<p> 1 Cellular Visualization of Macrophage Pyroptosis</p><p>2 and IL1 Release in a Viral Hemorrhagic</p><p>3 Infection in Zebrafish Larvae</p><p>4 Mónica Varela1, Alejandro Romero1, Sonia Dios1, Michiel van der Vaart2, Antonio</p><p>5 Figueras1, Annemarie H. Meijer2, Beatriz Novoa1#</p><p>6 1 Marine Research Institute, CSIC, Vigo, Spain, 2 Institute of Biology, Leiden University, Leiden, The</p><p>7 Netherlands</p><p>8</p><p>9</p><p>10 Corresponding Author: [email protected]</p><p>11 Running Tittle: Macrophage Pyroptosis in Zebrafish Larvae</p><p>12 Keywords: Hemorrhagic Virus, Zebrafish, Macrophages, Pyroptosis, IL1 Release, Antiviral Response,</p><p>13 RNA Virus, Inflammatory Response, SVCV</p><p>14 Abstract word count: 284</p><p>15 Text word count: 5097</p><p>1 1</p><p>2 16ABSTRACT</p><p>17 Hemorrhagic viral diseases are distributed worldwide with important pathogens,</p><p>18such as Dengue virus or Hantaviruses. The lack of adequate in vivo infection models has</p><p>19limited the research on viral pathogenesis and the current understanding of the</p><p>20underlying infection mechanisms. Although hemorrhages have been associated with the</p><p>21infection of endothelial cells, other cellular types could be the main targets for</p><p>22hemorrhagic viruses. Our objective was to take advantage of the use of zebrafish larvae</p><p>23in the study of viral hemorrhagic diseases, focusing on the interaction between viruses</p><p>24and host cells. Cellular processes, such as transendothelial migration of leukocytes,</p><p>25viral-induced pyroptosis of macrophages and Il1 release, could be observed in</p><p>26individual cells, providing a deeper knowledge of the immune mechanisms implicated</p><p>27in the disease. Furthermore, the application of these techniques to other pathogens will</p><p>28improve the current knowledge of host-pathogen interactions and increase the potential</p><p>29for the discovery of new therapeutic targets.</p><p>30</p><p>31IMPORTANCE</p><p>32 Pathogenic mechanisms of hemorrhagic viruses are diverse and most of the</p><p>33research regarding interactions between viruses and host cells has been performed in</p><p>34cell lines that might not be major targets during natural infections. Thus, viral</p><p>35pathogenesis research has been limited because of the lack of adequate in vivo infection</p><p>36models. The understanding of the relative pathogenic roles of the viral agent and the</p><p>37host response to the infection is crucial. This will be facilitated by the establishment of</p><p>38in vivo infection models using organisms as zebrafish, which allows the study of the</p><p>39diseases in the context of complete individual. The use of this animal model with other</p><p>40pathogens could improve the current knowledge on host-pathogen interactions and</p><p>3 2</p><p>4 41increase the potential for the discovery of new therapeutic targets against diverse viral</p><p>42diseases.</p><p>5 3</p><p>6 43INTRODUCTION</p><p>44 Endothelial cells and leukocytes are at the front line of defense against</p><p>45pathogens. Most infectious pathogens have some relationship with the endothelium,</p><p>46although not all pathogens are true endothelial invading organisms (1). Infections can</p><p>47produce large changes in endothelial cells function, particularly in relation to</p><p>48inflammation. Inflammatory stimuli can activate endothelial cells, which secrete</p><p>49cytokines and chemokines. Moreover, the importance of endothelial cells in the</p><p>50regulation of leukocyte transmigration to the site of inflammation has given these cells a</p><p>51major role in immunity (2).</p><p>52 Host-pathogen interactions are essential for the modulation of immunity (3). The</p><p>53presence of a pathogen alters the immune balance prevailing in a host under normal</p><p>54conditions causing the appearance of diseases, which lead to the death of the host if it is</p><p>55not able to control the infection. Clear examples of these effects are evident in viral</p><p>56hemorrhagic fevers, in which an understanding of the relative pathogenic roles of the</p><p>57viral agent and the host response to the infection is crucial (4). Hemorrhagic</p><p>58manifestations are characteristic of these fevers, which have historically been associated</p><p>59with endothelium infections. Currently, many pathogens causing hemorrhagic diseases</p><p>60do not infect endothelial cells as the primary target (1). Indeed, macrophages and</p><p>61dendritic cells are targets for some hemorrhagic viruses, such as Ebola Virus (5) or</p><p>62Dengue Virus (6, 7).</p><p>63 Most of the research regarding interactions between viruses and host cells has</p><p>64been performed in cell lines that might not be major targets during natural infections</p><p>65(8), making it difficult to characterize the behavior of pathogens in individuals and</p><p>66reducing the likelihood of discovering an effective therapeutic target. The lack of a good</p><p>7 4</p><p>8 67animal model in which the infection can be followed from the beginning and in the</p><p>68context of the whole organism has contributed to these difficulties. Zebrafish (Danio</p><p>69rerio) provide advantages, as these organisms exhibit rapid development, transparency</p><p>70and a high homology between its genome and the human one (9). Furthermore, the</p><p>71existence of mutant and transgenic fish lines and the potential use of reverse genetics</p><p>72techniques, such as the injection of antisense morpholino oligonucleotides or synthetic</p><p>73mRNA, make zebrafish a useful tool for the study of host-pathogen interactions.</p><p>74 No naturally occurring viral infections have been characterized for zebrafish</p><p>75(10). Moreover, the experimental susceptibility of zebrafish to viral infections has been</p><p>76demonstrated with other fish viruses (11-13) and also with mammalian viruses (14-16).</p><p>77 We used the rhabdovirus Spring Viraemia of Carp Virus (SVCV) as a viral</p><p>78model to show the potential of the zebrafish in host-pathogen interaction studies. SVCV</p><p>79predominantly affects cyprinid fish and causes important economical losses and</p><p>80mortalities worldwide (17, 18). Affected fish exhibit destruction of tissues, such as</p><p>81kidney or spleen, leading to hemorrhage and death. However, little is known about the</p><p>82infection mechanism of this enveloped RNA virus.</p><p>83 Thus, the main objective of the present study was to improve the knowledge of</p><p>84the pathology generated by SVCV, as an example of hemorrhagic virus, focusing on</p><p>85interactions between the virus and host cells at early stages of the infection in zebrafish</p><p>86larvae. Taking advantage of zebrafish transgenic lines, imaging techniques and, using</p><p>87morpholino-induced cell depletion, viral-induced pyroptosis and IL1β release were</p><p>88observed in macrophages at the single cell level.</p><p>9 5</p><p>10 89MATERIALS AND METHODS</p><p>90Ethics Statement. The protocols for fish care and the challenge experiments were</p><p>91reviewed and approved by the CSIC National Committee on Bioethics under approval</p><p>92number 07_09032012. Experiments were conducted in fish larvae before independently</p><p>93feeding and therefore, before an ethical approval is required (EU directive 2010_63).</p><p>94Fish. Homozygous embryos and larvae from wild-type zebrafish, transgenic line</p><p>95Tg(Fli1a:eGFP)y1 that labels endothelial cells, transgenic line Tg(Mpx:GFP)i114 that</p><p>96labels neutrophils, transgenic line Tg(Mpeg1:eGFP)gl22 that labels macrophages and</p><p>97transgenic line Tg(Cd41:GFP)la2 that labels thrombocytes were obtained from our</p><p>98experimental facility, where the zebrafish were cultured using established protocols (19,</p><p>9920). The eggs were obtained according to protocols described in The Zebrafish Book</p><p>100(19) and maintained at 28.5˚C in egg water (5 mM NaCl, 0.17 mM KCl, 0.33 mM</p><p>101CaCl2, 0.33 mM MgSO4, and 0.00005% methylene blue), and 0.2 mM N-</p><p>102phenylthiourea (PTU; Sigma) was used to prevent pigment formation from 1 days post-</p><p>103fertilization (dpf).</p><p>104Virus and Infection. The SVCV isolate 56/70 was propagated on epithelioma</p><p>105papulosum cyprini (EPC) carp cells (ATCC CRL-2872) and titrated in 96-well plates.</p><p>106The plates were incubated at 15°C for 7 days and examined for cytophathic effects each</p><p>107day. After the observation of the cells under the microscope, the virus dilution causing</p><p>108infection of 50% of the inoculated cell line (TCID50) was determined using the Reed-</p><p>109Müench method (21). The fish larvae were infected through microinjection into the duct</p><p>110of Cuvier as described in Benard et al. (22) at 2 or 3 dpf. SVCV was diluted to the</p><p>111appropriate concentration in PBS with 0.1% phenol red (as a visible marker to the</p><p>112injection of the solution into the embryo) just before the microinjection of 2 nl of viral</p><p>11 6</p><p>12 113suspension per larvae. The infections were conducted at 23˚C. SVCV was heat-killed at</p><p>11465ºC during 20 minutes.</p><p>115Imaging. Images of the signs and videos of the blood flow were obtained using an</p><p>116AZ100 microscope (Nikon) coupled to a DS-Fi1 digital camera (Nikon). Confocal</p><p>117images of live or fixed larvae were captured using a TSC SPE confocal microscope</p><p>118(Leica). The images were processed using the LAS-AF (Leica) and ImageJ software.</p><p>119The 3D reconstructions and the volume clipping were performed using Image Surfer</p><p>120(http://imagesurfer.cs.unc.edu/) and LAS-AF (Leica), respectively.</p><p>121Immunohistochemistry. Whole-mount immunohistochemistry was performed as</p><p>122previously described (23). The following primary antibodies and dilutions were used: L-</p><p>123plastin (rabbit anti-zebrafish, 1:500, kindly provided by Dr. Paul Martin); Caspase a</p><p>124(rabbit anti-zebrafish, 1:500; Anaspec); SVCV (mouse anti-SVCV, 1:500; BioX</p><p>125Diagnostics) and Il1β (rabbit anti-zebrafish, 1:500, kindly provided by Dr. John</p><p>126Hansen). The secondary antibodies used were Alexa 488 anti-rabbit, Alexa 546 anti-</p><p>127rabbit or Alexa 635 anti-mouse (Life Technologies), all diluted 1:1000.</p><p>128Real-Time PCR. Total RNA was isolated from snap-frozen larvae using the Maxwell®</p><p>12916 LEV simply RNA Tissue kit (Promega) with the automated Maxwell® 16</p><p>130Instrument according to the manufacturer’s instructions. cDNA synthesis using random</p><p>131primers and qPCR were performed as previously described (24). 18S was used as a</p><p>132housekeeping to normalize the expression values. Gene expression ratio was calculated</p><p>133by dividing the normalized expression values of infected larvae by the normalized</p><p>134expression values of the controls. Table S1 in supplemental material shows the</p><p>135sequences of the primer pairs used. Two independent experiments, of 3 biological</p><p>136replicates each, were performed.</p><p>13 7</p><p>14 137Microangiography. Tetramethylrhodamine dextran (2x106 MW, Life Technologies)</p><p>138was injected into the caudal vein of anesthetized zebrafish Tg(Fli1a-GFP) embryos at 24</p><p>139hours post-infection (hpi). The images were acquired within 30 min after injection.</p><p>140TUNEL assay. The TUNEL assay was performed using the In Situ Cell Death</p><p>141Detection Kit, TMR red or POD (Roche) as previously described (25).</p><p>142In vivo acridine orange staining. For acridine orange staining, larvae were incubated</p><p>143for 2 hours in 10 µg/ml acridine orange solution followed by washing for 30 min.</p><p>144Macrophages depletion with PU.1-MO. For the PU.1 knockdown, the morpholino</p><p>145was injected into the yolk at the one-cell stage at 1 mM to block macrophages</p><p>146development as previously described (26). Macrophage-depleted fish were infected at 2</p><p>147dpf to ensure morpholino effectiveness until the end of the infection.</p><p>148In vivo propidium iodide staining. For propidium iodide (PI) staining, larvae were</p><p>149incubated for 2 hours in 10 µg/ml propidium iodide solution followed by washing for 30</p><p>150min.</p><p>151Statistical analysis. Kaplan-Meier survival curves were analyzed with a Log-rank</p><p>152(Mantel Cox) test. The neutrophil count and qPCR data were analyzed using one-way</p><p>153analysis of variance and Tukey’s test, and differences were considered significant at</p><p>154p<0.05. The results are presented as the means ± standard error of mean (SEM).</p><p>15 8</p><p>16 155RESULTS</p><p>156Course of the SVCV infection in zebrafish larvae. Zebrafish larvae are susceptible to</p><p>157SVCV through bath infection, but typically the results show high interindividual</p><p>158variations (12, 27). Moreover, the long infection times required exclude the use of</p><p>159temporal knockdown techniques, such as morpholino microinjection. As with caudal</p><p>160vein injection (27), we found that SVCV injection into the duct of Cuvier was efficient,</p><p>161thereby providing a reproducible route of infection with fast kinetics. We injected 2 nl</p><p>6 162of a SVCV stock solution (3x10 TCID50/ml) per larva. Mortality began at 22-24 hpi,</p><p>163consistently reaching nearly 100% between 48 and 50 hpi (Fig. 1A). There were no</p><p>164differences in the development of the infection between the use of 2 or 3 dpf larvae</p><p>165(data not shown). To assess viral transcription, the expression of the SVCV</p><p>166nucleoprotein (N gene) was measured through quantitative RT-PCR (Fig. 1B). The</p><p>167samples were collected between 3 and 24 hpi (just prior to mortality). Efficient viral</p><p>168transcription was observed from 6 hpi, with an important increment between 12 and 18</p><p>169hpi. Moreover, we found that viral N gene transcription began quickly in the fish as</p><p>170significant differences were found between heat-killed SVCV (HK-SVCV) and SVCV</p><p>171infected fish (Fig. 1B).</p><p>172 With regard to macroscopic signs, the first ones were visible after 18 hours (Fig.</p><p>1731C). A progressive decrease in the blood flow rate was observed, particularly in the tail</p><p>174(See movie S1-S2 in supplemental material). The circulation in the tail was completely</p><p>175stopped after 20-22 hpi, although it remained visible at the anterior part of the fish. The</p><p>176circulation in the head lasted longer but also eventually stopped (See movie S3 in</p><p>177supplemental material). At this point, blood was clearly visible inside the veins, with</p><p>178exception of the hemorrhage areas (Fig. 1C). Hemorrhages appeared in the anterior part</p><p>179of the larvae, mostly in areas with a huge amount of microvessels but, a great 17 9</p><p>18 180heterogeneity was observed in the occurrence of these hemorrhages varying in terms of</p><p>181location and time post-infection. The heartbeat was clearly less powerful over time until</p><p>182it completely stopped, moment in which the larvae were considered dead. The observed</p><p>183signs and times are consistent with those previously described for this virus using a</p><p>184similar infection model (27). Consistency in the infection results reaffirms the idea that</p><p>185SVCV and zebrafish larvae are an appropriate duo for an in-depth study of the innate</p><p>186immune response against that intracellular pathogen.</p><p>187SVCV does not affect the integrity of the endothelium. The loss of circulation in the</p><p>188trunk and hemorrhages in larvae head were the most characteristic symptoms of</p><p>189infection. Therefore, we characterized the effect of the virus in the vascular system of</p><p>190the fish, as previously determined for another rhabdovirus, IHNV (13). Using the</p><p>191transgenic line Tg(Fli1a-GFP) (28), which facilitates the visualization of the vascular</p><p>192system, we clearly observed a loss of GFP fluorescence in infected fish at 24 hpi (Fig.</p><p>1931D, E). This effect was particularly visible in the main veins of the head (Fig. 1D) and</p><p>194in the tail (Figure 1E). In addition, we used this transgenic line in combination with a</p><p>195whole-mount fluorescent immunohistochemistry for L-plastin (leukocyte-plastin) (29).</p><p>196The anti-L-plastin antibody was a useful tool for the detection of macrophages and</p><p>197neutrophils in the larvae. In addition to the loss of Fli1a-GFP fluorescence in the trunk,</p><p>198a decrease in the number of L-plastin-positive cells in the area corresponding to the</p><p>199caudal hematopoietic tissue was also observed at 24 hpi (Fig. 1E). Moreover, a shape</p><p>200change in L-plastin-positive cells was clearly visible in infected fish. The morphology</p><p>201of the cells in infected fish changed from thin and elongated (with prolonged</p><p>202extensions) to rounded and lobulated (Fig. 1F). The morphological changes might be</p><p>203associated with alterations in cell motility or the infection of the leukocytes themselves</p><p>204(30, 31).</p><p>19 10</p><p>20 205 To confirm the integrity of the endothelium in the tail at 24 hpi, we injected</p><p>206tetramethylrhodamine dextran into the caudal vein of the larvae. This fluorescent dye</p><p>207remained inside the vessels, even when Fli1a-GFP fluorescence was absent (Fig. 2A).</p><p>208Shadows in tetramethylrhodamine dextran fluorescence correspond with blood cells that</p><p>209remain inside vessels even when circulation was stopped (Fig. 2A, 2B). Moreover, the</p><p>210results of the TUNEL assay and the acridine orange staining revealed no DNA damage</p><p>211neither necrosis, respectively, in the endothelial cells of infected fish (Fig. 2C),</p><p>212suggesting that the cells were apparently healthy and the loss of fluorescence likely</p><p>213reflected a transcriptional regulation of the Fli1a gene and not cell death. This was</p><p>214verified by combining Fli1a-GFP fish with DIC microscopy (Fig. 2D). Further,</p><p>215TUNEL-positive cells in the caudal hematopoietic tissue of infected larvae were</p><p>216observed, and the localization of these cells was consistent with the position of L-</p><p>217plastin-positive hematopoietic precursor cells in control fish (Fig. 2E). This observation</p><p>218was not surprising as blood flow is essential for hematopoietic stem cell development</p><p>219(32). In addition, several studies have shown the relationship between blood circulation</p><p>220and Fli1, as Fli1-deficient mice exhibit impaired hematopoiesis (33). Indeed, previous</p><p>221studies in mice described that both morphants and knockouts of Fli1 showed normal</p><p>222vessel development, with impaired circulation and hemorrhaging (33, 34). This might</p><p>223suggest that the simple transcriptional regulation of fli1a could be sufficient to cause the</p><p>224symptoms observed in SVCV-infected larvae.</p><p>225 To determine the mechanism underlying fli1a mRNA transcription and to</p><p>226associate it with the loss of blood flow in the larvae, we performed a time course during</p><p>227SVCV infection. Based on the signs of their morphants and on their implication in the</p><p>228maintenance of vessel integrity, we also selected the v-ets erythroblastosis virus E26</p><p>229oncogene homolog 1a (ets1a) and the vascular endothelial cadherin (ve-cad) genes for</p><p>21 11</p><p>22 230qPCR analysis (Fig. 2F). Fli1a and Ets1a are both transcription factors involved in the</p><p>231regulation of hematopoiesis and vasculogenesis (35). A statistically significant decrease</p><p>232in the level of fli1a gene transcripts was observed from 12 hpi. Similar results were</p><p>233observed for ets1a, as the time course profile for this transcription factor was identical</p><p>234to that for fli1a. The interindividual variations in ve-cad, a key regulator of endothelial</p><p>235intercellular junctions (36), made it difficult to observe a clear expression pattern,</p><p>236particularly at the late stages of the infection. This effect might be associated with the</p><p>237observed heterogeneity in the appearance of hemorrhages, in terms of time, area or</p><p>238larvae. Notably, the downregulation of ve-cad at 9 hpi suggests an increase in the</p><p>239permeability of the endothelium at that infection point. Interestingly, fli1a</p><p>240downregulation clearly occurred before the onset of hemorrhages and the loss of</p><p>241circulation, suggesting that hemorrhages were a consequence of this downregulation.</p><p>242Zebrafish antiviral response to SVCV. To further study the mechanisms involved in</p><p>243the defense against SVCV, we analyzed the expression of some important genes</p><p>244associated with viral detection. Pattern recognition receptors, such as Toll-like receptors</p><p>245(TLRs) and RIG-1-like receptors (RLRs), are membrane-bound and cytosolic sensors,</p><p>246respectively (37). We observed a significant downregulation of tlr7, tlr22, tlr8a and</p><p>247mda5 at 3 hpi (Fig. 3A). As occurred with Dengue virus (38) or Influenza (39), this</p><p>248downmodulation could correspond to an immune evasion strategy. rig-1 was not</p><p>249regulated during the first 24 hours of the infection. Regarding tlr3, we also saw a slight,</p><p>250but significant, regulation at 12 hpi.</p><p>251Pattern recognition receptors initiate antimicrobial defense mechanisms through several</p><p>252conserved signaling pathways (40). The activation of interferon-regulatory factors</p><p>253induces the production of several antiviral response-related genes. We observed that</p><p>254SVCV elicited a response in all the analyzed genes (Fig. 3B). ifnphi1 and ifnphi2 23 12</p><p>24 255showed different response profiles. ifnphi1 remained downregulated between 3 and 9</p><p>256hpi, the time in which ifnphi2 was regulated. ifnphi1 was upregulated from 12 hpi,</p><p>257similar to mx (a and b paralogues), which increased from 12 hours and reached a</p><p>258maximum at 24 hours. rarres3 showed a biphasic response, with higher expression at 9</p><p>259and 24 hpi. The recently characterized ifit gene family in zebrafish (41, 42) was also</p><p>260present in the response, highlighting the response of ifit17a, which reached a 20-fold</p><p>261change.</p><p>262SVCV positive cells are not endothelial cells. To determine whether endothelial cells</p><p>263were the primary targets of SVCV in this in vivo model of infection we performed an</p><p>264immunohistochemistry using an antibody against SVCV (Fig. 4). Using Fli1a-GFP</p><p>265infected larvae, SVCV was clearly visible in areas surrounding vessels (Fig. 4A). The</p><p>2663D reconstruction and volume clipping of the Fli1a channel showed that the SVCV</p><p>267positive cells were not endothelial cells (Fig. 4B, C, D). We observed crossing and</p><p>268circulating SVCV-positive cells, suggesting that these cells might be leukocytes</p><p>269interacting with the endothelium. </p><p>270 Our hypothesis was confirmed by performing L-plastin labelling (Fig. 5). L-</p><p>271plastin positive cells were observed surrounding vessels and many of these cells co-</p><p>272localized with SVCV. Again, the 3D reconstruction of the confocal images conferred</p><p>273information about the cells and their position relative to the vessels (Fig. 5A). In</p><p>274addition, we observed that SVCV-infected cells showed viral antigen positive signal</p><p>275inside and on their surface (Fig. 5A). The signal detected on the cell surface might be</p><p>276associated with viral assembly, antigen presentation by infected cells or both (6). We</p><p>277observed cells labeled with only L-plastin (interacting or not with the endothelium),</p><p>278double-positive cells (interacting or not with the endothelium) and cellular debris</p><p>279positive for one or both markers. Large amounts of cellular debris were observed, 25 13</p><p>26 280always with L-plastin-positive cells phagocytising SVCV-positive particles in the same</p><p>281area (Fig. 5B). This cellular debris might play a role in the first line of defense against</p><p>282SVCV, as observed with other pathogens (43). Furthermore, defective debris clearance</p><p>283has been associated with persistent inflammatory diseases (44).</p><p>284Cellular response to SVCV infection. The transendothelial migration of leukocytes</p><p>285during inflammation has been well characterized (45). In the present study, the role of</p><p>286leukocytes during infection was explored using the Mpx-GFP zebrafish transgenic line</p><p>287combined with L-plastin immunohistochemistry (Fig. 6). Using this system, we were</p><p>288able to differentiate between macrophages (L-plastin+, Mpx-) and neutrophils (L-</p><p>289plastin+, Mpx+). After 24 hours of infection, practically all macrophages were</p><p>290undetectable (Fig. 6A) and a statistically significant migration of neutrophils to the head</p><p>291was observed (Fig. 6A, 6B, 6C). The loss of leukocytes in the caudal hematopoietic</p><p>292region was also confirmed (Fig. 6B). Using markers for both cellular types, marco for</p><p>293macrophages and mpx for neutrophils, we could check by qPCR the dynamics of that</p><p>294leukocytes population (Fig. 6D). The analysis of marco gene expression suggested an</p><p>295initial decrease in the macrophage population between 3 and 6 hpi and then,</p><p>296macrophages remained stable until 18 hpi. Thereafter, the macrophage population</p><p>297markedly reduced to nearly 0 at 24 hpi (Fig. 6D). Regarding neutrophils, mpx revealed</p><p>298no differences in the number of cells, thus confirming the migration observed in</p><p>299confocal images of these cells during the infection. Complementary experiments using</p><p>300other transgenic lines possessing fluorescent macrophages (Mpeg-GFP), neutrophils</p><p>301(Mpx-GFP) or thrombocytes (Cd41-GFP) showed that only macrophages were SVCV</p><p>302positive at 18 hpi (data not shown). Moreover, given the importance of platelets and</p><p>303coagulation system in hemorrhagic infections (46) we used the transgenic line with</p><p>304fluorescent thrombocytes (fish equivalent to mammalian platelets) to detect a possible</p><p>27 14</p><p>28 305thrombocytopenia or coagulopathy after SVCV infection. As no differences were found</p><p>306in thrombocyte behavior or count between control and SVCV-infected larvae (data not</p><p>307shown), we decided to focus our attention in macrophages.</p><p>308 To further confirm macrophage role as preferred target for this hemorrhagic</p><p>309virus, at least during the first hours of the infection, we took advantage of the</p><p>310morpholino-mediated gene knockdown technique. We injected the morpholino (MO)</p><p>311PU.1 at a concentration of 1 mM to prevent the formation of macrophages in embryos</p><p>312(47). A comparison of the normal fish and macrophage-depleted fish in these</p><p>313experimental infections showed a delay in the mortality of morphants (Fig. 6E),</p><p>314although eventually the mortality reached 100% in both groups. The duration of the MO</p><p>315effect was analyzed at an equivalent time of 48 hpi in non-infected fish. Marco</p><p>316expression was completely inhibited, as demonstrated using qPCR analysis (Fig. 6E). In</p><p>317contrast, the population of neutrophils was not affected by the morpholino, as</p><p>318demonstrated by the mpx gene expression after 48 hpi (Fig. 6E). The approximate 9-</p><p>319hour delay in the mortality between both groups, suggested that macrophage presence is</p><p>320crucial for SVCV pathogenesis during the first hours of infection. Therefore, we</p><p>321analyzed the transcription levels of the SVCV N gene at 9 hpi (Fig. 6E). At this time,</p><p>322fish without macrophages had lower viral transcription levels compared with normal</p><p>323fish. Macrophage depletion delays the kinetics of viral transcription but is not enough to</p><p>324prevent the death of morphant fish. This effect likely reflects the high virulence of the</p><p>325infection. As an obligate intracellular pathogen, SVCV infects to survive and even if the</p><p>326primary target is not present, the virus could still infect other cells. However, the</p><p>327efficiency of infection is reduced in the first hours, resulting in a different timing of</p><p>328mortality. This, plus the fact that the only SVCV-positive cells detected at 18 hpi are</p><p>329macrophages, suggested that these cells could be the primary target of the virus.</p><p>29 15</p><p>30 330SVCV elicits an inflammatory response that induces macrophages pyroptosis and</p><p>331IL1β release. The fact that macrophages were primarily infected with SVCV prompted</p><p>332us to examine the “disappearance” of these cells and determine whether pyroptosis is</p><p>333involved. Pyroptosis might play a role in pathogen clearance, leading to inflammatory</p><p>334pathology, which is detrimental to the host but positively affects the spread of the</p><p>335pathogen (3). This programmed cell death depends on inflammasome activation and</p><p>336consequent Caspase-1 action (48). In zebrafish, Caspa associates with ASC, an</p><p>337inflammasome adaptor (49). Moreover, it has recently been demonstrated that this</p><p>338caspase is able to cleave Il1 in zebrafish (50). Using qPCR, we characterized the</p><p>339regulation of some important genes involved in the inflammatory response (Fig. 7A).</p><p>340Three typical pro-inflammatory cytokines, il1, tnf and il6, were regulated during</p><p>341infection. Il1 was the first responder, and a clear biphasic profile was observed. The</p><p>342initial up-regulation of cytokine expression might be associated with the recognition of</p><p>343SVCV by TLRs, followed by a second up-regulation of cytokine with a consequent</p><p>344inflammatory response (51). This inflammatory response also triggered the response of</p><p>345Tnf and Il6. Tnf was induced from 12 to 24 hpi. In addition, il6 showed a subtle</p><p>346expression peak at 18 hpi. Strikingly, the response of this cytokine was delayed and</p><p>347weak. Similar results were observed in the caspa time course. A complete inhibition of</p><p>348asc was observed at 9 hpi, then, the expression of asc reached a maximum at 18 hpi</p><p>349(Fig. 7A).</p><p>350 Immunohistochemistry against Caspa and SVCV showed that the macrophages</p><p>351remaining at 20 hpi were positive for Caspa (Fig. 7B). These macrophages showed</p><p>352interactions with infected cells (Fig. 7B). In addition, Mpeg1-positive and Caspa-</p><p>353positive vesicles, presumably from macrophages, were observed in the same area near</p><p>354SVCV-positive cells. Consistently with previus experiments, the 3D reconstruction 31 16</p><p>32 355revealed that infected macrophages had external SVCV-positive signals (Fig. 7B).</p><p>356Significant differences were found in Caspa levels between control and infected fish</p><p>357(Fig 7C) showing the participation of that protein in the infection. </p><p>358 Il1 regulation is essential for a proper acute inflammatory response to an</p><p>359infectious challenge. The implication of Caspa in Il1 secretion prompted us to</p><p>360investigate the presence of that pro-inflammatory cytokine in infected larvae. An</p><p>361antibody against zebrafish Il1 in combination with the Mpeg1-GFP transgenic line</p><p>362allowed us the detection of this cytokine in macrophages (Fig. 7D). A 3D reconstruction</p><p>363of the confocal images was generated to amplify the details, and two types of Il1-</p><p>364positive macrophages were observed in SVCV-infected larvae. The first type was</p><p>365SVCV-positive macrophages (Fig. 7E). The second type of macrophages localized near</p><p>366zones with SVCV signal, was Il1 positive but was not positive for the virus (Fig. 7F).</p><p>367The difference between these two macrophages types was the amount of Il1 detected.</p><p>368Non-permissive macrophages in areas with SVCV-positive signal contained a higher</p><p>369amount of Il1. Furthermore, the Mpeg1 signal was lost in favor of Il1 signal, which</p><p>370could lead to the release of this cytokine. Il1 was detected in the macrophages of non-</p><p>371infected fish, but the signal in these resting macrophages was clearly different that</p><p>372observed in stimulated cells (Fig. 8A). Macrophages from infected fish showed a higher</p><p>373amount of Il1 and what could be the release of this cytokine by microvesicle shedding</p><p>374(Fig. 8B) or directly through the cell membrane (Fig. 8C) were observed. To assess the</p><p>375membrane disruption produced during pyroptosis we used a cell membrane-impermeant</p><p>376dye, PI. This dye was used in vivo and the uptake of PI by macrophages during SVCV</p><p>377infection was confirmed (Fig. 8D). Furthermore, TUNEL assay showed IL1β releasing</p><p>378cells dying during infection (Fig 8E).</p><p>33 17</p><p>34 379DISCUSSION</p><p>380 In the present work we obtained images of the infection at the single cell level</p><p>381using a zebrafish model, identifying macrophages as the preferred target of SVCV. We</p><p>382were able to demonstrate for the first time that pyroptosis and Il1β release were</p><p>383involved in the viral-induced cell dead in a whole organism. The direct observation of</p><p>384such processes in individual cells provided a deeper knowledge of the inflammatory</p><p>385mechanisms implicated in this viral disease. </p><p>386 Hemorrhagic viral diseases are globally observed with important pathogens,</p><p>387such as Dengue Virus or Hantaviruses (52). Although hemorrhages have been</p><p>388associated with the infection of endothelial cells (1), other cellular types could be the</p><p>389main targets for viral infection (4). The lack of adequate in vivo infection models has</p><p>390limited the research on viral pathogenesis. In SVCV-infected zebrafish larvae we</p><p>391observed a loss of fluorescence of the endothelial marker Fli1a. However, this was not</p><p>392due to infection of endothelial cells or cytopathic effects, and vascular integrity</p><p>393remained intact, at least in the tail. The fact that haemorrhages always occur in the head</p><p>394of the larva suggests the possibility that these occur as a result of damage or</p><p>395permeability regulation in a particular kind of vessel, as it is known that the control of</p><p>396the permeability may be different in different vessel types (53). The dysregulation of the</p><p>397vascular endothelium, observed as a loss of Fli1a fluorescence, could reflect strong</p><p>398immune activation during infection. In addition, the response induced in the rest of the</p><p>399organism should also be considered. The downregulation of important transcription</p><p>400factors, such as Fli1a and Ets1a, in endothelial cells shows the importance of a response</p><p>401of the organism as a whole. It has been shown that the downregulation of Fli1 in</p><p>402response to LPS is mediated through TLRs (54). Endothelial cells express different</p><p>403receptors, such as Tlr3, Rig-1 and Mda5, among others. Based on this fact and the 35 18</p><p>36 404qPCR results obtained in the present study, the activation of endothelial cells through</p><p>405the Tlr3 might the cause of the loss of Fli1a expression, thereby inducing loss of</p><p>406circulation, hemorrhages and inhibition in the development of hematopoietic precursors.</p><p>407 Recent studies have shown a relationship between Fli1 and glycosphingolipids</p><p>408metabolism (55). Thus, we could consider Fli1a downregulation as a mechanism for</p><p>409protection against viral infection in endothelial cells. Although, similar to other</p><p>410hemorrhagic viral infections, we cannot rule out the possibility that endothelial cells</p><p>411could be infected during the final stages of infection (4). However, this situation would</p><p>412not be decisive for the pathogenesis of the disease.</p><p>413 Altogether, the qPCR results provide interesting data regarding the dynamics of</p><p>414the response. The viral transcription began to emerge from 9 hpi, time in which we</p><p>415observed the first increase in il1 transcription and the strong downregulation of asc.</p><p>416With regard to the complete inhibition of asc transcription observed at 9 hpi, we cannot</p><p>417rule out the involvement of the virus. Pathogens have developed diverse strategies to</p><p>418block some of the components of the inflammasome (56). It has been shown that ASC</p><p>419transcription is downregulated during the infection of keratinocytes with some types of</p><p>420human papillomavirus (57). The host might also control this response (58); thus, it is</p><p>421likely that, in this case, the host could control macrophage loss through the inhibition of</p><p>422asc transcription. However, the potential blockade by the virus to favor viral spread</p><p>423cannot be excluded. Furthermore, the accumulation of Caspa as an unprocessed protein</p><p>424(pro-caspase) into the cells (59) would explain the weak transcriptional regulation</p><p>425observed for this gene during the infection.</p><p>426 Recent studies have demonstrated the importance of the inflammasome in Il1</p><p>427generation upon infection with RNA viruses (60) and showed that a biphasic response</p><p>37 19</p><p>38 428might be associated with the two signals necessary for Il1 release from macrophages</p><p>429(61). If we take into account of the results obtained also at protein level, the second</p><p>430upregulation observed at 12 hpi might be related with inflammasome activation.</p><p>431Inflammasome activation could be induced directly by the virus or cellular debris, but</p><p>432further investigation is necessary to confirm the type or types of inflammasomes</p><p>433implicated in this process. Moreover, as occurs with Influenza virus (62), and based in</p><p>434the obtained qPCR results, we can not exclude the involvement of Tlr7 in</p><p>435inflammasome activation and IL1β release.</p><p>436 The zebrafish model facilitated the capture of images showing Il1 release from</p><p>437single macrophages during SVCV infection. The shedding of microvesicles containing</p><p>438fully processed Il1 from the plasma membrane represents a major secretory pathway</p><p>439for the rapid release of this cytokine (63). We observed vesicles presumably derived</p><p>440from macrophages in areas with cellular debris or SVCV-positive cells. However, we</p><p>441also observed the possible direct release of Il1 through the cellular membrane. Rarres3,</p><p>442more commonly known as an antiviral protein, has recently been associated with</p><p>443increased microtubule stability in cells (64), and cells with more stable microtubules</p><p>444displayed increased pyroptosis (65). The fact that the expression profile of rarres3</p><p>445overlaps with that of Il1 should be addressed in future studies.</p><p>446 The transcriptional regulation of some of the genes associated with pyroptosis</p><p>447and the complete disappearance of macrophages before the onset of mortality, being</p><p>448positive for Caspa and Il1β, suggested that pyroptosis is involved in SVCV infection. In</p><p>449recent years, there have been many advances in research concerning this type of cell</p><p>450death, particularly with regard to bacteria (66). In the case of viruses, our understanding</p><p>451remains a step behind. It is known that some viruses cause pyroptosis of macrophages in</p><p>39 20</p><p>40 452vitro, but so far, it is less clear whether this process occurs in vivo (67, 68). Using the</p><p>453zebrafish model, we have provided the first description of viral-induced pyroptosis in</p><p>454the context of a whole organism. The fact that a hemorrhagic viral infection was able to</p><p>455induce macrophage pyroptosis in zebrafish, in the context of whole larvae, promotes the</p><p>456use of this model organism for studying host-pathogen interactions.</p><p>457 Future studies will be particularly important for an in deep study of the role of</p><p>458the endothelium, the inflammasome and pyroptosis in defense against the infection.</p><p>459Indeed, without losing sight of the possible effects that the virus might have on the</p><p>460regulation of the host response, the results obtained in the present study could be the</p><p>461starting point to understand the antiviral immune response as a whole. Furthermore, the</p><p>462application of these techniques and studies to other pathogens will improve the current</p><p>463knowledge of host-pathogen interactions and increase the potential for the discovery of</p><p>464new therapeutic targets.</p><p>41 21</p><p>42 465 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS</p><p>466 This work was supported by the projects CSD2007-00002 “Aquagenomics” and</p><p>467AGL2011-28921-C03 from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía e Innovación and</p><p>468European structural funds (FEDER) / Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (CSIC08-1E-</p><p>469102). Our laboratory is also funded by ITN 289209 “FISHFORPHARMA” (EU) and</p><p>470project 201230E057 from the Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones</p><p>471Científicas (CSIC).</p><p>472 The authors would like to thank Rubén Chamorro for technical assistance,</p><p>473Professor Paul Martin (University of Bristol) for the provision of the L-plastin antibody</p><p>474and Dr. John Hansen (Western Fisheries Research Center) for the provision of the Il1</p><p>475antibody. Mónica Varela received predoctoral grants from the JAE Program (CSIC and</p><p>476European structural Funds).</p><p>43 22</p><p>44 477REFERENCES</p><p>4781. Valbuena G, Walker DH. 2006. The endothelium as a target for infections. Annu.</p><p>479Rev. Pathol. 1:171-198.</p><p>4802. Muller WA. 2003. Leukocyte-endothelial cell interactions in leukocyte</p><p>481transmigration and the inflammatory response. Trends. Immunol. 24:327-334.</p><p>4823. Lupfer CR, Kanneganti TD. 2012. 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Each sample (technical triplicates) was normalized to the 18S</p><p>711gene. To avoid differences due to the larval development stage, the samples were</p><p>712standardized with respect to an uninfected control of the same age. Three biological</p><p>713replicates (of 10 larvae each) were used to calculate the means ± standard error of mean.</p><p>714Significant differences between infected and non-infected larvae at the same time point</p><p>715were displayed as *** (0.0001<p<0.001), ** (0.001<p<0.01) or * (0.01<p<0.05). qPCR</p><p>716results are representative of 2 independent experiments. (C) The common macroscopic</p><p>717symptoms observed at 24 hpi were hemorrhages and blood accumulation around the</p><p>718eyes and head (arrows). See also Movie S1-S3 in supplemental material. (D). Zebrafish</p><p>719larvae head confocal images (maximal projections from multiple z-stacks) of infected 3</p><p>720dpf Tg(Fli1a-GFP) larvae immunostained with L-plastin antibody at 24 hpi (20x</p><p>721magnification) showing the loss of GFP fluorescence in infected fish. (E) Confocal</p><p>722images (maximal projections from multiple z-stacks) of infected 3 dpf Tg(Fli1a-GFP)</p><p>723larvae immunostained with L-plastin antibody at 24 hpi (20x magnification) of vessels</p><p>724in the yolk sac and trunk showing the loss of GFP fluorescence in infected fish. (F)</p><p>725Higher magnification images are shown morphological changes in L-plastin-positive</p><p>726cells in SVCV-infected fish.</p><p>65 33</p><p>66 727Figure 2. Endothelium integrity is conserved 24 hours post-infection. (A)</p><p>728Microangiography performed at 24 hpi injecting tetramethylrhodamine into the caudal</p><p>729vein of 3 dpf infected and control larvae. Tetramethylrhodamine remained inside</p><p>730vessels, even in infected fish without Fli1a-GFP fluorescence. Higher magnification</p><p>731images are shown in the right panels. (B) DIC images showed the dorsal aorta</p><p>732morphological integrity (arrows) in 24 hpi and control larvae. Note that blood cells were</p><p>733visible inside dorsal aorta. (C) TUNEL assay and acridine orange staining were</p><p>734performed in 24 hpi and control larvae to detect cells with DNA damage and necrotic</p><p>735dead cells, respectively. Fli1a-GFP fluorescence is absent in infected fish, but TUNEL</p><p>736positive cells were detected in the ventral part of the tail, which contains the caudal</p><p>737hematopoietic tissue. No differences were found between control and SVCV-infected</p><p>738larvae stained with acridine orange. (D) Fluorescent images of Fli1a-GFP of 3dpf</p><p>739SVCV-infected and control larvae showing the loss of fluorescence in endothelial cells</p><p>740after 22 hours of infection. Higher magnification images showed the intact morphology</p><p>741of the dorsal aorta in infected larvae even when the fluorescence was lost (arrow head).</p><p>742(E) The localization of L-plastin positive cells in caudal hematopoietic tissue is</p><p>743consistent with that of TUNEL positive cells at 24 hours post-infection. TUNEL assay</p><p>744was performed in 24 hours SVCV-infected and control larvae to detect cells with DNA</p><p>745damage. L-plastin-positive cells are absent in infected fish, but TUNEL positive cells</p><p>746are detected in the ventral part of the tail, which contains the caudal hematopoietic</p><p>747tissue. (F) Expression qPCR measurements of vascular endothelium-related genes. The</p><p>748samples were obtained from infected larvae at different times post-infection. Each</p><p>749sample (technical triplicates) was normalized to the 18S gene. To avoid differences due</p><p>750to the larval development stage, the samples were standardized with respect to an</p><p>751uninfected control of the same age. Three biological replicates were used to calculate</p><p>67 34</p><p>68 752the means ± standard error of mean. Significant differences between infected and non-</p><p>753infected larvae at the same time point were displayed as *** (0.0001<p<0.001), **</p><p>754(0.001<p<0.01) or * (0.01<p<0.05).</p><p>755Figure 3. Viral detection and antiviral response measure over time. (A) Expression</p><p>756qPCR measurements of TLRs and RLRs associated with viral detection. (B) Expression</p><p>757qPCR measurements of antiviral response-related genes. Samples were obtained from</p><p>758infected larvae at different times post-infection. Each sample (technical triplicates) was</p><p>759normalized to the 18S gene. To avoid differences due to the larval development stage,</p><p>760the samples were standardized with respect to an uninfected control of the same age.</p><p>761Three biological replicates were used to calculate the means ± standard error of mean.</p><p>762Significant differences were displayed as *** (0.0001<p<0.001), ** (0.001<p<0.01) or</p><p>763* (0.01<p<0.05).</p><p>764Figure 4. SVCV positive cells are distinct from endothelial cells. (A) Confocal</p><p>765images (maximal projections from multiple z-stacks) of 3 dpf infected Tg(Fli1a-GFP)</p><p>766larvae immunostained with SVCV antibody at 20 hpi (60x magnification). (B) (C) (D)</p><p>7673D reconstructions of the different zones shown in A. Sequential steps of volume</p><p>768clipping of the Fli1a channel are shown from left to right. We classified SVCV-positive</p><p>769cells as circulating- (white arrows) and interacting- (white head arrows) cells. The axis</p><p>770numbers correspond to μm.</p><p>771Figure 5. SVCV positive cells are L-plastin positive and Fli1a negative. (A)</p><p>772Confocal images 3D reconstruction of different scenes observed during the infection of</p><p>7733 dpf larvae. Double positive cells are observed around vessels, interacting or not with</p><p>774the endothelium. (B) Confocal images (maximal projections from multiple z-stacks) of</p><p>775infected Tg(Fli1a-GFP) larvae double-immunostained with SVCV and L-plastin</p><p>69 35</p><p>70 776antibodies at 20 hpi (60x magnification). Panels on the right show 3D reconstructions of</p><p>777the areas identified in the central panels.</p><p>778Figure 6. Neutrophils and macrophages respond to SVCV. (A) Confocal images</p><p>779(maximal projections from multiple z-stacks) of infected 3 dpf Tg(Mpx-GFP) larvae</p><p>780immunostained with L-plastin antibody 24 hpi (20x magnification). Head showing the</p><p>781loss of L-plastin-positive cells in infected fish. MPX-positive cells increase in the same</p><p>782area as a consequence of the migratory wave from the yolk sac population. (B) View of</p><p>783yolk sac and tail of infected and control larvae. A yolk sac neutrophil population was</p><p>784observed in the control larvae. Macrophages are missing in infected larvae. (C)</p><p>785Neutrophil count in the head of control and 24 hours SVCV-infected larvae (n=4). (D)</p><p>786qPCR results of the dynamics of macrophages and neutrophils population during SVCV</p><p>787infection. (E) PU.1 MO was used to block macrophages development. Macrophages-</p><p>788depleted fish showed a delay in mortality of 9 hours after SVCV infection at 2 dpf</p><p>789compared to controls. The results are representative of 3 independent experiments of 2</p><p>790or 3 biological replicates each. qPCR of marco and mpx facilitated an assessment of the</p><p>791efficiency of PU.1 MO at 48 hpi. Regarding SVCV N gene, the morphants showed less</p><p>792viral transcription during first hours of infection, suggesting that macrophages are the</p><p>793main target of SVCV during the first hours of infection. Significant differences were</p><p>794displayed as *** (0.0001<p<0.001), ** (0.001<p<0.01) or * (0.01<p<0.05).</p><p>795Figure 7.SVCV elicits an inflammatory response and also macrophages pyroptosis.</p><p>796(A) Expression qPCR measurements of some important inflammatory response genes.</p><p>797Three biological replicates were used to calculate the means ± standard error of mean.</p><p>798Significant differences between infected and non-infected larvae at the same time point</p><p>799were displayed as *** (0.0001<p<0.001), ** (0.001<p<0.01) or * (0.01<p<0.05). (B)</p><p>800Confocal images (maximal projections from multiple z-stacks) of 3 dpf infected 71 36</p><p>72 801Tg(Mpeg1-GFP) larvae immunostained with SVCV and Caspa antibodies at 22 hpi (60x</p><p>802magnification). The last macrophages in the larvae were Caspa positive. Some of these</p><p>803cells were infected (boxed area) and the other cells were interacting with a group of</p><p>804infected cells (arrowhead). (The arrow shows potential macrophage pyroptosis,</p><p>805observed as visible membrane vesicle shedding. The last panel shows a 3D</p><p>806reconstruction of the infected macrophage in the boxed area, with a viral antigen</p><p>807positive area on its surface (arrowhead). (C) Resting macrophages shown Caspa signal</p><p>808inside the cell. The level of Caspa was significantly less in resting macrophages than</p><p>809that in the macrophages of infected larvae. (D) Confocal images (maximal projections</p><p>810from multiple z-stacks) of infected Tg(Mpeg1-GFP) larvae immunostained with SVCV</p><p>811and Il1 antibodies at 20 hpi (60x magnification). Regarding the proportion of Il1 and</p><p>812SVCV fluorescence observed, we distinguished two types of macrophages. (E) 3D</p><p>813reconstruction of infected macrophages in the boxed area is displayed. Il1 signal is</p><p>814visible inside cells, as the SVCV signal. SVCV antigens are also visible on the cell</p><p>815surface. (F) 3D reconstruction of non-infected macrophages positive for Il1 in boxed is</p><p>816displayed. Mpeg1 fluorescence is lost in favor of the Il1 signal. Cellular debris positive</p><p>817for SVCV is visible around these macrophages.</p><p>818Figure 8. Interleukin 1 release is induced by SVCV infection. (A) Resting</p><p>819macrophages shown Il1 signal inside the cell. The level of il1 was significantly less</p><p>820in resting macrophages than that in the macrophages of infected larvae. (B) The</p><p>821macrophages in 3 dpf infected larvae showed shedding of Il1-positive vesicles. (C)</p><p>822Il1 also could be released directly through membrane pores in the macrophages of</p><p>823infected larvae. (D) In vivo PI staining of infected larvae showing macrophages PI</p><p>73 37</p><p>74 824uptake through membrane pores. (E) 3D reconstruction of macrophages in an SVCV</p><p>825infected larvae positive for IL1β and TUNEL are displayed.</p><p>75 38</p><p>76</p>
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