<p> Quickr 8.5.1 Fixpack Install Instructions</p><p>Table of Contents Important information before beginning install Installing a Fixpack using the Fixpack Installer for Win32 Installing a Fixpack using the Fixpack Installer for AIX / Linux Installing a Fixpack by copying directories and files Upgrading your places and other Quickr Domino databases Upgrading offline installations Documentation Updates / Addendums Additional Information for special fixes Merging Notification Template Updates TroubleShooting Quickr 8.5.1 Fix List</p><p>Important information before beginning install Information for customers with locked down client environments: This current build, dated 2011/11/28 does not have an updated qp2.cab. The previous most recent update to qp2.cab was in dated 2011/01/21.</p><p>2011/09/07 - Notification Template Updates As of 2011/09/07, a new section has been added to describe how to merge updates to Notification Templates. This section will also list each fix that contains an updated template along with the template files that should be merged to get the updated functionality.</p><p>2010/09/29 – Fix List information As of 2010/09/09, the Fix List will contain both the SPR and APAR number if an APAR number exists. The APAR information is useful when dealing with support.</p><p>Page 1 of 19 Installing a Fixpack using the Fixpack Installer for Win32 Prerequisites: Win32 based system Java JRE 1.5 or above must be installed on the host OS of the server. The Domino program directory (eg: c:\Program Files\IBM\Domino) must be in the System PATH variable. To Access: Right Click on My Computer/Properties/Advanced/Environment Variables: </p><p> If the Domino Program directory is not listed, Click Edit and append it to the list.</p><p>Location of the Fixpack jar file: Place the Fixpack jar file on the Domino server in the following location: {Domino Program directory}\jvm\lib\ext To avoid confusion and mistakes, please be sure to remove any existing Quickr FixPack jar files from this directory before placing and installing the new FixPack. This will ensure you are installing the correct FixPack version. </p><p>How to Install: The Domino Server is required to be shutdown to run the Lotus Quickr Fixpack Installer. </p><p>The Quickr Domino Fixpack Installer can be launched in the by either: Double clicking on the Fixpack jar file located in the {Domino program directory}\jvm\lib\ext directory or From a command line in the {Domino program directory}\jvm\lib\ext directory, type the following command: java -jar {Quickr85_FP####.jar}</p><p>Once the installer launches, you will be prompted to select the notes.ini file of the Domino server that you wish to upgrade.</p><p>The Fixpack Installer will backup the original files to the directory: {Domino Program directory}\QRD_FP####_{FixpackDate}_Backup. </p><p>To change the default backup directory from the Domino Program directory to a different drive \ directory, create a notes.ini variable named QuickrFPInstallerBackupDirectory and set its value to the drive:\directory to backup to. Example: QuickrFPInstallerBackupDirectory=d:\FixpackBackup</p><p>Once the original files have been backed up, the Fixpack files will be installed.</p><p>When the Fixpack installer has completed, you will be prompted to review the installation logs located in the Fixpack backup directory {Domino Program directory}\ QRD_FP####_{FixpackDate}_Backup which will have the following files and directories: AllPlatforms contains backup files W32 contains backup files Backup.log List of files that were backed up during the Fixpack installation Error.log List of errors (if any) that were encountered during the Fixpack installation FP.log List of files that were installed by the Fixpack Installer</p><p>The Lotus Quickr Fixpack installation is complete.</p><p>Page 2 of 19 Installing a Fixpack using the Fixpack Installer for AIX / Linux</p><p>Prerequisites: AIX or Linux based system Java JRE 1.5 or above must be installed on the host OS of the server.</p><p>Location of the Fixpack jar file: The Fixpack jar file doesn’t have to be located in any specific directory</p><p>How to Install: The Domino Server is required to be shutdown to run the Lotus Quickr Fixpack Installer. </p><p>You must be logged in as root in order to install.</p><p>From a command line in the directory that contains the Fixpack jar, type the following command: java -jar {Quickr85_FP####.jar} To avoid confusion and mistakes, please be sure to remove any existing Quickr FixPack jar files from this directory before placing and installing the new FixPack. This will ensure you are installing the correct FixPack version. </p><p>Once the installer launches, you will be prompted to enter the location of the notes.ini file of the Domino server that you wish to upgrade.</p><p>To override being prompted for the location of the notes.ini file, you can enter the location of the notes.ini on the commandline by using the -ini parameter: java -jar {Quickr81_FP####.jar} -ini /local/notesdata</p><p>The Fixpack Installer will backup the original files to the directory: {Domino Program directory}/QRD_FP####_{FixpackDate}_Backup. (Domino Program directory typically being: /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/latest/ibmpow/ for aix /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/latest/linux/ for linux)</p><p>To change the default backup directory from the Domino Program directory to a different directory, create a notes.ini variable named QuickrFPInstallerBackupDirectory and set its value to the directory to backup to. Example: QuickrFPInstallerBackupDirectory=/local/FixpackBackup</p><p>Once the original files have been backed up, the Fixpack files will be installed.</p><p>When the Fixpack installer has completed, you will be reminded to review the installation logs located in the Fixpack backup directory {Domino Program directory}/ QRD_FP####_{FixpackDate}_Backup which will have the following files and directories: AllPlatforms contains backup files aix or linux contains backup files of platform dependant files Backup.log List of files that were backed up during the Fixpack installation Error.log List of errors (if any) that were encountered during the Fixpack installation FP.log List of files that were installed by the Fixpack Installer</p><p>The Lotus Quickr Fixpack installation is complete.</p><p>Troubleshooting: If, when launching the installer, you receive an error message “Do not run Domino as root”, then you have the /opt/ibm/lotus/bin directory in your path and java is running from this directory. This java binary cannot be used to launch the installer, please add a different java installation to the beginning of your path before launching.</p><p>Page 3 of 19 Installing a Fixpack by copying directories and files Start by extracting the contents of the Fixpack file from the Fixpack zip or the Win32, AIX or linux FixPack jar file into a temporary folder / directory. These archives contain the files needed for upgrade, the difference being the jar file has additional files used for installation that are not necessary if upgrading via manual copy.</p><p>Upon extraction, view the temporary directory you created. Directories created after extracting the zip file: AllPlatforms w32 AIX linux</p><p>If using the jar file, from the root of the jar go into the directory named FixPackFiles and then go into the directory named Quickr_FP####_{FixpackDate}, within this directory you will find the following directories: For Win32 Fixpack jar: AllPlatforms w32 For AIX Fixpack jar: AllPlatforms AIX For Linux Fixpack jar: AllPlatforms linux</p><p>These directories contain files and directories that can be easily copied to their final destination.</p><p>Let’s start with your OS: Win32 If you are using a Win32 based system copy all of the files in the w32 directory directly into your Domino Program directory, IE: C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino AIX If you are using AIX, copy all of the files in the AIX directory directly into your Domino Program Directory, IE: /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/latest/ibmpow linux If you are using linux, copy all of the files in the linux directory directly into your Domino Program Directory, IE: /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/latest/linux</p><p>Now go into the AllPlatforms directory you will find the following: (file) quickplace.jar – Copy this file directly into your Domino Program directory (directory) data – Copy the contents of this directory including all of its files and subdirectories to your Domino Data directory IE: C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Data or /local/notesdata (directory) html – Copy the contents of this directory including all of its files and subdirectories to your Domino Data\Domino\html directory IE: C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Data\Domino\html or /local/notesdata/domino/html (directory) LotusQuickr – Copy the contents of this directory including all of its files and subdirectories to your Domino Data\LotusQuickr directory IE: C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Data\LotusQuickr or /local/notesdata/LotusQuickr *Please Note: if you have upgraded from a previous version of QuickPlace, you may not have a LotusQuickr directory. If you do not then copy the entire contents to your Domino Data\QuickPlace directory IE: C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Data\QuickPlace (directory) QuickPlace – Copy the contents of this directory including all of its files and subdirectories to your Domino Data\QuickPlace directory IE: C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Data\QuickPlace or /local/notesdata/QuickPlace</p><p>Once these files have been copied, the Lotus Quickr Fixpack installation is complete.</p><p>Page 4 of 19 Upgrading your places and other Quickr Domino databases After upgrading the files on your Lotus Quickr server, you may need to upgrade the place templates and other Quickr Domino databases so that they reflect the most current changes of the files you have upgraded. </p><p>To upgrade follow these steps: Make sure the Quickr Server is running From the Domino Console type the following commands : *Note that you must wait for each of these commands to finish before proceeding to the next command. You will know that the command has finished when you see a message in the console such as qptool: command finished: {the command performed} Command Action It Performs load qptool unlock –a Unlock all the places. load qptool upgrade -f -server Upgrade all the databases on the server. load qptool upgrade -f -a -saveformprefs Upgrade all the places and PlaceTypes.</p><p>Upgrading offline installations When you install a Quickr Domino Fixpack, you will also get the latest files needed for your offline installations. Clients taking a place offline for the first time after applying the Fixpack will automatically get the latest version of the offline support files installed to their machine. For client machines that already have offline places installed to their machine, the recommended way to update their machine with the latest offline support files is to: 1. Take note of all the subscription names from the Domino Sync Manager. 2. Synchronize all the places to deliver any changes from the offline places. 3. Delete the subscriptions from the Domino Sync Manager. 4. Uninstall the Lotus Domino Sync Manager to remove it from the machine. 5. Go to the online places that were noted and take them offline. This will ensure that the latest version of the offline support files have been installed on the client machine.</p><p>Page 5 of 19 Documentation Updates / Addendums Applying a Fixpack to Quickr 8.x servers in a cluster For the Quickr cluster to run properly, each server in the cluster needs to be on the same Fixpack. To do that, perform the following steps: *Please note: It is highly recommended that you backup all places and PlaceTypes. 1. At the Domino console, use the “load qptool unlock -a” command on only one server in the cluster to unlock all the places. 2. Stop every Lotus Quickr server in the cluster. 3. Upgrade all the servers with the Fixpack. 4. Restart each of the servers (cluster replication and qptool replicamaker tasks should remain running). 5. Use the “load qptool upgrade -f -server” command on only one server in the cluster to upgrade the design of databases. 6. Use the “load qptool upgrade -f -a -saveformprefs” command on only one server in the cluster to upgrade places and PlaceTypes. 7. Let replication pass the design upgrades to all servers.</p><p>Your Quickr 8.x servers should now be upgraded to the latest Fixpack.</p><p>Page 6 of 19 Additional Information for special fixes *Please note: each row in the following table represents a specific issue as described by the SPR / Description column, these special fixes (the Instructions column) only need to be applied if you encounter that specific issue. Applying these fixes if you do not encounter the issue specified may cause unexpected results and is not recommended.</p><p>Page 7 of 19 SPR / Description Instructions ESEO87URKK - “qptool settheme” does not reset the Use the new qptool settheme option -allrooms. themes of subrooms of the place. Ex: qptool settheme -default -p placename –allrooms MMOI5YEMN9 - When adding a place member and Please see the new settings in the qpconfig_sample.xml sending an invitation, there should be an option to allow<notifications> a different LDAP field such as short name (sn) listed as <place_invitation> the User Name. Also, instead of a User Name there <user_name_message>your message</user_name_message> should be a way to include a message. <user_name_mapping>sn</user_name_mapping> </place_invitation> </notifications> Please note: these settings are mutually exclusive. RTIN8FTG2P - With imported spreadsheet files, Please note, for documents that are pre-existing, the preview for those preview does not retain the cell attributes. Also, documents will have to be regenerated before you will see the changes spreadsheets show cell and row column headers, which introduced by this fix. it shouldn’t. The simplest way of regenerating the preview files is to delete all the DONE.sem files from underneath the preview directory structure (all sub-directories). When a preview is generated, a DONE.sem file is placed in the directory where the preview files reside. Removing this file will force Quickr to regenerate the output next time it is previewed.</p><p>The preview directory typically exists in the following locations: Win32 - {DominoDir}\data\domino\quickplace\preview AIX / Linux - /local/notesdata/domino/quickplace/preview Though your AIX / Linux installation’s data directory may be in a different location, the relative path to preview should be the same</p><p>The exception to the where the preview directory resides is if you changed that directory in your qpconfig.xml file. In this case you should remove the DONE.sem files in the directory structure pointed to by the qpconfig.xml variable for <preview_feature> / <dirpath>. GAKI8BPEKX - Running “qptool refresh” on an Please note a new qptool refresh command to force the theme of the upgraded Quickr 8.2 place based on a PlaceType may child place to the parent: not refresh the theme from the PlaceType if you had Ex: qptool refresh -theme -p placename previously run “qptool archive” on that place. This option will only affect the theme of the child place. GAKI8GQEEM - Creating a room using the qptool Please note that to use this functionality, you must include a execute command along with the correct input.xml doessession.xml as a parameter of qptool execute as the member who is not succeed. creating this room: Ex session.xml: <?xml version="1.0"?> <session> <person> <dn>cn=person, ou=Lotus,o=exampleOrg</dn> </person> </session> Also note that adding members to the room must be done after the initial creation of the room.</p><p>Ex usage: load qptool execute -i input.xml -session session.xml</p><p>Page 8 of 19 SPR / Description Instructions GAKI8JGHSZ - Upgraded 8.2 places with posts / This is by design and allows single attachment posts / pages to be pages that have 1 attachment show in the Connector as double clicked within Connectors with the default action being to an upload where the default action is to launch the launch the application associated with the document. document instead of launching into the browser. If you prefer to have all posts / pages with the default page action of launching the browser, please set the following notes.ini setting: QuickPlaceUpgradeAllPagesHaveMultipleAttachments=1 </p><p> and then you must run: load qptool upgrade -f -a for those changes to be made to the documents in each place.</p><p>Please note that you must keep the notes.ini setting set so that if you upgrade the places in the future, you will continue to have the this preference set. RSOI8JFJXT - When copying a document based off a When copying a Document based on a Custom Form to a Room, a custom form to a Room and then copy custom form to copy of that Form will automatically be copied to the Room, but it is room, changes made to that room's custom form are not marked as hidden, so not visible in the list of Custom Forms of that honored in the already copied document. Room. If a previous Document based off this Form has been copied into the Room, the hidden Form already exists and is not copied again. This copy of the Form is needed by the Room to display the Document, but, no changes can be made to the already copied Document's Form. </p><p>This fix will expose the hidden copy of the Form so that changes can be made to the existing Documents, but a few steps need to be taken first. </p><p>If there the place owner copied the Form to the Room and created Documents based on that new copy of the Form, that Form (in the Room) is still needed for those Documents and should be renamed to avoid confusion as this fix will be exposing the version of the Form associated with the pre-existing Documents. Note, the Custom Forms screen will allow multiple Custom Forms with the same name, we are renaming the form strictly to avoid confusion. </p><p>If no new Documents have been created in the Room with the copied Custom Form, that Custom Form can be deleted from the Room. </p><p>Once that is done, go to the Main Room and copy the Custom Form to the Room. By performing this action, the fix will attempt to locate an existing, hidden copy of the Form in the destination Room, if it finds one, it removes the field that hides the Form from the Custom Forms view. The Form in the Room can now be modified and the changes will change the originally copied Documents.</p><p>If there are Documents based off the Copied Form, you will now have to make any modifications to both the copied version of the Form and the unhidden version of the Form. </p><p>Page 9 of 19 SPR / Description Instructions HHIE8GBHBC - When upgrading from 8.2, existing **Important Note** DO NOT enable this fix if you have already Places in Connectors show in the Add Places dialog as upgraded from a previous version of Quickr and users have started to not being installed. use 8.5.x. </p><p>After upgrading from 8.2 to 8.5.x, the existing Places in Connectors show in the Add Places dialog as not being installed. This happens because the Place ID changed between 8.2 and 8.5.x and the old Place ID looks like a different place when the list of Places is parsed.</p><p>To enable the old style Place IDs for Quickr 8.5.x, please add the following notes.ini setting and restart your Quickr Domino server. QuickPlaceConnectorsUsePre85IDs=1</p><p>The reason this should not be added if your 8.5.x server has already been upgraded from 8.2 is that adding this setting will have the same effect on places added after the server was upgraded in that those places will not show as installed in the Add Places dialog. ESEO8GXSDV - When in a room, breadcrumbs do notWhen inside a room, the breadcrumb shows only shows [Parent show the complete path to the current folder or Room] no matter how many levels of rooms you are in. If you would document. like to show multiple levels of rooms on one line or the complete breadcrumb on multiple lines, please see new section in the qpconfig_sample.xml file <room_breadcrumb_display>. </p><p>There are new options for breadcrumb display: default - original breadcrumb display showing [Parent Room]. oneLine - Show as much of the breadcrumb as possible that can fit on 1 line. multiLines - Show the complete breadcrumb using multiple lines.</p><p>DAMC8GZEB3 - When using an external Please see the new setting : authentication server such as Tivoli Access Manager, <authentication> selecting Open In Browser from the Quickr Connectors, <connector_login_delegate enabled="true"/> does not always work. </authentication> in the qpconfig_sample.xml. MMOI8NA4NF - MMOI8NA3ZC - User name To set the DN Prefix please see the following new setting in the display error in group expansion and Member page qpconfig_sample.xml when the DN does not start with "cn=" or "uid=". <user_directory> <ldap> <dn_prefix>lwsimsid=</dn_prefix> </ldap> </user_directory></p><p>Additional Information for special fixes created before Quickr 8.5 and Quickr 8.5.1 This section kept for reference for special fixes that were created before Quickr 8.5 but are still applicable. *Please note: each row in the following table represents a specific issue as described by the SPR / Description column, these special fixes (the Instructions column) only need to be applied if you encounter that specific issue. Applying these fixes if you do not encounter the issue specified may cause unexpected results and is not recommended.</p><p>Page 10 of 19 SPR / Description Instructions WBSI7DL3R9 - With Quickr’s embedded Sametime To apply this fix, you will have to copy the peopleonline31.jar file to support, “In A Meeting” is not offered as one of the the Sametime server as specified in the “Enabling Lotus Sametime Sametime statuses. features in places” section in Quickr’s documentation. DAMC7AEGQU - In connectors, if “Show Views” is Please see new section in qpconfig_sample.xml, be sure to read about selected on a place, checked out and draft documents in this fix in the description above the webservices section: subrooms are not shown, only those documents in the <webservices> main room are shown. <connector> <views_include_rooms enabled="false" /> </connectors> </webservices> YXIO7QBBKL - Daily news update email is not sent The following qpconfig.xml settings need to be applied if applying to all group members. this fix: If using LDAP as your directory, set the following <notifications> <recipient_rules> <send_news_to_groups enabled="true" /> <expand_external_groups enabled="true"/> </recipient_rules> </notifications> If using Domino Directory as your directory, set the following <notifications> <recipient_rules> <send_news_to_groups enabled="true" /> <expand_external_groups enabled="false"/> </recipient_rules> </notifications> DAMC7F2GF5 - With Fix requires QuickPlaceHandleWebsphereTokenDNSpecialChar=7 in QuickPlaceHandleWebsphereTokenDNSpecialChar=7, notes.ini users with “(“ in OU name can't be added to places XSS Protection updates See xss protection section in qpconfig_sample.xml for this fix. NXLE79BBG2 - Sign out won't display with TAM LTPASee <authentication> section in qpconfig_sample.xml for this fix. Junction KABS785K2A - Connector does not display places for Requires Domino Fixpack 801HF376 users with umlauts/accented chars in name MPUL7FRLK4 - When ST Enabled, browser Hangs Requires Sametime Fixpack AJMA-7GRMFZ (CPU 100%) when User Clicks On Context menu of locked discussion post PMOO7ECMPS - Domino Drag and Drop does not Requires Quickr81hf_path_prefix=1 to be set in notes.ini work after Domino Quickr 8.1GA update MMOI7H9VCV - Using the 8.1 theme, user lookup Requires QuickPlaceLookupTimer=(some amount of time in replaces desired results if there are pauses in typing milliseconds) to be set in notes.ini. The default is 300 (3 tenths of a second). GAKI7L5MD4 - Added ability to change the default See <rich_text_editor> section in qpconfig_sample.xml for this fix. font for the Rich Text Editor DAMC7KWNPC - While adding Members, Members See ‘display_max_num_names' in the 'member_lookup_ui' section of lookup only displays 15 members shown in search <user_directory> in qpconfig_sample.xml for this fix. results. ESEO7M9LVH - Groups unable see place in my Requires QuickPlaceThirdPartyDSAPIAuthentication=1 to be set in places or authenticate directly to places with FP8103 notes.ini and SAM SHYN7LATXP - Two managers editing the same Requires QuickPlaceShowConflictWarning=1 to be set in notes.ini document can create save/replication conflict with no warning given to the second editor. KABS7HMHTX - My Places displays member email This will fix newly created places, to correct old places perform the addresses as "Unknown" when using Domino Server as following: non-LDAP user directory. qptool unregister -placecatalog -a qptool register -placecatalog –a KABS7MEK5A - Need to support multiple Notes Set <use_whole_dn_for_member_nsf_lookup enabled="true"/> within users with the same common name but different <user_directory> section of the qpconfig.xml file. Page 11 of 19 SPR / Description Instructions domains. SSHD7P7HG8 - Need option to hide Files link UI for Set <file_ui enabled="false"/> within the <my_files> section of the customers who don't support shared files (Quickr Entry qpconfig.xml file. places) PNOT7DZQCG - In Accessibility Mode, changes to Requires QuickrTimeStamp=1 to be set in notes.ini. color schemes are not retained. THES7PNQGV - “Find Shared Files” drop down list See <member_lookup_ui> section in qpconfig_sample.xml for this should be configurable for the amount of entries fix. returned and be able to scroll that list MMOI75D2LF MMOI7LAP5T - See the new section named <password_synchronization> within the Offline: Use login passwords (use_login_passwords) <offline> section of the qpconfig_sample.xml. not functional when MSSO enabled</p><p>Offline password does not synchronize with online password change TJOR7W7NWZ - Adding approval process to a After applying the FixPack, existing Work Flow documents will have custom form causes previously submitted documents to to be checked out and then checked in for the functionality to be become unusable. restored. New Work Flow documents will function correctly. KABS7XGLGZ - Form fields are being scrubbed See the <xss_whitelist > attribute in the <security> section of the automatically with the new XSS code, need a way to qpconfig_sample.xml for this fix. allow live HTML in some fields. CWIR7XUV8C - Using Domino Native See the new section in qpconfig_sample.xml for this fix: Authentication cannot search for member based on last <user_directory> name. <domino> <member_lookup_ui> <search_by_first_and_last_name enabled="false"/> <search_by_last_name_only enabled="false"/> </member_lookup_ui> </domino> </user_directory> PNOT7XYQUZ - Enhancement: Optional hyperlink atPlease see new configuration section <add_to_connectors_message> bottom of place invitation to allow adding the place to within the <notifications> section of the qpconfig_sample.xml for this the new member's connectors. enhancement. ESEO7PUUTQ - In non-Internet Explorer browser, To limit attachment sizes within Quickr please note the following: uploading a file that exceeds the maximum sizes listed Quickr Admin : Other Options -> Maximum Attachment Size : Set in the Domino Server configuration may give a this to the maximum sized attachment you want to allow “Connection Interrupted” page. Domino config : Internet Protocols Tab- > HTTP Tab -> Maximum size of request content : This must be set to 0, this is a Domino setting. If you set this to an amount, 100 meg for example, and the user tries to upload a file 101 meg, you will get a Connection Interrupted error message. This is by design for Domino</p><p>Domino config : Internet Protocols Tab -> Domino Web engine tab -> Maximum POST data : This should be set to the same size of Quickr Admin setting Maximum Attachment Size. If it is smaller than the Maximum Attachment Size, this amount will be the maximum allowed Quickr Attachment Size.</p><p>Also, note that the now if your post exceeds the maximum attachment size as defined above, you will get an error page stating "Attachment size exceeds the amount allowed". CWIR7WNN9Z - Place manager's id as shown in To enable this fix, please set the following notes.ini variables: place invitation should be configurable to use cn instead QuickPlaceGetInviteSenderNameFromDN=1 of displayName. QuickPlaceGetInviteRecipientNameFromDN=1 RELS7KNUHE - With versioning enabled, searching To enable this fix, please add the following notes.ini variable: for content returns all versions of any document that h_DisplayNoVersions=1 matches the search criteria. Page 12 of 19 SPR / Description Instructions ESEO7XMKW6 - Under certain circumstances when To force ssl for when downloading from the Library please add the going through a proxy, the download file servlet tries to following notes.ini variable: download via http instead of https. h_ServletDownloadForceSSL=1 GALI83LL7G - Using a theme that supports To enable this fix, please set the following notes.ini variables: expandable folders in the table of contents does not sort LotusQuickrFolderResequence=1 according to the selected sort order from the folder options. DJOE84PFTR - Using the Sametime Discussion To enable this fix, please set the expand_external_groups enabled feature may not display all users if that place has a lot value to false in the qpconfig.xml. This setting already exists, but of members fixed in</p><p><sametime ldap="true"> <members_online> <expand_external_groups enabled="false"/> </members_online> </sametime> DAMY823MCW - Quickr EMM gives no warning Please see new configuration setting <grouplimit> in the when LDAP server group reaches the 32k limit. <expanded_membership_model><ldap_server> section of the qpconfig_sample.xml to enable this enhancement. EHET85BQSC - When using Connections need the Please see new section <connection_integration> in the ability to see members of a place from Quickr once it <webservices> section of the qpconfig_sample.xml to enable this has been associated with a Community enhancement. MPUL84KJZX - The error "The Following Files Please see new node <importable_filetypes> in the <security> section Specified For Import Are Not Supported" is displayed of the qpconfig_sample.xml. It is important to read the details of this when importing an HTML file that contains an SWF new node preceding the example. (Adobe Flash) file. RTIN86HQAM - Cross Place search only returns a Please see new node <maximum_number_search_results> in the maximum of 15 results. <search_places> section of the qpconfig_sample.xml. ACHG86PC4N - If SSL is enabled on the Domino Please see new element <use_relative_path> in the <my_places> server but http is not forced to https, when My Places is section of the qpconfig_sample.xml accessed with http, the place URLs should remain http and not forced to https. PlaceBot - There is no way to control who can create Please see new section <placebotsecurity> in the <security> section and manage form placebots. of the qpconfig_sample.xml CWIR87KSJ4 - Notification option needed to use the Please se new section <reply_to_message> in the <notifications> Reply To rather than From. section of the qpconfig_sample.xml.</p><p>You may need to clear the user’s browser cache if the user receives any javascript errors after applying this fix.</p><p>Page 13 of 19 SPR / Description Instructions Servlet Host - When using a proxy, ip sprayer or load The way the QuickrSupportUtil servlet works for caching javascript, balancer the Quickr servlet may not use the correct host css and html is by downloading the files from the Domino Server and name causing slowness in downloading from the then storing them as combined and compressed. To do this, the servlet Library or errors while displaying a place. takes the host name from the incoming request. If you are using a proxy or ip sprayer, the host name in the request may not be the host name of the actual Domino Server quickr is hosted on, so the servlet fails to download the file. What is needed is a way to specify the host name the servlet will use.</p><p>Two new settings were added to help in this area, only use one of these options as they are mutually exclusive. If you do use both, the Force option will override the Use Domino Host Name option.</p><p>If your Domino Server’s “Fully qualified Internet host name” as specified on the basics tab of the Domino Server’s config is the correct host to access this server, set the following in your notes.ini QuickPlaceServletUseDominoHTTPURL=1</p><p>If your Domino Server’s “Fully qualified Internet host name” is not the host name of this server, you can specify the host name or the ip address in the notes.ini file as follows: QuickPlaceServletForceHostname=https://quickr.server.com QuickPlaceServletForceHostname= RALF82GPZD - For Active Directory users, resolved Add the following to your qpconfig.xml file within the <schema> issues with users who have slashes in their DN. under the <ldap> section: <ldap> … <schema> … <ldap_is_active_directory enabled="true"/> <allow_slash_in_ldapdn enabled="true"/> </schema> </ldap> SHEZ8AEE24 - Error “File type not supported” is To enable, please see the following new section in the displayed when previewing uploaded .pdf file. qpconfig_sample.xml <preview_feature> CWIR87KSJ4 – Need a way to override the sender’s Please see new section <sender_rules> under the <notifications> email address when sending notifications. section of the qpconfig_sample.xml.</p><p>Page 14 of 19 Merging Notification Template Updates Quickr’s notification system allows an administrator to customize the notifications being sent to Place members by allowing the administrator to change the template files provided for each type of notification. </p><p>Quickr installs the notification templates to: {DominoDataDir}\domino\quickplace\notifications</p><p>Since you may have customized these template files to fit your needs, FixPack updates to these template files must be manually merged by the Quickr administrator to avoid merging unwanted functionality. </p><p>Because of this, updated notification template files will be installed into the following directory: {DominoDataDir}\domino\quickplace\notifications\updatedTemplates</p><p>Each template update will be listed in the table below with the template file names needed to be merged to gain the functionality noted in the description. These merges are not mandatory, if you do want the functionality described, merge the file changes for that fix.</p><p>SPR / APAR Description Filenames(s) to be merged JRIE8JFKC2 The “Unsubscribe from NewsLetter” link is missing from an HTML whats_new_end.html LO62068 NewsLetter email. YXIO8HG56M The option to "Notify those responsible when tasks are assigned and complete_task.html LO61318 completed" located in the Customize / Basics page doesn't work. complete_task.txt create_task.html create_task.txt ESEO8HVLL5 When notifications are sent, the Reply To field should be populated add_member.html LO61651 so the email receiver can just press Reply to respond to the email. add_member.txt Note that <sender_rules> and <reply_to_message> nodes must be set create_document.html in the qpconfig.xml. create_document.txt create_folder.html create_folder.txt create_place.html create_place.txt create_room.html create_room.txt workflow_approved.html workflow_approved.txt workflow_nextapprover.html workflow_nextapprover.txt workflow_rejected.html workflow_rejected.txt workflow_submit.html workflow_submit.txt HMON8HUQWL After upgrading to Quickr 8.5 the option to only send the first 30 create_document.html LO61625 words in notifications for page and for tasks is missing. create_document.txt DTRR8M7DZ8 Document links are missing from the HTML version of the News whats_new_start.html LO64330 Letter.</p><p>Page 15 of 19 Troubleshooting If users have unexpected results after applying this update, they should clear their browser’s cache. The user can also clear the Java cache, which is located in the Control Panel and may be named something like Java Plug-In or Java Control Panel. Go into this applet and find the Cache settings, there should be a way to clear the cache from there. If users are having problems in Internet Explorer, they should remove the Lotus Quickr ActiveX control. The user will be prompted to install the ActiveX the next time they browse to a Quickr Place. If you have installed a new FixPack and are not getting expected results, verify that you hadn’t installed an older version of the FixPack by choosing the wrong FixPack jar file when installing. It is recommended that you remove any existing Quickr FixPack jar files from the {DominoDir}\jvm\lib\ext directory before adding and installing the newest FixPack. Removing existing FixPack jar files before adding the newest version will ensure you are installing the correct version. To remove the ActiveX control: 1. Close all instances of Internet Explorer 2. From the Windows Control Panel, open Internet Options. 3. Depending on your version of Internet Explorer: Internet Explorer 6: On the General tab, press the Settings button. On the Setting dialog, select View Objects… Select the Lotus Quickr Class (qp2.dll) and press the Delete key on your keyboard. Internet Explorer 7: On the Programs tab, press the Manage Add-ons button. On the Manage Add-ons dialog, select the Lotus Quickr Class (qp2.dll). Press the Delete button.</p><p>Page 16 of 19 Quickr Domino Release 8.5.1 Fix List</p><p>Page 17 of 19 FP DTRR8LJM53 Group can not be expanded in Room Membership when the group name starts with a pound sign 11/28/2011 LO63711 (#). DWHN8LNCEW Quickr doesn't display Scandinavian characters correctly for documents published From Quickr to 11/28/2011 LO63705 Filenet. When a notification is sent to a Member via the Member’s Page - More Actions - Notify and that RSOI8N8F2T 11/21/2011 place is set with a custom theme, when the user opens the link, the place is shown with the LO65163 standard theme instead of the customized theme.</p><p>When copying a document based off a custom form to a Room and then copy custom form to RSOI8JFJXT 11/21/2011 room, changes made to that room's custom form are not honored in the already copied document. LO62055 (see fix RSOI8JFJXT in “Additional Information for special fixes” section) PPOR8N7JWV 11/21/2011 Calendar date format is not correct, should be dd-MM for en-gb. LO65172 MMOI8NA4NF User name display error in group expansion and Member page when the DN does not start with MMOI8NA3ZC 11/21/2011 "cn=" or "uid=". LO65257 (see fix MMOI8NA4NF - MMOI8NA3ZC in “Additional Information for special fixes” section) LO65258 FP</p><p>DWHN8MYD5B Cannot create a version of a document when using Domino Native Authentication and the logged 11/16/2011 LO64891 in user is a member of more than 2000 groups.</p><p>When a page contains more than 10 attachments and the last attachment name contains an CAML8NAUYL 11/15/2011 ampersand (&), the error “Page was not saved due to an error” will display when the page is LO65283 saved. When running ‘qptool refresh -r -p placename’ on a Place based off a PlaceType and then HMON8M7M3A 11/15/2011 running ‘compact -b’ on the Domino server, the next time that Place is used, Domino runs a LO64387 consistency check on that database.</p><p>TJOR8N3LB3 When the qpconfig setting <include_abstract> is set to false, when sending a notification to a 11/15/2011 LO65128 recipient, you will receive the javascript error ‘CMI_sendAbstract.checked’ is null or not an object.</p><p>When the qpconfig setting <show_notification_recipient_lists_only_if_member_page_is_accessible> is set to true and the TJOR8LVVWJ 11/15/2011 place configuration setting “Members: Show Editors and Authors a link to the Members page” is LO64080 not checked, Editors and Authors should not be able to click on the To link to bring up a list of place members when sending a notification, but they can. TJOR8MCLBA 11/15/2011 Place Statistics “Total Number of Places” is incorrect as it also contains the Room count. LO64468 DTRR8M7DZ8 Document links are missing from the HTML version of the News Letter. 11/09/2011 LO64330 (see fix DTRR8M7DZ8 in the “Merging Notification Template Updates” section) CSTS8MTPCF After modifying the Folder Properties of a Protected Folder, users who are not included in the 11/04/2011 LO64866 Folder ACL can now see the Folder. Quickr Domino server crash where the NSD shows the crash in 11/02/2011 ZNJN85J9LX HuServiceImpl::procRestViewFeed. With a customer specific place, the members of “All Members” in a subroom are not displayed in GAKI8M7EMQ 11/02/2011 when choosing members with the Member Picker dialog to set access on Folders and LO64373 Documents.</p><p>In customer environment, Contacts1.nsf was somehow renamed to upper case. Because ‘qptool 11/02/2011 No SPR refresh’ was looking for the correctly cased Contacts1.nsf and couldn’t find it, it was rebuilt.</p><p>ESEO8MUM6C 10/26/2011 Under certain circumstances a malformed URL could cause the Quickr Domino server to crash. LO64880</p><p>KRED8M6LV7 When using Quickr with Connections, when you edit a Community associated with a Quickr place 10/26/2011 LO64306 and save, an error 400 will be returned.</p><p>DAMC8KTCNZ When using Quickr with Connections, when special characters are used in the Community Name 10/26/2011 LO63103 and a Quickr place is associated, the Quickr place does not display.</p><p>When creating a document from an Editor-In-Chief workflow form and that form contains an RTIN8L8J6Q 10/25/2011 attachment field and check to send an email to the designated Editor-In-Chief, the email will be LO63395 sent with link placeholders instead of links itself. Page 18 of 19 HMON8LBJJA When searching for a Place in the Admin Console and the Place Title of any place in the Place 10/25/2011 LO63533 Catalog is empty, the Quickr Domino Server will crash. TJOR8HUR7R Cannot round trip edit an attachment in a document located in a Room when the folder the 10/25/2011 LO61610 document is in has an ampersand (&) in its title. Page 19 of 19</p>
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