<p>COMMISSIONERS COURT OCTOBER 2016 TERM</p><p>ON THIS THE 7 TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2016, THE HONORABLE DIMMIT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT CONVENED IN REGULAR SESSION, WITH MEMBERS PRESENT TO-WIT :</p><p>FRANCISCO G. PONCE</p><p>MIKE URIEGAS COUNTY JUDGE JUAN R. CARMONA</p><p>COMMISSIONER PCT. 1 COMMISSIONER PCT. 3</p><p>MARIO Z. GARCIA VALERIE RUBULCABA</p><p>COUNTY CLERK & EX-OFFICIO CLERK COMMISSIONER PCT. 4</p><p>OF COMMISSIONERS COURT</p><p>VISITORS SIGNED-IN: Richie Griffin Mary Perez Mary E. Sandoval Carlos Arce Joe Robles Joe Koch Eugene Fernandez Eloy F. Rodriguez, Sr.</p><p>Norma Carrillo Andres Arambula Ruth A. Ceniseros Daniel M. Gonzalez Adrian Zamora Estanislado Z. Martinez</p><p>Hugo Sulaica Christine Guerrero Carlos Perda</p><p>OTHER VISITORS: Jose Galvan Dan Hejl Jose Calzada Angel Perez</p><p><:> The following subjects discussed, considered, passed or adopted TO-WIT : <:></p><p>1. A D M I N I S T R A T I V E</p><p>1.1 CALL MEETING TO ORDER 1.2 ROLL CALL 1.3 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/SALUTE TO THE TEXAS FLAG</p><p>1.4 TESTIMONIAL OATH FOR PRESENTERS</p><p>County Judge Francisco G. Ponce Called the Meeting to Order [10:00 a.m.]; County Clerk Mario Z Garcia conducted Roll Call of Court Members w/ a quorum present and the Absence of Commissioner Pct. 2-Alonso Carmona so duly noted for the Record. Court Members led the Pledge of Allegiance and Salute to The Texas Flag. Visitors present whom will be addressing Court Members are duly informed that they are under Oath.</p><p>1.5 PUBLIC COMMENTS a) Eugene Fernandez, State Game Warden, RE:--a non-record comment made at Commissioners Court Meeting of 09/12/2016, Agenda</p><p>Item 3.1 : Jail Status regarding an issue w/Animal Control Officer not responding to call(s)—Fernandez for the public record : he only gave the Officers’phone number to the caller asking for assistance and never added any reason as to why the Officer was not responding. b) Juan Carmona-Commsr. Pct. 3,RE:--Duncan Street near completion; will schedule a ribbon-cutting-- Next Agenda Item: restrict weight on Duncan RD traffic, especially belly-dumps, 2) JP 3 Office furniture delivery; Big Wells gym completion: October 20</p><p>1.6 APPROVED: MINTUES OF PUBLIC HEARING AND REGULAR MEETING – SEPTEMBER 26, 2016 [RE:--County Clerk to correct misspelling : from Budger to Budget, Agenda Item 1.3 ]</p><p>MOTION: Valerie Rubulcaba SECOND: Juan Carmona THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>MINUTES of Public Hearing and Regular Meeting held on September 26, 2016 w/ “correction” to spelling of word: Budget, on Agenda Item 1.3 as presented . MOTION CARRIED.</p><p>2. P E R S O N N E L & P O L I C Y</p><p>2.1 APPROVAL OF BONDS</p><p>[RE:--no Bonds timely submitted for approval ] No Motion Presented.</p><p>2.2 APPROVED: MONTHLY REPORT – AG EXENSION AGENT</p><p>MOTION: Mike Uriegas SECOND: Valerie Rubulcaba THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>REPORT for Month of September 2016 from Ag Agent- Ritchie Griffin as presented .</p><p>Discussion:--October 23-Quail Symposium at Chaparral Research, November 1-Water Screening, Prospect Show-December 4-5, 2017 Livestock Show-January 18-19-20 MOTION CARRIED. *attachment</p><p>2.3 APPROVED: MONTHLY REPORT – RODEO ARENA EVENT COORDINATOR</p><p>MOTION: Mike Uriegas SECOND: Valerie Rubulcaba THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>REPORT for Month of September 2016 from Event Coordinator- Mary Perez as presented.</p><p>Discussion:--names confirmed for the Plaque at “Johnny Gloria Plazita”(Comite Mejores Materiales)—to-date no sponsors committed for the</p><p>Conference Center Sign(sign cost estimate: $125,000) MOTION CARRIED. *attachment</p><p>2.4 APPROVED: MONTHLY REPORT – CONSTABLE PCT. 1</p><p>MOTION: Mike Uriegas SECOND: Juan Carmona THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>REPORT for Month of September 2016 from Constable Pct. 1- Hugo Sulaica as presented.</p><p>Discussion:--1) Four Body Shop doing repairs on patrol vehicle, 2) damages at Midway Park RD (“mudders”) MOTION CARRIED. *attachment</p><p>2.5 APPROVED: MONTHLY REPORT – CONSTABLE PCT. 2</p><p>MOTION: Valerie Rubulcaba SECOND: Juan Carmona THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>REPORT for Month of August and September 2016 from Constable Pct. 2- Andres Arambula as presented.</p><p>Discussion:--2 recalls on patrol vehicle MOTION CARRIED. *attachment</p><p>10 : 07 : 16 PAGE : 1 OF 4</p><p>2. PERSONNEL & POLICY, contd.,</p><p>2.6 APPROVED: MONTHLY REPORT – CONSTABLE PCT. 3</p><p>MOTION: Mike Uriegas SECOND: Juan Carmona THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE : REPORT for Month of September 2016 from Constable Pct. 3- Ruth Ceniseros as presented.</p><p>Discussion:--flooding in Valley Wells; alligator sighting—recall on patrol vehicle MOTION CARRIED. *attachment</p><p>2.7 APPROVED: MONTHLY REPORT – CONSTABLE PCT. 4</p><p>MOTION: Juan Carmona SECOND: Valerie Rubulcaba THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>REPORT for Month of September 2016 from Constable Pct. 4- Jose Galvan as presented.</p><p>Discussion:--FMRD 190 to close in 2016 for construction—recall on patrol vehicle MOTION CARRIED. *attachment</p><p>2.8 APPROVED: MONTHLY REPORT – MED SHIELD AMBULANCE SERVICE</p><p>MOTION: Juan Carmona SECOND: Valerie Rubulcaba THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>REPORT for Month of September 2016 from Luis Angel Perez for Med Shield Ambulance Service as presented. MOTION CARRIED. *attachment</p><p>2.9 APPROVED: MONTHLY REPORT – ARCHITECTURA S.A., INC.</p><p>[RE:--Annex completion set for December 2016—Big Wells Gym completion set for October 24, 2016—Fire Dept. Bldg. completion in 5- months---JP 3 Office completion in 2-weeks ]</p><p>MOTION: Valerie Rubulcaba SECOND: Juan Carmona THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>REPORT for Month of September 2016 from Jose Calzada for ARCHITECTURA S.A. as presented. MOTION CARRIED. *attachment</p><p>2.10 APPROVED: MONTHLY REPORT – CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STATUS</p><p>[RE:--letter from Duane Gordy confirming actual tax collections for the zone accounts in the county not being reconciled w/Auditor Office— Judge Ponce addressed court members w/status on federal letter stemming from request for deposition w/CDS from Anadarko and Briscoe Family Trust and county amending response (copies were lacking sheet Info)now fully provided. ]</p><p>MOTION: Mike Uriegas SECOND: Juan Carmona THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>REPORT for Month of September 2016 from Creative Development Services (CDS) as presented. MOTION CARRIED. *attachment</p><p>2.11 TABLED: TO NOTIFY STODDARD CONSTRUCTION OF DAMAGES DONE TO BURGLAR ALARM SYSTEM WHILE WORKING IN COURTHOUSE BUILDING BASEMENT AND TO PAY FOR EXPENSES INCURRED TO RESTORE THE ALARM SYSTEM.</p><p>MOTION: Juan Carmona SECOND: Valerie Rubulcaba THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>To TABLE this Item . MOTION CARRIED.</p><p>2.12 TABLED: RESOLUTION FROM CENTRAL APPRAISAL DISTRICT PROPOSAL TO PURCHASE LAND TO CONSTRUCT NEW OFFICE BUILDING AT CORNER OF 3RD & HOUSTON ST., CARRIZO SPRINGS, TX (cost: $631,000) per SECTION 6.051 TEXAS PROPERTY CODE</p><p>[RE:--Chief Appraiser Norma Carrillo w/retract of Entities vote on proposal, i.e, needs 5 of 6 entities to approve—court members w/inquiries and voiced NHS (financier) interest rate to high: 4.75% for 20 yrs.—need answer by October 23 ]</p><p>MOTION: Mike Uriegas SECOND: Valerie Rubulcaba THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>To TABLE this Item . MOTION CARRIED. 2.13 TABLED/APPROVED DESIGNE: APPROVAL TO PURCHASE PROPERTY,A/K/A “PILO’S BAR” IN ASHERTON, TX AS SITE FOR NEW </p><p>JP PCT. 4 OFFICE BUILDING[EXECUTIVE SESSION]</p><p>[RE:-- EXECUTIVE SESSION 11:55 a.m.</p><p>RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION 12:10 p.m. ]</p><p>MOTION: Mike Uriegas SECOND: Valerie Rubulcaba THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>To TABLE this Item and authorize County Judge Francisco G. Ponce to retain an Appraiser for the Asherton property and prepare a Disclosure</p><p> to proceed, as presented . MOTION CARRIED.</p><p>2.14 APPROVED: MRGDC EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT(WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS) – COUNTY TAX OFFICE EMPLOYEE</p><p>[RE:--Agreement allows part-time employee two(2) additional hours ]</p><p>MOTION: Valerie Rubulcaba SECOND: Juan Carmona THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>Employment Experience AGREEMENT between Workforce Solutions Middle Rio Grande Development Commission (MRGDC) and County Tax A&C Mary Sandoval on behalf of current tax office part-time employee Bettina Diaz as presented. MOTION CARRIED. *attachment</p><p>2.15 APPROVED: OFFICIAL TAX ROLL CERTIFIED FOR YEAR 2016</p><p>MOTION: Juan Carmona SECOND: Valerie Rubulcaba THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>The 2016 Official TAX ROLL certified to as correct by the Dimmit County Tax Collector as presented. MOTION CARRIED. *attachment</p><p>2.16 TABLED: RESOLUTON-AUTHORIZE PERDUE,BRANDON,FIELDER,COLLINS & MOTT,LLP TO ACT AS DELINQUENT TAX ATTORNEY FOR THE CITY OF BIG WELLS, CITY OF ASHERTON AND DIMMIT REGIONAL HOSPITAL DISTRICT PER INTER-LOCAL AGREEMENT(s) SIGNED BY EACH</p><p>AFOREMENTIONED ENTITY.</p><p>MOTION: Mike Uriegas SECOND: Valerie Rubulcaba THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>To TABLE this Item for the next Commissioners Court Meeting. MOTION CARRIED.</p><p>10 : 07 : 16 PAGE : 2 OF 4</p><p>2. PERSONNEL & POLICY, contd.,</p><p>2.17 APPROVED: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT – CATARINA WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT</p><p>[RE:--for a 50,000 gallon ground storage tank, booster pump station, new disinfectant system and new water well ]</p><p>MOTION: Mike Uriegas SECOND: Valerie Rubulcaba THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>Professional Services AGREEMENT w/Hejl, Lee &Associates, Inc. to assist Dimmit County with the Catarina Water System Improvement Project.</p><p>MOTION CARRIED. *attachment</p><p>2.18 NON-ACTION ITEM: CONSIDER AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR DIAMOND H PHASE II</p><p>[RE:--$6.5M bid submitted to fix ½ mile of road (under water); Dan Hejl to meet w/Bidder to “tone down” scope of work ] 2.19 APPROVED: RESCIND MOTION (MEETING OF AUGUST 8,2016), MODIFY(increase) SHERIFF’S & CONSTABLES FEES FOR 2017</p><p>MOTION: Valerie Rubulcaba SECOND: Juan Carmona THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>To RESCIND Motion approved on August 8, 2016, Agenda Item 2.28 and approve new rates for the 2017 Sheriff&Constables Fees as presented .</p><p>MOTION CARRIED. *attachment</p><p>2.20 APPROVED: DIMMIT COUNTY MEMBERSHIP – NATIONAL JOINT POWER ALLIANCE</p><p>MOTION: Valerie Rubulcaba SECOND: Juan Carmona THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p> to join (MEMBERSHIP) the National Joint Power Alliance for purchases, as presented. MOTION CARRIED. *attachment</p><p>2.21 NON-ACTION ITEM: REQUESTED MILEAGE LOG (usage) – COUNTY AUDITOR </p><p>[RE:--County Auditor Carlos Pereda w/official form for employees using county-owned vehicles to log their destinations during working hours]</p><p>No Motion presented.</p><p>2.22 APPROVED: HIRING – ROAD & BRIDGE PCT. 4</p><p>MOTION: Mike Uriegas SECOND: Juan Carmona THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p> the HIRING of one(1) part-time Employee (TBA) for Road&Bridge Pct. 4-5-7 as presented. MOTION CARRIED.</p><p>2.23 APPROVED: TRAVEL REQUEST – 293RD COURT ADMINISTRATOR</p><p>MOTION: Mike Uriegas SECOND: Valerie Rubulcaba THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>TRAVEL request/expenses for 293 rd Court Administrator- Aleida Castillo to attend: 40 th Texas Association for Court Administration Conference, October 23-27, 2016 in Austin, TX as presented. MOTION CARRIED. *attachment</p><p>2.24 TABLED: TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT – 365TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT JUDGE</p><p>MOTION: Mike Uriegas SECOND: Valerie Rubulcaba THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p> to TABLE this Item (for more information) . MOTION CARRIED.</p><p>3. L A W E N F O R C E M E N T</p><p>3.1 APPROVED: HIRING – MAVERICK COUNTY DEPUTY AS AUGMENTEE DEPUTY</p><p>MOTION: Mike Uriegas SECOND: Valerie Rubulcaba THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>HIRING of Maverick County Deputies- Fortino Vargas,Jr. and Martin Cantu as Augmentee Deputy(s) for OPSG15 as presented. </p><p>MOTION CARRIED.</p><p>3.2 TABLED: TRAVEL REQUEST FOR SHERIFF SECRETARY: SAMANTHA DIAZ, BORDERSTAR SECRETARY: CELINA RODRIGUEZ TO ATTEND: 14TH ANNUAL SHERIFF’S ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS ADMINISTRATIVE TRAINING CONFERENCE, OCTOBER 17-20, MONTGOMERY,TX</p><p>MOTION: Mike Uriegas SECOND: Valerie Rubulcaba THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p> to TABLE this Item (for more information) . MOTION CARRIED. 3.3 TABLED: TRAVEL REQUEST FOR INVESTIGATOR: SELENA ESQUIVEL, DEPUTY: MICHAEL MARTINEZ TO ATTEND: PATC DRUG/</p><p>NARCOTIC INVESTIGATIONS LEGAL ISSUES AND BEST PRACTICES, NOVEMBER 8-0, 2016 IN NEW BRAUNFELS, TX</p><p>MOTION: Mike Uriegas SECOND: Juan Carmona THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p> to TABLE this Item (for more information) . MOTION CARRIED.</p><p>3.4 JAIL STATUS AND SHERIFF’S MONTHLY REPORT</p><p>MOTION: Mike Uriegas SECOND: Valerie Rubulcaba THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>JAIL Status Report and Sheriff’s Monthly Activity REPORT for September 2016 as presented . MOTION CARRIED. *attachment</p><p>4. GRANTS & PLANNING / REGULATORY COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENTS</p><p>4.1 APPROVED: QUARTERLY REPORT – REGULATOR COMPLIANCE OFFICER</p><p>MOTION: Valerie Rubulcaba SECOND: Juan Carmona THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>Quarterly REPORT for July-August-September 2016 from Regulatory Compliance Officer- Eloy F. Rodriguez,Sr. 1) for: Certification of Compliance Certificates for electrical services, permits, customer service inspections, 2) Brundage Water System , 3) Espantosa Water System, 4) Catarina Water Supply along with month expenditures for each as presented . MOTION CARRIED. *attachment</p><p>4.2 APPROVED: TRAVEL REQUEST – REGULATORY COMPLIANCE OFFICER</p><p>MOTION: Mike Uriegas SECOND: Valerie Rubulcaba THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>TRAVEL request/expenses for Regulatory Compliance Officer- Eloy F. Rodriguez, Sr., to attend : OSSF Designated Representative Course, November 15-16-17-18, 2016 in San Antonio, TX as presented. MOTION CARRIED. *attachment</p><p>4.3 STATUS REPORT</p><p>[RE:--water well in Brundage “out”; Big Wells providing water ] No Motion Presented.</p><p>10 : 07 : 16 PAGE : 3 OF 4</p><p>5. F I N A N C I A L</p><p>5.1 APPROVED: TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT – 365TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT REPORTER</p><p>MOTION: Mike Uriegas SECOND: Valerie Rubulcaba THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>Travel REIMBURSESMENT for 365 th Court Reporter- Patricia Salinas for expenses incurred w/meals June 6-August 31, 2016 ; September 27 and September 30, 2016 as presented . MOTION CARRIED.</p><p>5.2 APPROVED: TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT – 365TH COURT COORDINATOR</p><p>MOTION: Valerie Rubulcaba SECOND: Juan Carmona THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>Travel REIMBURSEMENT for 365 th Court Coordinator- Melissa Gonzalez for expenses incurred w/meals July 25, 2016 thru September 30, 2016.</p><p>MOTION CARRIED.</p><p>5.3 APPROVED: LIST OF CLAIMS MOTION: Juan Carmona SECOND: Mike Uriegas THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>List of CLAIMS as presented . MOTION CARRIED. *attachment</p><p>5.4 APPROVED: CLAIM DOCKET</p><p>MOTION: Mike Uriegas SECOND: Valerie Rubulcaba THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>GENERAL FUND docket($479,707.25), the LAW LIBRARY Fund docket($93.75), the GRANTS & PLANNING docket($138.00) and PAYROLL FUND docket ($199.42) as presented .</p><p>ABSTAIN: Francisco G. Ponce [any/all claims for Michael Ponce and/or Ponce family-related employees]</p><p>Alonso Carmona, Juan Carmona [any/all claims for Marina Carmona and/or Carmona family-related employees]</p><p>MOTION CARRIED. *attachment(s)</p><p>MOTION: Valerie Rubulcaba SECOND: Juan Carmona THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>AIRPORT FUND docket($238.97) and T ZONE FUND docket($17,830.33) as presented. MOTION CARRIED. *attachment(s)</p><p>MOTION: Mike Uriegas SECOND: Juan Carmona THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>UTILITIES FUND docket ($16,305.67) and PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITIES docket($27,519.97) MOTION CARRIED. *attachment(s)</p><p>6. EXECUTIVE SESSION [NON-ACTION ITEM]</p><p>7. RECONVENE IN OPEN SESSION [NON-ACTION ITEM]</p><p>8. ADJOURNMENT</p><p>MOTION: Juan Carmona SECOND: Valerie Rubulcaba THAT THE COMMISSIONERS COURT APPROVE :</p><p>To Adjourn Meeting [ 1:20 p.m. ] .</p><p>APPROVED:</p><p>______</p><p>FRANCISCO G. PONCE, COUNTY JUDGE</p><p>ATTEST:</p><p>______</p><p>MARIO Z. GARCIA, COUNTY CLERK OCTOBER 07, 2016 REGULAR SESSION PAGE : 4 OF 4</p>
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