United Church of Christ in Cornwall, Congregational

United Church of Christ in Cornwall, Congregational

<p> July/August 2016 Bridge United Church of Christ in Cornwall, Congregational</p><p>STAFF: Minister Director of Music Dir. of Christian Ed. Church Secretary Church Sexton Micki Nunn-Miller Anne Chamberlain Tracy Gray Tracy Gray Donna Beilefield on</p><p>PASTOR’S WORD Recently, eight of us returned from a trip to the Pine Ridge Reservation for work and learning and relationship-building. It was a wonderful trip and much was accomplished (see related article). This year marked our 5th trip to Re-Member, the organization which plans our time while on the Reservation. Re-Member has been on Pine Ridge for 18 years and has earned the respect of the folks who live there. Thanks to all who helped us with your prayers and financial gifts. The church season of Pentecost, which focuses on growth in faith and discipleship, is the perfect time to plan a work/mission trip. Those who go on the trip and those who send us are challenged to learn and work in new ways and challenged to think “outside the box” about American History and the historic role of the Church in mission fields. Most of this history related to Native Americans has not been good. So our faith today leads us to exchange gifts with the Ogala Lakota Sioux Oyate. From them we learn a deep, earth and Creator- centered spirituality and from us they gain the gift of beds or porches or trailer skirting. From them we learn a community-focused way of living and from us they gain the gift of community sharing of resources to improve living conditions in the midst of horrific poverty. Many of the Lakota are financially poor, but they are rich in culture and faith. Together we grow with them in faith and discipleship. Those of us who have had the opportunity to be there over these years are changed, whether we’ve been on 1 trip or many. Let me know if you are interested in possibly going to Pine Ridge in the future. Blessings for growth in faith and discipleship in this Pentecost season! Micki Church Picnic!! Sunday, September 11 (rain or shine) 11:30 – ?? at Cream Hill Lake Come to worship in your picnic clothes! Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity for fun and fellowship for all ages! It is a great way to start off a new church program year! Bring a dish to share Hotdogs for you to grill for yourself/family will be provided, if you want something else – bring it along! Grill space aplenty! Beverages will be provided. Transportation from the parking area to the beach area will be provided for those who need it. We are a “Green Church” so each family should bring their own recyclable picnic ware! Bring a chair or two In the case of rain we will picnic in the lodge so bring a table game or two to play while we socialize – rain doesn’t stop our fun!! IN OUR CHURCH FAMILY</p><p>Congratulations to the following young people who celebrate a birthday in July and August:</p><p>July 7 Chiara Nadel August 2 Sam Hurlburt July 10 Hugo Rapp August 20 Jacob Johnson July 15 Flora Grace Webb August 26 Lydia Brandfield July 19 Jack Nestler July 30 Katya Winsser</p><p>CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL GRADUATES !!</p><p>REMEMBER THE FOOD PANTRY OVER THE SUMMER! Though we are removed from the space near Pantry itself while we worship at North Cornwall Meeting House, the need for food on the shelves there is just as great during this season. Remember your “neighbors” (those whom Jesus asked us to love) when you are gleaning the summer harvest from your gardens and spotting those deals at your local markets while you shop! Please drop your food or other items at the CVMH when you can. Your donations are gratefully accepted.</p><p>Fresh produce would be fantastic such as: potatoes oranges peaches blueberries onions cherries apples tomatoes pears strawberries Picnic Stuff Pickles Relish Hot dog/hamburger rolls Hot dogs/chopped meat/chicken Thinking children:</p><p>Juice Pudding packs Fruit-based snacks Jelly (strawberry but not grape) String cheese Non-food items Paper towels Liquid hand soap Band-Aids Bath tissue Moisturizer Bacitracin Moist wipes Q-Tips IN PLENTIFUL SUPPLY so not needed for now: Canned Tuna fish Peanut butter Pasta Canned vegetables Hamburger Helper</p><p>If you bring cold items, please make sure they get in the refrigerator/freezer found in the Day Room Kitchen and label them “Food Pantry”.</p><p>The Pantry is open for patrons on Mondays from 5:30 -6:30 and Thursday mornings from 9:00 – 10:00. Bringing your donations before these opening times will ensure that patrons get your fresh donations quickly! STATEMENTS OF GIVING Each July, the Treasurer of the church sends out a Statement of Giving to those who have pledged, listing all of your financial gifts to the church for 2013. Since half of the fiscal year has passed, you can see how you stand relative to your pledge for the year. Remember that a pledge is a statement of intention that can be changed as circumstances in your life change. A pledge can be lowered, or raised, or made at any time. Please speak to Charlie Milligan if you have any questions about your Giving Statement. GOODNEWS! GOODNEWS! GOODNEWS! GOODNEWS!  Children’s Sunday was a wonderful and creative offering from our children as they led us in meaningful worship, calling on the presence of the Holy in song, prayer, and Scripture reflection. Thanks to kids, teachers, and our Director of Christian Education for this special time. Thanks be to God!  Eight folks from the congregation and community went to represent us at the Re-Member organization in Pine Ridge, South Dakota. They spent 6 days of work, learning and cultural exchange on there. Thanks to them and to all who gave to the Pine Ridge Fund to make their trip possible. Thanks be to God!  On Sunday, July 3, the congregation was surprised and thrilled to play host to a delegation of folks from Hawaii during our worship service. They are here in the states to follow the trail of the earliest missionaries to their state. Of course, this led to a few hours in Cornwall and we were treated to music and their presence among us as they experienced the church that touched the lives of some of the very first missionaries to go to Hawaii. They were very inspiring to all of us! Thanks be to God!</p><p>The Variety Life Offers Free program Please join us to Discover the many possibilities open to you! Learn about some of the many area options for recreational, educational and cultural activities, social service resources and volunteer opportunities. Speakers include representatives from: The Taconic Learning Center Northwest CT Arts Council The Chore Service Cornwall Park and Rec Cornwall Social Services Wednesday July 20, 2016 2:00 PM At the Cornwall Library 30 Pine Street, Cornwall, CT Light Refreshments will be served Reservations are encouraged Call Tara Decker at 860-435-5222 X 1201 Or email [email protected]</p><p>IN THE MAILBAG… “Let me express our gratitude to the people at church for the bouquet of flowers given for Charlie’s Memorial Service. It was, indeed, a beautiful arrangement and even had some blue flowers. Blue was Charlie’s favorite color. Every spring as the flowers came back, he had a special sermon he gave on the perfection God had created in the blossoms. We also thank the church for use of the Parish Hall for our reception afterwards. Sincerely, Dorothy Russ”</p><p>Church Council Meeting June 14, 2016 Present: Pastor Micki Nunn-Miller, Moderator MaryAnn Poinelli, Anne Baren, Paul Baren, Paul deAngelis, Barbara Gold, Tracy Gray, Jim Longwell, Charlie Milligan Moderator MaryAnn Poinelli called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. Pastor Micki Nunn-Miller opened with prayer. Pastor’s Report: Pastor Micki commented on the importance of the Council’s role to discuss ideas as was the case at the April 28th meeting. April, May and June were super busy; they included annual meetings of the Litchfield North Association and the Connecticut Conference. The 150th CT Conference meeting in 2017 will occur at the Convention Center in Hartford with the MA and RI Conferences present. Micki read a statement from Conference Minister Ken Siladi re: the mass shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, FL. Micki and Ginny Potter met with a minister from Ohio who is studying the first UCC missionaries to Hawaii as part of his sabbatical activities. Minutes of the April 28, 2016 meeting were approved as circulated with three abstentions. Moderator Poinellli circulated a proposal for a Working Agreement for the Council; consensus was approval. Treasurer’s Report: Charlie Milligan is catching up with paperwork after completing his Appalachian Trail adventure. The Council again expressed deep appreciation to Pam Longwell for her work as Assistant Treasurer while Charlie was away. Director of Christian Education Tracy Gray reported on a successful Children’s Sunday. The CE Committee is working to clear out the Parish House sink room. The Secret Church will remain up. Tracy is writing the curriculum for Active Peacemaking for the 2016-2017 year. Three Family Nights are planned for VBS this summer. Church picnic is scheduled for September11. A review of the duties of the Church Council as set out in the By-Laws resulted in the following conclusions:  Widen representation on Church Council to include all committees.</p><p> Encourage/support all committees.</p><p> Review the Constitution and By-Laws.</p><p>Meeting schedule (dates to be determined) was set for September, November, January, February, April, June. Meetings will vary between Tuesday evenings and Sunday after church. Committee reports Deacons: Jim Longwell reported that Ken Merrill has joined the Deacons. Trustees are scheduled to meet with new members. They are securing estimates for a variety of projects. They are working to get the kitchen approved by Torrington Area Health District. SMOC: Pastor Micki reported that the committee voted to award four scholarships of $200 each to children attending Silver Lake; six children are attending this summer. The committee donated $100 to the Silver Lake golf tournament fund raiser. The Mission Moment during worship in May on children’s well being garnered $77 for Women’s Support Services for children’s programs. North Cornwall Meeting House Preservation: Pastor Micki reported that work is proceeding. Old Business: None New Business Pastor Micki nominated and Jim Longwell seconded Paul Baren to continue as Council Member-at-Large. Motion Passed unanimously. Council members are asked to send names for potential second Member-at- Large to MaryAnn, who will meet with Pastor Micki to determine a nominee for the next meeting. Good wishes were offered for the Pine Ridge crew, leaving June 24.MaryAnn Poinelli is still collecting diapers and formula to take to the reservation. Meeting adjourned with a benediction at 9:00 pm. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Gold, Clerk NEWS FROM REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT COMMITTEE Plans to receive a refugee family (probably in early August) are moving along. We will not know what family will be coming to us until late July, but in the meantime we are locating an apartment in Torrington, collecting furnishings and supplies, and making other early preparations. Some of the items for the apartment which we already have in hand are being stored in the Parish House. Furnishings we are still looking for are: small dressers, twin bed frames, floor and table lamps, mirrors, clocks, rugs (area size or smaller), chairs for kitchen/dining table, computer (2 years old or newer), printer, toaster, toaster oven, sheets/mattress pads/blankets/comforters. Let me know if you have any of these items which you would be willing to donate, or if you have questions about same. We will keep you posted. Let us know your suggestions, concerns, questions. — Refugee Resettlement Committee, Micki Nunn-Miller, Jill Bryant, Nita Colgate, Brianna Novajasky, Peg Keskinen </p><p>Fundraising and Fellowship Opportunity: PIE SALE At this year’s Cornwall Ag Fair on September 10, our church will have a small table with information about our church and we will be selling frozen pies – which we will make ourselves! Pie vouchers will be sold at our table at the fair. Those who purchase a pie voucher will head to the Parish House to pick up their frozen pie. Here’s how it will work: On a Saturday morning prior to the sale, volunteers will meet in the Parish House kitchen to assemble fruit pies. Each pie making volunteer will donate 2 boxes of ready-made pie crust or a frozen pie shell in a tin (great for crumb topped pie) and the fruit for the filling. The church will provide the sugar and spices. Volunteers will work together in the kitchen putting the pies together and readying them for the freezer. Volunteers will also be needed at the church table to man the booth and sell the vouchers. All proceeds benefit our church - Let's have some fun and make some money! IF you cannot come to make pies but would like to contribute to this fund raiser you can provide the crusts and fruit ahead or cash so someone could purchase the needed item for you. Pie making – Saturday, August 27 9:30 – 12:00 (or until finished) The more volunteers the less work. Bring sharp knives, cutting boards, your favorite mixing bowl, measuring cups would also be helpful. Aprons and hats are a must! A sign-up sheet can be found in the Day Room or you can call the church office (860-672-6840) – please volunteer to help in some way! CONFERENCE ANNUAL MEETING HELD The 149th Annual Meeting of the CT Conference was held in June at the University of Hartford. We were represented at the meeting by our Pastor and Delegate Deb Labbe. Katie Freygang served as an Alternate Delegate as Paul Baren was unable to attend. Katie is also the Co-chair of the Environmental Ministries Team of the Conference. The keynote speaker was Rev. Dr. Yvette Flunder, the founding pastor of the City of Refuge UCC in San Francisco. Her inspiring talk, given prior to the killings in Orlando, was focused on the urgent need for all of us to be God’s justice prophets. The business of the meeting included a vote to raise the Per Capita giving to the Conference from the current $8 per member up to $10 a member for 2017. The decision on whether to raise the 2018 contribution for Per Capita to $12 was rejected. Three resolutions came to the floor. The following 2 resolutions were passed: “A Resolution of Implementation Recommending Gender Neutral Restrooms in Churches and at Annual Meeting Sites” (Pastor Micki was one of 15 signers on this Resolution); “Resolution of Implementation to Help Achieve State Mandated Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Support the Increase in Renewable Energy Resources in Connecticut (our church was a sponsor of this Resolution). One Resolution was voted down: “A Resolution of Implementation Calling for Opposition to the Further Legalization of Marijuana in Connecticut”. At the Authorized Ministers’ Luncheon held prior to the opening session of the Conference, women who were ordained prior to 1986 were recognized as “Pioneer Women”. Pastor Micki was included, since she was ordained in 1982. There was a woman present who was 101 years old who graduated from seminary in 1940 and was finally ordained in 1972! All are invited to the Annual Meeting; you don’t have to be a delegate to attend. The next meeting will be the 150th anniversary of the Conference. It will be on the 3rd weekend of June at the Hartford Convention Center and it will include the Rhode Island Conference and the MA Conference, marking the first time all 3 Conferences have gathered together for Annual Meetings. Rummage Sale July 16, 17, 18 ALL (but fine furniture) at Mohawk Saturday: 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Sunday: 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Monday – Bargain/Bag Day: 9 a.m. – noon Donations: Mohawk Ski Lodge: July 6 – 15, 9:00 – noon – everything but the better furniture Cornwall Town Hall: July 14 and 15, 9:00 – noon – Better quality furniture</p><p>************************************************************************************************************ Something to Ponder: “Ice Cream Is Sometimes Good For The Soul” Last week I took my children to a restaurant. My six-year-old son asked if he could say grace. As we bowed our heads he said, "God is good, God is great. Thank you for the food, and I would thank you even more if Mom gets us Ice Cream for dessert. And liberty and justice for all! Amen!" Along with the laughter from the other customers nearby, I heard a woman remark, "That's what's wrong with this country. Kids today don't even know how to pray. Asking God for Ice Cream! Why, I never!" Hearing this, my son burst into tears and asked me, "Did I do it wrong? Is God mad at me?" As I held him and assured him that he had done a terrific job and God was certainly not mad at him, an elderly gentleman approached the table. He winked at my son and said, "I happen to know that God thought that was a great prayer." "Really?" my son asked. "Cross my heart." Then in theatrical whisper he added (indicating the woman whose remark had started this whole thing), "too bad she never asks God for Ice Cream. A little Ice Cream is good for the soul sometimes." Naturally, I bought my kid Ice Cream at the end of the meal. My son stared at his for a moment and then did something I will remember the rest of my life. He picked up his Sundae and without a word walked over and placed it in front of the woman. With a big smile he told her, "Here, this is for you. Ice Cream is good for the soul sometimes and my soul is good already!" July 2016 United Church of Christ in Cornwall, Congregational 860-672-6840 [email protected] Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10:00 Worship Stitch “n” Food Pantry in Cornwall Spin open, Village Meeting 9:00 – 11:00 House 7:15, Lib. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 10:00 Worship Blood Pressure Summer Fun Stitch “n” Food Pantry Rummage Sale in Cornwall Clinic, 12:00 – Night 6:00 – (all at Mohawk) 1:00, DR Spin open, Village Meeting 8:00, DR 7:15, Lib. 9:00 – 11:00 House Food Pantry (See newsletter open, 5:30 -6:30 for details) 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 10:00 Worship Rummage Sale Summer Fun Stitch “n” Food Pantry in Cornwall (all at Mohawk) Night 6:00 – Spin open, Village Meeting 8:00, DR House 7:15, Lib. 9:00 – 11:00 Food Pantry (See newsletter Rummage Sale open, 5:30 -6:30 for details) (all at Mohawk) 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 10:00 Worship Food Pantry Stitch “n” Food Pantry in Cornwall open, 5:30 -6:30 Spin open, Village Meeting 9:00 – 11:00 House 7:15, Lib. 31 10:00 Worship in Cornwall Village Meeting House</p><p>Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 Food Pantry Summer Fun Qigong, 6:00 – Food Pantry August open, 5:30 -6:30 Night 6:00 – 7:00, DR open, 2016 8:00, DR Stitch “n” Spin 9:00 – 11:00 7:15, Lib. Trustees, 7:30, DR 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10:00 Worship in Food Pantry Qigong, 6:00 – Food Pantry Cornwall Village open, 5:30 -6:30 7:00, DR open, Meeting House Stitch “n” Spin 7:15, Lib. 9:00 – 11:00 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 10:00 Worship in Food Pantry Stitch “n” Spin Food Pantry Cornwall Village open, 5:30 -6:30 7:15, Lib. open, Meeting House 9:00 – 11:00 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 10:00 Worship in Food Pantry Stitch “n” Spin Food Pantry Cornwall Village open, 5:30 -6:30 7:15, Lib. open, Meeting House 9:00 – 11:00 28 29 30 31 10:00 Worship in Food Pantry Stitch “n” Spin Cornwall Village open, 5:30 -6:30 7:15, Lib. Meeting House United Church of Christ in Cornwall, Congregational 8 Bolton Hill Road PO Box 35 Cornwall, CT 06753</p><p>Phone: 860-672-6840 Fax: 860-672-6840 Email: [email protected] Web:www.uccincornwall.org Morning Worship: 10:00 Church School: 10:00 Office Hours: M – F, 9 –1</p><p>God is Still Speaking! We are an Open and Affirming Church. All are welcome here! </p>

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