<p> ABN: 28 597 845 793 Registration: A0032332G AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRY & DEFENCE NETWORK - VICTORIA</p><p>PO Box 336 Tel: +61 (3) 9886 9278 Ashburton Fax: +61 (3) 9889 0006 Victoria, 3147 email: [email protected] Australia web: http://www.aidn.org.au</p><p>NEWSLETTER No 11 of 2002</p><p>NEW MEMBERS A warm welcome to new members in AIDN-Vic</p><p>Spotless Services Australia When providing services to defence and government organisations, experience counts. The challenges are mostly large-scale, complex and highly variable. We can meet the needs of most defence or government organisations with multiple service requirements to total facilities management. An example of the breadth and depth of our capabilities is our provision of multiple services, under Defence Corporate Support Contracts, to the combined Army, Navy and RAAF bases in states and large regions. </p><p>Ionik Consulting IONIK Consulting is an international, independent engineering and project management consulting company that provides material, corrosion, coatings, metallurgy, welding, asset management and related risk and integrity services across a broad manufacturing and industrial base. The strength of IONIK lies in its people and their ability to transpose technologies and expertise across a range of distinct market sectors, including defence. IONIK has built relationships with a number of internationally respected defence contractors, organisations and academic institutions and is actively pursuing defence technology projects in the Asia Pacific region.</p><p>Diamond Protection Integrity and value in every facet of our service with a refreshing approach, in which integrity is paramount, Diamond Protection provides a comprehensive range of security and emergency services. These are available individually or can be integrated to deliver far-reaching benefits to an organisation. Our professional services are provided through four divisions: > The Security Division provides plain clothed and uniformed security officers and customer service officers for the industrial, commercial and corporate sectors. > The Emergency Division has Emergency Service Officers and on-site management teams for the power generation, mining, maritime, aviation and industrial sectors. > The Training Division handles a wide range of courses, from building evacuation and bomb threat procedures, to conflict resolution, security awareness and corporate development through outdoor adventure exercises. > The Corporate Risk Division offers professional expertise in threat assessment and risk analysis, risk and crisis management, disaster recovery, investigations and high technology security equipment. Diamond Protection shines with a business philosophy that clearly separates us from competitors: we approach each task with a thorough consultation. This enables us to propose a solution that will meet your organisation's objectives in the most efficient and cost-effective way. Operating in Australia and internationally, we take pride in regularly exceeding our clients' expectations - and since 1995, we have earned a reputation for adding significant value to our services through the multi- skilling of our staff. </p><p>Anritsu is a leading supplier of telecommunications test and measurement instruments, telecommunications components and devices, and RF test and measurement instruments. As one of the world's largest suppliers, Anritsu provides tools for the analysis of wired and wireless technologies, including fibre, microwave, RF, optical and digital mobile radio. Anritsu's Melbourne office provides News 1102 1 sales and service for Anritsu test equipment and its ISO and NATA accredited laboratory provides calibration services for a large range of telecommunication, RF, microwave and optical test equipment for industry. </p><p>Adacel is a world leading software engineering company specialising in the application of advanced and complex information technology to achieve its customers' demanding operating objectives. </p><p>EXISTING MEMBERS In recognition of existing members who have been members over the years I have provided a description of those companies’ capabilities at the end of the newsletter. The intention is to advertise the wonderful capabilities that SMEs possess and to spread the word on their skills. This came about after I spoke to a couple of members who said it was very interesting to learn about what our new members are doing and what they are capable of doing. Also, from the number of hits the AIDN website has been getting I am more aware of the interest people have in learning about our members’ capabilities etc Therefore I am planning on covering up to ten descriptions of existing companies in each future edition of the Newsletter. Prior to the descriptions appearing I will be contacting those companies with a view to obtaining their approval for the description of their company. I believe this will be good exposure for our members, especially as the Newsletter has now developed a much wider distribution base. PS NO LOGOS WILL BE INCLUDED AS I DO NOT WANT TO TAKE UP TOO MUCH SPACE ON MEMBERS’ EMAIL SYSTEMS.</p><p>MEMBERS’ NEWS</p><p>L-3 Communications Integrated Systems has joined with the Commonwealth of Australia in celebrating the acceptance into service of the Australian P-3C Orion following the aircraft’s modification under Project Air 5276 Phase 2A (Sea Sentinel) The aim of Project Air 5276 Phase 2A is to upgrade the RAAF’s fleet of P-3 Orion aircraft with new sensors, controls and displays as well as a new mission system which will extend the Orion’s operational effectiveness to its planned life of type of 2015. Upon acceptance, the aircraft are being designated AP-3C aircraft, the ‘A’ signifying Australian-specific modifications. L-3 Communications Integrated Systems is the prime contractor and L-3 Communications Australia Pty Ltd is carrying out the physical modification of the fleet. The modification is the largest and most complex modification project undertaken to date on a RAAF airborne platform/system. Six aircraft have been delivered to the Commonwealth of Australia with the remaining being delivered progressively until late 2004 L-3 Communications has made a substantial investment in Australian industry and it is our intention to continue to expand our involvement with the ADF, notwithstanding the changes that are envisaged for defence aerospace in Australia.” L-3 Communications Integrated Systems specialises in the development and integration of complex electronic systems for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. web site details are at www.L-3com.com.</p><p>Logistic Engineering Services (LES) has been awarded the contract for the DHC-4 Caribou Maintenance Requirements Determination (MRD) review. This project is part of AIR 5190 Phase 1A, the recovery program for the extension of logistic support for the RAAF DHC-4 Caribou fleet, which is to continue in service until 2010. To achieve the most cost-effective through-life logistic support outcomes, a review of the content, frequency, depth and packaging of scheduled maintenance tasks for Caribou is required. Logistic Engineering Services has extensive experience in the MRD field and was selected after an exhaustive ITRI and RFT process. The project will be completed by June 03 and will provide the RAAF with a cost effective maintenance regime to support the aircraft for the remainder of its service life. Contact: Phil Jarratt General Manager Logistic Engineering Services Pty Ltd Ph: 03 94550655 Fax: 03 94550644 Mobile: 0402009871 Email: [email protected] Web: www.logisticengineeringservices.com.au</p><p>TRIMCAST WINS NEW ZEALAND DEFENCE INDUSTRY AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE – 2002 After being nominated by the Royal New Zealand Air Force, Trimcast were presented the prestigious </p><p>News 1102 2 Defence Industry Award of Excellence – 2002. by the New Zealand Minister of Defence at a presentation in Wellington. Trimcast Pty Ltd is the market leader in specialised Shipping and Storage Containers in Australia and New Zealand. Their range of Spacecase Storage Containers provide ideal storage and transit protection for contents ranging from general purpose containers to more specialised packaging of various “specific to contents” Defence equipment. Their virtually unbreakable products are made to Defence’s demanding specifications and offer ideal protection against harsh environmental conditions as they are highly durable, impervious to most chemicals and moisture and will not dent or rust. They are, weatherproof, transportable, stackable, lightweight and are easily manhandled. </p><p>Examples of their Specialised solutions include the following: Rolls Royce T56 Engine Turbine Hamilton Standard Propeller Rolls Royce T56 Engine Fuel Control Unit</p><p>Pennant Australasia Pty Ltd Pennant International Group is pleased to announce that the Materiel Systems Branch [MSB] of the Australian Defence Organisation has awarded a contract to Pennant Australasia Pty Ltd [PAPL] in Melbourne, Victoria, to upgrade their Logistic Support Analysis Record [LSAR] tool. This contract was won in competitive tender and has an estimated value in excess of AU$3.5 million. </p><p>Under the contract PAPL will upgrade the existing LSAR tool, used throughout the Defence Materiel Organisation, with the Web-enabled product OmegaPSi. The contract also includes the provision and implementation of two further software products, OmegaPS Analyzer and OmegaPS Publisher. OmegaPS Analyzer provides a capability in Life Cycle Costing, Spares Scaling and Level Of Repair Analysis, whilst OmegaPS Publisher provides a capability to generate Integrated Electronic Technical Manuals directly from the LSAR database.</p><p>The contract will be managed and performed by PAPL drawing on Group software development resources in the United Kingdom and Canada. The program will include product customisation to Australian Defence Organisation requirements, implementation and training for in excess of 400 users, data transfer into new databases and in-service support. </p><p>OmegaPSi conforms to internationally approved standards - MIL STD 1388-2B and DEF STAN 00-60 - and offers a suite of extension modules including Reliability Centred Maintenance, Point of Maintenance and Progress Management. Omega PS products are used extensively by defence forces and defence contractors worldwide. Contact: Jill Batkin, Director & General Manager (03) 9888 2344</p><p>Australian Defence Apparel ADA “KUWARRI” New Lightweight Composite Armour ADA has now developed a whole range of different Hard Armour Inserts to be included within their lightweight “Kuwarri” Body Armour system. These composite ceramic plates offer higher levels of protection to vital areas when integrated with ADA soft armour vests. Protection is provided against 5.56mm SS109, 7.62mm M80 NATO ball, 7.62 x 39mm API (AK47), 0.3”AP/M2 and many others. ADA can offer a complete range of new lighter weight and affordable composite systems utilising Reaction Sintered Silicon Carbide. This armour grade ceramic has advantages over the traditional aluminium oxide ceramic and monolithic UHMWPE materials. It has a bulk density 25% less than aluminium oxide and its hardness is twice that of aluminium oxide. The finished plate is clad using a newly developed proprietary process and subjected to extensive independent testing. ADA can now offer this same technology in the application of lightweight armour systems for up- armouring kits for helicopters or aircraft cockpits. Exactly the same advantages apply with significant savings in weight compared with systems using conventional alumina ceramics. Kits can be customised, finished and fitted to suit various configurations and requirements. In an exciting new development, ADA will soon be able to offer even further savings in weight when such systems are available based on an affordable version of boron carbide. Ultra lightweight systems will be up to 50% lighter than current production plates, for example. Contact: Wayne Klintworth, ADA, 14 Gaffney Street, Coburg, Victoria, 3058, Australia Telephone: 613-9353 4558 Fax: 613- 9354 8425 Email: [email protected] News 1102 3 AIDN NATIONAL NEWS</p><p>Australian International AirShow 2003 The City of Melbourne as a member of AIDN-Vic is committed to the growth of SME's in the aerospace and advanced manufacturing sector. On Tuesday 11th February 2003 (the evening of the first day of the Australian International AirShow), the City is hosting a welcoming reception at the Melbourne Town Hall between 6:30 pm-8:00 pm for international and interstate delegates to the AirShow. Council is in the process of compiling an invitation list for the event. If AIDN members are interested in attending this function and meeting with some of those delegates in a social setting, they can express an interest by contacting Michael Anderson at the City of Melbourne by telephone (03) 9658 8874 or by email [email protected].</p><p>AIDN National Capability Database (ANCD) General Statistics for the AIDN website indicate that there were 23,170 successful hits for the site in the month of October. This is a substantial increase on our last check. This is particularly exciting news for our members who hopefully will get more business from our visitors.</p><p>The Official Launch of the AIDN Website www.aidn.org.au will be held on 12 December 2002 in conjunction with the next AIDN National Annual General Meeting, which will be held in Sydney. Much work has been done on populating the site with current data.</p><p>DEFENCE NEWS The Defence Recognised Supplier Scheme (DRSS) What is the DRSS? The DRSS is a recognition scheme offering support to Australian defence businesses which have, or have had, a satisfactory supplier relationship with Defence. It allows them to use a logo and wording identifying themselves as suppliers to Defence. Firms may use the logo and wording on advertising materials and business correspondence. The DRSS is part of Defence’s support for industry, and aims to help Australian suppliers export products and services to foreign markets. Defence and the ADF are respected overseas and are seen as demanding high standards from their suppliers. For more information visit the DRSS Internet site or contact the DRSS Manager. Phone: (02) 6266 3450 Fax:(02) 6266 2260 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.defence.gov.au/dmo/id/drss/drss.cfm</p><p>The Defence Materiel Organisational Regional Offices (DMOROs) have a number of brochures available and some of them include: Pocket Guide To Defence Requirements for Contract Performance Management Capability & Technology Demonstrators (CTDs) Foreign Comparative Testing Program The Defence Recognised Supplier Scheme (DRSS)</p><p>The new Secretary of the Department of Defence, Ric Smith, will start work on Monday, 18 November 2002.</p><p>DEFENCE INDUSTRY</p><p>Defence Summit 2003, 25-26 February 2003, National Convention Centre, Canberra. AIDN President Mike Turner will participate as a guest speaker. This Summit has been endorsed by AIDN. www.ibcoz.com.au/defence </p><p>STATE GOVERNMENT</p><p>The State Government has agreed to provide financial support to Victorian SMEs to participate in the Avalon International AirShow 11-16 February 2003. This is greatly appreciated and shows that the Government is prepared to assist our local industry and in particular our small to medium enterprises. News 1102 4 The State Government has launched the Export Communication Network. You will be able to receive emails containing market intelligence and information specific to your company’s areas of interest along with event information. For more information visit www.export.vic.gov.au/ecn</p><p>E-Commerce Exhibition Projects Program provides for up to 50% of the cost of an individual project to be funded, generally up to $50,000. For more information visit www.mmv.vic.gov.au/ecepp Applications close on 4 December 2002.</p><p>MISCELLANEOUS One of our members has asked for the following to be passed on to members “My name is Mark Lingeman, I am looking for permanent employment in Victoria. I am a qualified mechanical engineer aged 32 years from the UK residing in Australia specialising in high speed rotating machinery, turbochargers, large diesel engines and gas turbines with almost 15 years continuous experience and service. I was employed in the UK by Ruston Gas Turbines, Alstom and Napiers. This period consists of over 10 years of product design and installation and 4 years of technical sales/support including all aspects of technical, commercial and service with substantial office based trouble shooting and onsite worldwide. Particular bias towards engine induced noise and vibration, utilising measurement, analysis and effects on both the engine, ancillary equipment and surrounding structures to produce reports and effect modifications. My ability and responsibilities within my employment experience cover all aspects of Technical, Commercial and Service Support. I have organised a 457-sponsorship visa through an independent agency, which authorises my employment until residency is formalised. This requires no extra responsibility on behalf of the employer. Mark Lingeman can be contacted via email at [email protected] or Tel. 03 9509 1422.”</p><p>Upcoming Activities</p><p>End of the Year Key Industry Networking Function, Tuesday 26 November, 46th Floor, 55 Collins Street, Melbourne. Keynote Speaker, Dr Ian Williams. We are looking forward to meeting up with all our loyal members and trust that all will enjoy this special networking occasion.</p><p>Avalon International AirShow 2003, 11-16 February 2003</p><p>News Items for Future Editions Any members wishing to have an article published in future editions of our electronic newsletter are asked to have their article submitted by the middle of the month. Articles are to be limited in size and submitted by email to <[email protected]>. This is a service free to members.</p><p>David Jones Editor</p><p>EXISTING MEMBERS CAPABILITIES ATTACHMENT</p><p>Marand Precision Engineering has been operating successfully as a 100% privately owned Australian company since 1969 as a leading Designer and Manufacturer of Precision Machine Tools, tooling, jigs, fixtures, gauges and Automated Production Facilities for all types of precision engineered components and assemblies for most industries.</p><p>Marand has been a supplier to the Aerospace and Defence industry for over 25 years and is arguably Australia’s leading Airframe Tooling Designer and Manufacturer for both Commercial and Military applications. We have also supplied both domestic and export customers with Engine Overhaul Tooling manufactured to print. Listed below is a summary of Marand’s Aerospace capabilities: PRODUCTION TOOLING & / or FACILITIES for the Manufacture of: </p><p>News 1102 5 Airframe Structures both: o Metallic o Composite Bonded Engine Components Engine Overhaul & Repair Tooling Structural Fatigue Testing Rigs Ultrasonic Testing Equipment Depot Level Maintenance & Ground Support Equipment FLYING AIRCRAFT COMPONENTS & PROTO-TYPES High Speed Production CNC Machining PRODUCTION ENGINEERING, AUTOMATED FLOW LINES & ROBOTIC SOLUTIONS Designed & Manufactured for most applications PROJECT MANAGEMENT Accepting Tier 1 Single Point Responsibility and Accountability STANDARD MACHINE TOOL, INSPECTION SYSTEMS & PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED through a Marand business Division called TOTAL MANUFACTURING SOLUTION who represents many leading Global Machine Tool manufactures of High Speed CNC Machines. QUALITY SERVICES Utilising Australia’s largest privately owned NATA accredited Metrology Laboratory. Also On Site Computer Aided Theodelites (LIECA CAT) system for verification and periodic tooling re-cycle checks LIFETIME MAINTENANCE, SPARE PARTS, SERVICE & SUPPORT 3D, Solid Modelling and Simulations on a total of 32 various seats consisting of CATIA V5 , UNIGRAPHICS V18, SDRC-IDEAS V8, DELCAM, MECHANICAL DESKTOP & AUTOCAD – PDM available - METAPHASE All of the above activities are housed on the one site with Modern Manufacturing Facilities supported by approximately 207 personnel in Australia & UK (50+ in Design/Engineering & approx 100 in Manufacture related activities).We utilise the latest CAD/CAM/CAE Software Tony Ellul – Joint Managing Director David Ellul – Joint Managing Director 443 Warrigal Road Moorabbin Melbourne, Victoria 3189. AUSTRALIA Phone: +61 3 8552 0600 Fax: +61 3 8552 0605 Email: [email protected] Internet: www.marand.com.au PROUD WINNER OF THE FORD AUSTRALIA GOLD SUPPLIER EXCELLENCE AWARD & VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT MANUFACTURING HALL OF FAME AWARD</p><p>Australian Defence Apparel (ADA) is a private company established in 1995 after the purchase of the clothing business of ADI Ltd. The company services three markets: Uniforms (usually highly specified) High Tech Protective clothing providing protection from knives, bullets, fire, foul weather, body impact, nuclear and biological contamination. The third market is corporate apparel. All business is contract based. ADA usually providing not only product, but also design, R&D, distribution and stock management. Major customers are ADF, NSW Police & Fire, QLD Police & Fire, Vic Police, Australia Post, NRMA and BP Aust. ADA is currently exporting products to Vietnam, Thailand, Pakistan, India, China and Singapore. AUSTRALIAN OWNED Alan Bent, 14 Gaffney St, Coburg 9353 4555</p><p>M + H Power Systems Pty Ltd is an Australian owned company who specialise in tailoring power system solution for AC and DC power applications. Products range from Sonnenschein ‘dryfit’ GEL batteries, high quality AGM batteries, battery chargers, rectifiers and inverters. M + H are major suppliers of Uninterruptible Power Supplies, and emergency lighting. Located in mainland capital cities, and New Zealand, with in-house design and manufacture facilities, and in-field consultation, installation and maintenance, M + H are recognised as leaders and system innovators in the AC and DC market. Visit our web site www.mhpower.com.au for specific project fact sheet and equipment data. Contact M + H Power Systems, Peter Galli, (03) 9763 0555 [email protected]</p><p>At Lovitt Technologies Australia we concentrate our total effort on what we do best.. precision machining, processing and assembly. Specialising in supporting major Aerospace, Defence and Electronic Communications companies with development of prototypes through to production in small to medium batch quantities. This may require complete project management, involving supply of machined, processed and assembled product into our customer's production line. This is an integral part of our operation. Our machine shop highlights the very best advancements in C.N.C. technology, News 1102 6 our capabilities provided include:- C.N.C. Vertical and Horizontal 4&5 Axis Machining Centres. C.N.C. Lathes to 7 Axis. Precision grinding equipment. Processing plant with capacities including painting, chromate conversion, blackening, passivating all to military specifications. Electronic & Aerospace component assembly facility. AUSTRALIAN OWNED Bruce Ramsay, 207 Para Rd, Montmorency 9435 3033</p><p>News 1102 7</p>
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