<p>Analyze [email protected] [email protected]</p><p>11:36 281-726-2570 713-728-3979 Dwight: Sent fax on 7/18/03</p><p>Clayton Hoppin Construction Batch Plant and Trucks (250) 836-2377 or Cell 250-832- 5892. Looks like Alaska or British Columbia</p><p>Wayne Walden Griffin sand and concrete 850-674-8664</p><p>[email protected] Pictures of KW’s 360-354-4081 has 89 and 91’s he wants to sell</p><p>Kevin at boling concrete 314-772-6300</p><p>Samuel Lewis 473-407-0562</p><p>Jeff Ellensberg cement products mixer trucks: 509-933-7056</p><p>Rick Aue Chicago stone: any with mc neilus fax 630-279-6627 mobile 630-479-1959 Send Spec’s and Photos of 98 IH BMIII’s</p><p>Thursday clyde smith plant 580-256-8673</p><p>Monday Sr: re: Dane Shocky 316-409-1297 plants and trucks Greg Cole 770-318-7188 </p><p>RG Allen: plant -214-597-3351</p><p>Roger’s Ready Mix Steve 618-282-3844 x7 (called earlier in year on J. Dehart plant)</p><p>Baton Rouge Late model paystars; jim 225-275-3257</p><p>Fax number: Greg 405-391-2917 Cement tanker has vantage wants another</p><p>Richard Moore 99,98,00 240WB not bridge Minn. 612-706-4713</p><p>America’s recovery network, Tom Johnston, 859-491-7795 ex 19 White River $29,297 15 to 20 if down and everything’s there RG ALLEn $35,000 as is where is. Hwy 165 and State in Hollister. </p><p>662-233-4036 662-562-2868 J. Ferguson, Johnny/Johnathan Used Trucks Mississippi</p><p>Larry Carnell 1 800 484 8685 2255 King Size Bed Jo Ann 817-501-5473 198 Overlook Trail Swingset and Green table out front</p><p>10:46 am Friday Dave Clancy Portable Plant Starter for Misssissippi 800-348-8553</p><p>1:24 Mike Ready Allied Concrete in Modesto Re: Solo 12 Batch Plant 209 524 3177</p><p>Harvey Kinikin 806-935-4168</p><p>473-439-1731 Sammy Lewis</p><p>719-491-7649 Jeff Eltagonde Colorado materials</p><p>Robert Bacchus 319-824-3011 re: Ed Atkinson</p><p>702-837-9996 Mike with Spartan Machinery</p><p>Mike Stevenson, Stevenson Weir, 803-482-2134 Stewart or Mike</p><p>Bill Davis Metro Baltimore Plant Job site 120 YPH actual 443-790-1303</p><p>Frank With Gallup Fax plant Local or what 3 or 4 bins silos split more information Ross or Hagan? 863-3818 505 [email protected] x20</p><p>Andy mort’s ohio KW KW 2001’s 419-281-0575; missed, bought at auction </p><p>Jacksboro Inn, Jboro, 940-567-3751. Double room Saturday Night </p><p>Ricardo Frank with Gallup Sand and Gravel, did get message, but hadn’t heard of us before; will be in touch. 505-863-3818 x20</p><p>[email protected]</p><p>Steve Musfeld Ks 816-985-4681</p><p>1102 George gilof 936-588-8000 3 96 mack w/MTM</p><p>1109 Greg smith salem Oregon; 96 petes cat-; 274 wb ca spec BMIII; 503-362-1156 [email protected] 503-932-3427</p><p>205p branch cowling from waverly VA 99 Mack 804-834-2271 [email protected]</p><p>1245 Julie MacLaine 6” ad black and white 800 251-6776 x ? 557 Ask for Debbie adams 804p 1255p david Pasadena texas 713-477-3144 ODISA batch plant; 30071 air vibrators</p><p>752 p 11/18 frank with gallup sand and gravel; received quote; thanks, will be in touch later on when get work 505863….x20</p><p>159 11/19 greg smith walling sand and gravel 1999 KW’s 503-932-3427</p><p>204 palacane rm in VA more info on plant 2003 IH’s 1800-642-0198 Junior – left message Friday 11/21 </p><p>206 pm 11/20 Gene Weston Burgis…. Sumter 803-983-2882- left message Friday 11/21</p><p>Jimmy Mach-ett richland VA oplant 91K 2003 iH; 1800-642-0198</p><p>Cervantes Maur 817-801-5411</p><p>Gilchrist cons 11/20 318-448-9993</p><p>Mechanicsville 804-744-2197</p><p>Tues 9-11 For Ricardo bill Davis Metro Ready Mix in Baltimore 12 yd 120YPH Dust C Batch Computer Hot Water with ticket s 443-790-1303 dlivered and stup by January 31st</p><p>Rick Aue; KW with BMIII call 630-479-1959</p><p>904 a Robert Holley flyer re 785-337-2252 robert or jay. </p><p>936-588-1018 North American </p><p>Caldwell RM 740-732-2906</p><p>Andy Rios 1020a 786 229 7603</p><p>1102a John Albinger solo 12 concrete plant dimensions 8154642000 w18 8154644743 fax John m. 8154053229 </p><p>409p 321 324 0474 Luis re concrete equipment wants to talk to Ricardo. </p><p>Fernando 713-467-0513 re macks; mail spec’s and photos</p><p>141p gene with coast to coast concrete chipping 877-216-8116</p><p>Montana Dwayne 406-480-9122 cell phone december second SHERIDAN READY-MIX INC F 406-765-1750 X 406-765-1570 PO BOX PLENTYWOOD 414</p><p>851 Robert Midwest hanover 7853372252 in on tues. </p><p>127 dec 6 910-273-7115 Andrew Gladis with stewart miller re; truck to Fresno? CA for James Witt</p><p>Dec 2 401 p Karina Mack trucks 941-755-0781 after hours 813-494-6855</p><p>803 john albinger www.javans1.com</p><p>December 10, 2003</p><p>820 a Alberto de Venezuela 25000; clear 011-58-414-249-6718</p><p>1252 p Mike Haynes Gainesville Georgia 770-536-2112</p><p>January 5, 2004</p><p>Melanie Graham at Rock and Dirt 18002516776 x295</p><p>Brad Smith 9365243958</p><p>Redmen Ready Mix Toronto 416-398-0770 Sonya? </p><p>John Albinger 815-464-2000 x 18</p><p>Mindy with contractors 1800-247-2000 for Ricardo </p><p>Craig Brandt Des Moines Package of mixers 515-967-1168</p><p>Dave Young Canada Concrete Plants 905 252 1183 Has 12 yard Rustler II good gates, 2 conveyors 2 agg, 2 hopper, old computer, 1991 model, located New Orleans. $110,000; 8000 cfm Ross central dust </p><p>Jimmy at Mc Allen Const 956-686-7819</p><p>Nick Martini at KW Fort Worth 800-580-7775 used mixer trucks</p><p>Betty at Southland 817-293-4263</p><p>John with albuqu 505 831 0279</p><p>836 Hanson 212-226-3831</p><p>David Scribner Dallas 8002567383 243 Pm Sam California Ready Mix 562-483-5200 Fax 562-404-7856 </p><p>Rooke 214-906-7220</p><p>Mike Farris re: trucks for sale</p><p>915 a Paul Harold ST Griswald 8026580201 x256 [email protected] Include</p><p>939 Gary Stutter with Kirkpatrick schwing pump any thing bridge 2054232622</p><p>947 a Frank Bristoll Albuquerque Value 5052993090</p><p>1004 a Hanson Needs early nineties needs two 212-226-3831</p><p>1004 a Lynn Davidson; 817-291-4620</p><p>142 Chris cypress finance 800-433-6189 x125</p><p>213 p Jim Harold Smith 707-963-7977 x16 fax 4731 portable plant jan14 Harry Molder 954 584 3200 2441 S State rt 7 Ft Lauderdale FL 33317 info on used pete mixers </p><p>Saturday Dave Hancz concrete truck and equipment fax 574 299 7372 800 970 7370 [email protected] photos spec’s; std./pavers</p><p>Monday J 19 Bob at hilltop 513-723-9587</p><p>Tues 332p Charles Smart B&C transmission cell phone 817-228-7078; Charles 817-270- 8210</p><p>Thurs. 235 Hanson; 2 mixers 212-226-3831</p><p>242p Stefan Tenelli Superior supplies 707-546-7864 celll 707-953-9016 re; 2000 KW mixers 11 yard BM III2:27 p Stefan Tenelli on bridge mixers again 2000 KW’s ($78,000)</p><p>Sun 302 Gene Weston Burgis Bogden DM690S Look this week 803-983-2882</p><p>850 Am 10 lb shipment ethyl R&L Trucking 214 467 5900 shipment number 4298573333</p><p>Scott whitehorn, electrical problem, keller, golden triange toward keller, 1st block on left; go left INH automotive??? 817-431-3150 cell 817-729-5074 Dustin older bridgemasters 308-635-1687; we need to send him info on Brad DeHaan’s trucks. Dustin went to Hawaii on vacation; will be back Feb. 16 th</p><p>1998 Pete/Smith through Scott Kutz; Trevor Kaiser; 307-383-6499 Wyoming $39,500</p><p>Albuquerque John Quintana four units right away</p><p>David Hernandez: BC Ornamental Las Cruces Looking for two to four. 505-382-8105 cell 505-649-2885</p><p>D and G David Baeza conveyors desert valley ready mix looking for 30’ conveyors. 505- 546-6011 </p><p>Coast Wide Ready mix Dennis, Tillamook 503-842-4437</p><p>651 am T work 618-229-8239; </p><p>2/6/04 1249 Fred Sr. Harry Moulder 5 day cabs pete’s 954-584-3200 245-250WB</p><p>147p Ramon Carrasquillo Austin cell 512-663-8656</p><p>202p John Fink 218-675-5808 Aspen construction price drum, hours miles, photos bridge or load [email protected]</p><p>Tues Jan 27th 1249 Cliff Curtis 800-587-9532 x 116</p><p>Fri Jan 30 831a Dwayne Mc Carty International and Macks </p><p>133p Ricardo: Dwayne 2003 IH’s spec’s photos etc. o 304 592 5577 c 304 641 5510 f 304-592-5546</p><p>313 Miami 1996 Mack 305 418 4788 </p><p>Mon 1234 truck scale 520-578-2222 eric</p><p>948 chris curtis capstar in tampa 8005879532 x116</p><p>Tues 1123a Harry Moulder </p><p>Tues 219p Alberto LaFarge; no date blah blah apologize blah blah </p><p>355p dale pavers inc. Celina KS 3 IH 1998 MTM BMII’s 785-826-3194</p><p>WWed 111p Craig Scott used trucks 281-4327700 441 Edgardo Carles 507 229 3377</p><p>Thurs Julie Mac Lain 8002516776 x557 renewal and late balance</p><p>Thurs 914 John Diamond needs four mack regular trucks and two four 601 928 1651</p><p>1236 p ed obrian 620 249 3171 batch computer and truck or two</p><p>316p Ricardo re Jorge Escobar meeting with customer for 9 macks to panama</p><p>338 p Dale Triplet pavers inc 785 826-3194</p><p>402p steve 907-688-2161 klondike concrete</p><p>121 PM Regina with rock and dirt. 1800-251-6776 x211 </p><p>John Diamond </p><p>Monday 838am Jeff Blankley Lexington concrete OSHKOSH 270-737-8296 79-80</p><p>Keith Hall 573-406-3240 </p><p>201 p Craig Scott 281-432-7700</p><p>1044 a Brad Smith 936-524-3958</p><p>7p Hanson 30 1990 DMM688=ssxx with rex mixers. 19900ea 212-22(3)6-3831</p><p>807a Alberto LaFarge Tuesday nite 011584142496718</p><p>Karina 941-755-0955 813-494-6855 941-755-0955</p><p>Hanson 212-226-3831</p><p>Rick Welsh 4 95 Mack DM Mixers 507-374-2261 507-951-1085</p><p>Cleto Duran 512-748-5506</p><p>Noel Torres</p><p>Scott Kutz: PW feenstra construction; 480-226-4070 Patrick Feenstra ofc 480-988-3449 five or six 2000 or newer 3 axles. $68500 mack RD’s Bob and John 10.5 yard drum</p><p>Penny 800 654-8280 remove from mailing list</p><p>Tues 3/23 Scott Kutz 3302041079</p><p>March 24th Tom Ardin 262-605-6224</p><p>3/26 Scott Harris 512-738-0798 512-547-5327</p><p>Tues 117p Dan Melton 2003 Mack Granite 1995 Mack 2550 209-586-9102 c 206-8398</p><p>Tues 1:30 Kirk Pederson with Don Greer email from mack dealer in Panama Mack DM; also from Rafael Castro 686-564-9225, 1985-1988 IH 3 axle; 520-263-0138</p><p>Wed 7:51 Sonya recall letter for the 1995 mack; is recall free, if any can; label on the inside of truck with spec’s of trucks and drum. 416-398-0770</p><p>Wed 1052 a Greg at boliver ready mix Missourri; 417-326-5532</p><p>Thurs 955a Tom at 812-474-6571 Need s 10 used bridge trucks for Arizona</p><p>1216p John Mackentire 1800buy rep removal </p><p>142p Ethan at direct capital financing startups tough credit 603-526-7111 x 107</p><p>356 p Mario erie PA 814-838-1674 c 814 873-2183 used mixers on www</p><p>958a Greg at Boliver mixer trucks Mack RD’s 90-95’s 3 axle no booster MTM; 417-326- 5532</p><p>1144a Bob and John drum and water tank</p><p>1013 Kirk at tanner 541-367-8891</p><p>1104 am Jorge Escobar 305-592-8361</p><p>John Kennedy 623-842-2830</p><p>103 p 541-367-8891</p><p>237p mike gary LV paving 702-353-4524 rates, rental, 10 or 12 cu yd ready mix trucks</p><p>311p don greer up to date; </p><p>335p rick heise, harconcort, Wichita KS 2000 KW’s 2-3 used specs 316-462-0119 JT at TTT Sandblasting 817-598-0754</p><p>Don Greer </p><p>312p David bump 210-260-1373 turkey hunts </p><p>925 George4 a t 305-592-8361</p><p>217p Gary Johnson </p><p>Messages 6/17/04</p><p>854am Howard Febley Mac allen construction 956-3428722 portable silo</p><p>428p yesterday 9406278769 8172287643 fax Rusty Sandy hill ready mix</p>
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