The 2013 Effective Laboratory Conference

The 2013 Effective Laboratory Conference

<p> The 2013 Effective Laboratory Conference Conference Programme for 17-19 June as of 11 March 2013</p><p>Pre -Conference (17 June)</p><p>PM Private activities being organised by EMU (Engineering Managers’ Union), UBMA (University Biology Managers’ Association), and UCLAS (University Chemistry Laboratory Administrators and Supervisors) for their ‘conference within a conference’</p><p>Special workshop – Data Centres and Server Rooms for Science</p><p>18.45 for 19.30 Private Conference dinner for EMU, UBMA and UCLAS delegates, plus delegates from IST (Institute for Science and Technology), guests and sponsors</p><p>Conference Day 1 (18 June)</p><p>10.30 – 10.35 Chairman’s Welcome 10.35 – 11.05 Keynote 1: The New Francis Crick Institute - Creating a Critical Mass for Next Generation Biomedical Research Jim Smith, Director, MRC National Institute for Medical Research 11.05 – 11.35 Keynote 2: From Bench to Business: Creating a New Open Innovation Campus to Drive Early Stage Biotech, Medtech and Pharma Developments Dr Martino Picard, Chief Executive Officer, Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst 11.35 – 12.05 Keynote 3: ‘Pfizer’s New Laboratory Paradigm’ Paul Jansenwillen, Pfizer 12.05 – 12.30 Panel Discussion with Keynote Speakers 12.30 – 14.00 Lunch, exhibitions and sponsor/technical sessions 14.00 – 15.15 Parallel Sessions A (see details below) 15.15 – 15.45 Tea/coffee and exhibitions 15.45 – 17.00 Parallel Sessions B (see details below) 17.15 – 19.00 Free reception for all delegates, sponsors and exhibitors – drinks and canapés, sponsored by HOK Conference Day 2 (19 June)</p><p>09.30 – 09.35 Chairman – key issues from day 1 09.35 – 10.05 Keynote 4: ‘Integrated Laboratory Design and Operation at the University of Chicago’ Don Levy, Vice-President for Research and On-Campus National Laboratories (Argonne and Fermi), University of Chicago 10.05 – 10.35 Keynote 5: 'The University of Liverpool's Laboratory Strategy and the Central Teaching Laboratory (CTL)' Steve Holloway, Pro Vice-Chancellor, and Paul Nolan, Professor of Physics and CTL Academic Lead, University of Liverpool 10.35 – 11.20 Tea/coffee and exhibitions 11.20 – 11.50 Keynote 6: 'Laboratories and University Modernisation' Sir Ian Diamond, Vice-Chancellor, University of Aberdeen and Chair, Universities UK Modernisation Task Force 11.50 – 12.15 Panel Discussion with Keynote Speakers 12.15 – 12.30 S-Lab Award Presentations 12.30 – 13.45 Lunch, exhibitions and sponsor/technical sessions 13.45 – 15.00 Parallel Sessions C (see details below) 15.00 – 15.30 Tea/coffee and exhibitions 15.30 – 16.45 Parallel Sessions D (see details below) 16.45 – 17.15 Informal Post-Conference Discussion on Lessons Learnt and S-Lab Activities </p><p>Lunchtime Sessions </p><p>To fit the most content possible into the conference there will be short 20-30 minute sessions during the lunch breaks comprising very specialist topics that have been difficult to fit into the main programme and briefing sessions by partners and sponsors. </p><p>Parallel Sessions </p><p>The following pages provide details of the To assist choice, each session is classified in terms of the scientific disciplines that are most likely to be covered (Bioscience, Chemistry & Physical Science, Earth & Environmental Science, and Engineering) and the roles that are most likely to find the session of relevance (Estates; Environmental & Energy; Equipment & Procurement; Health & Safety; Senior Managers; Teaching and Technical Support within science organisations, and Design and Mechanical & Electrical amongst vendors). Day 1, Parallel Sessions A: 14.00 – 15.15 p.m.</p><p>A1 Translational Science Facilities [Bio Estates; Research; Senior; Technical; Design]</p><p>Dr Gordon McLean, Operations Director, Scottish Centre for Regenerative Medicine, University of Edinburgh Integrating Basic and Clinical Research with Licensed Clinical Production in a New Translational Science Facility</p><p>Followed by a panel discussion featuring Dr. Gordon McLean, fellow keynote speaker Jim Smith of NIMR/Francis Crick Institute, Bill Odell of HOK and another tbc. </p><p>A2 Learning from Fires and Emergencies [ChemPhys; Eng Estates; H&S; Technical; Design]</p><p>Alaine Martin, Facility and Technical Resource Manager, University of Strathclyde The 2012 Fire in Strathclyde’s Chemical Engineering Building</p><p>Dr. Moray Stark, Safety Officer, Department of Chemistry, University of York The 2012 Fire in York’s Chemistry Building</p><p>A3 Effective Briefing and Design Processes for New Research Laboratories – Aligning Estates, Users and Suppliers [Bio; ChemPhys; Eng Estates; Research; Senior; Technical; Design]</p><p>Gez Hunter, Mechanical Services Design Engineer Estates Office, University of Warwick and Duncan Leach, BMJ Architects Warwick’s Material and Analytical Science Building – Integrating Chemical and Physical Sciences Research in a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ Building Built to Labs21/S-Lab Principles</p><p>Name tbc and David Stutchfield, Energy Officer, University of St Andrews A Laboratory for Lean Times – Productive, Space Efficient and BREEAM Outstanding </p><p>A4 Chemistry Laboratories with a Focus on Chemical Management and Storage [ChemPhys Eqt; Estates; H&S; Research; Teaching; Technical; Design]</p><p>Ron Brown and Tim Calder, Waste Management, University of Edinburgh Environmental, Financial and Science Benefits from Chemical Lifecycle Management </p><p>Dr Mahesh Uttamlal, Lecturer in Chemical Sciences, School Of Engineering and Built Environment, Glasgow Caledonian University Laboratory Refurbishment Secures Chemistry Education and Research A5 International Experience: Labs 21 Design Principles [All Estates; Design; M&E] </p><p>Brief presentations from key figures in the development and implementation of Labs 21 design principles followed by interactive discussions. The presenters include Otto van Geet, Principal Engineer, US National Renewable Energy Laboratory; Gordon Sharp, CEO Aircuity and I2SL Board Member and Wendell Brase, VC, University of California, Irvine. and I2SL Board Member. </p><p>A6 Keynote Follow Up – Changing Scientist’s Expectations and Behaviour [All Eqt; Envt; Research; Senior; Teaching; Technical]</p><p>Short presentations by Paul Jansenwillen, Pfizer; Don Levy, University of Chicago and AN Other followed by Q&A and discussion on topics such as how to persuade scientists to change with regard to sharing equipment and services; hot desking; new teaching practices; recording more systematically; shutting sashes and other controversial topics. </p><p>A7 Designing Outreach Laboratories [All Teaching; Design]</p><p>Dr. Nazira Karodia, Associate Dean, Life Sciences, University of Bradford Bradford’s New STEM Outreach Laboratory</p><p>Presentation tbc</p><p>A8 Science Computing: IT Provision in Research Laboratories [All Estates; IT; Research; Design]</p><p>John Trigg, Chair, RSC Automation and Analytical Management Group and Director, Phasefour-Informatics The IT Integrated Laboratory – Electronic Notebooks at the Heart of Lab Informatics</p><p>Professor Allan Jordan, Head of Chemistry, Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, University of Manchester IT at the Heart of a Truly Integrated and Efficient Drug Discovery Laboratory Day 1, Session B: 15.45 – 17.00 p.m.</p><p>B1 Bioscience Laboratories at Liverpool [Bio Estates; Research; Teaching; Technical]</p><p>???, Biosciences Manager, University of Liverpool Bioscience Facilities at Liverpool (Followed by guided laboratory tour)</p><p>B2 Keynote Follow Up – Integrating Design, Curriculum and Technical Support in University of Liverpool’s Central Teaching Laboratory (with a focus on Chemistry)</p><p>Short presentations by Paul Nolan, Lee Reilly, Chemistry Teaching Fellow, and Irene ?, Technical Support, followed by Q&A and short guided tour. (NB Tour may go on after 1630)</p><p>B3 EMU Business Meeting or Tour of Liverpool Engineering</p><p>B4 Lab Ventilation and Fume Cupboards [All Envt; Estates; H&S; Technical; Design; M&E]</p><p>David McCaffrey, Engineering Services Manager, Durham University Reducing Fume Cupboard Energy Consumption by Technical and Behavioural Changes</p><p>Presenter tbc University of California, Irvine ‘Smart Labs’ Initiative Targets – and Often Exceeds – a 50% Improvement in Laboratory Energy Efficiency</p><p>B5 Science Computing [All Estates, IT; Research; Design]</p><p>Cameron Neylon, Advocacy Director at the Public Library of Science (PLOS) Open Science and Laboratory Informatics</p><p>Jeremy Frey, Professor of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Natural and Environmental Science,University of Southampton (tbc) Smart Labs for Smart People - Joining Physical, Digital and Personal Spaces to Facilitate Research and Learning</p><p>B6 The S-Lab/Green Impact Laboratory Environmental Assessment Framework Drives Improvement [All Envt; Estates; Technical]</p><p>David Somervell, Sustainability Advisor, and Martin Farley, Programme Assistant for Laboratories, University of Edinburgh Environmental, Financial and Science Benefits from Chemical Lifecycle Management </p><p>Jennifer Hibbert, ?, University of Leeds Green Impact and Labs at the University of Leeds B7 Keynote Follow Up – Design and Operational Innovations at The Francis Crick Institute [Bio Estates; Research; Technical; Design]</p><p>Short presentations by Richard Treisman/Jim Smith of the Institute and Bill Odell, HOK (the architects) followed by Q&A and discussion on topics such as ???. </p><p>B8 International Experience: Australasia [All but especially Bio Research; Teaching: Design]</p><p>Ken Collins, MD, LabWorks representing Victoria University and also speaking to Australian as well as New Zealand experience The Victoria University of Wellington’s Alan MacDiarmid Building: Integrating Biological, Chemical and Physical Sciences and Hosting the Highest Concentration of Post-Doctoral Research Scientists in Australasia</p><p>Joanne Kelly, Title, New Zealand Forestry Institute (Scion), Rotorua Combining and Refurbishing Two Laboratory Buildings Triples Utilisation, Fosters Cross- Disciplinary Interaction and Improves Safety and Sustainability Day 2, Keynote Follow Up: Special Lunchtime Session for Senior Managers 12.30 - 13.30 p.m.</p><p>An informal working lunch with interactive discussion of laboratory strategies led by Steve Holloway, PVC at the University of Liverpool, as a follow up to his earlier keynote, with additional contributions by Sir Ian Diamond, VC of the University of Aberdeen and ???? NB This is restricted to PVC, Directors, Heads of School and similar level individuals </p><p>Day 2, Session C: 13.45 - 15.00 p.m. (NB except C1)</p><p>C1 Reinventing Research Space and Activity – Open Innovation and Industry-University Collaboration [All Research; Senior; Design]</p><p>Presentation tbc from Prof David Gann or other from Imperial Innovations </p><p>Followed by a panel discussion featuring Prof Gann, Dr Martino Picard, Chief Executive Officer, Stevenage Bioscience Catalyst, Don Levy and Adrian Gainer of HOK. </p><p>C2 Emerging Roles: Building Managers and Estates - Laboratory Relationships [All Estates; Senior: Technical]</p><p>An interactive session led by Steve Dickson, ??? at the University of Liverpool, with additional contributions by Dr. Richard Jones, Head of Capital Projects at the University of Oxford, and Wendell Brase </p><p>C3 Efficient and Effective Cold Storage [Bio Envt; Eqt; Estates: Technical; Design]</p><p>Arthur Nicholas, Estates Officer, University of Manchester A Planned Preventative Maintenance, Approach to Maximizing Operational Efficiency, Energy Saving and Storage System Reliability in -80oc Freezers</p><p>Janet Philp, School Administrator and Technical Manager, University of Edinburgh Reducing Costs and Environmental Impacts Through Cold Storage and Other Laboratory Improvements</p><p>C4 International Experience: Scandinavia [All Envt; Estates; Design: M&E]</p><p>Nina Haugeland, University of Copenhagen Title tbc</p><p>Joakim Larson, Associate Professor and Researcher, University of Gothenburg Laboratory for Experimental Biomedicine Cuts Energy by 24% and Hourly Air Change Rates from 20 to 5 C5 Sharing Equipment and Resources Between Laboratories [All Env; Eqt; Research; Senior; Technical]</p><p>Alaine Martin, Facility and Technical Resource Manager, University of Strathclyde Sharing Analytical Instrumentation in Strathclyde’s New Trace Analysis Laboratory</p><p>Paul Monk, Hazardous Waste Technician, University College London An Online Resource Exchange Enables Sharing and Donation of Laboratory Equipment and Supplies to Reduce Carbon, Costs and Waste</p><p>C6 Learning from Buildings – Services and Technologies as Educational Features [Earth; Eng Env; Estates; Research; Teaching; Design: M&E]</p><p>Otto van Geet, Principal Engineer, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado Showcasing Clean Technologies and Lab 21 Design Principles in NREL Buildings </p><p>Dr David Tann, Head of Department of Urban Engineering, London South Bank University An Inspirational Teaching, Research and Demonstration Laboratory whose Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Technologies are a Teaching Tool </p><p>C7 IT in Teaching Laboratories [All Estates; IT, Senior; Teaching; Technical; Design]</p><p>Professor Andrew Evans. Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Physics (IMAPS), Aberystwyth University Refurbishment of 1960s Physics Teaching Laboratories</p><p>Speaker tbc + Laura Scott, Environmental Engagement Officer, Nottingham Trent University IT Innovation Supporting STEM Teaching and Research</p><p>C8 Keynote Follow Up – Current and Future Teaching Practices in the University of Liverpool’s Laboratories: Insights from the Teaching Fellows [All Teaching]</p><p>Short presentations by Professor Paul Nolan and a number of the specialist Teaching Fellows that have been created in Chemistry and Physical Sciences, Engineering and Life Sciences to support curriculum change around upgraded laboratory facilities, followed by Q&A and discussion on topics such as ???. Day 2, Session D: 15.30 – 16.45 p.m.</p><p>D1 Resilience in Science Campuses and Laboratories [All Estates; Senior: Design]</p><p>Dr. Arthur Nicholas, Estates Officer, Faculty of Life Science, University of Manchester Resilience in UK University Estates and their Laboratories: Results of a Survey of XX Institutions (conducted on secondment to Arup)</p><p>Dr. Michael Stephens, Head of Safety, Security and Resilience, Medical Research Council Resilience in MRC Laboratories</p><p>D2 Technicians as Teachers [All Teaching; Technical]</p><p>A discussion session featuring Stephen Baker, Technician, School of Physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University; Catherine Davies, Senior Analytical Research Technician, University of Manchester and others.</p><p>D3 New Laboratories with Innovative Environmental Features [Earth Envt; Estates; Research; Teaching; Design: M&E]</p><p>Mike Tipping, Assistant Director of Estates Department, Aberystwyth University New Low Carbon Teaching, Research and Development Faculty Buildings across Two Campuses</p><p>Stephen Pearson, Head of Building Services, University of Oxford, and Keith Horsley, Hoare Lea Consulting Engineers Integrating Disciplines in a Symbolic and High Performance Building Using Ground Source Heat</p><p>D4 Virtual Learning in Laboratories [All IT; Teaching]</p><p>Professor Jeremy Bagg, Head of Dental School, University of Glasgow Conversion of an Obsolete Biomedical laboratory into a Multi-functional, Multi-media Teaching Facility Improves Learning and Increases Utilisation by 250%.</p><p>Dr Tina Chowdhury, Institute of Bioengineering, Queen Mary University London, and Keith Turner CEO Solvexx Solutions Ltd A Virtual Tissue Laboratory Uses 3D Interactive Games Technology, Personalised Assessment and Other Means to Optimise Laboratory Use and Make Learning More Exciting</p><p>D5 Lab Environmental Improvement [All Envt; Estates; Research; Technical]</p><p>Cathy Hilton, Buildings Facility Manager, University of Cambridge The Gurdon Institute - Changing Behaviour Cuts Energy Use by 19% in Research Laboratories</p><p>Session tbc</p><p>D6 Emerging Roles: Director of Operations [All Senior; Technical]</p><p>An interactive session beginning with short presentations by Terry Croft MBE, Director of Operations at the Faculty of ???, University of Sheffield and others tbc discuss their roles before leading a Q&A session</p><p>D7 Refurbished Life Science and Medical Teaching Facilities [Bio Estates; Senior; Teaching; Technical; Design]</p><p>Fiona Nixon, Deputy Director of Estates (Projects), Swansea University Combining Small Labs and Support Spaces into a Flexible Bioscience Teaching Laboratory for 200 Students in a 1950s Listed Building </p><p>Presenter tbc, University of Malta: Faculty of Medicine and Surgery Modern Health Biotechnology Research Facilities in an EU-Funded Laboratory Refurbishment</p><p>D8 Lab Discussion Time – The Student Experience of the Laboratory and How it Can be Improved [All Teaching; Technical]</p><p>Short presentations by Mark Langley of the National Science Learning Centre, ?? of the City Academy and students followed by lively discussion on topics such as how students learn most effectively in laboratory settings; attitudes and expectations of school leavers on entering university to study STEM subjects; and the potential of social media to enhance STEM learning. </p>

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