The Daily Register , VOL.98 NO.239 SHREWSBURY, N. J. TUESDAY, JUNE 8,1976 15 CENTS Brown pledges new start for U.S. By 8IEMV CONOHAN nomination before the convention gets un- jammed into the cavernous former carpet go?" he asked with a big smile. A burst der way. — warehouse which was converted into his of wild applause and cheers from the HAZLET - Gov. Edmund G. (Jerry) Carter, former governor of Georgia, state headquarters Friday in less than 12 crowd of supporters gave him the answer Brown Jr. of California, pledging "i new had 903 delegates votes going into the pri- hours. An estimated 300 to 400 persons he wanted to hear. start lor this country" if elected presi- mary elections today in New Jersey, Ohio were packed inside the steamy building dent, last night urged voters to show their Standing with Brown on the platform and California. A total of 1,505 are needed and more than 100 others were massed on were Assemblyman Richard Van Wagner, support for him by voting for the uncom- to secure the party's nomination. the sidewalk and parking lot out front. mitted slate of delegates to the Demo- DMonmouth, chairman of the state There are MO delegate votes at stake Unlike other presidential aspirants cratic National Convention in today's pri- Brown for President organization and a in the Democratic voting in the three Who have visited the state, Gov. Brown mary election. candidate on the uncommitted delegate states with elections today, II of them in was not accompanied by Secret Service slate from the 12th district; Anne Camp- "The eyes of the nation are right on New Jersey. agents and milled freely with the crowd bell, vice chairman of the slate Demo- New Jersey," be told several hundred Gov. Brown's name does not appear as he had at other campaign appearances cratic organization and an uncommitted cheering supporters at an election eve on the ballot in the New Jersey Demo- throughout the state during the day delegate candidate in the Ilth district rally at his 'Mate campaign headquarters cratic primary He has a number of sup- Perspiration poured down his (ace in who has announced her support for in the Airport Plaza Shopping Center porters, however, among the candidates the oppressive heat as he stepped up on Brown; Monmouth County Democratic here. on the uncommitted delegate slate fielded the platform in the center of the building Chairman John R. Fiorino, Democratic "That uncommitted slate has to come by the state Democratic organization and and told his supporters he expected to Freeholders Thomas Lynch and Cecile over loud and clear," Gov. Brown said. is appealing to those who support him to win the presidential nomination in the Norton; Andrew Smith, Democratic can- He said he wanted the message from it to vote for the uncommitted slate. end despite what he admitted was an didate for county surrogate, and Eugene be read that the Democratic National Many other candidates on the uncom- "uphill campaign." Melody, another uncommitted delegate Convention In New York in July will be mitted slate support Sen. Hubert H. Hum- The convention scenario, Gov Brown from the 12th district who supports an "open" convention. phrey, D-Minn , a fact Brown made refer- predicted, would go something like this: Brown and the man who managed to get a* utir •*•'• »r cti r-M The California governor, who has ence to in his remarks at the rally when On the first ballot Carter "doesn't quite the headquarters open and operating in 10 HAZLET CAMPAIGNING - Woman grasps been campaigning hard in New Jersey in he observed that voting for him gets a make it." Then on the second ballot ev- hours time Friday after being given the hand of Gov. Edmund G. 'Jerry' Brown Jr. of the final week before the state's last-in- little complicated here in New Jersey be- eryone else, including Rep. Morris K. job at 3 a.m. California and other supporters reach out to him the-nation primary, clearly was referring cause of the "dual endorsement" of the Udall, D -Aril, and Sen. Frank Church, Brown said he intended to travel to during campaign appearance on behalf of un- to the effort to stop Jimmy Carter, the uncommitted slate. D-Idaho, give it a try but "don't quite these states with a number of uncom- committed slate of delegates to the Democratic frontninner in the Democratic presiden- "Sometimes two's better than one," make it" either. mitted convention delegates and win National Convention at his state headquarters in tial sweepstakes, from sewing up the he told the throng of cheering masses "Then where else do they have to See lim, page 1 Hazlet. Carter given edge in today's primary TRENTON (AP) - The backs both California Gov New York at noon today to and 81 in the 40 legislative last presidential candidates to Edmund G. "Jerry" Brown return to California while districts in the state. campaign in New Jersey Jr. and Sen. Hubert II Hum Carter's schedule called for The GOP will be choosing should be on their way home phrey. him to fly home to Atlanta af- seven in atlarge voting and as New Jersey voters go to The polls will open at 7 a.m. ter an early morning stop at a [our delegates from each of the polls today to decide and close at 8 p.m. with sun- factory in Carteret the 15 New Jersey congres- among them. ny skies and warm weather sional districts. At stake in the Democratic forecast for the whole stale. Although there is a prefer- President Ford is expected contest are 108 delegates lorecast for the whole state. ential or so-called "beauty to gain an easy victory in the while Republicans will be The weather may boost the contest" primary on the state on the strength ot an un- choosing 67 convention dele- committed Republican orga- vote turnout which is ex- Democratic side only Carter nization delegate slate that pected to be about 25 per cent among the major contenders backs him despite its official of the 3 5 million registered The Democrats will choose in the state is entered in it. stance. voters. A 25 per cent turnout 91 delegates in the primary The more accurate test of So most attention has fo- would bring about 100,000 Re and the remaining 17 to be popular vote strength across cused on the Democratic publicans and 600,(00 Demo- chosen June 21 by those elect- the state is expected in the presidential election in which crats out to vote. ed today. atlarge delegate selection. REAGAN GETS A PRESENT - Former Califor- Calif., as he winds up his campaigning for today's froritrunner Jimmy Carter is Both Brown and Carter The Democratic primary Brown spent yeterday on nia Gov. Ronald Reagan holds up a lacket present- California Republican primary. His wife, Nancy, Is. vying against an uncom- campaigned yesterday in the provides for election of 10 tin1 south to north swing ed him yesterday during a rally In Walnuf Creek, shown peeking around corner at right. mitted organization slate that state. Brown planned to leave statewide al-large delegates See Cuter, page 2 Troops may back up police on 4th Register Slate •«•*• Mreai in his State House office with "Someone gave me an esti- Guard troops are being con- The governor said it was top officials of the New Jer- mate of 250.000 people in lion- sidered as a possible necessi- agreed at the meeting that TRENTON - Gov Bren sey National Guard, the State mouth County, but that's Just ty by the governor's office is the use of auxiliary Civil De- dan T. Byrne yesterday an- Police and the Civil Defense an estimate," he continued. from 6 p.m. July 2 until 8 fense people will have to be nounced that he is requesting to discuss the possibility of The governor said he also am. July 6. authorized along with the use a supplemental appropriation calling up the National Guard was concerned about the ef- Prior to making his an- of helicopters of the National of >108,000 from the State over the long Fourth of July fect upon Camden County by nouncement at a news confer- Guard, which has some 30 Legislature to pay for the use weekend. the expected spillover of ence, Gov. Byrne met with helicopters available to it. of National Guard troops, "There are estimates that i crowds there from bicenten- Gen. Wilfred Menard Jr., He said that if it proves should they be necessary, to million people will come (to nial celebrations in Phila- chief of staff of the New Jer- necessary to call out the Na- help with logistical problems the New York metropolitan delphia. sey Department of Defense tional Guard, the troops associated with the large area) for Operation Sail," Gov. Byrne explained that and commander of the Na- would be used to provide such crowds expected for Oper- Gov. Byrne said. The New the 1108,080 he is requesting tional Guard; Haj. G. R. logistical support services for ation Sail and Bicentennial Jersey counties that are ex- from the legislature would Quinn, administrative officer the crowds as watering sta- celebrations in the Phila- pected to be affected by the pay for 1,000 men a day for of the State Police, and Rob- tions, wreckers and medical delphia area July 4 crowds for the sailing spec- three days, at the rate of 136 ert P. Martinez, special assis- assistance. They would not be The governor made the an- tacular are Monmouth, Hud- per man per day.
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