Minutes MD2 Meeting 6 and 7 February 1996

Minutes MD2 Meeting 6 and 7 February 1996

<p> MD2/96.027</p><p>EEG2/99.018</p><p>Minutes EEG2 meeting 9 and 10 February 1999</p><p>EEG2 Participants</p><p>Name Init. Delegation Organisation / Company Function/ Meeting 9- Head del (h)/ 10 Feb. WETIGG (w) 1999 Bulon J.M. Belgium Siprocom Member absent Capasso S. Italy Voltri Terminal Europa Member absent Consoli S. FIATA FIATA Member present Davies A.J. UK EDI-Association / Univ. of Wales/BT Vice-chair/h/w present de Lijster L. Netherlands Koninklijke Nedlloyd Groep Member absent Dermience E. UIC EDIFER Member/h/w present Douet Ms.L France Port of Le Havre Member/w absent Eide Mr. F. Norway Norsk EDIPRO Member/h absent Glaser U. Austria Cargoline Member/h/w absent Goiri T. Spain Port of Bilbao Member/h absent Gustavsson J. Sweden Frigoscandia Member/h present Hallenheim Ms E. Sweden Fraktarna Norden Member absent Magrassi A. Italy Sistemi e Telematica Member/h absent Mellquist G. Sweden Sema Sweden Member present Mickelsson Ms I. Finland EDI Management Finland Member/w absent Pauna O.P Finland EDIMASTER Member/w present Poppleton Ms S. UK EDI-Association / Maersk Member/w present Probert Ms S. UK ETS Member/w present Rennesson J.C. France AFT-IFTIM Member/w absent Sitov A. Czechia Transport Development Centre Member absent Smolders W. IRU IRU Member absent Spoormaker S. Netherlands Europe Combined Terminals Member/h/w present Stumm Ms M. France INRETS Member/w absent Tiong K. Malasia FIATA Member present Vanhamme D. UIC EDIFER Member/w present van Maaren H. Cetima Consultancy Secretariat/w present Vankemmel D. France Editransport Chair/h/w present Vedsø R. Denmark Systematic Member absent Verhelst Ms A. Belgium SEAGHA Member/h/w absent Verhoeven L. Belgium SEAGHA Member/w present Viénot H. France Group of Terrestr. Freight Forw. Member/w present Waagmeester N. Netherlands Port Community Rotterdam Member/w absent Wald K. Germany Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme Vice-chair/w absent Zänker K. Germany Bundesverband Spedition und Lagerei Member/w absent Minutes EEG2 meeting 9 and 10 February 1999</p><p>Notes</p><p>1. Opening</p><p>The Chair opened the meeting, thanked EDIFER for hosting the meeting and welcomed the EEG2 members. Apologies were received from Mr. Capasso, Mrs. Douet, Mr. Eide, Mr. Goiri, Mrs. Mickelsson, Mrs. Stumm and Mr. Waagmeester.</p><p>The agenda was approved with the following changes:  The issue of the Fifth Framework of the European Commission was added to item 3.</p><p>The date for the London meeting was changed to 28 and 29 October 1999 (note: after the meeting this has been changed again to the original dates of 26 and 27 October 1999).</p><p>It was decided to hold the June meeting next year in Malmø, Sweden (14 and 15 June 2000).</p><p>2. Minutes of the last meeting (4 and 5 November 1998, Prague)</p><p>The minutes of the meeting of 4 and 5 November 1998 (see EEG2/98.063) were approved.</p><p>The action list was updated, see action list in these minutes.</p><p>3. Notes from the Chairman/Secretariat</p><p>UN/CEFACT</p><p> 3 priorities were set by the EWG Management Team: 1) to provide timely and accurate directories, 2) to recognise new technologies, 3) to promote EDIFACT as a deliverable including the harmonisation work. </p><p>CEN/EBES/TCC/TAG: </p><p> The Chair reported on the kick-off meeting of EBES as a CEN Workshop; Mrs. Wahlen was elected as EBES Chair and Mr. Peeters as EBES Vice-Chair; the next EBES Plenary meeting will be held on 27 October 1999; the TCC (Technical Co-ordinating Committee), consisting of the EEG-Chairs, will continue under the new structure; EEG5 (construction) has withdrawn from EBES; EBES is financed by the Euro-EDI-groups and by the national EDI-organisations; it is likely that DMR’s may in future only be introduced by subscribing members of EBES; transport (through BEST) should seek to become EBES member at a reduced fee;  The TCC meeting in December 1998 mainly discussed the EBES future; the Chair confirmed the position of EEG2 as laid down in document EEG2/99.006;  Under the new set-up TAG now acts as the European entry-point for DMR’s.</p><p>MIG’s project</p><p>2 Minutes EEG2 meeting 9 and 10 February 1999</p><p>The result of the MIG’s project, the MIG’s repository now containing 170 MIG’s, was well received by CEN/ISSS.</p><p>SIT (Single International TAG)</p><p>Mrs. Probert reported on the first SIT meeting in January 1999 in Washington, which she attended on behalf of Statistics (D4 was represented by Mr. Wieting). About 30 persons attended, including representatives of all D-groups and of T-1. It was a good meeting at which more than 1,000 DMR’s were dealt with. More than 300 DMR’s for transport were passed. Under the EWG rules D-groups may come back to the decisions at the Atlanta meeting if they disagree (for transport this will not be necessary). Based on the new Message Design Rules a number of segments were changed (for example COM, GIS, PAT).</p><p>Generic Transport Messages (resolution D4, Brussels EWG)</p><p>The Chair had prepared a document (EEG2/99.016), explaining the reasons for developing Generic Transport Messages. The meeting agreed the document to go forward to the D4 meeting in Atlanta for discussion and approval.</p><p>Fifth Framework</p><p>The Chair reported on the Fifth Framework Research & Development Programme of the European Commission, with a first call for proposals in March 1999.</p><p>4. Implementation guidelines (WETIGG)</p><p>EDISIM</p><p>EEG2 members (who wish so and have requested so through Mrs. Probert) are receiving the EDISIM software. Unfortunately Mr. Zlotkowski had no time to prepare the ITIGG-EDISIM file. Mrs. Probert is doing that instead, using also the input from Mr. Wieting, Mrs. Douet and Mr. Dermience. The file is still based on D97B; Mrs. Probert well enquire about the EDISIM D98B version. </p><p>IATA</p><p>All messages are now published in the Cargofact manual, version D96A. IATA is preparing a message on dangerous goods notification. </p><p>Car transport</p><p>The Chair reported on the continued co-operation with VDA on the harmonisation for the implementation of the messages IFCSUM and IFTSTA in car transport. The issue will also be discussed in the newly set up ODETTE Transport Taskforce.</p><p>Combined transport rail/road</p><p>3 Minutes EEG2 meeting 9 and 10 February 1999</p><p>The Chair reported on the work of Editransport, where an IFTSTA guideline has been developed and is available for interested parties. The work has also been communicated to UIRR (the international organisation for rail/road transport).</p><p>Despatch Advice</p><p>Mr. Vienot will raise a DMR to widen the scope of the functionality of the DESADV message to reflect the wider usage in transport.</p><p>5. Data Maintenance Requests and Codes </p><p>The following DMR’s were discussed:  The request for a code for pick-up place (EEG2/99.014 and EEG2/99.015) was withdrawn, as code 176 is now available in the Directory;  EEG2/98.058 (pending from the EEG2 meeting of November 1998): . de 4065, code for re-expedition: agreed; . de 6313: reflect on adding PCD below DGS, for ITIGG to discuss further; . de 3227, agreed, but also add LOC to EQD-group; . de 4053, home delivery and station delivery were deferred to WETIGG; . de 5025: agreed; . de 1001, agreed.</p><p>CDWG</p><p>The Secretary reported on the coming meeting of the CEFACT Code Working Group in March 1999. Concern was expressed for the UN-LOCODE sub group.</p><p>6. Other message progression</p><p>IFTMCA</p><p>The IFTMCA message was approved as UNSM at the SIT meeting of January 1999. </p><p>BERMAN</p><p>The BERMAN message is up for MiD status in Atlanta.</p><p>TPFREP</p><p>A proposal has been introduced for TPFREP to become MiD (probably at the SIT meeting in June 1999).</p><p>HANMOV</p><p>The HANMOV message will be recast to include the proposed HANSTA functionality.</p><p>7. Preparation of D4 (EWG Atlanta)</p><p>4 Minutes EEG2 meeting 9 and 10 February 1999</p><p>The meeting discussed the delegation to the D4 meeting in March 1999 in Atlanta.</p><p>8. BEST</p><p>Mr. Davies, the Chair of the BEST board, reported on the developments of BEST. The number of participants of BEST is decreasing which brings BEST in a difficult situation for financing of the secretarial activities of EEG2. BEST is again seeking support from the European Commission (DG7, the Directorate-General for Transport), but it is unclear whether this can be obtained. It was agreed that the yearly contribution for BEST will be increased by 10% to cater for inflation and for the need to become EBES member (even at a low cost).</p><p>Mrs. Probert offered support in developing the BEST Website.</p><p>The meeting agreed that BEST would request the status of Issuing Agency for the Barcode Licence Plate. A sub group, consisting of the Chair, Mr. Gustavsson and Mr. Vienot, will develop guidelines for the application of licence plate numbers.</p><p>9. Electronic Commerce</p><p>Trans-Core project of EAN</p><p>The Chair reported on the Trans-Core project of EAN. A plenary meeting of Trans-Core was held in January 1999 in Amsterdam, Several EEG2 members, including the Chair and Secretary, attended this meeting. An agreement was reached that Trans-Core would co- operate with MIST in the following way:  Trans-Core will take the existing MIST work into account;  The Trans-Core working groups will liaise with MIST to harmonise the mode specific scenario’s;  Joint work on terms and definitions will take place, taking the glossary of the European Logistics Association ELA as the starting point and proposing changes to ELA where necessary;  Trans-Core and MIST will refer to the co-operation when publishing the scenario’s.</p><p>The Trans-Core work will be input for the EANCOM version 2 guidelines, which will be developed next year. EANCOM version 2 will be compliant with ITIGG version 2.</p><p>MIST</p><p>The Secretary (being the MIST Chair) gave an up-date of the MIST project and referred to the co-operation with Trans-Core. MIST will in 1999 develop scenario’s for all modes of transport and cases for intermodal transport. The problem was raised of a choice of more than one message for information flows defined in the scenario’s. </p><p>ISSS Workshop on Electronic Commerce</p><p>The XML-EDI Workshop was discussed, especially the link with the EDIFACT Directories. The meeting strongly endorsed that XML-EDI should not develop its own Directory, but should use the existing EDIFACT one. The issue will be taken up at the D4 meeting in 5 Minutes EEG2 meeting 9 and 10 February 1999</p><p>Atlanta. The meeting also expressed that EEG2 should become active in the Electronic Commerce and XML-EDI Workshops to protect the usage of the EDIFACT Directories. The Chair will participate in the XML-EDI Workshop for this purpose.</p><p>Lite EDI</p><p>The Finnish project will be demonstrated at the next EEG2 meeting in Helsinki.</p><p>SIMAC </p><p>SIMAC has produced 2 deliverables which will be discussed at the CEFACT Plenary meeting in March in Geneva.</p><p>ODETTE</p><p>The Chair reported on the start of the ODETTE Transport Task Force which will be held in Paris in April 1999.</p><p>10. Transport statistics</p><p>Mrs. Probert reported on the status of the projects on Transport Statistics. The maritime directive will come into force on 1 January 2000. In the present maritime pilots also Webforms are used. Intermodal transport is a high priority now, with DG7 in the lead of developments.</p><p>11. Any other business</p><p>The Chair reported on the AFTEI project, a study into intermodal air/rail transport funded by the European Commission (DG7), in which Editransport is involved.</p><p>Editransport has started a working group to define messages for mobile EDI between carriers and trucks for the exchange of freight and other operational information.</p><p>Mrs. Poppleton reported on (the lack of) progress of BOLERO.</p><p>Mr. Spoormaker announced that he is representing The Netherlands in the ISO 104 working group, which is now working on electronic seals standards.</p><p>6 Minutes EEG2 meeting 9 and 10 February 1999</p><p>EEG2 - ACTION LIST Meeting 9 and 10 February 1999</p><p>ID ACTION POINT WHO Date</p><p>1 Prepare manual for putting MIG's of EEG2 members on MIGs Website Secretary 9/Jun/99 2 List of transport organisations codes in de 3055 (Maintenance Agency) Secretary 9/Jun/99 3 Develop BEST Website Secretary 9/Jun/99 4 Put information about EEG2 at CEN Website Secretary 9/Jun/99 5 Make comparison of Cargofact manual and ITIGG guidelines Mrs. Probert 9/Jun/99 6 Move TFPREP forward to UNSM status Secretary 30/Jun/99 7 Recast HANMOV to include HANSTA functionality Mrs. Probert 9/Jun/99 8 Prepare DMR's for VIN-numbers Mrs. Probert 9/Jun/99 9 Make overview of status of DMR's Secretary 9/Jun/99 10 Liaise with ERTICO on Travel messages Secretary 9/Jun/99 11 Ask better co-ordination with CEN on Travel messages Chair 9/Jun/99 12 Prepare demo of Finnish Lite-EDI project Mr. Pauna 9/Jun/99 13 Prepare presentation of UK Lite-EDI project Mrs. Probert 9/Jun/99 14 Liaise with ODETTE Transport Task Force Chair 30/Apr/99</p><p>7</p>

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