<p> CYNGOR CYMUNED LLANFRYNACH COMMUNITY COUNCIL</p><p>A meeting of the Community Council took place on Thursday 6th April 2017 at 7.30pm in Llanfrynach and Cantref Community Hall.</p><p>Present: Mr Bill Burrows BB Mr Ian Matthews IM Ms Ruth Brown RB Mr Steve Williams (Chairman) SW Dr Mervyn Bramley (Vice Chairman) MB Mr Charles de Winton CdW Ms Sue Dale (Clerk) SD Mr Thomas Jones TJ</p><p>In attendance: a visitor from the Brecon Beacons National Park Authority and 11 members of the public.</p><p>1. Welcome 2. Apologies Mr Tony Hamnett AH 3. Declaration of Interest. None</p><p>4. Public Participation Ms Janet Poole, a heritage officer of the Brecon Beacons National Park Authority (BBNPA) visited Llanfrynach Community Council to talk about conservation areas. A Conservation Area is an area of special, architectural or historic interest whose character should be preserved. There are currently 4 Conservation Areas in the National Park. All were designated in the 1960s or 1970s. Since then, no new designations have taken place. In 2013 a Park wide review of potential areas was undertaken and a list of areas was put forward for more detailed review. 8 settlements were identified including Llanfrynach. In order to ensure a consistent approach with selection some basic criteria were established:</p><p>1. A distinctive quality of place, where there is still visible evidence of the area’s historic development in its plan form;</p><p>2. The presence of landscape features of historic interest;</p><p>3. The presence of significant features of architectural or historic interest;</p><p>4. The presence of high quality or unusual materials on buildings or within the landscape;</p><p>5. The retention of high quality architectural detail on a significant number or grouping of buildings</p><p>6. Significant views in and out of the settlement / area.</p><p>The results of the review were presented to the Members of the National Park Authority who approved the recommendation for further assessment of the settlements with potential for conservation area designation.</p><p>Page | 1 CYNGOR CYMUNED LLANFRYNACH COMMUNITY COUNCIL</p><p>What are the planning implications of conservation area designation?</p><p>It is important to understand that Conservation area status is not a barrier to change . Conservation area status reduces the permitted development rights for householders. However, there is not a significant difference because permitted development rights are already limited in National Parks. The following additional planning controls would restrict permitted development rights:</p><p> Conservation area consent would be required for the demolition of any building or part of a building exceeding 115 cubic metres.</p><p> Conservation area consent would be required for the demolition of any gates, wall, fence or railing of I metre high or more where it abuts a highway (including a public footpath or bridleway) or public open space. In other locations this would be 2 metres high or more.</p><p>N.B For listed buildings or structures Listed Building Consent would always apply whether or not in a conservation area.</p><p> Anyone proposing to cut down, top or lop a tree in a conservation area is required to give six weeks’ notice to the local planning authority. During this time the authority has the opportunity to consider making a tree preservation order. This requirement does not apply to trees under a certain size (a stem no greater than 75mm when measured at a height of 1.5 metres) or trees that are proven to be dead, dying or dangerous.</p><p>Further implications of conservation area status:</p><p>Wider local publicity has to be undertaken for planning applications.</p><p>New proposals will be expected to be of a high standard of design so that the character and appearance of the conservation area is either preserved or enhanced</p><p>Outline planning applications are not acceptable in conservation areas. A full planning application would have to be submitted which would include details of layout and design.</p><p>What are the benefits of designation and appraisal?</p><p>Identifies what makes the area special – for example architecture, materials, green spaces, views.</p><p>Helps in assessing planning applications ensuring that development is of good quality and the design and materials are sympathetic to the character of the area</p><p>Page | 2 CYNGOR CYMUNED LLANFRYNACH COMMUNITY COUNCIL</p><p>Identifies issues affecting the character and appearance of the settlement and opportunities for enhancement</p><p>Guides positive management of conservation areas to help enabling change without harming their character</p><p>It is a locally based designation which recognises local distinctiveness and values heritage assets that are not on the statutory list</p><p>Programme – what is next?</p><p>1. To set up a steering group if there is a sufficient interest in the community to participate. Participation on the steering group would offer opportunities for some hands on work such as research into the historic development of the village and survey work on the ground</p><p>2. Prepare draft conservation area appraisal based on the survey work</p><p>3. Discuss the draft with the steering group and make any necessary amendments </p><p>4. Formal consultation which will include a public exhibition in the village with a BBNPA officer in attendance.</p><p>5. Make amendments to the appraisal resulting from the consultation feedback</p><p>Concerns from councillors were that a conservation area could prove burdensome to residents. Also that the conservation area make it more attractive to visitors, bringing more cars.</p><p>Mr Phil Kendrick of Tregaer Road visited Llanfrynach Community Council. </p><p>The residents have 4 concerns: - The field can be used all daylight hours (up to 6.30pm) - No restriction on night time camping - South Field Marketing - Fields will be used for family holidays They were shocked when there was "no objection" comment recorded. CC not represented residents views. Llanbrynean was an opportunity to work together - now lost. "Our voice has been ignored". The residents of Tregaer Road feel that they have been treated as if they have the “plague”. They are very concerned.</p><p>Page | 3 CYNGOR CYMUNED LLANFRYNACH COMMUNITY COUNCIL</p><p>Mr Kendrick closed by expressing his hope of never having to make another presentation like this one and by saying he was still seething.</p><p>There will be a review of our processes which TH recommended in his report.</p><p>5. Minutes of the meeting on the 2nd March 2017, the minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on the 15 th March 2017 and precept minutes of the 12 th of January.</p><p>The minutes of the 2nd March 2017 were approved. The minutes of the extraordinary meeting of the 15th March were approved. The precept minutes of the 12th January 2017 were approved with the precept statement attached.</p><p>6. Matters Arising</p><p>Item 20 (Minutes of the 2nd March) – Wicksteed have inspected the playground. Some overhanging branches have been pointed out for removal, no other problems were identified. Item 21 (Minutes of the 2nd March) – MB had submitted a response to the WG’s 'Reforming Local Government: Resilient and Renewed’ consultation. He noted there were relatively few matters relevant to our CC other than having registered its support for the proposals related to Community Councils. These will retain their existing structure - i.e. no amalgamation of small rural CCs, but working in clusters on appropriate matters. Item 6 (Minutes of the 15th March)– the Ombudsman has classed the submission as a self-referral and a further covering letter is needed, believing as we do that a code of conduct complaint has been made against us.</p><p>7. Llanfrynach & Cantref Community Hall No parking signs have been up outside the community hall for at least a month at the request of the County Councillor. </p><p>8. Ty Bach The doors of the Ty Bach need painting. </p><p>9. Groesffordd Hall Management Current Acc. £6,847.93 Savings Acc. £9,024.47 Tenders are out for the extension of the hall. Ultimately this will cost in the region £25000. The tenders will be considered at the trustees meeting on the 25th April 2017.</p><p>Page | 4 CYNGOR CYMUNED LLANFRYNACH COMMUNITY COUNCIL</p><p>10. Flood Risk Management There was a flood risk management meeting, on the 30th March, attended by 14 residents, MB and 2 representatives of Natural Resources Wales. The aim is to produce an action plan of things to do when a flood is imminent, the next edition of the newsletter contains a feature article. </p><p>MB gave an update on management of the Menasgin. He had discussed the next phase of work on site with Brian Stephens - i.e. establish a new river- side toe in blockstone to the right bank embayment (and form an area where removed shoal material can be permanently dumped), improve the main channel alignment, and carry out necessary deshoaling. MB will survey the present river channel alignment through the site and then prepare a new drawing of the proposed work showing the channel realignment and the blockstone and the deshoaling work. This will be used for the CC’s method statement to NRW for approval and then for the works on site, which are to be carried out over the summer / early autumn 2017 window.</p><p>MB's offer to carry on supervising the next phase of the work for the CC as its Agent under the NRW Consent after completing his term as Councillor in May was gratefully accepted. It was noted that CC will need to confirm MB’s position as the CC’s Agent in writing. Actions: MB, SD.</p><p>11.Traffic Safety Update on A40 / A470 The Clerk confirmed she had requested Kirsty Williams to obtain an update on the WG proposed date for publication of the draft Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for the A470 at Nant Ddu. MB had drafted a letter which the Clerk would now send to the Police and Crime Commissioner thanking him for his request to the WG for early implementation of the local 50mph speed limits, and asking him what response he had obtained. MB stated that, with fiscal year 2017/18 now started, the WG had missed its expected 2016/17 date for publication of the draft TRO for the A40 in Llanhamlach. It was resolved that the CC writes to Kirsty Williams requesting her to ask the WG when it now expects to publish the draft Llanhamlach TRO. Action: MB</p><p>C96 – BB reported that there had been no cooperation from the County Councillor for the walk through. Powys County Council Highways is to arrange speed traps along the road. MB agreed to brief the new councillor dealing with the implementation of the Trunk Road Safety review on details of the various Llanhamlach road safety issues. MB</p><p>Page | 5 CYNGOR CYMUNED LLANFRYNACH COMMUNITY COUNCIL</p><p>12.A conservation area in Llanfrynach, a proposition to be discussed and action agreed. The Community Council recommend a public meeting to consider the proposition early in the new term SD</p><p>13. Preparations for the forthcoming elections. The Community Council as aware of at least one good candidate who may have been lost to the Community Council due to a clerical error on the nomination form.</p><p>14.Newsletter, date of publication Sue Brook has decided to resign from the Newsletter to go on to other things. Many thanks to her for her editorship, wit and wisdom over the last 8 and a half years. The Community Council resolved to thank her, SW to organise. Delivery will be, hopefully, over the Easter weekend if not shortly after.</p><p>15.A new sign for school row has been requested There are at least 2 people who grew up in the village who remember the sign for School Row. SD</p><p>16. Thank you to Mr And Mrs de Winton for the leaf clearance.</p><p>17. Household waste and recycling centre • Brecon: Monday and Tuesday (9am-5pm); Sundays (9am-4pm) • Llandegley: Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturdays (10am-4pm) • Newtown: Tuesday and Thursdays (9am-5pm); Sundays (9am-4pm) • Welshpool: Monday and Fridays (9am-5pm); Saturdays (9am-4pm) • Lower Cwmtwrch, Ystradgynlais: Thursday and Fridays (9am-5pm); Saturdays (9am-4pm) Should you have any queries regarding the new opening hours please contact Powys County Council on 01597 82 7465.</p><p>18. A Human Resources committee meeting is required to consider the clerk's probation. IM, SW and MB will form the committee and have a meeting just before the extraordinary meeting on Thursday 20th April 2017. The Chairman proposed a vote of confidence in the clerk, carried unanimously.</p><p>Page | 6 CYNGOR CYMUNED LLANFRYNACH COMMUNITY COUNCIL</p><p>19.Powys County Council Matters None</p><p>20.Consideration of the April 2016 Code of Conduct. Adjourned</p><p>21.Financial Statement & Cheque signing Current available funds £13219.98 Cheques signed 4/6/2017: Powys County Council £247.01 (Rates) (unsigned) Powys County Council £105.27 (Compliance) (unsigned) SLCC membership £ 93.00 unsigned</p><p>Financial statement attached – Addendum 1</p><p>22. Correspondence - The good councillors guide (hardcopy), it was noted that the new guide recommends that CC’s should develop an Action Plan and that the existing CC Action Plan developed in 2013 was probably due for updating. - Community Delivery, Issue 3 - Welsh Government Consultation esp. Bus Services. - Community defibrillator, a letter from Kirsty Williams. An anonymous donor has donated a defibrillator to the pub, another has donated a cabinet to house it. The CC should keep an oversight </p><p>23. Any Other Business (to be used to pass on information only) Note, the Clerk sought advice from SLCC, The Scruitiny Officer at Powys County Council and the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales in relation to continuing potential disputes. </p><p>Openreach Broadband - MB stated he believed that superfast broadband was now available from Llanfrynach Cabinet 1 for Llanhamlach and probably Groesffordd</p><p>Tourist Information Centre - MB advised the CC to monitor whether Powys CC propose to maintain a staffed TIC in Brecon in 2018/19 as he believed many residents with interests in tourism would be concerned if a staffed TIC service in Brecon were closed without external consultation. </p><p>A vote of thanks to MB – proposed by CdeW and endorsed by all.</p><p>Agenda item for May meeting – The poor state of the tarmac in Groesffordd Square.</p><p>Page | 7 CYNGOR CYMUNED LLANFRYNACH COMMUNITY COUNCIL</p><p>There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting.</p><p>Date of Next Meeting: 11th May 2017 at 7.30 pm in Groesffordd Village Hall.</p><p>Page | 8</p>
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