementation which agencies it refers to. issues  There will be areas where infrastructure agencies are restricted in what they can change Likelihood of  Medium/high achieving purpose  This was a priority for RSL developers in Inverclyde, so their willingness to support the policy is implied Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording None of policy: Consultative 3n. Investigate the possibilities of using tax increment financing in Draft Policy Inverclyde housing and neighbourhood developments</p><p>Purpose of policy  To provide another method of funding house developments Who could  Developers benefit?  Households Who could be  The Council, there is a risk that they developments might not give the disadvantaged? financial returns hoped for Reduction of  None disadvantages General  See disadvantages above. Also, consultation revealed this was not a Implementation popular proposal and is usually more suited to retail developments etc issues Likelihood of  Low achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 3o. Riverside Inverclyde consider allowing RSLs to develop on sites Draft Policy which are not being taken up by private developers</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  This policy is now encapsulated in the revised policy under 3h above. Implementation issues Likelihood of </p><p>24 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 3p. Promote the importance of early engagement and pre-application Draft Policy processes in helping speed up planning decisions</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  This is now incorporated into the policy 3m above Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 3q. RSLs investigate alternative development options for land they Draft Policy are not in a position to develop themselves</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  This policy is now encapsulated in the revised policy under 3h above. Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 4a. Promote savings schemes in Inverclyde Draft Policy Purpose of policy  To increase the amount of money individual households have to cover their housing costs, or even improve their housing </p><p>25 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p> circumstances Who could  Housing providers and related service providers, dependant on fees or benefit? rent being paid to them by the households they work for  Households, able to meet their responsibilities or improve their circumstances Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  There are many agencies to co-ordinate in this task, and many Implementation different ways in which housholds can benefit issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  There is already a presence of income maximisation schemes etc in Inverclye, which could continue to be used and improved Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Promote income maximisation, savings schemes and rightful uptake of policy: of benefits in Inverclyde Consultative 4b. Investigate the options for the creation of, and public Draft Policy subsidisation of, tenancies designed to support households that are trying to save for mortgage deposits. Landlord retains majority of rent, landlord puts agreed portion of rent into deposit savings fund for tenant. Public authority subsidises portion landlord loses to the savings fund. Tenant eventually uses savings for deposit to support purchase on the open market.</p><p>Purpose of policy  To increase the number of households able to access owner occupation Who could  First time buyers who may have been excluded from owner benefit? occupation otherwise  Mortgage lenders gain more custom  House sellers have more interest Who could be  Public authority funding the project disadvantaged? Reduction of  Despite the funding implications, this policy would assist those public disadvantages authorities in achieving strategic goals of increasing owner occupation etc. General  Would require complex legal arrangements and public funding which Implementation is already restricted issues Likelihood of  Low achieving purpose  There was little interest in this during consultation Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy:</p><p>26 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Consultative 4c. Come to agreement with developers/construction companies, that Draft Policy they will employ local labour and create apprenticeships</p><p>Purpose of policy  For the housing sector to contribute to employment and household income in Invercldye Who could  Housing providers and companies benefiting from an increased benefit? labour market  Individuals gaining employment Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  There is already a partnership that looks at issues like this Implementation issues Likelihood of  High (for the above reason) achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Continue to provide opportunities for local people to be employed of policy: and trained in the housing sector Consultative 4d. Multi-agency review of benefit claims process, including original Draft Policy claims and keeping claims live</p><p>Purpose of policy  To ensure barriers to claims are minimised Who could  Households entitled to claim benefits benefit?  Benefits agencies knowing that their procedures are effective Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  This a procedural rather than strategic issue Implementation issues Likelihood of  Medium achieving purpose  It concerns the internal procedures and decisions of different agencies Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 4e. Continue to support the uptake of key benefits. Draft Policy Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged?</p><p>27 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Reduction of disadvantages General  Captured in 4a. Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 4f. Develop cross-sector training strategy for people to work in Draft Policy housing in Inverclyde, including modern apprenticeships</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Captured in 4c Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 4g. Develop cross-sector strategy for promoting employment in the Draft Policy housing sector Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Captured in 4c Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording</p><p>28 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT of policy: Consultative 4h. Promote and expand schemes for recycling/testing appliances Draft Policy and furniture, for landlords and tenants</p><p>Purpose of policy  Could reduce household costs if recycled goods are available Who could  Households requiring the goods benefit? Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  This will require storage areas and staff for collection and testing Implementation issues Likelihood of  Low achieving purpose  There was little response regarding this in the consultation, so willingness to contribute the above resources cannot be confirmed Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 4i. Investigate possibilities for the Council and all relevant partners Draft Policy (housing support, homelessness, RSLs, private landlords, estate agents etc) to open a one-stop housing shop in a central area for advice, support, advertising, comprehensive housing assessments and joint responses</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Captured in 1f above Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 4j. Investigate the possibility of the Council guaranteeing individual Draft Policy household mortgages</p><p>Purpose of policy  To support households into owner occupation, who otherwise might </p><p>29 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p> have been excluded Who could  Households who cannot afford deposits but can afford monthly benefit? mortgage payments  Banks and house sellers gaining more custom Who could be  There is a potential cost for the Council disadvantaged? Reduction of  The Council could provide support at theoretically zero cost disadvantages General  This type of scheme has been undertaken before by councils Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  The Council has already begun to consider the possibility of doing this Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording The Council will investigate the possibility of guaranteeing the of policy: deposits of household mortgages Consultative 4k. Investigate new ways to help households maximise income Draft Policy Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Captured in 4a. Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 4l. Partners encourage housing-related agencies to record equalities Draft Policy information, to analyse it for planning purposes and to share it with other relevant agencies</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages</p><p>30 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>General  Captured in 1d Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 4m. Review housing finance advice provision in Inverclyde and Draft Policy investigate the potential for increased co-ordination of service provision</p><p>Purpose of policy  To ensure advice is being provided in the most effective way possible Who could  Households requiring advice benefit?  Advice agencies with improved effectiveness Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  There are many ways advice is provided so the task could be complex Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  The complexity of the task demonstrates how much review is required  A financial inclusion partnership has been set up already, which could be a ready made vehicle for this policy Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Review housing finance advice and training provision in Inverclyde of policy: and investigate the potential for increased co-ordination of service provision Consultative 4n. Inverclyde Council review the possibility of providing house Draft Policy purchase loans to households unable to afford mortgages on the open market</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  This has been incorporated into policy 4o below. Implementation issues</p><p>31 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 4o. Partners develop joint schemes to allow households to access Draft Policy mortgages with smaller deposits, or ownership schemes requiring smaller mortgages</p><p>Purpose of policy  To help households into owner occupation when they would have otherwise been excluded Who could  Households seeking housing in the owner occupied sector benefit?  Banks and house sellers gaining custom Who could be  Households could end up with a mortgage they cannot afford disadvantaged? Reduction of  Care must be taken to ensure that any household accessing these disadvantages schemes can manage the financial implications General  Imagination and – inevitably on the part of the authorities trying to Implementation develop such schemes – funding will be required issues Likelihood of  Medium/high achieving purpose  There was much support for this in the consultation Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Partners work together to develop schemes which assist more of policy: households in accessing affordable mortgages Consultative 5a. Continue to support and promote provision of facilities and green Draft Policy areas as part of new developments, and also where there is no planned local development</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  This is covered in local planning policy Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy:</p><p>32 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Consultative 5b. Support and develop co-ordinated responses to graffiti and Draft Policy vandalism</p><p>Purpose of policy  To improve the image of Inverclyde’s neighbourhoods Who could  Residents, living in a more pleasant environment benefit? Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  There are already services that exist to tackle these problems Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  For above reason, and also there was strong support for this during the consultation Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Review local response to neighbourhood vandalism and graffiti and of policy: investigate potential improve this Consultative 5c. Survey residents to establish what they believe is problematic Draft Policy about their residential environments, e.g. external common areas and landscaping. </p><p>Purpose of policy  For services to understand better what should be improved Who could  Residents benefit?  Service providers, who could develop more effective responses Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  The consultation felt this policy was not strategic enough in its Implementation wording issues Likelihood of  Low achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 5d. Continue the programme of demolishing low demand and below Draft Policy standard housing association dwellings, where they cannot be brought up to standard at reasonable cost</p><p>Purpose of policy  To remove unpopular and below standard from the Inverclyde housing system Who could  Housing associations will benefit from an overall improved stock</p><p>33 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT benefit?  Residents will benefit from below standard housing being removed from their neighbourhoods Who could be  Housing associations are decreasing their stock through the process disadvantaged? Reduction of  Policies elsewhere in this strategy are designed to support RSLs in disadvantages developing and acquiring more housing General  There are processes in place already to support the continued Implementation programme issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 5e. Develop policy for the use of VAT receipts to improve Draft Policy neighbourhood landscaping where appropriate</p><p>Purpose of policy  To improve landscaping Who could  Residents who benefit from the landscaping benefit? Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  This was not popular as a policy proposal for the LHS, and other Implementation arrangements outside of the strategy will take care of it issues Likelihood of  N/A achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 5f. Support research and analysis carried out to understand why Draft Policy certain residential areas of Inverclyde are unpopular</p><p>Purpose of policy  To build our knowledge base for creating policies to help increase the popularity of neighbourhoods in Inverclyde Who could  Residents benefit?  Potential residents  Housing providers, benefiting from higher demand Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  There may be other more pressing research that needs carried out, </p><p>34 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Implementation which could indirectly give us information relating to this issues Likelihood of  Low achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 5g. Carry out studies of the successful neighbourhoods of Inverclyde Draft Policy Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  See 5f. Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 5h. Support a strategy for the promotion of Inverclyde’s housing Draft Policy estates and Inverclyde as a whole across West of Scotland and all of Scotland</p><p>Purpose of policy  To improve the knowledge people have of Inverclyde and its image, and to increase the number of households choosing to stay in, and move to, Inverclyde Who could  Inverclyde residents, feeling the rest of Scotland looks upon them benefit? more positively  Outside residents, having their options for housing increased  Developers and housing providers in Inverclyde, having a larger market to sell and let to  Non-Inverclyde developers, with another geographical market to possibly enter into Who could be  Elements of the press, who are dependent on negative stories to make disadvantaged? money Reduction of  There would be no intention to reduce this disadvantage disadvantages General  The marketing of Inverclyde will be dealt with at community plan Implementation level issues  This policy does not aim to meet any of the five outcomes of the LHS</p><p>35 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 5i. Regenerate Clune Park Draft Policy Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  The details of this policy are captured in the Clune Park Regeneration Implementation strategy issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 5j. Improve and promote the image of Inverclyde’s private rented Draft Policy sector so it can develop into a tenure of choice</p><p>Purpose of policy  As above, to make the private rented sector a tenure that households choose to enter, rather than feel they have to enter it because they can’t get a social rented house and can’t afford owner occupation Who could  Private landlords with more households interested in their properties benefit?  Households seeking housing, that may not have thought of privately renting Who could be  Potential decrease in interest in owner occupation disadvantaged? Reduction of  It is unlikely the numbers turning to private renting could seriously disadvantages damage the owner occupied sector General  Agencies will need to utilise links to be developed with private Implementation landlords, and will need to ensure that it is only the commendable issues elements of the private rented sector which are promoted, and that they are promoted accurately Likelihood of  Medium/high achieving purpose  Other policies in the LHS supporting the improvement of the sector, and co-operation with private landlords, will help implement this Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Use an accreditation scheme and other initiatives to promote </p><p>36 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT of policy: Inverclyde’s private rented sector as a tenure of choice. Consultative 5k. Support balanced tenure split, particularly in areas dominated Draft Policy by social housing, and monitor progress</p><p>Purpose of policy  To promote tenure and social integration Who could benefit? Who could be  Consultees believed this could encourage lifestyle clashes and racism disadvantaged? Reduction of  These clashes can be found in any combination of households in a disadvantages neighbourhood, including current combinations General  Specifics would have to be developed on a case by case basis Implementation  This policy is already covered in a variety of others, such as those issues promoting different sectors, and the affordable housing policy Likelihood of  High in the long-term achieving purpose  Major structural changes to a neighbourhood cannot be implemented in the short-term Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) (See reason in “General Implementation Issues” above Revised wording of policy: Consultative 5l. Explore the expansion of affordable housing across all tenures Draft Policy (midmarket rent, low cost home ownership and social housing etc) with reference to the affordable housing policy when prepared</p><p>Purpose of policy  To reduce affordability as a barrier to appropriate housing, for Inverclyde’s households Who could  All households on lower incomes benefit?  Housing providers with more options for provision Who could be  Housing providers could experience reduced profits if they develop disadvantaged? affordable housing Reduction of  Affordable housing will not be the only kind, and it will allow disadvantages providers to tap into a previously overlooked market General  The initial starting point will be analysis of the housing market and Implementation possibly further research to determine where affordable housing will issues be most effective and how Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  There is commitment across many agencies to provide housing like this, and there is proven demand/need for it Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Explore options for the expansion of affordable housing across all of policy: tenures Consultative 5m. Promote a policy of RSLs setting rents by popularity of housing, Draft Policy as part of hard-to-let policies</p><p>37 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Purpose of policy  To encourage more interest in currently low demand housing Who could  Housing providers letting more of their properties benefit?  Households accessing housing they may previously not have wanted to access Who could be  Households accessing the housing, if the housing provider does disadvantaged? nothing else to improve the appeal of the property Reduction of  Providers could use a combination of solutions to make housing more disadvantages popular General  This is a very specific approach to the issue of low demand; the Implementation specifics are best left to the providers issues Likelihood of  Low achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 5n. Investigate the possibility of developers retaining a share of the Draft Policy equity of a property with the first owner until resale</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Addressed in policy 4o Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 5o. Investigate with suppliers the potential to supply gas to currently Draft Policy all-electric dwellings in Inverclyde</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Addressed at policy 9a</p><p>38 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 5p. Council promote and give advice on self-factoring Draft Policy Purpose of policy  To provide home owners with potential savings by avoiding factoring service fees Who could  Home owners, saving money benefit? Who could be  Factors, losing custom disadvantaged?  Home owners, could end up in difficulties from lacking experience Reduction of  The policy would hope to, but couldn’t guarantee that home owners disadvantages would not end up in difficulties General  The consultation for mostly against this proposal, for the Implementation disadvantages listed above issues Likelihood of  Low achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 5q. Council hold sinking funds for self-factoring owners and Draft Policy landlords</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  As policy 5p is not being taken forward, there is no requirement for Implementation this policy neither issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 6a. Look into the need to improve access and parking for households </p><p>39 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Draft Policy with cars in Inverclyde’s residential areas</p><p>Purpose of policy  The purpose of 6a, 6b and 6c is to improve access to neighbourhoods and dwellings for residents. Who could  Residents able to make better use of neighbourhoods and dwellings benefit?  Housing providers with an increase in the numbers of households interested and able to use their housing Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Consultees felt that policies 6a, 6b and 6c could be merged into one Implementation policy issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  This has been understood as an issue for many agencies already. This concern can be utilised to propel the policy Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Assess the problems that residents face in coming-and-going from of policy: their neighbourhoods and dwellings, and develop co-odinated responses to these problems Consultative 6b. Investigate the need for assessments of Inverclyde’s Draft Policy neighbourhoods for dwellings affected by steep road/pavement access. Use as basis for strategy to ease access difficulties, particularly where it will support the effectiveness and provision of adaptations</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Merged into the revised 6a policy Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 6c. Explore links with the Inverclyde transport strategy to improve Draft Policy public transport provision to Inverclyde’s housing estates</p><p>40 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Merged into the revised 6a policy Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 6d. Continue to support and encourage cross-departmental, cross- Draft Policy sector forums for considering upcoming large developments – to co- ordinate ‘complete’ developments: housing, shops, recreation, transport, health, schools etc</p><p>Purpose of policy  To give residents easier access to services at a neighbourhood level Who could  The residents of these neighbourhoods, with better access to services benefit?  The service providers, with better access to their clients and customers Who could be  Town centres, if services are gravitating out to neighbourhoods disadvantaged? Reduction of  Any changes could be brought about to compliment town centre disadvantages regeneration efforts General  Activities similar to this are already undertaken Implementation  However, the approach taken to create a development like this is best issues guided by policies of the Development Plan Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) (See “General Implementation Issues”) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 6e. Carry out/support review of household communication access Draft Policy across Inverclyde – broadband, cable, mobile phones etc, as basis for sub-strategy to improve access, and to support other initiatives such as telecare</p><p>Purpose of policy  To improve the appeal of dwellings in Inverclyde, as well as their usefulness to existing and potential residents Who could  Housing providers with a more appealing product benefit?  Households with access to modern communications</p><p>41 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p> Care services that can make full use of modern assistive technologies  Communications companies with more potential custom Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  There is a wide variety of communications to come to terms with: Implementation cable, broadband, mobile phone signal coverage and more issues Likelihood of  Medium/high achieving purpose  Better access to communications will be popular with residents Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Review access to household communications across Inverclyde and of policy: develop solutions to improve access where needed Consultative 6f. Support research and investigations in understanding what Draft Policy residents want and need improved in their communities, including service provision</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Issues like this are better served in wider strategies like the SOA Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 6g. Investigate the potential for encouraging and supporting upper Draft Policy market housing and lifestyle, inc. schools, shops, bars etc. in Inverclyde as part of the regeneration process in Inverclyde</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Covered in 6m below</p><p>42 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 6h. Partners create central database of adapted properties and Draft Policy residents who need adaptations etc</p><p>Purpose of policy  To help allocate appropriate housing to people with particular needs Who could  Housing providers using their housing more effectively benefit?  Households with particular needs accessing housing more suited to them Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  This will take a long time and much effort and co-ordination to Implementation create, but when complete and sensibly updated and maintained, issues many consultees agree it will be considerable assistance in allocating housing effectively in Inverclyde, and providing people with particular needs more appropriate housing Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  If the implementation issues above are accounted for Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Partners create central database of adapted properties to be used by of policy: housing providers and referral agencies working to house people with particular needs New suggested Create a multi-agency store where used equipment can be kept until policy a new household can make use of it Purpose of policy  To prevent wastage of equipment when original client has no more use for it Who could  Equipment providers, saving money benefit?  Households with particular needs having a new supply of equipment Who could be  The equipment providers who originally purchased the equipment, disadvantaged? could then be expected to donate it to the store to be used later by another provider who never paid for it Reduction of  It depends on what method is adopted. If agencies gift what they had disadvantages originally purchased, this is ‘loss’ to them, but the gain might be that they also have free access to anything in the store when their clients need it. Another approach could be that the store give a small payment to the provider in exchange for the equipment, and any agency taking equipment from the store have to pay, but at a much cheaper cost than buying new.</p><p>43 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>General  Questions needing answered during the planning of this policy: what Implementation method of stocking up the store, reusing the equipment etc is to be issues used? (Donations and free use, or cut-price selling/purchasing?) and where will the store be, and who will run it? Likelihood of  Medium/high achieving purpose  There is strong desire to better manage the use of equipment and reduce waste Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: New suggested Partners review the approach they take to defining a practical and policy accessible dwelling for residents with particular needs Purpose of policy  To improve the accessibility of housing in Inverclyde for people with particular needs Who could  Households with particular needs benefit?  Housing providers with a better product and more satisfied customers Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  ICOD has expressed a willingness to support housing providers in Implementation this policy issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  This was a high priority for some households and their representative groups Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 6i. Improve processes and develop incentives to encourage people in Draft Policy adapted houses to move if they don’t need the adaptation</p><p>Purpose of policy  To make better use of housing in Inverclyde Who could  Households requiring the adapted house benefit? Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Consultation suggested this policy would not work and is impractical Implementation issues Likelihood of  Low achieving purpose Take policy NO</p><p>44 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 6j. Partners carry out local assessment of the balance of funding Draft Policy (proportion funded by different agencies), and seeking new funding, for equipment and adaptations</p><p>Purpose of policy  To make the most of equipment and adaptation funding in Inverclyde Who could  Agencies that provide equipment and adaptations, benefiting from benefit? improved delivery  Households with particular needs, benefiting from better use of funding to provide their equipment etc Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  All agencies independently monitor their funding of adaptations; this will use that situation as the base for this policy Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Partners carry out a cross-sector review of funding of equipment and of policy: adaptations in Inverclyde, and investigate ways of increasing this and using it more effectively Consultative 6k. Agree local multi-agency partnership for prioritising all Draft Policy equipment (including telecare) and adaptations for Inverclyde residents</p><p>Purpose of policy  To ensure access to resources is not restricted for households by the fact of them not being the client or tenant of a particular agency Who could  Households with particular needs benefit? Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Consultees felt that the potential for this policy is limited by the fact Implementation that there are no shared budgets for equipment and adaptations in issues Inverclyde Likelihood of  Low achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording</p><p>45 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT of policy: Consultative 6l. Investigate ways in which partners can develop more flexibility in Draft Policy the distribution of equipment and adaptations</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  This is addressed in policy 6j. Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 6m. Continue existing research and carry out extra research Draft Policy regarding what households in all sectors are looking for from housing (size, style, extras etc) – share with all sector developers</p><p>Purpose of policy  To support future policy decisions with appropriate data Who could  Households seeking housing, as policy could ensure that suitable benefit? housing is being developed  Housing developers and providers, who could develop a better understanding of the market  Local authority and partners, setting housing policy for the area Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  There are already dedicated staff and resources to support this Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Continue research into the suitability of current housing and the of policy: varieties of housing which will be required to satisfy need and demand in Inverclyde Consultative 6n. Partners encourage housing-related agencies to record equalities Draft Policy information, to analyse it for planning purposes and to share it with other relevant agencies</p><p>46 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Covered by policy 1d above. Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 6o. Review the suitability of current housing provision and housing- Draft Policy based service provision for people with particular needs, and assess potential future needs</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Merged into 6m. Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 6p. Partners further promote the development of lifetime homes and Draft Policy wheelchair accessible housing, particularly in the private sector</p><p>Purpose of policy  To remove barriers for full use of dwellings by households living in them, and to increase future options for households with particular needs Who could  Households with particular needs benefit?  Housing providers that will have more appropriate housing Who could be  No one disadvantaged?</p><p>47 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  The specific ways in which this will be promoted is yet to be agreed Implementation by partners issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Promote the development of wheelchair accessible and lifetime of policy: homes across all tenures in Inverclyde Consultative 6q. Council will continue to increase the number of private landlords Draft Policy on the private landlord register</p><p>Purpose of policy  To improve the Council’s contact with and knowledge of the private landlords of Inverclyde Who could  The Council, re: its knowledge of landlords benefit?  Landlords, who could benefit from policies being developed for registered landlords Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Resources and staff are already set up for this Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Inverclyde Council will continue to expand the private landlord of policy: register and investigate ways of making use of it to benefit the sector and its tenants Consultative 6r. Develop links between private and social landlords for practice Draft Policy sharing</p><p>Purpose of policy  To help improve both sectors Who could  Private and social landlords, learning about different ways to benefit? approach similar services  Tenants of both, benefiting from potential improved practices Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  There is little established contact with private landlords currently. Implementation This should be the first priority issues</p><p>48 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Likelihood of  Low achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 6s. Partners provide landlord training/advice Draft Policy Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Addressed in 6t below. Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 6t. Develop a private landlord accreditation scheme, to give tenants Draft Policy confidence in their landlords, the way that RSL inspection reports may do for their tenants. This accreditation could require private landlords to achieve, or plan to achieve, the SHQS.</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Incorporated into 5j above. Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 6u. Joint review of quality/usefulness of information Draft Policy provision/communication across the housing system</p><p>49 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Purpose of policy  To improve communication between agencies and between agencies and customers Who could  Agencies benefit?  Customers Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  These issues are likely to be picked up as part of the development of Implementation other policies issues Likelihood of  High, without the need for a specific policy achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 6v. Develop systems to regularly assess demand for specialist housing Draft Policy to ensure current provision is necessary and to determine where new provision is needed</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Covered in 6m above. Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 6w. Provide more sheltered and very sheltered housing in existing Draft Policy neighbourhoods in Inverclyde.</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of </p><p>50 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT disadvantages General  Covered in 6m above Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 6x. Continue to support Care and Repair services to support older Draft Policy and disabled people in their homes.</p><p>Purpose of policy  As the policy says Who could  Older and disabled home owners benefit? Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  The service is already set up Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  There was strong support for this in the consultation Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Continue to provide the Care and Repair service for older and of policy: disabled residents in the private sectors of Inverclyde Consultative 7a. Partners agree a definitive local list of triggers in resident Draft Policy behaviour that will prompt housing support or other kinds of support assessments</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Covered in 7i below Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N)</p><p>51 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Revised wording of policy: Consultative 7b. Investigate the possibility of introducing tenancy clauses which Draft Policy state that if the landlord or CHCP believe a housing support or other kind of support assessment is required, tenants must comply</p><p>Purpose of policy  To target housing support services Who could  Agencies working with properly supported residents benefit?  SW finding residents requiring their services  Residents receiving the support they need Who could be  Residents without support needs could suffer intrusive assessments disadvantaged? being forced on them Reduction of  No way to reduce disadvantage disadvantages General  Intrusive policy and legal implications are unknown Implementation issues Likelihood of  Low achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 7c. Partners further consider alternative support to compliment Draft Policy support workers e.g. classes, instructional DVDs/literature, temp accommodation where training is provided, stand-by support when client requests it instead of programmed support etc.</p><p>Purpose of policy  To provide the most appropriate support and make best use of funding Who could  Support providers making best use of resources benefit?  Residents have variety of support methods to help them Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Alternative methods are already used Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Partners continue to investigate alternative methods of providing of policy: housing support which can replace or complement traditional practices. Consultative 7d. Programme regular reviews of all clients receiving support</p><p>52 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Draft Policy Purpose of policy  To make sure support packages are being increased or reduced appropriately to meet residents’ needs Who could  Support providers giving a more suitable service benefit?  Residents benefiting from the right package for them Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  The Housing Support Enabling Unit has recently developed a Better Implementation Futures Outcome table to measure residents’ progress and changing issues needs. This could be utilised in Inverclyde. Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Develop and adopt improved methods of reviewing residents’ of policy: housing support needs Consultative 7e. Continue to support interagency housing support assessments Draft Policy Purpose of policy  To ensure support needs from all angles are covered Who could  Support services ensuring their clients are correctly assessed benefit?  Residents being assessed correctly Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Interagency assessments are already undertaken Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Review and improve interagency housing support assessment of policy: processes in Inverclyde Consultative 7f. Undertake wide investigation into efficiency savings in Council- Draft Policy funded housing support provision </p><p>Purpose of policy  To reduce wasted resources in support provision Who could  Council providing more efficient service benefit?  Residents with resources being used more effectively for them Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages</p><p>53 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>General Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Investigate ways of making efficiency savings in Council-funded of policy: housing support services Consultative 7g. Investigate ways of measuring the benefits, successes and cost- Draft Policy effectiveness of housing support provision</p><p>Purpose of policy  To help funders and service providers understand how well services are provided, to understand where it saves other services money and to make future improvements Who could  Service providers and funders benefit?  Residents receiving support services  Other services who can keep their spending and client numbers lower because housing support prevents the need for their involvement Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  It can be difficult demonstrating where savings are being made for Implementation other services, but it is an approach that is increasingly being issues developed and used across the country Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Develop ways of measuring the benefits and savings that housing of policy: support services provide. Consultative 7h. Develop housing support programmes and housing for preparing Draft Policy people to manage their own tenancies</p><p>Purpose of policy  To help give residents the skills to stay in appropriate housing when they find it, without causing problems for their landlords, neighbours or themselves Who could  Landlords benefit?  Neighbours  Residents with support needs Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Implementing agencies will have to decide the most appropriate Implementation model to use, decide which households should benefit from it, decide </p><p>54 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT issues who is to be responsible for delivery and source funding, resources etc. Likelihood of  Medium achieving purpose  There was much support for this in the consultation, and a need for it was expressed Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Develop support programmes for preparing people to manage their of policy: own households Consultative 7i. Develop ways in which landlords can play a greater role in Draft Policy identifying potential support needs of their applicants or tenants and in responding to those</p><p>Purpose of policy  To ensure residents with support needs are not missing out on services they need Who could  Landlords, having tenants meeting their responsibilities better benefit?  Tenants, meeting their responsibilities better Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Landlords are already involved in processes like this; it is just a Implementation matter of improving this issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording None of policy: Consultative 7j. Develop strategy for training households to manage household Draft Policy finances</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Covered in 4m Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N)</p><p>55 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Revised wording of policy: Consultative 7k. Landlords jointly review and improve procedures used in Draft Policy relation to rent collection and arrears</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  A procedural issue for landlords Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 7l. Investigate possibilities for the Council and all relevant partners Draft Policy (housing support, homelessness, RSLs, private landlords, estate agents etc) to open a one-stop housing shop in a central area for advice, support, advertising, comprehensive housing assessments and joint responses</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Covered in 1f Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 7m. Partners develop and support initiatives to improve neighbour Draft Policy relations and co-operation</p><p>Purpose of policy  To improve neighbourhood living</p><p>56 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Who could  Landlords and other agencies with less problems to respond to benefit?  Residents, with less problems to deal with Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  The form this could take is unknown Implementation issues Likelihood of  Low achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 7n. Support development of a concordat between service Draft Policy providers/community planning partners and communities, re- defining boundaries between services and communities. Train staff on how to work under this, and monitor it in practice.</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  The community plan or SOA would be more appropriate for this Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 7o. Develop ways of making community groups more representative, Draft Policy accountable and capable</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  The community plan or SOA would be more appropriate for this</p><p>57 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 7p. Private landlords and RSLs consider the need for a live-in carer Draft Policy when prioritising applicants for housing</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  This is dealt with within individual landlord allocation policies Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 7q. Support development of non-professional carer networks of Draft Policy friends/family instead of focus on individual non-professional carer</p><p>Purpose of policy  To help ensure informal carers are supported in their work, and have their responsibilities eased where this is possible Who could  Informal carers, receiving more assistance benefit?  Residents who receive informal care, receiving the best combination of care possible  Care providers, benefiting from the work informal carers do Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  This will be continuing work already done Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N)</p><p>58 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Revised wording Investigate alternative ways to support and complement the work of of policy: informal carers Consultative 7r. Partners encourage housing-related agencies to record Draft Policy equalities information, to analyse it for planning purposes and to share it with other relevant agencies</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  See 1d. Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 7s. Continue to support Care and Repair services to support older Draft Policy and disabled people in their homes.</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  See 6x Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 8a. Partners investigate ways of monitoring and improving the Draft Policy maintenance of dwellings in Inverclyde</p><p>Purpose of policy  To improve knowledge and condition of properties in Inverclyde Who could  Residents, with improved housing conditions benefit?  Housing providers, for the same reason</p><p>59 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Who could be  There are potential costs for the owners of properties disadvantaged? Reduction of  Methods could be developed to minimise the impact of costs of disadvantages maintenance General  Much monitoring already takes place, and this can be used to help Implementation build an Inverclyde-wide process. issues  The 2006 Act etc. have set a framework for implementing policies like this Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Partners develop ways of monitoring and improving the maintenance of policy: of dwellings across all dwellings in Inverclyde Consultative 8b. Investigate methods for establishing and improving links Draft Policy between the Council and private landlords</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  See 1c. Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 8c. Assess the potential for HRAs in Inverclyde. Review criteria for Draft Policy deciding areas where these would be suitable.</p><p>Purpose of policy  These could be an important way of tackling wider problematic areas Who could  Residents of Inverclyde living in improved neighbourhoods benefit? Who could be  If compulsory purchases are used, it could involve households having disadvantaged? to move Reduction of  Minimal disruption would be sought in the planning of any disadvantages compulsory purchases General  These are an untried phenomena in Inverclyde, so there are no Implementation processes in place for their implementation issues Likelihood of  Medium</p><p>60 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT achieving purpose  The policy will will be the process for deciding if HRAs should be used Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 8d. Review criteria for deciding which households will receive help Draft Policy from the Council for property conditions</p><p>Purpose of policy  Ensure assistance is being directed in the best way Who could  Council services, directing their resources effectively benefit?  Residents receiving assistance Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  There are already staff and resources dedicated to these processes Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Review the criteria used by the Council for deciding which of policy: households receive assistance when improving their property conditions Consultative 8e. Investigate ways of improving the Council’s advice provision to Draft Policy private households in regards to their property conditions</p><p>Purpose of policy  To ensure households have the knowledge needed to look after their homes Who could  Private households benefit? Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Staff and resources are already dedicated Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording None of policy: Consultative 8f. Continually renew our private sector condition surveys</p><p>61 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Draft Policy Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Covered in 8a Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 8g. Support RSL work towards the minimum achievement of the Draft Policy SHQS</p><p>Purpose of policy  To ensure the SHQS is achieved Who could  RSL tenants benefit?  RSLs with better stock to let Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Work is already underway Implementation issues Likelihood of  Medium/high achieving purpose  The SHR has reported that not all RSLs are on schedule to achieve full SHQS in Inverclyde Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Support RSL work towards the achievement of the SHQS of policy: Consultative 8h. Investigate possibilities for the Council and all relevant partners Draft Policy (housing support, homelessness, RSLs, private landlords, estate agents etc) to open a one-stop housing shop in a central area for advice, support, advertising, comprehensive housing assessments and joint responses</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be </p><p>62 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Dealt with in 1f. Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 8i. Promote SHQS as an aspiration for home owners and private Draft Policy landlords</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Dealt with in 8a Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 8j. Partners encourage housing-related agencies to record Draft Policy equalities information, to analyse it for planning purposes and to share it with other relevant agencies</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Covered in 1d. Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose</p><p>63 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 8k. Where RSLs are exempt from the SHQS, RSLs continually Draft Policy review the potential for the SHQS to be achieved at a later date</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Covered in 8g Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 8l. Improve the conditions that tenants in the private rented Draft Policy sector live in, ensuring their dwellings are fully habitable, with monitoring through, for example, 5% spot checks</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Covered in 8a Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 8m. Continue to support Care and Repair services to support older Draft Policy and disabled people in their homes.</p><p>Purpose of policy</p><p>64 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Covered in 6x Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 8n. Council continue to support RSLs in remedying disrepair in Draft Policy private homes.</p><p>Purpose of policy  To provide another way of improving private homes, but also ensuring RSL works are not held back by owners unable to contribute Who could  RSLs benefit?  Owners Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  The processes are already in operation Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Inverclyde Council continue to support RSLs in remedying of policy: communal area disrepair in mixed tenure blocks Consultative 9a. Investigate with suppliers the potential to supply gas to currently Draft Policy all-electric dwellings in Inverclyde</p><p>Purpose of policy  To ensure the cheapest energy supply is available to all households Who could  Households currently paying large bills in electricity only households benefit? Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Not all areas of Inverclyde have gas available Implementation  It might require major works to achieve</p><p>65 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT issues Likelihood of  Medium achieving purpose  It will require getting energy suppliers, owners and landlords on board Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording None of policy: Consultative 9b. Partners campaign for reduction in energy costs for households Draft Policy Purpose of policy  As explained in the policy: reduce costs Who could  Households paying energy bills benefit? Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  This was seen as the role of other agencies, such as Ofgem Implementation issues Likelihood of  Low achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 9c. Continue development of and seek funding for home visits for Draft Policy fuel use assessments</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Dealt with in 9f Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 9d. Investigate options and potentials for converting more Draft Policy households to greener energy use</p><p>66 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Purpose of policy  To reduce carbon emissions in Inverclyde Who could  The environment benefit? Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  There is some relevant funding already available Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  There is strong support for this policy Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Investigate options for converting more households to greener energy of policy: use Consultative 9e. Investigate possibilities for the Council and all relevant partners Draft Policy (housing support, homelessness, RSLs, private landlords, estate agents etc) to open a one-stop housing shop in a central area for advice, support, advertising, comprehensive housing assessments and joint responses</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Dealt with in 1f Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 9f. Develop an area based, cross-tenure scheme for delivery of all Draft Policy relevant domestic energy efficiency, carbon reduction and fuel poverty activity</p><p>Purpose of policy  To reduce carbon and reduce fuel bills Who could  Households paying less bills benefit? Who could be  No one</p><p>67 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  There are many local agencies that would be capable of delivering the Implementation service, though funding may be the biggest challenge issues  Good practice from Inverclyde and beyond can be developed  Funding already comes into Inverclyde for work like this Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording None of policy: Consultative 9g. Partners encourage housing-related agencies to record Draft Policy equalities information, to analyse it for planning purposes and to share it with other relevant agencies</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Covered in 1d Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 9h. Explore with energy suppliers the potential for beneficial Draft Policy rates for residents in Inverclyde</p><p>Purpose of policy  To reduce fuel bills for residents Who could  Residents paying less bills benefit? Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Two energy suppliers already engage in deals like this Implementation issues Likelihood of  Medium</p><p>68 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT achieving purpose  While some energy suppliers do this, they may do it by quotas which may already be filled etc. Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording None of policy: Consultative 9i. Explore innovative methods to encourage more efficient Draft Policy energy use by households</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Covered in 9f Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 9j. Improve existing RSL energy and heating advice provision Draft Policy Purpose of policy  To provide residents with the knowledge to improve their energy use and bills Who could  Residents receiving the advice benefit? Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  RSLs receive funding to do this, and could use IHAF to take it further Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording None of policy: Consultative 9k. Support an increased take-up of social tariffs offered by Draft Policy energy companies</p><p>69 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Covered in 9f and 9j Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 10a. Explore funding to subsidise security alarms in areas where Draft Policy housing is most affected by break-ins</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Home security is addressed in other policies such as 10b Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 10b. Review possibilities of developing home security and home Draft Policy safety checks (in style of fire service fire safety checks) – as well as Police involvement, train housing officers/maintenance officers to do these</p><p>Purpose of policy  To improve security of individual homes Who could  Residents, with improved security and improved sense of security benefit? Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages</p><p>70 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>General  The police and voluntary agencies have provided these in the past Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Increase the number of residents who benefit from home security of policy: and safety checks New suggested Landlords will develop a securing standard for their properties policy Purpose of policy  To improve security of individual homes Who could  Residents, with improved security and improved sense of security benefit? Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Landlords already carry out void checks etc. Implementation of this Implementation standard can be added issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 10c. Partners support Community Safety Partnership to target Draft Policy resources to make communities safer</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Support for all relevant partners and their activities is specified Implementation throughout this strategy issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 10d. Encourage private and housing association landlords to arrange</p><p>71 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Draft Policy fire service home visits as part of new tenancy/settling in arrangements</p><p>Purpose of policy  To improve home safety, and sense of safety Who could  Residents benefit?  Fire and rescue, could have less emergencies to respond to if fires are prevented Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Fire and Rescue have much experience of this, and are keen to Implementation increase the number of residents who benefit from it issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 10e. Community Safety Partnership reviews residential access issues Draft Policy for emergency services</p><p>Purpose of policy  To ensure emergency services do not have problems entering residential areas or dwellings Who could  Emergency services benefit?  Residents using the service Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  There is no evident need for this policy. The emergency services Implementation would likely report issues they have experienced to the relevant issues agencies Likelihood of  Low achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 10f. Support the development of clearer arrangements and Draft Policy responsibilities in responding to crime/antisocial behaviour, across/between all housing agencies</p><p>Purpose of policy  To ensure staff of housing agencies are responding to crime and antisocial behaviour in the most effective way Who could  Housing agencies providing the most effective response</p><p>72 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT benefit?  Residents receiving an appropriate response to their complaints  Agencies like the police, receiving the best support possible from housing agencies Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  RSLs already have policies for responding to antisocial behaviour Implementation  It has been suggested in consultation that the Council should take a issues strong lead on this Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Improve the arrangements by which housing and other agencies of policy: provide a co-ordinated response to neighbourhood crime and antisocial behaviour Consultative 10g. Continue to target the use of mobile CCTV in hot spots Draft Policy Purpose of policy  To deter crime and antisocial behaviour and monitor it when it happens Who could  Agencies collecting evidence to tackle crime/antisocial behaviour benefit?  Residents benefiting from deterrants Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  This policy is already practiced Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 10h. Support continuing works to improve road safety in Draft Policy Inverclyde’s residential areas.</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  No need or support for this was expressed during the consultation</p><p>73 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 10i. Encourage greater involvement of RSLs and (through a strategy Draft Policy to improve links with them) private landlords in the work of the Community Safety Partnership</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Covered in policy 10f Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 10j. Provide Fire and Rescue with comprehensive and regular Draft Policy updates on planned demolition and construction plans, to allow them to plan their service around the increased risks work sites or derelict properties cause</p><p>Purpose of policy  To allow Fire and Rescue to plan around the information Who could  Fire and Rescue benefit?  Owners of the empty sites and buildings Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Fire and Rescue see a use for this information Implementation  The information is known, it just needs channelled to Fire and Rescue issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N)</p><p>74 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Revised wording Housing agencies will provide Fire and Rescue with comprehensive of policy: and regular updates on planned demolitions and construction work, enabling them to plan their service around the increased fire risks associated with empty sites and buildings Consultative 10k. Support the development of an Inverclyde protocol for joint Draft Policy service response to domestic abuse, based on the West of Scotland protocol</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  This proposed policy is misinformed: there is no West of Scotland Implementation protocol issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 10l. Provide housing and maintenance officers with training on how Draft Policy to respond to suspected domestic abuse/vulnerable person or child abuse within a home they have visited</p><p>Purpose of policy  To maximise the safety of vulnerable people Who could  Vulnerable people benefit?  Housing agency staff, having more confidence in responding to these situations Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Training has happened in the past Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Establish an ongoing training system to ensure housing agency staff of policy: can confidently respond to suspected or actual cases of domestic, vulnerable person or child abuse in the homes they visit Consultative 11a. Partners provide landlord training/advice</p><p>75 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Draft Policy Purpose of policy  To ensure landlords act appropriately when the residency of their tenancy is at risk Who could  Landlords benefit?  Tenants  Homelessness Service Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  This could be supported by the policies relating to improving links Implementation with private landlords issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Partners provide landlords with training and advice for when their of policy: tenants homes are at risk Consultative 11b. Promote wider uptake of housing association and regular Draft Policy contents insurance and buildings insurance, where appropriate</p><p>Purpose of policy  To reduce the impact of loss of belongings etc Who could  Residents benefit?  Insurance companies Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Promote the wider uptake of contents and buildings insurance by of policy: households in all sectors Consultative 11c. Develop strategy for training households to manage household Draft Policy finances</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of </p><p>76 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT disadvantages General  Covered in 4m Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 11d. Investigate possibilities for the Council and all relevant partners Draft Policy (housing support, homelessness, RSLs, private landlords, estate agents etc) to open a one-stop housing shop in a central area for advice, support, advertising, comprehensive housing assessments and joint responses</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Covered in policy 1f Implementation issues Likelihood of achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 11e. Partners encourage housing-related agencies to record Draft Policy equalities information, to analyse it for planning purposes and to share it with other relevant agencies</p><p>Purpose of policy Who could benefit? Who could be disadvantaged? Reduction of disadvantages General  Covered in 1d Implementation issues Likelihood of </p><p>77 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT achieving purpose Take policy NO forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 11f. Investigate ways of ensuring tenants can sustain their tenancy Draft Policy during hospital stays and rehabilitation and re-ablement</p><p>Purpose of policy  To minimise homelessness and keep options open for patients Who could  Residents benefit?  Homelessness Services Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  None disadvantages General  N/A Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  This is a priority for CHCP Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Investigate ways of ensuring tenants can sustain their tenancy during of policy: hospital stays, rehabilitation and re-ablement Consultative 11g. Where appropriate, expand on and improve existing services Draft Policy that allow people to stay in their homes when they develop care needs or their needs change</p><p>Purpose of policy  Disruption to resident minimised  Cost to agencies could be minimised too Who could  Residents benefit?  Related agencies Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Services are already running Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  Community care is a high priority Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Expand and improve existing services that allow people to stay in of policy: their homes when they develop care needs or their needs change Consultative 11h. Investigate the requirement for an increased uptake of Draft Policy mortgage-to-rent cases in Inverclyde</p><p>78 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Purpose of policy  To reduce the number of home owners having to lose their home Who could  Home owners who would otherwise lose their homes benefit?  Companies taking them on as tenants Who could be  Owners do lose their ownership of the home disadvantaged?  The owner/tenant could eventually lose their home as their tenancy comes to an end Reduction of  Of the first disadvantage, they at least do not lose the home disadvantages  Of the second disadvantage, this is no worse than any one else suffers in terms of the standard practices of the private rented sector General  Staff and resources for market research like this are already in place Implementation issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording of policy: Consultative 11i. Review and improve the different methods the Homelessness Draft Policy Service and its partners use to respond to different presentation situations</p><p>Purpose of policy  To ensure the services methods are the most effective possible to reduce homelessness Who could  Homeless or potentially homeless households benefit?  Homeless service, providing a more effective service Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  The Homelessness Service has already indicated its intention to start Implementation reviewing its approach to homelessness issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Review and improve the methods the Homelessness Service and its of policy: partners use to respond to homeless presentations, including introducing the ‘housing options’ approach Consultative 11j. Review homelessness/CHCP services’ ability to respond to the Draft Policy earliest indications of eviction/repossession procedures</p><p>Purpose of policy  To reduce occurances of homelessness Who could  Homeless households avoiding homelessness benefit?  Housing providers not losing tenants etc</p><p>79 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p> Homelessness Service, having less homeless cases to deal with Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  There are a lot of cases that may have to be dealt with, as housing Implementation providers have been known to start repossession processes as a means issues of collecting rent arrears etc, without genuine intention of seeking repossession Likelihood of  High achieving purpose  Early intervention can be effective in preventing homelessess Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Review the Homelessness Services ability to respond to the earliest of policy: indications of repossession procedures Consultative 11k. Investigate the potential for increasing the number of Draft Policy crisis/emergency homes in Inverclyde</p><p>Purpose of policy  To provide emergency homeless cases with somewhere to reside while their case is being dealt with Who could  Emergency homelessness cases benefit?  Homelessness Services, with improved resources Who could be  No one disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Beyond the Inverclyde Centre, the Homelessness Service is Implementation dependent on other housing providers for these issues Likelihood of  High achieving purpose Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording Investigate the potential for increasing the number of emergency of policy: homes available to the households presenting to the Homelessness Service Consultative 11l. All homeless households and households at risk of homelessness Draft Policy to receive welfare rights and financial assessments.</p><p>Purpose of policy  To help reduce homelessness, and give future tenancies etc. a firmer foundation Who could  Current landlords not losing tenants benefit?  Homeless or near homeless households with improved income/income management  Future landlords taking on households with improved income/income management Who could be  No one</p><p>80 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT disadvantaged? Reduction of  N/A disadvantages General  Partnership with Welfare Rights agencies etc will be required Implementation issues Likelihood of  Medium/high achieving purpose  No doubt existing welfare rights agencies already deal with a lot of cases, this will add to that: will they have the capacity? Take policy YES forward? (Y/N) Revised wording All homeless households and those at risk of homelessness are of policy: provided with a welfare rights/household finance assessment where this would be helpful</p><p>12. Impact What does the information tell you about the potential impact of this policy on the following equality groups?</p><p>Equality Target Positive Impact Neutral Negative Cross Group + Impact Impact cutting = - theme All equalities  The improved use of equalities groups monitoring and planning will have a positive impact on their experience in the housing system  Policies designed to improve access to housing, and the types of housing, for people with particular needs, could benefit all groups  The housing strategy is designed so that all people of Inverclyde can benefit from it, including equalities groups  Consultees Race advised that policies relating to creating ‘mixed communitie s’ could </p><p>81 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p> lead to racism between neighbours  Actions aimed at adapting Disability housing etc. will benefit disabled people  Actions relating to people’s care and support needs in the home can benefit disabled people Gender (male, female, transgender)</p><p>Religion and Belief</p><p> Actions aimed at adapting Age housing etc. will benefit older people who have mobility issues etc.  Actions relating to people’s care and support needs in the home can benefit younger and older people Lesbian, Gay and bi-sexual</p><p>Other groups to consider</p><p>13. From the Equality Target Groups you have highlighted above describe the positive and negative impacts and the groups affected.</p><p>Positive impacts Negative impacts (describe groups affected) (describe groups affected)</p><p> See table above for details.  See table above for details</p><p>82 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>If you do not have any potential negative impacts go to Question 15 and summarise the results of your assessment. </p><p>14. If you have identified any negative impacts use the matrix below to identify the level of the negative impact and the number of people potentially affected by the negative impact. </p><p>Your policy is likely to be Your policy is likely to be directly unlawfully discriminatory. discriminatory </p><p>Refer to the EIA Guidance on You must reject or substantially modify e l</p><p> p how to modify your policy. your policy o e P f o r e b Consider ways in which you Your function or policy is likely to be m u</p><p> can minimise or remove any unlawfully discriminatory. N low level negative impact that affects a small number of Refer to the EIA Guidance on how to people. modify your function or policy.</p><p>LOW HIGH</p><p>Level of Negative Impact</p><p>83 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>15. Summarise the results of the Equality Impact Assessment. Include any action which has been taken as a result of the Equality Impact Assessment. Please note if you have changed, modified or consulted on your policy.</p><p>All the policy actions listed in the Draft Inverclyde Housing Strategy 2011–2016 are intended to benefit all people of Inverclyde.</p><p>In most cases where it was seen that a policy action could affect an equalities group, it is predicted that this will be in a positive way. For this reason, most policies have not been altered for equalities impact reasons.</p><p>However, in one policy of the Housing Strategy, promoting a greater social and tenure mix in Inverclyde’s neighbourhoods, some consultees feared this could lead to an increase in racist incidents. In response to this fear – but also because the benefits of such a policy could be brought about through other policies in the strategy – this particular policy has been removed from the Housing Strategy. </p><p>84 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>16. How will the implementation of the policy be monitored? </p><p>The Safe, Sustainable Communities Committee of Inverclyde Council, with the support of its Safer and Inclusive Communities Service, will monitor the implementation of the strategy, on an annual basis. 17. How will the results of monitoring be used to develop the policy? </p><p>Any aspect of the strategy can be amended if its monitoring proved this to be necessary.</p><p>18. When is the policy due to be reviewed? </p><p>Mid-2012</p><p>19. Please use the space below to detail any other matters arising from the Equality Impact Assessment process.</p><p>None.</p><p>The impact assessment should now be authorised by the officers.</p><p>Policy Title :</p><p>Name of Person (s) who completed the Name: Asa Brooks Assessment Position: Housing Strategy Officer, Safer and </p><p>85 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Inclusive Communities Service, Inverclyde Council</p><p>Authorised by: Date:</p><p>Name:</p><p>Position:</p><p>Date:</p><p>On completion of this step the Equality Impact Assessment will be published on Inverclyde Council’s Website. Glossary of Terms</p><p>Direct Discrimination: treating a person less favourably than another on the grounds of race, disability, gender, sexual orientation, religious/political belief or age.</p><p>In direct discrimination: the application of a ‘provision, criterion or practice’ that puts people from different backgrounds at a particular disadvantage and cannot be shown to be a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.</p><p>The term ‘positive action’ refers to a variety of measures designed to counteract the effects of past discrimination and to help eliminate stereotyping of any kind. Under this broad definition positive action may include initiatives such as the introduction of non- discriminatory selection procedures, training programmes or policies aimed at preventing any harassment.</p><p>Positive discrimination This is where members of a particular group are given preference over others for no other reason than their belonging to that group. Positive discrimination is unlawful.</p><p>86 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Useful Links Webpage Resource Disability Rights Commission Equal Opportunities Commission Commission for Racial Equality Commission for Equality and Human Rights Census statistics jsp Images of Disability The Equalities Review</p><p> European Year of Equal Opportunities equality2007/index_en.htm</p><p>Scotland’s Commissioner for Children & Young People Women and Equality Unit</p><p>87 INVERCLYDE HOUSING STRATEGY IMPACT AND POLICY PRIORITISATION ASSESSMENT</p><p>Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation /Overview Scottish Household Survey High Level Summary of Equality Statistics: Key Trends for Scotland 2006 /11/20102424/0</p><p>Stonewall Scotland /default.asp LGBT Youth Scotland</p><p> Scottish Parliament briefings on equality search/subject/equal.htm</p><p>Acknowledgements </p><p>Inverclyde Council’s Equality Impact Assessment has been informed by: </p><p>. Scottish Executive‘s Equality Impact Toolkit</p><p>. Argyll and Bute Council Equality Impact Assessment Toolkit</p><p>88</p>

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