<p> A Draft Framework for Preparation of Status Report on Secondary Education in State/UT</p><p>State/UT Resource Team (Those who have generated the Status Report)</p><p>Acronyms</p><p>Forward</p><p>Acknowledgements</p><p>Contents (Chapter-wise)</p><p>List of Tables/Graphs</p><p>Annexure</p><p>2</p><p>Chapter I Introduction</p><p>Mapping Exercise and 11th Plan Initiatives by Govt. of India</p><p>State Profile: Key Socio–Economic Indicators </p><p>Location</p><p>Geo-Physical features</p><p>Total Population by Social Category (District-wise & Rural and Urban)</p><p>Population including projected age specific population of secondary and higher secondary (District –wise & Rural-Urban)</p><p>Sex Ratio, Literacy Rate</p><p>Key economic indicators</p><p>GDP Per capita</p><p>Population below poverty line</p><p>Major economic activities of the State (Agriculture, Industry, Communication etc.)</p><p>Education Profile</p><p>Structure of Education Educational Administrative set up (Organogram) GER, NER & Transition Rate at Elementary level. Transition rate from grade VIII to IX State Policies and Programmes with focus on Secondary and Higher Secondary Education. (with focus on 10th Plan and 11th Plan)</p><p>Objectives and scope of the Status Report Data Base/Sources Structure of the Report</p><p>3</p><p>Chapter II</p><p>Profile of Secondary and Higher Secondary Institutions (Ques. 1-11)</p><p>2.1 Type and Location of Institutions (Ques. 1 & 5)</p><p>Table : District-wise No. of Secondary & Hr. Secondary Schools/Colleges by Type of Schools in 2008-09 (Ques. 1 & 5)</p><p>Name of the District Secondary Schools Hr. Secondary Schools Intermediate/ Degree Colleges Post-graduate Colleges Other Jr. Colleges with +2 level with +2 and +3 levels B G C T % B G C T % B G C T % B G C T % B G C T % B G C T % District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 ------Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format Note: B = Boys only; G = Girls only; C = Co-ed; T = Total % refers to percentage to row total</p><p>Table : District-wise No. of Secondary & Hr. Secondary Schools/Colleges by Year of Establishment and Year of Recognition (Ques. 2(a) & 2(b)) </p><p>Name of the Total No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of District Secondary & Schools/colleges Schools/colleges Schools/colleges Schools/colleges Hr. Secondary established established recognised recognised Schools/Colleges in or % to after % to in or % to after % to before Column 2001 Column before Column 2001 Column 2001 Total Total 2001 Total Total District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 ------Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format </p><p>Table : District-wise No. of Secondary & Hr. Secondary Schools/Colleges by Year of Up-gradation (Ques. 2(c) & 2(d)) </p><p>Name of the No. of Upper primary No. of Upper No. of Secondary No. of Secondary District schools upgraded to primary schools schools upgraded to schools upgraded to secondary schools upgraded to higher secondary higher secondary secondary schools schools schools in or % to After % to in or % to After % to before Column 2001 Column before Column 2001 Column 2001 Total Total 2001 Total Total District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 ------Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format </p><p>Institutions by Sources of Funding and Management (Ques. 3-4) Institutions by Sources of Funding (Ques. 3)</p><p>Table : District-wise No. of Secondary Schools by Sources of Funding in 2008-09</p><p>Name of the Total No. R&FFSUTG LB R&FCGA PA PUA UUASRSC District of Secondary Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Schools District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 ------Total Note: % refers to percentage to row total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format</p><p>R&FSLGA = Recognised and Fully Funded by State/UT Govt. LB = Funded by Local Govt. R&FCGA = Recognised and Fully Central Govt Funded (NVS & KVS) PA = Private Aided (Recognised Aided) PUA = Private Unaided (Recognised but not aided by the Govt.) UUASRSC = Unrecognised/ Unaided Section in a Recognized School/Colleges</p><p>Table : District-wise No. of Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges by Sources of Funding in 2008-09</p><p>Name of Total No. of R&FFSUTG LB R&FCGA PA PUA UUASRSC the Hr./Sr. District Secondary Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Schools/Jr. Colleges/Degree & P.G. Colleges etc. District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 ------Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format Note: % refers to percentage to row total R&FSLGA = Recognised and Fully Funded by State/UT Govt. LB = Funded by Local Govt. R&FCGA = Recognised and Fully Central Govt Funded (NVS & KVS) PA = Private Aided (Recognised Aided) PUA = Private Unaided (Recognised but not aided by the Govt.) UUASRSC = Unrecognised/ Unaided Section in a Recognized School/Colleges</p><p>2</p><p>Institutions by Management (Ques. 4) Table : District-wise No. of Secondary Schools by Management in 2008-09</p><p>Name of Total No. STUG LB/MC TWD SWD PS SUTDL PB MHRD/KVS/NVS CGMDU the of No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % District Secondary Schools District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 ------Total Note: % refers to percentage to total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format</p><p>STUG = State/UT Government (Department of Education) LB/MC =Local Body/Municipal Corporation TWD = Tribal Welfare Department SWD = Social Welfare Department PS = Public Sector SUTDL = State/UT Government (Department of Labour) PB = Private Body such as Trusts/Companies/Private Body/Missionaries/NGOs, etc. MHRD/KVS/NVS = MHRD (or by Bodies such as KVS, NVS, etc. under the MHRD) CGMDU = Other Central Government Ministries/Departments/Undertakings Institutions by Managements (Ques. 4) Table : District-wise No. of Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges by Management in 2008-09</p><p>Name of Total No. of STUG LB/MC TWD SWD PS SUTDL PB MHRD/KVS/NVS CGMDU the Hr./Sr. No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % District Secondary Schools/Colleges District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 ------Total Note: % refers to percentage to total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format</p><p>STUG = State/UT Government (Department of Education) LB/MC =Local Body/Municipal Corporation TWD = Tribal Welfare Department SWD = Social Welfare Department PS = Public Sector SUTDL = State/UT Government (Department of Labour) PB = Private Body such as Trusts/Companies/Private Body/Missionaries/NGOs, etc. MHRD/KVS/NVS = MHRD (or by Bodies such as KVS, NVS, etc. under the MHRD) CGMDU = Other Central Government Ministries/Departments/Undertakings Table : District-wise No. of Secondary & Hr. Secondary Schools/Colleges for Children with Special Needs in 2007-08 or 2008-09 (Ques. 6)</p><p>Name Secondary Hr. Intermediate/ Degree Post- Others Total No. of of the Schools Secondary Jr. Colleges Colleges graduate Schools/Colleges District Schools with +2 Colleges with for CWSN level +2 and +3 levels No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % District 1 100.0 District 2 100.0 District 3 100.0 District 4 100.0 District 5 100.0 ------100.0 ------100.0 ------100.0 Total 100.0 Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format Note: % refers to percentage to total number of secondary and higher secondary schools/colleges especially for CWSN</p><p>Table : District-wise No. of Secondary Schools by No. of Sections in Classes IX & X in 2007-08 or 2008-09 (Ques. 7 & 8)</p><p>Source: Data Name No. of Secondary Schools No. of Secondary Schools having no. of classrooms/sections in Class-IX having no. of classrooms/sections in Class-X collected of the through Data</p><p>District f</p><p>One class Two class Three class Four class Five f % One Two Three Four Five or %</p><p> o Capture o .</p><p> room/ rooms/ rooms/ rooms/ or more . class class class class more o o Format N</p><p> section sections sections sections class N room/ rooms/ rooms/ rooms/ class </p><p> l l</p><p> a Note: Give a (%) (%) (%) (%) rooms/ section sections sections sections rooms/ t t o o</p><p> sections (%) (%) (%) (%) sections T absolute T s s n</p><p>(%) n (%) o figure and o i i t t c c</p><p> e percentages e S S / / s</p><p> s in the m m o</p><p> o bracket. % o o r r s s s refers to s a a l l</p><p>C percentage to C Dist. 1 100 100 row total of Dist. 2 the district. Dist. 3 Dist. 4 Dist. 5 ------Total</p><p>Table : District-wise No. of Hr/Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges by No. of Sections in Classes XI & XII in 2007-08 or 2008-09 (Ques. 7 & 8)</p><p>Source: Data Name No. of Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges No. of Hr. Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges collected of the having no. of classrooms/sections in Class-XI having no. of classrooms/sections in Class-XII One class Two class Three class Four class Five Total % One Two Three Four Five or Total % through Data District room/ rooms/ rooms/ rooms/ or more class class class class more Capture section sections sections sections class room/ rooms/ rooms/ rooms/ class Format (%) (%) (%) (%) rooms/ section sections sections sections rooms/ Note: Give sections (%) (%) (%) (%) sections (%) (%) Dist. 1 100 100 Dist. 2 Dist. 3 Dist. 4 Dist. 5 ------Total absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % refers to percentage to row total of the district.</p><p>2</p><p>Table : District-wise No. of Secondary Schools by Area of Location (Ques. 9)</p><p>Name Total No. of Secondary Schools/Sections L9oocated in</p><p> d d y d d t ) ) ) e e e ) ) ) ) ) of the No. of Rural Urban Total Tribal Hilly i e t t t r t a a a % % % % % % % % o a ( ( ( d ( ( ( ( ( District Secondary (%) (%) (%) (%) n n n</p><p> n n i i i e t t i i s e e a a t r C s m m m e e a n Schools n e e m m M r r o o o O n o o r s o u i r r s e o A A l L D D D</p><p>P P D u m l S F \ r</p><p>D s o r t a T o e C r d i t C e</p><p> h h S e o s g B D t d S ) g i h a o r ) l t l u O O o e o % ) o F % ( O r C R B (</p><p>)</p><p>% )</p><p>. ( D</p><p> t % % ( n</p><p>( I</p><p>District 1</p><p>District 2</p><p>District 3</p><p>District 4</p><p>District 5</p><p>------</p><p>------</p><p>------</p><p>Total</p><p>Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format Note: Give both absolute figure and percentage. Figures in the bracket refers to percentages to row total in the district. </p><p>Table : District-wise No. of Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges by Area of Location (Ques. 9)</p><p>Name Total No. of Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges located in of the No. of </p><p> d d d d d e e e e ) ) ) ) ) ) ) District Hr./Sr. Rural Urban Total Tribal Hilly ) e t t t t t a a a a % % % % % % % % a ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Secondary (%) (%) (%) (%) n n n n</p><p> n i i i i t t i s e e a a r C s m m m m e e n n</p><p>Schools/ e e m m r r o o o o O o r s o o u r r e o A l A L D D D D</p><p>Colleges </p><p>P P D l S F r \</p><p>D s r t a T e C r d y t C e</p><p> t h h S e o s i B t d S ) g r h a o r ) t l u O O o o o % ) o F n % ( O r C i B ( )</p><p>%</p><p>. ( D</p><p> t M %</p><p>( n</p><p> s I</p><p> u o i g i l e ) R % (</p><p>District 1</p><p>District 2</p><p>District 3</p><p>District 4</p><p>District 5</p><p>------</p><p>------</p><p>------</p><p>2</p><p>Total</p><p>Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format</p><p>Note: Give both absolute figure and percentage. Figures in the bracket refers to percentages to row total in the district. </p><p>3</p><p>2.2 Distribution of Institutions by Medium of Instruction and Languages Taught (District-wise) (Ques. 10-11) Table : District-wise (Rural &Urban) No. of Secondary Schools According to No. of Media of Instruction (Ques. 10)</p><p>No. of Secondary Schools with Number of Media of Instruction Sl. Name No. of Rural Urban Total District One Two Three Four Total One Two Three Four Total One Two Three Four Total (%) (%) (%) (%) (100%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (100%) 1. Dist. 1 (100)</p><p>2. Dist. 2</p><p>3. Dist. 3</p><p>4. Dist. 4</p><p>5. Dist. 5</p><p>----</p><p>----</p><p>Total</p><p>Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format Give both absolute figure and percentage. Figures in the bracket refers to percentages to row total in the district. </p><p>Table : District-wise (Rural &Urban)No. of Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges According to No. of Media of Instruction (Ques. 10) Sl. Name No. of Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools with Number of Media of Instruction No. of Rural Urban Total District One Two Three Four Total One Two Three Four Total One Two Three Four Total (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) 1. Dist. 1</p><p>2. Dist. 2</p><p>3. Dist. 3</p><p>4. Dist. 4</p><p>5. Dist. 5</p><p>------</p><p>------</p><p>Total</p><p>Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format Give both absolute figure and percentage. Figures in the bracket refers to percentages to row total in the district. Table : District-wise No. of Secondary Schools According to No. of Languages Taught as First, Second and Third Languages (Ques. 11) Source: Data Sl. No. Name of Area No. of Secondary Schools with Number of languages Taught as collected through the First Language Second Language Third Language Data Capture District One Two Three Four Total One Two Three Four Total One Two Three Four Total Format. (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) Note: Give 1. Dist. 1 Rural both absolute figure Urban and percentage. Total Figures in the 2. Dist. 2 Rural bracket refers to Urban percentages to row Total total in the district. 3. Dist. 3 Rural Urban Total 4. Dist. 4 Rural Urban Total 5. Dist. 5 Rural Urban Total 6. Dist. 6 Rural Urban Total 7. Dist. 7 Rural Urban Total 8. Dist. 8 Rural Urban Total Table : District-wise No. of Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges According to No. of Languages Taught as First, Second and Third Languages </p><p>Sl. No. Name of Area No. of Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges with Number of languages Taught as the First Language Second Language Third Language District One Two Three Four Total One Two Three Four Total One Two Three Four Total (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) 1. Dist. 1 Rural Urban Total 2. Dist. 2 Rural Urban Total 3. Dist. 3 Rural Urban Total 4. Dist. 4 Rural Urban Total 5. Dist. 5 Rural Urban Total 6. Dist. 6 Rural Urban Total 7. Dist. 7 Rural Urban Total 8. Dist. 8 Rural Urban Total (Ques. 11) Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentage. Figures in the bracket refers to percentages to row total in the district.</p><p>2</p><p>Chapter III Access and Participation (Ques. 12-18) 3.1 Access to schooling Provisions per lakh population by type of schools Rural and Urban</p><p>Table : District-wise No. of Secondary & Hr. Secondary Schools/Colleges by Type of Schools per lakh Population in 2007-08 or 2008-09 Name of Total No. of Secondary Schools Per Lakh Total No. of Hr./Sr. Secondary Sl. the No. of Population in No. of Schools/Colleges Per Lakh No. District Secondary Hr./Sr. Population in Schools Rural Urban Total Secondary Rural Urban Total Schools/ Colleges</p><p>1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5 ------Total 3.2 Number of Served/Un-served Habitations as per the State/National Norm</p><p>Table : District-wise Habitations Served by Secondary & Hr. Secondary Schools/Colleges by Location in 2007-08 or 2008-09 </p><p>Sl. Name of Total Habitations Served by Secondary Habitations Served by Hr./Sr. Secondary No. the No. of Schools as per the State/National Norm Schools/Colleges as per the District habitations State/National Norm Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % 1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5 ------Total Note: % refers to percentages to total number of habitations in the district.</p><p>1</p><p>3.3 Enrolment (Ques. 12-18) </p><p>3.3.1 Enrolment in Secondary and Higher Secondary in 2006 and 2007 (Ques. 12 & 14) Table : District-wise Enrolment by Area, Class, Gender and Social Category at Secondary Level as on September 30, 2006 (i.e., in 2006-07) (Ques. 12a)</p><p>Sl. Name ofArea Class No. of No. of No. of No. of Number of Students (Enrolment) of the Secondary Sections Sections Students All Communities Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes OBCs Others District Schools in Class in Class per including having Section General) Class (Class- Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total size) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) 1. Dist. 1 Rural VIII IX X Total Urban VIII IX X Total Total VIII IX X Total 2. Dist. 2 Rural VIII IX X Total Urban VIII IX X Total Total VIII IX X Total</p><p>3. Dist. 3 Rural VIII IX X Total Urban VIII IX X Total Total VIII IX X Total Total Rural VIII IX X Total Urban VIII IX X Total Total VIII IX X Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format Note: % refers to percentages to corresponding (boys, girls & total) total number of students of all communities in the district.</p><p>2</p><p>Table : District-wise Enrolment by Area, Class, Gender and Social Category at Secondary Level as on September 30, 2007 (in 2007-08) (Ques. 12b) Sl. Name ofArea Class No. of No. of No. of No. of Number of Students (Enrolment) of the Secondary Sections Sections Students All Communities Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes OBCs Others District Schools in Class in Class per including having Section General) Class (Class- Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total size) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) 1. Dist. 1 Rural VIII IX X Total Urban VIII IX X Total Total VIII IX X Total 2. Dist. 2 Rural VIII IX X Total Urban VIII IX X Total Total VIII IX X Total 3. Dist. 3 Rural VIII IX X Total Urban VIII IX X 3</p><p>Total Total VIII IX X Total Total Rural VIII IX X Total Urban VIII IX X Total Total VIII IX X Total</p><p>4</p><p>Table : District-wise Enrolment by Streams, Class, Gender and Social Category at Hr./Sr. Secondary Level as on September 30, 2006 (i.e., in 2006-07) (Ques. 14a) </p><p>Sl. Name Streams Enrolment in Class XI Enrolment in Class XII No. of the SC ST OBC Others Total SC ST OBC Others Total District (including (including General) General) B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)</p><p>Dist. 1 All Streams</p><p>Arts</p><p>Science</p><p>Commerce</p><p>Vocational</p><p>Other Courses</p><p>Dist. 2 All Streams</p><p>Arts</p><p>Science</p><p>Commerce</p><p>Vocational</p><p>Other Courses</p><p>Dist. 3 All Streams</p><p>Arts</p><p>1</p><p>Science</p><p>Commerce</p><p>Vocational</p><p>Other Courses</p><p>Dist. 4 All Streams</p><p>Arts</p><p>Science</p><p>Commerce</p><p>Vocational</p><p>Other Courses</p><p>Total All Streams</p><p>Arts</p><p>Science</p><p>Commerce</p><p>Vocational</p><p>Other Courses</p><p>Note: B = Boys; G = Girls; T = Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentage. % refers to percentages to corresponding (boys, girls & total) total number of students in the respective streams in the district.</p><p>2</p><p>Table : District-wise Enrolment by Streams, Class, Gender and Social Category at Hr./Sr. Secondary Level as on September 30, 2007 (i.e., in 2007-08) (Ques. 14b) </p><p>Sl. Name Streams Enrolment in Class XI Enrolment in Class XII No. of the SC ST OBC Others Total SC ST OBC Others Total District (including (including General) General) B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)</p><p>Dist. 1 All Streams</p><p>Arts</p><p>Science</p><p>Commerce</p><p>Vocational</p><p>Other Courses</p><p>Dist. 2 All Streams</p><p>Arts</p><p>Science</p><p>Commerce</p><p>Vocational</p><p>Other Courses</p><p>Dist. 3 All Streams</p><p>Arts</p><p>3</p><p>Science</p><p>Commerce</p><p>Vocational</p><p>Other Courses</p><p>Dist. 4 All Streams</p><p>Arts</p><p>Science</p><p>Commerce</p><p>Vocational</p><p>Other Courses</p><p>Total All Streams</p><p>Arts</p><p>Science</p><p>Commerce</p><p>Vocational</p><p>Other Courses</p><p>Note: B = Boys; G = Girls; T = Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentage. % refers to percentages to corresponding (boys, girls & total) total number of students in the respective streams in the district.</p><p>4</p><p>3.3.2 Repeaters in Secondary and Higher Secondary (Ques. 13 & 15)</p><p>Table : District-wise Repeaters by Area, Caste, Gender and Social Category at Secondary Level as on September 30, 2006 (in 2006-07) (Ques. 13a) Sl. Name of Area Class Number of Repeaters of No. the All Communities Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes OBCs Others (including District General) Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) 1. District 1 Rural VIII IX X Total Urban VIII IX X Total Total VIII IX X Total 2. District 2 Rural VIII IX X Total Urban VIII IX X Total Total VIII IX X Total 3. District 3 Rural VIII IX X Total Urban VIII 5</p><p>IX X Total Total VIII IX X Total Total Rural VIII IX X Total Urban VIII IX X Total Total VIII IX X Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format Note: % refers to percentages to corresponding (boys, girls & total) total number of repeaters of all communities in the district. Table : District-wise Repeaters by Area, Caste, Gender and Social Category at Secondary Level as on September 30, 2007 (in 2007-08) (Ques. 13b) Sl. Name of Area Class Number of Repeaters of No. the All Communities Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes OBCs Others (including District General) Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) 1. District 1 Rural VIII IX X Total Urban VIII IX X Total Total VIII IX X 6</p><p>Total 2. District 2 Rural VIII IX X Total Urban VIII IX X Total Total VIII IX X Total 3. District 3 Rural VIII IX X Total Urban VIII IX X Total Total VIII IX X Total Total Rural VIII IX X Total Urban VIII IX X Total Total VIII IX X Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format Note: % refers to percentages to corresponding (boys, girls & total) total number of repeaters of all communities in the district. 7</p><p>Table : District-wise Repeaters by Streams, Class, Gender and Social Category at Hr./Sr. Secondary Level as on September 30, 2006 (i.e., in 2006-07) (Ques. 15a) </p><p>Sl. Name Streams Repeaters in Class XI Repeaters in Class XII No. of the SC ST OBC Others Total SC ST OBC Others Total District (including (including General) General) B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)</p><p>Dist. 1 All Streams</p><p>Arts</p><p>Science</p><p>Commerce</p><p>Vocational</p><p>Other Courses</p><p>Dist. 2 All Streams</p><p>Arts</p><p>Science</p><p>Commerce</p><p>Vocational</p><p>Other Courses</p><p>Dist. 3 All Streams</p><p>Arts</p><p>Science</p><p>Commerce</p><p>Vocational</p><p>Other Courses</p><p>Dist. 4 All Streams</p><p>Arts</p><p>Science</p><p>Commerce</p><p>Vocational</p><p>Other Courses</p><p>Total All Streams</p><p>Arts</p><p>Science</p><p>Commerce</p><p>Vocational</p><p>Other Courses</p><p>Note: B = Boys; G = Girls; T = Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentage. % refers to percentages to corresponding (boys, girls & total) total number of repeaters in the respective streams in the district. 2</p><p>3</p><p>Table : District-wise Repeaters by Streams, Class, Gender and Social Category at Hr./Sr. Secondary Level as on September 30, 2007 (i.e., in 2007-08) (Ques. 15b) </p><p>Sl. Name Streams Repeaters in Class XI Repeaters in Class XII No. of the SC ST OBC Others Total SC ST OBC Others Total District (including (including General) General) B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T B G T (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)</p><p>Dist. 1 All Streams</p><p>Arts</p><p>Science</p><p>Commerce</p><p>Vocational</p><p>Other Courses</p><p>Dist. 2 All Streams</p><p>Arts</p><p>Science</p><p>Commerce</p><p>Vocational</p><p>Other Courses</p><p>Dist. 3 All Streams</p><p>Arts</p><p>4</p><p>Science</p><p>Commerce</p><p>Vocational</p><p>Other Courses</p><p>Dist. 4 All Streams</p><p>Arts</p><p>Science</p><p>Commerce</p><p>Vocational</p><p>Other Courses</p><p>Total All Streams</p><p>Arts</p><p>Science</p><p>Commerce</p><p>Vocational</p><p>Other Courses Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: B = Boys; G = Girls; T = Total Give both absolute figure and percentage. % refers to percentages to corresponding (boys, girls & total) total number of repeaters in the respective streams in the district.</p><p>5</p><p>3.3.3 Growth Trends in Enrolment at Secondary and Higher Secondary (Ques. 16) Table : District-wise Trends in Enrolment at Secondary and Higher Secondary during 2001-2008 Sl. No. Name of Enrolment in Enrolment in Annual Average Enrolment in Enrolment in Annual Average the Classes IX-X Classes IX-X Growth Rate of Classes XI-XII Classes XI-XII Growth Rate of District in 2001 or the year of in 2007 or 2008 Enrolment in in 2001 or the year ofin 2007 or 2008 Enrolment in establishment whichever Classes IX-X establishment whichever Classes XI-XII is later between 2001 to is later between 2001 to 2007 or 2008 2007 or 2008 Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total 1 Dist. 1</p><p>2 Dist. 2</p><p>3 Dist. 3</p><p>4 Dist. 4</p><p>5 Dist. 5</p><p>-</p><p>-</p><p>-</p><p>Total</p><p>3.3.4 Enrolment of Physically Challenged Children </p><p>Table : District-wise Trends in Enrolment at Secondary and Higher Secondary during 2001-2008 (Ques. 17) Sl. No. Name of Enrolment Enrolment Enrolment Enrolment Enrolment Total the of Physically of Physically of Physically of Physically of Physically enrolment Challenged Challenged Challenged Challenged Challenged of Physically District Children Children Children Children Children Challenged in Classes VIII in in Class - IX in in Class - X in in Class - XI in in Class - XII in Children 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 in Classes VIII-XII Or IX-XII in 2007-08 Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (100) (100) (100) 1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5</p><p>-</p><p>-</p><p>-</p><p>Total</p><p>Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentage. % refers to percentages to corresponding (boys, girls & total) total enrolment of physically challenged children in the district.</p><p>2</p><p>3.3.5 Age-grade Matrix at Secondary and Higher Secondary Levels (Ques. 18)</p><p>Table : District-wise Enrolment in Secondary (Classes IX-X) by Age (Age-Grade Matrix) in 2007-08 or 2008-2009 (Ques. 18a) Sl. Name Enrolment Enrolment in Class – IX of Age Enrolment in Class – X of Age Below 13 13 14 15 Above 15 Total Below 13 13 14 15 Above 15 Total ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) No. of the in Classes ) ) ) ) ) % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %</p><p>( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 0 0 0 0 0</p><p>0</p><p> l l l l l l l l l l s s s s s s s s s s 0 0 0 0 0 s s s s s s s s s s l l l l l 0 l l l l l</p><p>District IX-X a a a a a a a a a a 1 1 1 1 1 r t r t r t r t r t r t r t r t r t r t y y y y y y y y y y 1 ( ( ( ( ( i i i i i i i i i i</p><p>( o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o</p><p> l l s s</p><p> s G G G G G l G G G G G l T T T T T a T T T T T a B B B B B B B B B B s r t r t y y i i o o o o G G T T B B</p><p>1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2</p><p>3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4</p><p>5. Dist. 5</p><p>-</p><p>-</p><p>- Total</p><p>Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentage. % refers to percentages to corresponding (boys, girls & total) total enrolment in Class IX or Class X, as the case may be, in the district.</p><p>Table : District-wise Enrolment in Hr./Sr. Secondary (Classes XI-XII) by Age (Age-Grade Matrix) in 2007-08 or 2008-2009 (Ques. 18b)</p><p>Sl. Name Enrolment Enrolment in Class – XI of Age Enrolment in Class – XII of Age</p><p>1</p><p>No. of the in Classes Below 15 15 16 17 Above 17 Total Below 15 15 16 17 Above 17 Total District XI-XII ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 0 0 0 0 0 0</p><p> l l l l l l l l l l s s s s s s s s s s 0 0 0 0 0 0 s s s s s s s s s s l l l l l l l l l l a a a a a a a a a a 1 1 1 1 1 1 r t r t r t r t r t r t r t r t r t r t y y y y y y y y y y ( ( ( ( ( ( i i i i i i i i i i</p><p> o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o</p><p> l l s s s s G G G G G l G G G G G l T T T T T a T T T T T a B B B B B B B B B B r t r t y y i i o o o o G G T T B B</p><p>1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2</p><p>3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4</p><p>5. Dist. 5</p><p>-</p><p>-</p><p>- Total</p><p>Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentage. % refers to percentages to corresponding (boys, girls & total) total enrolment in Class IX or Class X, as the case may be, in the district.</p><p>2</p><p>Chapter IV Infrastructure and Teaching learning related facilities (Questions 21-50)</p><p>4.1 Infrastructure Facilities</p><p>4.1.1 Schools by Type of Building</p><p>Table : District-wise No. of Secondary and Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges by Type of School Building in 2007-08 08 2008-09 (Ques. 21-22)</p><p>Sl. Name of the Total No. No. of Secondary Schools having Type of Building Total No. of No. of Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges having Type of Building No. District of Hr./Sr. Secondary Pucca Partly Kuchcha Tent Others Total Secondary Pucca Partly Kuchcha Tent Others Total Schools Pucca Schools/ Pucca No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % Colleges No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % 1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5 -</p><p>-</p><p>- Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: % refers to percentages to total number of secondary schools or hr/sr. secondary schools/colleges respectively, as the case may be, in the district. 4.1.2 Class-Rooms and Other Rooms (Ques. 23-25) </p><p>Table : District-wise No. of Secondary and Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges by Class-rooms and Other Rooms in 2007-08 08 2008- 09 (Ques. 23)</p><p>Name of the Total No. of Secondary No. of No. of No. of Secondary and Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges Sl. No. District and Hr./Sr. Secondary Class- Class- having Separate Rooms for Schools/Colleges rooms for rooms for Administrative Staff Staff (Teachers) Students Other Rooms Classes Classes No. % No. % No. % No. % IX-X XI-XII 1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5 -</p><p>-</p><p>- Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: % refers to percentages to total number of secondary and hr/sr. secondary schools/colleges in the district.</p><p>Table : District-wise Number and Condition of Class-rooms used for Classes IX-X in 2007-08 or 2008-09 (Ques. 24a) Name of Number and Condition of Pucca Class- Number and Condition of Partly Pucca Number and Condition of Kuchcha Class- Number and Condition of Class-rooms Total Number and Condition of Class- Sl. the rooms Class-rooms rooms held in Tents rooms ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) No. District ) ) ) ) ) ) % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (</p><p> l l l l l r r r r r r r r r r e e e e e n n n n n i i i i i i i i i i a a a a a z z z z z t t t t t o o o o o a a a a a a a a a a i i i i i i i i i i o o o o o p p t p t p p t p p t p t p p S S S S S i i i i i</p><p> e e e e e e e e e e T T T T T d d d d d e e e e e R R R R R R R R R R n n n n n g g g g g r r r r r r r r r r o o o o o a a a a a r r r r r o o o o o o o o o o C C C C C j j j j j e e e e e n n n n n a a a a a i i i i i v v v v v d d d d d o o o o o A M A M A M A M A M M M M M M</p><p> o o o o o d d d d d d d d d d w w w w w G G G G G e e e e e e e e e e o o o o o e e e e e e e e e e l l l l l e e e e e N N N N N N N N N N B B B B B 1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5 - Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentage. % refers to percentages to corresponding total number of class-rooms in Classes IX-X in the district.</p><p>Table : District-wise Number and Condition of Class-rooms used for Classes XI-XII in 2007-08 or 2008-09 (Ques. 24b) Name of Number and Condition of Pucca Class- Number and Condition of Partly Pucca Number and Condition of Kuchcha Number and Condition of Class- Total Number and Condition of Class- Sl. the rooms Class-rooms Class-rooms rooms held in Tents rooms ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) No. District ) ) ) ) % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (</p><p> l l l l l r r r r r r r r r r e e e e e n n n n n i i i i i i i i i i a a a a a z z z z z t t t t t o o o o o a a a a a a a a a a i i i i i i i i i i o o o o o p p p p t p t p t p p t p t p S S S S S i i i i i</p><p> e e e e e e e e e e T T T T T d d d d d e e e e e R R R R R R R R R R n n n n n g g g g g r r r r r r r r r r o o o o o a a a a a r r r r r o o o o o o o o o o C C C C C j j j j j e e e e e n n n n n a a a a a i i i i i v v v v v d d d d d o o o o o A M A M A M A M A M M M M M M</p><p> o o o o o d d d d d d d d d d w w w w w G G G G G e e e e e e e e e e o o o o o e e e e e e e e e e l l l l l e e e e e N N N N N N N N N N B B B B B 1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5 - Total 2</p><p>Note: Give both absolute figure and percentage. % refers to percentages to corresponding total number of class-rooms in Classes XI-XII in the district. Table : District-wise Number and Percentages of Secondary Schools having Separate Rooms for Staff, Students and Other Activities (Ques. 25)</p><p>Sl. Name of Total No. of Number and Percentages of Secondary Schools having Separate Rooms for No. the Secondary District Schools HM AHM Aud. Girls Boys Female Library Lab. IG CA NCC/ FA SE GC C/W SQ K/C GSF (%) (% (%) (%) (%) Teachers (%) (%) (%) (%) NSS etc. (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)</p><p>1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5</p><p>------</p><p>-----</p><p>-----</p><p>-----</p><p>Total</p><p>Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentage. % refers to percentages to total number of secondary schools in the district.</p><p>HM = Head Master/Principal; AHM = Asst. Head Master/ Vice Principal; Aud = Auditorium; Lab. = Laboratory; IG = Indoor games; CA = Co-curricular/activity; NCC/NSS etc. = NCC/NSS/Scout & Guide; FA = First aid/sick; SE = Sports equipment; GC = Guidance and counseling; C/W = Chowkidar/watchman; SQ = Staff quarters; K/C = Kitchen shed/canteen; GSF = Garden and social forestry</p><p>3</p><p>Table : District-wise Number and Percentages of Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges having Separate Rooms for Staff, Students and Other Activities (Ques. 25)</p><p>Sl. Name of Total No. of Number and Percentages of Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges having Separate Rooms for No. the Hr./Sr. District Secondary HM AHM Aud. Girls Boys Female Library Lab. IG CA NCC/ FA SE GC C/W SQ K/C GSF Schools/ (%) (% (%) (%) (%) Teachers (%) (%) (%) (%) NSS etc. (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) Colleges (%) (%)</p><p>1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5</p><p>------</p><p>-----</p><p>-----</p><p>-----</p><p>Total</p><p>Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentage. % refers to percentages to total number of secondary schools in the district.</p><p>HM = Head Master/Principal; AHM = Asst. Head Master/ Vice Principal; Aud = Auditorium; Lab. = Laboratory; IG = Indoor games; CA = Co-curricular/activity; NCC/NSS etc. = NCC/NSS/Scout & Guide; FA = First aid/sick; SE = Sports equipment; GC = Guidance and counseling; C/W = Chowkidar/watchman; SQ = Staff quarters; K/C = Kitchen shed/canteen; GSF = Garden and social forestry</p><p>4</p><p>4.1.3 Boundary Wall and Play Grounds (Ques. 26, 27 & 49)</p><p>Table : District-wise Number and Percentages of Secondary Schools having Boundary Wall and Play Ground Facilities Sl. Name of Total No. No. and Percentages of Secondary Schools having No. and Percentages of Secondary Schools having No. the of District Secondary Pucca Kuchcha Partly Pucca Barbed Green Play Play Adequate Facilities Physical Schools (%) (%) Pucca but Wire Fence Ground Ground Sports for Training (%) Broken Fence (%) (%) in usable Material Indoor Instructor (%) (%) Condition (%) Games (%) (%) (%) 1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5 ------Total Note: Give both absolute figure and percentage. % refers to percentages to total number of secondary schools in the district.</p><p>Table : District-wise Number and Percentages of Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges having Boundary Wall and Play Ground Facilities Sl. Name of Total No. No. and Percentages of Hr./Sr. Secondary No. and Percentages of Hr./Sr. Secondary No. the of Hr./Sr. Schools/Colleges having Schools/Colleges having District Secondary Schools/ Pucca Kuchcha Partly Pucca Barbed Green Play Play Adequate Facilities Physical Colleges (%) (%) Pucca but Wire Fence Ground Ground Sports for Training (%) Broken Fence (%) (%) in usable Material Indoor Instructor (%) (%) Condition (%) Games (%) (%) (%) 1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5 ------Total Note: Give both absolute figure and percentage. % refers to percentages to total number of hr./sr. secondary schools/colleges in the district. 4.1.4 Accommodation for Staff and Students (Q:28-29)</p><p>Table : District-wise Number and Percentages of Secondary Schools having Accommodation Facilities for Students and Staff </p><p>Sl. Name of Total No. Number and No. of Hostel No. of Total No. of No. of Teachers No. the of Percentages Boarders in Hostel Teachers having having District Secondary of Secondary Schools Boarders Residential Residential Schools Secondary Per Accommodation Accommodation Schools Secondary per Secondary having School School Hostels for Boys Girls Boys Girls Total (%) (%) 1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5 ------Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentage. % refers to percentages to total number of secondary schools in the district.</p><p>Table : District-wise Number and Percentages of Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges having Accommodation Facilities for Students and Staff </p><p>Sl. Name Total No. Number and No. of Hostel No. of Total No. of No. of Teachers No. of the of Percentages of Boarders in Hr./Sr. Hostel Teachers having having District Hr./Sr. Hr./Sr. Secondary Secondary Schools/ Boarders Residential Residential Secondary Schools/Colleges Colleges Per Accommodation Accommodation Schools/ having Hostels for Hr./Sr. per Hr./Sr. Colleges Boys Girls Boys Girls Total Secondary Secondary (%) (%) School/ School/Colleg College 1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5 ------Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentage. % refers to percentages to total number of hr./sr. secondary schools/colleges in the district.</p><p>2</p><p>4.1.5 Electricity Facilities (Q 30-32)</p><p>Table : District-wise Number and Percentages of Secondary and Hr./Sr. Schools/Colleges having Electricity Facilities </p><p>Sl. Name Total No. Total No. No. of No. of No. of Secondary Schools having No. of Hr./Sr. No. of Hr./Sr. No. of Hr./Sr. Secondary No. of the of of Secondary Secondary Electricity Substation/source within a Secondary Secondary Schools/Colleges having Electricity District Secondary Hr./Sr. Schools Schools distance of Schools/Colleges Schools/Colleges Substation/source within a distance of Schools Secondary having having having having (%) Schools/ (%) Electricity Generator Electricity Generator Set Connection Set Colleges Connection Less 1-2 2-3 3-5 More Total (%) Less 1-2 2-3 3-5 More Total (%) (%) than Km. Km. Km. than (%) than Km. Km. Km. than (%) (%) 1 5 1 5 (%) (%) (%) Km. Km. Km. Km. (%) (%) 1. Dist. 1</p><p>2. Dist. 2</p><p>3. Dist. 3</p><p>4. Dist. 4</p><p>5. Dist. 5</p><p>------</p><p>-----</p><p>-----</p><p>-----</p><p>Total</p><p>Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format.</p><p>Note: Give both absolute figure and percentage. % refers to percentages to total number of secondary and hr/sr. secondary schools/colleges, as the case may be, in the district.</p><p>2</p><p>4.1.6 Computer and Internet Facility (Ques. 33-34)</p><p>Table : District-wise Number and Percentages of Secondary Schools having Computer and Internet Facilities </p><p>Sl. No. Name Total No. No. of No. of Secondary Schools No. of No. of Secondary Schools No. of No. of Secondary Schools of the of Secondary having No. of Computers Secondary having No. of Computers for Secondary having Internet Bandwidth District Secondary Schools for Teaching & Learning Schools Office Schools Schools having having having Computers Computers Internet for Teaching ≤ 5 6-10 More for Office ≤ 5 6-10 More Connectivity ≤ 256 > 256 Not (%) (%) than 10 (%) (%) than 10 kbps kbps Applicable & Learning (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)</p><p>1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5 ------Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total number of secondary schools in the district.</p><p>Table : District-wise Number and Percentages of Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges having Computer and Internet Facilities </p><p>Sl. Name Total No. No. of Hr./Sr. No. of Hr./Sr. No. of Hr./Sr. No. of Hr./Sr. Secondary No. of Hr./Sr. No. of Hr./Sr. Secondary No. of the of Hr./Sr. Secondary Secondary Secondary Schools/Colleges having Secondary Schools/Colleges having District Secondary Schools/Colleges Schools/Colleges Schools/Colleges No. of Computers for Schools/Colleges Internet Bandwidth Schools/ having having No. of having Office having Internet Colleges Computers for Computers for Computers for Connectivity Teaching & Teaching & Office (%) Learning Learning (%)</p><p>(%) ≤ 5 6-10 More ≤ 5 6-10 More ≤ 256 > 256 Not (%) (%) than (%) (%) than kbps kbps Applicable 10 10 (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) 1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5 ------Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total number of hr./sr. secondary schools/colleges in the district.</p><p>2</p><p>4.1.7 Drinking water and Lavatory facilities (Ques. 35-36)</p><p>Table : District-wise Number and Percentages of Secondary Schools by Drinking Water, Urinals and Lavatory Facilities (Ques. 35-36)</p><p>Name Total No. of Sl. No. of No of Secondary Schools No of Secondary Schools having Adequate Urinals and Lavatories in the School Premises of the Secondary No. Secondary by Sources of Drinking District Schools Schools having Water</p><p>) ) ) ) ) ) ) Drinking Water ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) d y y y ) e l l l % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % l l l p ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Facility in the ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (</p><p> a a a % p</p><p> l ( s s s s s s s c c c p p y y t l</p><p> s s a l l l l i i i r r r r r l l a e r r s</p><p>School Premises o c a s a s s e e e r r m i i o r o i i i T P n y n t y y t h h h u e d / i i W G G a a h h h c c c t r r G G h P n</p><p> v a v a a r e r P P P c</p><p>(%) a r r</p><p>U U a e a e e o d k o a</p><p> r r r o o f H c n L T e L T T e F f f</p><p> o o o</p><p> t a u s f f f r r l l r T y s e</p><p> a</p><p> e l</p><p> t l l a a o o B o e H i r l u / s i f f a f a a r n n a </p><p> o r r q i i e u n l n l o f s i c e r r e i o i</p><p> t i a a q r t e r r h s d a s i e U U n n o a c e</p><p> r i i t v U y U t d i A v r r</p><p> e ) o i a a r h t a t e A v P U o U t a L P a %</p><p> t L a a</p><p> u ( v r e a</p><p>L e u t q a o v t ) d a q e f a L a e</p><p> e u d</p><p>% u p L d s q (</p><p> q A p e e e e A i a d t d ) r d c e a i o A p u t % A d ( p a q</p><p> n a e v a d c a d e i H L p d A</p><p> p n e t a a a c i H u d q n e a d H A ) % ( 1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5 ------Total</p><p>Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total number of secondary schools in the district.</p><p>Table : District-wise Number and Percentages of Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges by Drinking Water, Urinals and Lavatory Facilities (Ques. 35-36)</p><p>Name Total No. of Sl. No. of Hr./Sr. No of Hr./Sr. Secondary No of Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges having Adequate Urinals and Lavatories in the School/College Premises of the Secondary No. Secondary Schools/Colleges by District Schools Schools/ Sources of Drinking Water</p><p>) ) ) ) Colleges having ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) d y y y ) e l l l % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % l l l p ( ( ( ( Drinking Water ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (</p><p> a a a % p</p><p> l ( s s s s s s s c c c p p y y t l</p><p> s s a l l l l i i i r r r r r l l a e r r s</p><p>Facility in the o c a a s s s e e e r r m i i o r o i i i T P n n t y y y t h h h u e d / i i W G G a a h h h c c c t</p><p>School/College r r G G h P n</p><p> v v a a a r e r P P P c a r r</p><p>U U a a e e e o d k o a</p><p> r r r</p><p>Premises o o f H c n L e L T T T e F f f</p><p> o o o</p><p> t a u s f f f r r l l r T y s e</p><p> a</p><p> e l</p><p> t l l a a o o B o e H i r l u / s i f f a f a a</p><p>(%) r n n a </p><p> o r r q i i e u n n l l o f s i c e r r e i o i</p><p> t i a a q r t e r r h s d a s i e U U n n o a c e</p><p> r i i t v U y U t d i A v r r</p><p> e ) o i a a r h t a t e A v P o U U t a L P a %</p><p> t L a a</p><p> u ( v r e a</p><p>L e u t q a o v t d ) a q e f a L a e</p><p> e u d</p><p>% u p L d s q (</p><p> q A</p><p> p e e e e A i a d t d ) r d c e a i o A p u t % A d ( p a q</p><p> n a e v a d c a d e i H L p d A</p><p> p n e t a a a c i H u d q n e a d H A ) % ( 1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5 ------</p><p>2</p><p>----- Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total number of secondary schools/colleges in the district.</p><p>3</p><p>4.1.8 Availability of Furniture (Q 37-39)</p><p>Table : District-wise Availability of Furnitures for Students and Teachers in Secondary (Classes IX-X) and Hr. Secondary (Classes XI- XII) (Ques. 35-36)</p><p>) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) n n n n n n i i Sl. Name i i i i % % % % % % % % % % s ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( s s s s s t</p><p> t t</p><p>No. of the d d I I I n m n n X X X X X X X I I I r r e ------o e e a a d X X District X o d d X X X X X X X o o - - - u r I I I I I I I I I I u u t b b</p><p> s t t</p><p> s s S</p><p> k k X X X s S S </p><p> e s s s s s a c c</p><p> e s r s s l</p><p> e e e e e r r a a s s e e o s s s l s s s l s o o C s f s s a s s s s e</p><p> f f a l s B B s s f a a a a a l e l l a l l l a s e e o e e C r l l</p><p> l C l r r a . C C C C C l u</p><p>C C n b b u u o t</p><p> n i t t i C n n n a n n a</p><p> i i i</p><p> i i i i i n n N t s s n</p><p> i i</p><p> s n n</p><p> n</p><p> l r s s n s s i U U r r r t s s t t t</p><p> e a u</p><p> e r r f t f u u n m n n n i s F e h e m o o o e e o e F F a r</p><p> l</p><p> c h i . . o d d d T h o m e e g a c a r o ) o l t t u u u r e s a n C t t t h o a a i N N / s n e</p><p>T r % S S S s v u u</p><p>C l l a</p><p>( E T / l n e r a r r r q q a a s I t t h o e e r E o o o h C e I f </p><p> f f f c o o o d d t f h f X n s T T a e e e o o c - A ) e ) e</p><p> r r r e I n . n n r</p><p> r I g B u u u o e</p><p>X s % % u t t t u n i i i ( ( t r g B t i N</p><p> i</p><p> i m n n o n n v I l s</p><p> r n i o r r X r n I a a e e r - o v r o l t u u u</p><p> s h X u a r</p><p> s u e o X b - F F F s l s</p><p>I h F a I a F</p><p> s T l e e b</p><p> s g t t a m g X T g a l C / s a a o n n n m</p><p> i e T i k C i o u u / s s o</p><p> s v v r v f s q e q k e o a s a s a e e s o a r s</p><p> h l s h D e h s . d d</p><p> a</p><p> a t s l s o C a l g s D A o a</p><p> n C l n N C m</p><p> g n i m I g</p><p> l f l o C o n i n s</p><p> g o i a o i f o</p><p> a l t . r n i v m r o v i o s</p><p> o s a a o . a s v s T v h o N o a a )</p><p> s a</p><p> a l r l t l s h N s</p><p> s a C n % s C l t s</p><p> t m (</p><p> e a f</p><p> a f o n o l d t I m o o e o I T</p><p> o u o C . . r ) d</p><p> t o o X s f T o u S - r ) s o t</p><p>% N I s</p><p>N f a</p><p>( .</p><p>S s l l</p><p> l % X o I a O f ( a a C l </p><p>I t</p><p>. t</p><p>N I O f o s C o o</p><p>X I l</p><p>. o e - T f</p><p> a T N s I o X . t o - s</p><p> o o X N I . a</p><p> l</p><p>N o T X</p><p> l s C</p><p>N</p><p> a e l s t s a e s o t s a T s o l a T C l C 1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5 ------2</p><p>------Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total in the district.</p><p>3</p><p>Table : District-wise Availability of Furnitures for Students and Teachers at in Secondary and Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges (Ques. 35-36)</p><p>Sl. Name of Total No. of Total No. of No. of Total No. of Total No. of Total No. of No. of Hr./Sr. Total No. of No. the District Secondary Admnistrative/ Secondary Admn./ Hr./Sr. Admnistrative/ Secondary Admn./ Schools Support Staff in Schools having Support Staff Secondary Support Staff in Schools/ Support Staff Secondary Schools Furniture for Availing Schools/ Hr./Sr. Secondary Colleges Availing Admn./ Furniture in Colleges Schools/ having Furniture in Support Staff Secondary Colleges Furniture for Hr./Sr. (%) Schools Admn./ Secondary (%) Support Staff Schools/ (%) Colleges (%) 1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5 ------Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total number of secondary schools/colleges in the district. 4.1.9 Library Facilities (Q 40, 43 and 48)</p><p>Table : District-wise Library Facilities in Secondary and Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges (Ques. 35-36)</p><p>) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) s s</p><p>) s s s s s l g e s s</p><p>Sl. Name e e e e e o % % % % % % % % % n e e g % ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( i g g g g g o</p><p>( e g g</p><p> e e e v e e l s s s s h g n y y No. of the e e l l l l l l a y y l l l e e l l l l l r c k k a n l o l l r i r i h i i a o o o o o r t o o t S</p><p> a r a o o r</p><p>District i i C d a l r s o o l l a C C C C C / l l b y i i C C / / / / / e r u i b b b i s r / / u</p><p> i c t c s s s s s l g b g u s s a l l l l l L g e a i a x o l l L e e d o o o o o B e l c e F F e o o o L</p><p> l</p><p>R n e o o o o o</p><p> n</p><p> h a R h o o T o y y o h h h h h h g t e s c c h h t r r r s c c c c c c 0 n C e c t c c a S a n i / e e r S S S S S 0 n i r r n u f s S S v i i S l o y 1</p><p> b e b P a y y y y y</p><p> z r i i</p><p> s o p y y n r r r r r</p><p> l h R a g a r r a e L L o</p><p> f a a a a a o</p><p> a</p><p> g n d a a i s h o d d d d d i R t n l n a g g 0</p><p> n d d</p><p> i c r . n n n n n v c l o n n 0 o n n S a i e u i o o o o o o M a o y c 1 o o</p><p> c c c c c h v o r v S u h r e c c y</p><p>N / J e e e e e a a i a g r n c s</p><p> e e S r l e l h h S S S S S n a n m 5 S</p><p> a S S . b i h o . . . . . t d i r s s o 2 t . . v r r r r r A l</p><p> o y o n e r r</p><p> o S L a r o S S S S S g r / h t o g T S S / / / / / . i a h R o c n . . / . . . / g u c e r</p><p> e . . i d r r r r r l h s e S n o r r l g h l</p><p> v n i H c t H H H S H H</p><p> o n a o</p><p> y o v g H H</p><p> i S</p><p>. </p><p> r f f f f f</p><p> h o c a t n C f r f f d</p><p> a i / o o o o o e y h h u a s o o o r S s</p><p> d r</p><p> l . . . . . c / S l o e s . . . b .</p><p> a</p><p> n o o o o o o l S o r f o o o</p><p>R</p><p> d g o o o</p><p> o s o N N N N N c n y H n</p><p> l N N N h o ) ) ) ) ) g h</p><p> i . r</p><p> e ) o c o f r l h c ) n a o c S i % % % % % o a c o S b S % d ( ( ( ( t ( e </p><p> v % N f h ( . </p><p>S n</p><p> o ( y</p><p>S a y s c s o o y </p><p> r s o l</p><p> r y g n l y h T k f S . y a r c r k r a o a</p><p>N n l o o o s i a i e a d ) a r o d o y l r l r o . d a n r d S o n N h o a l u l b</p><p> b % o a o n r i c b i o t f ( o g u</p><p> c d o b u c N x o S h L e g e i e y</p><p> n c e e c . B e c r R e e y L S o S</p><p> o T S a n r</p><p> c h R a</p><p>S f r s .</p><p> t e g a</p><p> e c N r</p><p>0 y e r o b s f n d c r i t S n 0 S e i n . o r n i a / i f u</p><p>L 1</p><p> v f . o . o</p><p> o z e d r P a n o o</p><p> e c a p g</p><p> n N R h o . H a e e h g n o i N t i o t a f S</p><p> c R n</p><p>0 v c</p><p> i e o n N f l</p><p> a 0 e i M .</p><p>S o</p><p> a y h 1</p><p>S r o</p><p> r . / u f s i l a g o n o e N r m a n n . h N i b o n t i o</p><p> r v A o</p><p>L t a u N r</p><p>R i u h o</p><p>J e g o g</p><p> h n n 5 t g i i</p><p>2</p><p> n v d t i a a r u h e b o</p><p>R</p><p> g g n i n r i b v a h 1. Dist. 1</p><p>2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5 ------Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total number of secondary schools/colleges in the district.</p><p>2</p><p>4.1.10 Laboratory Facilities ( Q 44-45)</p><p>Table : District-wise Laboratory Facilities in Secondary Schools (Ques. 35-36) s l ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Sl. Name ) ) ) ) ) o o % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( No. of the h</p><p> c y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y S r r r r r r r r r y</p><p> r r r District r r r r r r o o r o o o o o o o y o o o o o o o o o t t t t t t t t t o t t t t t t t t t r a a a a a a a a a t a a a a a a a a a a r r r r r r r r r a r r r r r r r r r d o o r o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o n b b o b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b a a a a a a a a a o b a a a a a a a a a c a L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L e</p><p>L r s s e e y y y y r S s s e e y y y y e c r c</p><p> c e g g g h e t c r c</p><p> i t i c g g g h t i t i c t a n f o s s o p u t a n o s s o p l i l u a e n u o a y l i l p a e i u</p><p> a y o o r p e i g . h o r o c m i i m g h h g m i c m m n o e g h c P e m S n c B e o P e o a S B c h o h o a S N y e h h e d t</p><p>L e y d C g e t s C l L g C e a s d C e G</p><p> a n m a P G d n p d e i m t P d p g i g o t e g M e d p v o e o M d p n g v n i a p e n g p i i a i H e p r d a i n T u H p p g n p u v i h v</p><p> p p e g i h v i i</p><p> q d i p n a</p><p> q a v g e p p a s u i i v u e s t i E u h a l h n E l p h a</p><p> q u v</p><p> q p</p><p> i n u q i h o s o s a h y</p><p>I q p s E y E l v l q u l o E i l s</p><p> l o h l</p><p> a s E o l l o q g h E y u o l y h u</p><p> y s h l o o u l c o n E</p><p> l y q c o l o l l i y F l l h o h s F S</p><p> l h o o u l S u E</p><p> l v y c u l c h</p><p> c g l o h u a F g F o y c l u S F y S y</p><p> c n r S h</p><p> h F n l r o i u S F g g l i a c S</p><p> y</p><p> g a y h s v</p><p> y F n g r n u v d r S l y g n d c r i a i</p><p> y a i a n a r n F o a n g n r v i S h v</p><p> y d a i v h d</p><p> o o d a n a o r a v g a s n d v i c n y s h c n a d h a l h n r l a h e o n v o c e i o d n h o a s o s c h a c o S s c l v S S l n o o</p><p> d e l s e o c</p><p> h e s a f o c l o o h f n o e l h S y S e s h o S c o o</p><p> c o</p><p> r o o o c o l</p><p>S f</p><p> f e . h o S</p><p> h a f s S . c h o o</p><p>S o f l o c o c S h</p><p> d o e f</p><p> o c o h</p><p> o o . y . c S y S n f o .</p><p>S c N r S h</p><p>N o o . r</p><p> o</p><p>S o o o . a c f S</p><p> y a y</p><p> h o</p><p> y c . N o r N d r S o y c N r d e</p><p> y a a o N r n . a N r n S y S d a d</p><p> o o a d N o r n d f c n y d n c a N r e o n o o e n o d</p><p> a c c o . S c o S n</p><p> d e e c</p><p> o e f c o f n e S S e o S c</p><p>N o o</p><p>S f</p><p> f e . S</p><p> f . c</p><p> o f o o S f o e</p><p> o</p><p>. o . o . f</p><p>S N</p><p>N o .</p><p> o o o . f</p><p> o . N o N o N</p><p> o N . N o N N 1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4</p><p>5. Dist. 5 ------Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total number of secondary schools in the district.</p><p>Table : District-wise Laboratory Facilities in Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges (Ques. 35-36)</p><p>2</p><p> s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s e e Sl. Name e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e l l</p><p>No. of the l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l o o o o o o o o o o o o District o o o o o o o o C C / / C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C s s / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / l l s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s o l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o h h o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c c h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h S S c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c</p><p> y y S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S</p><p> r r a a y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r d d a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a n n o d d d d d d d d d d o d d d d d d d d c c n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n e e o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o S S c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c</p><p>. . e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e r r S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S</p><p>/ / ...... r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S H H / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /</p><p>...... </p><p> f r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r f o o</p><p>. H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H .</p><p> o f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o N</p><p>N ...... </p><p> l o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ) a t N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N % o (</p><p>) ) ) ) ) ) T ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )</p><p> y % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % r ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (</p><p> o</p><p> y y y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y r r r r r r r r r a r r r r r r r r r r o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o t t t t t t t t t o t t t t t t t t t a a a a a a a a a b a a a a a a a a a r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o L b b b b b b b b b</p><p> b b b b b b b b b a a a a a a a a a e a a a a a a a a a L L L L L L L L L c L L L L L L L L L</p><p> n r s s e e y y y y r s s e e e y y y y e c r c c g g g h i e t r c c i t i c g h g g t t i i n t a c o s s o p u a t n s p s o o l i l u e a u a y S i l l p a e i u a y</p><p> o o r p i g h r o o c m i m g h d h g m i c m m n e g h P e m S n e c B e o e P o a S B c t h o h o a</p><p> y e h h d e t a L e d y C e g t s C L</p><p> g C e r a s C e</p><p>G</p><p> a n m P G d n p d g m i d p P g g i o e g M e d e p o v e M p d n g t n v i p e n g i p i i a H p e d i n a n u H p p g n u p v i v h</p><p>I p e p i v h i i q d</p><p> i p n a q a v g p p a u i i v u e g E u i h a h E n p h a q u v q p n i q i u h i a y h q p E y E v u q l E i</p><p> v l h l</p><p>E a l q E u a y y u</p><p> y h l u l E q h l y l l y F </p><p> l l F</p><p> l u l E u</p><p> y l u</p><p> g l u F g F u l F y</p><p> n</p><p>F n l i u F g i g l g v F n g v n u n g i a i i a n F g n v i h v</p><p> v h i</p><p> n a</p><p> a v g a i v h a h n h a</p><p> v i</p><p> h a h</p><p> v</p><p> h a</p><p> h</p><p>1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5 ------</p><p>3</p><p>------Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total number of hr/sr. secondary schools/colleges in the district.</p><p>4</p><p>4.1.11 Teaching-Learning Aids (Q 46, 47 & 50)</p><p>Table : District-wise Teaching-Learning Aids in Secondary Schools (Ques. 35-36) s l , ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Sl. Name ) ) ) ) ) ) o e r o % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( u No. of the h</p><p> t</p><p> c r r r</p><p> o c t t r r r r s s m i e e S o r t e e V n u e e e n i t District o t d e e d t l r t n n e r t o S y d c p T y i i t a i</p><p> h i c</p><p> r e s r r a o e s o s F s h l e m e d j a o y R</p><p> c i a i c j l m w</p><p> c p n r o r c P d e</p><p>S u v o o i b</p><p> r a f u g</p><p> r a e e t e r n e g</p><p> r a t u s n n P l t D o p o B m i e R P</p><p> i a n s q e</p><p> s C i r h c y l e v t V e e D n E y d T o e r P a l W</p><p> g o l T I</p><p> x t p a /</p><p>D d S C y h s n o d g / l a e e E N d t</p><p> i g d</p><p> h L n a n s s h n n f o T</p><p> v n D i l e Y c i e r c</p><p> t A i o a o a r i g i -</p><p> v o</p><p> e h</p><p>C g S i v c r ) s s . h r c / n a o c f v</p><p>K n a i i y F e u e o</p><p> g i h l a s h R l %</p><p> h v x O l d C n v ( b c g</p><p> s N o a g i M e C m o o s</p><p> l a</p><p> u n</p><p>S l g l o l h g n v i b</p><p> o s o h</p><p> i g V x P b / n a o a n</p><p> v s C y h / i p t o i v s n a s o</p><p> l l o r h a g i c l v o r h s a r v h a o a h m i h n v a s e c o S e a h a</p><p>T i u c o l a d t</p><p> a r h o s S h D s i v s X</p><p> a h o y n S l h i R</p><p> l h</p><p> r s</p><p> a</p><p> c s o o o g y l c g m o l s a y V h r W y c l S h l o n r / o</p><p> n l o o S d i a e c i l</p><p> o s a h o o g A h o y n l v d i a S v S c y o d r h c n</p><p> h</p><p> o a o r n c d a g i h a f n S c i c c S y a h o o u h n v c f</p><p> d o o r S e</p><p>S i i d c h y</p><p> a s</p><p> y c S a n . s A r l c S e v c n r l</p><p> y h e</p><p> y d o o a e</p><p> a o r a o S f y S r o g c S n s</p><p> d r p a h o c</p><p>N a d o l o f n e</p><p> o s</p><p> a y f n e i d h d n . o s h o r c S d o o l</p><p> c v n S</p><p> n o c o o</p><p> a . e</p><p> c f n . o a o S c o f h S d o</p><p>S e N o o o o h c e c</p><p> c o</p><p> n</p><p> y c S e f . N h y e S s</p><p> r . N S o r e</p><p> l c o o S f S a c f</p><p> o</p><p> a</p><p>S o . y S o f e d</p><p>N f o</p><p> d r o N</p><p> o f . o n o S . a y n</p><p> h </p><p> o o r . o N o .</p><p> d f o c . a c o o c N n o N S o e</p><p> d e</p><p> o . N N n S y c N S o</p><p> r o e f f a c N o S o</p><p> e</p><p> d</p><p>. f . n S o</p><p> o o o</p><p> f . N c N o o</p><p> e . S N o</p><p> f N o</p><p>. o N 1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5 ------</p><p>----- Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total number of secondary schools in the district.</p><p>Table : District-wise Teaching-Learning Aids in Hr./Sr. Secondary Schools/Colleges (Ques. 35-36)</p><p>2</p><p> s l ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )</p><p>Sl. Name y o l o l % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( a No. of the h</p><p> c</p><p> c r r r i o </p><p> t t r r r r s s m i e e f S o r t e V e n n e e e i t</p><p>District o i t d e d e t l t n n e r t o S c y d c p T y i i a i h i c</p><p> r e s r r e a o e o s F s h e m l j e d a o y R</p><p> c i i p c j l w m c p r o n P c d s e</p><p>S u v o o i b r a g u r e a e t e n r , e g r t a u s n P l t o D e p o B m e R P i a n s q e</p><p> s r C r i h c y e v l V t e e D E n u d o T e r P a l W</p><p> g o t T I t x</p><p> p a /</p><p>D d S C h y c s n o g / l</p><p> a e e N E d t i g d</p><p> u L h a s n s n h n f o T v n r D i e Y i e c c r t A i t o a o a r g i - </p><p> v g e h s</p><p>C g S i c v s s . h r c n / a e c a v K n a i i l y F e u e o r g h i l a l s R l</p><p> h v f x O e C o n v b g s</p><p>N o a g M i n m C o s g</p><p> a e u n i</p><p>C g o l h n g e v e / b i h g i g V l x P / n a s g a n</p><p> s l y v C e / i t l v i s n s o e l l l e h o a g i l l o v r o a r e v h l a d g h n v s o o a e C e g h a a</p><p>T o e i u n / t</p><p> e a r h e l h s C h s s s e i l l X v a C g / c l h i e l i / e s</p><p> o s a s e r o S g s o l l g m s e g</p><p> e f V l h W l l C o e o</p><p> e / e</p><p> g n C / y l g o o l h i / s l r o g e s d o l e g A o l s l c e l i a o e v C h e l l o l n l h / o S l g d c a d g i l o o C</p><p> s o c C o e / n l b S o h u n v / o l y S C s</p><p> h C i l ) a o o r s</p><p>/ a l h / C s l y c A s c o a s v o / y s c o r h</p><p> e i l o l % S e r s</p><p> d a h a C o</p><p>S l g g ( o o a s o /</p><p>S c n</p><p> h D d h y e</p><p> o o e n s h </p><p> d o y l . o r S l c n i o l s s r c h r g n h g c a o o S e v a h o c e y p S c S o e</p><p> d n l c</p><p> o r / a c g d i S c l S . C y S n e</p><p> a y h e</p><p>/ m</p><p> n r h S r e o v l r o .</p><p> c y d s S y l a a o r S a</p><p> l a r s c H r C y n</p><p>. S c o d</p><p>/ a r . S e e o</p><p> d h r a R o f e / r s n a d g o C y . n S d l S c s /</p><p> o S o r r S / d e n h o . n o</p><p> e / e . s l c a . . r . n c l c r o l o H o g r S r e d</p><p> e c o o S o o S c h e . H S / f</p><p>S n l e c H o e S . / r c</p><p> l C</p><p>N . y o o . r e f S / h . S S</p><p> r f S r r o</p><p> c</p><p> r / s . S c o . H . a . l o S e r H C</p><p> y r S . o r S / . d</p><p>/ o / r f r . . S S . S f s</p><p> o n r / o a H / N y r . o l S o .</p><p>. o</p><p>/ o r r h d r o H r f . . N H c a</p><p> c . N r n S</p><p> o o o f / H e d H f S o o .</p><p> h</p><p>H</p><p>. o r S n f c</p><p> f N o c</p><p> y N</p><p> o f . o e . o r o H . S r</p><p> c</p><p> o S o a . N o .</p><p> f S e y . . d / o o r N r o . S N n o</p><p> r a . S . N N o / r d N H . o c</p><p> n r S e / f o N . H S o r c</p><p>. e f . H r</p><p>S o o S </p><p> f . / . . r N o r o</p><p>S . / H . N o</p><p> r f N H o</p><p>. f o o</p><p>. N o N 1. Dist. 1 2. Dist. 2 3. Dist. 3 4. Dist. 4 5. Dist. 5 ------3</p><p>Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total number of hr./sr. secondary schools/colleges in the district.</p><p>4</p><p>Chapter V Teacher Provisions (Ques. 19-20)</p><p>5.1. Teachers (Sanctioned and In-position) at Secondary Level (Q.19a)</p><p>Table: District-Wise Sanctioned and Filled in Positions of Teachers in Secondary Schools for Classes IX-X as on September 30, 2007. (Question 19 a) Subject Dist. 1 Dist. 2 Total No of Full Time Regular No of Teachers Other Than No of Full Time Regular No of Teachers Other Than No of Full Time Regular No of Teachers Other Than Teachers Full Time Teachers Teachers Full Time Teachers Teachers Full Time Teachers d d d d d d</p><p> e In-Position e In-Position e In-Position e In-Position e In-Position e In-Position n n n n n n o o o o o o</p><p> i i i i i i t t t t t t c c c c c c</p><p> n M F T n M F T n M F T n M F T n M F T n M F T a a a a a a</p><p>S (%) (%) (%) S (%) (%) (%) S (%) (%) (%) S (%) (%) (%) S (%) (%) (%) S (%) (%) (%) ) ) ) ) ) ) % % % % % % ( ( ( ( ( ( Regional Language English Hindi Sanskrit Other Languages Physical Science Biological Science Social Science Mathematics Science Computer Education Physical Education Work Experience Art Music Dance Others (not covered above) Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format.</p><p>Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total number of secondary schools in the district. M = Male; F = Female; T = Total 5.2. Teachers (Sanctioned and In-position) at Higher Secondary Level (Q: 19b)</p><p>Table: District-Wise Sanctioned and Filled in Positions of Teachers in Higher Secondary Schools/Colleges for Classes XI-XII as on September 30, 2007 (Question 19 b) Subject Dist. 1 Dist. 2 Total No of Full Time Regular No of Teacher Other Than Full No of Full Time Regular No of Teachers Other Than No of Full Time Regular No of Teachers Other Than Teachers Time Teachers Teachers Full Time Teachers Teachers Full Time Teachers d d d d d d</p><p> e In-Position e In-Position e In-Position e In-Position e In-Position e In-Position n n n n n n o o o o o o i i i i i i t t t t t t c c c c c c</p><p> n M F T n M F T n M F T n M F T n M F T n M F T a a a a a a</p><p>S (%) (%) (%) S (%) (%) (%) S (%) (%) (%) S (%) (%) (%) S (%) (%) (%) S (%) (%) (%) ) ) ) ) ) ) % % % % % % ( ( ( ( ( ( Accountancy Agriculture Biology Business Studies Chemistry Computer Science Dance Economics EngineeingDrawing Fine Arts Geography Histroy Home Science Mathematics Music Philosophy Physical Education Physics Political Science Psychology Russian Sociology Spanish Not covered above (i) ------(ii) ------Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. 2</p><p>Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total number of hr./sr. secondary schools/colleges in the district. M = Male; F = Female; T = Total</p><p>5.3 Pupil-Teacher Ratio and Teacher Classroom Ratio at Secondary and Higher secondary Levels</p><p>Table: District-Wise Pupil Teacher Ratio and Teacher-Class Room Ratio in Secondary Classes (Classes IX-X) in 2007-08</p><p>Sl. No. Name of the District Total No. of Teachers in No. of Class- Enrolment in Pupil-Teacher Teacher- Secondary Schools Position for Rooms for Classes IX-X Ratio Classroom Ratio Classes IX-X Classes IX-X 1 Dist. 1 2 Dist. 2 3 Dist. 3 4 Dist. 4 5 Dist. 5 6 Dist. 6 7 Dist. 7 8 Dist. 8 Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total number of secondary schools in the district.</p><p>Table: District-wise Pupil Teacher Ratio and Teacher-Class Room Ratio in Higher Secondary Classes (Classes XI-XII) in 2007-08</p><p>Sl. No. Name of the District Total No. of Higher Teachers in No. of Class- Enrolment in Pupil-Teacher Teacher- Secondary Schools Position for Rooms for Classes XI-XII Ratio Classroom Ratio Classes XI-XI Classes XI-XII 1 Dist. 1 2 Dist. 2 3 Dist. 3 4 Dist. 4 5 Dist. 5 6 Dist. 6 7 Dist. 7 8 Dist. 8 Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. 3</p><p>Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total number of hr./sr. secondary schools/colleges in the district.</p><p>5.4 Academic Qualifications and Training Status at Secondary and Higher Secondary Levels ( Q 20 a, & 20b)</p><p>Table: District-wise Number and Percentages of Teachers in Position by Academic Qualification and Training Status at Secondary Level (for Classes IX-X) (Question 20 a).</p><p>Sl. Name No. of No. of Trained No. of Graduate or No. of Trained No. of Post- No. of Trained No. of M.Phil or No. of Trained Total No. of the Undergraduate Undergraduate Equivalent Graduate or Graduate or Post-Graduate or Ph. D. or M. Phil or Ph. D. District Teachers for Teachers for Classes Teachers for Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent or Equivalent Classes IX-X IX-X Classes Teachers for Teachers for Teachers for Teachers for Teachers for IX-X Classes IX-X Classes IX-X Classes IX-X Classes IX-X Classes IX-X</p><p>M F T M F T M F T M F T M F T M F T M F T M F T (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)</p><p>1 Dist. 1 2 Dist. 2 3 Dist. 3 4 Dist. 4 5 Dist. 6 6 Dist. 7 7 Dist. 9 8 Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total number of secondary schools in the district. M = Male; F = Female; T = Total</p><p>4</p><p>Table: District-wise and Stream-wise Number and Percentages of Teachers in Position by Academic Qualification and Training Status at Higher Secondary Level (for Classes XI-XII)-(Question 20 b).</p><p>Sl. Name of No. of Teachers in Arts Stream No. of Teachers in Science No. of Teachers in Commerce No. of Teachers in Vocational No. the by Qualification and Training Stream by Qualification and Stream by Qualification and Courses Stream by Qualification No. of Teachers in Other District Status Training Status Training Status and Training Status Stream by Qualification and Training Status</p><p> t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u u q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E</p><p>E E E E E </p><p> r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ...... D D G G D G G D G G G G G G D D . D . D . . D . . . D ...... h h h h h P P P P P P P P P P h h h h h</p><p>P P P P P l l l l l</p><p> d P d P d P d P d P a a a a a</p><p> r r r r r e e e e e t t t t t r r r r r o o o o o n n n n n o o o o o o o o o o i i i i i</p><p> l l l l l T l T l T l T l T l i i i i i a a a a a i i i i i r r r r r h h h h h h h h h h T T T T T P P P P P P . P . P . P . P ...... M M M M M M M M M M</p><p> d d d d d l l l l l e e e e e a a a a a t t t t t n n n n n i i i i i o o o o o a a a a a T T T T T r r r r r T T T T T</p><p>M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % 1 Dist. 1 2 Dist. 2 3 Dist. 3 4 Dist. 4 5 Dist. 5</p><p>Total</p><p>5</p><p>Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total number of hr./sr. secondary schools/colleges in the district. M = Male; F = Female</p><p>5.5 Institutional Arrangement for Teacher Training at Secondary and Higher Secondary Levels </p><p>Chapter VI Internal Efficiency at Secondary and Higher Secondary Levels (Ques. 12-15)</p><p>6.1 Promotion, Repetition and Dropout rates at Secondary level (Q. 12-15)</p><p>Table:- District-wise Promotion, Repitition and Drop-out Rates at Secondary Level (Question 12-15) Sl. No. Name of the Promotion Rate from Repition Rate in Grade/Class Dropout Rate in Grade/Class District VII to IX IX to X IX X IX X M F T M F T M F T M F T M F T M F T 1 Dist. 1 2 Dist. 2 3 Dist. 3 4 Dist. 4 5 Dist. 5 6 Dist. 6 7 Dist. 7 Total</p><p>Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total number of secondary schools in the district. M = Male; F = Female; T = Total</p><p>6</p><p>6.2 Promotion, Repetition and Dropout rates at Higher Secondary level</p><p>Table:- District-wise Promotion, Repitition and Drop-out Rates at Higher Secondary Level (Question 12-15)</p><p>Sl. No. Name of the Promotion Rate from Repition Rate in Grade/Class Dropout Rate in Grade/Class District X to XI XI to XII XI XII XI XII M F T M F T M F T M F T M F T M F T 1 Dist. 1 2 Dist. 2 3 Dist. 3 4 Dist. 4 5 Dist. 5 6 Dist. 6 7 Dist. 7 Total</p><p>Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total number of hr./sr. secondary schools/colleges in the district. M = Male; F = Female; T = Total</p><p>7</p><p>8</p><p>Chapter VII Key Outcome Indicators (Ques. 51-53)</p><p>7.1 Trends in Board Exam Results at Secondary Level (Classes - X) (Ques. 51a & 52)</p><p>Table: - District-wise Results of the Class X Board Examination from 2000-01 to 2006-07. (Question 51 a)</p><p>Sl. No. Name of 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )</p><p> the X X X X X X X ------% % % % % % % % % % % % % % s s s s s s s ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (</p><p>District s s s s s s s a a a a a a a X X X X X X X X X X X X X X l l l l l l l ------s s s s s s s s s s s s s s C C C C C C C</p><p> s s s s s s s s s s s s s s n n n n n n n a a a a a a a a a a a a a a i i i i i i i l l l l l l l l l l l l l l</p><p> t t t t t t t C C C C C C C C C C C C C C</p><p> n n n n n n n n n n n e n n n n n n n n n n e e e e e e i i i i i i i i i i i i i i</p><p> m m m m m m m s s s s s s s d d d d d d d l l l l l l l t t t t t t t e e e e e e e o o o o o o o u u u u u u u r r r r r r r r r r r r r r o o o o o o o a a a a a a a n n n n n n n ------e e e e e e e s s s s s s s E E E E E E E p p p p p p p</p><p> s s s s s s s l l l l l l l p p p p p p p a a a a a a a a a a a a a a t t t t t t t P P P P P P P A A A A A A A</p><p> o o o o o o o l l l l l l l l l l l l l l a a a a a a a T T T T T T T a a a a a a a t t t t t t t t t t t t t t o o o o o o o o o o o o o o T T T T T T T T T T T T T T 1 Dist. 1 2 Dist. 2 3 Dist. 3 4 Dist. 4 5 Dist. 5 ------Total</p><p>Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total enrolment in the district.</p><p>9</p><p>Table:- District-wise Number of Students Passed out the Secondary School Board (Class X) Examination by Range of Marks Secured and also by Social Category in 2006-07 (Ques. 52)</p><p>Sl. Name of No. of Students No. of Students No. of Students No. of Students No. of Students No. of Students No. of Students No. the Securing Marks Securing Marks Securing Marks Securing Marks Securing Marks Securing Marks Securing Marks District Upto 40% between 40 - 50% between 50 - 60% between 60 - 70% between 70 - 80% between 80 - 90% between 90 - 100% ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (</p><p> l l l l l l l s s s s s s s T T T T T T T C C C C C C C C C C C C C C a a a a a a a r r r r r r r t t t t t t t S S S S S S S S e S e S e S e S e S e S e B B B B B B B o o o o o o o h h h h h h h t t t t t t t O O O O O O O T T T T T T T O O O O O O O</p><p>1 Dist. 1 2 Dist. 2 3 Dist. 3 4 Dist. 4 5 Dist. 5 6 Dist. 6 7 Dist. 7 Total</p><p>Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total number of passouts in Class-X in the district.</p><p>10</p><p>7.2 Trends in Board Exam Results at Higher Secondary Level (Classes - XII) (Ques. 51b & 53)</p><p>Table:- District wise and Stream-wise Results of the Class XII Board University Examination in 2006-07. (Question 51 b)</p><p>Sl. Name of Arts Science Commerce Vocational Other Streams Total No. the Courses I ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I ) I I I I ) I I I I I I % % % % % District % % % % % % % X X X X X X ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ------</p><p>I I I I I I I I I I I I s s s s s s I I I I I I I I I I I I s s s s s s a a a a a a X X X X X X X X X X X X l l l l l l</p><p>------C C C C C C s s s s s s s s s s s s</p><p> s s s s s s s s s s s s n n n n n n i i i i i i a a a a a a a a a a a a</p><p> l l l l l l l l l l l l t t t t t t C C C C C C C C C C C C n n n n n n</p><p> e e e e e e n n n n n n n n n n n n i i i i i i i i i i i i</p><p> m m m m m m l l l l l l s s s s s s d d d d d d t t t t t t o o o o o o e e e e e e r r r r r r u u u u u u r r r r r r n n n n n n o o o o o o a a a a a a ------e e e e e e E E E E E E s s s s s s</p><p> p p p p p p l l l l l l s s s s s s p p p p p p a a a a a a a a a a a a t t t t t t P P P P P P A A A A A A o o o o o o</p><p> l l l l l l l l l l l l T T T T T T a a a a a a a a a a a a t t t t t t t t t t t t o o o o o o o o o o o o T T T T T T T T T T T T 1 Dist. 1 2 Dist. 2 3 Dist. 3 4 Dist. 4 5 Dist. 5 6 Dist. 6 7 Dist. 7 Total</p><p>Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total enrolment in the district.</p><p>11</p><p>Table:- District-wise Number of Students Passed out the Higher Secondary School Board/University (Class XII) Examination by Range of Marks Secured and also by Social Category in 2006-07 (Ques. 53)</p><p>Sl. Name of No. of Students No. of Students No. of Students No. of Students No. of Students No. of Students No. of Students No. the Securing Marks Securing Marks Securing Marks Securing Marks Securing Marks Securing Marks Securing Marks District Upto 40% between 40 - 50% between 50 - 60% between 60 - 70% between 70 - 80% between 80 - 90% between 90 - 100% ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (</p><p> l l l l l l l s s s s s s s T T T T T T T C C C C C C C C C C C C C C a a a a a a a r r r r r r r t t t t t t t S S S S S S S e e e e e e S e S S S S S S B B B B B B B o o o o o o o h h h h h h h t t t t t t t O O O O O O O T T T T T T T O O O O O O O</p><p>1 Dist. 1 2 Dist. 2 3 Dist. 3 4 Dist. 4 5 Dist. 5 6 Dist. 6 7 Dist. 7 Total Source: Data collected through Data Capture Format. Note: Give both absolute figure and percentages in the bracket. % in the bracket refers to percentages to total number of passouts in Class-XII in the district.</p><p>12</p><p>Chapter VIII Summary of Findings and Development Concerns</p><p>8.1 Summary of the findings relating to access, participation, Equity and Quality</p><p>8.2 Issues and concerns and Implications for Planning</p><p>References</p><p>Annexures </p>
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