Annual Rho Chi Chapter Report s1

Annual Rho Chi Chapter Report s1

<p> Annual Chapter Report – 2016-2017</p><p>Date of report submission: May 10, 2017 Name of School/College: Wayne State University, Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Chapter name and region: Alpha Chi Chapter, Region IV-E Chapter advisor’s name and e-mail address: Dr. Brian Crabtree, [email protected]</p><p>Delegate who attended the Rho Chi Annual Meeting: Katherine Plank Date delegate’s name submitted to Rho Chi.: February, 2017</p><p>Past year’s officers and e-mail addresses: President: Derek Montgomery, [email protected] Vice President: Katherine Plank, [email protected] Secretary: Michaela Scott, [email protected] Treasurer: Zachary Hagan, [email protected] Historian: Patrick Gasso, [email protected]</p><p>New officers and e-mail addresses for next academic year: President: Michael Farah, [email protected] Vice President: Carly Burns, [email protected] Secretary: Kristen Zofchak, [email protected] Treasurer: Shannon Blattert, [email protected] Historian: Dung Ho, [email protected] </p><p>Number of Rho Chi student members at college or school, listed by class year and program (and by campus if more than one campus): Class of 2017, Pharmacy Doctoral Program: 19 The Rho Chi Society National Office Contact Information: Email: [email protected] Telephone: (919) 843-9001 Fax: (919) 962-0644 The Rho Chi Society Annual Chapter Report </p><p>Class of 2018, Pharmacy Doctoral Program: 20 Class of 2019, Pharmacy Doctoral Program: 15</p><p>Meetings:</p><p>Date Attendance Agenda Action Steps 04/13/2016 All 2015-2016  Events & activities from  Discuss options for improving chapter activities next year. New Member board members, previous year  Overview Alpha Chi member responsibilities as members Initiation New initiates,  Officer roles and  Officers explain their roles in the organization Faculty advisor responsibilities  Begin nomination process and survey monkey for new  Successes and areas for elections improvement for next year  Nominations and election of new officers  Transition meeting date 05/4/2016 All 2015- 2016  Officer roles and  Each officer explained their duties and areas of improvement Transition board members, responsibilities  Transfer of documents created and used throughout the year to Meeting All 2016- 2017  Hand-off of documents the new officers board members, Faculty advisor 05/27/2016 All 2016-2017  Committee composition  Established committee size based on feedback from last year First executive board members  Vista Maria  Responsibilities and committee for Vista Maria set up under board meeting  Fundraising opportunities the Secretary’s control  Mentor-Mentee program  Pasta Lunch fundraiser will be on 10/26 and location reserved.  General Meeting agenda  Agenda planned for key points of general meeting on 9/10</p><p>09/14/2016 Class of 2018 Rho  Committee responsibilities  All members participating in a committee First General Chi members,  Cabrini Clinic sign-up  Next presentation for Vista Maria planned for 4/5/17 with Meeting Faculty Advisor  Vista Maria changes to topic  Fundraising: Pasta Luncheon  Cabrini Clinic volunteering through doodle poll signup and Pharmacy Ball  Pasta Lunch fundraiser for 10/26 </p><p>Revised 9-12-14 The Rho Chi Society Annual Chapter Report </p><p> Tutoring update  Donation of an award basket to the Pharmacy Ball  Mock Interviews  New tutoring assignments due to curriculum change  Lakey Award Lecture and  Mock Interview committee begins outreach to interviewers, Banquet plan to meet in November  Potential candidates for Lakey Award Lecture discussed 1/09/2017 All 2016-2017  Rho Chi National Meeting  Dean’s office approved travel support and decision of Second executive board members  Lakey Award Lecture and recipients for National Meeting board meeting Banquet  Lakey Award and Banquet: Hiroshi Maeda Confirmed  Mock Interview Results  Adjustment of Mock Interview process for next year.  Chapter Achievement summary  Template video and written summary for chapter recognition and video 01/14/2017 Class of 2018 Rho  Change in initiation procedure  Successful vote to change bylaws to adjust timing of when Second General Chi members,  Proposal of new initiates members are initiated Meeting Faculty Advisor  Lakey Award Lecture and  Active members approve new initiates. All votes approved; no Banquet update votes against.  National Meeting update  Lakey Award attendance and set up plans  Date for second Pasta Lunch  National Meeting in Baltimore. Katherine Plank and Xhilda Xhemali designated Chapter delegate and backup respectively.  Second Pasta Lunch on 01/25/2017 04/18/2017 Chapter officers,  Give overview of what our  General overview of Alpha Chi activities and involvement Old and New New initiates, chapter has done this year throughout the year Officers Meeting Faculty Advisor  Details on roles and  Each officer explained their roles and responsibilities expectations of each officer position</p><p>Revised 9-12-14 The Rho Chi Society Annual Chapter Report </p><p>Strategic Planning: The Alpha Chi chapter embraces the Rho Chi Society mission goals and continually evolves the chapter to better represent the spirit of Rho Chi. We adjusted the initiation procedure to better recognize intellectual achievement of students and promote continued excellence of the students in our pharmacy program. We invited Dr. Hiroshi Maeda to accept the Roland T. Lakey Award, an award given to individuals who have made significant impacts in the field of pharmacy, and represent an intellectual leader that our members should strive to emulate. We continued to support the highest ethical standards of our members by finding new volunteering opportunities including presenting to Vista Maria, a disfranchised and abused women’s’ shelter, to better connect to our community and provide our services to those who most need it. Finally, a strong focus was to improve the tutoring that our organization offers to help all of the students of Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy reach their full potential. Through the mentorship of Dr. Brian Crabtree and collaboration with other student organizations such as Phi Lambda Sigma we will continue to refine our chapter to best represent the ideals of the Rho Chi Society.</p><p>Activities: See table below in Appendix titled “Alpha Chi Chapter, Wayne State University Activity Table” for a summary of the main activities of the Alpha Chi Chapter this past academic year.</p><p>Financial/ Budgeting: The main expenses for our chapter this year was the annual Lakey Lecture Award/Rho Chi Banquet. We were able to receive funding through the Department of Student Services (DOSO) at Wayne State University for the majority of the Roland T. Lakey Award Reception and Rho Chi Banquet, which included catering along with lodging and airfare for our Lakey Award winner. The charge for new initiates to attend the banquet were covered by faculty member donations, as well as the Department of Pharmacy Practice. This shows the strong support and relationship our chapter has maintained with faculty and program throughout the years. Additional funding was received from the Deans Office of Eugene Applebaum to support our members going to the national meeting. In addition, our chapter purchased the Rho Chi graduation cords for each member. Our main source of fundraising is done through school food sales but other methods have been investigated to varying degrees of success. A financial breakdown can be found in the “Alpha Chi Chapter Financial Report” below. </p><p>Initiation Function: The 2017 initiation ceremony for new members was held in conjunction with the annual Roland T. Lakey Award Lecture. The event was held on Wednesday, April 5th, 2017 from 4:30 – 7:30 PM at the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in Detroit, Michigan. Our chapter inducted 15 new student members. The initiation banquet was held immediately following the Lakey Award Lecture and was attended by Rho Chi initiates and their loved ones. Dr. Hiroshi Maeda was the distinguished speaker at this function as recipient of the Roland T. Lakey Award. Dr. Maeda is a renowned scientist in macromolecular therapeutics. He created the world’s first polymeric nanotechnology to be approved for the treatment of human patients. He spoke the welcoming words to the initiates and congratulated them all on their future success. In addition, the 2016-2017 elected board members, the faculty advisor, and many Eugene Applebaum faculty members were present for the event to support the new initiates. </p><p>Revised 9-12-14 The Rho Chi Society Annual Chapter Report </p><p>Evaluation/Reflection: Our chapter is deeply thrilled with the success that our organizations has had in the previous years. All our members of our organization were involved throughout the year allowing success of all of our activities. Our nomination as a finalist for the Chapter Achievement Award motivated us to continue our work and improve upon our legacy for the Alpha Chi Chapter for years to come. Our goal is to continue to improve and be recognized by the national branch of Rho Chi as a leading example of success of what Rho Chi chapters can bring to their parent schools. </p><p>Our tutoring program was completely overhaled this year and was met with resounding praise from students and faculty alike. The combination of direct one on one tutoring along with planned teaching sessions were able to target a larger range of students, and have a positive impact on their academic future. Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy enacted a new curriculum for the first-year students and we made it an objective to ease the transition of the new students to the best of our abilities. We still must refine what lessons we will plan to teach throughout the year and improve communication with professors to increase the utilization of our tutoring services. </p><p>The introduction of Vista Maria volunteering was an experience many of our members were grateful for and shows that we should continue our outreach into Detroit. Our location offers us many unique opportunities to have a great impact on our community and we are currently planning more initiatives in Detroit to represent the Alpha Chi chapter, Rho Chi, and the practice of pharmacy. </p><p>The main goal for improvement of our chapter will be to increase the interaction and involvement of the previous years of members of the Alpha Chi. The large brunt of work falls on the new initiates of our chapter and increased interaction between the new and old members would be mutually beneficial. This also includes outreach to our alumni who would be an invaluable resource for the development of intellectual leaders of our members. This will be done be increased contact with all of our members and events like socials to promote this interaction. By forming a new mentor/mentee relationship between new inductees and past members we will be able to follow the ideals of the Rho Chi Society and truly support our members’ development into the best pharmacist that they can be.</p><p>Respectfully,</p><p>Derek Montgomery, Pharm.D. Candidate 2018 Alpha Chi Chapter - Rho Chi Honor Society President</p><p>Brian Crabtree, Pharm.D., BCPP Alpha Chi Chapter - Rho Chi Honor Society Faculty Advisor</p><p>Revised 9-12-14 The Rho Chi Society Annual Chapter Report </p><p>Alpha Chi Chapter, Rho Chi Pharmacy Honor Society Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Wayne State University 259 Mack Ave. Detroit, MI 48201</p><p>Revised 9-12-14 Alpha Chi Chapter, Wayne State University Activity Table Alpha Chi Chapter, Wayne State University Activity Table Category of Title of Brief Description2 How Does Years the If Activity has Been Ongoing How How Many Financial Activity1 Activity This Activity Activity for >1 Year, What Evaluations Many Students (non- Information Align With has Been Have Been Done to Assess the Members members) for the the Rho Chi Ongoing? Success of the Activity and Participat and/or Patients Activity Mission What Improvements Have ed in the were impacted [Budget Statement? Been Done Over the Past Year? Activity? by the Required, Activity? Fundraising Amount] Intellectual Student Conducted student led Encourages 1 year N/A 8 ~50 per lecture N/A Leadership Lecture lectures on intellectual Activities underrepresented achievement subjects as request by and students and collaboration professors. Three with our lectures we performed peers and each was approximately 1hr. Intellectual Individual Tutoring services for Encourages ~60years Every year a reassessment is 20 > 100 N/A Leadership Tutoring pharmacy students. intellectual done on the quality of tutoring Activities Each member assigned achievement based off student response and a first year course to and professor surveys. A complete tutor. Members collaboration overall was done to adjust for conducted one on one with our the new curriculum of the first- tutoring for students in peers year students. Tutoring was need. now also offered to second year students. The Rho Chi Society National Office Contact Information: Email: [email protected] Telephone: (919) 843-9001 Fax: (919) 962-0644 The Rho Chi Society Annual Chapter Report </p><p>Intellectual Mock Organized Mock Development 4 years Each preceptor and 6 44 N/A Leadership Interview Interviews to help third of intellectual participating student has a Activities s year students gain leaders follow up survey to assess interview experience weakness in the interview and receive feedback. process. Increased advertising Focused on upcoming of the activity and had to find interviews for rotation additional preceptors due to selection process at increase in demand. both hospital and community setting. Intellectual Scholarsh Updated website with Development 6 years Assess utilization of 3 ~300 N/A Leadership ip and information about of intellectual scholarships based off student Activities Internship pharmacy scholarships leaders response. Increased student Website and internships. awareness using email of possibilities. College of Mentorshi Program pairs first Encourages 10 years Survey leaving mentor/mentee President ~200 N/A Pharmacy p year students with third intellectual matches to adjust the matching / All Events Program year students to serve achievement questionnaire. Included more [non- as mentors. and strong focus on career interest to academic, collaboration better match student to see non-patient between relevant rotations. outreach] students. College of Roland T. In conjunction with Encourages 49 years Faculty who attended the event 8 ~100 Refer to Pharmacy Lakey faculty, the chapter and along with previous Rho Chi Rho Chi Events Award selected Dr. Hiroshi recognizes members are surveyed. Annual [non- Lecture Maeda to receive the intellectual Adjusted the catering and Report academic, Roland T. Lakey achievement. increased awareness of the below non-patient award. event drastically increasing outreach] Dr. Maedas is a turnout. renown Japanese researcher focusing on cutting edge </p><p>Revised 9-12-14 The Rho Chi Society Annual Chapter Report </p><p> chemotherapy delivery systems. </p><p>Patient Vista Provide informational Promotes 1 year N/A 8 ~80 N/A Outreach Maria presentations to high ethical Events/ Outreach vulnerable youth in standards. Community Detroit. The two Service presentations focused on drugs of abuse and over the counter therapy options. Patient Cabrini Members volunteered Promotes 12 years Discussed with the clinic and 20 ~150 N/A Outreach Clinic in the pharmacy at a high ethical pharmacy preceptor on possible Events/ Volunteer local Detroit standards. improvements. Increased the Community ing underserved clinic. interaction between Rho Chi Service members and student mentees to make it a Patient Charitabl Donated $200 to the Promotes 12 years N/A All Patients who Refer to Outreach / e Cabrini Clinic. high ethical seek care at the Rho Chi Community Contributi standards. clinic Annual Service on Report below Fundraising Fundraisi Pasta Luncheon Supports all 10 years Adjusted menu selection based All N/A Refer to Events ng activities off student request. Added Rho Chi related to the more Halal options to serve all Annual Rho Chi students. Report Mission and below collaboration between students.</p><p>Revised 9-12-14 The Rho Chi Society Annual Chapter Report </p><p>Appendix 2</p><p>Alpha Chi Chapter Financial Report</p><p>Amount TRANSACTION/ITEM Amount Debited ($ spent) Credited ($ raised) Balance Comment</p><p>Initial deposit 500.00 Balance from last year Fall Pasta Luncheon 385.00 885.00 Earnings from fundraiser Winter Pasta Luncheon 210.00 1095.00 Earnings from fundraiser Honor Cords Invoice 262.50 832.50 Graduation cords for class of 2018 Deans Office of Eugene 1400.00 2232.50 Travel allotment to Alpha Chi Chapter Applebaum National Meeting Delegate 1400.00 832.50 Amount given to two delegates for Travel attendance of national meeting Student Activities Funding 2030.00 2862.50 Amount sponsored by Wayne State Board University to hold Roland T. Lakey Award Rho Chi Banquet Expenses 2162.50 700.00 Costs for Roland T. Lakey Award Reception, including WSU catering, lodging and airfare for Lakey Award winner Cabrini Clinic Donation 200.00 500.00 Charitable contribution to local underserved clinic</p><p>Revised 9-12-14</p>

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