<p> BUCS Guide</p><p>League and Cup 1.1 Fixtures All BUCS fixture administration is done through the BUCS Administrator with the Students' Union. This includes but is not limited to; match scheduling, organising transport and booking facilities. The majority of clubs will take part in the weekly Wednesday BUCS league though some sports (e.g. American Football) have their fixtures during the weekend.</p><p>The fixtures for the year are available on the BUCS website from late July onwards but a confirmation email is sent out to club captains and other committee members every Friday detailing the fixtures and transport information for the following week. Any further changes to fixtures or transport after Friday will be communicated to clubs directly. Club members are asked to check the following information, it's the team's responsibility to ensure that these details are correct: Home fixture - start time, opposition, venue Away fixture - start time, opposition, venue, transport details (departure time and bus size) Home teams should be at the facilities in good time for a warm up and to get ready. All buses for away transport depart from outside the HUBS and teams are asked to gather in Pod 4 or Bar Phoenix while waiting for transport to keep the emergency exit clear. We ask that teams are present 15 minutes before departure time so that the buses can leave on schedule. Transport has to be organised in the most cost-effective way so you may experience some delays at venues in waiting for other teams when sharing buses (for more information on transport, please see the General section further on).</p><p>If there are any problems or queries regarding the fixtures or transport, please email the BUCS Administrator (please find Contacts below).</p><p>1.2 Results We need the results of all matches, to input on the BUCS website before 12noon on Thursday so please send your results in straight after your fixture to 0782 586 1715.</p><p>It's also important that you identify the Hallam team you are texting in about as we will be getting over 40 texts through per week i.e. Mens 1st Football - Hallam 3 Loughborough 0. Some sports require extra details so please send these in as well (e.g. rugby - no. of tries, no. of conversions, no. of penalties. Squash - game results as well as match results etc.). If you think an away score has been entered incorrectly, let us know and we will investigate.</p><p>1.3 Rearranging fixtures BUCS set down the dates of fixtures for the season in late July so you are able to see your team's fixtures early on. Be pro-active, check you fixtures and plan out your year, making sure you have people available for all of your fixtures! If you are struggling to fulfil a fixture, please let the BUCS Administrator know as soon as possible! This must be at least 48 hours before the fixture (Monday 12noon deadline for Wednesdays, Friday 12noon deadline for weekend fixtures) - please explain why you'd like the fixture to be moved and when you'd like the fixture to be moved to. If we are notified in time we may be able to rearrange the game.</p><p>All games remain on the set date by BUCS unless you hear otherwise! Games can only be changed if both Universities agree to the change, otherwise fixtures will remain in place and the game must be played. Failing to fulfil a fixture will lead to a walkover against the team - see more details regarding walkovers further on.</p><p>If rearranging a postponed fixture, we must offer one weekday and one weekend date that does not clash with prescheduled fixtures - it would be useful to know the best days for teams to replay these games to help us with rearrangements. This must be arranged within 48 hours of the original scheduled fixture time.</p><p>1.4 Walkovers Walkovers occur when teams are unable to fulfil their fixtures and no rearrangements have been made. Conceding walkovers severely hinders your season as it can lead to a loss of league points, being taken out of cup competitions and even automatic relegation. It also leads to a loss of BUCS points which affects the university's ranking at the end of the season and damages our reputation. Last season, Hallam lost 39 league points and 62.5 BUCS points through walkovers - without walkovers the university could have moved up to 17th place!</p><p>BUCS issues the following sanctions when a team concedes a walkover: One walkover: loss of 3 league points and half overall BUCS Points. Two walkovers: further loss of 3 league points and all BUCS points. Taken out of knockout competitions (prem teams - automatically relegated). Three or more walkovers: further loss of 3 points per occurrence, £100 - £250 fine and a £50 - £100 fine for every additional walkover.</p><p>If the club has done everything they can to fulfil a fixture or if extenuating circumstances stop a team from playing, clubs can appeal to BUCS through the Students' Union for an "Involuntary Walkover". This may stop the above sanctions from being enforced.</p><p>If the club fails to notify the Students' Union in time to rearrange fixtures or has little reasoning for not sending a team out, the club is liable to all BUCS fines or transport costs that come from this.</p><p>HALLAM DON'T DO WALKOVERS </p><p>1.5 Team sheets and team selection For every fixture, clubs must sort out their team selections and complete team sheets. Team sheets are attached in the weekly Friday email and must be completed, sent in to the Students' Union before the fixture, brought to every match and returned to the Students' Union after the fixture. Students wearing numbered kit must be listed on the team sheet next to that number and/or a note of their kit number should be shown.</p><p>Team sheets must be exchanged with the opposition BEFORE the fixture begins along with the Student IDs of all players to confirm that all students are eligible to participate. BUCS run spot checks to see team sheets for the year and failure to provide them may lead to loss of league and BUCS points!</p><p>1. Complete accurate team sheets and send in to the Students' Union by 12noon the day before the fixture 2. Bring team sheets to fixtures along with every player's student ID 3. Exchange with opposition before KO, confirming their eligibility and completing the second half of the team sheet 4. Hand in completed team sheet to Students' Union by 3pm the following day</p><p>1.6 Playing Under Protest - problem with a fixture? Upon arriving at a fixture, if the team feels there is a breach in any BUCS regulations (e.g. pitch condition, team turning up late, ineligible players) they can complete a playing under protest form. This must be completed before kick off or as soon as the grievance is noted. Once completed the opposing captain MUST sign the form, they cannot refuse to do so and they also have a chance to state their side.</p><p>BUCS Regulations are available on the BUCS website and remember that it is the club's responsibility to familiarise yourselves with your sport specific regulations so you are not caught out and no rules are broken!</p><p>Tips for playing under protest: Play the game! - at the end of the day, we're all here to play sport - whether you're playing under protest or not, make sure the game gets played and get a Hallam win! Bring a playing under protest form to every game - you never know when you'll need one! Complete the form being factual and objective - leave opinions out of it and just state what happened Get evidence - if the problem is about the conditions of the pitch, take pictures of the grounds. If the opposition turned up late, note the time that they did turn up etc. Hand in the form to the Students' Union by 12noon on Thursday - the form means nothing unless it's handed into BUCS! Make sure you send the form in to allow time for the Sports Team to assess its validity and write up the appeal</p><p>Completing the form gives us the right to appeal the result of the game but does not guarantee that the outcome will change - BUCS judges the appeals based on the effect that the grievance had on the result of the fixture. Playing under protest forms should only be completed for breaches in BUCS regulations. For example, you cannot protest to BUCS, the decision of a qualified official.</p><p>Once handed in, the Sports Team will discuss the appeal to decide its validity and to decide whether the students union can fund the appeal. If not, the club is still able to submit the form through the Students' Union but will have to fund the appeal themselves (£50).</p><p>If you receive a playing under protest form from another University, make sure you sign it, state your case and inform the Students' Union that this happened.</p><p>1.7 Officials It is the team's responsibility to ensure that appropriate officials are organised for each fixture - failure to do so can lead to an automatic walkover against you! There are different standards of officials needed for different tiers of BUCS, you can find the guidance in the rules and regulations section of the BUCS website here. If you or your club would like assistance in finding officials for your sport, please contact the Sports Team at the students union.</p><p>YOUR WEEK Monday Let the BUCS Administrator know if there are any problems with Wednesday's match by 12noon Make sure appropriate officials have been arranged for your fixture Weekend fixtures: return completed teamsheet to the Students' Union, send in results and report in any problems, accidents or disputes Tuesday Send in team sheets to the BUCS Administrator by 12noon Check emails to see if there are any last minute changes/cancellations Wednesday Check emails in case of cancellations GAME DAY REMEMBER: team sheet, playing under protest form, student ID Arrive at venue/HUBS in good time for the fixture/departure! Exchange and verify team sheets with opposition before kick off Get a win for Team Hallam! Send the result to 07825861715 (e.g. Men's 1st Football, Hallam 3 Loughborough 0) Thursday Return completed teamsheets to the Students' Union by 3pm Report in any problems, accidents or disputes from the previous day Any playing under protest forms to be handed in by 12pm Friday Receive weekly email confirming fixture start times, venues and travel arrangements Check and confirm these with your teams, inform the BUCS administrator if there are any problems Weekend fixtures: send in team sheets and, if the fixture is away, trip forms</p><p>Individuals 2.1 Entries BUCS hold a number of Individual Championship events in many sports throughout the year. Details of competitions available can be found in the sport specific sections of the BUCS website: www.bucs.org.uk/sports.</p><p>To enter a BUCS individual competition, please follow these steps: 1. Go onto the BUCS website and check the details of the competition; entry deadline, competition date, entry information etc. 2. Contact the BUCS Administrator as soon as you know you want to enter a competition - at least ONE WEEK prior to the entry deadline. 3. Discuss the entry and funding with the Sports Team at the Students' Union (see below) 4. Send in the following information; full name, gender, student number, club (if relevant), the competition that you'd like to enter, the event you'd like to enter and any additional entry details needed for the event (found on BUCS website)</p><p>* If you are entering a competition as a club, please collate the information for all athletes who are being entered and send it in as a group. *</p><p>If you'd like to come in to discuss or work through the entries, please book a meeting with the BUCS Administrator.</p><p>2.2 Funding While we aim to support students to compete in these competitions and represent the University, due to our ever growing program, we are unable to fund everyone who would like to enter. For BUCS individual events, funding from the Students' Union varies based predominantly on the criteria below. Funding may cover contributions to; competition entries, transport and accommodation. If a student does not receive Students' Union funding, they may still enter but must this must be fully funded by the club or individual.</p><p>A decision towards funding will be made based on the following areas; Team Hallam members BUCS Points - individuals likely to be awarded BUCS points. This can be determined based on personal bests and previous performances in BUCS and other competitions. Development Opportunities - evidence that experiencing the competition will develop the athlete to represent the university in future competitions. Competitive opportunities available within the sports programme and the level of competition available</p><p>For details on how to book transport and accommodation for these events, please see the General section.</p><p>General Information 3.1 Trips All trip organisation must be booked through the Students' Union (see transport and accommodation below). Teams and athletes must fill in a Trip Registration Form for all trips and sporting events other than weekly Wednesday BUCS fixtures - trip forms must be completed for weekend away BUCS fixtures. If the sports activity is on Sheffield Hallam property i.e. sports park, teams need not complete a form. It is extremely important that these forms are completed as they will provide you with security protection cover and out of hours contact numbers (regular hours: 9am-5pm Monday-Friday) in case of transport problems or other emergencies. Trip registration forms can be found on the union website under Club Committee Resources and must be completed and handed in to the Students' Union 48 hours before the start of the event.</p><p>3.2 Transport Transport for away league fixtures is sorted the week before a fixture and is finalised on Friday afternoons. This is fully funded by the Students' Union and transport to fixtures will usually be through buses though trains and cars may be organised for fixtures on a case-by- case basis. Transport will not be organised for home fixtures or fixtures hosted by the University of Sheffield. However, a shuttle bus service may be in operation on Wednesdays between the HUBS and the Sports Park depending the amount of fixtures taking place at the Sports Park - this will be confirmed in the weekly Friday email.</p><p>Transport bookings for all sports events/competitions must be made through the students union. To organise transport, you must contact the Sports Team at the students union with the following information; club name, number and names of people travelling, date(s) of travel, event start time and end time, destination and purpose of travel.</p><p>Additional information is also needed for the following modes of transport: Buses: any storage requirements Trains: details of any passengers who have valid railcards Hire Car (Enterprise): type of vehicle (3 seater, 4 seater etc.), driver information - full name, date of birth (must be 21 and over), address, contact number, license number Personal transport: if you want to take your own vehicle to a sporting event, you must let us know and register this with the Students' Union beforehand in order to claim money back afterwards. We will need electronic copies of your MOT, insurance and both parts of your driver's licence. Petrol cover will be funded at a rate of 45p per mile from the HUBS (S1 2QQ) to the postcode of the venue and back. Only registered drivers who are confirmed to be driving can claim money back for those specific trips.</p><p>Funding for BUCS individuals also covers transport to the BUCS events which will be arranged in the most cost-effective manner. Funding for transport, as well as accommodation, to all additional sports events will be addressed on a case by case basis based predominantly on the following; Standard of competition (national, county, local etc.) Amount of competitive opportunities available within the sports programme</p><p>3.3 Accommodation Any accommodation for sports fixtures or events must be organised through the Students' Union! This is so that we're aware of any trips taking place and so that all finance is done through the club and Students' Union accounts so that you are not left out of pocket. No accommodation will be paid for by the Students' Union after the competition has finished.</p><p>It is only in exceptional circumstances that clubs traveling significant distances will be offered accommodation from the Students' Union. Accommodation funding may not be offered to events in close proximity and events with a short duration.</p><p>For regular BUCS fixtures, if the team can depart the HUBS at 6.30am and reach the away venue an hour before the start time, the union cannot contribute to accommodation. If this is not the case, contributions may be made as with the individual events detailed above.</p><p>To book accommodation, clubs should decide what accommodation they'd like to stay in, how long they'd like to stay for, how many people need booking for (including coaches and drivers) and what type of rooms (single/twin/double) can/can't be booked. Clubs should then bring this information into the union to make the booking. Clubs must make sure they have enough money in their account BEFORE the booking otherwise no booking can be made. Athletes who are being funded will be given £15/person/night for accommodation; any additional cost must be paid for by the club or individual.</p><p>3.4 Misconduct BUCS Regulation on misconduct, 17.1: Every member institution and its clubs shall be responsible for ensuring that its players, officials and all persons purporting to be its supporters or followers conduct themselves in an orderly fashion whilst attending or taking part in by the above shall render the institution and its clubs liable to a charge of misconduct for failing to discharge its said responsibility. Failure to adhere to this regulation may render the institution and its clubs liable to a charge of misconduct for failing to fulfill its said responsibilities and/or additional charge(s) of bringing BUCS into disrepute.</p><p>Examples of behavior the company would deem an institution and its clubs liable to a charge of misconduct and/or disrepute are: Violent, threatening, abusive, obscene or provocative behaviour, conduct or language; Disregarding requests/instructions of Tournament Directors or appointed officials; Encroachment on the playing area by spectators or unauthorised persons, save for reasons of safety; Throwing missiles, bottles or other potentially harmful or dangerous objects at, onto or adjacent to the playing area. Every member institution and its clubs shall be responsible for ensuring that its players, officials and all persons purporting to be its representatives do not conduct themselves or print / have published any material which will bring the company into disrepute including social media platforms. All students participating in BUCS and other sports competitions are representing Sheffield Hallam University and Sheffield Hallam Students' Union and are expected to uphold the goodwill and values of the institution. All people traveling away must adhere to the home institution's rules and regulations, treating the facilities and staff members with respect and dignity. No alcohol is to be consumed while traveling to, from or while present at any University sports fixtures or events.</p><p>3.5 Team Hallam Contacts</p><p>BUCS Administrator - fixtures, transport, accommodation, all things BUCS Lydia Smith [email protected] 0114 225 3345 (0782 586 1715)</p><p>Sports Club Programme Leader - club development, committee queries Kirstie Carruthers [email protected] 0114 225 3312</p><p>Social Sports Facilitator - social sport, sport activators Ellen Holmes [email protected] 0114 225 5317</p><p>Activities Administrator - transport, accommodation, kit, equipment, miscellaneous Sarah Clayton [email protected] 0114 225 4124</p><p>Sport Development Officer - facility bookings, team coaches Ryan Amos [email protected] 0114 225 5765</p><p>Sport Development Intern - facility bookings Jordan Butler [email protected] 0114 225 2210</p><p>Performance Athlete Support Officer - PASP, TASS, performance athletes Helen Roberts [email protected] 0114 225 6401</p><p>Sports Officer - ideas, Varsity, feedback, representative queries Emily Wilkes [email protected] 0114 224 4532</p><p>General Queries [email protected]</p><p>Sports Manager Joel Kesterton [email protected] 0114 225 3311</p>
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