hy Bro. Sir John Smith P.P.S.G.W., and from this it appeared THE OLD MASONIANS , that a considerable sum had been spent in renovating the premises both inside and outside. It was proposed very shortly was with considerable gratification we perused the current IT to carpet the lower hall. number (No. 4, for November) of the " Old Masonians' Bro. Percy Wallis P.P.S.G.W. presented the report of the Charity Committee " as its pages afford ample evidence of an increased , which stated that during the year the sum Gazette, of £1,642 had been contributed by the Province towards the interest in the work of the Institution on the part of those who, funds of the Boys School—the annual function of which was in years gone by, have been the recipients of its bounty. We presided over by their Provincial Master, at Brighton. time when complaint was made of the lack of Bro. J. B. Coulson presented the report of the Audit remember the Committee. concern—almost general indifference—on the part of the There were two nominations for the position of Treasurer—• scholars who left the School , as to what was being done for Bro. J. B. Russell P.M. Hartington Lodge, proposed by Bro. W. those who succeeded them in after years ; while others again were H. Marsden, and seconded by Bro. Percy Wallis ; and Bro. E. Thornley P.M. Peveril of the Peak Lodge, proposed by Bro. S. accused, and with very good reason as we are personally aware, Taylor, and seconded by Bro. J. Whitehead. Bro. Russell was of being actually ashamed to give the Royal Masonic Institution elected to fill the position. for Boys—and the same has also been said in regard to the .The Masonic Hall Committee of Management and the representatives upon the Charity Committee were re-elected, Sister Institution—credit for the help it rendered in the and the Deputy P.G.M. then appointed and invested the Officers pupil's hour of need. There is, as we have already said , a as follow :— change in the present day, and we propose to devote a further Bro. Sir 'Thomas Roe - Senior Warden C. J. Jackson - Junior Warden portion of our space to the subject at an early opportunity ; Rev. Jas. Given - - „, , . - - I Chaplains meantime any of our readers interested in the subject should Rev. S. 0. Haywood - - - j J. E. Russell - - - Treasurer send to Mr. G. C. Willett, Secretary of the " Old Masonians," at W. W. Heywood - - - - Registrar 's Hotel, for a copy of the Gazette." W. Naylor ----- Secretary Anderton " C. F. Wardley ....Senior Deacon J. Hindle .....Junior Deacon R. Hall .....Superintendent of Works W. Hart ----- Director of Ceremonies W. H. Smedley ....Assistant Dir. of Cers. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Booth Waddington - - - Sword Bearer W. Campbell - - - - I „,. -, ¦, ,, the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge, held »tandard Bearers AT S. J. Parkhill - - - - / at Cambridge, on Monday, 23rd inst., Bro. Colonel R. A. Day .....Organist Townley Caldwell Prov. Grand Master appointed and invested J. Cutting --- -- Assistant Secretary the following Officers for the ensuing year : W. Gaskell - - - . Pursuivant J. Stuart - Assistant Pursuivant Bro. H. C. Knott 859 - - - - Senior Warden F. E. Leech - . W. W. Rouse Ball 1492 - - - Junior Warden - - ' L. H. Bryson - - . - I Rev. G. B. Finch 859 - - - I n, , . W. J. Piper - . ... Rev. H. T. E. Barlow 859 - - - chaPIains J E. Leech L Stewards T. Watts 441 Treasurer L. H. Gandy - .. - T. Hunnybun 88 - - - - Registrar A. W. Allen - . - . Oliver Papworth 88 Secretary S. B. Smith . P. H. Young 441 ....Senior Deacon - ' A. Slinn .....Tyler T. B. Hope 859 - Junior Deacon W. J. Drinkwatev - E. B. Bellairs 809 - - - - Superintendent of Works Assistant Tyler. F. Dewberry 441 - Director of Ceremonies After this Past Provincial Grand rank was conferred on C. H. French 492 - - - - Deputy Dir. of Cers/J W. J. Fernie 859 - - - - Sword Bearer three members in commemoration of the 21st installation of A. W. Aldrich 2107 - - , - Organist H.R.H. the Prince of Wales as Grand Master, viz., Bros. E. C. John Bester 88 - - - - Pursuivant Milhgan (Phcenix Lodge of St. Anne's), T. N. Turner (Mundy F. J. Moden 88 - - - - \ Grove), and James Gutting L. Hosegood 441 - (Tyrian). W. Gilling 809 ... , Before the Lodge closed Bro. W. H. Marsden P.P.S.G.W - - - i Stewards. P.G.S.B. F. C. Begg 859 - - - f England referred to the work which was being carried W. B. Pike 859 - out in connection with the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys. J. W. Carr 2107 - / He mentioned that an important estate had been purchased at A Charity jewel was presented to Bro. H. Briggs 859, and Charity Bushey, and that the Board were committed to the removal of Jewel clasps to Bros. Oliver Papworth 88 and B. H. Sharman 441. the Institution. The price charged was something like £200 an —" Bast Anglian Daily Times." acre, and it was hoped to accommodate 500 children instead of 300 as at present. He proposed " That this P.G.L. begs to express its confidence in the governing body of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys, and its appoval of their policy." DERBYSHIRE This was seconded by Bro. B. Home, and carried unanimously. Before the conclusion of the Lodge the Deputy Provineial THE annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge was held Grand Master expressed pleasure that the affairs of the Province in the Masonic Hall , Derby, on Wednesday, the 25th , were proceeding on very satisfactory lines. Masonry in the when there was an attendance of upward s of 200 brethren. In Pioviuce had . shown a steady advance on the true principles and the absence of the Provincial Grand Master the Duke of Devon- foundations of the Craft, and they must feel very grateful and shire the proceedings were presided over by his Deputy Bro. thankful in hearing the reports of the various Lodges. The H. C. Okeover. great Masonic Charities, too, had been well supported, and the The annual written reports of the Worshipful Masters of only regret he felt that day was that the Provincial Master was Lodges were read , and they all showed the position of the unable to be p- esent. Province to be in an eminently satisfactory condition. A banquet followed , when the usual Masonic toast list was The report of the Masonic Hall Committee was presented gone through.— " Nottingham Guardian," The Brethren met in the first instance at the Lodge rooms NORTHUMBERLAND (the Bowling Green Hotel), where the dispensation was read, held alter which a procession was formed to the church , where a THE annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge was in the Assembly Room, Alnwick, on Tuesday, 24th inst., short service was conducted by Bro. Rev. John Kelty I.P.M. when there was a very large attendance. In the unavoidable P.P.G.Cuaplain. A collection was made at the close of this absence of the Right Hon, the Provincial Grand Master Sir service, on behalf of the bazaar fund , the sum realised being Matthew White Ridley, Bart., M-P-. the chair was taken by the £5 10s lOd. The procession then re-formed, and proceeded to the Deputv, Alderman Richard Holmes P.G.D. of England. schoolroom, where the bazaar was being held. Bro. Kelty then The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened in form , took the chair, beiug supported by the following, viz., Bros. J. J. Meakin P.M. 992 P.P.G.W., the acting Master announced the receipt of a letter and telegram Joseph Leach P.M. 300 and 1774 from Sir Matthew White Ridley , who, he was sorry to say, was P.P.G.T., John Wrigley P.M. 2i0 P.P.G.T., Dr. Thomas D. unable to be with them. The telegram read from the Prov.G.M. Foreman P.M. 210 P.P.S.G.D., P. Wills P.M. 300 P.P.G.A.D.C , was as follows :— William Bee P.M. 1459 P.P.G.A.D.C , Ernest Moss P.M. 268 P.P.G.Sd.Br., Thomas Milton P.M. 210 P.P.G.Std.Br., James " Hearty greetin g to Provincial Grand Lodge, and sincere regrets. I cannot leave London. Express my profound disappointment. Glennie P.M. 1774 P.P.G.Std.Br., James Bromley P.M. 268 Ridley." P.P.G.Std.Br., J. W. Hully P.M. 268 P.P.G.S., James E. Smith The various reports were given and the roll of Lodges was P.M. 210 P.P.G.S., Edwin Walker P.M. 210 P.P.G.S., William called. Thornley P.M. P.P.G.S., Wm. Henry Beastow P.M. 1459 The appointment and investiture of three Officers to P.P.G.S., Geo. W. Davies P.M. 1459 , aud others whose names commemorate the twenty-first anniversary of the installation of are too numerous to mention. H.R.H. the Prince of Wales as Grand Master, took place as The Rev. Chairman said he rose that afternoon because follows :—Bros. George A. Allan, Tyne Lodge, as P.P.G.S.W. ; their Worshipful Master (Bro. Grundy) was not able to be Thomas J. Armstrong, Newcastle, as P.P.G.S.W., and William present. The position was not of his choice or seeking, but on Dorman , Northern Counties Lodge, Newcastle, as P.P.G.S.D. account of the office be held in the Lodge he felt bound to take The following were appointed and invested as the Provincial charge of matters when the W.M. was unable to be present. Grand Officers for the ensuing year :— His duty that afternoon was to introduce a gentleman who had Bro.
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