Llanishen Baptist Church

Llanishen Baptist Church

<p> LLANISHENLLANISHEN BAPTISTBAPTIST CHURCHCHURCH “Christ Centred Community”</p><p>Sunday 1st February 2015</p><p>Luke 5:10-11New International Version (NIV)</p><p>10 and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon’s partners.</p><p>Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” 11 So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.</p><p>This Week’s Events 1 Today 10.30 a.m. Morning Service 6.00 p.m. Evening Service Tuesday 2.30 p.m. Bible Study at June Frost’s house 7.30 p.m. Church Members Meeting Wednesday 7.30 p.m. House Group at Lyn Long’s House Thursday 10.00 a.m. Happy Days Toddler Group 7.30 p.m. Deacons Meeting Friday 2.00 pm. Community Arts and Crafts Group Next Sunday 10.30 a.m. Morning Service 6.00 p.m. Evening Service </p><p>Door Rota This Week: a.m. Mr & Mrs S Thomas p.m. Mr & Mrs G Francis</p><p>Tea/Coffee Rota This Week – Greta Gallivan and Jan Bonello</p><p>Family News</p><p>Many congratulations to Ruth and Dan Waterston on the birth of Rose (Rosie) Elizabeth a sister for Emma. Congratulations Peter and Marion Maskell becoming grandparents and Kath Maskell who is a Great- Grandmother again!</p><p>Happy 18th Birthday to James, Ann Davies’ Grandson. We wish all Davies family and friends a fabulous weekend celebrating and safe journeys travelling to and from Leeds. Dates for diary 12th and 13th February @ 7.15 p.m and 14th February @3.15 p.m. – Revelations production ‘Aladdin’ Tickets £6. To book tickets call 20753033 or see Angela Rodgers. 14th March – BMS Coffee morning </p><p>Happy Days Toddler Group 2 If anyone is able to help with the Thursday morning Happy Days toddler group, please see Linda Burge.</p><p>BMS Coffee Morning</p><p>Our annual BMS coffee morning will take place on Saturday 14th March 10.00 -12.00 pm. Nicky will be on the stall selling bric-a-brac and jewellery, please can you have a look and see if you have any items that you can donate and pass them to Nicky. Also there will be a prize every time stall, if you have any unwanted Christmas gifts etc.; please can you pass these to Ann or Karen. Finally, if anyone is able to help on the morning, please can you let Ann or Karen know. Many thanks.</p><p>LBC Website</p><p>Tomos is now beginning to work on updating the LBC Website, if you would like to share any information about your group/organisation on the web page, please can you email him directly. [email protected]. Many thanks.</p><p>AGM</p><p>Please can you send all annual reports to Nicky in the office by Sunday 22nd February. Please can you pass all annual accounts directly to Lyn by Sunday 22nd February. Thanks.</p><p>We will shortly be seeking nominations for the diaconate at the AGM. Should you feel that you may be interested in becoming a deacon, please speak to Mavis and or Rudi. As we’re seeking for a new minister to lead LBC, please pray for the diaconate and future deacons in the coming weeks and months ahead.</p><p>RAINBOW OF HOPE DATES 2015 & APPEAL FOR HELP</p><p>3 Food is provided every four weeks by LBC but Rainbow of Hope operates 364 days a year. LBC provides 10 loaves of sandwiches, crisps, chocolate bars and bananas every four weeks, the dates are listed below for 2015:</p><p>Sunday 25th January 2015</p><p>Sunday 22nd February</p><p>Sunday 22nd March</p><p>Sunday 19th April</p><p>Sunday 17th May</p><p>Sunday 14th June</p><p>Sunday 12th July</p><p>Sunday 9th August</p><p>Sunday 6th September</p><p>Sunday 4th October</p><p>Sunday 1st and 29th November</p><p>Sunday 27th December</p><p>If you do not feel you are able to help with making the sandwiches I would appreciate your continued support in providing the ingredients - tins of corned beef, salad dressing, pickle, tins of tuna in brine or spring water (no oil please). Cash donations are also welcome. Many thanks, Jan Bonello</p><p>Telephone Contacts</p><p>4 Hon. Secretary – Mavis Brown (Tel. 20759478)</p><p>Hon Treasurer – Lyn Long (Tel. 20611038)</p><p>Church Office – Nicky Butler (Tel. 20758531)</p><p>Church Bookings – Nicky Butler (Tel. 20758531)</p><p>Footsteps – Ann Davies (Tel. 20867533)</p><p>Revelations - Angela Rodgers (Tel. 20753033)</p><p>Friendship Hour – June Frost (Secretary) 20754215</p><p>Happy Days Toddler Group – Linda Burge (Tel, 20761980)</p><p>Brownies - Judith Latham (Tel. 20617547) – Tuesday</p><p>Brownies – Katherine Roderick (Tel. 20863483) - Monday</p><p>Guides - Hazel Hobbs (Tel. 20650850)</p><p>Rainbows - Claire Jenkins (Tel. 20216572) </p><p>Beavers, Cubs and Scouts - Peter Maskell – (Tel. 20411531) </p><p>Llanishen Arts and Crafts – Lyn Long (Tel. 20611038)</p><p>Leader: This is the place and this is the time;</p><p> here and now God waits to break into our experience:</p><p>5 ALL: TO CHANGE OUR MINDS </p><p>TO CHANGE OUR LIVES </p><p>TO CHANGE OUR WAYS </p><p>Leader: To help us see the world and the whole of life</p><p>In a new light;</p><p>All: TO FILL US WITH HOPE </p><p>JOY AND LONGING </p><p>FOR THE FUTURE </p><p>Leader: This is the place as are all places</p><p>This is the time as are all times</p><p>All: HERE AND NOW </p><p>LET US PRAISE GOD </p><p>Evening service Hymns</p><p>Gathering song (seated)</p><p>BPW 5: Be still for the presence of the Lord</p><p>BPW 1: Angel Voices ever singing</p><p>BPW 529: From heaven you came</p><p>BPW 615: Who is on the Lord’s side</p><p>Amen, amen it shall be so.</p><p>Amen, amen </p><p>It shall be so!</p><p>6 Amen Alleluia</p><p>1 Blest are the poor in spirit</p><p>The kingdom of heaven is theirs. </p><p>2 Blest are the sorrowful, the sorrowful</p><p>They shall be comforted </p><p>3 Blest are the gentle, the gentle,</p><p>The earth shall be their own.</p><p>4 Blest are the hungry for justice</p><p>They shall be satisfied.</p><p>5 Blest are the merciful the merciful,</p><p>They shall find mercy shown.</p><p>6 Blest are the pure in heart</p><p>For they shall see their God.</p><p>7 Blest are the earth’s peacemakers</p><p>Each one shall be God’s child.</p><p>8 Blest are those victimised </p><p> for doing good</p><p>The kingdom of heaven is theirs.</p><p>Amen, amen </p><p>It shall be so!</p><p>Amen Alleluia</p><p>7 B S P S O S R A T S S P S C P a S K R S C W G M</p><p> n</p><p> h</p><p> l o r o e l o i r o r o i o</p><p> e e a</p><p> h</p><p> u a</p><p> o</p><p> e l</p><p> t d</p><p> e</p><p> a a a</p><p> e</p><p> d</p><p> e</p><p> e</p><p> n n r n n n n</p><p> a a l</p><p> i</p><p> t</p><p> r</p><p> s</p><p> s r</p><p> l l l</p><p> y m y y</p><p> n h</p><p> r d c</p><p> g g g</p><p> g g g</p><p> d d n</p><p> s</p><p> o </p><p> t</p><p> r</p><p> e n w e e</p><p> c t o</p><p> o e</p><p> r</p><p> s</p><p> o i i</p><p> i e</p><p> i</p><p> a</p><p> f</p><p> r n r n</p><p> a r e</p><p> n</p><p> e n</p><p> f m</p><p> o r</p><p> s s</p><p> n </p><p> s</p><p> e l</p><p> w</p><p> g g</p><p> t n</p><p> g o i</p><p> k</p><p> g</p><p> r </p><p> 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