<p> Request for Proposal Application INSTRUCTIONS for funding under the 2017 City Parish Office of Community Development Consolidated Plan Program: Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)</p><p>APPLICATIONS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN 4:00 PM ON TUESDAY, MAY 16, 2017 .</p><p>All applications must be submitted to: City Parish Office of Community Development 222 St. Louis Street, 7th Floor Baton Rouge, LA 70802 225-389-3039 Monika Gerhart-Hambrick Urban Development Director</p><p>The application form is online (both in MS Word and PDF) at the City Parish Office of Community Development Web site. To access the Web site go to: http://brgov.com/dept/ocd/annoucements.htm</p><p>Applications can also be e-mailed upon request, contact Joel Harrell at [email protected] </p><p>This package provides information about program requirements, policies, and the application process for funds provided to the City Parish Office of Community Development under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Consolidated Plan programs. </p><p>Instruction Package Contents</p><p>Section Heading I. Mandatory Pre-Qualification Criteria for Applicants II. Eligible Applicants Who May Apply III. Anticipated Funding Available IV. Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program V. Action Plan and RFP Process VI. Application Submission Instructions VII. Other City Parish/Federal Requirements VIII. Commonly Asked Questions</p><p>Attachment A: 2017 OCD RFP Evaluation Forms</p><p>1 City of Baton Rouge-East Baton Rouge Parish Office of Community Development, May 2017 I. Mandatory Pre-Qualification Criteria for Applicants Before completing the application form, please review the Pre-Qualification Criteria below. DO NOT SUBMIT AN APPLICATION IF YOU CANNOT MEET ALL OF THE PRE-QUALIFICATIONS. (Government agencies proposing to serve the City Parish residents are not required to meet these criteria.) 1. Agency must have two audited financial statements for the most recent fiscal years which were completed within past 36 months 2. Agency must have written financial and grants management policies and procedures 3. Agency must have at least 12 months of experience that is similar or related to the activities for which funding is being requested from the City Parish II. Eligible Applicants Who May Apply The City Parish accepts proposals from any source, including agencies, governmental entities, civic groups, and individual citizens; however, only certain types of applicants may be designated as grant sub-recipients. Grant sub-recipients include governmental agencies within the City Parish and private nonprofit organizations serving the City Parish geographic area. </p><p>III. Anticipated Funding Available Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) – Supports the operations of emergency shelters, supports essential services for those living in shelters, provides street outreach and services to unsheltered persons, and assists in the provision of homeless prevention and rapid re-housing. The City Parish anticipates the allocation of approximately $262,000 in ESG PY 2017 funding.The availability of ESG funds is contingent upon final federal approval of the FY 2017 budget. </p><p>IV. Emergency Solutions Grant Program NOTE: Homeless-assistance and homeless-prevention applicants should review the new guidance in detail: https://www.hudexchange.info/resource/4478/esg-and-consolidated-plan-conforming-amendments- overview-changes/ Copies of the City Parish’s new ESG Guidance Manual are available from the Office of Community Development.</p><p>A. National Objective of the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program - To support the operations of emergency shelters, to support essential services for those living in shelters, to provide for street outreach to unsheltered persons, and to assist in the provision of homeless prevention and rapid re-housing. </p><p>B. Eligible Activities for ESG Funding Street Outreach Services to reach out to unsheltered homeless; connect them with emergency shelter, housing, or critical services; and provide urgent, non-facility based care, through: - engagement - case management - emergency outpatient health services, including mental health - transportation, including travel costs of outreach workers and costs of transporting unsheltered homeless to shelters or services</p><p>2 Emergency Shelter Providing services to homeless in shelters, renovating buildings to be used as shelters, and shelter operations, including: - case management - child care in licensed facilities - education services - employment assistance and job training - outpatient health services, including mental health - legal services - life skills training - outpatient substance abuse treatment services - transportation of residents to services - labor, materials, tools, other costs for renovating/converting buildings owned by government or nonprofit, for use as emergency shelter - shelter operating expenses including maintenance, rent, security, equipment, insurance, utilities, food, furnishings, supplies, and, when no appropriate shelter is available, motel/hotel vouchers Rapid Re-housing Assistance Assistance to help homeless families and individuals move quickly into permanent housing and attain stability in that housing, including: - short/medium-term rental assistance, rental application fees and security deposits, last month’s rent at previous residence, utility deposits and payments, moving costs, housing search and placements services, case management, tenant/landlord mediation, legal services, and credit counseling Homeless Prevention Assistance to prevent a family or individual with income at or below 30% of area median (see table below), from moving to a shelter, other unstable housing situation, or unsheltered location, including: - short/medium-term rental assistance, rental application fees and security deposits, last month’s rent at previous residence, utility deposits and payments, moving costs, housing search and placements services, case management, tenant/landlord mediation, legal services, and credit counseling.</p><p>2017 HUD Sec. 8 Annual Income By 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Family Size for the Baton Rouge MSA* Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons 8 or more Low: Up to 80% of Median $43,45 $48,90 $54,30 $63,00 $38,050 $58,650 $67,350 $71,700 0 0 0 0 Very Low: Up to 50% of median $27,20 $30,60 $33,95 $39,40 $23,800 $36,700 $42,100 $44,850 0 0 0 0 Extremely Low: To 30% of $16,30 $20,42 $24,60 $32,96 $14,250 $28,780 $37,140 $41,320 median 0 0 0 0 *As published April 14, 2017. *Expires when superseded.</p><p>Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Costs of contributing data/reporting in the HMIS Administration Administrative costs of the City Parish in implementing ESG</p><p>C. Limitations on the Use of ESG Funds: 1. The percentage of ESG funding allocated for shelter activities and street outreach to unsheltered persons cannot exceed the greater of: the percentage allocated by the jurisdiction for homeless assistance activities in its 2010 grant, or 60% of the current grant. 3 City of Baton Rouge-East Baton Rouge Parish Office of Community Development, May 2017 2. Grant administration expenses are limited to 7.5% of the grant.</p><p>D. Geographic Areas Covered by ESG and State ESG The ESG program includes the entire City Parish with the exception of the cities of Baker, Zachary and Central.</p><p>V. Action Plan and RFP Process </p><p>April 26: RFP packages are released. </p><p>May 01: RFP pre-submission workshop to review the application and process and to answer questions. The workshop will be held from 3:30-5:30 p.m. at the Main Library, 7711 Goodwood Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70806 in the large meeting room.</p><p>May 16: RFP submission deadline is set at (4:00 p.m.). Responses are to be hand-delivered to City Parish Office of Community Development, 222 St. Louis Street, 7th Floor, Baton Rouge, LA 70802. For more information, contact the City Parish Office of Community Development at 225-389-3039.</p><p>Applications are reviewed and evaluated. All applications are evaluated on a number of factors including national objective, eligibility of activity, feasibility, zoning, impact to the community, implementation timing and concerns, capacity of organization, and Consolidated Plan priorities. During the review period, applicants may be asked to provide additional information or clarification on their proposals as needed. All organizations, whether or not they have previously received funding under these programs, are subject to on-site reviews of agency records during the proposal process. Funding for selected projects are included in the Action Plan 2017, which is made available for public review no less than 30 days prior to final public hearing and Metro Council vote scheduled for July 26, 2017. October 1: Program year 2017 officially begins, but grant award from HUD may not actually be available to the City Parish until between November and December 31, 2017. Funds are not available to sub recipients until after the City Parish receives the grant award from HUD, funds are appropriated by City Parish Metro Council and a contract is executed between the sub recipient and the City Parish.</p><p>VI. Application Submission Instructions A. Application Availability Applicants are highly encouraged to download electronic files from the web site at http://brgov.com/dept/ocd/announcements.htm . If necessary, applicants may request that it be emailed: contact Joel Harrell at [email protected]</p><p>B. Application Forms The Project Application is to be used for all CDBG funding requests. The Projects application has different narrative sections. All applicants should complete Section I, Section II and Section III of the application form. Section IV has three different versions, which vary depending upon the type of project being proposed. Be sure to complete the correct version, and only the correct version of Section IV.</p><p>4 The Projects application also has two different versions of the Section V. Budget. Complete the correct version or versions. If you are requesting both operational and capital funds, complete both. C. Submission Requirements Separate Applications for Different Types of Projects: Requests for funding in more than one major funding category (e.g. public service, public facility, economic development) should be submitted on separate application forms. It is important to separate match funding as well as budget and programmatic aspects of proposals. One Application for Capital and Operating Funds at a Single Site: If a project proposal is requesting funding for property acquisition/development and also for the facility/program operations of that same project site, these requests may be combined in one application. Both components must be described clearly, and separate capital and operating budgets must be provided. Documentation of separate match must be provided for each component. If the sponsoring organization (i.e., grant sub-recipient) for the development component is different from the sponsoring organization for the operations, then each sponsor organization must complete a separate application. In this case, describe the relationship between the two proposals in the application as well as the relationship of the sponsor organization to the proposed project.</p><p>D. Project Outcomes When applicable, for example for social service projects, the City Parish reviews project performance in terms of the impact on clients/beneficiaries. The application forms contain a section where anticipated project Outcomes must be defined. Describe the major Outcomes of this project, what Tasks (agency activities) will be undertaken to realize the desired Outcomes, and how those Outcomes will be measured.</p><p>E. Application Copies A checklist is provided in Section II of the Project Application. One signed original, four additional signed copies and an electronic format (CD) of the completed application must be provided. Please do not bind your application or insert divider pages.</p><p>F. Audit/Financial Statements The Applicant must provide two of its most recent agency audits reflecting two separate fiscal years (not older than late 2015). The audits/financial statements may be bound. </p><p>G. Implementation Timetable for CDBG The City Parish is required to expend CDBG dollars in a timely manner. Each year, HUD evaluates the City Parish’s expenditures on August 1. If a jurisdiction has more than 1.5 times its annual grant amount unspent by this date, the jurisdiction’s grant program risks having sanctions imposed by HUD. All applicants should apply for only those funds that can be fully expended within a 12-month period from date of receipt, which may require phasing in some larger projects. The application should document experience and capacity to implement the activities expeditiously. The City Parish intends to fund projects that are ready for implementation and can be fully expended in no more than 12 months from the time that HUD funds are received. Projects that cannot expend City Parish funds within this timeframe should be phased or should seek City Parish funding at a later time, when other components are completed. 5 City of Baton Rouge-East Baton Rouge Parish Office of Community Development, May 2017 H. Incomplete Applications Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Additionally, they will be denied if the five pre- qualification criteria are not met. The City Parish Office of Community Development is not obligated to pursue missing information or to consider supplemental materials that are provided after the application deadline. Applicants should ensure that their applications are on time, complete, and ready for review and ranking at time of submittal. </p><p>VII. Other City Parish/Federal Requirements When funding is awarded to an organization, the City Parish must enter into a written, contractual agreement before receipt of funding and before activities can begin. The agreement spells out the purpose, scope of work to be undertaken, budget, timetable, outcomes, and reporting requirements. Other standard City Parish/state/federal requirements in the agreement include: Applicable rules, regulations, and laws to be followed (For example, acquisition of property must follow rules of the Uniform Acquisition and Relocation Act; housing rehabilitation must follow Fire Protection and Safety Standards; construction over certain dollar levels (varies by grant) must follow Davis Bacon Act and pay federal wage rates) Maintenance of records/audit requirements Procurement standards (competitive) for subcontracted work to third parties Property management and inventory controls Conflict of interest (prohibiting members, officers, employees from personal gains) Publicity requirements to credit the City Parish and HUD for funding Written procedure requirements for finances, personnel policies, service policies, etc. Offering employment opportunities to low income City Parish residents Equal employment opportunity policies Minority and female business enterprise participation goals for subcontracted work Nondiscrimination under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Reversion of assets at contracts end Sub-recipients must abide by the City Parish policy to prohibit discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment based on race, sex, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or handicap. </p><p>All sub-recipients must have adequate insurance which includes: A. Commercial General Liability on an occurrence basis as follows: a. General Aggregate $2,000,000.00 b. Products-Completed Operations Aggregate $1,000,000.00 c. Personal & Advertising Injury $1,000,000.00 d. Each Occurrence $1,000,000.00 e. Fire Damage (Any one fire) $50,000.00 f. Medical Expenses $5,000.00</p><p>B. Business Auto Policy a. Any Auto, or Owned, Combined Single Limit b. Non-Owned & Hired $300,000.00</p><p>C. Standard Workers Compensation-Full statutory liability for State of Louisiana with Employer’s Liability Coverage</p><p>6 D. The City of Baton Rouge and Parish of Baton Rouge must be named as additional insured on all general liability policies described above</p><p>E. Waiver of subrogation in favor of City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge is required from Workers Compensation Insurer.</p><p>F. Certificates must provide for thirty (30) days written notice to Certificate Holder prior to cancellation or change.</p><p>G. The Certificate Holder should be shown as: City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge Attn: Purchasing Division Post Office Box 1471 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821</p><p>All policies must hold the City Parish harmless and have an endorsement specifically naming the City Parish Office of Community Development as additional insured.</p><p>Applicants who cannot or will not meet the above requirements should not apply for funding. For further information regarding requirements for contracting with the City Parish, please contact the Office of Community Development at 225-389-3039. </p><p>VIII. Commonly Asked Questions</p><p>Q. What if I don’t meet all of the Pre-Qualification Criteria but hope to be able to meet them before actual funding is provided? A. Applications that do not meet all of the Pre-Qualification Criteria at the time of making application for funds will not be reviewed for funding. Do not submit an application if you do not meet all of the Pre-Qualification Criteria. </p><p>Q. What if I don’t have all the information requested on the application? A. Complete every question in some way. If the requested information is not available, state that it is not available, when it will be available, and the problems which prevent the submission of the requested information. Incomplete applications may not be reviewed or may be penalized. The City Parish Office of Community Development is not obligated to pursue missing information or to consider supplemental materials that are provided after the application deadline. Applicants should ensure that their applications are on time, complete, and ready for review and ranking at time of submittal.</p><p>Q. Who needs to submit an audit? Can a yearly financial statement be submitted instead? A. Agencies that have an annual budget and expenses of less than $100,000 may submit the most recent yearly financial statement prepared by a certified public accountant (no older than late -2015), if an independent audit has not been done. For agencies with annual budgets and expenses exceeding $100,000, a financial statement is not an acceptable submission substitute for an audit. Agencies that have an annual budget that exceeds $100,000 must have an annual independent audit. Applicants that receive more than $750,000 in federal or federally-derived funding submit a 2 CFR 200.501 audit. 7 City of Baton Rouge-East Baton Rouge Parish Office of Community Development, May 2017 The most recent audit should be submitted (not older than 2015 audit), including any management letters. </p><p>Q. When can I submit an application? Do I have to wait for the May 16th deadline? A. The City Parish Office of Community Development accepts applications at any time, but only those applications submitted by the May 16th, 2017, 4:00 PM deadline will be considered in the 2017 annual funding competition. It helps the City Parish in processing the volume of applications received if applications are submitted before May 16th, rather than on the last day.</p><p>Q. When will I hear that my application is approved? A. The City Parish Office of Community Development will release Executive Branch funding recommendations to the Metro Council for approval in July. Every applicant will receive written notification for that meeting. Letters will also be sent to recommended applicants informing them of Metro Council approval.</p><p>Q. How long will my proposal be considered—are all funding decisions made once in the summer? A. Although all estimated 2017 funding will be recommended to Metro Council in the summer, the City Parish may have program income or other reprogrammed funding available to award at any time up to the next application cycle. Depending upon the nature and timing or the proposed project, a proposal that is not recommended for funding in the summer might be held for possible consideration if additional funding should become available at any time. </p><p>8 Attachment “B”</p><p>OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EVALUATION TOOL RECOMMENDATION FORM</p><p>Applicant Name:______</p><p>PROJECT APPLICANT NAME:______</p><p>PLEASE CHECK THE FOLLOWING BOXES FOR THE RECOMMENDATED PROGRAM:</p><p>____ Community Development Block Grant Program</p><p>____ Emergency Solution Grant Program</p><p>____ HOME Program</p><p>____ Housing Opportunities with Aids Program</p><p>Total Matrix Score: ______</p><p>Eligible Activity: ______(IDIS code)</p><p>National Objective: ______(IDIS code)</p><p>Reviewer Signature: ______</p><p>Date: ______</p><p>9 City of Baton Rouge-East Baton Rouge Parish Office of Community Development, May 2017 OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT EVALUATION TOOL INSTRUCTIONS</p><p>PRE-QUALIFICATION CRITERIA FOR APPLICANTS</p><p>IF APPLICANTS DO NOT MEET ALL OF THE PRE-QUALIFICATIONS. DO NOT CONTINUE TO REVIEW THE PROPOSAL. APPLICANTS MUST MEET THE FOLLOWING:</p><p>____Agency must have two audit/audited financial statements that were completed within the past 36 months.</p><p>____Agency must have written financial and grants management procedures</p><p>____Agency must have at least 12 months of experience that is similar or related to the activities for which funding is being requested from the City-Parish.</p><p>If applicant meets all criteria above, then move to the next phase of the review.</p><p>Comments: ______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>10 ► Section II: CHECKLIST: ALL Applicants Complete ◄ A. Checklist -- Indicate whether the following documents/attachments are submitted with application. Document or Attachment #Copies Yes No N/A If needed but not included, date to submit: APPLICATION GENERAL SECTIONS: 5 I. Project Identification and Contacts II. Checklist 5 III. General and Compliance Items 5 IV. PROJECT SECTION ( COMPLETE ONE ): IV.01 Single/Multi-Family Housing Development or IV.02 Homeless/Special Needs Housing Dev. .or 5 IV.03 Community Facilities, Historic/Access, Public Infrastructure or IV.04 Service Projects or IV.05 Economic Development V. BUDGET SECTION ( COMPLETE ONE OR BOTH ): V.01 For Capital Projects and/or 5 5 V.02 For Operational Support 5 V.03 For ESG ONLY Affidavit signed by ED, notarized, (Attachment A)** 5 ATTACHMENTS, ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY : 5 IRS 501(c)(3) determination*</p><p> Most recent audit/financial statement(no older 5 than late 2011); may be bound</p><p> Income and Expense Statements for Jan-March 5 2016 Financial management procedures 5 Articles of Incorporation 5 Corporation By Laws 5 Listing of Board of Directors (name, address, phone number, office held, term, compensation, 5 profession, qualification, race, gender, ethnicity) Minutes of last three board meetings 5 ATTACHMENTS, PROJECT-SPECIFIC: 5 Evidence of site control Capital project cost estimate 5 Property appraisal 5 Resumes/references, copies of appropriate licenses and/or professional certifications of 5 principal staff Job descriptions for implementing staff 5 Copy of office/program site lease 5 Documentation of match 5</p><p> Commitments for operational funding (for capital 5 projects to be acquired/developed) CHDO Threshold Checklist (Attachment C) 5 CHDO Staff Capacity (Attachment D) 5 Housing Development Projects only: 5 Application fee Certifications (see attachment B) Most recent tax returns for developers (990s for 11 City of Baton Rouge-East Baton Rouge Parish Office of Community Development, May 2017 nonprofit developers). Certified copies of all organizational documents for entities in the project, including articles of incorporation, operating agreement, partnership agreements. NOTE: “N/A” Not Applicable to this proposal, or not required. *Not required of for-profits & governmental units. </p><p>CDBG HOME HOPWA ESG Evaluation Tool and Scoring Matrix</p><p>► Section II: Scoring Criteria ◄</p><p>A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION and IMPACT ON CITY PARISH GOALS</p><p>Description of the project/program and what communities need(s) it proposes to meet:</p><p>1. Does the project described support one or more of the priorities in the City Parish Consolidated Plan as described on page 3 of the City Parish’s 2017 RFP Instructions. a. No (Low Score) None of the priorities are addressed in the project description b. At least one of the priorities is addressed in the project description (Medium Score) c. More than one priority is addressed in the project description or it addresses one priority that the City Parish has indicated as a high priority in its Con Plan. (High Score)</p><p>2. Has the applicant provided a detailed and specific description of the project, the target population, the expected outcome, and the project’s location and boundaries? a. No. (Low Score) No description of activity is provided or is limited and does not provide specific b. The applicant has provided a detailed but incomplete or unclear description. (Medium Score) c. Yes. (High Score)</p><p>3. Has the applicant demonstrated that the agency’s partnerships will enhance the effective service delivery of the project/program? a. No (Low Score) The applicant has failed to demonstrate any partnership. b. The applicant has demonstrated a partnership, however it does not demonstrate that it will enhance service delivery of the project/program (Medium Score) c. Yes (High Score) The applicant’s project/activity demonstrates a strong partnerships that will enhance the service delivery of the project/program.</p><p>B. APPLICANT CAPACITY</p><p>12 Description of the organization including years in existence, its purpose, staff size Including an organizational chart with positions and names.</p><p> If the organization has managed funds before provide detailed information as to when, how much funding, types of project/program and if the program/project is closed out.</p><p> Summary paragraph for each management and staff member working on the project in regards to their experience with this specific work and their specific experience with HUD funds. Provide proposed time (percentage) each identified staff will devote to the project/program. (Full resumes may be attached).</p><p>1. Does the applicant possess the organizational capacity OR the relevant experience to successfully complete the project? (See above for assistance in answering the questions) a. The applicant’s organizational capacity and history indicates an insufficient ability to successfully complete the project AND the applicant’s relevant experience and performance with previous projects are not indicative of a distinguished ability to successfully complete the Project. The applicant has little or no experience in carrying out these type or similar projects or projects were unsuccessful. (Low Score) b. The applicant’s organizational capacity and history indicates a reasonable ability to successfully complete the project OR the applicant’s previous project experience and past performance indicates an adequate ability to successfully complete the project. (Medium Score) c. The applicant’s organizational capacity and history indicate a strong ability to successfully complete the project OR the applicant’s previous project experience and past performance indicate a strong ability to successfully complete the project. The applicant has carried out similar projects with a high degree of success.(High Score)</p><p>2. Does the applicant have the necessary level of technical skills and programmatic knowledge to successfully complete the project? a. The applicant does not demonstrate skill in the required program and technical areas or does not have adequate staff to carry out project(Low Score) b. The applicant demonstrates some skill in the required program and technical areas and employs adequate staff. (Medium Score) c. The applicant is highly skilled in the required program and technical areas, including adequate and experienced staff in carrying out these types of projects (High Score)</p><p>3. Does the applicant have ongoing HUD projects in good standing with OCD or has the applicant carried out HUD projects in the past? a. Yes, however projects are not in good standing or previous projects were unsuccessful (Low Score) b. No Applicant has no prior experience in carrying out HUD projects or has experience in carrying out other Federally or State funded projects (Low Score) c. Yes , Applicant has ongoing or previous HUD projects that are in good standing or were successful (High Score)</p><p>13 City of Baton Rouge-East Baton Rouge Parish Office of Community Development, May 2017 C. Community Impact and Population Served</p><p>How the program/project meets an eligible national objective and how it meets an eligibility activity.</p><p>1. Will the expected project outcomes identified in application provide a benefit? a. No, the deliverables for the project are vaguely defined and are not quantifiable. Little or no benefit is shown as a result of the project or services to be delivered. (Low Score) b. The expected outcomes are defined and are quantifiable. A moderate impact on the community or neighborhood to be served is expected. (Medium Score) c. The expected outcomes for the project are clearly defined and are quantifiable and a high impact on the community or neighborhood to be served is expected. (High Score)</p><p>2. Does the target population for the project reflect the Consolidated Plan priorities? a. The connection between the target population and the required client base for the project is weak – it is unlikely that the target population will provide sufficient client base for the project. (Low Score) b. The connection between the target population and the required client base for the project is adequate – it is reasonably likely that the target population will provide a sufficient client base for the Project. (Medium Score) c. The connection between the target population and the required client base for the project is strong – it is likely that the target population will provide an extensive client base for the project. (High Score)</p><p>D. PROJECT FUNDING AND READINESS </p><p>1. Did applicant identify additional funding that provides project leveraging or matching funds? a. No additional leveraged or matching funds were indicated on the application or less than 10% of funds to grant amount requested were indicated (Low Score) b. More than 10% but less than 25% of leveraged or matching funds were identified in the application. ( Medium Score) c. More than 25% of leveraged or matching funds were identified in the application... (High Score)</p><p>Detail budget with sub-categories of a budget category is high. A sources and uses Table identifying all sources of funds (with specific names and if funds are in place in addition, committed) and use of those funds.</p><p>2. Did the applicant provide a detailed budget with sources and use of funds? a. The applicant did not provide a detailed budget with source and use of funds or budget were submitted which did not appear reasonable to carry out project(Low Score) b. The applicant provided a budget and it appears that the budget is reasonable to carry out project.(Medium Score) c. The applicant provide a detailed budget with source and use of funds and it appears that the budget is reasonable to carry out the project (High score)</p><p>3. Is the Project likely to be completed within 12 months of the contract execution date? </p><p>14 a. The project is unlikely to be completed within the given timeframe based on timelines provided in the application or no timeline was submitted with the application. (Low Score) b. The project is reasonably likely to be completed within the given timeframe as indicated by the timelines in the application. (Medium Score) c. The project is highly likely to be completed within the given timeframe or less than 12 months as indicated by the timelines in the application and based on how and when HUD funds will be used. (High Score)</p><p>4. Does the applicant have a program/budget with the minimum of $50,000.00? a. No (Low Score) b. Yes (High Score)</p><p>5. Does the applicant have the necessary procedures in place to manage the requested funding appropriately? a. The applicant’s relevant fiscal management experience for the proposed project is minimal (less than one year) or none. (Low Score) b. The applicant’s relevant fiscal management experience for the proposed project is adequate (1 to less than 4 years). (Medium Score) c. The applicant’s relevant fiscal management experience for the proposed project is excellent (4 years or more). (High Score)</p><p>6. Does the applicant have evidence of site control? a. No (Low Score) b. No but site control is expected prior to the execution of any contract (Medium Score) c. Yes ( High Score)</p><p>E. PARTNERSHIPS</p><p>1. If the applicant is in a collaboration or partnership, did they designate one agency as the fiscal agency? a. No (Low Score) b. Yes (High Score)</p><p>2. Has the applicant formed collaborations or partnerships with other organizations that would have an impact on the success of the project? a. No partnerships or collaborations were identified, or those identified would not appear to contribute to the success of the project based on their past performance or type of projects/activities that they carry out. (Low Score) b. The applicant has identified limited partnerships that could contribute to the success of the project. (Medium Score) c. The applicant has identified numerous partners or other collaborations that would contribute to the success of the project or that have carried out similar projects. (High Score)</p><p>F. GENERAL</p><p>1. What is the overall quality and level of clarity of the program design? a. Low. The design of the program as presented would appear to not have a major impact in the community or neighborhood or does not appear that it would produce the results identified(Low Score) 15 City of Baton Rouge-East Baton Rouge Parish Office of Community Development, May 2017 b. Average. The design of the program would allow for success but may only have minimal results.(Medium Score) c. High. The design of the program would allow for success and also produce expected results beneficial to the community or neighborhood served.(High Score)</p><p>2. Does the project proposed meet the eligibility requirements and objectives under one of the three HUD programs?</p><p> a. No b. Yes Identify Program ____ CDBG ____ESG ____HOME</p><p>3. Is the Project consistent with local zoning and comprehensive plans? a. The project is little or not at all in line with the local zoning and comprehensive plans. (Low Score) b. The project is somewhat in line with the local zoning and comprehensive plans. (Medium Score) c. The project is fully in line with the local zoning and comprehensive plans. (High Score)</p><p>16 City-Parish of East Baton Rouge Office of Community Development 2016 RFP Projects [CDBG, HOME, HOPWA, ESG] Scoring Matrix</p><p>Project Name: ______</p><p>Applicant/Fiscal Agent: ______</p><p>Score Score Score Proposal Category Question Issue Addressed Comment A B C Score A. Project Description Con Plan priority and Impact on OCD 1 1 2 3 needs Goals Project description 2 1 2 3 and details 3 1 2 3 Partnerships B. Applicant Capacity 1 1 2 3 Experience Technical skills and 2 1 2 3 staff knowledge Projects in good 3 1 2 3 standing C. Community Impact/population 1 1 2 3 Benefit derived served Target population ties 2 1 2 3 to Con Plan D. Project 1 1 2 3 Leverage and match Funding/readiness 2 1 2 3 Budget and feasibility 3 1 2 3 Timeliness Minimum budget 4 1 2 0 requirements Policies and 5 1 2 3 procedures 6 1 2 3 Site control E. Partnerships 1 1 2 0 Applicant/Fiscal Agent 2 1 2 3 Partnerships/Strengths F. General 1 1 2 3 Project design 2 1 2 0 Eligibility 3 1 2 3 Zoning Maximum Possible Score 54</p><p>Reviewer’s Name______Date______</p><p>17 City of Baton Rouge-East Baton Rouge Parish Office of Community Development, May 2017</p>
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