Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014

Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014

<p>Name : ______Taming The FEAR (Feature Article) Writing a Feature Article</p><p>Sec 4 and 5- EESL Student Booklet</p><p>1 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 2 Foreword : For the next classes, you will learn how to write a feature article which is the type of text that you will have to write at the end of the year in the Mels exam. The title of this document is Taming the Fear! Maybe the picture reflects how you feel about article writing. We hope that this step-by-step approach will make it more manageable! Good luck and make sure to practice writing a feature article more than once! Table of Contents</p><p>1. The parts of a Fear 1.1 Students analyse a feature article 1.2 Students complete a matching exercise (words –definitions) 1.3 Students look at the sample article and identify the parts </p><p>2. A Catchy Headline 2.1 Students learn about tips to write catchy headlines 2.2 Students find their own catchy titles</p><p>3. Secondary Headline 3.1 Students read a definition of a secondary headline and the angle 3.2 Students read given topics and angles and decide on the best secondary headline 3.3 Students write a secondary headline starting with a given angle 3.4 Students go back to the titles they wrote in 2.2 and must write secondary headlines</p><p>4. The Lead 4.1 Students read a definition of an introduction and the four techniques used 4.2 Students do a matching exercise (techniques - examples) 4.3 Students write examples for each technique 4.4 Students go back to the sample article and identify the techniques that were used 4.5 Students write their own leads by using one of the technique</p><p>5. Body with its subheadings 5.1 Students must find the elements in the body in the sample article 5.2 Students write a paragraph using a given topic 5.3 Students practice writing captions to pictures </p><p>6. Conclusion 6.1 Students read a definition of a conclusion 6.2 Students read different conclusions and highlight the elements 6.3 Students write a conclusion</p><p>7. Write your first feature article</p><p>3 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 TEACHING CAPSULE #1 The Parts of a FEAR</p><p>Objective: Be able to identify the different parts of the feature article</p><p>1.1 Definition of a feature article</p><p>What are the elements of a feature article ?</p><p> o Go to the next page 4 and look at the features. o Go to page 5 to identify the elements.</p><p>1.2 Matching exercise o Match the words with their definitions</p><p>Different parts of a Definition feature article Quotes It tries to attract the interest of the reader by telling them what the story is about, in a short and interesting way. Side -bar Introduction</p><p>Photograph and caption Data that contributes to the story.</p><p>Headline Sometimes articles will include what a person (like an eye-witness or an expert) has said. These will be in quotation marks. Secondary Headline It specifies the topic and the angle of the article. It informs the reader, with the headline. Lead A story that accompanies the main story.</p><p>Statistics The last paragraph of the text reminds the reading of the controlling idea , suggest a solution and leaves a lasting impression. Conclusion Sometimes articles have a photograph, and a sentence explaining the photograph.</p><p>4 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 5 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 6 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 7 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 TEACHING CAPSULE #2 Writing a catchy headline Objective: Be able to write a great title</p><p>2.1 Tricks used to write catchy headlines </p><p> Look at these examples. What makes them catchy? LOVE – CARS – · 50% of Couples Divorce · Mine is BIGGER! And Faster! · I Will Love You Forever. Really? · A Fortune on Wheels</p><p>SPORTS – PARENTS – · 10 Weeks to a Great Body · Why Parenting Is the Toughest · Hockey Players : 5 Million a Year. Job on Earth Doctors : 250,000 a Year · 5 Reasons Why Stay-at-Home Moms Should Get Paid</p><p>. Summarize your story . Write in the active Voice . Use Simple Present or Imperative . Keep it short . Use Numbers . Use Interesting Adjectives . Use Question Words . Make a promise . Remove unnecessary words</p><p>2.2 Write your own catchy headline</p><p> Find headlines for these topics : </p><p>Topic : Money </p><p>Controlling idea : I never have enough ______</p><p>Controlling idea : It rules the world ______</p><p>8 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 Controlling idea : Money is not essential ______</p><p>Controlling idea : Money is evil ______</p><p>Topic : Teenage Girls in 2015</p><p>Controlling idea : Better in school than boys ______</p><p>Controlling idea : They spend a lot of money for the appearance ______</p><p>● Share them with a partner.</p><p>● Have a vote on the best ones. </p><p>TEACHING CAPSULE #3</p><p>9 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 Writing a secondary headline Objective: Be able to write a great secondary headline that includes the angle</p><p>3.1 Definition</p><p>The secondary headline implicitly includes the angle of the article. The angle is the focus, the perspective. </p><p> Look at the examples of secondary headlines that reflect the chosen angle:</p><p>Headline : We Don’t Want Homework! Secondary Headline : (see below) Angle: The burden of homework on students. </p><p>Examples : - Students in the area of Montreal are protesting against homework. - No time for homework with part-time jobs say teenagers - Why being in school full time is more than enough</p><p>3.2 Read the given topics and angles and choose the best secondary headline. </p><p>1. Topic: Driving Headline : Teenagers are the worst drivers! Angle : Teenagers’ driving habits (Controlling idea: Teenagers are dangerous drivers because they are more reckless.)</p><p>Which secondary headline would be the best ? A- Teenagers tend to be more involved in fatal accidents than other age groups. B- In the last few years, teenage beer consumption has increased.</p><p>10 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 2. Topic: Olympics Headline : Doped Athletes Angle : Drug use by Olympic athletes Controlling idea: The use of drugs is on the rise.</p><p>Which secondary headline would be the best ? A-Only a small percentage of Olympic athletes used drugs to increase their performance. B- Can you win the gold medal without drugs?</p><p>3. Topic: Part-time jobs Headline : Studies Over Money Angle : Students sacrifice education to earn money. Controlling idea: Students are making a bad choice if they work too much. </p><p>Which secondary headline would be the best ? A- Less money but better grades B- More money but no diploma</p><p>4. Topic: Voting Headline: Your Vote Counts! Angle : the impacts of not voting. Controlling idea: Everyone should vote.</p><p>Which secondary headline would be the best ? A- There is a price to pay if we don’t vote. B- The cost of elections is on the rise.</p><p>5. Topic: Electric cars Headline : Electric Power Angle : The impacts of electric cars on the environment Controlling idea: Electric cars are the future.</p><p>Which secondary headline would be the best ? A - Can electric cars save the planet? B – Electric cars now have batteries that last up to decade.</p><p>11 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 3.3 Write a secondary headline starting with a given angle</p><p>Topic Angle Mobile Phones at School The benefits of mobile devices for educational purposes</p><p>Write a headline : ______</p><p>Write a secondary headline : ______</p><p>Topic Angle Credit Cards Spending habits of people who have credit cards</p><p>Write a headline : ______</p><p>Write a secondary headline : ______</p><p>Topic Angle Valentines Day An important day for businesses and restaurants</p><p>Write a headline : ______</p><p>Write a secondary headline : ______</p><p> Share your answers with a partner.  Your teacher will write your answers on the board.</p><p>3.4 Go back to what you wrote in 2.2 and find secondary headlines :</p><p>1. Water - Headline : Secondary headline : ______</p><p>12 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 2. Pollution - Headline : Secondary headline : ______</p><p>3. Money - Headline : Secondary headline : ______</p><p>4. Part-time jobs - Headline : Secondary headline : ______</p><p>5. Cell phones - Headline : Secondary headline : ______</p><p>6. Video games - Headline : Secondary headline : ______</p><p>7. Parties - Headline : Secondary headline : ______</p><p>8. Text messaging etiquette - Headline : Secondary headline : ______</p><p>Your Headline + Secondary Headline should include about 25 words. Do you have that?</p><p>TEACHING CAPSULE #4 Writing the lead Objective: Be able to write a lead using one of the four techniques</p><p>4.1 Definition and techniques</p><p>Definition of a lead : The lead presents the angle and controlling idea of the article.</p><p>● You can use one of these four techniques : o Vivid description o Powerful anecdote o Surprising statement o Pertinent quote</p><p>13 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 ● Look at this this example : ● ● ● Lead 1: Vivid description : ● ● ● ● Alone at night, working until ● We don’t want 2AM to finish a French text comprehension. William is exhausted. homework! (headline) ● ● ● ‘’No time for homework ● Lead 2: Powerful with part-time jobs,’’ say anecdote/surprising statement : ● teenagers. (secondary ● Teenagers who have a part- headline) time job work on average 32 hours per ● week! ● ● ● Lead 3: Pertinent quote : ● ● “I can’t do it ! Something is going to have to change ! I just don’t have the time to do so much homework.” ¨[...] ● ●</p><p>●Go back to your Fear article (Watch Out! Water Shortage Ahead!) and identify the technique.</p><p>● 4.2 Match techniques and examples ● ● ● Vivid ● «My life will never be the same.» description ● ● Powerf ● I fell in love for the first time when I was 5. ul anecdote ● Surpris ● He was tall, strong, imposing. People who saw ing facts him were afraid. ● ● Pertine ● More than half of people in North America are nt quote obese. ● ● ●</p><p>14 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 ● ●</p><p>15 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 ● 4.3 Write a lead using one the techniques ● ● ● My team’s technique: ______●  Practice with one or many of the topics with your team ● ● Headline : Most couples divorce ● Secondary headline : Living together, day after day, year after year: a challenge for all couples ● ● Lead : ● ● ● ● Headline : A fortune on wheels ● Secondary headline : The average cost of a car is equivalent to the salary of an entire year. ● ● Lead : ● ● ● Headline: Hockey players : 5 Million per year. Doctors : 250,000 per year. ● Secondary headline : Should hockey players get paid so much money? ● ● Lead : ● ● ● Headline : The toughest job on Earth : being a parent ● Secondary headline : Studies show parents are more stressed than people who don’t have children. ● ● Lead : ● ● ● 4.4 Identify the technique that was used in the Fear example. (page 5) ● ● ● ● ●</p><p>16 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 ● 4.5 Write your own lead ●  Choose of the topics in 3.4 (from #1 to 8) and write a lead individually. Choose one of the techniques to help you. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● TEACHING CAPSULE #5 ● Writing the body ● Objective: Be able to write the body with the subheadings and adding extra components ● ● ● Definition : ● The body is where you present your reader the information you selected form the research material. It is in line with the angle and supports the controlling idea. It is divided into paragraphs that sometimes have subheadings. A paragraph represents one idea. ● ● 5.1 Find the elements in the body in the sample article (page 5). ●  What words do you remember from Teaching Capsule #1? What are the elements of a feature article ? ● ● ● ●  Go back to your Fear Sample to identify each component.  Read one subheading and the paragraph below. The subheading and the content of the paragraph matches. ● ● ● ●</p><p>17 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 ● Exporting Water ● ● For now, Canada does export water, but only bottled water, as it is not allowed to sell water in bulk, i.e. send it abroad in tanks or through pipelines. However, given the pressure and the increasing shortage of water, current laws may be revised. ● ● The water issue nevertheless runs much deeper. A fundamental, two-fold question is being raised: can a country even own water, or is water a basic human right that transcends borders? If water is a basic right, like the air we breathe, no country can withhold it or sell it for profit. ● ● 5.2 Students write a paragraph using a given topic. ● o Write a paragraph. o Go back to what you wrote before : Headline, Secondary Headline, etc. o You can invent the facts for the purpose of this exercise. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Make sure to add a quote, a fact or an anecdote. ● ● ● ● ● ● Get feedback from your partner. ● ● Count how many words you have. ______● ● ● ●</p><p>18 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 ● 5.3 Practice writing captions to pictures. A caption describes an illustration. ● ● ● ●</p><p>●</p><p>● Practice Caption : ● Caption : ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●</p><p>19 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 ● Caption : ● Caption : ● ●</p><p>● ● ● ● ● ● ● Caption : ● Caption :</p><p>20 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 ● TEACHING CAPSULE #6 ● Writing the conclusion ● Objective: Be able to write a complete conclusion ● ● 6.1 Definition of a conclusion ● ● A conclusion contains these three elements :  Remind the reader of the article’s controlling idea in different words  Suggest a solution or a course of action  Leave a lasting impression with a catchy phrase or an anecdote ● o Read this conclusion from the sample FEAR and explain why it is good : ● ● People need to learn to control the use of freshwater. Governments should sensitise people through ads and work toward implementing control measures such as water meters. Water, water everywhere? If nothing is done, perhaps not for long! (37 words) ● ● ● ● ● 6.2 Highlight these elements in the following conclusions : ●  Remind the reader of the article’s controlling idea in different words – in blue  Suggest a solution or a course of action – in yellow  Leave a lasting impression with a catchy phrase or an anecdote – in red ● ● ● 1.The every day grind harms many couples. Investing in your relationship, being creative and accepting your spouse’s imperfections will keep the flame alive. Studies show that married live longer and healthier than single people. ● ● 2.Cars will put a huge whole in your budget. What about public transportation, car pooling, cycling, walking? Wouldn’t you prefer to take an entire year with the money saved? ● ● 3.Is it unfair that hockey players are millionaires by the age of 20? What if a percentage of their salary could be used for noble causes or used to save lives? Hockey players : 5 million. Kids with health problems : 5 Million ! ● ● 4.If you’re a mom or a dad you’re probably stressed ! Parents have to learn to let go of the idea of being perfect. You’re a parent for life but you don’t have to be stressed all the time. </p><p>21 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 ● 6.3 Write a conclusion based on what you wrote in 5.2. ●  Go back to read what you read in 5.2 and write a conclusion that fits with your topic.  Include the three elements. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Did you ? ● ___Remind the reader of the article’s controlling idea in different words ● ___Suggest a solution or a course of action ● ___Leave a lasting impression with a catchy phrase or an anecdote ● ● ● TEACHING CAPSULE #7 ● Writing a Complete Feature Article ● ● 7.1 Write your first feature article ● o Read the Reading Booklet – Owning a Car o The information you will read in these texts will allow you to write a Feature Article. Underline the passages you think are important. o See template on the next page. ● ● ● ● ●</p><p>22 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 ● TEMPLATE HOW TO WRITE A FEATURE ARTICLE ● o Write down in point form all of the important ideas and facts you want to include about your topic. o Organize these ideas using a t-chart, Venn diagram, idea web or another map. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 1. Write your headline : ______● (Your angle is : Examine the place that cars have in our lives) ●  Go back to Teaching Capsule 2 for help. ● ● 2. Write your secondary headline : ______●  Go back to Teaching Capsule 3 for help. ● ● 3. Write your lead here : ●  Go back to Teaching Capsule 4 for help. ● ● ______</p><p>● ______</p><p>● ______</p><p>● ______</p><p>23 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 ● ______</p><p>● ●</p><p>24 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 ● 4. Write your body with its subheadings here. ● ● ● Subheading: ______● ● ______</p><p>● ______</p><p>● ______</p><p>● ______</p><p>● ______</p><p>● ______</p><p>● ______</p><p>● ______</p><p>● ______</p><p>● ● Subheading: ______● ● ______</p><p>● ______</p><p>● ______</p><p>● ______</p><p>● ______</p><p>● ______</p><p>● ______</p><p>● ______</p><p>● ______</p><p>●</p><p>25 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 ● ●</p><p>26 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014  What picture / photo would be appropriate for your story? ______ What sentence in your story is the most pertinent (a quote) ?      (You will make this “pop” in your article by making it larger and setting it outside your text.)   What facts and statistics can you add in a sidebar?        5. Write your conclusion.   ______</p><p> ______</p><p> ______</p><p> ______</p><p> o Verify the checklist on the next page to make sure to write the best article possible. o Rewrite your text.    </p><p>27 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014 </p><p>28 Montérégie Production. Taming the Fear ; Writing a Feature Article. EESL Sec 4 and 5. 2013-2014</p>

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