<p> BEFORE THE UTTAR PRADESH ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION, LUCKNOW Petition No. :</p><p>Present:</p><p>(1)Shri Desh Deepak Verma, Chairman (2)Shri Suresh Kumar Agarwal, Member</p><p>IN THE MATTER OF: </p><p>Approval of the Infrastructure Roll Out Plan for Agra Distribution Area under M/s Torrent Power Limited, Agra during FY 2010-11 to FY 2012- 13.</p><p>AND</p><p>IN THE MATTER OF:</p><p>1. Managing Director, Dakshanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Ltd., Urja Bhawan 220, K.V. Up- sansthan, by- pass Road, Agra- 282007. 2. M/s Torrent Power Ltd., 6, Raghunath Nagar., Suresh Plaza Market, Opp. Sanjay Place, M.G. Road, Agra. </p><p>The following were present:</p><p>1. Shri S.S. Sharma, VP Torrent Power Ltd. 2. Shri Vinod Khana, VP, Torrent Power Ltd. 3. Shri Pankaj Shah, GM, Torrent Power Ltd. 4. Shri Nayank Dave, GM, Torrent Power Ltd. 5. Shri Rakesh Gupta, AGM, Torrent Power Ltd. 6. Shri Arpit Saxena, Manager, Torrent Power Ltd. 7. Shri K.B. Singh, Manager, Network Planning, Torrent Power Ltd.</p><p>ORDER (Hearing- April 12, 2017)</p><p>The Commission is in receipt of an application filed by M/s Torrent Power Ltd., (herein referred to as ‘Petitioner’) a Distribution Franchisee</p><p>Page 1 in the Agra area in the matter of seeking Approval of the Infrastructure Roll Out Plan for Agra Distribution Area under M/s Torrent Power Limited, Agra during FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13.</p><p>Background & Petitioner’s Submission:</p><p>1) The Petitioner vide its Letter No. TPL – AGRA / VPO / UPERC / 16-17 / 1232 dated January 7, 2017 submitted an application seeking approval for Infrastructure Roll Out Plan incurred during FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13 for the total estimated cost of 42,507.73 lakhs against the planned cost of 36,000 lakhs as per table given below: Summary of Actual Capex incurred during FY 2010-11 to FY 2012- 2013 is as follows-</p><p>(Rs in lakhs) Project Particulars 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Total No. Establishment of 33KV Ring 1 Mains System and Upgradation 1,000.19 2,605.07 4,829.37 8,434.64 of 33KV Substations Augmentation/Up-rating of 33KV 2 472.59 585.61 402.86 1,461.06 Feeders Augmentation/Up-rating of 11KV 3 754.41 694.20 743.78 2,192.39 Feeders Providing new 11KV feeders and 4 reconfiguration of existing 11KV 21.59 728.69 111.35 861.62 Feeders Revamping of 11/0.4KV 5 314.29 1,006.88 866.99 2,188.16 Distribution Transformer Centers Establishment of new Distribution 6 62.70 314.89 411.28 788.86 Transformer Centers Replacement of Distribution 7 1,812.13 640.49 397.37 2,849.99 Transformers Revamping of 33KV and 11KV 8 114.27 236.62 64.30 415.20 Consumer Metering System Replacement of old, defective 9 2,191.28 1,030.69 403.56 3,625.52 and tamper-prone meters 10 Advance Metering System - 2.74 269.39 272.13 11 Low Voltage Networks 1,076.06 4,192.61 11,547.08 16,815.75 12 Customer Services Initiatives 28.43 0.89 5.98 35.29 13 Meter Testing Laboratory 5.36 162.92 4.29 172.57</p><p>Page 2 Project Particulars 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Total No. 14 Test and Measuring Instruments 123.70 76.58 158.96 359.24 Information Technology and 15 241.92 51.64 23.71 317.27 Communication 16 Office Infrastructure 1,090.10 205.70 193.47 1,489.26 17 Vehicles 135.95 40.44 48.20 224.59 18 Vehicle Tracking System - - 1.87 1.87 19 Surveillance System 0.68 1.01 0.63 2.32 Total 9,445.63 12,577.67 20,484.43 42,507.73</p><p>2) The Petitioners has further submitted the detailed actual capex under each Project as follows:</p><p>Project #1: Establishment of 33 KV Ring Mains System and Upgradation of 33 KV Substations</p><p>2010-11 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 4 No.s 725.86 Power Transformer Supply & Laying of 33KV & 11KV Cable 26,713 M 115.80 Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 48 No.s 89.88 33KV & 11KV Switchgear Supply & Installation of Substation Auxilary 4 No.s 20.45 supply (AC & DC) Supply & Erection of Poles 51 No.s 7.24 Other Miscellaneous Items 40.96 Total 1,000.19</p><p>2011-12 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 3 No.s 279.09 Power Transformer Supply & Laying of 33KV & 11KV Cable 28,557 M 766.52 Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 192 No.s 1,466.07 33KV & 11KV Switchgear 33KV & 11KV Instrument Transformer 42 No.s 5.46 Supply & Installation of Substation Auxilary 4 No.s 6.90 supply (AC & DC) Supply & Installation of Substation 5 No.s 4.16 Transformer</p><p>Page 3 2011-12 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply & Erection of Poles 27 No.s 4.53 Supply & Installation of Substation FSP 4 No.s 1.07 Other Miscellaneous Items 71.28 Total 2,605.07</p><p>2012-13 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 9 No.s 718.32 Power Transformer Supply & Laying of 33KV & 11KV Cable 40,278 M 1,233.16 Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 274 No.s 2456.44 33KV & 11KV Switchgear Supply & Installation of Substation Auxilary 60 Set 96.05 supply (AC & DC) Supply & Installation of Substation 15 No.s 59.72 Transformer Supply & Erection of Poles 41 No.s 8.41 Supply& Installation of Substation FSP 7 No.s 3.32 Supply & Installation of Fire Detection & 14 Set 80.00 Alarm System at Substation Supply of Safety & Fire Fighting 14 LS 8.80 Equipments at Substation Other Miscellaneous Items 165.15 Total 4,829.37</p><p>Total of 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 8,434.64</p><p>Project #2: Augmentation/Up-rating of 33 KV Feeders</p><p>2010-11 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply & Laying of 33KV Cable 1,317 M 9.31 Replacement/Up-gradation of Overhead 147,719 M 273.24 Conductors Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 14 No.s 22.81 33KV Switchgear/Metering System Supply & Erection of Poles 255 No.s 41.73 Supply & Erection of Fault Passage 255 No.s 46.63 Indicator Other Miscellaneous Items 78.86</p><p>Page 4 2010-11 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Total 472.59</p><p>2011-12 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply & Laying of 33KV Cable 4,110 M 170.71 Replacement/Up-gradation of Overhead 95,971 M 213.17 Conductors Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 24 No.s 66.79 33KV Switchgear/Metering System Supply & Erection of Poles 186 No.s 39.09 Supply & Integration of SCADA 1 No.s 20.03 Supply & Installation of Substation Auxilary 2 No.s 3.67 supply (AC & DC) Other Miscellaneous Items 72.15 Total 585.61</p><p>2012-13 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply & Laying of 33KV Cable 6,363 M 314.62 Replacement/Up-gradation of Overhead 6,275 M 12.95 Conductors Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 2 No.s 6.20 33KV Switchgear/Metering System Supply & Erection of Poles 50 No.s 34.35 Other Miscellaneous Items 34.76 Total 402.86</p><p>1,4 Total of 2010-11,2011-12 and 2012-13 61.06 </p><p>Project #3: Augmentation/Up-rating of 11KV Feeders</p><p>2010-11 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply & Laying of 11KV Cable 52,922 M 214.14 Replacement/Up-gradation of Overhead 138,960 M 98.91 Conductors Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 31 No.s 54.49 11KV Switchgear/Metering System</p><p>Page 5 2010-11 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 1 No.s 3.75 Distribution Transformer Supply & Erection of D.O. Unit 1,130 No.s 77.34 Supply & Erection of Disconnecting 233 No.s 36.14 Link/GOD Supply & Erection of Poles 579 No.s 79.33 Supply & Erection of Fault Passage 474 No.s 72.07 Indicator Supply & Erection of FSP/MSP 20 No.s 3.16 Other Miscellaneous Items 115.08 Total 754.41</p><p>2011-12 Rs in Particulars Qty UOM Lacs Supply & Laying of 11KV Cable 21,176 M 244.12 Replacement/Up-gradation of Overhead 87,083 M 87.64 Conductors Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 77 No.s 182.60 11KV Switchgear/Metering System Supply & Erection of D.O. Unit 255 No.s 8.12 Supply & Erection of Disconnecting 135 No.s 24.72 Link/GOD Supply & Erection of Poles 266 No.s 52.59 Fault Passage Indicator 27 No.s 5.26 Supply & Erection of FSP/MSP 1 No.s 0.28 Other Miscellaneous Items 88.86 Total 694.20</p><p>2012-13 Rs in Particulars Qty UOM Lacs Supply & Laying of 11KV Cable 20,601 M 336.91 Replacement/Up-gradation of Overhead 24,725 M 31.24 Conductors Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 94 No.s 197.16 11KV Switchgear/Metering System Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 12 No.s 12.96 Distribution Transformer Supply & Erection of D.O. Unit 39 No.s 0.89 Supply & Erection of Disconnecting 100 No.s 16.79 Link/GOD</p><p>Page 6 2012-13 Rs in Particulars Qty UOM Lacs Supply & Erection of Poles 231 No.s 59.07 Supply & Erection of FSP/MSP 18 No.s 8.69 Other Miscellaneous Items 80.08 Total 743.78 Total of 2010-11,2011-12 and 2012-13 2,192.39</p><p>Project #4: Providing new 11KV feeders and reconfiguration of existing 11KV Feeders</p><p>2010-11 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply & Laying of 11KV Cable 1,403 M 14.32 Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 3 No.s 4.53 11KV Switchgear/Metering System Supply & Erection of Poles 1 No.s 0.11 Other Miscellaneous Items 2.62 Total 21.59</p><p>2011-12 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply & Laying of 11KV Cable 25,484 M 237.31 Replacement/Up-gradation of Overhead 93,372 M 84.68 Conductors Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 12 No.s 37.28 11KV Switchgear/Metering System Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 2 No.s 5.60 Distribution Transformer Supply & Erection of Poles 663 No.s 122.44 Supply & Erection of Disconnecting 257 No.s 50.39 Link/GOD Supply & Erection of D.O. Unit 708 No.s 21.45 Supply & Erection of V Cross Arm 1,067 No.s 22.26 Supply & Erection of FSP/MSP 58 No.s 19.62 Other Miscellaneous Items 127.65 Total 728.69</p><p>Page 7 2012-13 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply & Laying of 11KV Cable 4,375 M 77.58 Replacement/Up-gradation of Overhead 375 M 0.20 Conductors Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 2 No.s 7.80 11KV Switchgear/Metering System Supply & Erection of Poles 77 No.s 16.52 Other Miscellaneous Items 9.25 Total 111.35</p><p>Total of 2010-11,2011-12 and 2012- 13 861.62</p><p>Project #5: Revamping of 11/0.4 kV Distribution Transformer Centres</p><p>2010-11 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply & Laying of 11KV Cable 18,568 M 87.79 Replacement/Up-gradation of Overhead 3,639 M 3.08 Conductors Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 4 No.s 16.09 11KV Switchgear Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 5 No.s 49.27 Distribution Transformer Supply & Erection of FSP/MSP 361 No.s 98.91 Supply & Erection of Poles 19 No.s 2.89 Other Miscellaneous Items 56.27 Total 314.29</p><p>2011-12 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply & Laying of 11KV Cable 44,216 M 279.62 Replacement/Up-gradation of Overhead 2,252 M 3.16 Conductors Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 11 No.s 59.93 11KV Switchgear Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 23 No.s 23.56 Distribution Transformer Supply & Erection of FSP/MSP 801 No.s 367.64 Supply & Erection of Poles 15 No.s 3.87 Supply & Erection of MCCB 451 No.s 86.82</p><p>Page 8 2011-12 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Other Miscellaneous Items 182.29 Total 1,006.88</p><p>2012-13 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply & Laying of 11KV Cable 33,150 M 255.74 Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 11KV 6 No.s 28.63 Switchgear Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 11 No.s 89.94 Distribution Transformer Supply & Erection of Poles 18 No.s 19.55 Supply & Erection of FSP/MSP 534 No.s 321.35 Other Miscellaneous Items 151.77 Total 866.99</p><p>Total of 2010-11,2011-12 and 2012- 13 2,188.16</p><p>Project #6: Establishment of new Distribution Transformer Centres</p><p>2010-11 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 4 No.s 20.88 Distribution Transformer Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 1 No.s 3.45 11KV Switchgear Supply & Laying of 11KV Cable 2,770 M 27.98 Supply & Erection of Poles 17 No.s 2.09 Supply & Erection of FSP/MSP 5 No.s 0.90 Other Miscellaneous Items 7.40 Total 62.70</p><p>2011-12 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 65 No.s 93.11 Distribution Transformer Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 14 No.s 42.52 11KV Switchgear Supply & Laying of 11KV Cable 9,440 M 79.53</p><p>Page 9 2011-12 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Replacement/Up-gradation of Overhead 12,751 M 10.47 Conductors Supply & Erection of Poles 140 No.s 22.97 Supply & Erection of FSP/MSP 65 No.s 12.07 Other Miscellaneous Items 54.22 Total 314.89</p><p>2012-13 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply, Installation & Commissioning of No.s Distribution Transformer 74 100.58 Supply, Installation & Commissioning of No.s 11KV Switchgear 23 72.56 1 M Supply & Laying of 11KV Cable 12,033 16.61 </p><p>No.s Supply & Erection of Poles 137 27.52 </p><p>No.s Supply & Erection of FSP/MSP 76 31.22 </p><p>Other Miscellaneous Items 62.80 Total 411.28</p><p>Total of 2010-11,2011-12 and 2012-13 788.86</p><p>Project # 7: Replacement of Distribution Transformers</p><p>2010-11 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Distribution Transformer 306 No.s 1,772.37 Supply & Laying of 11KV Cable 4,297 M 14.23 Replacement/Up-gradation of Overhead Conductors 705 M 0.39 Other Miscellaneous Items 25.13</p><p>2011-12 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 75 No.s 637.41 Distribution Transformer</p><p>Page 10 2011-12 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply & Laying of 11KV Cable 171 M 0.80 Other Miscellaneous Items 2.28 Total 640.49</p><p>2012-13 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 3 No.s Distribution Transformer 38 80.37 </p><p>M Supply & Laying of 11KV Cable 1,783 5.15 </p><p>Other Miscellaneous Items 11.85 Total 397.37</p><p>Total of 2010-11,2011-12 and 2012-13 2,849.99</p><p>Project #8: Revamping of 33 KV and 11 KV Consumer Metering System</p><p>2010-11 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 97 No.s 99.09 Metering Cubicle Supply & Laying of 11KV Cable 1365 M 4.66 Other Miscellaneous Items 10.52 Total 114.27</p><p>2011-12 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 127 No.s 171.83 Metering Cubicle Supply & Laying of 11KV Cable 3,664 M 50.30 Other Miscellaneous Items 14.49 Total 236.62</p><p>Page 11 2012-13 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply, Installation & Commissioning of 39 No.s 61.59 Metering Cubicle Supply & Laying of 11KV Cable 40 M 0.31 Other Miscellaneous Items 2.40 Total 64.30</p><p>Total of 2010-11,2011-12 and 2012- 4 13 15.20 </p><p>Project #9: Replacement of old, defective and tamper-prone meters</p><p>2010-11 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Replacement of Meters 129,321 No.s 2,120.06 Other Miscellaneous Items 71.22 Total 2,191.28</p><p>2011-12 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Replacement of Meters 60,856 No.s 1,002.14 Other Miscellaneous Items 28.55 Total 1,030.69</p><p>2012-13 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Replacement of Meters 23,545 No.s 378.24 Other Miscellaneous Items 25.32 Total 403.56</p><p>Total of 2010-11,2011-12 and 2012- 3,625. 13 52 </p><p>Project #10: Advanced Metering System</p><p>Page 12 2011-12 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply, Installation & Commissioning of DT 32 No.s 1.19 Meter Supply & Laying of Control Cable 188 M 0.77 Other Miscellaneous Items 0.78 Total 2.74</p><p>2012-13 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply, Installation & Commissioning of DT 2,442 No.s 116.51 Meter Supply & Laying of Control Cable 13,398 M 65.36 Other Miscellaneous Items 87.51 Total 269.39</p><p>Total of 2011-12 and 2012-13 272.13</p><p>Project #11: Low Voltage Network</p><p>Total Capex on network incurred in LT Network can be summarised as below- 2010-11 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply & Laying of LT Cable 72,376 M 355.75 Supply & Laying of Service Cable 417,048 M 274.51 Supply & Installation of Energy Meter 12,656 No.s 220.60 Supply & Installation of Meter Box 18,576 No.s 80.34 Supply & Erection of FSP/MSP 956 No.s 48.48 Other Miscellaneous Items 96.39 Total 1,076.06</p><p>2011-12 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply & Laying of LT Cable 810,073 M 2,285.15 Supply & Laying of Service Cable 535,944 M 445.74 Supply & Installation of Energy Meter 23,053 No.s 464.46 Supply & Installation of Meter Box 41,081 No.s 224.46 Supply & Erection of FSP/MSP 4,486 No.s 262.62 Supply & Erection of Pole 424 No.s 61.81 Other Miscellaneous Items 448.37 Total 4,192.61</p><p>Page 13 2011-12 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply & Laying of LT Cable 810,073 M 2,285.15 Supply & Laying of Service Cable 535,944 M 445.74 2012-13 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs Supply & Laying of LT Cable 604,822 M 5,076.69 Supply & Laying of Service Cable 2,212,386 M 3,081.71 Supply & Installation of Energy Meter 42,835 No.s 618.74 Supply & Installation of Meter Box 38,694 No.s 256.55 Supply & Erection of FSP/MSP 7,474 No.s 1,016.28 Supply & Erection of Pole 927 No.s 143.24 Other Miscellaneous Items 1,353.88 Total 11,547.08</p><p>Total of 2010-11,2011-12 and 2012-13 16,815.75</p><p>Project #12: Customer Service Initiatives</p><p>2010-11 Particulars Rs in Lacs Cheque Depository Machine 12.49 Machine - Note Counting 6.09 MICR Reader 5.75 Barcode Reader 2.07 Fake Note Detector Machine 0.82 Voice Recorder 0.25 Other Miscellaneous Items 0.98 Total 28.43 </p><p>2011-12 Particulars Rs in Lacs Machine - Note Counting 0.89 Total 0.89 </p><p>2012-13 Particulars Rs in Lacs Mobile Van Body Fabrication work 3.22 Genus make 1400VA Inverter 1.42 SMS Application 1.06 1 KVA Isolation transformer 0.19 </p><p>Page 14 2012-13 Particulars Rs in Lacs Outer Panel Front, Matting set and other 0.08 acc. Total 5.98 </p><p>Total of 2010-11,2011-12 and 2012- 13 35.29</p><p>Project #13: Meter Testing Laboratory</p><p>2010-11 Particulars Rs in Lacs Three Phase Reference Standard 5.36 Electronic Meter Total 5.36 </p><p>2011-12 Particulars Rs in Lacs Test Bench 116.02 Three Phase Reference Standard 37.96 Electronic Meter Single Phase Reference Standard Electronic Meter 8.74 Other Miscellaneous Items 0.20 Total 162.92 </p><p>2012-13 Particulars Rs in Lacs Hydraulic Power Press Machine. 4.29 Total 4.29 </p><p>Total of 2010-11,2011-12 and 2012-13 172.57 </p><p>Project #14: Testing and Measuring Instruments</p><p>Page 15 2010-11 Particulars Rs in Lacs Data Logger 36.55 High Voltage Detector 15.14 HV Discharge Rod 12.23 Clamp on Meter 10.13 FRP Ladder 9.16 Cable Jacks & Shaft 3.97 Hand operated crimping tool 2.94 CVT 1.80 Digital Weighing Scale 0.82 Special Customized rubber jacket 0.62 Heavy duty hydraulic crimping 0.26 tool D O Operating Rod 0.25 Electrical hand drill machine 0.20 Digital Vernier Caliper 0.16 Digimatic Micrometer 0.11 Other Miscellaneous Items 29.37 Total 123.70</p><p>2011-12 Particulars Rs in Lacs Data Logger 13.04 Fault Passage Indicator 4.90 Non contact type tester 4.45 Clamp on Meter 3.05 High Voltage Detector 1.12 L T Cable Fault Locator 0.71 Hand operated crimping tool 0.31 Other Miscellaneous Items 49.00 Total 76.58</p><p>2012-13 Particulars Rs in Lacs Cable fault locating Van. 122.27 Data Logger. 10.90 Fault Passage Indicator 9.76 Transformer winding 7.39 Resistance Measuring Test Kit Power Pack Units (Two nos. 6 V, 4 Ah rechargeable lead acid 3.88 batteries conne L T Cable Fault Locator 1.43 </p><p>Page 16 2012-13 Particulars Rs in Lacs Circuit Breaker Time Interval 1.04 Meter. High Voltage Detector 0.69 Other Miscellaneous Items 0.58 FRP Ladder 0.31 Heavy duty hydraulic crimping 0.28 tool upto 1000 Sq.mm Cable Digital Vernier Caliper. 0.18 HV Discharge Rod 0.13 Hand operated crimping tool suitable for 70 - 400 sqmm 0.13 Aluminum cable with Total 158.96 </p><p>Total of 2010-11,2011-12 and 2012-13 359.24 </p><p>Project #15: Information Technology and Communication</p><p>2010-11 Particulars Rs in Lacs Computer 109.13 Software 59.44 Switch 21.01 Transceiver 15.05 Printer 7.44 LIU 5.57 Optical Fibre Cable 4.49 Plotter 1.93 19" Rack with power supply and 1.86 manager PoE Splitter 1.49 Harddisk 0.57 Modem 0.44 Other Miscellaneous Items 13.50 Total 241.92</p><p>Page 17 2011-12 Particulars Rs in Lacs Computer 29.27 Software 15.18 Optical Fibre Cable 1.68 Printer 1.04 Photocopier Machine 1.01 Prorjetor 0.68 Modem 0.41 Other Miscellaneous Items 2.38 Total 51.64</p><p>2012-13 Particulars Rs in Lacs Printer 8.67 Server 5.80 L3 Switch (10/100) 3.27 Handset 2.96 HP Laptop 0.72 PRA T2 CARD 0.63 IBM SERVER RAID M5014 SAS/SATA CONTROLLER (RAID 5 CARD) 0.42 Battery 0.41 UPS 0.36 Camera 0.29 Stacking Cable 0.09 1000 GB SATA HARD DISK 0.06 Sandisk 16GB 0.02 Total 23.71 </p><p>Total of 2010-11,2011-12 and 2012-13 317.27</p><p>Project #16: Office Infrastructure</p><p>2010-11 Particulars Rs in Lacs UPS 27.64 Chair/Table 20.88 DG Set 20.88 Infrared Thermal Imaging Camera 20.40 Air Conditioner 18.00 </p><p>Page 18 2010-11 Particulars Rs in Lacs Fire Extinguisher 9.71 Stabilizer 9.22 Biometric Attendance Recorder 5.00 Steel Cupboard/Locker Cabinet 3.94 Photocopier (Xerox) Machine 3.37 Battery 3.19 Side Rack 1.05 Paper Shredder 0.49 Electrical Arc Protective Suit 0.41 Monoblock Pump set 0.37 Cash Box 0.28 SNMP Card 0.26 Open Battery Rack 0.13 Other miscellaneous items 944.88 Total 1,090.10</p><p>2011-12 Particulars Rs in Lacs Electrical Arc Protective Suit 15.23 Chair/Table 3.35 Battery 2.39 UPS 2.01 Air Conditioner 1.88 Cooler 1.64 Steel Cupboard/Locker Cabinet 1.58 FRP Ladder 1.41 DG Set 1.10 TV LCD 0.85 Fire Extinguisher 0.39 Side Rack 0.20 Stabilizer 0.17 Open Battery Rack 0.07 Other miscellaneous items 173.43 Total 205.70</p><p>2012-13 Particulars Rs in Lacs Office Furniture 32.96 Refrigerators, AC etc.- Dist MLV 21.08 Land & Building 20.33 </p><p>Page 19 2012-13 Particulars Rs in Lacs Infrastructure 19.04 Computer 17.99 Furniture & Fixture 14.03 land and building 13.95 Construction of Compound Wall & toilet Block at Agra Fort S/S Ground. 10.19 Office Machinery 8.06 Network 7.76 Construction of New Retaining Wall at Agra Fort S/S. 6.31 Desert Cooler. 4.33 UPS 3.25 Extension of Ms Shed Incl. Civil & Electrical Work at First Floor of Zone-1 (Hotel Complex) 2.95 MICR Reader 1.96 Mechanical Foam type Fire Extinguishers- 50Ltr 1.14 OPTIMA SINGLE BED 0.97 Aluminium Section Glass Cabin 0.90 Table 0.87 Sofa 0.81 Barcode Reader 0.61 DINING TABLE & CHAIRS 0.49 Chairs 0.48 Fake Note Detector Machine 0.48 Electrical Arc Protective Suit (Boiler Suit, Hood & Gloves) 0.44 Voltage Stablizers 0.37 Other Miscellaneous Items 0.30 Civil Work 0.22 Cable for MICR. 0.16 STEEL ALMIRAH 0.09 Monoblock Pump set. 0.09 Cable for Barcode Reader. 0.08 Other Miscellaneous Items 0.76 Total 193.47</p><p>Total of 2010-11,2011-12 and 2012-13 1,489.26</p><p>Project 17 # Vehicles</p><p>Page 20 2010-11 Particulars Rs in Lacs Four Wheelers & Two Wheelers 135.95 Total 135.95</p><p>2011-12 Particulars Rs in Lacs Two Wheelers 7.62 Four Wheelers 32.82 Total 40.44 </p><p>2012-13 Particulars Rs in Lacs Four Wheelers 48.20 Total 48.20 </p><p>Total of 2010-11,2011-12 and 2012-13 224.59 </p><p>Project #18: Vehicle Tracking System</p><p>2012-13 Particulars Qty UOM Rs in Lacs</p><p>Vehicle Tracking Device 20 No.s 1.87 Total 1.87 Total of 2010-11,2011-12 and 2012-13 1.87 </p><p>Project #19: Surveillance System</p><p>2010-11 Particulars Rs in Lacs Digital Camera 0.68 Total 0.68</p><p>Page 21 2011-12 Particulars Rs in Lacs Digital Camera 0.83 Handycam 0.17 Total 1.01</p><p>2012-13 Particulars Rs in Lacs Digital Camera. 0.63 Total 0.63</p><p>Total of 2010-11,2011-12 and 2012-13 2.32</p><p>3) M/s TPL operations are governed by Distribution Franchisee Agreement (DFA) signed between DVVNL & M/s TPL.</p><p>4) M/s TPL was required to make capital expenditure for augmentation of infrastructure, improve reliability & quality of power supply and reduction in T & D losses. As per Article 19.11 of DFA, M/s TPL has to submit an Infrastructure roll out plan to DVVNL, with details of capital expenditure and further submission to the Commission for Approval. Article 19.11 of the Distribution Franchisee Agreement has been quoted below:</p><p>Quote</p><p>19.11 Infrastructure Roll out Plan: The Distribution Franchisee shall submit an Infrastructure Roll out Plan to DVVNL stating the tentative investments to be carried out by in the Franchise Area to lower the Distribution Losses and improve the quality of supply. The same may be submitted by the Effective Date. The plan shall be indicative and the actuals may differ. DVVNL shall facilitate the Distribution Franchisee in approaching the UPERC for approval of the Infrastructure Roll – out Plan. Any investment by the Distribution Franchisee which is not approved by the UPERC shall not be compensated by DVVNL at the expiry / termination of the Franchise. DVVNL shall facilitate the DF for getting approval of the capital investment plan submitted by the DF. However, the final</p><p>Page 22 decision of UPERC in the matter shall be final and binding on the DF. </p><p>Unquote</p><p>5) The Petitioner vide its Letter No. TPL – AGRA / VPO / UPERC / 16-17 / 1232 dated January 7, 2017 submitted the approval of Board of Directors (BoD) of DVVNL, for the Infrastructure Roll out Plan. The approval of the BoD vide Letter No. ______dated February 6, 2010 has been quoted below:</p><p>Quote</p><p>Unquote</p><p>6) The application was examined with respect to the provisions made in the Article 19.11 of DFA. 7) On preliminary examination of the application, the Commission observed the following deficiencies / infirmities in the application:</p><p> a) In reference to Project 1, the details of the no. of kms of ring main system that has been established and how many 33 kV S/S have been upgraded and what up gradation work has been carried out is not provided. Supply & Laying of 33kV & 11kV Cable - From FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13, 95548 meter of cable have been laid, detailed clarification & reasons thereof, have not been provided.</p><p>Page 23 b) In reference to Project 2, the details of the augmentation work that has been done and what up –rating has been done w.r.t to 33kV Feeders is not provided. Other Misc. Item – From FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13, the details has not been provided, and the capex is also on the higher side. Supply & Laying of 33kV cable – 11790 meter of 33kV cable has been laid, detailed clarification reasons thereof, have not been provided. Replacement / Up- gradation of Overhead conductors - From FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13, 249965 meter of Overhead conductors have been replaced / upgraded, detailed clarification & reasons thereof, have not been provided. For FY 2012-13, the cost of Supply & Integration is quite high. c) In reference to Project 3, the details of the augmentation work that has been done and what up –rating has been done w.r.t to 11 kV Feeders is not provided. Supply & Laying of 11 kV Cable- From FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13, 94699 meter of cable have been augmented / upgraded, detailed clarification & reasons thereof, have not been provided. Replacement / Up- gradation of Overhead conductors - From FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13, 250768 meter of Overhead conductors have been augmented / upgraded, detailed clarification & reasons thereof, have not been provided. Supply & Erection of Fault Passage Indicator and Supply & Erection of Disconnecting Link / GOD- from FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13, the cost is quite high. d) In reference to Project 4, the details of the number of new 11 kV feeders and the number of 11 kV feeders that have been reconfigured is not provided. Supply & Laying of 11 kV Cable- From FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13, 31262 meter of cable have been laid, detailed clarification & reasons thereof, have not been provided.</p><p>Page 24 e) In reference to Project 5, the details of the revamping being done in 11 / 0.4 kV Distribution Transformers centers is not provided. Supply & Laying of 11 kV Cable- From FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13, 95934 meter of cable have been revamped, detailed clarification & reasons thereof, have not been provided f) In reference to Project 6, the details of the number of Distribution Transformers centers that has been established is not provided. From FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13, the cable / DT ratio is quite high & shocking, reasons thereof, have not been provided. g) In reference to Project 7, the details of the number of Distribution Transformers that has been replaced is not provided. In FY 2012-13, 1783 meter cable was used for 38 No’s DT replacement / augmentation, the cable / DT ratio is quite illogical as compared to previous years i.e. FY 2010-11 & FY 2011- 12. Written value of DTs has not been considered from FY 2010- 11 to FY 2012-13. h) In reference to Project 8, the details of consumers, where revamping of metering system has been done is not provided. Further, the supply, installation & commissioning of metering cubicle was done at Rs. 1 lac / metering cubicle, whereas the Cost data book provided for Rs. 50,000 / metering cubicle. Further, under supply & laying of 11 kV cable- reasons for revamping of 11 kV cable was not provided. i) In reference to Project 9 – from FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13, 2,13,632 meters has been replaced, wherein the total no. of</p><p>Page 25 consumers with M/s TPL is less than 2,00,000, its shocking to observe that no. of replacement of meters in 3 years is more than the no. of consumers itself, detailed justification on this was not provided. Further, M/s TPL must provide the meter procurement criteria (i.e. whether L1 system or some other system) being followed / adopted in the company and whether the procurement was being done at the prevailing rates in the market. Details of the quality of meter procured by M/s TPL must be provided. Further, details of no. of three phase of single phase has not been provided. j) In reference to Project 10 – from FY 2011-12 to FY 2012-13, the number of DTs has not been provided. k) In reference to Project 11: Supply & Laying of Service Cable – 31,65,378 meters of service cable has been procured / provided. It appears from such a large scale revamping of service cable that 50% of the total service cable consumers have been revamped, which seems quite unlikely. Further, new consumers that are being added by Ms/ TPL must have been charged for service cable in view of new connection. Meter & Meter Box - from FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13, the cost of Meter and Meter box is quite high, reasons for same has not been provided. Supply & Erection of Pole – the cost of supply & erection of pole is on the higher side. Further, whether these poles are used for extension or replacement, details thereof was not provided. l) In reference to Project 12: MICR Reader & Bar Code Reader – for FY 2010-11, reasons for procuring two different items for similar use has not been</p><p>Page 26 provided. Further, why MICR Reader & Bar Code Reader have been shown / booked under two different projects i.e. 12 & 16. m)In reference to Project 13: Three phase & Single Phase Reference Standard Electronic Meter –invoice of procurement is not being provided. n) In reference to Project 15 Computer - from FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13 under IT & Communication (Project 15) & FY 2012-13 under Office Infrastructure (Project 16), the Computers have been consistently procured, the detailed reason thereof is not being provided. Further, why Computer have been shown / booked under two different projects i.e. 15 & 16. o) In reference to Project 16 Infrared Thermal Imaging Camera- for FY 2010-11, the need / use of Infrared Thermal Imaging Camera under Office Infrastructure is not clear. Electric Arc Protective Suit- from FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13, the need / use of Electric Arc Protective Suit under Office Infrastructure is not clear and further the no. of Electric Arc Protective Suit is not being provided. Other Miscellaneous Items - from FY 2010-11 to FY 2012- 13, the details of Other Miscellaneous Items is not being provided. Air Conditioners (ACs) - from FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13, the ACs have been consistently procured, the detailed reason thereof is not being provided. MICR Reader & Bar Code Reader – for FY 2012-13, reasons for procuring two different items for similar use has not been provided.</p><p>Page 27 p) In reference to Project 17, the details pertaining to the number of four wheelers and two wheelers was not provided, and the supporting documents of such procurement. It was observed that procurement rate / cost for various items in most of the projects was over and above the rate / cost provided in the Cost Data Book. M/s TPL must provide detailed clarification for the same. </p><p>M/s TPL’s reply</p><p>8) M / s TPL made further submission in the above matter as follows:</p><p> a) In reference to Project 1, the Petitioner submitted the details of refurbishment of 33 kV substations for the FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13.</p><p> b) In reference to Project 2, the Petitioner submitted the details of augmentation / up – rating of 33 kV Feeders for the FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13.</p><p> c) In reference to Project 3, the Petitioner submitted the details of augmentation / up – rating of 11 kV Feeders for the FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13.</p><p> d) In reference to Project 4, the Petitioner submitted the details pertaining to new 11 kV feeders and the number of 11 kV feeders that has been reconfigured.</p><p> e) In reference to Project 5, the Petitioner submitted the details pertaining to revamping of 11 / 0.4 kV Distribution Transformers centers. </p><p> f) In reference to Project 6, the Petitioner submitted the details pertaining to establishment of Distribution Transformers centers.</p><p>Page 28 g) In reference to Project 7, the Petitioner submitted the details pertaining to replacement of Distribution Transformers.</p><p> h) In reference to Project 8, the Petitioner submitted the details of revamping of metering system.</p><p> i) In reference to Project 11, the Petitioner submitted the details of Low Voltage Networks.</p><p>Commission’s Observations, Views & Directions:</p><p>9) On analysis of the submission made by M/s TPL, the Commission observed the following deficiencies / infirmities still need clarification from M/s TPL.</p><p> a) In reference to Project 1 & 2, the cost of Pole - M.S. Reinforced Steel Joist Grider. Size 116 mm. x 100 mm. x 11 Mtr. Long & Pole - M.S. Reinforced Steel Joist Grider. Size 152 mm. x 152 mm. x 13 Mtr. Long is on the very higher side and the actual rate of pole for 11 Mtr. is Rs. 9443, whereas for 13 Mtr. it is Rs. 11220 instead of Rs. 14837.</p><p>Further, for FY 2011-12 the actual rate of 10MVA PTR at 33 kV / 11 kV Shaheed Nagar i.e. 59.08 lakhs is more than the RESPO rate i.e. 42.26 lakhs.</p><p> b) In reference to Project 2, under the Conductors section, the cost of Installation, Pole earthing, clamps and hardware & other miscellaneous charges are extremely high, which still need to be explained. </p><p>Further, under the Switchgears section, the cost of Installation, testing & commissioning and other miscellaneous charges is extremely high.</p><p>Page 29 c) In reference to Project 3, under the Pole section, the cost of Installation, muffing, Pole strengthening & earthing and other miscellaneous charges are extremely high, which still need to be explained. d) In reference to Project 5, under the Pole section, the cost of Installation, muffing, Pole strengthening & earthing and other miscellaneous charges are extremely high, which still need to be explained. Under the Distribution Transformer section, the cost of Installation, testing & commissioning and other miscellaneous charges are extremely high, which still need to be explained. </p><p>Further, under the Switchgears section, the cost of Installation, lamps and hardware & other miscellaneous charges are extremely high, which still need to be explained. e) In reference to Project 6, under the Pole section, the cost of Installation, muffing, Pole strengthening & earthing and other miscellaneous charges is extremely high. Also, the cost of 11 kV 400A, disconnecting links is on the higher side</p><p>Under the Distribution Transformer section, the cost of Installation, testing & commissioning and other miscellaneous charges is extremely high</p><p>Further, under the Switchgears section, the cost of Installation, testing & commissioning and other miscellaneous charges is extremely high. f) In reference to Project 7, under the Transformer section, the cost of Installation, testing & commissioning and other miscellaneous charges is extremely high for FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13.</p><p>Page 30 In the end, it is concluded that most of the critical data required by the Commission in the Infrastructure Roll out Plan for Agra Distribution Area has been submitted by M/s TPL. It has however been observed that although M/s TPL have endeavoured to reply to some of the deficiencies / infirmity, some of the information required are still to be addressed as has been enunciated in the para 9 above.</p><p>In view of the above submissions and on perusal of all the facts, the Commission is of the view that the capital works undertaken by M/s Torrent Power Ltd from the FY 2010-11 to FY 2012-13 have improved the voltage profile in their franchise area and also provided apparent relief to the existing overloaded lines / transformers by strengthening of the distribution networks thus resulting into improvement of reliability and quality of power supply to the consumers of the area. </p><p>Therefore, in view of the above all the Commission is agreeable to consider the capex incurred by M/s Torrent Power Ltd, subject to the fulfilment of the condition that M/s TPL provides detailed submission to the deficiencies highlighted in para 9 above. The actual Capex to be allowed for capitalisation will be determined by the Commission after receipt of the clarification by M/s TPL.</p><p>(S. K. Agarwal) (Desh Deepak Verma) Member Chairman</p><p>Place: Lucknow Date: 21 August, 2017</p><p>Page 31</p>
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