<p> Weather Unit Monica Stoilov 2007 Outcomes: Measuring and Describing Weather L3 identify and use weather-related folklore to predict weather L4,5,6identify and/or construct and use instruments for measuring weather information ,7 L4,5,6use appropriate terminology in naming weather instruments and collecting weather data ,7 record observations using measuring instruments in order to describe weather in terms of temperature, wind H1 speed, wind direction, precipitation, and cloud cover. classify clouds as stratus, cumulus, cirrus, or "other", compare results with others, and recognize that L2 results may vary P1 use a variety of sources to gather information to describe key features of a variety of weather systems H1 estimate weather measurements for various times of the day, week, or for weather systems. identify weather-related technological innovations and products that have been developed by various L8 cultures in response to weather conditions Sun's Energy Reaching the Earth L9 relate the transfer of energy from the sun to weather conditions identify and use appropriate tools, measuring instruments and materials to measure the temperature of soil L9 and water after exposing them to light and draw conclusions Properties of Air classify according to several attributes and create a chart of describe situations demonstrating that air L10 takes up space, has mass, and expands when heated. draw a conclusion, based on evidence gathered through research and observation, about the patterns of air L10 and/or water flow that result when two air or water masses of different temperature meet. Movement of Air and Water L10 identify patterns in indoor and outdoor air movement relate the constant circulation of water on Earth to the processes of evaporation, condensation and L1 precipitation. Predicting the Weather compile and display the weather data collected over a period of time in table and/or graph format, and H1 identify and suggest explanations for patterns or discrepancies in the data ask different people in the community and region for advice on how to predict weather, compare their tools L3 and techniques. provide examples of the way that weather forecasts are used by various people in the community. L11 describe and predict patterns of change in local weather conditions Environmental Issues P1 identify examples of weather phenomena that are currently being studied. L11 identify positive and negative effects of technologies that affect weather and the environment describe how studies of the depletion of the ozone layer, global warming and the increase in acid rain have L11 led to new inventions and stricter regulations on emissions from cars, factories and other polluting technologies. Overview and Materials List</p><p>Lesson Materials Lesson 1: Web Based – Water Cycle Website, Computers, worksheet (available on webpage). Lesson 2: Web Based – Cloud Formation Website, Computers, worksheet (available on webpage). Lesson 3: Web Based – Weather Folklore Computers, Weather Folklore worksheets 4 small paper cups, 4 plastic drinking straws, pencil with a new eraser, tape, scissors, straight pin, stapler, a Lesson 4: Make an Anemometer table-tennis ball, some fishing line or similar nylon cord, a protractor Tag board or manila file folder, Straight pin, Scissors, Lesson 5: Make a Wind Vane Glue, Pencil with a new eraser, Plastic drinking straw, Modeling clay, Paper plate Clear plastic ruler (or laminated clear rulers), Cylinder shaped clear jar (or you can use a 500ml Lesson 6: Make a Rain Gauge water bottle that has been cut in half – the top part is the funnel and the bottom the collecting container.), Rubber band, Funnel, Transparent tape (#1) small coffee can, plastic wrap, scissors, straw, index card, rubber band OR (#2) A tall, narrow, Lesson 7: Make a Barometer clear plastic bottle, a bowl of water, paper, sticky tape, ruler, string, modeling clay. Lesson 8: Make a Sundial Webpage, Sundial template, scissors, tape 2 centigrade thermometers, tape, wet gauze, Lesson 9: Make a Psychrometer rubber band, fan, Relative Humidity Table (on worksheet) Lesson 10: Weather-related Technological Website, Infosheet, Project Outline Innovations 3 containers with water, soil and sand, 3 Lesson 11: Sun’s Effect on Soil and Water thermometers, worksheet Lesson 12: Properties of Air Infosheet Lesson 13: Climate change and regulations Note taking worksheet, computers Mini Project: Reporting on a Weather System Computers Homework 1: Ongoing: Observing the Weather HOME = Worksheet with Folklore Weather Watcher’s Worksheet SCHOOL = Worksheet</p><p>Assessment: Resources: Assignments: L1, L2, L12 Video Homework: Folklore Magic School Bus: Kicks Up a Storm Weather Watchers Worksheet Magic School Bus: Inside a Debate: L13 (notes and Hurricane participation) Magic School Bus: Goes on Air Powerpoint Project Bill Nye: Storms Bill Nye: Water Cycle Lesson 1: Web Based – Water Cycle http://hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/mstoilov/Science/Weather/water_cycle.htm Materials: Computers, worksheet (available on webpage).</p><p>Procedure: 1. Either in pairs or alone, have students read the information pertaining to the water cycle, answer on the computer generated worksheet, save a copy and email it to the teacher. 2. If time permits, have students draw a picture of the water cycle. (Tree and ground evaporates to clouds then falls as rain) Lesson 1: Water Cycle Worksheet</p><p>Name: Date: Complete the following in full sentences and email to teacher. Part A – Write just the answers below. 1. </p><p>2. </p><p>3. </p><p>Part B – Write just the answers below 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. </p><p>Part C – Answer questions in FULL sentences. Use as much detail as you can. 1. </p><p>2. </p><p>3. Answer Key</p><p>Part A – Write just the answers below. 1. The water cycle is a complex process that not only gives us water to drink, fish to eat, but also weather patterns that help grow our crops. 2. Water covers more than three-fourths of the Earth's surface. 3. About 1% of all the Earth's water in a form useable to humans and land animals. Part B – Write just the answers below 1. Evaporation is the process where a liquid changes from its LIQUID state to a GASEOUS state. 2. The primary factor in evaporation is TEMPERATURE. 3. Evaporated water is so clean because During the process of evaporation, impurities in the water are left behind. 4. Condensation occurs when a gas is changed into a liquid. 5. Condensation is the opposite of EVAPORATION. 6. When the TEMPERATURE and ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE are right, the small droplets of water in clouds form larger droplets and precipitation occurs. 7. So, the water cycle can be described as water that travels from the surface of the Earth goes into the atmosphere, and returns to Earth again. 8. Surface runoff is an important part of the water cycle because, through surface runoff, much of the water returns again to the oceans, where a great deal of evaporation occurs. 9. INFILTRATION is an important process where rain water soaks into the ground, through the soil and underlying rock layers. 10. The process of evaporation through plant leaves is called TRANSPIRATION. 11. In large forests, an enormous amount of water will TRANSPIRE through leaves. Part C – Answer questions in FULL sentences. Use as much detail as you can. 1. As the water evaporates, vapors rise and condense into clouds. The clouds move over the land, and precipitation falls in the form of rain, ice or snow. The water fills streams and rivers, and eventually flows back into the oceans where evaporation starts the process anew. 2. Water's state (solid, liquid or gas) is determined mostly by temperature. 3. Although water continuously changes states from solid to liquid to gas, the amount of water on Earth remains constant. There is as much water now as there was hundreds of millions of years ago. Lesson 2: Web Based – Cloud Formation http://hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/mstoilov/Science/Weather/cloud_types_and_formation.htm Materials: Computers, worksheet (available on webpage).</p><p>Procedure: 1. Either in pairs or alone, have students read the information pertaining to the cloud formation, answer on the computer generated worksheet, save a copy and email it to the teacher. 2. Bring the class back together and discuss the difficulty in properly naming clouds. (There should be a discussion about how it is difficult, at times, to know whether they are stratus, alto or cirrus.) Cloud Types and Formation Worksheet NAME: ______Part A – Answer questions in full sentences.</p><p>1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. </p><p>Part B – Answer the questions in complete sentence. 1. 2. 3. </p><p>Part C - Answer the questions in the complete sentence 1. 2. 3. 4. </p><p>Part D – Write your answers in the following boxes to 21 different cloud formations. Don’t forget to put a check if you are correct. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. ANSWER KEY Cloud Types and Formation Worksheet</p><p>Part A – Answer questions with as much detail as possible. 1. Cirrus clouds are thin, wispy clouds blown by high winds into long streamers. 2. Cirrus clouds are considered "high clouds" forming above 6000 m (20,000 ft). 3. Stratus clouds are uniform grayish clouds that often cover the entire sky. They resemble fog that does not reach the ground. 4. Nimbo or nimbus means that they are rain clouds. 5. No. Usually no precipitation falls from stratus clouds, but sometimes they may drizzle. Nimbostratus are low rain clouds. 6. Cumulus clouds are puffy clouds that sometimes look like pieces of floating cotton. 7. Clouds with the prefix "alto" are middle level clouds that have bases between 2000 and 7000 m (6500 to 23,000 ft.). 8. Cumulonimbus clouds are puffy, towering and dark. 9. The troposphere is that portion of the atmosphere that lies between the earth's surface and an altitude of approximately 15 km (9.5 miles). It consists of water vapor, gases, and vertical winds that account for much of our weather. 10. Answers will vary depending on the type of day outside.</p><p>Part B – Answer question by writing the complete sentence.</p><p>1. Fog is a CLOUD based on the ground, rather than in the ATMOSPHERE. 2. Fog forms when there is a lot of MOISTURE near the ground, or when the air near the ground cools to the dew point. 3. The temperature to which air must be cooled in order for the water vapor in the air to condense into liquid water is known as the dew point.</p><p>Part C - Answer question by writing the complete sentence 1. As the earth is heated by the sun, bubbles of HOT AIR rise upward from the warm surface. 2. If a thermal (vapor) is able to rise high enough to cool to its SATURATION point, the moisture condenses and becomes visible as a CLOUD. 3. Another word for hot air is THERMALS. 4. Convection refers primarily to atmospheric motions in the vertical direction. Lesson 3: Web Based – Weather Folklore Materials: Computers, Weather Folklore worksheets</p><p>Procedure: 1. Begin this lesson by reading the explanation of what weather folklore is on the weather webpage. Ask students if they know of any weather folklore. 2. Explain to students that for the next 2 weeks, they will predict the weather using some traditional weather folklore. Show students their recording sheets. 3. Bring students to the lab and have them read over some of the websites that have weather folklore and write some that they find interesting in the table provided. 4. Encourage students to connect a piece of folklore to any memories that they might have.</p><p>Homework 1: Ongoing: Observing the Weather Weather Folklore Worksheet Name: Directions: 1. Read some of the weather folklore found linked off of our class site. 2. You can also find more weather folklore by doing an Internet search. 3. For 14 days, predict the weather using one of the folklore that you have learned. 4. Record the actual weather the next day. Repeat.</p><p>You can record some of the interesting rain predictions or nice weather predictions in the table below. Bad Weather Good Weather Name: ______Date Prediction with Folklore Actual Weather Date Prediction with Folklore Actual Weather Lesson 4: Make an Anemometer</p><p>Materials: 4 small paper cups, 4 plastic drinking straws, pencil with a new eraser, tape, scissors, straight pin, stapler, a table-tennis ball, some fishing line or similar nylon cord, a protractor</p><p>TYPE 1: 4 small paper cups, tape, scissors, 4 plastic drinking straws, straight pin, pencil with a new eraser, stapler </p><p>TYPE 2: a table-tennis ball, some fishing line or similar nylon cord, a protractor</p><p>Procedure: 1. There are 2 types of anemometers that students can build. The first one relies on non- standard measurements (The cups are spinning slow, fast etc.) while the second one is based on a scale. Both can be used for a more accurate description of wind speed and so students can experience different types of gauges. 2. Wind is air that moves. Although wind can not be seen, the effects of wind on objects can be observed. Wind can move small and large objects across the ground, over a body of water, or hurl them across the sky. The wind is always present and moving even if it isn't felt.</p><p>Wind comes in several strengths. In 1805, a British Admiral, Sir Francis Beaufort, developed an observation scale for measuring the winds at sea. The Beaufort scale measured winds by observing their effects on sailing ships and the water's waves. Beaufort's scale was later adapted for use on land also. The Beaufort wind scale is still used today.</p><p>Meteorologists use a man-made instrument, an anemometer, to measure wind speed. An anemometer rotates at the same speed as the wind blows. It is a useful instrument because it gives a true measure of speed to the wind.</p><p>3. Have students complete the 2 anemometers. Lesson 4 Making an Anemometer - An instrument for measuring the force or velocity of wind; a wind gauge.</p><p>Materials: 4 small paper cups tape straight pin 4 plastic drinking scissors stapler straws pencil with a new eraser Procedure: 1. Arrange four plastic drinking straws to form a cross and tape them together at the center. 2. Staple the top side of one drinking cup, such as the small paper Dixie cups designed for bathroom dispensers, to the end of each straw, so the open ends of the cups all face the same direction. 3. Push a straight pin through the center of the straws into an eraser on the end of a pencil. This provides the axle. 4. Blow on the anemometer or turn an electric fan on low to make sure that it spins easily. </p><p>To make an anemometer you will need:</p><p>. a table-tennis ball</p><p>. some fishing line or similar nylon cord</p><p>. a protractor </p><p>Thread the table-tennis ball onto the fishing line. Suspend this from the centre of the protractor so that it can swing freely. The fishing line should hang down the 90-degree line on the protractor. An indication of the wind speed will be given by the angle shown on the protractor when the instrument is held in the air. Wind speed readings can be taken at the same time as temperature measurements.</p><p>Scale Angle km/hour 90 0 80 15 70 20 60 25 50 30 40 35 30 40 20 50 Lesson 5: Make a Wind Vane</p><p>Materials: Tag board or manila file folder, Straight pin, Scissors, Glue, Pencil with a new eraser, Plastic drinking straw, Modeling clay, Paper plate </p><p>Procedure: </p><p>1. Introduce the Weather Observations worksheet. Tell students that they will observe the weather using the instruments that they will make over the next few weeks. The anemometers were the first instrument that we made but there will be more that measure other components of weather. 2. Ask students to brainstorm what other components of weather we could observe? (Direction of wind, rainfall, humidity, atmospheric pressure, temperature and time). Most students won’t recognize that we can tell time by the sun. Also, bring to their attention that it is difficult to measure temperature; therefore, we will be using manufactured thermometers. All the other instruments, we will be making. 3. Continue with the next instrument – a wind vane or weather vane. Explain that once completed, they will monitor the direction that the wind is COMING FROM. When we say that the wind is “out of the west”, that means it is coming from the west. However, our wind vanes will be pointing east. So, we can say that our wind vanes will be telling us where the wind is GOING not where it is COMING FROM. 4. Ask students if there is anything that might influence our reading of wind direction. (Students should know that the wind will be blocked or rerouted by objects here on earth.) Discuss where the best place would be to get an accurate reading of wind direction. 5. Have students construct their wind vanes. 6. Head outdoors to make the first entry on their worksheet. Lesson 5: Making a Wind Vane </p><p>A wind vane is also called a weather vane. It is a tool for measuring wind direction. It spins and points in the direction from which the wind is coming. </p><p>Materials </p><p> Tag board or manila file folder Straight pin Scissors Glue Pencil with a new eraser Plastic drinking straw Modeling clay Paper plate </p><p>Procedure </p><p>1. Cut out an arrow point 5cm long. 2. Cut out an arrow tail 7cm long. 3. Make 1cm cuts at the ends of each straw. 4. Slide the arrow point and the arrow tail into the cuts in the straw. 5. Push a straight pin through the middle of the straw and into the eraser end of the pencil. 6. Stick the sharp end of the pencil into a lump of modeling clay; this will be your base. 7. Put the clay on a paper plate. 8. Blow on the vane and make sure that the arrow can spin freely 9. Take your wind vane outside to observe wind direction on your worksheet. Lesson 6: Make a Rain Gauge</p><p>Materials: Clear plastic ruler (or laminated clear rulers), Cylinder shaped clear jar (or you can use a 500ml water bottle that has been cut in half – the top part is the funnel and the bottom the collecting container.), Rubber band, Funnel, Transparent tape </p><p>Procedure: 1. Give students some background information on rain gauges: a. Measuring the amount of rain that falls is of serious interest to many segments of the population. For example, measuring rainfall with a rain gauge is critical information for gardeners, those in agriculture or involved with nurseries, farmers, meteorologists, weather hobbyists and just for general interest. b. The first rain gauge is believed to have been invented more than 2,000 years ago when rulers of the ancient Choson Dynasty (now Korea) directed all villages to measure rainfall. The information was then incorporated into a formula to determine the potential harvest of each farm. c. Rain gauges collect and measure the rain. Rain is caught in a funnel on top of the rain gauge and runs down into a measuring cylinder below where the rainfall amount is recorded. 2. Explain to students that today they will make an instrument that measures rain. 3. Have students follow the directions on their sheets to construct their rain gauges. Constructing a Rain Gauge </p><p>Materials </p><p> Clear plastic ruler (or laminated clear rulers) Cylinder shaped clear jar (or you can use a 500ml water bottle that has been cut in half – the top part is the funnel and the bottom the collecting container.) Rubber band Funnel (with the same diameter as the BASE of the jar. The funnel will help prevent evaporation and in case the diameter of the mouth of jar is smaller than that of the base. If the diameter of the mouth of the jar is the 'exact' same size as the diameter of the base, then a funnel is not necessary). Transparent tape </p><p>Procedure </p><p> Remove the jar's label. Attach the ruler to the outside of the jar with the rubber band; make sure that the bottom edge of the ruler is even with the bottom of the jar. Or secure the ruler inside the jar so it is standing vertically with the end at the base of the jar/bottle. Tape the ruler in place so the numbers can be read from the outside of the jar/bottle. </p><p>Note: As an alternative to a ruler, you can use a permanent marker to mark the inches/centimeters on clear tape affixed vertically to the outside of the jar/bottle beginning at the base to the outside of the jar/bottle. Cover the marks with a second piece of clear waterproof tape. </p><p>Directions for use </p><p> Put the funnel in the jar. Put the jar out in the rain. Read the ruler to determine how much rain was collected. Empty the jar after each use. Lesson 7: Make a Barometer</p><p>Materials: (#1) small coffee can, plastic wrap, scissors, straw, index card, rubber band OR (#2) A tall, narrow, clear plastic bottle, a bowl of water, paper, sticky tape, ruler, string, modeling clay. </p><p>Procedure: 1. Give students some background information on the barometer: a. A barometer is an instrument used for predicting weather changes by measuring air pressure. As you will learn in a later lesson, LOW pressure happens when there is an impending weather system or storm, HIGH pressure usually indicates NICE weather. b. Evangelista Torricelli, an Italian mathematician and physicist, invented the barometer in 1643. He had also served as an assistant to astronomer Galileo. Torricelli discovered that the variation of the height of mercury from day to day was caused by changes in atmospheric pressure. c. Mercury barometers include the “stick” version where you read the mercury height by looking at the top of the column inside the glass tube. A dial barometer (sometimes known as wheel or banjo barometers) has a hand pointing to numbers on a dial. 2. Assign the different barometers to the groups. Explain that we will compare the two types and their accuracy in measuring the rise or fall of barometric pressure. 3. Have students construct their barometer. When marking the cards, you may want to have a real barometer present to get an accurate reading on the student’s cards. 4. Take students outside and make another recording on their weather watcher’s worksheet. M a k e Y o u r O w n B a r o m e t e r #1</p><p>Do you know what the air pressure is today? You can find out for yourself by measuring the air pressure on a barometer. Falling atmospheric pressure on a barometer indicates that stormy weather or unsettled weather conditions are approaching. A rising atmospheric pressure indicates the approach of good weather.</p><p>Materials</p><p> small coffee can plastic wrap scissors straw index card rubber band </p><p>Instructions</p><p>1. COVER the top of the can with plastic wrap. USE a rubber band to hold the plastic wrap in place. The cover should be taut making the can airtight. 2. PLACE the straw horizontally on the plastic wrap so that two-thirds of the straw is on the can. 3. TAPE the straw to the middle of the plastic wrap. 4. TAPE the index card to the can behind the straw. 5. Carefully RECORD the location of the straw on the index card. 6. Each time you observe, RECORD the new location of the straw on the index card. 7. Continue CHECKING and RECORDING the straw location as often as desired. 8. Be careful not to place your barometer near a window, as the barometer is sensitive to temperature as well as air pressure. </p><p>What's happening</p><p>High pressure will make the plastic wrap cave in, and the straw go up. Low pressure will make the plastic wrap puff up, and the straw go down. Check your measurements with a real barometer. M a k e Y o u r O w n B a r o m e t e r #2 </p><p>Do you know what the air pressure is today? You can find out for yourself by measuring the air pressure on a barometer. Falling atmospheric pressure on a barometer indicates that stormy weather or unsettled weather conditions are approaching. A rising atmospheric pressure indicates the approach of good weather.</p><p>Materials</p><p> A tall, narrow, clear plastic bottle, ruler, a bowl of water, string, paper, modeling clay. sticky tape, </p><p>Instructions</p><p>1. Put a piece of modeling clay on one side of the bowl and use it to hold the ruler upright. 2. Fill the bowl with about 2-3 inches (5-8 cm) of water and fill the bottle three-fourths full of water. 3. Cover the opening of the bottle with the palm of your hand. 4. Turn the bottle carefully upside down and put the opening under the surface of the water in the dish. 5. Take your hand away from the opening but keep the bottle upright with your other hand. 6. Tie the bottle to the ruler with the string. 7. Mark a piece of paper with a scale and stick it onto the bottle. Make a note of the water level and keep a record of how the level changes from day to day.</p><p>What's happening</p><p>Air presses down on the surface of the water in the bowl. If the air pressure (the pushing power of the air) rises, more water is pushed into the bottle and the level on the scale will go up slightly. If the air pressure falls, the opposite happens. Check your measurements with a real barometer. Lesson 8: Make a Sundial</p><p>Materials: Sundial template, scissors, tape</p><p>Procedure: 1. Begin by exploring NASA’s site on sundials. This will give the students a good idea about how sundials work. 2. Make a note to students that the incline of the sundial depends on your degree north or south from the equator. Halifax is approximately 44 N of the equator so the fold will go around 45. 3. Have students construct their sundial. 4. Then, have students take readings from their instruments and record on the weather watcher’s worksheet. Making a Sundial Materials: Sundial Template scissors tape </p><p>Part I: Gnomon 1. Cut out your gnomon shown to the left. 2. Cut the three dotted lines at one end of the gnomon. 3. Folder the gnomon in half and then fold the folded gnomon in half.</p><p>Part II: Sundial 1. Cut along the dotted lines on each end of the sundial page but don't cut all the way across. Stop at the stop marks. 2. Fold the remaining dashed lines. - - - - 3. Fold each ramp side along the line which is closest to your latitude. In Halifax, we are 44 NORTH of the equator. So, fold the line around 44. 4. Tape the folded ramps to the back side of the folded paper so that the side labeled "ramp" is vertical. 5. Depending on the time of the year, you tape the gnomon on different sides of the sundial face. If it is after the Spring Equinox, you tape it on the numbered side. If it is after the Fall Equinox, you tape it on the back or un-numbered side. 6. When taping the gnomon on, you match the tabs with the sundial face. 7. Aim your sundial North.</p><p>Lesson 9: Make a Psychrometer</p><p>Materials: 2 centigrade thermometers, tape, wet gauze, rubber band, fan, Relative Humidity Table (on worksheet)</p><p>Procedure: 1. Give students some background information on psychrometers: Relative humidity can be measured by an instrument called a hygrometer. The simplest hygrometer - a sling psychrometer - consists of two thermometers mounted together with a handle attached on a chain. One thermometer measures the air temperature while the other one measures the wet-bulb temperatures. After the wick is dipped in distilled water, a weather observer whirls the sling psychrometer around, using the handle. As the instrument is whirled, water evaporates from the wick on the wet-bulb thermometer and cools the thermometer. The wet-bulb thermometer cools to the lowest value possible in a few minutes. This value is known as the wet-bulb temperature. The drier the air the more the thermometer cools and hence, the lower the wet-bulb temperature. </p><p>2. Using their instructions as a guide, have students construct their psychrometer. </p><p>3. Then, have students take readings from their instruments and record on the weather watcher’s worksheet. Lesson 9: Make a Psychrometer A psychrometer measures the amount of relative humidity in the air. Materials 2 centigrade thermometers tape wet gauze rubber band fan Relative Humidity Table </p><p>Instructions 1. TAPE the two thermometers to the surface of a table with the numbers facing up and the liquid filled ends sticking over the edge of the table about 2.5 cm (1 inch). 2. Using the rubber band, TIE the wet gauze around the liquid filled end of one thermometer. 3. BLOW the fan on the thermometers until the temperature stops falling. 4. WRITE DOWN the temperature on both thermometers. 5. SUBTRACT the temperature on the wet thermometer from that of the dry one. 6. LOOK at the table below. FIND the dry thermometer temperature on the left and FOLLOW it to the right. FIND the difference between the two temperatures on the top, and FOLLOW it down. The number where the row and column intersect is the relative humidity. Relative Humidity Table (in percent)</p><p>Dry Bulb Minus Wet Bulb (degrees celsius) °C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 88 77 66 55 44 34 24 15 6 11 89 78 67 56 46 36 27 18 9 12 89 78 68 58 48 39 29 21 12 13 89 79 69 59 50 41 32 22 15 7 14 90 79 70 60 51 42 34 25 18 10 Dry Bulb 15 90 81 71 61 53 44 36 27 20 13 (degrees celsius) 16 90 81 71 63 54 46 38 30 23 15 17 90 81 72 64 55 47 40 32 25 18 18 91 82 73 65 57 49 41 34 27 20 19 91 82 74 65 58 50 43 36 29 22 20 91 83 74 67 59 53 46 39 32 26 21 91 83 75 67 60 53 46 39 32 26 22 91 83 76 68 61 54 47 40 34 28 23 92 84 76 69 62 55 48 42 36 30 24 92 84 77 69 62 56 49 43 37 31 25 92 84 77 70 63 57 50 44 39 33</p><p>Lesson 10: Weather Systems </p><p>Materials: Info sheet on high and low pressure, </p><p>Procedure: 1. Begin by reading info sheet with students. 2. Visit the Edhead site about predict the weather: http://www.edheads.org/activities/weather/index.htm 3. Explain the components of the Mini Project: Reporting on a Weather System Weather Systems</p><p>Atmospheric pressure at the Earth's surface is one of the keys to weather, which is one reason weather maps feature H's and L's, representing areas of high and low air pressure. High and low are pressure are important because they affect the weather.</p><p>The weather maps, such as those on television, show what's happening at the Earth's surface, and that's what we're talking about here. </p><p>As the name says, a "high" is an area where they air's pressure is higher than the pressure of the surrounding air. A "low' is where it's lower. Meteorologists don't have any particular number that divides high from low pressure; it's the relative differences that count. </p><p>The pressure is high at the surface where air is slowly descending - much to slowly to feel. And, this is going on over a large area, maybe a few hundred square miles. As air descends, it warms, which inhibits the formation of clouds. This is why high pressure is generally - but not quite always - associated with good weather. </p><p>The air that descends in high pressure areas, has to get to high altitudes in some way, and that way is by rising in areas where the pressure at the surface is low. </p><p>As air rises it cools. As the air cools, the humidity in it begins to condense into tiny drops of water, or if it's cold enough, into tiny ice crystals. If there is enough water, or ice, rain or snow begin to fall. This is why low pressure is associated with bad weather.</p><p>As shown in the graphic above, the air descending in high pressure flows out in a clockwise spiral in the Northern Hemisphere. Air flowing into an area of low pressure to rise, makes a counterclockwise spiral on the way in.</p><p>A weather system is an active weather occurrence such as a hurricane or a fine May day. You will be reporting on some kind of weather system to your classmates.</p><p>Go to: http://www.theweathernetwork.com</p><p>Browse through the “INTERACT” section at the top of the page to find a good topic. You may want to begin with the “Ask the Expert” section. Create a PowerPoint presentation that contains at least 10 slides about your weather system. Evaluation Rubric for PowerPoint Presentation Name______</p><p>Poor Presentation Good Presentation Excellent Presentation Score Overall Aesthetics (This refers to the look of the slides, not the information presented.) 0 points 1 point 2 points Score Background makes it hard There are too few graphic Appealing graphic elements are Overall visual to read. Graphics are elements. Appropriate included appropriately. Slides confusing and not related background. Some slides are easy to read and movement Appeal to words. Too much hard to read. and sounds are used effectively. movement in the slides. Many slides hard to read. Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 0 points 1 point 2 points Score There are many errors in There are some errors in There are no errors in spelling, Readability of spelling, grammar and spelling, grammar and grammar and punctuation. punctuation. Bullet format punctuation. Bullet format Bullets are consistent and clear. the Slides is not consistent or clear. is not consistent on a few Information is clear and concise Too much information on slides. Too much on each slide. many slides. information on some slides. Flow of Presentation 0-1 points 2 point 3 points Score Images move in front of A few images move in front All images move properly in text on many slides. Sounds of text. Sounds are relationship to the text. Sounds Effects and are irritating and confusing irritating and confusing in a are used properly and add to Transistions in most slides. Timing and few slides. Timing and the meaning of the text. Timing order of appearance is not order of appearance is off and order of appearance flows consistent on many slides. in a few slides. smoothly in each slide. All transitions are alike. Presentation 0-1 points 2 points 3 points Score Skills The presenters didn't know The presenter struggled to The presenter knew the the information and got show knowledge of topic information and progressed lost often. Diction and and they got lost often. smoothly through the voice level made listening Diction and voice level presentation. Diction and voice difficult. made listening difficult level engaged the audience in from for the audience. the presentation. Task 0-4 points 5-8 points 9-10 points Score Information contained did Information contained met Information contained met the not meet the objective some of the objective objective requirements of requirements of describing requirements of describing describing a weather system in Meeting a weather system in detail. a weather system in detail. detail. Information . Detail of the weather . Detail of the weather . Detail of the weather Objectives system system system . Detection . Detection . Detection . Impact on the . Impact on the . Impact on the environment environment environment . Impact on Humans . Impact on Humans . Impact on Humans Total Points Lesson 11: Sun’s Effect </p><p>Materials: 3 containers with water, soil and sand, 3 thermometers, worksheet</p><p>Procedure: 1. Read the beginning scenario to students: (Some sand, soil and water have been sitting out in the sun. They were the same temperature to start. Now, predict which one will be warmest.) Have students write what they think will happen. 2. Instruct students that they will design and carry out an experiment to arrive at a conclusion about the scenario. 3. Encourage students to not “RUSH IN” but rather to think about how they will control variables so that their data will reflect exactly what they want it to. 4. Have students conduct their experiments. Lesson 11 - The Sun’s Transfer of Energy Name: ______Some sand, soil and water have been sitting out in the sun. They were the same temperature to start. Now, predict which one will be warmest. ______</p><p>Soil Sand Water Directions: Design an experiment that will answer the question: Which material, soil, sand or water will be the warmest after being exposed to the sun? My Procedure: ______</p><p>My Observations: Material Beginning Temperature Ending Temperature</p><p>My Conclusions: 1. Which material showed the highest temperature gain? ______2. Which material showed the least temperature gain? ______3. What can you conclude based on the evidence? ______</p><p>4. How do you think the sun’s energy affects weather conditions? ______Lesson 12: Properties of Air</p><p>Materials: Properties of Air worksheet</p><p>Procedure: 1. Have students read the text about the properties of air as it relates to weather and weather fronts. 2. Students will answer the questions at the end of the reading. Lesson 12 – Properties of Air</p><p>Weather can change quickly, and it is due to the movement of air masses in the atmosphere. An air mass is a large chunk of air ... often many tens of miles wide ... that shares the same temperature and humidity. When two different air masses meet, the boundary between them is called a front, and bad weather is usually the result.</p><p>The principle that causes storms is a simple one ... when air rises, it expands and cools. Cooling occurs at the rate of about 10°C per kilometre. The water vapour in the air soon condenses into water droplets, which form clouds, and eventually these droplets fall from the sky as rain. </p><p>Storms can occur when two very different air masses meet. Let's look at two possibilities. </p><p>A Cold Front</p><p>A cold front happens when a fast-moving mass of cold air hits a warm air mass. The warm air, which holds a lot of water vapour, gets pushed upward quickly. </p><p>The water vapour condenses to a lot of water droplets, which form tall clouds. Eventually the weight of the drops can no longer be supported by the air, and they fall.This type of storm is often violent, accompanied by a lot of thunder and lightning, and a heavy rainfall in a short period of time. But it ends quickly. A Warm Front</p><p>A warm front happens when a fast moving mass of warm air encounters a cold air mass, and rides up on top of it. The warm, humid air eventually rises high enough for water droplets and clouds to form, and rain to fall. </p><p>This type of storm usually covers more area, lasts longer, and will produce a steady rain for a long period of time.</p><p>Thunder and lightning may occur, but of a less violent nature than in a cold front. </p><p>Rainfall also occurs where warm, humid air masses are forced to rise as they pass over mountains, or large hot cities. The warm air goes up, water vapour condenses to droplets and clouds, and it rains. On mountains, this happens on the windward side (the side the wind is coming from). By the time the air mass reaches the leeward side (the far side), all its water has fallen, and the air is dry.You can see this effect in the Rocky Mountains in British Columbia. The winds come from the west, where they have picked up a lot of moisture from the Pacific Ocean. As they rise over the Rockies, the water vapour condenses and falls as rain. The west side of the Rockies gets a lot of rainfall. By the time the winds reach the far side, they're dry ... the foothills of eastern BC get very little rain. </p><p>Air Pressure</p><p>You probably know that a barometer measures air pressure, and can tell you something about what the weather is going to be like. Rising air pressure means good weather is coming, and dropping air pressure means that bad weather is on the way. Here's the explanation. </p><p>Air masses are constantly moving. In some places air is going up; in other places it is falling. In between, air is moving parallel to the surface ... causing winds.</p><p>When you are experiencing low pressure, it usually means that air above you is rising, and expanding. This rising, expanding air will cool, forcing its water vapour to condense, clouds to form, and maybe rain to fall.</p><p>If you are experiencing high pressure, it probably means that the air above you is falling, and compressing. As this air falls, it gets warmer. This means it can hold more water vapour, so any clouds that exist will evaporate, leaving a clear sky.</p><p>Answer in complete sentences.</p><p>1. What is the boundary between a cold air mass and a warm are mass called? ______2. When does rainfall occur? ______3. What kind of weather phenomena is associated with cold front? ______4. What kind of weather would you expect to find if there was LOW PRESSURE in the area? ______5. Is it true that when you are experiencing a warm front, that the weather is warm and sunny? ______6. What are you experiencing if the air above you is falling on you? ______7. Why are the foothills of BC very dry? ______Lesson 13: Climate change and regulations</p><p>Materials: Computer, worksheet</p><p>Procedure: 1. A debate is a great way to tackle this topic. First, assign students to either the “Believe In” or “Don’t Believe” groups. Tell them that they are going to debate whether climate change is actually occurring and whether the COSTS of what we are doing is worth it. 2. Begin at the lab with students reading and taking notes on the topic. 3. After you feel that the students have had adequate time in research, set up the room with Pro on one side and Con on the other. 4. Have a discussion about whether the heated topic! Using a talking stick will help student to not shout out, practice listening skills and not just TALKING skills! Lesson 13 – Climate Change and Regulations </p><p>Directions: Visit the sites below and take down some notes on whether you think climate change is REAL or NOT and what you think are things we should do. You will take ONE SIDE or the other! Prepare to debate them in class! http://www.epa.gov/globalwarming/kids/detectives.html http://tiki.oneworld.net/global_warming/climate_home.html http://www.ecokids.ca/pub/eco_info/browse_topics/environmental_issues.cfm http://www.coolkidsforacoolclimate.com/ http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/articles/20041208/Feature1.asp http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article1363818.ece http://www.scienceinafrica.co.za/2004/april/climate.htm</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> BEAUFORT SCALE OF WIND FORCE</p><p>Beaufort Specifications for Use on Land Miles Per U.S. Weather Number Hour Bureau Calm; smoke rises vertically Forecast Terms 0 Less than 1 Light</p><p>Direction of wind shown by smoke drift, but not by 1 1-3 Light wind vanes.</p><p>Wind felt on face; leaves rustle;ordinary vane moved 2 4-7 Light by wind</p><p>Leaves and small twigs in constant motion; wind 3 8-12 Gentle extends light flag</p><p>4 Raises dust and loose paper; small branches are moved 13-18 Moderate</p><p>Small trees in leaf begin to sway; created wavelets 5 19-24 Fresh form on inland water</p><p>Large branches in motion; whistling heard in telegraph 6 wires; 25-31 Strong umbrellas used with difficulty</p><p>Whole trees in motion; inconvenience felt in walking 7 32-38 Strong against wind</p><p>8 Breaks twigs off trees; generally impedes progress 39-46 Gale</p><p>Slight structural damage occurs.(Chimney pots and 9 47-54 Gale slates removed.)</p><p>Seldom experienced inland; trees uprooted; 10 55-63 Whole Gale considerable structural damage occurs.</p><p>Very rarely experienced; accompanied by widespread 11 64-75 Whole Gale damage.</p><p>12 ...... Above 75 Hurricane Cloud Chart</p><p>High Clouds: These clouds are composed of tiny ice crystals. Found at elevations of 20,000 to 40,000 feet.</p><p>Sky blue - fair Cirrus: thin, wispy, and feathery and are sometimes called "Mares' Tails" Sky grayblue - Warm front</p><p>Cirrostratus:- thin and patchy, and are rarely seen. Fair weather</p><p>Cirrocumulus: - small, white flakes or globular masses that cause them to Fair weather appear as ripples</p><p>Middle Clouds: This family of clouds occurs from 6,000 to 20,000 feet above the earth, and they are either Stratus or Cumulus.</p><p>Allostratus:- dense veils or sheets of gray or blue. They look slightly Warm front. striped. The sun looks as if it is being seen through frosted glass. Rain</p><p>Possible weather Altocumulus:- patches or layers of puffy or roll-like clouds--gray-whitish. change</p><p>Low Clouds: This family ranges from near the earth to 6,500 feet in height.</p><p>Stratus:- low and like fog. Only a tiny drizzle can fall from these clouds. Fine drizzles</p><p>Nimbostratus:- true rain clouds. They have a wet look and often there are Rain streaks of rain extending to the ground.</p><p>Stratocumulus:- Odd shaped masses spreading out in a rolling or puffy Won't produce rain layer. Gray with darker shadings.</p><p>Towering Clouds: These clouds form at almost any altitude.</p><p>Cumulo-nimbus - are the thunderheads "Thunderstorm cloud"</p><p>Cumulus - puffy and cauliflowerlike. The shapes constantly change. Fair weather cloud Weather Watcher’s Instrument Observation Worksheet Name: ______Date/ Cloud Temp. Anemometer Wind Rain Cups Wind Barometer Psychrometer Time Type c Speed Vane Gauge </p>
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