The Embo Trust (Urras Euraboil) LETTERS OF SUPPORT l ...: .~I I I I I I '*I I I I ROB GIBSON MSP I I I , The Scottish Parliament Porlomcid na h-Alba Member of the ScoHish Parliament for CAITHNESS, SUTHERLAND AND ROSS 4 Grant Street, Wick, KW15AY, 01955 605 016 Room M4.06, Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh EH99 1SP, 0131 348 5726 [email protected] Dear Malcolm, I fully support the application from Embo Trust for the National Forestry Land Scheme at the Fourpenny Plantation. The Trust already plays a vital role in supporting the area of Embo and if it was successful in securing the acreage then it would be a further benefit to the whole community. The plans that the Trust has will help the local community. It will also bring into use land for woodland uses which help build opportunity, resilience and security. Community ownership has proved to work across Scotland and this area of East Sutherland would undoubtedly be better off if the community controlled the land. Yours sincerely, Rob Gibson MSP ~~ The Highland ~W...'" Council ava~Comhairlena .. , Gaidhealtachd DHlcr 29 August 2014 Recei'Jed Mr Malcolm Wield - 9 SEP 2014 I National Forest Land Scheme Team Officer I - "_J Forestry Commission Scotland 231 Corstorphine Road 1 H &, i C-\;se! ~'iCV Edinburgh EH127AT ) Dear Mr Wield Embo Trust I refer to the application recently submitted by the Embo Trust to acquire and manage an area of recently felled woodland in the Fourpenny Plantation. Embo. Sutherland for the benefit of the local community and the wider public. This is a unique community project which will make a real contribution to the social and economic development of the community in Sutherland through a number of innovative projects. It also makes a significant contribution in rebalancing land ownership in Sutherland enabling local people to determine the long term future of their community. The establishment of the runrig system is a real attempt to widen land ownership in Sutherland and enable more people to live and work within their local community. There is also a strong commitment to provide training opportunities for young people which will help them understand their environment and foster community participation. - ) A key objective of public policy is to enable small rural communities not. only to exist but to thrive and develop, and I am therefore particularly interested in this application as it is one that offers a sustainable model which could be replicated in other small communities across the Highlands. I do hope you will support this application and assist the community of Embo realise their vision for the future. Yours sincerely c::...---• Councillor Drew Hendry leader of The Highland Council Councillor Drew Hendry Leader of The Highland Council The Highland Councu, Glenurquharl Road. Inverness. IV3 5NX tel no: (01463) 702833 fax: (01463) 702830 mobile: 07748 320071 e-mail: [email protected].!k I ;, '*';I . : I : .I , John Finnie The Scottish Parliament lain Finnai Pcrlomoid no h-Albo Member of the Scottish Parliament Ball Parlamaid na h-Alba Highlands and Islands A' Ghaidhealtachd agus na h-Eileanan Malcolm Wield FCSNFLS Officer Forestry Commission Scotland Silvan House 231 Corstorphine Road Edinburgh EH127AT 27th August 2014 Dear Mr Wield Application of The Embo Trust I refer to the application made by the Urras Euraboil (The Embo trust) under the Na• tional Forest Land Scheme. I believe that this application fully fits the Criteria of NFLS and I wish to indicate that it carries my full support. I trust that you will take this into consideration during your deliberation of the appli• cation. Yours sincerely John Finnie MSP Room M3.19 [email protected] SeOmarM3.19 The Scottish Parliament (0131) 348 6898 Parlamaid na h-Alba EDINBURGH DUN EIDEANN EH991SP EH991SP The Highland Council Cemhatrle na Gillidhealtachd Mr Malcolm Wield Our Ref: JG/cr National ForestLandSchemeTeamOfficer Date: 27 August 2014 Forestry CommissionScotland 231 Corstorphine Road Edinburgh EH127AT Dear Mr Wield ) I refer to the application recently submitted by the EmboTrust to acquire and manage an area of recently felled woodland in the Fourpenny Plantation, Embo,Sutherland for the benefit of the local community and the wider public. This is an exciting community project which will make a significant contribution to the socialand economic development of the community in Sutherland through a number of innovative projects. The establishment of the runrig system is a real attempt to widen land ownership in Sutherland and enable more people to live and work within their local community. There is also a strong commitment to provide training opportunities for young people which will help them understand their environment and foster community participation. I also welcome the proposals to develop tourism opportunities through tourist trails and horticultural displays. I am confident this will prove to be a real draw for tourists. I very much support the commitment and professionalism of the Embo Trust in seeking to promote the future wellbeing of their community in a sustainable long term manner and I do hope you will be able to ) give favourable consideration to this application. Your~sincerely ~Ji11tiily Gray - Convener of the Highland Council , ) Councillor Jimmy Gray Convener of The Highland Council The Highland Council, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness IV3 5NX Tel: (01463) 702014 Fax: (01463) 702830 E-mail: [email protected] DORNOCH & DISTRICT CO~lrvIUNITY ASSOCIATION 26th August 2014 MrMWietd NFtSOmeor Forestry Commission Fcdderty Way Dingwall Ross-shire IV159XB ) Dear Mr Wiefd, I am 'ovrittng on beharf of the Domoch ,& District Community Association (DAnCA) to express our support for the abmf@application to purchase Forestry CommIssion land near Ernbo, which I understand 'y'QU are considering. DAnCA are a: volunteer-run community boa;! who work crosely wllh (amongst others) the Embo Trust to de4iver a variety of community projects and services .n south-east Sulherland. Out part of the Highlands has suffered more than most from recent pubJic $e1Vtre cuts, withdrawal of facilities and job opportuninas (B.g. loss af Forestry Commission office, Police Station counter closure, Scottish Water a-:imin office. Social Work department, Sherriff Court, ete., etc.). 10our experience. the Embo Trust are a very IAIaILrun, well resourced and wel~supported community oody vvho are making a real difference to their community. Furthermore, we believe that ) their Fourpenny 'Runrtg' projoct is an invaluab1e initiative aimed at re\lfersmg the outffow of people, r~souroe$ and job OpportU11itiesfrom their community, and as such is deserving of your support. The fact that U e project will be-fmancfally sustainabje and at th-ef>amet~meoffer local re&ident5 better Ide choices and opporturntlee within theff community makes forestr), CommiSSIOnsupport even more critical. I would urge you to use :lour powers to approve- the Embo Trust applh:ation, and thus assist lh:em in making baUer usa of rtl~ natural environment on 1Meirdoorstep. I Jerry~$hop y Chair!,.. DADCA ,_j '-.. 11'1.-' :. ~'l',l) ',," '-<': tI 1:- t I "'p2rri. Iir"Tll~" f'j'\ (:ll, rv-~t t" -f. !T':'~'."'n:-!d,I" ':1',"-..1f"11'; ,.', 1"':"~~-:;~ I,:'), }'''''(.ti,.!dl,_~l.t.~r~_u_J',. ~,~J_irn__ ~__ c_G_il_li_v_ra_y__ -_~ __ e_rn_b_e_r ___ i From: Sent: 26 August 2014 11:18 To: [email protected] Cc: Jim McGillivray - Member Subject: EmboTrust FourpennyInitiative Dear Mr Weld I'm writing on behalf of Dornoch Area Community Interest Company to express our support for the application made by the Embo Trust for the introduction of the Fourpenny Runrig initiative which includes sustainable and imaginative community use for a small piece of land adjacent to the village. The Embo Trust is a model of how very much can be achieved in a very small community when there is a genuine desire for colloberation and understanding of shared interest. This application reflects both ambition and good sense and its potential, in transforming a modest piece of land, could make a significant 'mprovement in the lives of the local community members. I would ask the Forestry Commission to support this application and to allow the project to move forward as soon as is possible. All best wishes Jenifer Cameron Chair, Dornoch Area Community Interest Company ) 1.
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