All the Saints s1

All the Saints s1

<p> LITURGY, THE PRAYER OF THE PEOPLE 3rd Sunday of Advent</p><p>Saturday: 4.30 pm Saint Mary (+Catherine Finnerty) 5.30pm Saint David Lewis (Joseph Burke, +Pat Conway, +John Wilkinson) 6.00pm Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys (+Tom Creagh) Sunday: 9.00 am Saint Anne (David Tempest, Kitty Hayes Intention) 9.30 am Saint Mary (Mary McGonigle (In Thanksgiving), +Anastisia Hegarty, +Molly Dowdeswell) 10.30 am Saint Michael (+Chris Coleman, +John & Josephine Hurley, +James Bickerstaff (100yr Anniv) +Jenna Donley (Anniv) & Bray family.) 11.00 am Saint David (+The Barry Family, +John Wilkinson) 6.00 pm Saint Mary (The Lamont Family) Bereaved or Lonely? All Saints Parish Bereavement Support Group is holding Monday weekly Drop-in Sessions at 10.00 am Saint Mary (+Cathryn & Michael Flavin, +J & M. Dunn) Saint Michael’s Church Hall Every Wednesday 2pm to 4pm Tuesday Saint Lucy If you are grieving, feeling 10.00 am Saint Anne Devotions lonely or would simply 10.00 am Saint Mary Requiem Mass for Ian Chick appreciate a cup of tea and a 11.30 am Saint Anne Requiem Mass for Marion Rogers friendly chat please feel free to drop in or for more information 6.30 pm Saint Mary PENITENTIAL SERVICE call Marcella Curran on 07516 921497 Wednesday Saint John of the Cross 7.30 am Saint Mary (Ernie Bullock Int. ) 10.00 am Saint Mary (Kaviyilkalappura Family) 11.30 am Saint Michael Funeral Service for Sarah Daveys 7.00pm Saint Mary Holy Hour 7.00 pm Saint Michael Adoration</p><p>Thursday 10.00 am Saint Mary (+Terry Ryan, John Stokes) 5.00 pm Saint Michael Holy Hour </p><p>Friday 10.00 am Saint Mary (Deceased members of Peters Family., The All Saints Parish + Michael Cording (Anniv)., James Mahon) bereavement support group 10.00am Saint David Requiem Mass for John Wilkinson provide advice, support and 2.00 pm Saint Mary Divine Mercy Devotions help in times of grief - please see the poster in Saturday 10.00 am Saint Mary (+Ned Kearns ) your church or the Parish 3.30 pm Saint Mary Adoration, till 4.15. website for contact details.</p><p>Next Sunday’s Intentions 4th Sunday of Advent Saint Anne: Tony, David & Brian Williams, +Valerie Roberts, Edna Corsi (100th Birthday) Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys: +Nigel Moulton Saint David : Maher Family Saint David Lewis: +Kevin Burke, +Joseph Burke, +Patrick Conway, Good Health Patrick & Judy O’Callaghan Saint Mary : +Una McNulty : +Henry & Mildred Bennett, +Daniel Rea : +John Flavin Saint Michael : Ben & Aizelle Catalla (Wedding Anniv), +Deceased friends & neighbours of Clarence Street. Michael & Ellen Buckley, Int. of Mary Lester. Centenary Prayer SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Intention th th Tuesday 13TH December 6.30 pm Saint Mary’s 10 /11 : Saint Peter, Roath Saturday 10.45 – 11.45 am Saint Mary (Rosminian Fathers) Saturday 3.30 – 4.15 pm Saint Mary Revd. Anthony Furlong I.C. Revd. Michael McCarthy I.C. Revd. James McKnight I.C. A1. Because their teacher told them it was a piece of cake. Cardiff Prison. A2. To get to the second hand shop. </p><p>Happy the one who does not lose faith ALL SAINTS PARISH Saints Anne, Basil + Gwladys, David, David Lewis, Mary & Michael “A L I V E A N D A C T I V E ” The Year of Saint Matthew 11.12.16. 3rd Sunday of Advent Gaudete (‘Rejoice’) Sunday (Sunday Readings: of year A ::: Weekdays of Advent 1 ::: Breviary: Week iii)</p><p>THIS SUNDAY’S MASS A man was up in court for breaking into a ladies’ outfitters. ‘It says here you have broken into the dress shop four times,’ said the judge. Scripture ‘Is this correct?’ ‘Yes,’ answered the suspect. ‘Yet you stole only one dress?’ ‘One dress, Your Honour,’ replied the subject. ‘One dress?’ Isaiah 35: 1-6.10 echoed the judge. ‘But you admit breaking in four times!’ ‘Yes, Your Psalm 145, 6-10 Honour,’ sighed the suspect. ‘The first three times, my wife didn’t like the colour.’ R/. Come, Lord, and save us. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^</p><p>It is he who keeps faith for ever, St. Peter was waiting by the Pearly Gates when 40 people from who is just to those who are oppressed. Liverpool showed up. Never having seen anyone from Liverpool at It is he who gives bread to the hungry, heaven’s door, St. Peter said he would have to check with God. After hearing the news, God instructed him to admit the ten most virtuous the Lord, who sets prisoners free. people from the group. A few minutes later, St. Peter returned to The Lord who gives sight to the blind, God, breathless, and said, ‘They’re gone!’ ‘What? All the Liverpudlians are gone?’ asked God. ‘No!’ replied St. Peter. ‘The who raises up those who are bowed down, Pearly Gates!. the Lord, who protects the stranger and upholds the widow and the orphan. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^</p><p>It is the Lord who loves the just Two teenagers arrested for breaking into a school were taken to the but thwarts the path of the localwicked. police station. The desk sergeant advised them that they were The Lord will reign for ever, entitled to one phone call. Zion’s God, from age to age. Half an hour later, a man entered the station. ‘I assume you’re the kids’ lawyer?’ said the sergeant. ‘No way,’ said the man. ‘I’m here to deliver a pizza.’ James 5: 7-10 Matthew 11: 2-11 Christmas Mass Times 2016 Intercession : We pray to the Lord Response : Lord hear our pray Christmas Eve Saturday 24th: Saint Anne 6.00pm Saint Mary (Children’s Mass) 6.00pm Saint Michael ALL SAINTS 7.30pm PENITENTIAL SERVICE Saint Mary 8.00pm TUESDAY 13TH DECEMBER th 6.30 – 7.30 p.m. Christmas Day Sunday 25 : In Saint Mary’s Church Saint David Lewis 9.00am Saint Mary 9.30am Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys 10.30am Saint David 11.00am</p><p>Please note there is NO Evening Mass Christmas Day. Christmas Mass Times 2016</p><p>Christmas Eve Saturday 24th: Saint Anne 6.00pm Saint Mary (Children’s Mass) 6.00pm Saint Michael 7.30pm Saint Mary 8.00pm</p><p>Christmas Day Sunday 25th: Saint David Lewis 9.00am Saint Mary 9.30am Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys PARISH Canon Michael Evans Revd. John Boye 10.30am Revd. Joseph Mensah PASTORAL Deacon Pasquale Cinotti Deacon Rigo LogierSaint David Sister Brigid Cantwell TEAM Sister Paul Gerard Chidgey Sister Justina Morrin Sister Visitation O’Donoghue 11.00am</p><p>PARISH 9 Stow Hill, NP20 1TP 01633 265533 Mon.-Fri. 9am-3pm E.Mail [email protected] OFFICE WebsitePlease :note there is NO Evening Mass Christmas Day.</p><p>Royal Gwent + St. Woolos Hospitals 234234 HOSPITAL TEAM Sick Calls (Emergency) 07805 696474 Hospital Rota Today : St. Michaels Next Sunday :Bridie and Anita</p><p>Collections Q1. : Why did the school kids eat their homework? Saint Anne: £258.00 (Gift Aided: £153.00) 69 Saints Basil and Gwladys: £165.00 (Gift Aided: £80.00) 54 Q2. : Why did the one armed man cross the road? Saint David: £294.73 (Gift Aided: £59.35) 128 Can you find ‘Spot’ our pig this week? Saint David Lewis: £163.00 (Gift Aided: £50.00) 92 Saint Mary: £940.00 (Gift Aided: £456.00) 522 Saint Michael: £204.00 (Gift Aided: £60.00) Our Prayers and Congratulations CHRISTMAS EVE CHILDREN’S MASS Go to Tony & Angela Oliver 6.00 SAINT MARY’S as they celebrate their CAN ALL CHILDREN Golden Wedding (REGARDLESS OF AGE) PLEASE COME DRESSED AS SHEPHERDS Christmas Cards</p><p>Syria – Emergency Relief Appeal You are welcome to leave Christmas Cards l for friends at the back of Church - at your a c o David McFarlane - St Basil and Gwladys: If you have any own discretion, there is no formal system – L t</p><p> c questions please feel free to contact me * [email protected] * people just leave the cards in the hope that a t the recipient looks for and takes them.</p><p> n 07929 508822 o c PleaseChristmas do not put Lunch any money on Christmas in the cards. Day ? d</p><p> e * Massive humanitarian disaster e n</p><p>* It’s the Year Of Mercy If you live on your own, and don't want to be</p><p> e SAINT MARY’S 200 CLUB</p><p> h * An opportunity for multi faith collaboration to help those in t alone</p><p> y great need </p><p> h Thank on Christmasyou for all Day your please support come over and the joinlast us</p><p>W yearfor with lunch. this valuable We are fund a friendly raiser. There bunch, are and stillprovide numbers Christmas available lunch, and we transport would be and</p><p> e gratefulentertainment. for your participation. There is no If charge. you would If you w Donate: * Food * Winter clothing * Blankets like to join it is £25.00 per year, cheques</p><p> n would like to join us, you would be very a * Tents * Medicines * £ Money c made payable to All Saints Newport to be welcome. Also if you know of someone who t</p><p> a given to Tony Hurley or handed into the</p><p> h would otherwise spend the day on their own, Parish Office ready for entry in the New W</p><p>? please get in touch. </p><p> o Year. Good Luck to all. d</p><p> e Contact Jan on 01633 678789 or t</p><p> a Cardiff: Contact Nour on 07966841055 Anaya Aid Warehouse, </p><p> n 07813459743.</p><p> o EDEN GATE</p><p> d Unit 17 Rear, The wholesale fruit centre, Bessemer Road, Cardiff, Thank you to the parishioners who made o</p><p> t CF11 8BB </p><p> e items for us to sell at the Christmas stall in r e Newport market. A total of £430.00 was h Newport Contact Shaq on Tel: 07974 773123 Anaya Aid Newport Hub, W Unit 9 Leeway Court Leeway Industrial Estate, Newport, NP19 4SJ raised. Further information We wish you all a very happy Christmas. Still looking for that special Christmas gift? making-huge-difference-12271042 World Gifts Importantare CAFOD's notecharity Deadline gift range offor virtual delivery and of items is ethical presents that will delight5pm the people 21st Decemberyou give them to and help transform the lives of poor communities and families in developing countries.</p><p>Search for World gifts Cafod for more details ROUND AND ABOUT IN OUR CHURCHES</p><p>Saturday : </p><p>Sunday 10.30 Bake Sale in Saint Mary’s Institute after Mass after the 9.30 Mass. 5.00 Folk Choir practise in St Mary’s. New members always welcome. Monday: 10.30 Line Dancing at Saint David Lewis Church. 5.00 Saint Mary’s Legion of Mary meet, in the Marian Room in Saint Mary’s Institute. </p><p>Tuesday: 10.00 Saint David Lewis – Novena to the Divine Mercy 10.00 Saint David Lewis prayer group meets for prayers followed by their talent sharing. 10.30 Tuesday Talent Group at Saint David Lewis Church. 10.00 Saint Anne’s, Devotions to Our Lady, followed by meeting of the Community Club. 5.00 Saint David’s S.V.P. meet. 6.30 Penitential Service at Saint Mary’s Church</p><p>Wednesday: Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys Christmas Lunch. 12.00 Sugar n’ Spice Christmas Lunch at Vittorio’s IN HOSPITAL? 7.30 Line Dancing at Saint David Lewis Church. </p><p>Thursday: 10.30 Line Dancing at Saint David Lewis Church If you know of anyone who is in hospital or about to go into hospital and would Friday: 10.30 Coffee Morning in Saint Mary’s Institute, all are welcome. like to receive holy communion while they are Saturday: St. David Lewis Mince Pie & Mulled Wine Evening. there, please ring the parish office leaving the persons’ Next Sunday: name and if possible the Folk Choir practise in St Mary’s. New members always welcome name of the ward. PRAYERS PLEASE Please pray for the Repose of the souls of William Hawes, John Wilkinson and all who have died recently. </p><p>Please remember also in your prayers, Francis Bailey, Fr. Kevin Payne, Canon Pat O’Gorman, Fr. Eric Willet, Christine Bennett, Mariltyn Boddy, Pat Bowen, Chloe Bowker, Liz Breen, Mel Davies, Dave, Elizabeth Duran, Raymond Emms, Albert Evans, Sheila Evans, John Fox, Catherine George, Mike Halford, Casey Hard, Rose Hackwood, Amanda Harkin, Blanche Hawker, Jim Hart, Glenys Harvey, Kitty Hayes, Janet Gillian Jones, Ron Kelly, Tom Kelly, Margaret Kroger, Penny Lake, Callum Lewis, Avil McDonald, Anne Monahan, Andrew Moulder, Marie Murphy, Paul O’Brien, Danny O’Carroll, Lil O’Hagen, Win O’Sullivan, David Oates, Mary Park, Simon Park, Colin Richards, Margaret Rowe, Michael Savage, Idris Skillern, Lolith Sauksciuviene, Mary Savini, Lillian Skillern, Linda Smith, Joyce Stewart, Lucy Stoneman, Alan Strong, Avril Taylor, Tom Ware, Pat Webb, Biddy Williams and Catherine Williams, and all in the Family of our Parish who are sick or housebound, and all who care for them. Someone to Pray for? Please tell your ‘Community Correspondent’ or ring the Newsletter Secretary, 265533</p><p>GROUP 97 H.C.P.T. DRIVERS REQUIRED GRAND CHRISTMAS DRAW I can see a problem looming on the horizon as Tickets will be on sale at all Masses in All Saints Parish we approach Christmas, that is Fathers’ John the week ending 10th/11th December, helping us to raise and Joseph not being able to attend the funds to take children to Lourdes next Easter. Community Churches as neither of them drive Your usual support would be very much appreciated. and need lifts. We need a number of people from each community to volunteer and set up a rota. Please DO NOT LEAVE it each week to the BAKE SALE same few people who have been helping so far. THIS SUNDAY 11th December No lifts sadly means NO MASS! After 9.30 Mass in St. Mary’s Institute Please ring the Parish Office or speak to your Community in aid of the Roof Restoration Fund Chairperson if you can perform this essential ministry. Please bring home made cakes for the sale to the Parish Office on Friday 9th December between 9.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. or directly to the Institute on the morning of the sale. PLEASE SUPPORT BY CALLING IN AFTER MASS AND BUYING THE CAKES, PRODUCE AND RAFFLE TICKETS. OUR ROOF NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT ROUND AND ABOUT IN OUR CHURCHES</p><p>Saturday : </p><p>Sunday 10.30 Bake Sale in Saint Mary’s Institute after Mass after the 9.30 Mass. 5.00 Folk Choir practise in St Mary’s. New members always welcome. Monday: 10.30 Line Dancing at Saint David Lewis Church. 5.00 Saint Mary’s Legion of Mary meet, in the Marian Room in Saint Mary’s Institute. </p><p>Tuesday: 10.00 Saint David Lewis – Novena to the Divine Mercy 10.00 Saint David Lewis prayer group meets for prayers followed by their talent sharing. 10.30 Tuesday Talent Group at Saint David Lewis Church. 10.00 Saint Anne’s, Devotions to Our Lady, followed by meeting of the Community Club. 5.00 Saint David’s S.V.P. meet. 6.30 Penitential Service at Saint Mary’s Church</p><p>Wednesday: Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys Christmas Lunch. 12.00 Sugar n’ Spice Christmas Lunch at Vittorio’s IN HOSPITAL? 7.30 Line Dancing at Saint David Lewis Church. </p><p>Thursday: 10.30 Line Dancing at Saint David Lewis Church If you know of anyone who is in hospital or about to go into hospital and would Friday: 10.30 Coffee Morning in Saint Mary’s Institute, all are welcome. like to receive holy communion while they are Saturday: St. David Lewis Mince Pie & Mulled Wine Evening. there, please ring the parish office leaving the persons’ Next Sunday: name and if possible the 5.0 Folk Choir practise in St Mary’s. New members always welcome. name of the ward.</p><p>PRAYERS PLEASE Please pray for the Repose of the souls of William Hawes, John Wilkinson and all who have died recently. </p><p>Please remember also in your prayers, Francis Bailey, Fr. Kevin Payne, Canon Pat O’Gorman, Fr. Eric Willet, Christine Bennett, Mariltyn Boddy, Pat Bowen, Chloe Bowker, Liz Breen, Mel Davies, Dave, Elizabeth Duran, Raymond Emms, Albert Evans, Sheila Evans, John Fox, Catherine George, Mike Halford, Casey Hard, Rose Hackwood, Amanda Harkin, Blanche Hawker, Jim Hart, Glenys Harvey, Kitty Hayes, Janet Gillian Jones, Ron Kelly, Tom Kelly, Margaret Kroger, Penny Lake, Callum Lewis, Avil McDonald, Anne Monahan, Andrew Moulder, Marie Murphy, Paul O’Brien, Danny O’Carroll, Lil O’Hagen, Win O’Sullivan, David Oates, Mary Park, Simon Park, Colin Richards, Margaret Rowe, Michael Savage, Idris Skillern, Lolith Sauksciuviene, Mary Savini, Lillian Skillern, Linda Smith, Joyce Stewart, Lucy Stoneman, Alan Strong, Avril Taylor, Tom Ware, Pat Webb, Biddy Williams and Catherine Williams, and all in the Family of our Parish who are sick or housebound, and all who care for them. Someone to Pray for? Please tell your ‘Community Correspondent’ or ring the Newsletter Secretary, 265533</p><p>GROUP 97 H.C.P.T. DRIVERS REQUIRED GRAND CHRISTMAS DRAW I can see a problem looming on the horizon as Tickets will be on sale at all Masses in All Saints Parish we approach Christmas, that is Fathers’ John the week ending 10th/11th December, helping us to raise and Joseph not being able to attend the funds to take children to Lourdes next Easter. Community Churches as neither of them drive Your usual support would be very much appreciated. and need lifts. We need a number of people from each community to volunteer and set up a rota. Please DO NOT LEAVE it each week to the BAKE SALE same few people who have been helping so far. THIS SUNDAY 11th December No lifts sadly means NO MASS! After 9.30 Mass in St. Mary’s Institute Please ring the Parish Office or speak to your Community in aid of the Roof Restoration Fund Chairperson if you can perform this essential ministry. Please bring home made cakes for the sale to the Parish Office on Friday 9th December between 9.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. or directly to the Institute on the morning of the sale. PLEASE SUPPORT BY CALLING IN AFTER MASS AND BUYING THE CAKES, PRODUCE AND RAFFLE TICKETS. OUR ROOF NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT St. Basil & December December St. Gwladys The Word Larry Cullen Hillary Leadbetter Keira Cullen Julie Oates Communion Anne Edge Siobhan Quinn St. Anne December December C.L.O.W. Julie & Joy Julie & Joy Readers Bridie McNulty Sr. Mary Hurley Counters Kerry Hay Margaret Whitfield Josie Brett Jean Stanford Robert Hay Tony Sheehan Llew Smit Pat Burgess Cleaners The Quinn Family Larry & Jackie Cullen Communion Beryl Williams Danica Williams Jean Stanford Mathew Varghese C.L.O.W. Beryl Williams Pat Burgess This year, many of us are going to make a donation towards a new Bethan Manners Vanessa Sherwood carpet for the church instead of sending each other Christmas cards. If you would like to join in this project please leave your donations in Counters Bernard & Janet Tyson Mary & Hugh Nichol the dish at the back of the church. Cleaners Hobbs Family Pat Casagrande Cath Bennet Thanks to everyone who donated items to the Dementia Wards at We will prepare the There is a change of plan. St. Woolos. church on Wednesday 21st at 9am for our Christmas Mass. Nancy will also change the altar. It would be great to have the Christmas raffle tickets on sale this weekend – please poinsettias by the 18th. We hope to begin our Christmas see Chris or Joy. Celebrations with carols at 5:30pm on Christmas Eve. We would appreciate donations for the raffle such as biscuits, chocolates, wine or a bottle of spirits, please see Julie Oates. We still need two drivers for Father on Christmas Eve. New choir members - We urgently need new members to join the choir if you’re interested please contact Chris Pugsley - [email protected]</p><p>We will have tea, coffee and biscuits after Mass in the hall on Sunday.</p><p>Mike Roberts has arranged to have a Mass for Edna Corsi (Valerie’s mother) and the intention is also for Valerie, next Sunday 18th. Edna will be a 100 years on New Year's Eve. </p><p>Christmas Greetings and best wishes for health and happiness in the year ahead, have been received from Fr. Francis JEYABATHI OF Annai Home for Orphan Children, Annai Illam, Annai Nagar, Cleaning Group: 2 Andichioorani, Post Box No. 3. Sivagangai -Dist., Tamilnadu India. In which he states : “You have the values of Christ flourishing in you. PIETY SHOP: Calendars, diaries, books for children and We give gratitude and sincere thanks for your love and generosity in other items suitable for Christmas presents can be bought at the helping the children of the home have a more comfortable life and back of the church, near the door. happier times”. The full text of his letter is attached to our notice th board and is well worth reading in full. Lottery Wednesday 30 November: 22 Free Saturday 03rd December: 31 KM Upton Geraldine Williams is once again putting the final drops of VSOP in her famous Christmas cake mix and it will soon be available for you POINSETTIAS FOR CHRISTMAS to tempt your taste buds. But only if you buy raffle tickets priced at If anyone would like to donate a Poinsettia in memory of a £1.00 each, yes it’s that good a cake, on sale in the Church porch. All loved one will they please bring it to St. David’s by the 18th proceeds Sister, not Caesar Augustus, has decreed shall be donated to December and they will be displayed over the Christmas defray the costs of decorating the Sacristy. period. St. David The Piety Stall has still a good supply. Please pay it a visit before December Ann D, Ceri, Peter, Alan or after Mass. This year we will make a donation to cancer research Readers instead of sending cards to each other. John H Tom Sebastian Ceri, Angela Communion Gino, Sonia Molly</p><p>SAINT DAVID LEWIS Community Committee Chair: Mary Burke Correspondent: Esther Gomes 07724248996 </p><p>This month, we are particularly thinking about the people who work within the Bereavement Group. They support bereaved people in a variety of ways. They are always busy, especially at this time of the DATES FOR YOUR DIARY year. Thank you Folks. Saturday 17th December 2016 at 06:30 pm (after mass) - you are all invited to our Mince Pie and Bettws Food Bank say that they are very grateful for your Mull Wine Evening. continuing support with donations of food, toiletries, and financial Venue: St David Lewis Church Hall. It will be our last social donations. It means that they will be able to ensure that people, event for 2016 and an appropriate time to ‘sit a while’ to enjoy especially those with children, will have food this Christmas. the company and the craic!!! PLEASE DO NOT use your own candles in the THANK YOU!! Christmascandle Lunch stands. on The Christmas stands are Day for tea lights A BIG THANK YOU to all of who joined us in celebrating only. If you live on your own, and don't want to be alone Sister Justina’s 85th birthday .It was indeed a lovely Using other candles is dangerous and for the last on Christmas Day please come and join us for lunch. We are a celebration. three weeks, it is only by due diligence of the friendlyparish bunch,priest, andthat provide the Church Christmas has lunch,not burnt transport down! and POINSETTIAS FOR CHRISTMAS: entertainment.Please use only There the is no candles charge. provided.If you would like to join us, you As Christmas approaches we are making would be very welcome. Also if you know of someone who would the necessary arrangements to prepare our otherwise spend the day on their own, please get in touch. church for the Christmas season. This year Contact Jan on 01633 678789 or 07813459743. we invite members of our community to Christmas church clean will be on Friday donate a Poinsettia in memory of a loved December 23rd after morning Mass, please can as one. The plants will be displayed during the Christmas many of you as possible come and lend a hand, you season. don't need to be on our rota to come along, the more For those who intend to donate a poinsettia, please can you ensure that they the merrier!! are delivered to St David Lewis Church by 21st December 2016. For more details please contact Mary or Esther. Parish diaries are on sale at the back of Church, please put £1.50 in the newspapers wall box, or see Tracy in the office in CAR PARK: the week. We have erected gates at the entrance of the Church Car Park, please ensure that you close the gates at all times, if you are the The Legion of Mary prayers this week are offered for those last person leaving the Car Park. killed in the plane crash in Pakistan. CHRISTMAS RAFFLE TICKETS: Ministering to the Assembly Please remember to return raffle tickets!!! St. Mary TUESDAY PRAYER GROUP: Readers Mary Tilley Hilary Cameron Every Tuesday the prayer group meets at 10:00 am in Charles Reynolds David Watts the church to pray together, followed by a sharing of 4.30 Tim Hancock Kitty McHugh their talents. Should you wish to join the group, please 9.30 Mary Williams Anna Lloyd come along on Tuesday. Jon Haywood Jane Morgan INVITATION: 6.00 Patsy Groves Brian McErlaine Please join us every Saturday at 5.00 pm in the church to recite James Carney the rosary to pray for families, and personal intentions. Communion As per separate list As per separate list Cleaners C.L.o.W. Alison No C.L.o.W.</p><p>SAINT MICHAEL Community Committee Chair : Catherine Fisher 263358 Secretary : Michael Coombes. (07802) 855515 Correspondent: [email protected]</p><p>Adoration on Wednesday at 7pm. Holy Hour Thursday at 5.30pm. All are welcome. READERS FOR SATURDAY 4.30 PM MASS at St. Marys. If you would like to assist with reading the scriptures Did you know that St Michael's Hall is available for rent at at the Saturday 4.30 pm Mass, rotas to commence in the New reasonable rates? See Mike Coombes to book. Year are being prepared. Please let Suzan Glennon know as soon as possible after Saturday Mass. POINSETTIAS FOR CHRISTMAS: If you would like to donate a Poinsettia in memory of a loved one please leave at the Parish Office between 9.00 and 3.00 Tuesday 20th Dec. – Friday 23rd Dec. There will be no one in the office on Saturday (Christmas Eve). Please note there are Christmas items in the repository....take a look! Roof Restoration Fund: Don’t forget your extra pound for Thank you all for being so patient whilst the building work is the second collection or other donations at : going on. As you can see it is progressing nicely. Please don't stop giving to building fund yet as this work will obviously be cardiff/stmarysnpt expensive!! Thank you to all who have given in the past. There Well done! Last week’s collection was £215.00 Total currently will need to be a BIG clean up the week before Christmas, stands at £9838.64 Come on Folks lets have that extra push and please offer your services to Catherine( Ann is away). we CAN crack the £10,000 line before Christmas. If anyone has any fundraising ideas, or knows anyone who would like to We will be having an Advent raffle this December ....Ruby sponsor the funding, please let the Parish office know, or one of the will be selling tickets, walk past her if you dare! Community Council members. Please beware of the beggars, they have been back again and have been a little menacing and rude to some parishioners. PLEASE DO NOT give them money or buy the flowers. </p><p>Our Congratulations and Prayers BSTRUCTIVE PARKING Go to Noel & Madeline Fitzpatrick as they celebrate their Golden Wedding Yet again I must appeal to those on the 30th September. people who continually abandon their cars at the back of the Church. </p><p>People come late for Mass, cause an obstruction then run into church not thinking of the consequences of their actions, in doing so you block the Priests’ entry and exit.</p><p>We need access in order to say Mass in the other Churches. You might be attending Mass at St. Mary’s but we must travel to Saints David’s, David Lewis, Anne’s, Michael’s and Basil & Gwladys.</p><p>So PLEASE DO NOTSt. PARK David’s in theS.V.P. driveway or block the entrance, making it impossible for us to get out. Will now meet fortnightly on a Tuesday 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm Starting 20th September.</p><p>Tuesday Talent Group : If you have handcraft skills that you would like to share with us or just get involved with the team, come along next Tuesday from 10:00 Andrew Moulder, Marie Murphy, Paul O’Brien, Danny O’Carroll, Lil O’Hagen, Win O’Sullivan, David Oates, Mary Park, Simon Park, Colin Richards, Margaret Rowe, Michael Savage, Idris Skillern, Lolith Sauksciuviene, Mary Savini, Parish diaries are on sale at the back of Church, please put Lillian Skillern, Linda Smith, Joyce Stewart, Lucy Stoneman, £1.50 in the newspapers wall box, or see Tracy in the office in Alan Strong, Avril Taylor, Tom Ware, Pat Webb, Biddy the week. Williams and Catherine Williams, and all in the Family of our Parish who are sick or housebound, and all who care for them. Someone to Pray for? Please tell your ‘Community Correspondent’ or ring the Newsletter Secretary, 265533</p><p>DRIVERS REQUIRED I can see a problem looming on the horizon as we approach Christmas, that is Fathers’ John and Joseph not being able to attend the Community Churches as neither of them drive Holy Hour and need lifts. Holy Hour will continue is St Mary’s at 2pm on the first nd We need a number of people from each community to volunteer Friday of every month, beginning on Friday 2 and set up a rota. Please DO NOT LEAVE it each week to the December. same few people who have been helping so far. Many thanks to all who have contributed in the past year. No lifts sadly means NO MASS! Please ring the Parish Office or speak to your Community Chairperson if you can perform this essential ministry. LINE DANCING: Why not combine getting fitter with fun and join our LINE DANCERS. Sessions are held on Monday and Thursday 10:30 am – 12:30 pm And Wednesday 07:30 pm- 09:30 pm ALL WELCOME!!! PRAYERS PLEASE Please pray for the Repose of the souls of William Hawes, John Wilkinson and all who have died recently. </p><p>Please remember also in your prayers, Francis Bailey, Fr. Kevin Payne, Canon Pat O’Gorman, Fr. Eric Willet, Christine Bennett, Marilyn Boddy, Pat Bowen, Chloe Bowker, Liz Breen, Mel Davies, Dave, Elizabeth Duran, Raymond Emms, Albert Evans, Sheila Evans, John Fox, Catherine George, Mike Halford, Casey Hard, Rose Hackwood, Amanda Harkin, Blanche Hawker, Jim Hart, Glenys Harvey, Kitty Hayes, Janet Gillian Jones, Ron Kelly, Tom Kelly, Margaret Kroger, Penny Lake, Callum Lewis, Avril McDonald, Anne Monahan, Andrew Moulder, Marie Murphy, Paul O’Brien, Danny O’Carroll, Lil O’Hagen, Win O’Sullivan, David Oates, Mary Park, Simon Park, Colin Richards, Margaret Rowe, Michael Savage, Idris Skillern, Lolith Sauksciuviene, Mary Savini, Lillian Skillern, Linda Smith, Joyce Stewart, Lucy Stoneman, Alan Strong, Avril Taylor, Tom Ware, Pat Webb, Biddy Williams and Catherine Williams, and all in the Family of our Parish who are sick or housebound, and all who care for them. Someone to Pray for? Please tell your ‘Community Correspondent’ or ring the Newsletter Secretary, 265533</p><p>GROUP 97 H.C.P.T. GRAND CHRISTMAS DRAW Tickets will be on sale at all Masses in All Saints Parish the week ending 10th/11th December, helping us to raise funds to take children to Lourdes next Easter. Your usual support would be very much appreciated.</p><p>BAKE SALE THIS SUNDAY 11th December After 9.30 Mass in St. Mary’s Institute in aid of the Roof Restoration Fund Please bring home made cakes for the sale to the Parish Office on Friday 9th December between 9.00 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. or directly to the Institute on the morning of the sale. PLEASE SUPPORT BY CALLING IN AFTER MASS AND BUYING THE CAKES, PRODUCE AND RAFFLE TICKETS. OUR ROOF NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT</p>

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