<p> ANNUAL WORK PLAN</p><p>2014</p><p>COMMISSIONERS ASST. COMMISSIONERS</p><p>Dan Beougher Elaine Ilvess Jane Clark Ray Meylor Chip Mathis Louise Moon Sherrie Taha Russ Paul Cindy Valin Ryan Peterson Lisa Walters</p><p>12/17/13 1 IOWA CODE, 161A.2 DECLARATION OF POLICY</p><p>In 1939, the Iowa General Assembly enacted enabling legislation for soil and water conservation in Iowa.</p><p>“It is hereby declared to be the policy of the legislature to integrate the conservation of soil and water resources into the production of agricultural commodities to ensure the long-term protection of the soil and water resources of the state of Iowa, and to encourage the development of farm management and agricultural practices that are consistent with the capability of the land to sustain agriculture, and thereby to preserve natural resources, control floods, prevent impairment of dams and reservoirs, assist and maintain the navigability of rivers and harbors, preserve wildlife, protect the tax base, protect public lands and promote the health, safety and public welfare of the people of this state.”</p><p>That legislation enabled the creation of soil conservation districts and defined the powers of districts and commissioners. Current Iowa Code Section 161A.7 authorizes districts and commissioners:</p><p>“To develop comprehensive plans for the conservation of soil resources and for the control and prevention of soil erosion and for the prevention of erosion, floodwater, and sediment damages within the district, which plans shall specify in such detail as may be possible, the acts, procedures, performances, and avoidances which are necessary or desirable for the effectuation of such plans, including the specification of engineering operations, methods of cultivation, the growing of vegetation, cropping programs, tillage practices, and changes in use of land; and to publish such plans and information and bring them to the attention of owners and occupiers of lands within the district.”</p><p>In keeping with this authorization, the Polk Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioners, have developed our Annual and 5-Year Plans.</p><p>DISTRICT MISSION </p><p>To provide leadership to help people improve, conserve, and sustain our natural resources while educating them about the importance and practicality of maintaining our environment and quality of life.</p><p>OBJECTIVES AND GOALS</p><p>OBJECTIVE I DISTRICT MANAGEMENT: Self-promotion and office administration.</p><p>GOAL 1: Increase the public awareness of the Polk SWCD and the services available. Action Items Goal Who When a) Display the Polk SWCD logo and name On-going All On-going to promote district awareness. b) Develop and update social media outlets Monthly Staff On-going such as website and Facebook page. (refer to website content sheet) c) Develop a district newsletter and disseminate On-going Staff Oct & Feb electronically to report current activity and provide program information.</p><p>12/17/13 2 d) Participate in shows, workshops and 3 All On-going other events to provide program information. e) Speak at schools and organizations to discuss 5 Staff On-going soil and water resource issues and opportunities. f) Prepare annual report for the fiscal year ending Annually All Aug June 30 using a compilation and evaluation of newsletters and other reports. Print on glossy paper and disseminate to local residents, partners, legislators, etc.</p><p>GOAL 2: Increase district program delivery capabilities. Action Items Goal Who When a) Meet with Polk County Board of Supervisors Annually All Nov & and other entities to secure an annual funding As needed source for staff and other activities. b) Pursue projects and funding to support staff On-going All As needed and other activities. c) Build partnerships to address resource needs 1 Staff As needed and deliver programs to residents of Polk County. d) Meet with elected officials and policymakers 3-5 Commrs. As needed to discuss resource needs and associated funding. invite to public events pre-legislative session meeting at office individual commissioner meeting/contact e) Participate in CDI-SSCC Legislative Day 2 Commrs. Legislative and REAP Day to advocate program funding. Session</p><p>GOAL 3: Fulfill all office and program administration responsibilities. Action Items Goal Who When a) Employ district staff as needed and funding On-going Commrs. As needed will support. b) Perform Annual Audit of district funds. Annually Commrs. Jul and other activities. c) Prepare Annual Work Plan for upcoming Annually Commrs. Jun fiscal year. d) Review Annual Work Plan at district Monthly Commrs. Monthly commissioners meetings. e) Review 5-Year Resource Conservation Plan Annually Commrs. Jan f) Conduct an annual windshield tour of specified Group 4 All May group of townships and maintain an on-going assessment of erosion and resource issues as noted. 1) Union, Madison, Jefferson, Lincoln, Crocker 2) Elkhart, Washington, Franklin, Douglas 3) Delaware, Lee, Allen, Saylor, Bloomfield East 4) Clay, Beaver, Camp, Four Mile 5) Webster, Walnut, Bloomfield West, Des Moines g) Participate in CDI Regional Meetings and As needed Commrs. Mar & Sep Annual Conference. h) Maintain a presence with partner/potential partners As needed Commrs. As needed Heartland RC&D</p><p>12/17/13 3 Developing watershed authorities o Mud, Spring & Camp County and city boards and commissions i) Serve as a member of Four Mile Creek Watershed Quarterly All As needed Authority. j) Consider for approval IFIP and REAP Monthly Commrs. As needed applications. k) Consider for approval conservation plans Monthly Commrs. As needed for all programs. l) Explore fund raising opportunities for Semi- Commrs. Feb & Aug district. (rain barrel sales, plant sales, etc.) annually m) Review Memoranda of Understanding and Annually Commrs. Feb EEO/Civil Rights Policies. n) Maintain up-to-date resource list of contacts On-going Staff On-going for minorities and female landowners, cooperators, contractors, etc. o) Inform minorities and female landowners of Annually All On-going programs and opportunities to serve in the SWCD. (annual report, newsletter, meeting, etc.)</p><p>OBJECTIVE II SOIL RESOURCE OBJECTIVE: Protect and conserve soil resources for future generations.</p><p>GOAL 1: Protect and conserve soil resources on cropland and pastureland. Action Items Goal Who When a) Respond to soil loss complaints in a timely On-going All On-going manner as outlined in the SWCD Policies & Procedures Manual. seek out areas of erosion educate about Iowa’s Erosion Control Law b) Promote awareness of BMP’s to improve soil 3 events Staff On-going health and quality through meetings, field days, demonstrations, articles and other media. Cover crops Nutrient management Tillage management Pasture management c) Promote understanding of and measurement of 5 events Staff On-going soil organic matter through meetings, articles and other media. (See Note 1.) d) Increase adoption of cover crops. 1000 ac. Staff On-going e) Initiate nutrient management assessment. 1 assessment Staff On-going f) Increase adoption of improved tillage practices: Staff On-going No-till 500 ac. Staff On-going Strip till 200 ac. Staff On-going g) Increase adoption of prescribed pasture 40 ac. Staff On-going management. h) Conduct an annual survey to evaluate Annually Staff May tillage practices and identify areas in which</p><p>12/17/13 4 to promote increased adoption of improved tillage management. i) Demonstrate how grass buffer strips could be 1 event Staff June be used to control soil loss and reduce point rows. j) Publicize how to properly shape, seed, and 1 article Staff March maintain grass waterways. k) Inform the public of available incentives. As needed Staff As needed l) Review cost-share policy to be sure that Annually Staff June funds are used to achieve the most conservation with priority in designated project areas. Develop a ranking system. Encourage contractor checkout, but allow for other checkout with staff assistance. Encourage contractors to perform layout of practices, but allow for other layout with staff assistance. m) Work with Co-ops or chemical representatives 1event Staff Jan-Feb to incorporate common actions that achieve protection and conservation of soil resource. Participate in landowner workshops. Focus on Four Mile Watershed in 2014 n) Follow-up by letter or phone with landowners On-going Staff On-going who have completed cost-shared practices to discuss maintenance and answer questions as needed. o) Offer public soil resource information/education 5 events Staff On-going workshops, demonstrations, field days. (See Note 1.)</p><p>GOAL 2: Control soil loss on urban land. Action Items Goal Who When a) Respond to soil loss complaints in a timely On-going All On-going manner as outlined in the SWCD Policies & Procedures Manual. seek out areas of erosion educate about Iowa’s Erosion Control Law b) Promote and utilize incentive funds to install On-going All On-going practices, with priority given in designated project areas. c) Promote soil health and quality through 3 events Staff On-going meetings, articles and other media. (See Note 1.) d) Support efforts being made by Iowa legislators to On-going Commrs. On-going require cities to have erosion control standards. e) Conduct training sessions for developers, 3 events Staff On-going contractors and city and county officials on erosion control practices that could be used to control soil loss in urban areas Land Disturbing Activity (LDA) Regulations </p><p>12/17/13 5 (161A.64, Code of Iowa.) NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permitting f) Encourage cities to establish erosion control 1 All On-going standards to be included in the zoning ordinances. g) Negotiate 28E agreements with cities that 1 Commrs. On-going establish more restrictive standards than what is required by the LDA Regulations. h) Continue to review and comment on proposed On-going Staff On-going plats being developed and document plats that have been evaluated making note of trends. i) Provide information to the public through various 5 events Staff On-going media and demonstration of new stormwater management practices (See Note 1.)</p><p>GOAL 3: Reduce soil loss caused by streambank erosion. Action Items Goal Who When a) Respond to soil loss complaints in a timely On-going All On-going manner as outlined in the SWCD Policies & Procedures Manual. seek out areas of erosion educate about Iowa’s Erosion Control Law b) Collect all available information on controlling On-going Staff On-going streambank erosion including which agencies need to be notified for permits and develop information sheet. c) Inform the public through media, events, etc. that On-going Staff On-going streambank stabilization information is available. d) Conduct stream assessments and use RASCAL On-going Staff On-going to document streambank erosion areas. Strive for countywide compilation. e) Promote BMPs (structural & management), On-going Staff On-going that impact streambank stability. f) Pursue additional funding incentives to implement On-going Staff On-going streambank stabilization practices. g) Follow up on completed streambank stabilization On-going Staff On-going projects to check their effectiveness. </p><p>GOAL 4: Protect fields from soil loss as they come out of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). Action Items Goal Who When a) Promote soil health and quality through 3 events Staff On-going meetings, articles and other media. (See Note 1.) b) Maintain countywide inventory of CRP acres Annually Staff Sep (current and past enrollment). Review annually. Determine need for increased acres. c) Promote the benefits of CRP and encourage On-going Staff & On-going enrollment and re-enrollment.</p><p>12/17/13 6 Inform CRP participants of assistance available to them. d) If CRP participants are not re-enrolling, develop On-going Staff Sep a conservation plan that protects the resources. </p><p>Goal 5 – Communicate with funding entities on the need for increased/adequate resources Action Items Goal Who When a) Develop information/education materials for On-going Staff On-going presentation which can be adapted for specific funding requests. b) Meet with and present funding requests to: 3 events All On-going (Develop a calendar for meetings.) County Board of Supervisors County Conservation Board Municipalities Legislators Agencies (USDA, NRCS, IDALS, DNR, etc.) Organizations (Izaak Walton League, Pheasants Forever, Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation, etc.)</p><p>OBJECTIVE III WATER RESOURCE OBJECTIVE: Protect the quality of surface waters of Polk County.</p><p>GOAL 1: Protect surface waters from pollution caused by runoff from rural and developing urban areas. Action Items Goal Who When a) Follow District Plan as it relates to protecting the On-going All On-going soil resource to reduce soil loss to surface waters. b) Work with landusers and developers within On-going Staff On-going watershed on water quality education and implementation of BMPs. c) Conduct resource assessments on watersheds On-going Staff On-going throughout the county and prioritize them for watershed project funding requests. d) Solicit funds to purchase equipment for water 2-3 units Commrs. On-going quality monitoring. e) Develop water quality monitoring plan for On-going All Jun existing projects and other areas not included in an organized project. f) Work with public and private funding/ On-going All On-going regulatory entities to develop water quality improvement strategies and implementation plans. Four Mile Big Creek Easter Mud, Camp & Spring Creeks Others as needed g) Work with DNR on urban development water On-going Staff On-going quality problems within their statutory authorities.</p><p>12/17/13 7 GOAL 2: Address water quality pollutants to reduce levels of sediment, chemicals/nutrients and bacteria. Action Items Goal Who When a) Promote installation of practices that reduce On-going Staff On-going nutrient loss and focuses on meeting the stated goals of the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy. Help farmers manage nitrogen and phosphorus Utilizing management practices: focusing on application rates, timing, and method, cover crops and living mulches, modifying tillage practices, Utilizing land use practices: using perennial energy crops, extending rotations, grazing pastureland, adding terraces retiring land from cropping Utilizing “edge of field” practices: drainage water management, wetlands, bioreactors, buffers and sediment control basins. b) Compile current information on chemical On-going Staff On-going and nutrient use on rural and urban land. c) Work with lawn care and other service providers 1 event Staff Spring and chemical dealers to incorporate common actions that achieve protection and conservation of water resources. Participate in landowner workshops. Focus on Four Mile Watershed in 2014 d) Inform the public to test soils and to monitor On-going Staff On-going more closely what chemicals and nutrients are are put on rural and urban land. e) Encourage rural and urban landowners to scout On-going Staff On-going their property and apply what chemicals are needed, similar to Integrated Pest Management Programs. f) Promote the use of existing incentives for chemical On-going Staff On-going and nutrient management on rural and urban land. (EQIP, CSP, etc.) g) Assist landowners in the proper disposal of sludge. On-going Staff As needed h) Identify livestock operations that are located along On-going Staff On-going rivers and streams that could create water quality problems. (See Objective III, Goal 1 (c).) i) Use available programs for funding livestock On-going Staff On-going management and stream access practices. (See Objective III, Goal 1 (f).)</p><p>12/17/13 8 OBJECTIVE IV WILDLIFE AND RECREATION OBJECTIVES: Conserve, Enhance, and Protect Wildlife Habitat.</p><p>GOAL 1: Identify existing wetlands and encourage their protection. Action Items Goal Who When a) Complete wetland determinations/plans On-going Staff On-going as requested. (Farm Bill Compliance) b) Develop a county-wide assessment of potential On-going Staff Mar wetland restoration sites. (CRP, CREP) c) Inform the public of benefits of wetlands and On-going Staff On-going successful wetland projects. Keep abreast of what wetland preservation programs are available through conservation agencies and groups Inform landowners what incentives (CRP, CREP) and tax exemptions (i.e. Slough Bill) are available to establish and protect wetlands. d) Publicize successful wetland projects. On-going Staff On-going e) On agricultural land, inform developers of the On-going Staff On-going requirements of FSA, DNR and the Army Corps of Engineers regarding wetland areas.</p><p>GOAL 2: Expand the acres of land planted to trees. Action Items Goal Who When a) Inform landowners on the benefits of planting On-going Staff On-going trees. Work with partners and other entities that promote and offer incentives for tree planting. Inform landowners on programs with available incentive funds for tree planting projects. b) Publicize successful tree planting projects. On-going Staff On-going</p><p>GOAL 3: Encourage the development of habitat. Action Items Goal Who When a) Inform landowners of BMPs that also enhance On-going Staff On-going habitat. Inform landowners on program to implement these BMPs. b) Publicize the benefits of successful habitat On-going Staff On-going development.</p><p>OBJECTIVE V LAND USE AND LAND MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVE: Work with landowners, landusers, developers, policymakers, etc. on using soil and water resources according to land capabilities.</p><p>12/17/13 9 GOAL 1: Encourage the use of soil survey data in the planning and development of areas for rural and urban uses. Action Items Goal Who When a) Request that communities use soil survey data As needed Staff As needed in developing their Master Plans. b) Encourage landowners to use soil survey data As needed Staff As needed in use on rural land. c) Refer to soil information on plat reviews. As needed Staff As needed</p><p>GOAL 2: Preserve prime farmland for agricultural uses in rural areas. Action Items Goal Who When a) Monitor land development plats to insure that As needed Staff As needed prime farmland is protected. b) Participate in public comments for environmental As needed Staff As needed impacts where public facilities such as airports, new highways etc. threaten the preservation of prime farmland. c) Keep current on systems such as Land Evaluation As needed Staff As needed Site Assessment (LESA) currently used to evaluate sites that use federal funds.</p><p>GOAL 3: Provide county jurisdictions and residents with information on abandoned mines to reduce the potential for land subsidence problems. Action Items Goal Who When a) Remind jurisdictions to review the abandon mine As needed Staff As needed map when reviewing proposed development site plans to alert the developer of the potential subsidence issues. b) Refer landowners with subsidence issues to the As needed Staff As needed Mines and Minerals Bureau of the DSC-IDALS and provide assistance as needed.</p><p>Note 1: Polk SWCD public events include but are not limited to: o Backyard Conservation Workshop o Big Creek Appreciation Day o Des Moines Garden Club Presentation (upon request) o DMACC Children’s Water Festival o DMACC Classes (upon request) o ISWEP Activities/Seminars o Izaak Walton League Presentations (upon request) o Rainscaping Workshops . -native landscaping . -rain barrel . -rain garden o Urban Tours o Watershed Cleanup</p><p>12/17/13 10</p>
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