Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant Free State Province Provinsie Vrystaat Published by Authority Uitgegee op Gesag NO. 111 FRIDAY, 09 FEBRUARY 2018 NR.111 VRYDAG,09 FEBRUARIE 2018 PROVINCIAL NOTICES PROVINSIALE KENNISGEWINGS 226 Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act No. 84 of 226 Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967 (Wet No. 84 1967): Bainsvlei: Removal of Restrictions and van 1967): Bainsvlei: Opheffing van Beperkings en Rezoning Pertaining to Plot 14, Vredenhof Small Hersonering ten opsigte van Hoewe 14, Vredenhof Holdings………………………………………………… 2 Kleinplase…………………………………………………… 2 GENERAL NOTICES ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS 73 Notice of applications in terms of the Mangaung 73 Kennisgewing van aansoeke ontvang in terme van die Land Use Management By-Law: Mangaung Grondgebruikregulasies: Erf 37542, 37543 and 37544, Mangaung Erf 37542,37543 en 37543 Mangaung (Freedom (Freedom Square): Square Erf 5975 (Heidedal Ext 17) Erf 5975 Heidedal (uitbreiding 17) Erf 35180 and 8323 Freedom Square, Erf 35180 en 8323 Freedom Square, Mangaung Mangaung (Extension 24) (uitbreiding 24 Erf 22877, 22878 and 22879 Rockland, Erf 22877,22878 en 22879 Mangaung, (Uitbreiding Mangaung (Extention 9) 9) Erf 20727 and 20729 Grasslands 3, (Heidedal 20727 en 20729 Grassland 3,Heidedal Uitbreiding Ext 29) 29 Erf 19939 Grasslands 3, Heidedal Ext 29 Erf 19939 Grassland 3 Erf 22064 and 20743 Grasslands 3 (Heidedal Erf 22064 en 20743 Grassland 3 Heidedal Ext. 29) uitbreiding 29 Erf 698 (JB Mafora) 698 JB Mafora Erf 1901 (Botshabelo Section E) Erf 1901 Botshabelo Section E Mangaung Erf 37321 Freedom Square, Mangaung Erf 37321 Freedom Square, Mangaung Remainder of Erf 6624 Namibia, Mangaung Restant van Erf 6624 Nambia ,Mangaung Portion 1 of erf 3251 Westdene and Portion 79 Onderverdeling 1 of erf 3251 Westdene and of the farm Bloemfontein 654 gedelte 79 van die Plaas Bloemfontein 654 Erf 34222 Turflaagte, Mangaung ERF 34222 Turflaagte,Mangaung Erf 21092 Grassland 3 Heidedal Ext 29 Erf 21092 Grassland 3 Heidedal (uitbreiding 29) Erf 54680, 54681, 54682 Tambo Square, Erwe 54680, 54681, 54682 Tambo Square, Mangaung Mangaung Mangaung Spatial Development Framework…. 2 Mangaung Ruimtelike Ontwikkelings Raamwerk…. 2 74 Notice for subdivision and re-zoning of an erf 74 Kennisgewing vir onderverdeling en hersonering application in terms of the Metsimaholo Land Use aansoek in terme van die Metsimaholo Grondgebruik Planning By–Laws, 2015 read with the relevant Beplanning Regulasies, 2015 saamgelees met die section from Act 16 of 2013 (SPLUMA) and relevante artikel van Wet 16 van 2013 (“SPLUMA”) simultaneous closure of a park erf : Remainder of asook gelyktydige aansoek vir sluiting van ‘n park erf: Erf 1295 Vaal Park Township……………………….. 4 Restant van Erf 1295, Vaal Park Dorp…………………... 4 MISCELLANEOUS ALGEMEEN Applications for Public Road Carrier Permits: Advert 242….…. 5 NOTICES KENNISGEWINGS The Conversion of Certain Rights into Leasehold……………. 39 Wet op die Omskepping van Sekere Regte tot Huurpag ………… 39 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE / PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 09 FEBRUARY 2018 / 09 FEBRUARIE 2018 2 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [PROVINCIAL NOTICE NO. 226 OF 2017] [PROVINSIALE KENNISGEWING NR. 226 VAN 2017] REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS ACT, 1967 (ACT NO. 84 OF 1967): WET OP OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS, 1967 (WET NO. 84 VAN BAINSVLEI: REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS AND REZONING 1967): BAINSVLEI: OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKINGS EN PERTAINING TO PLOT 14, VREDENHOF SMALL HOLDINGS HERSONERING TEN OPSIGTE VAN HOEWE 14, VREDENHOF KLEINPLASE Under the powers vested in me by section 2 of the Removal of Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 2 van die Wet op Restrictions Act, 1967 (Act No. 84 of 1967), I, S H Ntombela, Member Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967 (Wet No. 84 van 1967), wysig ek, S H of the Executive Council of the Province responsible for Cooperative Ntombela, Lid van die Uitvoerende Raad van die Provinsie Governance, Traditional Affairs and Human Settlements, hereby alter- verantwoordelik vir Samewerkende Regering, Tradisionele Sake en Menslike Nedersettings, hierby- a) the conditions of title in Deed of Transfer T10082/2004 pertaining to a) die voorwaardes in Transportakte T10082/2004 ten opsigte van Plot 14, Vredenhof Small Holdings, Bainsvlei by the removal of the Hoewe 14, Vredenhof Kleinplase, Bainsvlei deur die opheffing van restrictive condition stated in the endorsement on page 4 in the die beperkende voorwaarde soos gestel in die endorsement op said Deed of Transfer, as well as the removal of the restrictive bladsy 4 van gemelde Transportakte, asook die beperkende condition as promulgated by Notice No. 169 of 2005 in Provincial voorwaarde soos afgekondig in Kennisgewing No. 169 van 2005 in Gazette No. 103 of 2005; and Provinsiale Koerant No. 103 van 2005; en b) the Town-Planning Scheme of Bainsvlei by the rezoning of b) die Dorpsaanlegskema van Bainsvlei deur die hersonering van cancelled Plot 14, Vredenhof Small Holdings, Bainsvlei from Hoewe 14, Vredenhof Kleinplase, Bainsvlei vanaf “Hoewes” na die “Holding” to the zonings “General Residential”, “Single Residential sonerings “Spesiale Woon 1”, “Algemene Woon” en “Straat”, soos 1” and “Street” as indicated on the approved final numbered plan, aangedui op die goedgekeurde finaalgenommerde plan, subject to the following conditions: onderworpe aan die volgende voorwaardes: the relevant conditions of Establishment and of Title. die relevante Stigtings- en Eiendomsvoorwaardes. the relevant conditions stated in the Geotechnical Report must die betrokke voorwaardes gestel in die Geotegniese Verslag sal be applicable to the proposed land development. van toepassing wees op die voorgestelde dorpstigting. the relevant conditions stated in the Services Report must be die betrokke voorwaardes gestel in die Diensteverslag sal van applicable to the proposed land development. toepassing wees op die voorgestelde dorpstigting. the relevant conditions stated in the Traffic Impact Study must die betrokke voorwaardes gestel in die Verkeersimpakstudie sal be applicable to the proposed land development. van toepassing wees op die voorgestelde dorpstigting. the conditions imposed by the Department of Police, Roads die voorwaardes gestel deur die Departement van Polisie, and Transport – Chief Directorate Roads. Paaie en Vervoer – Hoofdirektoraat Paaie. The conditions imposed by the Department of Water & die voorwaardes gestel deur die Departement van Water & Sanitation. Sanitasie. the conditions imposed by Telkom. die voorwaardes gestel deur Telkom. the conditions imposed by Mangaung Metro Municipality. die voorwaardes gestel deur Mangaung Metro Munisipaliteit. A signed Service Agreement between the relevant parties must ‘n Getekende Dienste-ooreenkoms tussen die betrokke partye be submitted before proclamation. moet voor proklamasie ingedien word. [GENERAL NOTICE NO. 73 OF 2017] [ALGEMENE KENNISGEWING NR.73 VAN 2017] NOTICE OF APPLICATIONS RECEIVED IN TERMS OF THE KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEKE ONTVANG IN TERME VAN DIE MANGAUNG LAND USE MANAGEMENT BY-LAW MANGAUNG GRONDGEBRUIKREGULASIES It is hereby notified for the general information in terms of Section 47 of Kennis geskied hiermee dat in terme van Artikel 47 van die Mangaung the Land Use Management By-Law that the following applications have Metro Munisipaliteit se Grondgebruikregulasies, die volgende aansoeke been lodged by the Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality and the antvang is en dat relevante planne, dokumente en inligtig beskikbaar is relevant plans, documents and information are available for inspection vir besigtiging te Bram Fischer Gebou, Kamer 1016, 10de vloer, hoek in the Bram Fisher Building Room 1016, 10th floor, corner of Nelson van Nelson Mandela en Markgraaffstrate, Bloemfontein. Mandela Avenue and Markgraff Street, Bloemfontein. Persons who wish to object to the proposed applications or who wish to Enige persoon wat teen die aansoeke beswaar wil maak of be heard or make representations in this regard, are invited to voorleggings in hierde verband wil doen word genooi om dit skriftelik te communicate in writing (accompanied by address and telephone doen en te stuur aan (vergesel van adres en kontaknommers) aan die number) with the administrator of Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality, Administrateur: Mangaung Metro Munisipaliteit, Posbus 3704, P.O Box 3704, Bloemfontein,9300. Any objections/ representations Bloemfontein, 9300. Enige besware/voorleggings moet omvattende with comprehensive reasons must reach the above mentioned office redes insluit en moet bogenoemde adres nie later as 30 dae vanaf not later than 30 days from the day of publication of this notice. publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing bereik nie. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROVINCIAL GAZETTE / PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 09 FEBRUARY 2018 / 09 FEBRUARIE 2018 3 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MANGAUNG (FREEDOM SQUARE): AMENDMENT OF THE MANGAUNG (FREEDOM SQUARE): WYSIGING VAN DIE GENERAL PLAN AND REZONING ALGEMENE PLAN EN HERSONERING Erf 37542, 37543 and 37544 Mangaung for amendment of General Erf 37542,37543 en 37543 Mangaung (Freedom Square) vir die Plan LG No. 99/1992 by the closure of a street portion, consolidation, wysiging van die Algemene Plan SG No. 99/1992 by wyse van die subdivision and rezoning
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