Assignment 2 Learning Guide Workbook

Assignment 2 Learning Guide Workbook

<p>ASSIGNMENT 2– LEARNING WORKBOOK – SITXADM003A – WRITE BUSINESS DOCUMENTS</p><p>4231EBL – ADVANCED TEACHING STRATEGIES</p><p>COURSE CONVENOR: DR. IAN JAMES</p><p>SUBMITTED BY: DAVID MARTIN</p><p>STUDENT #2636349</p><p>[email protected]</p><p>DATE SUBMITTED: 22 MAY 2009 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p>WELCOME TO THE WORKBOOK</p><p>This workbook provides learning activities, descriptions and links to resources that will assist you in obtaining the knowledge and skills necessary to be competent in the areas of the unit of competency, SITXADM003A, Write Business Documents. </p><p>The learning guide and workbook are broken into several sessions. Each session in the learning guide will link to activities, readings, and multimedia and internet resources.</p><p>The Resource CD contains all of the material for the learning guide and workbook combined into a web page interface. Most of the resources are contained o n the CD but some do require internet access. </p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 2 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p>TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>Welcome to the Workbook...... 2</p><p>Table of Contents...... 3</p><p>Assessment...... 5</p><p>Session 1. Getting Started...... 6</p><p>Objectives...... 6</p><p>Activity 1.1 – Previous experience forum/self reflection...... 7</p><p>Activity 1.2 – Windows operations...... 7</p><p>Activity 1.3 – Self Assessment...... 7</p><p>ASSESSMENT 1.1 – Using Windows...... 8</p><p>1.1.1 Using Microsoft Windows Help...... 8</p><p>1.1.2 Creating Folders...... 8</p><p>1.1.3 Backup Folders...... 8</p><p>Activity 1.4 – Document Requirements...... 8</p><p>ASSESSMENT 1.2 – Document Requirements...... 9</p><p>Activity 1.5 – Forum / Self-Reflection...... 9</p><p>Activity 1.6 – Templates...... 9</p><p>ASSESSMENT 1.3 – Word Templates...... 10</p><p>Session 2: Conducting Research...... 11</p><p>Activity 2.1 – Primary Research concepts...... 11</p><p>Activity 2.2 – Primary Research Forum/Self Reflection...... 12</p><p>Activity 2.3 – Reading about Referencing...... 12</p><p>Activity 2.4 – Summarising...... 12</p><p>ASSESSMENT 1.4 – Research and Referencing...... 13</p><p>Internet Referencing...... 13</p><p>Copyright Laws...... 13</p><p>Library Research Activity...... 13</p><p>Session 3: Letters and memos...... 15</p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 3 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p>Objectives...... 15</p><p>Workbook Activity 3.1 – Business Letter Tutorial...... 15</p><p>Workbook Activity 3.2 – Business Letter Tutorial...... 15</p><p>ASSESSMENT 1.5 – Business Letters...... 16</p><p>Workbook Activity 3.3 – Memo Tutorial...... 19</p><p>Workbook Activity 3.4 – Word Templates...... 19</p><p>ASSESSMENT 1.6 – Create Memos...... 20</p><p>Session 4: Policies and Procedures...... 21</p><p>Session 5: Proposal drafts...... 21</p><p>Session 6: Proposal submission...... 21</p><p>Session 7: Tenders...... 21</p><p>Session 8: Follow Up Documents...... 21</p><p>Session 9: Reports...... 21</p><p>Session 10: Portfolio Draft...... 21</p><p>Session 11: Portfolio Due...... 21</p><p>Session 12: Resubmission of assessment...... 21</p><p>Session 13: All Assessment due...... 21</p><p>Appendix a: Marking Criteria sheets...... 22</p><p>Appendix B: Learning Resource List...... 24</p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 4 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p>ASSESSMENT</p><p>To prove competency in this unit the following assessment must be satisfactorily completed.</p><p>Due Date / Item Assessment Task Details Session No.</p><p>1 Completion of tasks found on my.tafe using the online learning system Activities and Microsoft Word or this workbook and Resource CD. If on-campus all data to be saved to H:\drive\My Documents\computing folder with the creation of sub-folders showing effective organisation of work files. </p><p>Where possible they will also need to be uploaded using the online At the end of learning system. If this is unavailable email or postal options can be each week discussed with the teacher or administration staff.</p><p>An electronic copy of all work (portfolio and activities) should be submitted using a CDR. This can be submitted in person to your teacher or via post.</p><p>2 Complete a portfolio of documents and submit a printed copy using an Portfolio assignment cover sheet in person to the faculty assignment box, Week 12 administration staff, via post or fax. / Resubmit An electronic copy of all work (portfolio and activities) should be Week 13 if submitted using a CDR. This can be submitted in person to your teacher required or via post.</p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 5 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p>SESSION 1. GETTING STARTED</p><p>OBJECTIVES</p><p>This session will introduce basic document and file management concepts. You will:</p><p> Create folders to store documents</p><p> Use a checklist to determine document requirements</p><p> Create 5 documents using templates</p><p>Unit of competency criteria that will be assessed are:</p><p>. Identify the purpose, audience, format, style, content and scope of a range of business documents </p><p>. Maintaining and filing copies of all documents within a secure and ordered system and according to organisation practices </p><p>. Select and use appropriate technology and software to suit the requirements </p><p>. Review and check documents prior to finalisation to ensure accuracy in content, free from spelling and typing errors, and meets all requirements</p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 6 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p>ACTIVITY 1.1 – PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE FORUM/SELF REFLECTION</p><p>Use the online forum or the self-reflection section below to write about your previous experiences with business documents. </p><p>Describe the type of document and situation you have seen it used in. This may have been part of previous work experience or something you have seen or noticed when you were a customer in a travel agency, motel, restaurant or resort.</p><p>ACTIVITY 1.2 – WINDOWS OPERATIONS</p><p>Use the online links or Resource CD to access the following tutorials.</p><p> The Windows Environment Tutorial (FLASH 6.1 Mb) - This tutorial gives an overview of both basic windows operations and the networked environment found at GCIT.</p><p> Using Windows Help (FLASH 2.7 Mb) - This tutorial gives an overview of how to use the help feature of Windows XP.</p><p> Backing up to USB (FLASH 1.8Mb) - This tutorial shows how to use a USB drive to back up a set of folders in Windows XP.</p><p> Burning CD's with Roxio (FLASH 2.9Mb) - This tutorial shows how to backup a set of folders to CD using Windows XP and the Roxio CD Burning software commonly found at GCIT.</p><p>ACTIVITY 1.3 – SELF ASSESSMENT</p><p>Use the following checklist. Are you able to complete the described tasks?</p><p> access help inside Microsoft Windows and use the contents or search feature to find information on different topics</p><p> describe and perform basic file operations such as creating a folder, copying, renaming and deleting files</p><p> explain why backups are important and demonstrate how to create a backup using removable USB storage or CDR</p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 7 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 8 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p>ASSESSMENT 1.1 – USING WINDOWS</p><p>1.1.1 USING MICROSOFT WINDOWS HELP</p><p>Use the windows help feature to find and print out information on the following topics:</p><p>. How to create a compressed folder . Using the recycle bin . Connecting a network printer </p><p>Keep the printouts for future submission.</p><p>1.1.2 CREATING FOLDERS</p><p>As part of the Computing cluster your will need to organise your documents into way that makes files easy to find and easy to identify.</p><p>Use Windows explorer to create the following:</p><p>. A folder called Computers in the My Documents section of your student drive (or local hard drive) . A folder within the Computers folder called Business Documents</p><p>Show the results of this assessment activity to your teacher/assessor/supervisor.</p><p>1.1.3 BACKUP FOLDERS</p><p>Use copy and paste, or the send to: option in Windows to make a copy of your Computing folders on your USB drive.</p><p>This should be done at the end of each session, to maintain a secure backup of your work.</p><p>Show the results of this assessment activity to your teacher/assessor/supervisor.</p><p>ACTIVITY 1.4 – DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS</p><p>Use the learning federation resource, ONLINE NEWS: SEA SPRAY ISLAND online or on the Resource CD.</p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 9 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p>ASSESSMENT 1.2 – DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS</p><p>Use the online link or Resource CD to save the document requirements (DOC 37Kb) file. </p><p>Along the top of the document are scenarios that could be encountered in the workplace. Along the side are questions which can be used to analyse the scenario. These questions can be used to help determine document requirements.</p><p>Consider the question and fill in information for each question under all of the scenarios.</p><p>Save the file as your name-document requirements and submit via the online learning system, email or print the document for future submission.</p><p>ACTIVITY 1.5 – FORUM / SELF-REFLECTION</p><p>Use the online forum, or the space below to list what documents you have seen before and what category they would fall under, letter, memo, report, technical, policy, procedure or proposal. This could include what you have seen at work, when booking a holiday, or correspondence you have received in the mail.</p><p>ACTIVITY 1.6 – TEMPLATES</p><p>Access the Using Templates tutorial online or on the resource CD. </p><p>Visit the Microsoft website ( and use the navigation or search functions to find templates for small business. </p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 10 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p>ASSESSMENT 1.3 – WORD TEMPLATES</p><p>Create documents using the following templates. Some will require access to the Travel section of the Microsoft templates web site.1</p><p>. Professional fax cover sheet . Professional memo . Complaint about lost luggage . Business trip itinerary . Travel information form</p><p>Save each file to your portfolio folder after completing any relevant information using your personal details or those of your workplace.</p><p>Upload or email the files if you are working online. If working off-line you will submit by email or post at the end of the first week.</p><p>1</p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 11 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p>SESSION 2: CONDUCTING RESEARCH</p><p>OBJECTIVES</p><p>In this session you will:</p><p> Create folders to store documents</p><p> Use a checklist to determine document requirements</p><p> Create 5 documents using templates</p><p>Unit of competency criteria that will be assessed are:</p><p>. Identify the purpose, audience, format, style, content and scope of a range of business documents </p><p>. Maintaining and filing copies of all documents within a secure and ordered system and according to organisation practices </p><p>. Select and use appropriate technology and software to suit the requirements </p><p>. Review and check documents prior to finalisation to ensure accuracy in content, free from spelling and typing errors, and meets all requirements</p><p>ACTIVITY 2.1 – PRIMARY RESEARCH CONCEPTS</p><p>Use the Resource CD or online link to explore primary research through the Learning Federation resource.</p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 12 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p>ACTIVITY 2.2 – PRIMARY RESEARCH FORUM/SELF REFLECTION</p><p>Use the online forum or the questions below to reflect on your own experiences with primary research.</p><p>Do you have any previous experiences with primary research through work or previous study, e.g. phone surveys?</p><p>Have you seen or used any useful websites for collecting primary research?</p><p>One website is; while it does have some limitations there is a free account available that can help collect primary research data.</p><p>ACTIVITY 2.3 – READING ABOUT REFERENCING</p><p>There are many published books and websites on how to do this. List 3 books or websites below that contain information on referencing and bibliographies.</p><p>View a slideshow on referencing using the online link or the Resource CD.</p><p>ACTIVITY 2.4 – SUMMARISING</p><p>Visit the website: </p><p>Read through the factsheet and play the game using the links on the page.</p><p>Print out and complete the worksheet</p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 13 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p>ASSESSMENT 1.4 – RESEARCH AND REFERENCING</p><p>1.4.1 INTERNET REFERENCING </p><p>Below is a list of topics to research using internet search engines. Use the keywords and find other keywords that narrow down the topic</p><p>Copy and paste the list to a word document and create a reference for each web site that you find underneath each of the headings. </p><p>Use the "Full Web Site" referencing method described in the referencing guide to create bibliography entries for the websites you find.</p><p>. Travel statistics for Queensland . Australian postcodes . Gold Coast attractions . Encyclopedia or reference web site that is not Wikipedia . Australian Workplace health and safety . Starting a small business . Help with Microsoft Word</p><p>Save the file as your name-internet referencing.doc and submit.</p><p>1.4.2 COPYRIGHT LAWS</p><p>Find a web site that gives legal requirements for copying information from the internet or other publications. </p><p>Use Microsoft Word to type a summary of what is allowed from what sources. </p><p>Include a bibliography entry for the web site and add it to your favourites.</p><p>Save the file as yourname-copyright laws and submit.</p><p>1.4.3 LIBRARY RESEARCH ACTIVITY</p><p>Access the GCIT library search (or local library) and then </p><p>Use the library catalogue to find resources on three of the following topics. </p><p>Copy and paste the library code e.g. (HF2112.34) and the title of the book into the sections below. Then print or save a copy of your list. </p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 14 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p>Visit the library, locate the books you have searched for and create a bibliography entry for each of them </p><p>. Communicating in Business . Writing Reports . Management in Tourism . Workplace Health and Safety . Microsoft Office . Small Business Accounting or Finance . Workplace Relations . Leadership in the Workplace . Travel Agency Licensing </p><p>Save the file as yourname-library refencing.doc and submit using the file tool at the bottom of this page.</p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 15 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p>SESSION 3: LETTERS AND MEMOS</p><p>OBJECTIVES</p><p>In this session you will:</p><p> Create folders to store documents</p><p> Use a checklist to determine document requirements</p><p> Create 3 business letters and 3 memos </p><p>Unit of competency criteria that will be assessed are:</p><p>. Identify the purpose, audience, format, style, content and scope of a range of business documents </p><p>. Maintaining and filing copies of all documents within a secure and ordered system and according to organisation practices </p><p>. Select and use appropriate technology and software to suit the requirements </p><p>. Review and check documents prior to finalisation to ensure accuracy in content, free from spelling and typing errors, and meets all requirements</p><p>WORKBOOK ACTIVITY 3.1 – BUSINESS LETTER TUTORIAL</p><p>View the business letters slideshow online or using the resource CD. </p><p>WORKBOOK ACTIVITY 3.2 – BUSINESS LETTER TUTORIAL</p><p>View the tutorial on basic editing in Microsoft Word online or using the resource CD </p><p>View the tutorial on formatting text in Microsoft Word online or using the resource CD</p><p>Visit the site and view the on mail merge in Microsoft Word online </p><p>Visit the Microsoft website for more Word 2003 tutorials.</p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 16 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p>ASSESSMENT 1.5 – BUSINESS LETTERS</p><p>1.5.1 CREATE A LETTERHEAD TEMPLATE</p><p>Use the information from the Tranquility Travel scenario, your workplace or personal details to create a letterhead that shows the company name using a size 14 font on the left hand side of the page and the address and phone number on the right hand side in smaller text.</p><p>Save the file as a template called Letterhead. </p><p>Use Save as to save a second copy of the file to your Business Documents folder.</p><p>1.5.2 TYPE THE LETTER SHOWN BELOW</p><p>Using the letterhead template created in assessment 1.5.1 type the letter as shown below:</p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 17 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p>Save the above letter as Galloway - Credit Refusal in your business documents folder</p><p>1.5.3 CASE STUDY</p><p>You work in the administration section of the Tranquility Resort and need to write a letter to a customer (Carry Stepson, 72 Victoria Crescent, Townsville, QLD. 4871) who has made a reservation for accommodation, check in the 7th of next month, check out the 15th of next month, but no deposit has yet been paid. </p><p>The total cost of accommodation is $940, with a 15% deposit required within the next 14 days to confirm the reservation. </p><p>Payment can be made by money order, cheque, direct deposit (ANZ Bank - BSB 645784 - A/C 78721456) or by ringing with a credit card number.</p><p>Use Microsoft Word and the letterhead template to write a letter using a professional layout and manner. Use formatting features such as right align, bold and italics to highlight important information within the letter.</p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 18 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p>Save the file as Stepson Carry - Deposit request and submit the completed letter. Make any changes needed after feedback is received.</p><p>1.5.4 SPECIAL OFFER MAIL MERGE LETTERS </p><p>Use the mail merge feature to create a letter that invites people to the take advantage of a special offer that is being offered </p><p>Choose one of the following scenarios:</p><p> Two for one around the world tickets </p><p> Kids stay for free all school holidays </p><p> Free restaurant vouchers with any 7 day stay</p><p>Use the mail merge feature of Microsoft word (see the previous topic for a tutorial) to:</p><p>Create a mail merge data source using 5 of your class mates, work mates or mobile phone entries. Save the file as datasource-customer list </p><p>Write a document that is based on the letterhead template.</p><p>Use the wordart feature of Microsoft word to create some visual/eye catching parts.</p><p>Include details on the special offer. This could include valid dates, starting prices and any other special conditions. </p><p>Save the main document as maindoc-special offer </p><p>Complete the mail merge as a new document and save as mailmerge-special offer. </p><p>Submit the mailmerge-special offer file using the tool at the bottom of this page.</p><p>1.5.5 CUSTOMISED BROCHURE REQUEST MAIL MERGE LETTERS</p><p>Use the mail merge feature to create a letter that requests brochures from various attractions/destinations.</p><p>You will need to use to find potential suppliers to use as the data source. Try using searches for one or more of the following keywords as the business type; tourist, attraction, hotel.</p><p>Use the mail merge feature of Microsoft word to:</p><p> Create the data source using the yellowpages search results. </p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 19 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p> Create a custom field called brochure type in the data source that identifies the type of brochure you will be asking for from that particular supplier/attraction/destination. Save the file as datasource-suppliers </p><p>Write a letter that requests a quantity of brochures for the Tranquility Travel office. Use the custom brochure type field in the letter. </p><p>Save the main document as maindoc-brochure request </p><p>Complete the mail merge as a new document and save as mailmerge-brochure request. </p><p>Upload the mailmerge-special offer file using the tool at the bottom of this page.</p><p>WORKBOOK ACTIVITY 3.3 – MEMO TUTORIAL </p><p>Use the resource CD or online link to complete the tutorial and quiz on memos.</p><p>WORKBOOK ACTIVITY 3.4 – WORD TEMPLATES</p><p>Use the resource CD or online link to complete the tutorial on using word templates.</p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 20 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p>ASSESSMENT 1.6 – CREATE MEMOS</p><p>1.6.1 – RECREATE THE MEMO</p><p>Below is a memorandum about scheduled tea breaks. </p><p>Use the previously created Tranquility Travel letterhead or memo template in Microsoft Word to re-create the information below.</p><p>Save the file as Memo - Tea Breaks in your Business Documents folder and submit the completed file and make any changed needed after receiving feedback. MEMO </p><p>To: All Staff</p><p>From: HR Department</p><p>Date: [Today's Date]</p><p>Subject: Tea Breaks</p><p>This is to let you know that in future tea breaks will adhere strictly to the times laid down for them in our recent meetings. If for any reason your department wishes to discuss this matter further, then they will be able to do so at our next meeting.</p><p>1.6.2 CREATE AND WRITE 3 MEMOS</p><p>Below are some common topics for memos. Choose three and use the previously created Tranquility Travel letterhead or memo template in Microsoft Word to create a memo for each topic. The memo can be address to some or all or your class mates.</p><p> New car parks made available </p><p> Changes to morning tea times </p><p> New procedure for time sheets </p><p> Paper recycling bin now available </p><p> Weekly meeting time has changed </p><p>Once you have created each memo, save them as Memo - Topic. Replace the word topic with the subject of the memo, submit the files and respond the any feedback.</p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 21 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p>SESSION 4: POLICIES AND PROCEDURES</p><p>SESSION 5: PROPOSAL DRAFTS</p><p>SESSION 6: PROPOSAL SUBMISSION</p><p>SESSION 7: TENDERS</p><p>SESSION 8: FOLLOW UP DOCUMENTS</p><p>SESSION 9: REPORTS</p><p>SESSION 10: PORTFOLIO DRAFT</p><p>SESSION 11: PORTFOLIO DUE</p><p>SESSION 12: RESUBMISSION OF ASSESSMENT</p><p>SESSION 13: ALL ASSESSMENT DUE</p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 22 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p>APPENDIX A: MARKING CRITERIA SHEETS</p><p>Each assessment item is marked using an assessment marking criteria sheet. This is how your teacher measured your ability to perform tasks in a competent way. Review these sheets to ensure that you are confident that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to be assessed as competent. ASSESSMENT 1: Marking Criteria</p><p>Qualification Diploma of Tourism</p><p>Unit SITXADM003A: Write Business Documents</p><p>Student</p><p>Assessor</p><p>Date submitted</p><p>Description of Task Completion of Learners Workbook assessment items 1.1 - found in. All data to be saved using subfolders and consistent or prescribed naming showing effective organisation of work files. Where required they will also need to be uploaded using the online learning system, emailed or put onto disc and posted to the assessor. </p><p>Did the student do the following: Yes Comments</p><p>Submit ALL ACTVITITES to demonstrate the selection and use appropriate technology and software to suit the requirements </p><p>Complete document requirements activity that identification of purpose, audience, format, style. content and scope used when creating a range of  business documents</p><p>Complete the research activities that demonstrate conducting research using formal data collection methods and where appropriate, obtain  specialist assistance</p><p>Complete proposals activities that demonstrates analysis and assessment of data for relevance before used in a document </p><p>Complete business letter activities that show using a suitable format, structure and style according to document purpose and organization  requirements</p><p>Complete report and portfolio activities to demonstrate the use of a range of document presentation and graphic techniques to enhance impact and  effectiveness of the information presented</p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 23 Assignment 2 – Workbook – SITXADM003A – Write Business Documents</p><p>Demonstrate the use of language and style appropriate to the document style and intended audience, ensuring clarity of information and ease of  reading</p><p>Complete the giving feedback activity to demonstrate making recommendations for action where appropriate on at least two documents,  written or verbally</p><p>Reviewing and checking documents prior to finalisation to ensure accuracy in content, free from spelling and typing errors, and meets all  requirements</p><p>Submit all activities for feedback or comment or and adjusting where necessary to demonstrate </p><p>All activities are to demonstrate a format and style appropriate to the intended audience and purpose, and according to organisational  guidelines.</p><p>Demonstrate maintaining and filing copies of all documents within a secure and ordered system and according to organisation practices by  submitting file structure in the CD burning activity</p><p>Feedback to student:</p><p>The overall performance was: Satisfactory  Unsatisfactory </p><p>Assessors Signature: ______Date: ______</p><p>David Martin 4231EBL – Advanced Teaching Strategies Student #2636349 Page 24</p>

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