<p> CLIVE LENNOX</p><p>Division of Accounting, Nanyang Business School Nanyang Technological University Email: [email protected]; Tel: (65) 67904637</p><p>EDUCATION</p><p>Ph. D University of Oxford, 1998, Economics. M. Phil. University of Oxford, 1995, Economics. B. Sc. University of Warwick, 1991, Economics.</p><p>CAREER 2009 - Full Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. 2006 - 2009 Associate Professor, HKUST, Hong Kong. 2001 - 2005 Assistant Professor, HKUST, Hong Kong. 1998 - 2001 Reader, University of Bristol, United Kingdom. 1992 - 1993 Staff auditor at KPMG, United Kingdom.</p><p>RESEARCH RANKING</p><p>According to the BYU research rankings, Clive Lennox is the second most productive researcher in the world in archival research over the past six years: http://www.byuaccounting.net/rankings/univrank/rankings.php</p><p>PUBLICATIONS</p><p>Selection models in accounting research (with Jere Francis and Zitian Wang), The Accounting Review, 2012, forthcoming.</p><p>Voluntary audits versus mandatory audits (with Jeff Pittman), The Accounting Review, 2011, forthcoming.</p><p>The effect of SOX on small auditor exits and audit quality (with Mark DeFond), Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2011, Vol. 52, 21-40.</p><p>Do acquirers disclose good news or withhold bad news when they finance their acquisitions using equity? (with Rui Ge), Review of Accounting Studies, 2011, Vol. 16, 183-217.</p><p>1 Big Five audits and accounting fraud (with Jeff Pittman), Contemporary Accounting Research, 2010, Vol. 27, 209-247.</p><p>Auditing the auditors: Evidence on the PCAOB’s inspections of audit firms (with Jeff Pittman), Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2010, Vol. 49, 84–103.</p><p>Perceived competition, profitability and the withholding of information about sales and the cost of sales (with Elisabeth Dedman), Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2009, Vol. 48, 210-230.</p><p>Audit effort and earnings management (with Costas Caramanis), Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2008, Vol. 45, 116–138.</p><p>The hiring of accounting and finance officers from audit firms: How did the market react? (with Marshall Geiger and David North), Review of Accounting Studies, 2008, Vol. 13, 55–86.</p><p>Audit firm appointments, audit alumni, and audit committee independence (with Chul Park), Contemporary Accounting Research, 2007, Vol. 24, No. 1: 235-258.</p><p>The informativeness of earnings and management’s issuance of earnings forecasts, (with Chul Park), Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2006, Vol. 42, No. 3: 439-458.</p><p>The credibility of self-regulation: Evidence from the accounting profession’s peer review program (with Gilles Hilary), Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2005, Vol. 40, No. 1-3: 211-229.</p><p>Audit quality and executive officers’ affiliations with CPA firms, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2005, Vol. 39, No. 2: 201-231. </p><p>Managerial ownership and audit firm size, Contemporary Accounting Research, 2005, Vol. 22, No. 1: 205-227.</p><p>The large audit firm fee premium: A case of selectivity bias? (with Jen Ireland), Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 2002, Vol. 17, No. 1: 73-91.</p><p>Self-serving disclosures by chairpersons of failing UK companies, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2001, Vol. 8, No. 2: 63-81.</p><p>Do companies successfully engage in opinion-shopping? The UK experience, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2000, Vol. 29, No. 1: 321-337.</p><p>2 Identifying failing companies: A re-evaluation of the Logit, Probit and MDA approaches, Journal of Economics and Business, 1999, Vol. 51, No.4: 347-364.</p><p>The accuracy and incremental information content of audit Reports in predicting bankruptcy, Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, 1999, Vol. 26, Nos. 5 & 6: 757-778. </p><p>Are large auditors more accurate than small auditors?, Accounting and Business Research, 1999, Vol. 29, No. 3: 217-228. </p><p>The relationship between auditor accuracy and auditor size: An evaluation of reputation and deep pockets arguments, Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting, 1999, Vol. 26, Nos. 7 & 8: 779-806. Re-printed in “Governance and Auditing” (2005) eds. Peter Moizer, Kevin Keasey, and Mike Wright.</p><p>Non-audit fees, disclosure and audit quality, European Accounting Review, 1999, Vol. 8, No. 2: 239-252. </p><p>PRIZES</p><p>1. Winner of a Best Paper Award at the European Accounting Association, 31st Annual Congress, Erasmus University (Netherlands); April 23–25, 2008; “Auditing the auditors: Evidence on the PCAOB’s inspections of audit firms” (with Jeff Pittman). </p><p>2. Winner of the Franklin Prize for Teaching Excellence 2007.</p><p>3. Winner of the Franklin Prize for Teaching Excellence 2002.</p><p>SERVICES TO THE PROFESSION</p><p>Editor at the International Journal of Auditing (2007-present)</p><p>Associate Editor at: Contemporary Accounting Research (2010-) Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics (2008-) Chinese Journal of Accounting Research (2011-) Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory (2008-2011) British Accounting Review (2006-2008)</p><p>Editorial board member at: </p><p>3 Journal of Business Finance and Accounting (2006-) European Accounting Review (2002-2007)</p><p>Ad-hoc reviewer at: Journal of Accounting and Economics Journal of Accounting Research The Accounting Review Review of Accounting Studies Contemporary Accounting Research</p><p>Member of the American Accounting Association’s Outstanding Auditing Dissertation Award Committee (2009).</p><p>Member of the American Accounting Association’s Outstanding Auditing Educator’s Award Committee (2010).</p><p>RESEARCH GRANTS</p><p>1. Awarding body: The University Grants Committee of Hong Kong (HKUST6413/09H). Title: “How do investors respond to fraudulent earnings news?” (with Kai Wai Hui). Award: HK$379,680 (July 2009).</p><p>2. Awarding body: Economic and Social Research Council (RES-000-22-3119). Title: “Product market competition, profitability and voluntary disclosure: Evidence from UK private firms” (with Elisabeth Dedman). Award: GBP£59,993 (September 2008).</p><p>3. Awarding body: The University Grants Committee of Hong Kong (RPC06/07.BM05). Title: “Who cares about accounting frauds: Individual or institutional investors” (with Ping-Sheng Koh). Award: HK$117,600 (June 2007).</p><p>4. Awarding body: The University Grants Committee of Hong Kong (HKUST6447/06H). Title: “The informativeness of earnings and management’s issuance of earnings forecasts” (with Chul Park). Award: HK$447,754 (September 2006).</p><p>5. Awarding body: The University Grants Committee of Hong Kong (HKUST6204/04H). Title: “Accounting alumni, audit firm appointments, and audit committee characteristics”. Award: HK$371,175 (August 2004).</p><p>4 6. Awarding body: The University Grants Committee of Hong Kong (DAG02/03.BM75). Title: “The dynamics of audit fee adjustments in the presence of nominal fee rigidities”. Award: HK$69,190 (January 2004).</p><p>7. Awarding body: The University Grants Committee of Hong Kong (DAG02/03.BM75). Title: “Pre-announcements of bad news: The role of corporate governance and management ownership” (with Chul Park). Award: HK$85,032 (June 2003).</p><p>8. Awarding body: The University Grants Committee of Hong Kong (DAG02/03.BM06). Title: “Managerial ownership and the demand for audit quality”. Award: HK$38,000 (January 2003).</p><p>9. Awarding body: The University Grants Committee of Hong Kong (DAG01/02.BM01). Title: “Opinion shopping in the United States and the role of audit committees”. Award: HK$44,998 (November 2001).</p><p>10. Awarding body: Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS01/02.BM01). Title: “Audit committee participation in the selection of audit firms”. Award: HK$105,000 (September 2001).</p><p>DOCTORAL STUDENT SUPERVISION</p><p>1. Bing Li (NTU), expected to graduate in 2012. Committee chair.</p><p>2. Zitian Wang (NTU), expected to graduate in 2013. Committee chair.</p><p>3. Rui Ge (HKUST), graduated in 2009. Committee chair. First placement at Sun- Yat Sen University, Guangzhou, China. Rui’s first dissertation paper is forthcoming at the Review of Accounting Studies. His second dissertation paper is under review.</p><p>4. Hou Qingchuan (HKUST), graduated in 2007. Co-chair with Peter Chen. First placement at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.</p><p>5. Jen Ireland (University of Bristol), graduated in 2002. Co-chair with Paul Grout. Jen’s two dissertation papers have both been published at the Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, and the Journal of Business Finance and Accounting.</p><p>TEACHING EVALUATIONS</p><p>5 2010-2011 NTU Class 1: 90.2% Class 2: 91.8% 2009-2010 NTU Class 1: 89.6% Class 2: 94.0% 2008-2009 HKUST Class 1: 90.0% Class 2: 92.6% Class 3: 83.3% 2007-2008 HKUST Class 1: 93.5% Class 2: 90.7% Class 3: 90.6% 2006-2007 HKUST Class 1: 85.5% Class 2: 82.8% Class 3: 79.9% 2005-2006 HKUST Class 1: 73.3% Class 2: 77.6% Class 3: 80.9% 2004-2005 HKUST Class 1: 82.1% Class 2: 79.1% Class 3: 74.5% 2003-2004 HKUST Class 1: 77.1% Class 2: 76.0% Class 3: 79.0% 2002-2003 HKUST Class 1: 79.3% Class 2: 79.4% Class 3: 83.9% 2001-2002 HKUST Class 1: 82.5% Class 2: 73.0% Class 3: 76.7%</p><p>These mean ratings are for a third-year undergraduate course in Auditing and are based on the question “How do you rate this professor overall?”</p><p>PRESENTATIONS AT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES</p><p>Journal of Accounting and Economics Annual Conference; Wharton School (United States); October, 2011; “The consequences of protecting audit partners’ personal assets from the threat of liability” (with Bing Li).</p><p>Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Annual Meeting (2010), Christchurch (New Zealand); July 2010; “Mandatory audits versus voluntary audits” (with Jeff Pittman).</p><p>Australian National Center for Audit and Assurance Research (ANCAAR) Symposium, The Australian National University (Australia); December, 2009.</p><p>Accounting and Finance Symposium, Chulalongkorn University (Thailand); November, 2009; “Mandatory Audits versus Voluntary Audits” (with Jeff Pittman).</p><p>Journal of Accounting and Economics Annual Conference; University of Rochester (United States); October, 2008; “Auditing the auditors: Evidence on the PCAOB’s inspections of audit firms” (with Jeff Pittman).</p><p>Summer Symposium on Accounting Research, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology; June 2008; “Transient Institutions and Accounting Fraud” (with Ping-Sheng Koh). </p><p>6 European Accounting Association Annual Meeting (2008), Erasmus University (Netherlands); April, 2008; “Auditing the auditors: Evidence on the PCAOB’s inspections of audit firms” (with Jeff Pittman). Winner of a Best Paper Award.</p><p>Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Annual Meeting (2007), Gold Coast (Australia); July 2007; “Pick a Model, Any Model: Assessing the Robustness of the Self-Selection Model” (with Jere Francis).</p><p>American Accounting Association Annual Meeting (2006), Washington DC (United States); August 2006; “The informativeness of earnings and management’s issuance of earnings forecasts” (with Chul Park).</p><p>American Accounting Association Annual Meeting (2006), Washington DC (United States); August 2006; “The Hiring of Accounting and Finance Officers from Audit Firms: How did the Market React?” (with Marshall Geiger and David North).</p><p>Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Annual Meeting (2006), Wellington (New Zealand); July 2006; “Audit Fee Rigidities in the Presence of Market Frictions: Evidence and Explanations” (with Andrew Ferguson and Steve Taylor).</p><p>European Accounting Association Annual Meeting (2006), Dublin (Ireland); March, 2006; “Audit Fee Rigidities in the Presence of Market Frictions: Evidence and Explanations” (with Andrew Ferguson and Steve Taylor).</p><p>American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco (United States); August 2005; “The credibility of self-regulation: Evidence from the accounting profession’s peer review program” (with Gilles Hilary).</p><p>International Symposium on Audit Research, Maastricht (Netherlands); July 2004; “The credibility of self-regulation: Evidence from the accounting profession’s peer review program” (with Gilles Hilary). </p><p>Summer Symposium on Accounting Research, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology; June 2004; “The credibility of self-regulation: Evidence from the accounting profession’s peer review program” (with Gilles Hilary). </p><p>European Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Prague (Czech Republic); May 2004; “Audit Firm Appointments, Audit Firm Alumni, and Audit Committee Independence” (with Chul Park).</p><p>7 American Accounting Association Mid-year Audit Meeting, Tampa Bay Florida (United States); January, 2004; “Audit Firm Appointments, Audit Firm Alumni, and Audit Committee Independence” (with Chul Park).</p><p>International Symposium on Audit Research, Pasadena (United States); June, 2003; “Management Ownership and Audit Firm Size.”</p><p>American Accounting Association Mid-year Auditing Meeting, California (United States); January 2003; “Audit quality and executive officers’ affiliations with CPA firms.”</p><p>Summer Symposium on Accounting and Economics, London School of Economics (UK); July 1998; “Do companies successfully engage in opinion-shopping?” </p><p>International Symposium on Audit Research, Sydney (Australia); June 1998; “Do companies successfully engage in opinion-shopping?” </p><p>8</p>
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