
<p>Electronic supplementary material (ESM) for:</p><p>Anthropoid vs. strepsirhine status of the African Eocene primates Algeripithecus and Azibius: craniodental evidence</p><p>Rodolphe Tabuce et al.</p><p>Files in this Data Supplement:</p><p>Text ESM 1-3 Figures ESM 1-2 Tables ESM 1-3 References Text ESM1</p><p>Description</p><p>Fossils described in this report were collected by the authors during several field seasons devoted to excavating, acid-etching and screen-washing of the fossiliferous levels. Azibius and Algeripithecus are now known by more than 30 and 70 specimens, respectively, 3 3 documenting P /3 to M /3 for both species. For measurements of the specimens, see Tables ESM1-2.</p><p>Azibius trerki: The holotype GL1-1 bears P4-M2 (Gingerich 1977; Sudre 1975; Sudre 1979; Tabuce et al. 2004) and HGL50-256 is a left dentary bearing P3–M3. The mandibular corpus is deep and robust. P3-4 are two-rooted, their roots are higher than those of the molars, their crowns are very tall and characterized by a blade-like structure and labial exodaenodonty. P3 is higher than P4 and also differs in showing a lower talonid heel relative to the protoconid and in a labial cingulid limited to the distal part of the crown. P4 is wide in occlusal view; the paraconid is crestiform on the high preprotocristid; the hypoconid is elevated but lower than the huge protoconid. These cusps bear a longitudinal blade-like crest; the metaconid is absent. P4 also shows two continuous labial and lingual cingulids that slope considerably away ventrally on the crown and ascend both the paraconid and hypoconid. Both paraconid and cingulids are erased on the holotype because of its worn state and chemical alteration. Lower molars are robust, broad, and moderately high-crowned with low bunodont cusps and show a pronounced rising of the mesial border of the trigonid. The height of the crowns decreases from P3 to M3. M1-3 increase in length posteriorly. On M1-2, the mesio-distal lengths of the trigonid and talonid are equivalent; the trigonid is open anteriorly and bears a high paracristid without any trace of paraconid. The paracristid is shorter and more labially displaced from M1 to M3. On M1-3, the paracristid is oriented almost directly mesially and the mesiolabial cingulid is present ventrally from the protoconid to the ectoflexus. On M2-3, the paracristid joins, in its anterior-most part, the elevated mesial cingulid to form a paralophid- like crest. On M3 this crest is connected with the premetacristid, a structure that closes lingually the trigonid basin to build a mesial fovea. The premetacristid is absent on M1-2. On M1-3, the metaconid is disto-lingually offset to the protoconid; both cusps show similar volume in occlusal view, but the protoconid appears higher in lingual view. The protoconid and metaconid are nearly twinned and connected by a short protocristid on M1; on M2-3 the protocristid is longer due to the lingual position of the metaconid. The talonid is markedly lower than the trigonid on M1, but slightly lower on M2-3. The curved cristid obliqua joins the top of the metaconid on M1, meets the posterior trigonid wall lingually to the protoconid on M2, and reaches the protoconid on M3. On M1-2, the postcristid is rather elevated and continuous from the hypoconid to the entoconid. On M1, the entoconid is posteriorly expanded; this character is absent on M2. The distal cingulid ascends the crown to reach the postcristid. On unworn specimens an extremely shallow furrow can occur on the median axis of the postcristid (HGL50-248 and HGL10-14). The talonid basin is semi-circular and opens lingually behind the metaconid by a deep furrow separating the entoconid from the metaconid. There is no hypoconulid on M1-2; this cusp is enlarged on M3 and forms a transversally broad third lobe. M3 is also characterized by the presence of a postmetacristid. HGL51-46 is a right maxilla bearing P3-4 and M3; M1-2 were broken during the excavation. The specimen also shows the alveoli of C and P2; there is no P1. A part of both the jugal-maxillary suture and the floor of the orbit are preserved above the level of P4. Two infraorbital foramens are situated between the mesiolabial root of P2 and P3; the groove for the infraorbital nerve is visible between the floor of the orbit and the lingual root of P4. A part of the lacrimal canal is also preserved. The course of the lacrimal canal is oblique (not vertical), so it is not perpendicular to the infraorbital canals. The height of the sinus maxillary, between the floor of the orbit and the palate, is dorsoventrally shallow (Fig ESM1). The canine alveolus, although only partially preserved, appears clearly wider than those of premolars, suggesting that this tooth was large, presumably high crowned, deeply anchored and vertically oriented. The reduced size of the P2 alveolus indicates that this single-rooted premolar was mesio- distally compressed and much smaller than P3. P3-4 are blade-like in structure and triangular in lateral view with a very high and vertical labial wall surrounded by a cingulum. On P3, the paracone is central on the ectoloph. This crest is also composed by a crestiform parastyle and metacone. The lingual cingulum is continuous and it slopes away dorsally to reach the extremities of the ectoloph. A tiny protocone is present (HGL51-46) or absent (HGL50-297). P4 is molariform; both paracone and metacone exhibit similar size in occlusal view; the paracone appears higher in lingual view. The parastyle is bulbous, massive, and mesially positioned. The protocone is central on the crown and slanted; it shows an important lingual expansion. The preprotocrista joins the mesial cingulum on a smooth paraconule. The postprotocingulum is wrinkled and bears several cuspules, the most lingual one evokes an incipient hypocone on GZC-41; there is no evidence of this cusp on HGL51-46. The posterointernal basin between the postprotocrista and the postcingulum is as broad as the trigonid basin. The M2 GZC-4 is worn out; the new specimens HGL50-242, HGL50-246, and particularly HGL50-396 (an upper maxilla bearing M1-2), are better preserved. M1-3 are transversally elongated and characterized by their bunodonty: rounded cusps, low relief, and poorly developed shearing crests. In lateral view, the metacone is sub equal to the paracone on M1, both cusps having low labial slopes. The paracone and metacone are higher than the protocone and hypocone; these cusps present low lingual slopes. The metacone is smaller than the paracone on M2. The preprotocrista, bearing a paraconule, is higher than the crista obliqua. There is no metaconule. The crista obliqua is variable; it is generally short and neither connected to the metacone nor to the protocone; on HGL50-243 the crista obliqua is long and joins these cusps. Generally, the wide lingual cingulum is only lingually interrupted under the hypocone; on HGL50-245, the cingulum is also interrupted under the protocone; on the maxilla HGL50-396, the lingual cingulum is absent on M1-2. There is no pericone. The M2 HGL50-246 presents a very pronounced labial expansion of the paracone. M3 is moderately reduced; the metacone is small, lower than the protocone; the paraconule and hypocone are absent; the preprotocrista is higher than the long crista obliqua; and the lingual cingulum is continuous.</p><p>Algeripithecus minutus: HGL50-280 is a fragmentary lower jaw bearing M1, the posterior alveolus for P3, the two alveoli for P4, and the anterior alveolus for M2. HGL50-397 is a more complete mandible, bearing P3 to M3 and two alveoli in front of P3. In both specimens, the mandibular corpus is shallow ventrally and labio-lingually enlarged in front of P4, indicating that the dentary is robust in the symphysis area. In HGL50-397, the two front alveoli are interpreted as the alveoli for the P2 and canine. The canine alveolus is particularly long, compressed and projecting, suggesting that this tooth was incisiform. Considering its unique, small, and short alveolus, P2 was reduced, notably compared to other premolars. The hypothesis that the two anterior alveoli correspond to those of I2 and C, instead of C and P2, is not retained here because it implies the absence of P2 without reduction of P3 and the occurrence of a vestigial canine; these characters are never seen in association among primates. P2 are undocumented except perhaps for GZC-11. This specimen was primarily considered as a P3 (Godinot 1994; Godinot & Mahboubi 1994); it is characterized by a narrower occlusal outline and a higher and more pointed protoconid compared to P3-4. Other characters of this tooth, also observed in P3-4, are the sharp preprotocristid, the continuous labial and lingual cingulids and the tiny talonid cusp on the cingulid. The attribution of this specimen to Algeripithecus is nevertheless doubtful because it is double-rooted, with the anterior root smaller than the posterior one. The mandible HGL50-397 shows in contrast that P2 is single- rooted. We can not exclude that the number of roots on P2 is variable in Algeripithecus, thus GZC-11 could document the unique P2 known so far. P3 and P4 are difficult to distinguish on isolated and worn specimens. Another difficulty is the P4 GZC-3 of the initial collection, which is lingually damaged and worn behind the protoconid; so its morphology was initially misinterpreted in considering the absence of the metaconid (Godinot 1994; Godinot & Mahboubi 1994). Some new P3-4s are better preserved; they all show the occurrence of a metaconid in a distal position relative to the protoconid. On the lower jaw HGL50-397, the development of the metaconid is particularly important in lateral views. In this specimen, P3 differs from P4 by a minor size, a more labially positioned smaller metaconid, and by a small talonid cusp in line with the protoconid and the metaconid. The talonid cusp is more lingual in position on P4. The P3 HGL50-271 is peculiar by its two partially fused roots. P3-4 are high- crowned, they show two robust roots higher than those of molars, continuous labial and lingual cingulids that slope away ventrally from the talonid cusp to the mesial end of the crown. These cingulids join the paracristid to form a reduced paraconid. The protoconid, the protocristid, the metaconid and to a lesser extend the small paraconid form a blade-like structure. P4 is characterized by its wide occlusal area equivalent to that of M1-2 Lower molars are broad, moderately high-crowned, bunodont, and show a pronounced rising of the mesial border of the trigonid. The trigonid is open anteriorly on M1-2 and bears a high and mesial paracristid. The paracristid is shorter and more labially displaced from M1 to M3. The height of the crown decreases from P4 to M3. M1-3 increase in length posteriorly. M1 shows an elongated trigonid compared to the talonid. The paraconid is tiny and corresponds to a widening of the paracristid. The protoconid is the highest and the largest cusp of the tooth; the metaconid is centrally positioned on the anteroposterior axis of the crown. Both cusps are nearly twinned and connected by a short protocristid on M1-2; on worn specimens such as GZC-37, both cusps appear better individualized and the protocristid looks longer. On HGL50-276 a short mesio-labially oriented premetacristid occurs; on other M1s this cristid is absent. A mesiolingual cingulid is present ventrally to the protoconid; the labial cingulid is long and ends on the deep ectoflexus. The cristid obliqua is labially convex, follows a curved trajectory, and is linked with the top of the metaconid. The talonid is lower than the trigonid and very mesiodistally compressed; the talonid basin is semi-circular and opens lingually behind the metaconid by a deep furrow separating the entoconid from the metaconid. On all M1s, the entoconid is posteriorly expanded and less voluminous than the hypoconid; the postcristid is curved. This crest is either generally continuous or interrupted by a thin furrow between the postentocristid and the posthypocristid. The distal cingulid ascends the crown to reach the posthypocristid; the hypoconulid is clearly lacking. M2 differs from M1 in being larger and in showing some other characters. The trigonid is less extended due to a shorter paracristid (the incipient paraconid seen in M1 is lacking) and a more mesially positioned metaconid, which is offset lingually. The entoconid is sub-equal to the hypoconid; the talonid basin is wider and can be lingually closed by the presence of a preentocristid (HGL50-284). A thin furrow on the postcristid can occur as in M1; in this case the end of the postentocristid bears a small style (HGL50-283). All specimens present a short premetacristid and a cristid obliqua that joins the top of the metaconid. On M3, the metaconid is more mesial and the premetacristid is longer and thicker than in M1-2. The premetacristid curves ventro-labially; this cristid can end at the base of the metaconid (GZC-2, HGL50-289) or can be connected either with the paracristid (HGL50-286) or with the mesial cingulid (HGL50-287; HGL50- 288); thus the trigonid basin can be either mesially open or closed, then forming a mesial fovea. The paracristid joins the elevated mesial cingulid to form a paralophid-like crest. The cristid obliqua reaches the distal flank of the protoconid. The labial cingulid is generally continuous from the hypoconulid to the anterior rim. The talonid is narrower than the trigonid; the third lobe is relatively short; supernumerary crests can occur on the talonid basin. P2 is a uniradiculated and single-cusped tooth; a thick cingulum surrounds the crown and slopes away dorsally to reach the parastyle and metastyle areas. The crown is oval in shape and presents a small disto-lingual expansion that forms an incipient basin. P3-4 are three-rooted and characterized by a rather triangular outline; the crown is lingually rounded and more angular in its mesio- and distolabial sides. These teeth are peculiar in their peak-like aspect in lateral view, in the weak individualization of the trigon cusps, and in the very high labial wall. P3 is documented by only one specimen; this tooth differs from P4 by a minor size, a less individualized metacone and a smaller protocone not completely isolated from the lingual cingulum. On the new nine P4s, three are perfectly preserved; the protocone is low, conical and well individualized from the lingual cingulum. The latter can be continuous or interrupted ventrally to the protocone. As P4s are isolated and mesio-distally symmetrical, it is hard to tell whether they are right or left teeth; GZC-42 and GZC-43 were confusedly considered as left premolars (Tabuce et al. 2004). In view of the new better preserved teeth, these specimens are here interpreted as right premolars. In addition to their symmetrical outline, the peculiarities of P4s, which make it difficult to establish their position, are the absence of style and conule, and the important reduction (in height and volume) of the paracone relative to the metacone. The occurrence and position of the hypocone is variable; it can be absent (HGL50-300) or present on the disto-lingual cingulum (HGL50-303) or isolated from this cingulum and linked with the protocone by a short crest (HGL50-299). Upper molars are characterized by the very low lingual slope of the protocone and hypocone, the transversally short trigon basin and their bunodonty: rounded cusps, low relief, and poorly developed shearing crests. Most of the newly discovered M1-2s are fragmentary or highly worn; our description is therefore mostly based on GZC-7 and HGL50-310 for M1, and on the holotype GZC-1 for M2. We agree with Godinot and Mahboubi (Godinot & Mahboubi 1994) in considering that M1 differs from M2 by a higher and less labially expanded paracone, a taller metacone, a slightly larger metaconule, a better isolated paraconule, a smaller hypocone, and by a continuous lingual cingulum. The upper molar GZC-7 was proposed to be a DP4 (Beard & Wang 2004); this tooth is regarded here as an M1, like initially proposed by Godinot and Mahboubi (Godinot & Mahboubi 1994). The DP4 HGL50-241 of the new collection is more triangular in outline than molars and differs in a transversally shorter trigon basin and larger parastyle and conules. On M2, the preprotocrista is higher than the crista obliqua; the metacone is lingually shifted; the metaconule is crestiform on the crista obliqua; the thick lingual cingulum can be continuous (HGL50-311) or broadly absent (GZC-10), it is generally interrupted ventro-lingually to the large hypocone. The hypocone is more (HGL50- 311) or less (GZC-1) lingually displaced. The lingual expansion of the cingulum under the protocone is variable; it is peculiarly expanded on the holotype. The occurrence of an incipient pericone is also variable. M3 is reduced and also characterized by a small metacone; the paraconule is crestiform and situated on the junction of the preprotocrista with the mesial cingulum; the preprotocrista is higher than the crista obliqua; there is no pericone; and the presence of a hypocone is variable on the continuous lingual cingulum. Text ESM2</p><p>Phylogenetic analysis: Phylogenetic analyses were carried out using a matrix of 341 craniodental and postcranial characters scored across 82 living and extinct primate taxa recently published (Marivaux 2006; Marivaux et al. 2005). This matrix is an updated version of an earlier data set (Kay et al. 2004), which was modified by adding several strepsirhine taxa and reinterpreting some dental character states so that they conform better with the morphological conditions observed in the taxa discussed in this paper. Furthermore, postcranial character states originally assigned to Pondaungia (notably those related to the humerus and the calcaneus) were not coded for this taxon here (Beard et al. 2007; Marivaux et al. 2008). All the selected characters are unweighted. Multistate characters were considered as ordered if changes from one state to another required passing through intermediate states (Slowinski 1993). With such an ad hoc assumption, character state assignments do not convey a priori judgments about character polarity (unconstrained parsimony). Data were managed by MacClade 3.04 (Maddison & Maddison 1992). Phylogenetic reconstructions were performed by PAUP* 4.0 beta 10 Win (Swofford 2002). As the data set contained too many taxa to execute an exact search (Branch and Bound option), heuristic search methods (Hsearch) with a random step-wise addition (1000 replications with randomised input order of taxa) and tree bisection-reconnection (TBR) branch-swapping options were applied.</p><p>List of selected dental, cranial, and postcranial characters for the cladistic analyses: characters followed by an asterisk are considered “ordered”. Some characters have been modified (different character state interpretation) from the original works. These characters have been labeled by “ ‘ ” or “ “ ”. A score of “ ? ” is used if information is unavailable due to a lack of material or if the character does not apply to a particular taxon. Teeth areas are calculated as the product of mesiodistal (md) length and buccolingual (bl) breadth.</p><p>Lower Teeth: Incisors i1*. Lower incisor number: 0 = three; 1 = two; 2 = one: I1 present, I2 absent; 3 = lower incisors absent. i2. Lower incisor occlusal arrangement: 0 = arcuate battery from lateral perspective (U-shaped arcade); 1 = cusp tips staggered (V-shaped arcade). i3. Lower incisor crown spacing: 0 = no spaces; 1 = spaces present between crowns. i4. I2-C diastema: 0 = present; 1 = absent. i5*. I1-2 size (ratio of I1-2 area to M1 area): 0 = very small (≤ 0.69); 1 = moderate sized (≥ 0.70, ≤ 1.07); 2 = large (> 1.07). i6*. I1:I2 proportions (ratio of I1 area to I2 area): 0 = I1 much smaller than I2 (< 0.65); 1 = I1 smaller than I2 (≥ 0.65, < 0.82); 2 = I1 almost as large as I2 (≥ 0.83, < 1.00); 3 = I1 > I2 (≥ 1.01, < 1.25); 4 = I1 >> I2 (≥ 1.25). i7*. I1 crown width (spatulate incisors only): 0 = considerably wider (m-d) than root (spatulate): 1 = narrow at apex, wider than root; 2 = “styliform” (crown apex approximately the same width as the cervical margin). i8. I2 crown cross-sectional shape (ratio of m-d length to b-l breadth): 0 = rounded oval (≥ 0.64); 1 = mesiodistally compressed (< 0.64). i9*. Lower incisors crown height (crown heights judged from cementoenamel junction to crown tip on the buccal surface): 0 = low crowned; 1 = moderately high crowned; 2 = high crowned. i10. I1-2 crown buccal outline: 0 = gently curved in lateral perspective; 1 = acutely curved. i11*. Lower incisor roots: 0 = erect or vertical; 1 = slightly procumbent; 2 = very procumbent. i12*. Lower incisor crowns: 0 = erect or vertical; 1 = procumbent; 2 = very procumbent. i13. Tooth comb: 0 = absent; 1 = with three teeth; 2 = with two teeth. i14. I1 crown shape: 0 = spatulate; 1 = lanceolate, pointed. i15. I2 heel development (a lingual swelling at the base of crown): 0 = heel absent; 1 = heel present. i16. Incisor lingual enamel: 0 = well developed; 1 = very thin or absent. i17*. Lower first incisor lingual cingulum: 0 = absent to weak; 1 = strong but incomplete; 2 = strong and complete. i19*. Relative size of I1 to M1 (based on occlusal areas): 0 = I1 very small (I1 << M1); 1 = moderately enlarged (I1 < or = M1); 2 = grossly enlarged (I1 > M1).</p><p>Canines c1*. Female C1 cross-sectional area relative to molar cross sectional area: 0 = very small (C1/M1 < 0.40); 1 = moderate (≥ 0.4, < 0.80); 2 = large (≥ 0.80, ≤ 1.20); very large (≥ 1.20) c2*. C1/1 dimorphism (square root of male C1 area/square root of female C1 area): 0 = low (< 1.07); 1 = moderate (≥ 1.07, < 1.17); 2 = high (≥ 1.17). c3. C1 cross-sectional shape: 0 = rounded oval; 1 = mesiodistally compressed; 2 = buccolingually compressed. c4. C1 lingual crest development: 0 = rounded; 1 = sharp. c5. Canine paracristid (not scored if species has canine incorporated into a tooth comb): 0 = oblique to occlusal plane; 1 = nearly horizontal to occlusal plane; 2 = forms part of cropping mechanism with I1-2. c6. Canine height (females): 0 = low, squat; 1 = narrow, short; 2 = tall, at or above tooth row. ML18*. Lower canine crown: 0 = erect or vertical; 1 = procumbent; 2 = very procumbent. ML19*. Lower canine root: 0 = erect or vertical; 1 = slightly procumbent; 2 = very procumbent.</p><p>Premolars 1 p1. P /1: 0 = present; 1 = absent p2. P2: 0 = present; 1 = absent. p3. P2 roots: 0 = single; 1 = double. p4’. P3 roots: 0 = single; 1 = double. p4”. P4 roots: 0 = single; 1 = double. p5*. Premolar crowding (overlapping of crowns): 0 = no crowding; 1 = slightly crowded; 2 = very crowded— mesial root positioned buccal to distal root. p6*. P3 paraconid: 0 = large; 1 = small; 2 = absent or extremely small. p7*. P4 paraconid: 0 = large; 1 = small; 2 = absent or extremely small. p9’*. P4 paraconid position (labiolingually = paracristid direction): 0 = mesial to protoconid; 1 = mesiolingual, between protoconid and metaconid; 2 = mesial to metaconid. p9’’. P4 paraconid position (mesiodistally): 0 = widely spaced from the metaconid ; 1 = twinned with metaconid. p11*. P3-4 cristid obliqua: 0 = absent; 1 = weak; 2 = strong. p13. P2 protoconid height and shape: 0 = slender, projects above protoconids of P3-4; 1 = massive, projects above protoconids of P3-4; 2 = not projecting, in line with P3; 3 = extremely short, shorter than P3. p14. P4 metaconid position: 0 = close to protoconid; 1 = widely spaced from protoconid; 2 = fully distal from the protoconid p15. P2 metaconid size: 0 = absent or trace; 1 = small. p16*. P3 metaconid size: 0 = absent or trace; 1 = small; 2 = large (as big as protoconid). p17*. P4 metaconid size: 0 = absent or trace; 1 = small; 2 = large (as big as protoconid). p18. P4 trigonid—configuration of lingual wall : 0 = closed; 1 = open. p19. P3 entoconid and lingual talonid crest: 0 = absent; 1 = lingual talonid crest present but an entoconid does not stand out above it; 2 = entoconid forms a small discrete cusp. p20. P4 entoconid and lingual talonid crest: 0 = absent; 1 = lingual talonid crest present but an entoconid does not stand out above it; 2 = entoconid forms a small discrete cusp. p21. P4 lateral and medial protocristid: 0 = continuous between metaconid and protoconid; 1 = discontinuous between metaconid and protoconid. p22. P3 lateral protocristid orientation: 0 = transversely oriented; 1 = distolingually oriented; 2 = absent. p23. P4 lateral protocristid orientation: 0 = transversely oriented; 1 = distolingually oriented. p24. P3-4 posterior trigonid wall: 0 = complete [taxa without metaconids are assigned this character state]; 1 = deeply notched. p25. P3-4 hypoconid size: 0 = large; 1 = small or absent. p26. P3-4 hypoconid (or distal terminus of oblique cristid) position: 0 = distal to protoconid; 1 = distal to metaconid, or between protoconid and metaconid p27*. P4 hypocristid shearing development: 0 = absent; 1 = weak; 2 = strong. p28*. P2 buccal cingulum development: 0 = absent; 1 = incomplete, broken at protoconid and hypoconid; 2 = complete. p29*. Lower premolar inflation: 0 = not basally inflated; 1 = slightly basally inflated; 2 = very basally inflated. p30*. P4 exodaenodonty: 0 = not exodaenodont; 1 = slightly exodaenodont; 2 = very exodaenodont. p31*. P4 talonid length (ratio of midline m-d length of trigonid to m-d length of talonid): 0 = extremely short or non-existent (tri:tal ≥ 1.61); 1 = short (much shorter than trigonid) (tri:tal ≥ 1.27, < 1.61); 2 = equal or slightly shorter in length to trigonid (tri:tal ≥ 0.92, < 1.27); 3 = talonid longer than trigonid (tri:tal < 0.91). p33*. Premolar orientation: 0 = Crown bases vertical in lateral perspective; 1 = slightly oblique; 2 = strongly oblique, projecting medial over the anterior. p34. P4 anterobuccal cingulum development: 0 = absent or trace; 1 = strong. p36*. P4 postprotoconid ridge: 0 = weak or absent; 1 = moderate; 2 = very strong. p37*. P4 postmetaconid ridge: 0 = weak or absent; 1 = moderate; 2 = very strong. p40*. P4 paraconid height: 0 = low; 1 = moderate; 2 = high (nearly as high as protoconid). p41*. P3-4 protoconid height: 0 = P3 much lower than P4; 1 = P3 slightly lower than P4; 2 = P3 equal in height to P4; 3 = P3 higher than P4. p42*. P3 to P4 area: 0 = 0.45-0.59; 1 = 0.60-0.69; 2 = 0.70-0.79; 3 ≥ 0.80. p43*. P4 m-d L/ b-l W: 0 = (< 0.95); 1 = (≥ 0.96, < 1.14); 2 = (≥ 1.15, < 1.20); 3 = (≥ 1.21, < 1.35; 4 = (≥ 1.36, < 1.46); 5 = (> 1.47). p44*. Ratio of P4 area to M1 area: 0 = (< 0.62); 1 = (≥ 0.63, < 0.72); 2 = (≥ 0.73, < 0.82); 3 = (≥ 0.83, < 0.92); 4 = (≥ 0.93, < 1.02); 5 = (> 1.03). p45. P3-4 root orientation: 0 = P3-4 roots aligned mesiodistally; 1 = P3 root shifted laterally, P4 mesial root aligned mesiodistally; 2 = P3 roots aligned mesiodistally, P4 mesial root shifted laterally. [Scored as missing if roots are single].</p><p>Molars m1. M3: 0 = present; 1 = absent. m2. M1 root number: 0 = one; 1 = two. m3. M2 root number: 0 = one; 1 = two. m4. M3 root number: 0 = one; 1 = two. m6*. M2 trigonid width (ratio of buccolingual breadths of trigonid and talonid): 0 = much wider than talonid (≥ 1.11); 1 = widths similar (< 1.11, > 0.90); 2 = much narrower than talonid (≤ 0.90). m7*. M3 trigonid width (based on relative buccolingual breadths): 0 = much wider than talonid (≥ 1.20); 1 = trigonid and talonid widths similar (≤ 1.20-1.05); 2 = trigonid narrower than talonid (< 1.05). m8’*. M1 paraconid position: 0 = mesial to protoconid; 1 = mesiolingual, between protoconid and metaconid; 2 = mesial to metaconid. m9’*. M2 paraconid position: 0 = mesial to protoconid; 1 = mesiolingual, between protoconid and metaconid; 2 = mesial to metaconid. m10*. M3 paraconid position: 0 = mesial to protoconid; 1 = mesiolingual, between protoconid and metaconid; 2 = mesial to metaconid. m8-9-10’. M2-3 paraconid location: 0 = widely spaced from the metaconid; 1 = twinned with metaconid. m11. M1 parastylid (= premetacristid): 0 = absent; 1 = present. m12*. Molar metastylids (postmetacristids): 0 = absent; 1 = small; 2 = large. m13. M3 hypoconulid: 0 = single; 1 = double m14*. M3 heel: 0 = absent; 1 = narrower than talonid; 2 = approximately equal in width to talonid. m15*. Molar enamel surface: 0 = smooth; 1 = slightly crenulated; 2 = highly crenulated. m16*. M1 trigonid height (ratio of trigonid height to talonid height measured on the buccal aspect of the crown): 0 = higher than talonid (≥ 1.20); 1 = slightly higher than talonid (≥ 1.10, < 1.20); 2 = trigonid and talonid of similar height(< 1.10). m17. M1-2 cusp relief: 0 = moderate to high; 1 = low. m18. M1 trigonid lingual configuration: 0 = open; 1 = closed. m19. M1 metaconid position: 0 = transversely aligned—lingual to protoconid; 1 = slightly distolingual to protoconid. m20*. M2 paraconid development: 0 = absent; 1 = small; 2 = large. m21. M1-2 lateral protocristid orientation: 0 = runs toward metaconid; 1 = runs toward hypoflexid. m22. M1 distal trigonid wall: 0 = complete; 1 = deeply notched by protoconid/metaconid sulcus; 2 = medial and lateral protocristid do not meet but no sulcus is visible. m23. M2 distal trigonid wall: 0 = complete; 1 = deeply notched by protoconid/ metaconid sulcus; 2 = medial and lateral protocristid do not meet but no sulcus is visible. m24. M1-3 wear facet X: 0 = present; 1 = absent. m25*. M1-2 entoconid: 0 = absent; 1 = barely stands out on lingual talonid marginal crest; 2 = a small discrete cusp; 3 = a large cusp. m26*. M1-2 postentoconid sulcus: 0 = prominent; 1 = faintly visible; 2 = absent. m27*. M1 hypoconulid size: 0 = large; 1 = moderate; 2 = small; 3 = absent. m28*. M2 hypoconulid size: 0 = large; 1 = moderate; 2 = small; 3 = absent. m29*. M3 hypoconulid size: 0 = large; 1 = moderate; 2 = small; 3 = absent. m30*. M1-2 hypoconulid position: 0 = twinned to entoconid; 1 = near midline; 2 = slightly buccal to midline. m31*. M1-2 cristid obliqua development: 0 = weak (rounded); 1 = strong (trenchant); 2 = very strong (trenchant). m32*. M1 cristid obliqua orientation: 0 = reaches trigonid wall at a point distal to protoconid; 1 = reaches trigonid wall at a point distolingual to protoconid; 2 = reaches trigonid wall at a point distal to metaconid. m33*. M2 cristid obliqua orientation: 0 = reaches trigonid wall at a point distal to protoconid; 1 = reaches trigonid wall at a point distolingual to protoconid; 2 = reaches trigonid wall at a point distal to metaconid. m34. M1 cristid obliqua terminus: 0 = runs to base of trigonid; 1 = runs part way up the distal trigonid wall; 2 = connects with protoconid tip or protocristid; 3 = connects with metaconid. m35. M2 cristid obliqua terminus: 0 = runs to base of trigonid; 1 = runs part way up the distal trigonid wall; 2 = connects with protoconid tip or protocristid; 3 = connects with metaconid. m36. M3 cristid obliqua terminus: 0 = runs to base of trigonid; 1 = runs part way up the distal trigonid wall; 2 = connects with protoconid tip or protocristid; 3 = connects with metaconid. m37. M1-2 centroconid development: 0 = present; 1 = absent but cristid obliqua bends sharply in hypoflexid; 2 = absent. m38*. M1-2 hypocristid development: 0 = absent or seen only as a trace; 1 = weak; 2 = strong. m39*. M3 hypocristid development: 0 = absent or seen only as a trace; 1 = weak; 2 = strong. m40*. Lingual configuration of M1-2 talonid: 0 = open; 1 = notched lingually but not open; 2 = closed. m41. M1-2 distal fovea: 0 = absent; 1 = present (weak); 2 = present (large). m42. M1-2 hypocristid configuration: 0 = simple; 1 = with accessory cusp close to hypoconid. m43. M1-2 cristid obliqua: 0 = notched; 1 = straight. m44*. Molar cusp inflation: 0 = cusps not inflated, marginally positioned; 1 = slightly inflated; 2 = very inflated. m45*. M1-2 buccal cingulum development: 0 = absent to trace; 1 = partial, broken at protoconid and hypoconid; 2 = complete. m46*. M1 hypoflexid depth: 0 = very shallow; 1 = moderate; 2 = deep. m47*. M2 hypoflexid depth: 0 = very shallow; 1 = moderate; 2 = deep. m53*. Ratio of M2 length to M3 length: 0 = M3 much longer than M2 (0.71-0.80); 1 = M3 longer than M2 (0.81- 0.90); 2 = M3 equal than M2 (0.91-1.00); 3 = M3 smaller than M2 (1.01-1.12); 4 = M3 much smaller than M2 (≥ 1.13); 5 = if M3 absent. m55*. M1 mesiodistal length/buccolingual breadth: 0 = 1.0-1.15; 1 = 1.16-1.22; 2 = 1.23-1.32; 3 = > 1.33. m56. Convergence of buccal and lingual molar cusp walls: 0 = convergent; 1 = vertically sided. m57. M1-2 entoconid position relative to hypoconid: 0 = transverse to hypoconid; 1 = distal to hypoconid. ML88*. M1-3 Pre-entocristid: 0 = indistinct to absent; 1 = weakly developed (low); 2 = well-developed (strong and high).</p><p>Upper Teeth: Incisors I1*. I1-I2 interstitial contact: 0 = absent; teeth widely spaced; 1 = present as narrow contact; 2 = I2 tightly packed against I1, I1 preparacrista abbreviated. I2. I1-I1 interstitial contact: 0 = present; 1 = absent: a wide space occurs in the midline between these teeth. I3. I2-C diastema: 0 = present; 1 = absent. I4*. I1 area:I2 area: 0 = areas approximately equal (≤ 1.00); 1 = I1 slightly larger than I2 (> 1.00, < 1.40); 2 = I1 much larger than I2 (> 1.40). I5*. I1 size (I1 area: M1 area): 0 = incisor small (≤ 0.50); 1 = incisor moderate (> 0.50, < 0.56); 2 = incisor large (≥ 0.56). I6*. I1 occlusal shape (mesiodistal length/buccolingual breadth): 0 = rounded oval (< 1.05); 1 = buccolingually compressed (> 1.05, < 1.30); 2 = extremely compressed (> 1.30). I7*. I2 occlusal shape (mesiodistal length /buccolingual breadth): 0 = rounded oval (≤ 1.05); 1 = slightly buccolingually compressed (> 1.05, < 1.30); 2 = extremely buccolingually compressed ≥ 1.30). I8. I1 crown shape: 0 = spatulate; no apparent occlusal cusp, mesial and distal edges continuous and rounded; 1 = semi-spatulate; central cusp present but blunt with discernable mesial and distal occlusal crests; 2 = central occlusal cusp pointed, occlusal edges steep. I9. I1 lingual fovea: 0 = simple; 1 = dual, with mid-crown pillar. I10. I1 occlusal edge orientation (for spatulate incisors only; all others scored as “ ? ”): 0 = occlusal edge orthogonal to long axis of root; 1 = occlusal edge wears at a steep angle to long axis of root; 2 = crown with pronounced mesial asymmetry (= mesial process) in unworn state. I11*. I1-2 lingual cingulum: 0 = weak, discontinuous; 1 = moderate, continuous; 2 = strong. I12. I1 basal lingual cusp: 0 = absent; 1 = present. I13. I1-I2 buccal cingulum: 0 = absent; 1 = present.</p><p>Canines C1. C1 cross-sectional shape: 0 = oval; 1 = rounded. 1 1 1 1 C2*. Upper canine occlusion: 0 = C wears against P1-2; 1 = C wears against P2; 2 = C wears against P2-3; 3 = C . wears against P3 C3. C1 mesial groove (females): 0 = shallow or absent; 1 = deep. C4*. C1 lingual cingulum: 0 = weak or absent; 1 = strong; 2 = very strong.</p><p>Premolars P1*. P2 root number: 0 = one (if tooth is absent, taxon scored “ 0 ”); 1 = two; 2 = three. P2*. P3 root number: 0 = one; 1 = two; 2 = three. P3*. P4 root number: 0 = one; 1 = two; 2 = three. P4*. Ratio of P2 area to P3 area: 0 = P2 much smaller (≤ 0.85) (if tooth is absent, taxon scored “ 0 ”); 1 = P2 smaller (> 0.85, < 0.95); 2 = P2 equal (≥ 0.95); 3 = clearly larger. P5*. Ratio of P4 area to M1 area: 0 = P4 << M1 (≤ 0.66); 1 = P4< M1 (> 0.66, ≤ 0.76); 2 = P4 = M1 (0.77-1.05); 3 = P4 > M1 (> 1.06). P6. P2 occlusal outline: 0 = triangular; 1 = suboval with the long axis b-l; 2 = suboval with the long axis m-d; 3 = round. P7. P4 occlusal outline: 0 = triangular; 1 = suboval; 2 = squared. P8. P3-4 trigon/talon proportions: 0 = trigon > = talon; 1 = trigon < talon. P9. P3 protocone: 0 = present; 1 = absent. P10. P4 metacone: 0 = absent; 1 = present. P11. P4 protocone: 0 = low relative to paracone; 1 = high relative to paracone. P12. P2 protocone: 0 = present; 1 = absent (if tooth absent, taxon scored “ 1 ”). P13’. P2 hypocone: 0 = absent; 1 = present. P14*. P4 paraconule: 0 = large; 1 = small; 2 = absent. P15. P3-4 parastyles: 0 = present; 1 = absent. P16. P3-4 metastyles: 0 = absent; 1 = present. P17. P3-4 postprotocrista: 0 =strong; 1 = weak, short. P18. P2-3 distal crown margin: 0 = smoothly rounded; 1 = waisted between buccal and lingual cusps. P19. P3-4 lingual cingulum: 0 = absent or weak; 1 = strong. P20. P3 metacone: 0 = absent; 1 = present P21. P3-4 buccal cingulum development: 0 = absent or weak; 1 = strong. ML126*. P4 hypocone: 0 = minute to absent; 1 = present but small; 2 = strong. ML127*. P3 hypocone: 0 = minute to absent; 1 = present but small; 2 = strong.</p><p>Molars M1*. M1-2 root number: 0 = three, three; 1 = three, two; 2 = two, two. M2*. M3 root number: 0 = three; 1 = two; 2 = one. M3*. M2 shape (bl/md): 0 = very transverse (> 1.65); 1 = transverse (< 1.65, > 1.30); 2 = squared (≤ 1.30). M4*. Ratio of M1 area to M2 area: 0 = M1 >> M2 (≥ 1.40); 1 = M1 > M2 (< 1.40, > 1.0); 2 = M1 ≤ M2 (≤ 1.0). M7’*. M1-2 metaconule: 0 = absent; 1 = single; 2 = double. M9*. M1-2 preprotoconule: 0 = absent; 1 = weak; 2 = strong. M10*. M1 hypocone size: 0 = large; 1 = small; 2 = minute to absent. M11*. M2 hypocone size: 0 = large; 1 = small; 2 = minute to absent. M12’*. M1-2 hypocone position: 0 = distal, far lingual to protocone; 1 = distal, slightly lingual to protocone; 2 = distal, slightly buccal to protocone. M13*. M1-2 prehypocrista development: 0 = absent; 1 = weak; 2 = strong, reaches to postprotocrista, encloses the talon lingually. M14*. M3 prehypocrista development: 0 = absent; 1 = weak; 2 = strong, reaches to postprotocrista, encloses the talon lingually. M15. M1 or M2 paraconule position: 0 = attached to preprotocrista; 1 = unattached to preprotocrista. M16*. M1-2 metaconule: 0 = absent to indistinct; 1 = small; 2 = moderate; 3 = large. M17’*. M1-2 mesostyle size: 0 = absent to indistinct; 1 = moderate; 2 = strong. M17”. M1-2 mesostyle position: 0 = attached to ectocrista; 1 = present on buccal cingulum. M20*. P4-M1 pericone: 0 = absent; 1 = small; 2 = large. M22*. M1-3 lingual cingulum development: 0 = absent to indistinct; 1 = weak, broken; 2 = strong, complete. M24*. M1-2 buccal cingulum development: 0 = absent to indistinct; 1 = weak; 2 = strong. M27. M1-2 pre-metaconule cristae: 0 = absent or weak; 1 = strong M28. M1-2 post-metaconule cristae: 0 = absent or weak; 1 = strong M30*. M3 paraconule: 0 = absent; 1 = small-moderate; 2 = large M31*. Molar protocone lingual inflation: 0 = not inflated; 1 = slightly inflated; 2 = very inflated. M33*. M2 buccal expansion of paracone (specify which tooth): 0 = no expansion; 1 = slight expansion; 2 = considerable expansion. M34*. M3 metacone: 0 = absent or very small; 1 = moderate (but smaller than paracone; 2 = large (equal to paracone). M36*. M3 hypocone: 0 = absent or very small; 1 = small; 2 = large. M37*. M1 paraconule size: 0 = absent; 1 = small-moderate (smaller than paracone); 2 = large (nearly as large as or larger than paracone). M44*. M1-3 anterior cingulum: 0 = strong, complete, long (connected to parastyle); 1 = strong, short; 2 = weak or absent. M46*. M3 size relative to M1: 0 = very small (half the size of M1 or less); 1 = small (two thirds); 2 = large (approximately as large). ML147*. M1-2 metastyle: 0 = indistinct to absent; 1 = moderate; 2 = strong. ML148*. M1-2 parastyle: 0 = indistinct to absent; 1 = moderate; 2 = strong. ML149. M1-2 parastyle position: 0 = mesial to paracone; 1 = mesiobuccal to paracone. ML150. M1-2 metastyle position: 0 = distal to metacone; 1 = distobuccal to metacone. ML151*. M1-3 posterior cingulum: 0 = weakly developed; 1 = moderate, does not reach the metastyle; 2 = connected to metastyle. ML152*. M1-3 posterior margin (waisted between buccal and lingual cusps): 0 = indistinct to absent; 1 = present but shallow; 2 = present, deep. ML153*. M1-2 postparacrista: 0 = indistinct to absent; 1 = weakly developed; 2 = well developed (but well- marked notch between postparacrista and premetacrista); 3 = strongly elevated (weak notch between postparacrista and premetacrista). ML154*. M1-2 premetacrista: 0 = indistinct to absent; 1 = weakly developed; 2 = well developed (but well- marked notch between premetacrista and postparacrista); 3 = strongly elevated (weak notch between premetacrista and postparacrista). ML155. M1-3 protocone arrangement: 0 = normal position; 1 = oblique. ML156. M1-2 postprotocrista development: 0 = strong; 1 = tiny. ML157*. M1 postprotocrista length: 0 = indistinct to absent; 1 = short; 2 = long. ML158*. M2 postprotocrista length: 0 = indistinct to absent; 1 = short; 2 = long. ML159. M1 postprotocrista direction: 0 = transverse, directed toward metaconule (or virtual metaconule emplacement); 1 = lateral, directed toward the lingual posterior cingulum (post-protocone fold-like). ML160. M2 postprotocrista direction: 0 = transverse, directed toward metaconule (or virtual metaconule emplacement); 1 = lateral, directed toward lingual posterior cingulum (post-protocone fold-like). ML161. M1 postprotocrista terminus: 0 = runs to base of metacone (with hypometacrista); 1 = runs to metaconule (at the level of the small or virtual metaconule); 2 = runs to posterior cingulum; 3 = limited at a point distal to protocone. ML162. M2 postprotocrista terminus: 0 = runs to base of metacone (with hypometacrista); 1 = runs to metaconule (at the level of the small or virtual metaconule); 2 = runs to posterior cingulum; 3 = limited at a point distal to protocone. ML163. M1-2 preprotocrista: 0 = low; 1 = elevated. ML164. M1 preprotocrista connection (buccal side): 0 = connected between paracone and parastyle (by way of preparaconule crista); 1 = connected to parastyle (by way of preparaconule crista); 2 = connected to paraconule (or near to it or to a virtual paraconule). ML165. M2 preprotocrista connection (buccal side): 0 = connected between paracone and parastyle (by way of preparaconule crista); 1 = connected to parastyle (by way of preparaconule crista); 2 = connected to paraconule (or near to it or to a virtual paraconule). ML166*. M1-2 postparaconule crista: 0 = indistinct to absent; 1 = moderate; 2 = well-developed (connected to paracone). ML168*. M1-2 hypometacrista: 0 = absent; 1 = weakly developed (low and short); 2 = well-developed (high). ML169*. M1-2 hypoparacrista: 0 = absent; 1 = weakly developed (short); 2 = well-developed (high). MLN*. Hypometaconulecrista (crista obliqua): 0 = indistinct to absent; 1 = moderate (not connected to protocone); 2 = well-developed (connected to protocone or postprotocrista).</p><p>Cranial characters: Cr 1. Transverse septum arising from the cochlear housing: 0 = Absent; 1 = present and forming the lateral wall of an anterior accessory cavity pneumatized from the tympanic cavity; 2 = present and forming the lateral wall of an anterior accessory cavity pneumatized from the epitympanic recess. Cr 2. Extent of pneumatization of anterior accessory cavity: 0 = Anterior accessory cavity lies anterior to the tympanic cavity and is not trabeculated; 1 = anterior accessory cavity extends medial to the tympanic cavity, and is trabeculated. Cr 3. Pneumatization of mastoid (from epitympanic recess?): 0 = absent; 1 = present. Cr 4. Presence or absence of perbullar pathway: 0 = absent; 1 = present and formed exclusively by the petrosal bone. Cr 5. Anteroposterior location of posterior carotid foramen in bulla: 0 = Posterior to line joining midpoints of tympanic bones; 1 = anterior to this line. Cr 6*. Mediolateral position of posterior carotid foramen in bulla: 0 = medial; 1 = midline of the bulla; 2 = lateral. Cr 7. Ventrodorsal position of the carotid foramen in the bulla: 0 = dorsal, adjacent to basioccipital or mastoid bone; 1 = ventral. Cr 8*. Position of posterior carotid foramen relative to fenestra cochleae: 0 = posterior; 1 = ventral; 2 = anterior. Cr 9. Position of the internal carotid canal relative to the fenestra cochleae: 0 = runs across ventral lip of the fenestra cochleae, shielding it from ventral view when a canal is present; 1 = internal carotid canal does not shield the fenestra cochleae from ventral view. Cr 10. Position of the portion of the internal carotid/promontory artery (or its accompanying nerves) lying on the promontorium anterior to the fenestra cochleae: 0 = on ventrolateral surface of promontorium; 1 = contacting only the cupula of the cochlea. Cr 11. Size of stapedial and promontory canals: 0 = both stapedial and promontory canals are large; 1 = stapedial slightly smaller than promontory; 2 = stapedial highly reduced or absent altogether; 3 = stapedial larger than promontory; 4 = both promontory and stapedial canals absent. Cr 12. Morphology of promontory canal, when present: 0 = open trough; 1 = complete canal. Cr 13. Presence or absence of canal for internal carotid artery or nerves: 0 = absent; 1 = present. Cr 14. Position of ventral edge of the tympanic bone: 0 = intrabullar, or aphaneric; 1 = extrabullar or phaneric. Cr 15. The shape of the tympanic bone: 0 = ribbon-like or only slightly expanded; 1 = laterally expanded into a collar or tube; ? = due to fusion with surrounding bones, of unknown shape. Cr 16. Morphology of annular bridge: ? = This character is not analyzable in those taxa with an extrabullar tympanic, or those in which this region is not known; 0 = Linea semicircularis or partial anular bridge formed on a entotympanic bulla; 1 = linea semicircularis formed on a petrosal bulla; 2 = a complete annular bridge. Cr 17. Encroachment of the auditory bulla on the pterygoid fossa: 0 = absent; 1 = present and formed by anterior accessory cavity; 2 = present and formed by the tympanic cavity. Cr 18. Nature of contact between the lateral pterygoid plate and the bulla wall: 0 = absent; 1 = laminar; 2 = abutting. Cr 19. Extent of contact between the lateral pterygoid plate and the bulla wall: 0 = slight; 1 = or very extensive. Cr 20. Flange of basioccipital overlapping medial bulla wall: 0 = absent or minimal; 1 = extensive. Cr 21. Suprameatal foramen: 0 = absent; 1 = present, small and in the posterior root of the zygomatic arch; 2 = present, large, and above the external auditory meatus. Cr 22. Patent parotic fissure: 0 = present; 1 = absent. Cr 23*. Size of orbits: 0 = small; 1 = large; 2 = extremely large. Cr 24*. Postorbital closure: 0 = none; 1 = postorbital bar present; 2 = postorbital septum present. Cr 25. Composition of the postorbital septum: 0 = zygomatic forms most of the septum; 1 = frontal forms most of the septum. Cr 26. Zygomatic-lacrimal contact: 0 = present; 1 = absent. Cr 27. Pronounced interorbital constriction: 0 = absent; 1 = present below olfactory tract. Cr 28. Contact between lacrimal and palatine: 0 = present; 1 = separated by a large fronto-maxillary contact (and in some taxa, a small os planum of the ethmoid); 2 = separated by a large os planum. Cr 29. Foramen rotundum: 0 = absent; 1 = present. Cr 30. Position of lacrimal foramen: 0 = outside orbital margin; 1 = within the orbit or on the rim. Cr 31. Metopic suture in adult: 0 = unfused; 1 = fused. Cr 32. Orbital convergence: 0 = less convergent than primates; 1 = primate-like values for convergence. Cr 33*. Posterior nasal spine: 0 = reduced or absent; 1 = small but distinct; 2 = robust and long Cr 34. Posterior palatine torus: 0 = present; 1 = absent. Cr 35. Pyramidal processes: 0 = medially placed; 1 = laterally placed. Cr 36*. Length of medial pterygoid plate: 0 = long medial pterygoid plate extending one-third to one half of the distance to the anterior surface of the bulla; 1 = short but distinct from lateral pterygoid plate for its entire dorsoventral extent; 2 = medial pterygoid plate entirely absent, or reduced to a low rugosity. Cr 37. Snout length: 0 = long snouts; 1 = short snouts. Cr 38. Maxillary depth: 0 = deep; 1 = shallow. Cr 39. Complete symphyseal fusion: 0 = absent; 1 = present. Cr 40. Temporomandibular joint morphology: 0 = biconcave and transversely wide; 1 = anteroposteriorly oriented trough. Cr 41. Entoglenoid process morphology: 0 = weak or absent; 1 = strong. Cr 42. Inter-incisor diastema width: 0 = broad and wider than that of extant haplorhines; 1 = narrow, haplorhine- like. Cr43. Coronoid height relative to condyle: 0 = very far above; 1 = slightly above or equal. Cr44*. Condyle height relative to toothrow: 0 = at level of tooth row; 1 = slightly above; 2 = well above tooth row. Cr45. Corpus robusticity: 0 = shallow; 1 = deep. Cr46. Zygomatico-parietal contact at pterion: 0 = no postorbital closure; 1 = zygomatico-parietal contact; 2 = alisphenoid-frontal contact. Cr47. Enclosure of intratympanic portion of facial nerve in a bony canal: 0 = no canal, facial runs in a sulcus; = bony canal present. Cr48. Epitympanic crest: 0 = absent; 1 = present. Cr49. Broad ascending wing of premaxilla: 0 = narrow; 1 = broad. Cr 50/301. Basioccipital stem: 0 = narrow; 1 = broad. Cr51/302. Choanal shape: 0 = narrow; 1 = broad. Cr52/292. Orientation of the mandibular symphysis: 0 = symphysis procumbent; 1 = symphysis erect.</p><p>Postcranial characters: Humerus H1*. Shape of distal edge of the humeral trochlea: 0 = cylinder, distal edge perpendicular to shaft; 1 = distal edge somewhat angled to shaft; 2 = distal edge very angled. H2. Relative heights of medial and lateral edges of humeral trochlea: 0 = subequal; 1 = medial edge more flared than lateral edge. H3*. Trochleocapitular ridge: 0 = absent; 1 = weak but distinct; 2 = moderately distinct; 3 = very distinct. H4. Waisted trochlea (Minimum trochlear diameter/maximum trochlear diameter x 100): 0 = > 70 (unwaisted); 1 = < 70 (waisted). H5*. Width of capitulum relative to trochlea (100 x ventral capitulum width/ventral trochlear width): 0 = < 100; 1 = between 100 and 140; 2 = 140-200; 3 = greater than 200. H6. Entepicondylar foramen: 0 = present; 1 = variable; 2 = absent . H7. Entepicondylar foramen position: 0 = above medial epicondyle; 1 = above ventral trochlea; 2 = above dorsal trochlea. H8. Medial epicondyle size: 0 = reduced; 1 = prominent. H9. Dorsal placement of medial epicondyle: 0 = parallel ; 1 = slight dorsal; 2 = large dorsal angle. H10’*. Shape of the lateral edge of the dorsal trochlea: 0 = not pronounced; 1 = moderately pronounced; 2 = very pronounced. H10”*. Shape of the medial edge of the dorsal trochlea: 0 = not pronounced; 1 = moderately pronounced; 2 = very pronounced. H11*. Dorsoepitrochlear fossa: 0 = present (strong); 1 = small, shallow; 2 = absent. H12*. Olecranon fossa shape: 0 = shallow; 1 = moderate; 2 = deep. H13. Supinator crest: 0 = prominent; 1 = low. H14*. Brachialis flange; 0 = broad; 1 = moderate; 2 = narrow. H15. Bicipital groove morphology: 0 = shallow; 1 = deep. H16. Deltopectoral crest: 0 = prominent; 1 = low; 2 = flattened superiorly. H17. Deltotriceps crest: 0 = low; 1 = prominent. H18/. Capitular tail: 0 = ventral articular wdth <2.5 times the ventral capitular width; 1 = ventral articular wdth > 2.5 times the ventral capitular width. H19/*. Ratio of humerus length to femur length (H/F): 0 = 100* H/F ≤ 65; 1 = H/F > 65, ≤ 80; 2 = H/F > 80.</p><p>Carpal bones W1. Size of os centrale, orientation of centrale-trapezoid facet, and articulation with hamate: 0 = small os centrale, facet faces distally, no articulation with hamate; 1 = large centrale, facet faces distoradially, articulation with hamate. W2. Ulnar-pisiform articulation: 0 = Facet on pisiform for ulnar styloid process is roughly equal in size to that for triquetrum; 1 = Facet on pisiform for ulnar styloid process is much enlarged and deeply excavated.</p><p>Os pelvis OP1/299. Gluteal tuberosity: 0 = present; 1 = absent. OP2/300. Position of posterior gluteal tuberosity: 0 = Proximal to or level with lesser trochanter; 1 = distal to lesser trochanter.</p><p>Femur F1*. Length of femoral neck: 0 = < 75; 1 = 75-120; 2 = > 120. F2*. Angle of femoral neck: 0 = < 60; 1 = 60-70; 2 = > 70. F3. Angle of lesser trochanter: 0 = medial (0-30o); 1 = posterior (>30o) F4*. Size of third trochanter: 0 = large; 1 = small; 2 = low crest or absent. F5*. Knee index (Antero-posterior diameter of distal femur/ mediolateral diameter of distal femur ): 0 = < 90 (shallow knee); 1 = 90 – 100; 2 = > 100 (deep knee). F6*. Femoral head shape: 0 = spherical; 1 = semicylindrical; 2 = cylindrical. F7. Anterior extension of greater trochanter: 0 = no extension; 1 = extension present. F8. Anterior bend of proximal femur: 0 = none; 1 = bent F9*. Relative length of trochanteric fossa: 0 = long (> 125); 1 = moderate (110-125); 2 = very short (< 110). F10. Presence of intertrochanteric crest: 0 = crest absent; 1 = crest present. F11*. Size of lesser trochanter: 0 = large; 1 = intermediate; 2 = small. F12. Lateral rim of knee: 0 = low; 1 = high.</p><p>Tibia T1’. Fusion of tibia and fibula: 0 = absent; 1 = present. T1”*. Articulation tibia/fibula: 0 = small; 1 = moderate; 2 = extensive. T3. Shape of distal surface of tibia: 0 = square/parallel; 1 = triangular. T4*. Rotation of the medial malleolus: 0 = none; 1 = slight; 2 = strong. T5*. Shape of medial malleolar articular surface: 0 = flat; 1 = anteriorly convex, posteriorly flat; 2 = all convex. T6. Shape of distal tibial shaft: 0 = no compression; 1 = anteroposteriorly compressed. T7. Position of tibialis posterior groove: 0 = on medial side of malleolus; 1 = on posterior side of malleolus.</p><p>Talus A1. Position of the flexor hallucis longus groove: 0 = lateral to trochlea; 1 = central to trochlea. A2’*. Shape of talo-fibular facet: 0 = steep-sided; 1 = steep-sided with a platar lip; 2 = sloped obliquely. A4’*. Development of the talar posterior trochlear shelf: 0 = none; 1 = weakly developed; 2 = well developed (prominent). A5’. Talar neck length (NL/TL x 100): 0 = short (< 50); 1 = long (> 50). A6. Medial talo-tibial facet: 0 = short (does not reach to plantar edge of bone); 1 = long. A7/295. Lateral talar trochlear asymetry: 0 = absent; 1 = present. A8/296. Talar cotylar fossa: 0 = shallow; 1 = deep, medially projecting. A9’/297. Width of the head of the talus (HW/HHT x 100): 0 = < 120; 1 = > 120. GEB1*. Talar neck angle: 0 = < 20°; 1 = 20-30°; 2 = > 30°. GEB2*. Talar body height (HT/MTRW x 100): 0 = < 100; 1 = 100-120; 2 = 120-150. GEB3*. TW/TL x 100: 0 = < 60; 1 = > 60.</p><p>Calcaneus C1*. Anterior calcaneal elongation: 0 = not elongate (ACL or anterior calcaneal ratio < 40); 1 = moderate (ACL ≥ .40-45); 2 = long (> .45). C2*. Position of the peroneal tubercle: 0 = distal to joint; 1 = at joint; 2 = proximal to joint. C3. Posterior calcaneal bowing: 0 = absent; 1 = present. C4/298. Calcaneo-cuboid articulation: 0 = articular wedge absent (fan-shaped); 1 = articular wedge present (more circular).</p><p>Navicular N1*. Length relative to width: 0 = short (<90); 1 = moderate (100-150); 2 = long (>150). N3. Morphology of the naviculocuboid articulation: 0 = cuboid facet on navicular contacts only the ectocuneiform; 1 = cuboid facet contacts the ectocuneiform and mesocuneiform facet.</p><p>Entocuneiform E1*. Shape of Entocuneiform/MT1 articulation: 0 = dorsally reduced; 1 = dorsal moiety of joint enlarged relative to ventral moiety; 2 = dorsal moiety greatly enlarged. E2. Lateral process of entocuneiform: 0 = small; 1 = hypertrophied.</p><p>General Foot O1. Foot axis: 0 = mesaxonic; 1 = paraxonic; 2 = ectaxonic. O2. Toilet claw: 0 = absent; 1 = present. O3. Prehallux: 0 = present; 1 = absent. O4. Metatarsus length: 0 = short; 1 = long. Metatarsal MT1*. Peroneal tubercle of MTI: 0 = very large; 1 = large; 2 = small. MT2. Hallux length: 0 = short; 1 = long.</p><p>Visual system: V1/288. Optic fovea: 0 = absent; 1 = present. V2/290. Tapetum lucidum: 0 = present; 1 = absent.</p><p>Miscellaneous other characters: 289. Haplorhini vs strepsirrhine: 0 = strepsirrhine; 1 = haplorhine.</p><p>Molecular and physiological: MOL1/303. SINE (short interspersed nuclear elements) markers at the human locations 12p13-pter on chromosome 12: 0 = SINE absent; 1 = SINE present. MOL2/304. SINE (short interspersed nuclear elements) markers at the human location 7q22, on chromosome 7: 0 = SINE absent; 1 = SINE present. MOL4/291. Ability to synthesize Vitamin C: 0 = synthysis possible; 1 = synthysis not possible.</p><p>Placentation: PL1/305. Placentation: 0 = Diffuse, epitheliochorial; 1 = Discoidal, hemochorial. PL2/306. Blastocyst attachment: 0 = noninvasive; 1 = invasive. PL3/307. Amniotic cavity: 0 = primordial cavity absent; 1 = primordeal cavity present. PL4/308. Choriovitteline placenta: 0 = present; 1 = absent. PL5/309. Embryonic body stalk: 0 = absent; 1 = present. PL6/310. Allantois development: 0 = large, vesicular; 1 = rudimentary.</p><p>Matrix</p><p>Scandentia 00???????0 22?1????00 00??111000 1120100200 0010001101 ?00000?0?? 100???0111 1022200001 0000120001 3011202110 0022110010 222??1010? 012??????? ?0?0012200 2001001020 10100?0000 0200110000 00?022??00 0101111111 1200002200 00122?0000 ?000000100 1100000001 00(01)?000001 0000001000 0010011110 0100110011 1120010001 ?0001?1000 0100000000 0000100001 0110000000 0000101200 0000000000 0</p><p>Paromomys ?????????? ?????????? ????001011 1021101210 011?20?001 01?1?21001 10?5000111 1112210112 0000110111 32330?1110 0022120011 (12)2112111?? ?????????? ?????122?1 ?21111??{12}0 0000000000 121022?000 10?0020010 1101021111 2111102211 221111001? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????? ????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Plesiadapis 111?24??2? 2101?02200 ???1--1001 1022??0??0 00111?2??1 00?110100? ?231100111 2122210012 0000120001 3112011213 0022220011 12202110?? ?????????? ?????22201 2100111000 0100010000 021022? 000 1210020010 010112011? 2011002211 2211100010 ??00200004 010020??00 000??01000 0100?0?001 10000001?? 0101120010 110000000? ?????10000 0002000000 000010000? 01100000?? ?01?? 0???? ?????????? ?</p><p>Plesiolestes 1?1014?020 2101000200 0001001001 102010220? 1212201101 02?0?????? ??????0111 2122210012 0000120001 3222001113 0022210011 22203100?? ?????????? ???????2?2 ?01?11?010 01?0??0000 121022? 000 10?0020110 010121011? 1100012211 221110002? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? 0?? ?????????? 0????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 ?????????? ?</p><p>Ignacius ????????20 2201???2?? ??????11?1 1022??1??? 0011201100 02?102001? ?004000111 1212210112 0000120001 3223012222 2022120010 12202111?? ?????????? ???????2?1 ?21?11??10 10?0?10?00 121022? 000 10?00210?0 0?011?1111 2011102211 2211110020 ??0?200004 0?11000002 000?10?010 000000? 001 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 ?????????? ?</p><p>Purgatorius 0????????? ????????0? ?????00011 1020102200 0011101101 0000020000 1015100111 1122200001 0000120001 3211012223 3322220010 12223000?? ?????????? ???????2?1 ?00?11?020 00?0??0?0? 0210111000 20?02{12}11?0 ???1??1111 1200011100 110111000? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? 0?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Adapis 1001010000 000010201? 0122000011 102???2210 0210201100 022?031100 ?214300111 11????0201 0100100001 31330?111{23} 1122200011 1220311010 ?0?220?2?? 100??12211 2201111011 0101010000 2200011000 00?0220010 0201121100 2022011011 3311100000 ?10020000(13) 0100102000 101?001?0(01) 1101210100 ?011011110 0101120110 0010000000 ?010010000 0001011001 2201022010 112111101? ?00??1? 2?0 0????????? ?</p><p>Notharctus 1001010000 110010101? 0?02000011 1021101200 02(01)0101101 0100010110 01(12)3200111 112221(01)1(01)1 0(01)00120001 3222021113 1122220011 2220(12)011?1 ???0?{01}0??? ???0?022{01}1 210001101(01) (01)010010000 2210001000 21002(12)00(01)1 1101112211 2022001111 3311100010 ?? 00200003 01??????0? 111??????? ???????000 ?010?111?? 01?30201?0 ?????1???? 0????11001 0000011000 2201022010 01020110?1 1??0?1?1?0 0????????? ?</p><p>Cantius ?????????? ?????????? ???????011 1021102?1? 0211101100 01?0020110 0234200111 1122?00101 0000120001 3222021113 0122220011 22203011?? ?????????? ??????22?1 ?10001?020 0010010000 121022?000 20? 0(12)21011 0101011{01}00 201100101? 330110001? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????02201? ?1020????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Donrussellia ?1?1?????? ??0??????? ??????0011 1021101?1? 011?10?101 02?00(12)0120 01?5300111 1122200001 0000110001 3222022113 (12)12221001(01) 122(01)(23)101?? ?????????? ???????2?1 ?10001?021 1010010000 12{01}022?000 (01)0?02(12)0000 020112010? 201111100? 331110001? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????0?? ?????? 1??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? 0????????? ?</p><p>Leptadapis 1??0?0??00 00001?201? 1102000011 1021002200 0210101100 0220010100 ?234410111 11????0201 0200100001 2132021212 1122200010 22203011?? ?????0???? ??0??12202 2210111020 0101010000 2200011000 00?0120010 0211121100 2012011(01)11 3311100000 ?100200003 0?0010??00 101?????0? 1?? 12??100 ?????111?? 0103110111 121000000? ?????????? ?????????? ????022010 0122112??? ?00??1?2?0 0????????? ?</p><p>Mahgarita 1?0100???? 1?00???01? 0002001001 1022??12?0 00101?1101 00?0010111 ?335200111 11????0001 0?0? 1{01}0001 32??1?{12}?1? 2222220010 12213?10?? ?????????? ?021102201 3100011011 1011010000 2210001000 10?0221000 02111100?? 2021012210 1111100010 ?10020000(12) 1100101100 101?10??0? ? 101210100 ?011011??? 0????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 0????????? ?</p><p>Aframonius 10?10??0?? 000????01? 0002001001 1022??2300 011110?10? 0000020011 ?32(34)100111 12????0001 0100100001 31{23}{23}01211{23} {23}122200010 02213110?? ?????????? ??2??02201 3001001020 1010010000 2210101010 10?0220010 0211121101 2021101101 331110001? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????1?? ?????????? 0????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ? Pronycticebus 1???010?0? 000010??1? ????000011 1021101?1? 0110201101 01?0020100 0?24300111 2120001000 0000110001 32330?1112 0122210010 12202111?? ?????????? ?0???222?0 ?10001??20 0110000000 1210010000 10?02210?1 1211121111 20100100?? 3311110020 ?000200003 11001{12}1010 111?001100 1?? 1???00? ?121011110 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 0????????? ?</p><p>Protoadapis 1???01???? ????????1? 00?2000011 1022??2200 0111101100 10?0020101 ?3(23)3500111 2111?00101 0000110001 32331?1213 1122220011 12202111?? ?????????? ??????22?1 ?10?01??21 000001000? 2200110000 00?02(12)0000 0201011100 2011002200 00111000(01)? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? 0?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???1?????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Periconodon ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????0111 2(12)????1001 {12}001100001 32{23}{23}121111 1122211011 222021(01)1?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????00 12101(01)0100 10?2{12}11010 020112010? 2011001111 3(23)1110002? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??? ??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Anchomomys ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???2??1??? ?01?0???01 00??01?1?? ???52?0111 1211100001 0100110001 3222011223 3222200010 22223111?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????00 220022?001 00?0020010 02010211{01}1 2110001111 330220002? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????? ????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Karanisia ???1?????? 1???????0? 20??211001 1??2--1?-? ?01?0-?101 01?000??00 -????00111 1100?01001 0000110001 32{23}30-1111 1122221010 21103112?? ?????????? ??????22?0 ?20000??20 1111010000 2100110000 00- 0220000 01111111{01}1 2111101211 331110002? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????? ????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Saharagalago ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????1?? ??0??011?? 01001000?1 323??-12?2 ??22?11111 22??3111?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????0? ??000?02?0 00-01100?0 ??? 12?1101 2211101?1? 3?11? 0112? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>'Anchomomys’ milleri ?????????? ????????2? 0002001011 11220-12-0 00100-1101 0100021100 -23500011? 1?00?001?? 0100110001 3233?-2223 2?21?22011 222? 3112?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? ??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Wadilemur ???1?????? 1????????? ?????11001 12220-2010 0010101100 0100021?00 -235000111 1000001001 0100110001 32330-1{12}11 1122111010 22123112?? ?????????? ???????2?1 ?20?00??20 1110?11?0? 12000000?0 00- 00200?1 0??12?2201 2211111111 331110002? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????1100? 21? 001???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Djebelemur ?????????? ?????????? 2????11001 11220-1?-? 00101-?-01 01?0011{01}0- -225000111 1110-00101 0100110001 32330-2213 1122110010 12123112?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????? ???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? ???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Azibius ?????????? ?????????? ?????????1 11?2--0?-? 00100-?-00 00?211?10- -3?4300111 1000--0001 0100110001 32330-2213 2122100011 22213010?? ?????????? ?????02202 ?20(01)101010 0000011(01)00 1200000000 00- 0(12)(12)0000 110111000- 20110100-- --011000{12}? ?????????? ?????????? ? 1???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? ??? ?????????? ?</p><p>Algeripithecus ?????????? ?????????? ?????1?001 1122--0?2? 12100---01 00?211010- -225400111 1100-00(01)01 0100110001 32330-2223 3122100011 22213010?? ?????????? ?????022?2 2200101021 0(01)0011(01)000 1210000000 (01)0-{01}(12)(12)0000 11(01)111010- 20110100-- --011000{12}? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??? ??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Plesiopithecus 3????????? ??0??????? 21?2110001 12220-02-0 00111---01 012102111- -2241?0111 120--01201 0100100001 32330-1{01}01 1222120011 20021012?? ?????????? ?00001210? 11010010?0 0110000000 111022-000 {01}0- 02100?0 010010110? 211101{12}{12}11 22111000{12}? ?????????? ??????10?? ?1??????01 ????1100?? ? 01??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Guangxilemur ?????????? ?????????? ?????????1 ??2???1??? 0??0??1?01 1????????? ??????011? 1?1??001?? 01001{01}010? 3100?01110 0?22?00011 111?3101?? ?????????? ???????2?1 ?2??11?110 0001?10?0? 12001110?? 00012201?0 0??11?1200 112210?0?1 ? 31110002? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? ??? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Hoanghonius ?????????? ?????????? 0???001011 1022??1210 0010101101 110001000? ?225200111 1121?00101 0100110001 3100001111 1122210011 22223101?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????0? 1?10?110?0 11022200?0 ???10?1??1 211110?0?1 ?31? 20002? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Rencunius ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? 1??2????1? ??1?0????0 10?001?100 ???52??11? 1?21?001?? 0100110001 3100?{01}1213 0?21?21011 221?3101?? ?????????? ???????2?1 ?10?00??1? 1101?10?0? ??101?00?0 20022200?0 ???10?1200 1111010?0? 3?12? 0002? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Galagoides 100102?120 1211101000 10-?211001 1222--2010 0210201100 0101031000 ?232010111 11--??0001 0000100001 31330?2110 0022221010 0111110101 1000010?00 0010012211 1110101011 0010002000 1100000100 00?0000001 0101201201 2211001210 3111100012 ?1000000?4 1011?01000 111??12000 1011101000 0010010110 0102010110 1120001000 0110002022 2012011020 1101022010 10???12002 100? 110010 0000000000 0</p><p>Nycticebus 100102?120 1211100000 10-?211001 1122--00?0 00100?1101 000100000? ?223120111 10--??0001 0100100001 32330?1112 2222220011 0111200101 0201110000 0010002220 3110001020 1111000000 1100010100 00?0120001 1101201111 2211001111 3311100022 ?100010?04 ?011?00?00 111??22000 2111211000 00100100?? 0100120200 112112001? ?11??00011 0002011001 220102201? ?????120?1 100? 110210 0000000000 0</p><p>Lemur 100102?120 2211101000 10-?221001 1022--1010 0110001101 0101020011 0105300111 221--002?0 0200110001 32333?1110 0022200011 0112301001 0?0??????? ?010?12201 1001001020 0110000000 210021100? 00?2200001 0100110100 1111010(12)10 3211100000 ?000200003 0100101000 101??00101 1001101000 0010011110 0203010(12)10 0020010000 ?110?12001 0000011001 2201022010 10121120?1 100? 110110 0000000000 0</p><p>Varecia 100102?120 2211101000 10-?221001 1022--1010 0110101101 0101030021 0205200111 111--012?0 02001{01}0001 12333-1110 0022220011 (01)00330-201 00011????? 0010012201 200{01}001020 1110000000 220022-00? 00-0200001 0100010100 2122101211 320111000? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????? ????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Phaner 100112?120 2211?00100 10-?221000 1022--00-0 00100-2?01 10000{01}0100 -225000111 21----11-0 0100100011 22333-1111 0022220011 2112011201 0211110210 0010000230 2001001020 1100010000 2200111000 00-0020000 0101211101 2111002200 11121000{01}? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? ???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Absarokius 100102???? ??0????00? 0???001001 1222??1300 011(01)102101 100220(12)000 ?000500111 1(01)22210101 (01)100120001 32220211(01)0 0121120011 22220001?? ?????????? ?????02203 310000102(01) 1010000000 021022?000 10?01210(01)(12) 110(01)10010? 2111011211 310121001? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? 0?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????020 111111111? ? 1110110?? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Anaptomorphus 100102???? 0?0????10? 1?????11?1 11?2??1?0? 011?102101 10?2111000 ??{01}1300111 1122210101 0100120001 32220211(01)3 0221110011 (01)2(12)22001?? ?????????? ???????2?? ?10?00?020 00??0???00 021022?000 10?00100(01)2 110111010? 2010101111 221110001? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? 0?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Anemorhysis 11?124???? 2?0????20? ?????01001 1121101?0? 0110201101 10?1012100 011(12)100111 112221000(12) 0100120001 32330?21(01)3 0022120011 2211(12)101?? ?????????? ??????22?1 ?10000??21 1110010000 021022?000 10?0021111 0101111101 2000111111 321111002? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? 0?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Arapaphovius 110124?020 220110220? 2010001001 1120201300 1211201101 1001102111 112(23)(01)00111 1122210102 2100120001 32220(12)2113 1122220010 22211(01)01?? ??02?1??{12}? 0?1??02200 2110001020 1010010000 021022?000 20?0121111 0(12)01121101 1011112211 221111001? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? 0?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????11111? ?0120210?2 01???1?0?? ?????????? ?</p><p>Dyseolemur 100103??10 0?03?0?00? 000???1001 1121101?00 0110101101 01?2112111 1?21100111 1111101201 (12)100120001 3222021110 002220001(12) 2220000010 ?100020?10 0110202220 3100001020 0210010000 (01)210220000 20?0220010 ?2011100?? 2011011211 ?21110001? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? 0?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Hemiacodon 110113?0?? 2{12}0?1?{12}10? 2??{01}001001 1122??2310 02(01)2201001 0100011111 ?233000111 212211(01)0(01)(12) 2100120001 312201211{01} 1122210001 22(12)12101?? 1????????? ?0100022{01}0 ? 10000??20 0010(01)10000 12102{12}0000 20?(01)121121 (01)20(12)0(12)1101 2111011111 320220000? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????0?? ?????????? ?103?10110 1110?????? ?????02002 1111011010 1101111110 01110110?2 011??1?0?? ?????????? ?</p><p>Loveina 10?102???? {01}?0????0?? ??????1001 1110001?1? 0110001101 01?2112111 1132200111 21(12)(12) (12)00101 0100120001 322(23)0(12)2110 0022210011 (12)2202000?? ?????????? ???????2?1 ?10??1??20 ?1? 0?10?00 021022?000 1110020011 110102011? 2111010111 331110001? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? 0?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Macrotarsius 1??103???? 1?0????1?? ??????1001 10?0101?1? ?21?200001 01?2110121 0??(12)000111 1222201101 120(01)120001 3111012110 0122220011 12201002?? ?????????? ??1???22?1 ?10?01??10 1100?10000 221022? 000 221?120011 1101022211 2022002211 121220000? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? 0?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Microchoerus 110124??20 1101?0220? 2010001100 1222100?1? 0201101001 11?2112111 0231000111 112???0112 2210120{01}01 3232021113 0212200011 2221010011 1220021?01 0030102201 2210001020 1000011000 2220001001 3(01)10{12}20011 0101111100 2011101111 330110001? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????0?? ?????11??? ?103?10110 110000???? ????????0? ? 11201???? ????112011 002201???? ?????????0 ?????????? ?</p><p>Nannopithex 110124??20 1201102?0? 0010?01100 122200121? 0110001101 01?2212001 0002200111 1121100011 (01) {01}00110001 32330?1113 0222200011 2221210111 122??20??1 ?030112201 1100001020 1000001000 (01)1102(12)1000 1110(12)(01)11(01)0 11010(12)1100 2010011211 321111002? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????0?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????02? 011????010 ?????????? ?????????? ?????????0 0????????? ?</p><p>Necrolemur 110124??20 1201?0220? 0010001100 1222101?1? 0201101101 11?2112111 ?231000111 112???0011 1200120001 3233021113 0222200011 2221110011 122??2??0? ??3??02201 2(12)10001020 1000010000 2(12)201110(12)(01) 20?0020001 1101111100 2000101111 3301110010 ?100000101 110?221112 011?011001 1100100011 0010011111 ?????????? ?????????? ???0021122 011011?1?0 1110111110 001101?1?? ?????1?0?0 0????????? ?</p><p>Omomys 11012(34)?0{12}0 11010?210? 0001011001 1122??1300 0110101001 0100011111 023(34)200111 1121100101 0100120001 32(23)(23)0(12)11{01}0 0022210011 121121011? ??0??????? ?11??02201 2100001020 10100(01)0000 1210221000 10?(01)221(01)10 0201021101 2110001110 1111110000 ?100000000 11???????? 021?????0? ?????0?0?? ?????11??? ?????????? ?????????? ???000200? 0112???010 11?0111110 01110110? 2 ?????????0 0????????? ?</p><p>Pseudoloris 11?124?0?? 2????0?20? 0?1?001100 1222100?0? 01(01)0101101 10?1112101 001(34)100111 111?000001 0100110001 32330?211{03} 0022210010 1221210211 122?1????? 0030112211 2100001020 1010010000 1210111000 10?0{01}21110 0201222101 2100001200 111110001? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? 0?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Shoshonius 10?102???? 0?0????00? 0011001001 1111201310 1110(01)00101 0002112111 11(23)(12)200111 11(12)(12) (12)0(01)20(12) (12)(12)00120001 3222012113 0022210011 12202001?? ?????????? ?????02201 1100(01)11? 20 0110110000 (01)?1022?000 2111120010 1201021111 2011002211 2211100010 ?000200?00 110?221110 021?01???? 110011?011 ?010011?01 ?10??00111 1110?010?0 0??0002002 11110??020 1110111110 00110210?? ?1?????0?0 0????????? ? Steinius 11?103???? {12}?0?????1? ??????0001 1022101?0? 01(01)2201101 00?0012111 ?233100111 2122210101 0100120001 32(23)(23)1(12)1101 0122210010 22112101?? ?????????? ??{01}???22?1 ?10000?020 1010010000 111022?000 10?01210(01)0 0101011111 2111001111 221111001? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? 0?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Strigorhysis 10?112???? 0?0????10? ??????1101 12?2??1?0? 011?(12)00101 1102111001 ?001300111 11?221?002 2100120001 32?2?211(01)0 0?22200012 (01)2(12)(12)0001?? 1????????? ?????02202 ?100001020 0010000000 021022?000 10?00100(01)2 1101(12)11100 2010102211 221221001? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????? ????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>'Teilhardina a' 110113???? 2?0????{01}0? 000100(01)001 1021201300 0111(12)01101 10001(01)1100 01(12)2100111 1022210101 0000120001 32(23)(23)0221(01)1 0022220011 (12)2212(01)01?? ?????????? ??????22?(01) ? 10000?020 1110?10000 021022?000 10?02211(01)1 110(01)011101 2111002211 221110001? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? 0?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????200?? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Tetonius 110124?020 220110220? 0010011001 122(12)201300 0111102101 1202111001 1011(23)00111 1022210001 0000120001 32220211(01)(012) 002222011(12) (01)2(12)20001{12}0 122{12}?1??20 ?1?0102202 310000102(01) 011(01)(01)(01)0000 011022?000 10?01211(01)1 110(01)011101 2010101111 2201110020 ?? 00????00 110?2211?? 011?01??01 1100?1?0?? ???00111?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???? 11111? ?1???1???? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Uintanius 10?10(23)???? 1?0????00? ??????1001 1221001?0? 0010002101 10?2200001 2110500111 1111100101 0000120001 3222022110 0022220011 {12}2112001?? ?????????? ??????22?2 ?00100??20 0010000000 121022?000 20?0(01)(01)0010 ?101(01)(12)1200 2110110111 331110001? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????? ????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Washakius 100102?0{01}? 0?0110200? 00?{01}001001 1110200(23)10 11(01)0001101 0002112111 112(12)200111 111110(01)(12)12 2(12)00120001 3211012112 0112200011 12202000?? ?????????? ??10202201 1100(01)00020 1110011100 (01)220110000 2111120{01}20 010(12)021111 2011110011 330110000? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????0?? ?????????? 0????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????11111? ?0???2???? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Afrotarsius ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????1????? ???0?20111 1011100001 0000020001 3222212000 0022210010 22221101?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????? ???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? 1?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Eosimias 1001000000 000010002? 0002001001 1121201300 0110{01}0110(01) 1011111100 0203220111 1021100001 0000120001 (12)2(12)(12)1{12}2110 0022210010 11113101?? ?????????? ??????22?? ?00000???0 111101000? 0?0022?000 00?0220010 01011?1111 2110012200 111110110? ??????1100 ?????????? ?????????? ??????? 0?? ?011?????? 11?2??0111 ??0?00???1 ?????????? ???????000 1???111110 1111001??? ??????? 2?? ?????????? ?</p><p>Phenacopithecus ???????000 0000100??? ???????001 1?22??1310 0110{01}01101 012111?100 ??332?0111 1011100101 0000120001 22(12)2011111 1122210010 11113101?? ?????????? ???????2?0 ?00?00??20 1111?10?0? 0210220000 00?0220010 01011?2111 2211002200 1111101(01)0? ?????????? ?????????? ? 0???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? ??? ?????????? ?</p><p>Bahinia 1?0?000000 000010102? 0??2001001 10?2??22?0 000110?101 0100011112 ?{12}332001?? ??2??001?? 00011200?1 123???11?0 ??22?20010 01??21011? 010??0?0?? ?011102201 301(01)001020 1?0?01000? 020022?0?? 00?02200?0 0??01?1111 2111002200 111110110? ?????????? ?????????? ?0??1???0? ??????? 0?? ???1???1?? 1????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Tarsius 2??1???120 0001?00010 0100001000 1222??1200 011{01}{01}01101 0021101111 000(12)(01)10111 1(01)11100101 0000120001 (23)2{23}{23}112000 002112001{01} 2111100120 0200120?20 1111102200 310100102(01) 1010010000 1210{12}{12}1000 {01}0?02(12)0010 0201(01)2010? 2111002200 1111101{01}01 0011212112 1111?11112 0221012101 2100110011 1110210001 1003020110 0020000000 0000002002 21120111?0 1110110010 0(01)00011102 0112110111 1111111111 1</p><p>Xanthorhysis ?????????? ????????1? 0????01001 1222??1?0? 0111101101 00?1101111 0103100111 1111100001 0000110001 32330?2000 0022210011 22122001?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????? ???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? ???????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Aegyptopithecus 1000010010 0000101012 00020011?1 1022??1?1? 0200101001 00?1030101 ?330120111 11????0101 0211000(01)(01)0 3000010000 0121112011 11010002?? ?????????? ?031102201 ?100011021 1001002200 1211001000 10?0210001 200{01}12010? 2010001000 1111101101 01?0112102 1110?00?00 102011??11 2211100101 1121210110 11010(01)0011 1101010001 2??01?0?(12)0 ?0??0??00? ????110001 112110101? ? 21??0?201 1????????? ?</p><p>Moeripithecus ?????????? ?????????? ??????11?1 1022??1?1? 0201101001 11?1?20011 ?331220111 11????0101 0211000000 2000010101 0121120011 11020001?? ?????????? ?????01201 ?10001?020 100100000? 12000111?? 00?12100? (01) 2??02?010? 2011002100 111110110? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Apidium 1001010000 0000102012 0002001001 1022??0000 1110011110 1012010000 ?131120111 111???0102 0211101110 3000110100 0001110112 12120000?? ?????0???? ??1??12211 1100000000 0{01}00000000 1212000101 30?2210021 0022111100 20110?00?? ??11100101 111?0?2102 1110?????? 1020?1??11 2???? 101?? ??10110??? 0110(01)(12)0211 1101010001 0??1?21122 0000100020 1101110100 0(01)22101010 021?????01 1????????? ?</p><p>Arsinoea 10011{01}?010 000010201? 10020010?? 1211101200 1101101101 1001111100 1210120111 1022?10101 0110110001 2111110000 0121120012 01131001?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????? ???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????0?? ?????????? 0????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Catopithecus 1?0??10010 000010??12 00020011?1 1011100?1? 0210101001 11?0020011 1221120111 1111?10101 0101010001 3111101000 0021120010 1103010110 0001100020 0031002201 ?100001020 1011010000 120011100? 0110220001 0100(01)11101 2110002200 111110110? ?1?001210? ??10????00 1020?1??11 2?1?? 10001 1020???110 0101?00011 110101???1 2??011210? 000000???? ????110101 10211????? ?????????1 1????????? ? Oligopithecus ?????????? ?????????? 00020011?1 1021102?1? 0210201001 01?1020011 0233110111 1121?00101 0200110001 3111001000 0021120010 01131101?? ?????????? ?????02201 ?100011020 0011000000 120011100? 00?0200001 010011(01)100 2211002200 111110210? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????? ????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Parapithecus ?00101{01}000 000010201? 0002001001 1022??0100 1110011110 1012020000 ?222320110 00????0111 0211101110 3000110111 0021112012 12120000?? ?????????? ?? 1??????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????? ?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? 1????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Proteopithecus 1????????? ?????????2 ???2001001 1221101010 0210201001 1121120100 0112210111 101???010(01) 0100100001 3112(123)01100 0022210011 11130102?? ?1???0???? ?011102202 0100000020 1111011001 011011100? {01}0?0220000 1000100100 2011002200 111110?001 111001210? 1110?00?00 ?02011??11 2211110001 1020???010 1110?11211 110101?0?1 1??0022101 0?0?10???? ????100000 00221????? ?????????1 1????????? ?</p><p>Qatrania 2????????? ?????????? ???????001 10?1101?0? ?11?01?111 10?0120000 0??(01)020111 001???0001 0110110001 3000110100 002{01}112012 12101001?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????0? 1?100? 10?0 20?02000?1 ???10????? 20??000?0? ??02?0??0? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Serapia 2????????? ????????1? 1002001001 1121101010 0110101001 1011010000 0200120111 1011?00001 0110110001 3000000100 0022101011 11130000?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????? ???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????0?? ?????????? 1????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Simonsius 3????????? ??0?????1? 0002001001 1011?00100 1110011011 0001020011 ?230220111 00????0101 0211101110 3000211000 0021111011 11120001?? ?????????? ??1??12201 1100000001 0000000000 2110001001 20?02(12)0011 1001100100 20110?00?? ??11100101 111001???2 1110?0110? ?02011??11 2011010101 1?102??010 1????????? ?????????1 ???1?????? ?????????? ?????????0 00???????? ?????????1 1????????? ?</p><p>Biretia ?????????? ?????????? ???????001 1022101?10 0110111101 0020?10100 0233?20111 1011?00001 010(01)01000? 30110(01)1100 0021121010 111(23)2101?? ?????????? ?????22211 1100000020 1100001100 1210001000 20?0210010 1101110100 20110100?0 ? 111101(01)0? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???? ?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Aotus 1001120000 000010?010 0002001000 0022??1211 2201100000 0100020011 ?2(23)0(12)?0110 11????01?0 0201000001 32333?1002 222{12}{01}20010 0113010110 0222000020 011011112(01) 0100010021 0000000012 2{12}0000122? 00?0000000 11102100?? 2011001100 1112202201 1110111102 1110?00?00 1120?12111 2111110101 1121110110 1(01)01(01)(123)101(01) 1101020001 ?00(01)020121 0001020020 1100110100 0121011?10 0211001201 1111111111 1</p><p>Saimiri 1001210000 000010?022 0000001000 0022??0210 2202200001 0001010001 ?230(23)?0110 (01)0????01?0 0201100001 32{23}{23}311100 0122220011 1214010110 0221?00020 011121111(12) 0100011121 0001000012 11000011?? 00?12(01)0000 {01}110101100 2011001100 1111102101 1110112102 1110?00?0(02) 1020?12111 2111110100 1121110010 1102(01)(23)001(12) 1101020001 200(01)01(01)121 0000020010 1100110100 0111021?10 0211001201 1111111111 1</p><p>Callicebus 1001011110 000010?010 0002001000 0022??0210 2201200001 ?100020121 ?2300?0110 11????02?0 0211100001 3111311002 2222111000 0103010110 0111000021 0110211110 0100000021 0001001101 (12)10000122? 00?0200000 001010010? 2022001100 3311102101 1110112102 1110?00?00 1020?12111 2011210101 10211100?? 110(12)(01)22?11 110102000? ?00??20121 0000020010 110011010? ?1210110?0 0211001201 1111111111 1</p><p>Neosaimiri 1000111000 000?10?0?? 000?001000 0022??1211 2201200001 0001010012 ?2302?0110 10????02?0 0101100001 31(12)2311002 222212{01}011 11132101?? ?111?00010 0110111121 0100010120 1101001002 11000011?0 00?1200000 {01}000201100 2011002100 111110200? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????? ????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Dolichocebus 1?????0000 ?000101?12 0002??1000 0122??1201 1211201101 0002000002 ??301?011? 1?????00?? 0201100001 3022?11101 2?22?11011 111?010?10 00?1000010 00111111?0 010000?020 1101001101 {01}2000011?0 00?0210000 1111101100 2011001100 331110200? 0????????? ?????????? ?02??????? ??????? 1?? ?????1???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????0???0? ?????????? ?????????1 1????????? ?</p><p>Branisella 110111?1?0 000?00?01? 00??001000 0022??0210 1211200001 1101010001 ?2200?0111 11????1100 0111100001 3222210001 1022120001 01130101?? ?????????? ?????01100 ?10001??20 1101000001 1100000000 00?{01}200000 0000201200 2011001000 131110100? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? 1?? ?????????? 1????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Myanmarpithecus ?????????? ????????1? 0??2001001 ?2?????2?0 0??1??1?01 ??01??{12}??? ??????0111 12????1101 2101100001 32331?1000 1221121011 (01)1100112?? ?????????? ???????2?0 ?10?01??11 10?0000000 2210111??0 1110110001 0201011100 2011101100 111220100? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? 0?? ???1?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Pondaungia 1?0103?0?? 0?0????02? 0??2001001 102110(12)200 1100(12)01000 0101121010 12(23)(01)010111 1(01)1??? 1101 2111110110 32{23}{23}0{12}0001 {12}2211(12){01}01(12) 100(012)00021? ??22?00010 0010102201 310000??10 1000000000 12(01)01021?? 1(01)10(12)100?1 21?001010? 2011101111 331220220? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????110?? ??11?????? 1????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????110100 01211????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Siamopithecus ?????????? ????????1? 0002001001 1022??1?0? 0110100001 01?1111001 ?23(12)210111 10????0001 1211000001 2222120001 1222120012 00000002?? ?????????? ??1???2201 ?10?00??2(01) 0000000001 010111122? 00?0000002 2?101000?? 2011101111 3311102(12)0? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? 0?? ???1?????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Bugtipithecus ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? 1??2??0?1? ?11?10?001 00??01?001 ???3??0111 ?2????0201 01011000?? 323?1?10?0 ?021110011 11??1112?? ?????????? ???????2?? ?10?00??20 10?0?00?0? 2?100012?0 10?02100?0 0??00?1100 2{01}11002200 111220120? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????? ????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ? Phileosimias ?????????? ?????????? ?????????1 1?21201?1? 0{01}10101101 00?011?102 0??3??0111 2121100101 000012011? 3100011000 0022111010 (12)11?2101?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????00 2210(12)2?000 20?0110011 0101111101 2111002200 111110000? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????? ????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Altiatlasius ?????????? ?????????? ?????????1 1?2???1??? 0??0??1?00 0??2?????? ???????11? 1?21?001?? 000012000? 222{23}?1{12}102 0?22?20011 1{12}1?2?01?? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????00 121022?000 (12)0?0(12)20011 ?101111111 (12)111012{12}00 110110000? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????? ????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?</p><p>Text ESM3</p><p>Microtomography and 3D surface representations of primate skulls analysis</p><p>Most of the new fossil specimens have been imaged using synchrotron microtomography on the beamline ID19 of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF, Grenoble, France). They were scanned using a monochromatic beam using energy between 30 and 40 keV and voxel sizes of 5.06 or 7.46 microns depending on the size of the specimens. Using synchrotron imaging instead of conventional microtomography to image fossil specimens yields far higher quality data, especially in the case of important diagenetic modifications of the fossils (Tafforeau et al. 2006). 3D renderings of the fossils presented in Fig. 1-2 and Fig. ESM1 were performed with the software VGStudioMax 1.2 (Volume Graphics, Heidelberg). Six primate skulls were scanned using conventional microtomography (N=3) and synchrotron tomography (N=3) (Table ESM3). Microtomography yields high resolution cross-sectional image series of cranial structures. 3D surface representations of the crania were generated from the CT volume data using the “isosurface” algorithm of the Amira software package (TGS, San Diego, CA). The position of the interface between air and bone was set using the half-maximum height technique (Baxter & Sorenson 1981; Spoor et al. 1993). The lacrimal and infraorbital canals were segmented manually in Amira and VGStudioMax 1.2. Figure ESM1. Comparative high-resolution micro-CT scans of the maxillary through the lingual root of the P4 in some selected primates. (A) Azibius trerki; (B) Avahi laniger; (C) Aotus trivirgatus; (D) Tarsius syrichta; (E) Loris tardigradus; (F) Cheirogaleus major; (G) Galago senegalensis; (H) Microcebus murinus (red arrows indicates the orbital floor). Specimen sizes are standardized by the P4 width of Azibius to allow comparisons. Figure ESM2. Strict consensus of the 369 equally parsimonious trees of 2851 steps each (Consistency index, CI = 0.1887; Retention index, RI = 0.5335). Table ESM1. Original and new attribution for the previously published primate specimens from the Glib Zegdou area, Algeria.</p><p> specimen original attribution new attribution GL1-1 Azibius trerki Azibius trerki GZC-40 Dralestes hammadaensis Azibius trerki GZC-41 Dralestes hammadaensis Azibius trerki GZC-37 Dralestes hammadaensis Algeripithecus minutus GZC-38 Dralestes hammadaensis Algeripithecus minutus GZC-39 Dralestes hammadaensis Algeripithecus minutus GZC-42 Dralestes hammadaensis Algeripithecus minutus GZC-43 Dralestes hammadaensis Algeripithecus minutus GZC-1 Algeripithecus minutus Algeripithecus minutus GZC-2 Algeripithecus minutus Algeripithecus minutus GZC-3 Algeripithecus minutus Algeripithecus minutus GZC-4 Tabelia hammadae Azibius trerki GZC-5 Tabelia hammadae Azibius trerki GZC-6 cf. Tabelia Algeripithecus minutus GZC-7 Algeripithecus minutus Algeripithecus minutus GZC-8 cf. Tabelia Azibius trerki GZC-9 Algeripithecus sp. Algeripithecus minutus GZC-10 Algeripithecus minutus Algeripithecus minutus GZC-11 Algeripithecus minutus Algeripithecus minutus Table ESM2. Measurements in mm for the dentition of Azibius and Algeripithecus (well- preserved teeth only).</p><p>Algeripithecus Azibius trerki minutus Length Width Length Width GZC-11 ?p2 1.73 0.92 HGL50-254 p4 1.63 2.15 HGL50-271 p3 1.61 1.02 HGL50-255 p4 1.75 2.15 HGL50-397 p3 1.69 1.2 HGL50-256 p4 1,58 2,30 HGL50-272 p4 1.63 1.03 GL1-1 p4 1,54 2,55 HGL50-273 p4 1.97 1.09 HGL50-248 m1 2.22 1.67 HGL50-274 p4 1.77 1.00 HGL50-249 m1 2.13 1.74 HGL50-336 p4 1.73 1.26 HGL50-251 m1 2.20 1.56 HGL50-337 p4 1.84 1.16 GL1-1 m1 2.4 1.6 HGL50-397 p4 1.96 1.17 GZC-40 m1 2.08 1.64 HGL50-276 m1 1.81 1.33 HGL50-250 m2 2.26 1.74 HGL50-277 m1 1.88 x HGL50-252 m2 2.15 1.87 HGL50-280 m1 1.93 1.30 HGL10-14 m2 2.42 2.06 HGL50-281 m1 1.78 1.21 GL1-1 m2 2.57 1.95 HGL50-398 m1 1.85 1.16 HGL50-256 m2 2.46 1.87 HGL50-397 m1 2,00 1.60 HGL50-253 m3 2.53 1.53 GZC-37 m1 1.88 1.03 GZC-5 m3 2.67 1.64 GZC-38 m1 1.83 1.13 HGL50-256 m3 2.78 1.57 GZC-39 m1 1.76 1.18 HGL50-236 P3 1.73 1.54 HGL50-283 m2 1.78 1.41 HGL50-237 P3 1.73 x HGL50-284 m2 1.80 1.56 HGL50-238 P3 1.84 x HGL50-278 m2 2.11 1.38 HGL51-46 P3 1.94 1.97 HGL50-397 m2 2 1.51 GZC-41 P4 1.95 2.62 HGL50-285 m3 1.93 1.09 HGL51-46 P4 1.90 2.64 HGL50-286 m3 2.08 1.29 HGL50-242 M1 2.06 2.88 HGL50-287 m3 1.92 1.20 HGL50-396 M1 2.07 3.00 HGL50-288 m3 2.03 1.25 HGL50-246 M2 2.11 3.22 HGL50-289 m3 2.09 1.26 GZC-4 M2 2.12 3.28 HGL50-397 m3 2.15 1.3 HGL50-396 M2 2.03 3.13 GZC-3 m3 2.08 1.37 HGL8-7 M3 1.56 2.59 HGL50-296 P2 1.31 0.95 GZC-8 M3 1.34 x HGL50-297 P2 1.27 1.05 HGL51-46 M3 1.62 2.51 HGL50-298 P3 1.51 1.56 HGL50-302 P3 1.69 2.05 HGL50-299 P4 1.50 1.78 HGL50-300 P4 1.50 1.93 HGL50-303 P4 1.46 1.81 GZC-42 P4 1.66 1.78 GZC-43 P4 1.65 2.04 HGL50-310 ?M1 x 1.58 HGL50-315 ?M1 x 1.66 GZC-6 M1 1.55 x GZC-7 M1 1.62 x GZC-1 M2 1.63 2.63 HGL50-247 ?M2 1.77 2.45 GZC-10 M2 1.67 2.49 HGL50-319 M3 1.13 2.02 HGL50-320 M3 1.06 1.80 HGL50-321 M3 1.19 1.99 HGL50-322 M3 1.17 1.99 HGL08-269 M3 1.33 2.25 Table ESM3. List of the primate skulls that were scanned. Institutional abbreviations are: AIM-ZU= Antropologisches Institut und Museum Zürich; ISEM= Institut des Sciences de l’Évolution de Montpellier; MNHN = Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, laboratoire mammifères et oiseaux MONTP= Université Montpellier 2.</p><p>Genus Species Family Institution N° Vox Energy Scanner Size Extant taxa Aotus trivirgatus Cebidae AIM-ZU 1171 45.71µm 40 kev ESRF ID17 Avahi laniger Indriidae AIM-ZU 1827 74µm 70kv/114ma Scanco µcT 80 Cebus apella Cebidae AIM-ZU 10802 74µm 70kv/114ma Scanco µcT 80 Cheirogaleus major Cheirogaleidae MNHN 2002-87 36µm 70kv/114ma Scanco µcT 80 Galago senegalensi Galagidae AIM-ZU 6591 45.71µm 40 kev ESRF s ID17 Loris tardigradus Lorisidae AIM-ZU 9950 45.71µm 40 kev ESRF ID17 Microcebus murinus Cheirogaleidae MONTP No n° 45.71µm 40 kev ESRF ID17 Tarsius syrichta Tarsiidae AIM-ZU 1732 78µm 50kv/300ma E MPA Fossil taxa Adapis sp. 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