Carp 07056 SOOTH CITIZI Vol. 88 No. 21 South Amboy, N. j. \dvertising Less Than 75% Thursday, May 25, 1967 Price 5(5 (Out of Town 7(5) SUPERINTENDENTS' SERVICES GROUP LOCAL BRONZE STAR WINNER Sewage Problem Still Facing City To join or not to Join? o the proposed construc- MEMORIAL PARADE MARSHAL To build or not to build? ion plans. In the past, plans TO AID SPECIAL EDUCATION PUPILS These are the questions ad been drawn for various Vici Cong then rained gre- that are facing the people A chance remark at a DIRECTOR RE-HIRED onstruction work through- meeting of the County Su- nades on the machine gun of South Amboy now! out the city, and , due to perintendents' Association Reports from Director emplacement. According to City Engineer Edward extenuating circum- a few months ago has re- Michael Poll were re- his citation, Barbieri, Reilly told the Board of tances, alterations had to sulted in the formation of ceived on the Basic Adult without hesitating, picked Public Works that they can oe done in order to over- a separate cooperative and Adult Education pro- up a live grenade and hurled expect a report of theMet- come existing obstacles services group among grams. The basic adult it back at the enemy, this calf and Eddy report, on the that were in the path of county administrators of program will be discontin- action credited with driving feasibility study of the the proposed route for 15 school districts that will ued as both state and fed- the enemy off and helping South Amboy sewage prob- sewer and water lines. directly benefit special eral funds have been ex- to save his comrades. lem any day. These changes were not education students as de- hausted in support of this Barbieri i6 married to This study will point out always noted on the blue- fined In Chapter 29, State program and because " of the former Theresa the various factors that will prints, and in later years Laws of 1966. the poor response of Leonard. He and his wife confront the board and the the maintenance crews ran eligible students. Mr. Poll As explained by Su- reside at 320 Parker Ave. people of South Amboy re- into difficulty trying to lo- was tehired a6 the adult PARADEJO START AT garding the treatment and cate lines. The board in- perintendent Eugene Do- education director at an brzynski to the Board of disposal of sewage. structed the city engineer ^annual salary of $650, PINE AND PORTIA According to Reilly, the Education at their meet- Member Mrs. Howard Er- o see that this suggestion ing last night, the purpose John Benyei, state vice study will explore the pos- be carried out. vin commended Mr. Poll commander of the Disabled sibility of having a sec- of a cooperative effort for the success of the even- Continued on page 2 . would "resolve the com- American Veterans, who is ondary treatment plant ing school program this chairman of the Memorial added to the existing plant. mon problems, such as past year. staffing and providing fa- weekend observance, has The full cost is to be met cilities, and consider the A six-game schedule for announced that the parade by the taxpayers of the city. MEMORIAL SERVICES various needs in each the new soccer team was Francis Barbieri will start promptly at 2 The city must also face the school district". approved as was the p.m. at Pine Ave. and Por- probability of the state AT CEMETERIES A veteran of action in Special education students purchase of uniforms and tia St., with units to start standards being changed so equipment for the 22-mem- Vietnam, where he was assembling at 1:15 p.m. that it will not be able to Local veterans'organiza- as defined by Chapter 29 twice decorated for brav- tions will hold joint include students who are ber team at an approximate The parade route will con- meet them by the time the cost of $750. ery, Specialist Fourth tinue left on Pine to Bor- period of grace runs out, memorial services at area mentally retarded, visually Class Francis Barbieri, which is October of 1970. cemeteries on Sunday, May handicapped, auditory A trip sponsored by class U.S. Army, will act as dentown Ave., right on Bor- 28, in observance of Me- handicapped, communica- mothers for Grade 2A to dentown to Broadway, left On the other hand, ac- Newark Airport was given grand marshal for the South on Broadway with a brief cording to Mr. John Plos- morial Day. tions ' handicapped, Amboy Memorial Day Beginning at 9 a.m., the neurologically or per- board approval. The trip Parade. memorial service at the konka, the initial cost of ceptually impared, ortho- will be held during the week Railroad Plaza, continuing tying into a regional sewage veterans will conduct serv- pedically handicapped, of June 5. The first local resident on Broadway to Main St., treatment system, namely ices at Christ Church chronically ill, emotionally to be wounded in action in left on Main St. to Stevens the Middlesex County Sew- emetery; General Mor- disturbed, socially malad- SCHOOL COMMENDED Vietnam, Barbieri is the Ave,, left on Stevens to age Authority, could also be gan's grave; Morganexplo- holder of the Bronze Star City Hall on John St. where prohibitive in cost. Plos- slon graves; Jewish Ceme- justed, potentially severe Two letters received last and the Purple Heart. He ery; Sacred Heart Ceme- learning disability, and night commended the the parade will end and konka stated that there are was awarded the Bronze services will be held im- $7 million in federal fund§ tery; St. Mary's Cemetery; multiply handicapped, school in two different Star, America's fourth waterfront at the dock of The superintendent re- areas. One from former mediately following the pa- for the state and over $13 ranking medal for valor, rade. million applied for already. the South Amboy Boat Club; ported that the cooperative student Gregory Motyleski, when he and three buddies and will conclude at noon group has been meeting currently employed by Na- formed a machine gun crew Commander Benyei has In his report to the board, on the lawn of Christ monthly in an effort to draw tional Lead as a laboratory trying to protect a bar- requested that all parade Superintendent Charles Church where they will be. guidelines that will benefit technician, praised the rier and prevent them- participants remain at City Thompson suggested that joined by church members each district and is con- school for the teaching of selves from being wiped Hall for the services, the city be provided with and the governing body of sidering the services of a terminal chemistry, a new out by the enemy. All four Continued on page 2 revised, or actual con- the city of South Amboy. consultant who would be an course initiated two years men were wounded but they struction plans, as opposed authority in the special ed- Participating in the com- Continued on page 2 continued to fire, as the bined services will be the ucation field who would be John A. Connors Chapter paid on a pro-rated basis GUEST SPEAKER AT SACRED 67, Disabled American by each district. Veterans; Luke A. Lovely CELEBRATES FIRST MASS HEART CYO AWARDS NIGHT Post 62, American Legion; NEW TEACHERS HIRED at Hofstra College which Sacred Heart Post 578, Quinlan was sent to the Catholic War Veterans; and With regrets, the board show 204 victories against Theological College of the 77 defeats. Mr. Van Breda Veterans of Foreign Wars accepted the resignations Catholic University of PoBt 2448. of two teachers, Miss Kolff is the newly appointed America in Washington, basketball coach of the Los The Bauvais-Hudson Post Emily J. Bight and Mrs. D.C., for graduate study Joanne Q'Donnell, and Angeles Lakers profes- 126, American Legion, hired five teachers for the in theology. Father spent sional basketball team of firing squad of Staten Is- 1967-68 school year. They six years at St. Mary's the National Basketball land, under the direction are Miss Gloria Mlsikie- High School in South Am- Association. of Capt, Waller Conbey, wlcz to teach French and boy as a teacher of Latin The Mom and Dad's Club will fire the memorial sa- Spanish at a tentative and German. will once again honor all lute at the services and salary of $5800 with an Father Quinlan'a First of its youth who partici- taps will be sounded by adjustment to be made on Solemn Mass was cele- pated in various sport6 ac- Michael Chomzuk, a mem- completion of her mas- brated last Sunday, May tivities, Nocturnal Adora- ber of the John A. Connors ter's degree; William 21,. at noon in St. Mary's tion Society, Knights of the Chapter 67, DAV. Matysek for the elemen- Church, South Amboy. A Altar and cheerleading tary school, currently reception in the parish groups. completing a master's de- cafeteria followed the The toastmaster for (he Special Board Matting gree at a salary of $6400; Mass. Ministers of the dinner will be the Rev. Elliot Koretz for the ele- Mass Included the follow- Myron P. Gayda. Awards To Discuss Sit* Report mentary school, with one ing members of the parish: will be presented by the year's experience, at a sal- Deacon - Rev. Francis J. Rt. Rev. Msgr, Walter F. At a special meeting of ary qtf $6100; Mrs. Joyce Sergei, of Holy Cross High Urbanik, pastor of the Sa- the Board of Education Sub jack for the elementary School in Riverside, N.
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