<p> Offord Cluny & Offord Darcy Parish Council</p><p>M I N U T E S O F M E E T I N G </p><p>Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Offord Cluny on Thursday, April 2, 2015 at 7.30pm Present: Cllrs Gimblett, Weitzel, Bargh, Gatward, Young, Eayrs, Tomlin & Dawson In attendance: District Cllrs Boddington & West, Clerk</p><p>2015/1517 Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from Cty Cllr Wisson & Cllr James</p><p>2015/1518 Open Forum (max 10 minutes) No public present</p><p>2015/1519 Declarations of Interest and Dispensation for Agenda items only (Section 27 Localism Act 2011) None</p><p>2015/1520 To Approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on March 5, 2015 The Minutes were approved as an accurate record and signed</p><p>2015/1521 Matters Arising from Minutes dated February 5, 2015 (information only) None not contained within current Agenda</p><p>2015/1522 District & County Councillor Reports</p><p>Cllr Boddington addressed the meeting and informed Council that she was pleased to announce the HDC Grant Fund, Community Chest, total amount had been doubled and that the list of last year’s successful applicants would be forwarded for information. She also confirmed that she had attended the meeting on the A14 and would keep Council informed.</p><p>Cllr West addressed the meeting and confirmed he had also attended the A14 meeting and had made it clear that The Offords needed to be taken into more consideration as they were going to suffer the greatest effect. </p><p>No County Council report.</p><p>1 2015/1523 Finance, Risk Assessment & General Purposes</p><p>1523.1 To Accept the Financial Information The financial information circulated by the Clerk was accepted.</p><p>1523.2 To approve and sign the balance sheet The Balance Sheet was accepted as a true record and signed</p><p>2015/1524 To approve payments & sign cheques The following payments were approved and cheques signed</p><p>100913 Paul Marshall Village Maintenance £393.00 100914 Easiprint Annual Report £190.00 100915 J Stanbridge Salary £426.00 100916 J Stanbridge Homeworking & Travel £93.63 100917 J Stanbridge Office Expenses (Ink Cart.) £37.00 100918 HMRC Tax & NI £105.31 100919 Marshall Wooldridge Cricket Club Insurance £265.00</p><p>2015/1525 Leisure & Amenities The following Minutes and the actions contained within them were approved. LEISURE & AMENITIES COMMITTEE</p><p>M I N U T E S </p><p>Minutes of a Meeting of the Leisure & Amenities Committee held in the meeting room of the Village Hall, Offord Cluny on Monday, March 30, 2015 at 7pm</p><p>Present: Cllrs Gatward, Dawson, Bargh, Eayrs, Weitzel, Andy Scott-Donkin (Cricket) & Clerk </p><p>Before the meeting opened Cllr Gatward welcomed Andy Scott-Donkin to the meeting. Andy explained that he had a little more time now to become involved in the Committee, and possibly Council in general, and that although he lived in Godmanchester now his children still attended the Offords School and he was very keen to continue the development of Cricket in the parish. It was agreed that he would attend just L&A meetings for now.</p><p>2015/283 Apologies for Absence Apologies were received from Cllr Gimblett</p><p>2015/284 Declarations of Interest and dispensations for Agenda Items (Localism Act 2011)</p><p>2 None</p><p>2015/285 Approval of Minutes dated February 23, 2015 The Minutes were approved and signed</p><p>2015/286 Review of Actions from Minutes dated February 23, 2015 The actions for items not contained within the current Agenda were reviewed. The Clerk confirmed that the metal notices for Deep Water and No Dogs had been ordered and would be delivered to Cllr Gatward on April 17. The other emergency contact notices had been given to Cllr Gatward for laminating and fixing on both the Millennium Green and Recreation Ground.</p><p>2015/287 Millennium Green (OMGT)</p><p>287.1 Removal of Dog Waste Bins Council had received two emails from residents complaining about the removal of the dog bins – one via District Cllr Boddington. Following various email exchanges and after explaining the current situation which was that Council had been unable to arrange for the emptying of the bins either on a voluntary or paid basis it was left that the resident concerned would make contact with other dog walkers who used to green to established whether or not between them they could deal with the problem. Nothing had been heard since this exchange. Before the meeting began Cllr Gatward and the Clerk walked the green checking for dog waste and litter and also checked the play equipment. It was noted that there was no litter or waste anywhere on the MG. A resident who was walking her dog explained that she had seen another resident with a black bag clearing up. This was good news and perhaps meant that some sort of group had been formed. It was agreed to wait and see how the situation developed.</p><p>287.2 Litter on The Green As noted above, there was no litter on the MG when Cllr Gatward and the Clerk inspected. Two of the litter bins remained taped up to avoid dog waste being put into them but two had been opened, presumably by residents. It was hoped that dog waste had not been deposited because the handyman would not collect this. The bins were due to be emptied the following day.</p><p>287.3 Millennium Green Committee Formation</p><p>3 It was agreed that a more informal approach would be taken with Council gladly accepting any form of help from volunteers.</p><p>287.4 Restoration of area of former Sandpit The sandpit was also highlighted in the complaint. It had already been agreed that the area would be filled with topsoil followed by the laying of turf but at the moment the topsoil pile that Cllr Eayrs had organised was far too wet to move. This would have to wait for warmer weather.</p><p>287.5 Regrading of area under play equipment/approval of Quotation from Madingley Mulch for play bark As the item above re the regarding with topsoil. The quote from Madingley Mulch was just under £1000. Cllr Dawson suggested the bark be raked to bulk it up again which should result in less being needed. It was agreed that the amount ordered initially would be 6 bags which would half the cost. Cllr Dawson also suggested that the Clerk made contact with the school to see where they got their play bark from.</p><p>Action: Clerk</p><p>287.6 Collection of Equipment from former Trustees The items held by the former Trustees were discussed. It was decided that some items were of no use to Council and would be disposed of and the others stored in the storage container on the Recreation Ground (once it had had a tidy!) It was agreed that Cllr Bargh would speak with the operatives of the local waste recycling site to see whether they would take the items for no charge and arrangements would then be made for the removal of the items.</p><p>Action: Cllrs Bargh,Gatward & Eayrs</p><p>287.7 PC Approval for organised events Cllr Gatward relayed a query from a resident regarding the holding of the Dog Show on the MG. It appeared there had been some misunderstanding re this as Council was not opposed to the MG being used in this way providing its insurance requirements were met. The Clerk was asked to contact the person concerned.</p><p>4 Cllr Dawson raised the question of the Firework Display for 2015. Some residents had offered to help with the event as it was much missed last year. It was felt that this could be an event organised by the Football Club to raise funds for the Pavilion. Councillors agreed they would be happy to help. The Clerk was asked to contact Kimbolton Fireworks to discuss costs and dates and alternative quotes would be sought. </p><p>Action: Clerk </p><p>2015/288 Recreation Ground</p><p>288.1 Maintenance Plan/Schedule The Clerk had been sent a proposed maintenance schedule from Ross Kettleborough. The works needed would take most of the maintenance budget for the year. It was felt that at the moment, with the pitches still being used until the end of April, it was not the right time to undertake these works anyway so the item would remain on the agenda for the next meeting.</p><p>288.2 Mole/Rabbit problem on the Recreation Ground The problem was discussed but it was felt that any permanent solution acceptable for the designation of the area would be far too costly. It was hoped that once regular cutting was resumed (and the first cut had just been made) then the vibration would go some way to deterring the moles and the rabbit holes would have to be continued to be filled before matches. Further discussions would take place if the situation escalated.</p><p>288.3 Update from Pavilion Project Meeting The members of the Pavilion Project team updated the members on the meeting held the previous week. It had been agreed that amendments would be made to the plans to facilitate the requirements of the FA to allow grants to be made towards the provision. Although it was noted that the FA would not fund a verandah it was agreed that this was required and could form part of an Inspired Facilities grant which would concentrate on the Cricket Provision. Daniel Woo was already looking into various grants and the application deadlines were known. It was noted that all grant applications should be made by the Council because purchases had to be made by the receiving body and the Council could reclaim the VAT. Eventual running costs had</p><p>5 been discussed and costs from other clubs had been forwarded by the Clerk which resulted in an estimation of £2000 per year. It had been agreed that all users of the Pavilion should contribute towards the running costs.</p><p>Steve Cooper was arranging a meeting with Hunts FA to discuss further.</p><p>Utility provision was discussed by the committee, in particular water. The Clerk was asked to arrange a meeting with Edmund Thornhill who would probably have plans to locate exactly where the nearest supply was and also discuss the possibility of financial support for the Project.</p><p>Action: Clerk</p><p>288.4 Update from meeting with Hunts Cricket Board Cllrs Bargh and Gatward confirmed that they had a very productive meeting with Kevin Clement from the Hunts Cricket Board who had confirmed his support to get Cricket up and running in the Offords but unfortunately was not able to offer any financial support at this time. He did mentioned the Inspired Facilities grants which were often used for Cricket Development.</p><p>Andy Scott-Donkin confirmed that the response the previous year to junior cricket had been very promising with 30 children taking part. There had been problems with the playing surface and therefore no matches had been played but despite that the group remained very positive and questions had already been asked this year if it was to occur again. The financial support provided by Council last year had not been utilised and it was agreed that Council could support this year by paying the insurance premium – in the region of £220 (tbc). The surface problem last year was that the synthetic surface needed to be installed properly when the ground was very wet and with a roller. It was agreed that a roller would be hired and that Cllr Eayrs would take the water to flood the area to prepare the wicket. It was confirmed that as soon as the football club had finished its last match at the end of April the Cricket Club would take over so this was the ideal time to install the wicket which would be placed between the two pitches. It was agreed that senior cricket should also be promoted.</p><p>Action: Andy Scott-Donkin/Cllr Eayrs</p><p>6 288.5 Provision of ‘taster’ sports on the RG The email from Hunts Sports Development team had been forwarded to all. It was agreed that more information should be obtained as to the actual sports on offer but that in principal it was a good idea and one that Council should put in place.</p><p>The Clerk was asked to place the order for the small storage unit to be placed alongside the MUGA for stage of the MUGA sports items.</p><p>Action: Clerk</p><p>2015/289 Allotments It was confirmed that all was well at the allotments. No rabbit issues had been reported since the allotments had been fenced. The waiting list remained.</p><p>2015/290 Cemetery No problems to report at the cemetery.</p><p>2015/291 St Peter’s Churchyard</p><p>291.1 Interpretation Board Cllr Dawson confirmed she had received all the artwork and costings from Lynne Harris. The costings were far in excess of the budgeted funds. It was felt that a cheaper but as effective solution could be found using the existing artwork and an A1 laminate board erected in a rustic style. Costings would be sought.</p><p>Action: Cllrs Bargh & Eayrs</p><p>2015/292 General Village Maintenance</p><p>292.1 To receive quotation for restoration of village signs A quotation of just under £1000 had been received from the original supplier of the signs. Although this was higher than expected it was explained that most of the cost was attached to the Offord Cluny sign which needed to be removed from site to be worked on and that this was a two man job. The Clerk was asked to see whether there were any alternative skilled craftsmen in the area but if not then a recommendation to Full Council would be to accept the quote.</p><p>7 Cllr Dawson mentioned that it was very difficult to pin items to the notice boards. It was agreed that cork board would be purchased and fitted. The maker of the two faulty noticeboards had agreed to remove and repair them.</p><p>2015/293 Any Urgent Business In accordance with section 100(B)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) the Chair will admit an item of urgent business in order that it can be dealt with at the earliest opportunity provided it has been raised at least 24 hours before the meeting. None</p><p>2015/294 The meeting closed at 8.30pm and next meeting confirmed as Monday, April 27th at 7pm.</p><p>**************************************</p><p>2015/1526 Planning Cllr Young reviewed the planning meeting held immediately before Full Council.</p><p>2015/1527 Annual Parish Meeting 2015 – Saturday, April 25 It was confirmed that all was in hand for the meeting. The Banner would be erected and the Agendas would be placed on the noticeboards. The copies of the Annual Report had been distributed to every household. Cllrs willing to give a hand to set up for the meeting were asked to meet at the hall at 10am.</p><p>2015/1528 Out & About – Production from end of year – Update if available Cllr Bargh confirmed that although the information had been published in Out & About no volunteers had come forward to assist. It was agreed to leave this on the Agenda and review next month to allow time for alternative communication between the Parish Council and residents to be discussed and put into place by the end of the year.</p><p>2015/1529 Network Rail’s Review of Crossings – Update if available No update available</p><p>2015/1530 A14 Huntingdon – Cambridge Improvement Scheme – Update if available Cllr Weitzel confirmed that he had attended the regional seminar at the Marriott Hotel in Huntingdon hosted by Mike Evans. It was apparent to him that many of the other Councils affected by the scheme were not aware of the deadlines or proceedures, so much of the time was spent explaining these. The plan was to hold these meetings every three months.</p><p>2015/1531 Council Membership Members agreed that recruitment was an important issue, not just for the two vacancies currently on the Council but also because there would be another 2 </p><p>8 members leaving in the short term. It was agreed to raise this issue at the Annual Parish Meeting and in the meantime Councillors would continue to sound out interested parties.</p><p>2015/1532 Councillor Reports</p><p>Cllr Gatward confirmed that he had managed to sell many of the Offords books. It was agreed that one would be taken to the forthcoming meeting with Edmund Thornhill in case he did not already have one.</p><p>Cllrs Eayrs confirmed that the potholes in New Road and Station Lane had been filled. There was a major problem in Graveley Road with the ‘grips’ that had been installed which were considered to be too numerous and too close together which did not allow farm and other large vehicles to pull over to allow traffic to pass for fear of damaging their vehicles. The Clerk was asked to contact Highways as a matter of urgency re this.</p><p>There was also a large amount of deterioration in the road itself especially between Cotton Farm and Graveley due to the large and heavy grain vehicles.</p><p>2015/1533 Notices & Correspondence All emailed to Councillors as it arrived.</p><p>2015/1534 Any Urgent Business In accordance with section 100(B)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) the Chair will admit an item of urgent business in order that it can be dealt with at the earliest opportunity provided it has been raised at least 24 hours before the meeting. None</p><p>2015/1535 The meeting closed at 8.42pm and Next meeting Date confirmation as Thursday, May 7 th , 2015 (Annual General Meeting) at 7.30pm in the Church Rooms, Offord Darcy</p><p>9</p>

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