<p>ENG 139B-1: INTERMEDIATE SCREEWRITING Spring 2018 Credits: 4 T 6:30 PM – 9:20 PM Shiffman 122 Instructor: Marc Weinberg Office Hour: 9:20-10 PM Office: Rabb 226 Email: [email protected]</p><p>Screenplay sites: Drew’s Script-O-Rama script-o-rama.com/snazzy/dircut.html</p><p>Simply Scripts simplyscripts.com/full_movie.html</p><p>GROUP 1: A – Becca, B – Julia, C- Samantha, D – Zoe, E – Elizabeth GROUP 2: F – Merrick, G- Niki, H – Colin, I – Zack, J - Carmi GROUP 3: K – Violet, L – Emma, M – Aviya, N – Brooke, O – Ivan</p><p>COURSE DESCRIPTION</p><p>This advanced screenwriting course is designed for students who have taken ENG 79a-1 (Beginning Screenplay) and wish to continue work on the script they started in that class or embark on a new screenplay.</p><p>In a rigorous workshop style, students will be encouraged to engage in creative risk taking, expanding their own artistic potential and pushing themselves beyond the Hollywood formula, beyond the Hollywood formula, beyond the rules of classical structure, and beyond film writing as they have known it. Honing their critical skills, participants will be able to engage in intelligent, analytical, and aesthetic discourse about their own work, as well as material written by others.</p><p>A professional discipline in approach to screenplay formatting and deadlines will be observed at all times. All work must be original.</p><p>Combining lecture, workshop, and screenings, this course is for students who have a solid grasp of the basic principles of screenwriting, and who are committed to developing their craft. Brief lectures will cover the fundamentals of the craft, including characterization, structure, pacing, and plot.</p><p>This class is a workshop. You will read scripts, discuss films, and write extensively. The workshop environment provides you with a forum to assess your own writing strengths and areas for improvement as you exchange constructive criticism with peers. You also acquire self-editing techniques essential for the professional writer.</p><p>COURSE OBJECTIVES</p><p>This course will take students through to the completion of a first draft, feature-length screenplay, and engage in discussion of aesthetics, craft and form. </p><p>ENG 139B-1 Intermediate Screenwriting Spring ‘18 Page 1 LEARNING OBJECTIVES</p><p> Write at least 60 pages of a feature-length film Read and critique the work of others in the class Learn how to identify and correct script problems Understand how to write for the good of the story (not the writer) Engage in comprehensive, thoughtful and respectful feedback Observe and respect deadlines Have an understanding of how the screenplay functions with the film industry The three-act structure Character arc and development Visual storytelling Beat outline Format</p><p>COURSE REQUIREMENTS</p><p> All assignments must be proofread for proper formatting, grammar, spelling errors, and typos. You must keep up with all readings and assigned movies. Failure to do so will count against your grade. Your writing assignments will be read in class. Attendance is mandatory. You are allowed one unexcused absence. Two unexcused absences will result in no credit for the class. If you come into class more than ten minutes late, you’ll be considered tardy; two tardies count as one unexcused absence. Submitted pages are expected on time. To prevent lost pages and avoid late submissions, please email your work to yourself after finishing your pages on any given day. Computer malfunction is NOT an excuse for late submission</p><p>TEXT AND OTHER MATERIALS</p><p> Required Text: Screenplay: Writing The Picture, by Robin Russin & William Downs Required Text: Selected screenplays Suggested Reading: Save The Cat by Blake Snyder</p><p>COURSE GRADING</p><p>Your grade will be determined by the following:</p><p>1. Class participation (20% of your grade). 2. Second submission (20% of your grade). 3. Third submission (20% of your grade). 4. Fourth submission (20% of your grade). 5. Final submission (20% of your grade).</p><p>ENG 139B-1 Intermediate Screenwriting Spring ‘18 Page 2 You are allowed one unexcused absence. Two unexcused absences will result in no credit for the class.</p><p>PLEASE NOTE: There are likely to be changes to the syllabus. Always review the assignment emails sent to you throughout the semester for the latest update. </p><p>ASSIGNMENT DUE TUESDAY, 1/16:</p><p> Read and write at least ½ page notes on A, B, C, & D’s first acts and outlines. THIS IS NOT A GRADED ASSIGNMENT.</p><p>CLASS 1 (1/16/18)</p><p>Discuss first acts and outlines from A, B, C, & D. J, K, L, M, N, & O will present their pitches to the class. The class will select one idea to be written this semester.</p><p>ASSIGNMENT DUE FRIDAY, 1/19:</p><p> J, K, L, M, N, & O will email me their seven beat outlines by Friday, 1/19.</p><p>NEXT WEEK’S ASSIGNMENT:</p><p> Read and write at least ½ page notes on E, F, G, H, & I’s first acts and outlines. THIS IS NOT A GRADED ASSIGNMENT. Read “A Practical Guide to the Hero With 1000 Faces.” Read and see “Whiplash.”</p><p>CLASS 2 (1/23/18)</p><p>Discuss first acts and outlines from E, F, G, H, & I. Discuss “Whiplash.”</p><p>NEXT WEEK’S ASSIGNMENT:</p><p> J, K, L, M, N, & O will email me their first set of pages in PDF format, prior to the start of class. THIS IS NOT A GRADED ASSIGNMENT. Read Chapters 1 & 2 TUESDAY NIGHT: A, B, C, D, & E will email their next set of pages (10-15 pages) to the class, in PDF format. THIS WILL BE YOUR FIRST GRADED SUBMISSION.</p><p>CLASS 3 (1/30/18)</p><p>Read and discuss pages from J, K, L, M, N, & O.</p><p>TONIGHT’S ASSIGNMENT:</p><p> A, B, C, D, & E will email their next set of pages (10-15 pages) to the class. THIS WILL BE YOUR FIRST GRADED ASSIGNMENT.</p><p>NEXT WEEK’S ASSIGNMENT: </p><p> Students are to write at least one-half page of single-spaced notes on the submitted pages. TUESDAY NIGHT: F, G, H, I, & J will email their next set of pages (10-15 pages) to the class, in PDF format. THIS WILL BE YOUR FIRST GRADED SUBMISSION.</p><p>ENG 139B-1 Intermediate Screenwriting Spring ‘18 Page 3 CLASS 4 (2/6/18)</p><p>Discuss A, B, C, D, & E’s next set of pages.</p><p>TONIGHT’S ASSIGNMENT:</p><p> F, G, H, I, & J will email their next set of pages (10-15 pages) to the class. THIS WILL BE YOUR FIRST GRADED ASSIGNMENT.</p><p>NEXT WEEK’S ASSIGNMENTS: </p><p> Read Chapters 3 & 4 See “Wind River”. Students are to write at least one-half page of single-spaced notes on the submitted pages.. TUESDAY NIGHT: K, L, M, N, & O will email their next set of pages (10-15 pages) to the class, in PDF format. THIS WILL BE YOUR FIRST GRADED SUBMISSION.</p><p>CLASS 5 (2/13/18)</p><p>Discuss F, G, H, I, & J’s next set of pages. Discuss “Wind River”.</p><p>TONIGHT’S ASSIGNMENT: </p><p> K, L, M, N, & O will email their next set of pages (10-15 pages) to the class. THIS WILL BE YOUR FIRST GRADED ASSIGNMENT.</p><p>ASSIGNMENTS DUE IN 2 WEEKS: </p><p> Read Chapter 5. Students are to write at least one-half page of single-spaced notes on the submitted pages. A, B, C, D, & E will email their next set of pages (10-15 pages) prior to the start of next week’s class. THIS WILL BE YOUR SECOND GRADED ASSIGNMENT </p><p>NO CLASS 2/20</p><p>CLASS 6 (2/27/18)</p><p>Discuss K, L, M, N, & O’s next set of pages. </p><p>TONIGHT’S ASSIGNMENT:</p><p> A, B, C, D, & E will email their next set of pages (10-15 pages) prior to the start of next week’s class. THIS WILL BE YOUR SECOND GRADED ASSIGNMENT </p><p>NEXT WEEK’S ASSIGNMENT: </p><p> Students are to write at least one-half page of single-spaced notes on the submitted pages. TUESDAY NIGHT: F, G, H, I, & J will email their next set of pages (10-15 pages) prior to the start of next week’s class. THIS WILL BE YOUR SECOND GRADED ASSIGNMENT.</p><p>CLASS 7 (3/6/18)</p><p>Discuss A, B, C, D, & E’s next set of pages. </p><p>ENG 139B-1 Intermediate Screenwriting Spring ‘18 Page 4 TONIGHT’S ASSIGNMENT:</p><p> F, G, H, I, & J will email their next set of pages (10-15 pages) to the class. THIS WILL BE YOUR SECOND GRADED ASSIGNMENT. </p><p>NEXT WEEK’S ASSIGNMENT: </p><p> Students are to write at least one-half page of single-spaced notes on the submitted pages. TUESDAY NIGHT: K, L, M, N, & O will email their next set of pages (10-15 pages) to the class. Students are to write at least one-half page of single-spaced notes on the pages. THIS WILL BE YOUR SECOND GRADED ASSIGNMENT. Read Chapter 6. Read and see “Carol.”</p><p>CLASS 8 (3/13/18)</p><p>Discuss F, G, H, I, & J’s next set of pages. Discuss “Carol”.</p><p>TONIGHT’S ASSIGNMENT:</p><p> K, L, M, N, & O will email their next set of pages (10-15 pages) to the class. THIS WILL BE YOUR SECOND GRADED ASSIGNMENT.</p><p>NEXT WEEK’S ASSIGNMENT: </p><p> Students are to write at least one-half page of single-spaced notes on the submitted pages. Read Chapter 7 & 8. TUESDAY NIGHT: A, B, C, D, & E will email their next set of pages to the class, in PDF format. THIS WILL BE YOUR THIRD GRADED SUBMISSION.</p><p>CLASS 9 (3/20/18)</p><p>Discuss K, L, M, N, & O’s next set of pages.</p><p>TONIGHT’S ASSIGNMENT:</p><p> A, B, C, D, & E will email their next set of pages to the class. THIS WILL BE YOUR THIRD GRADED ASSIGNMENT. </p><p>NEXT WEEK’S ASSIGNMENT: </p><p> Students are to write at least one-half page of single-spaced notes on the submitted pages. Read Chapter 9 & 10. TUESDAY NIGHT: F, G, H, I, & J will email their next set of pages prior to the start of next week’s class. THIS WILL BE YOUR THIRD GRADED ASSIGNMENT.</p><p>CLASS 10 (3/27/18)</p><p>Discuss A, B, C, D, & E’s next set of pages.</p><p>TONIGHT’S ASSIGNMENT:</p><p> F, G, H, I, & J will email their next set of pages to the class. THIS WILL BE YOUR THIRD GRADED ASSIGNMENT.</p><p>ENG 139B-1 Intermediate Screenwriting Spring ‘18 Page 5 NEXT WEEK’S ASSIGNMENT: </p><p> Students are to write at least one-half page of single-spaced notes on the submitted pages. Read Chapters 11 & 12. See “The Talented Mr. Ripley”. TUESDAY NIGHT: K, L, M, N, & O will email their next set of pages to the class. Students are to write at least one-half page of single-spaced notes on the pages. THIS WILL BE YOUR THIRD GRADED ASSIGNMENT.</p><p>NO CLASS 4/3</p><p>CLASS 11 (4/10/18) </p><p>Discuss F, G, H, I, & J’s next set of pages. Discuss “The Talented Mr. Ripley”.</p><p>TONIGHT’S ASSIGNMENT:</p><p> K, L, M, N, & O will email their next set of pages to the class. THIS WILL BE YOUR THIRD GRADED ASSIGNMENT.</p><p>NEXT WEEK’S ASSIGNMENT: </p><p> Students are to write at least one-half page of single-spaced notes on the submitted pages. Read Chapters 13 & 14. </p><p>CLASS 12 (4/17/18)</p><p>Discuss K, L, M, N, & O’s next set of pages.</p><p>NEXT WEEK’S ASSIGNMENT (TUESDAY, 4/24): </p><p>Completed screenplays due at the start of class. If you would like notes on your pages, you must include a self-addressed PRIORITY STAMPED 10x13 envelope. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT CASH IN LIEU OF STAMPS. THIS IS YOUR FINAL GRADED SUBMISSION.</p><p>ASSIGNMENT DUE IN 3 WEEKS (MONDAY, 5/7): </p><p> IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO RECEIVE NOTES, YOU MAY EMAIL YOUR PAGES TO ME ([email protected]) IN PDF FORMAT BY MONDAY, 5/7. IF THE SUN RISES ON TUESDAY, 5/8, AND I DO NOT HAVE YOUR WORK, YOUR ASSIGNMENT IS LATE. IF YOU CHOOSE THIS OPTION, YOU MUST BE AVAILABLE BY PHONE AND EMAIL FOR 48 HOURS AFTER SUBMITTING YOUR WORK SO I CAN CONTACT YOU IN THE EVENT I DON’T RECEIVE YOUR EMAIL OR CAN’T OPEN YOUR FILES. IF I DO NOT RECEIVE YOUR WORK OR I AM UNABLE TO READ YOUR WORK AND CANNOT REACH YOU, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT FOR THE CLASS. THIS IS YOUR FINAL GRADED SUBMISSION.</p><p>CLASS 13 (4/24/18)</p><p>Completed screenplays due at the start of class. If you would like notes on your pages, you must include a self-addressed PRIORITY STAMPED 10x13 envelope. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT CASH IN LIEU OF STAMPS.</p><p>ASSIGNMENT DUE IN 2 WEEKS (MONDAY, 5/7):</p><p>ENG 139B-1 Intermediate Screenwriting Spring ‘18 Page 6 IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO RECEIVE NOTES, YOU MAY EMAIL YOUR PAGES TO ME ([email protected]) IN PDF FORMAT BY MONDAY, 5/7. IF THE SUN RISES ON TUESDAY, 5/8, AND I DO NOT HAVE YOUR WORK, YOUR ASSIGNMENT IS LATE. IF YOU CHOOSE THIS OPTION, YOU MUST BE AVAILABLE BY PHONE AND EMAIL FOR 48 HOURS AFTER SUBMITTING YOUR WORK SO I CAN CONTACT YOU IN THE EVENT I DON’T RECEIVE YOUR EMAIL OR CAN’T OPEN YOUR FILES. IF I DO NOT RECEIVE YOUR WORK OR I AM UNABLE TO READ YOUR WORK AND CANNOT REACH YOU, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT FOR THE CLASS. THIS IS YOUR FINAL GRADED SUBMISSION.</p><p>ENG 139B-1 Intermediate Screenwriting Spring ‘18 Page 7</p>
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