Final Narrative Report

Final Narrative Report

<p> FINAL NARRATIVE REPORT</p><p>Grant Contract number/Broj ugovora: 2005-0017-634020 Grant Beneficiary/Korisnik sredstava: GRAD PULA Project title/Naziv projekta: AdriaNET- Adriatic Network for Institutional Cooperation</p><p>1 1. Description</p><p>1.1. Name of beneficiary of grant contract: </p><p>City of Pula , Forum 1 , 52100 Pula, Croatia VAT 0573400</p><p>1.2. Name and title of the Contact person: Boris Miletić ( Mayor ) </p><p>1.3. Name of partners in the Action: ITALY : Emilia Romagna Region Province of Rimini Municipality of Riccione BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA: Sarajevo- SERDA( Agency of Regional Development of Sarajevo) SERBIA: Chamber of Commerce of Belgrade CROATIA: City of Pula ALBANIA: City of Saranda </p><p>1.4. Title of the Action: Adriatic Network for Institutional Cooperation - AdriaNET</p><p>1.5. Contract number: 2005-0017-634020</p><p>1.6. Start date and end date of the reporting period1: 27.11.2007 – 26.10.2008. </p><p>1.7. Target country(ies) or region(s): Croatian contract : Republic of Croatia, Region of Istria., City of Pula. Overall project: Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia , Albania </p><p>1.8. Final beneficiaries &/or target groups 2 (if different) (including numbers of women and men): Direct beneficiaries: citizens, tourists and visitors of the City of Pula, experts in the field of architecture, urban and physical planning from all partners organisations and local stakeholders, both public and private, involved in the above fields. </p><p>1.9. Country (ies) in which the activities take place (if different from 1.7): Croatian contract : Republic of Croatia, Region of Istria. Overall project: Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia , Albania </p><p>2. Assessment of implementation of Action activities</p><p>1 The entire implementation period of the Action 2 “Target groups” are the groups/entities who will be directly positively affected by the project at the Project Purpose level, and “final beneficiaries” are those who will benefit from the project in the long term at the level of the society or sector at large.</p><p>2 2.1. Activities and results</p><p>Please list all the activities in line with Annex 1, section 1.7 of the contract since the last interim report if any or during the reporting period</p><p>Activity 1: Management and Coordination – , from December 2007 to October 2008.</p><p>Aim of this activity is to guarantee efficient and punctual co-ordination activity with lead partner, other partners and associates. On behalf of the City of Pula three persons were appointed in order to implement the Project: Loretta Gropuzzo, as project manager, Gabrijela Lovrić Cukon as technical assistant and Igor Fabris as financial clerk.</p><p>1.1. Activities Prior to Signing the Grant Contract No. 2005-0017-634020 1.1.1. Kick Off Meeting in Rimini with all the partners 2 days , April 2007</p><p>The representative of the City of Pula, Gabrijela Lovrić Cukon, expert in physical planning, took part to the Kick off meeting in Rimini, in April 2007. The meeting was held with the purpose of introducing the partners to the Project. Each partner was invited to present the selected project, and within that framework Pula made a power point presentation of its pilot project, namely advertisement pillars on the territory of the whole town, with an analysis of the possible locations of the pillars, considering the area of each town borough (local communities) with a view to making information on cultural and sports events, posters, advertisement, accessible to inhabitants and visitors.</p><p>1.1.2. Technical Committee Meeting with all partners 2 days, September 2007 The Mid Term Meeting took place in Bellaria Igea Marittima in Italy (15th and 16th September 2007) also before signing the Grant Contract and was attended by Gabrijela Lovrić Cukon, expert in physical planning and Lorena Dropulić, clerk in charge of environmental protection, both employed by the City of Pula. The meeting was dedicated to the revitalisation of urban areas and giving back identity to historical nucleus which, due to a large number of shopping centres in the periphery, they have lost. That we could see visiting Bellaria Igea Marina where first the project of revitalisation of the historical nucleus was implemented, and then through various manifestations were organised to attract as much citizens as possible. Further on, unifying the elements of urban furniture (chairs, tables, tent, advertising areas, waste baskets and sim.) they try to define the visual identity. Access streets, parks, urban green and sim. are additional elements in creating a pleasant environment. In a work meeting with the members of the Executive Body of Bellaria and representatives of the Emilia-Romagna Region, both parties put forward the problems encountered by tourist cities. First of all the parking problem was pointed out, the quality of services rendered was examined, and also environmental protection and the assessment of the town. Those are shared themes and represent the platform for the exchange of best practices.</p><p>Activity 1.1.3. Steering Committee Meeting in the City of Pula with Italian and Bosnian partners (1 day), 28th April in the morning </p><p>The meeting was attended by partners who presented the activities in the project performed to the date, and took place at the Town Hall in Pula.. Themes that were presented are the following: Activities of Youth as a link between Saranda and Riccione (the lecturer was Francesco Cavalli, head of the Department of Culture and Youth Policies of the Municipality of Riccione), Research of the quality of life in four towns - Rimini, Belgrade, Sarajevo and Pula (delivered by Rossella Salvi, of the Province of Rimini); Data base on Small and Medium Enterprises (Giulia Righetti of Naxta Agency of Bologna) Presentation of SERDA agency</p><p>3 (Dragiša Marek, director of the Agency). The morning session was concluded with the discussion and plans for further activities to the completion of the project. </p><p>Activity 3: Exchange of Best Practices This activity was aimed at exchanging experience and finding possible solutions to common problems through approach focused on specific fields of actions but, at the same time, targeted also to the overall beneficiaries of the proposed actions. Through round tables and meetings experience was exchanged in solving problems common to all partners. Through analysis of the quality of life done by Italian partners, satisfaction or dissatisfaction of citizens with the solutions applied in their cities was established, that being a guideline for further actions. We would like to point out the necessity of forming a common data base which would enable all users to get a quality and prompt information. That would also represent a quality data base for the development of economy, tourism , culture and other activities.</p><p>3.1. Educational Seminar on Urban Furniture with 45 local and international stakeholders , for 1 day on 28th April 2008, City of Pula (line 5.7.2)</p><p>The Seminar concentrated on the theme urban furniture and quality of life in towns, and took place at the Istrian Development Agency (IDA) in Pula. The introduction was delivered by Gabrijela Lovrić Cukon, - technical assistant in the Project - on behalf of the City of Pula, which hosted the meeting, Mrs. Giulia Righetti presented the whole Project, the goals and the development of the Project.</p><p>In the technical part of the afternoon session the floor was given to the designer Nikola Radeljković form Zagreb, to the architect Bruno Nefat from Pula and to Stefano Renzi of Riccione.</p><p>The first speaker presented examples of integration of urban furniture in towns which, in certain cases, can give a particular identity to the town, whilst in other cases urban furniture is simply implemented into the space with no plan and assessment. Through examples taken in the world and locally, the designer pointed out the fact that urban furniture must be a functional detail, define collective memory and have sense. </p><p>Architect Nefat, speaking of urban planning, said that main town planning objectives are social connection, healthy way of life, quality housing, employment, accessibility of institutions, quality of air, aesthetics of the environment, climate stability, safety and equality.</p><p>Architect Bruno Nefat</p><p>The discussion was joined by Stefano Renzi, representatives of the Municipality of Riccione who presented the project of a parking lot in that Italian town which will be constructed under the sand beaches, following the principle of Public/private Partnership (PPP).</p><p>4</p><p>Activity 4: Pilot project Implementation and Guidelines Definition </p><p>Goals of the pilot project implementation in relation to the shared procedures/measures and of the peculiarities came out from the exchange between different actors, The City of Pula had, for a certain time, had the necessity to inform the citizens and the visitors better about various events in the town. Taking the opportunity of this Project, we chose to install new advertisement pillars on the whole territory of the town. In 2005, the City of Pula approved the plan and distribution of advertisement locations in its area. That work was performed by the employees of the City that analysed potential locations for advertising. In the end of the eighties of last century, there were installed 12 advertisement pillars, which became worn out and had to be replaced. In 2005 the need to replace old pillars emerged, namely to install new pillars which would cover the whole area, and whose material and design would fit into the milieu. Since the City of Pula realised the pilot project through the improvement of urban furniture, advertisement pillars were chosen as most suitable for the purpose. </p><p>Activity 4.1. Advertisement Pillars, July – October 2008, City of Pula</p><p>In order to implement activity 4.1. it was necessary to have a local open procedure. On 28 th July 2008 the local open procedure was published in one regional newspaper (Glas Istre), one national newspaper (Jutarnji list) and on the web site of the City of Pula (, to which within 30 days one offer was obtained. The offer was accepted by the Evaluation Commission. Only the supply of the advertisement pillars was planned in the budget, but not works (dismantling old pillars, foundations for the new pillars and assembly of new pillars) and therefore the City of Pula provided its own funds to remove old pillars, digging and construction of foundations to install the new pillars. To perform the activities that had not been planned, the city of Pula invested about 10,000.00 €. </p><p>Activity 4.1.1. Preparational Activity for Installing the Pillars</p><p>For the implementation of this part of the pilot project the expert analysis of the physical and property aspect of the project was necessary, because the plan was approved in the year 2005 and had to be harmonised with the current situation. This implies the contact and approval by the Service in Charge of Architectural Heritage in Pula and of the Department for Environmental Protection of Pula, so that the pilot project was approached from different aspects, to reach the best and permanent solution. </p><p>Activity 4.1.2. – Installation of Advertisement Pillars (20 pieces) in the territory of the City of Pula Once the local open procedure was completed and the locations of the pillars selected, pillars were installed in the territory of the whole town of Pula. There are altogether 16 boroughs in Pula, but some of them are large and therefore we decided to install more than one pillar in those boroughs. The pillars are round shaped, made of modern materials resistant to all weather conditions; the height is 2 meters. The pillars are used to advertise cultural, sports events, information relating to the every-day life and necessities of the citizens. Immediately after the installation, the pillars came into function are used for the foreseen purpose, i.e. to improve the information about events in the town.</p><p>Activity 5: Diffusion/Promotion and Follow Up</p><p>5 Activity 5.1. Flyers presenting the Project Adria.Net and the Pilot Project in Pula</p><p>In order to make known the activities – project implementation - to the direct beneficiaries we published the flyers in 2,500 copies, in four languages (Croatian, Italian, English and German). Flyers contained information on the purpose of the action and the pilot project, as well as locations of the pillars in the town, Flyers were distributed to local citizens through local communities (boroughs), tourist office of the town of Pula.</p><p>Activity 5.2. Overall Promotion Activities</p><p>All activities were followed by the press. </p><p>List of articles published in newspapers: 1. Regional newspaper: Glas Istre 29th April 2008 2. Regional newspaper: Glas Istre 30th April 2008 3. Regional newspaper: Glas Istre 23rd October 2008, installation works 4. Regional newspaper: Glas Istre 15th November 2008 5. Regional newspaper in Italian: La voce del popolo, 15th November 2008 6. National TV broadcaster HTV, Panorama 14th November 2008 7. Radio broadcaster Radio Pula, News at 15.00 hrs 14th November 2008</p><p>2.2. What is your assessment of the results of the Action (see Annex 1, section 2 of the contract)? Include observations on the extent to which foreseen specific objective and overall objectives were met and whether the Action has had any unforeseen positive or negative results. (please quantify where possible; refer to Logframe Indicators). </p><p>For the City of Pula this has been an extremely useful experience, enabling people involved in the Project to exchange ideas, approaches, experience and know how European and Non-European countries solve problems relating to life in towns, its quality, expenses and maintenance of different items part of the overall project. Particularly interesting were the common problems linking all partner cities, namely the problem of traffic, parking houses, assessment of green areas in the towns, assessment of public areas that would altogether create a precondition for a quality life in towns. Italian partners, thanks to Public-Private Partnership PPP, presented one option of the possibility of solving problems to the benefit of all sides, just for the reason that the town is an equivalent partner to interested investors. As far as the City of Pula itself is concerned, we can say that this City was involved only into specific objective no. 1 Urban quality – traffic mobility – sustainable development. As agreed with the Italian lead partner the city of Pula implemented the pilot project by installing advertisement pillars, Considering the overal budget for Croatia, the City of Pula could not participate actively in the activities of the other specific objectives. We want to point out, however, that we consider that the general objectives have been fulfilled, because during the implementation contacts with all partners were kept to mutual satisfaction. We think that from our side there were planned too few meetings, because the kind of meeting and co-operation that would involve experts have the aim of spread knowledge and experience of all participants, thorugh positive and negative experience met by every town, that being a complex segment, which requires a thorough and in.deep analysis, and therefore more details and more frequent exchange of experience. </p><p>6 2.3. What has been the outcome on both the final beneficiaries &/or target group (if different) and the situation in the target country or target region which the Action addressed? The City of Pula has installed 20 advertisement pillars on its territory. Twelve old ones were replaced and eight new installed on new locations, to make the citizens more acquainted with activities, events going on and information important for their every day life. New advertising columns are attractive and clearly visible.</p><p>2.4. Please list all publications (and no. of copies) produced during the Action on whatever format, amongst others containing new approaches, innovative ways of communicating… (please enclose a copy of each item, except if you have already done so in the past). According to the Action Plan, near the completion time of the project, the City of Pula published 2,500 flyers in order to make known to the citizens of Pula with the objectives of the project and project activities relating to purchase and installation of the advertising columns in the area of the town of Pula. The flyers are distributed within the Administrative departments of the City of Pula, Tourist Office and local communities in the town.</p><p>2.5. Please list all contracts (works, supplies, services) above 5000€ awarded for the implementation of the action since the last interim report if any or during the reporting period, giving for each contract the amount, the award procedure followed and the name of the contractor. Completing the open local procedure, the City of Pula concluded the contract on purchase, transport and assembly of 20 advertising columns in the area of the town of Pula, with the company “Euromodul” d.o.o. from Viškovo (Rijeka). The object of the contract was: purchase, transport and assembly of 20 advertising columns in the town of Pula, in conformity with the open local procedure, number E- VV 21/07. The City of Pula provided its own funds to prepare the land, foundations, as well as dismantling and transport of the “old” columns, in the total amount of about 40% of the purchase price. The total value of the goods under the contract – excluding VAT – was 209,572.00 HRK (say: TwoHundredThousandFive-HundredSeventy-Two 00/100).</p><p>2.6. Describe if the Action will continue after the support from the European Community has ended. Are there any follow up activities envisaged? What will ensure the sustainability of the Action? The project of a quality and systematic solution of urban furniture in, for sure, one of the goals the City of Pula will continue through its Administrative Departments after completion of the project. Experience gained from workshops with other partners has produced the need to have a more active exchange of opinion, with a view to improve urban furniture as additional quality to the historical nucleus and new parts of the town. The advertising columns will for sure be used to inform citizens, promote activities, and make the city administration closer to the inhabitants. All activities, namely expenses, (maintenance, publishing …) will be borne by the City of Pula.</p><p>2.7. Has the Action promoted gender equality, disabilities….? If yes, please explain3</p><p>The Action was not planned to fulfil the needs of any particular population. The idea was to inform all inhabitants and visitors, to the benefit of everybody. 3 To refer to EC Guidelines on gender equality, disabilities… </p><p>7 2.8. How and by whom have the activities been monitored/evaluated? Please summarise the results of the feedback received, including from the beneficiaries. The action has not been monitored or evaluated by a special person or body. From the information got in everyday work we can see that inhabitants are happy with the new, good- looking pieces of urban furniture, unified in every part of the town.</p><p>2.9. What has your organisation/partner learned from the Action and how has this learning been utilised and disseminated? </p><p>Our organisation, the City of Pula, the only partner from Croatia, has gained valuable experience from other partners in the project, who had had similar problems in their own cities. We have seen how similar problems are managed in other both, European and non- European countries, The most important thing learned is that dialogue and exchange of experience can contribute to solving problems easier.</p><p>3. Partners and other Co-operation</p><p>3.1. How do you assess the relationship between the formal partners of this Action (i.e. those partners which have signed a partnership statement)? Please specify for each partner organisation The best and most active co-operation was with the partners form the Region Emilia-Romagna and City of Riccione, for the reason that the theme chose by the City of Pula – urban furniture, problems relating to the space of the town, found a fertile soil in the sense of experience, knowledge and project. Italian partners take active part into the revitalisation of urban areas and giving back identity to historical nucleus which, due to a large number of shopping centres in the periphery, they have lost. That we could see visiting Bellaria Igea Marina where first the project of revitalisation of the historical nucleus was implemented, and then through various manifestations were organised to attract as much citizens as possible. Further on, unifying the elements of urban furniture (chairs, tables, tent, advertising areas, waste baskets and sim.) they try to define the visual identity. Assessing streets, parks, urban green and sim. is and additional element of creating a pleasant environment. Problems analysed with Italian partners are very similar because of the tourist orientation of the cities (traffic connection, parking problem, improvement of tourist supply). Presentation and methodology of solving those problems gave as the possibility to see the advantage of such workshops. Italian partners particularly pointed out PPP, which in our country is at the very beginning, whilst the Municipality of Riccione realised a few important projects just this way.</p><p>3.2. Is the partnership to continue? If so, how? If not, why? The partnership will stop when the project is completed, but we will stay in contact with our partners for other projects, if any. </p><p>3.3. How would you assess the relationship between your organisation and State authorities in the Action countries? How has this relationship affected the Action? As for State authorities in Croatia we can say that relationship was very good. State authority has been very present during project implementation, following up all segments of the Action, giving advice and answering our numerous questions of practical, financial and organisational nature. We are thankful for the help and precious advice received.</p><p>3.4. Where applicable, describe your relationship with any other organisations involved in implementing the Action:  Associate(s) (if any)  N/A</p><p>8  -Sub-contractor(s) (if any)  Euromodul d.o.o. Rijeka  Sub-contractors, namely manufacturer of the goods purchased and assembled were very open to co-operation and did their best to meet al terms of delivery and completion of the project.   Final Beneficiaries and Target groups  Direct beneficiaries: citizens, tourists and visitors of the City of Pula, experts in the field of architecture, urban and physical planning from all partners organisations and local stakeholders, both public and private, involved in the above fields. Feedback information primarily from citizens show that the action was well chosen and performed to meet the needs of the population.  The City of Pula continues to co-operate with experts in physical planning because urban furniture is a segment that requires regular follow up and updating.   Other third parties involved.  Although given a short notice, enterprises that performed the activities necessary to install the pillars (removal of old pillars, digging foundations for new pillars and installation of the pillars themselves) were very co-operative in order to meet all term of pilot project implementation.</p><p>3.5. Where applicable, outline any links you have developed with other actions Another project – INFIORE – was implemented by the City of Pula, through which a historical park Monte Zaro was reassessed, The idea was to connect the two projects via a common point, so that on the border line of the street in the most suitable place an advertising column was installed.</p><p>3.6. If your organisation has received previous EC grants in view of strengthening the same target group, in how far has this Action been able to build upon/complement the previous one(s)? (List all previous relevant EC grants). N/A</p><p>3.7. How do you evaluate co-operation with the services of the Contracting Authority? A very positive and fruitful co-operation. </p><p>4. Visibility </p><p>How is the visibility of the EU contribution being ensured in the Action? The Action was very well followed up by mass media (local newspapers “Glas Istre” and “La voce del Popolo” very popular among the population, local broadcaster TV Nova) in all phases of the project. List of articles published in newspapers: 1Regional newspaper: Glas Istre 29th April 2008 2.Regional newspaper: Glas Istre 30th April 2008 3.Regional newspaper: Glas Istre 23rd October 2008, installation works 4.Regional newspaper: Glas Istre 15th November 2008 5.Regional newspaper in Italian: La voce del popolo, 15th November 2008 6.National TV broadcaster HTV, Panorama 14th November 2008 7..Radio broadcaster Radio Pula, News at 15.00 hrs 14th November 2008</p><p>The European Commission may wish to publicise the results of Actions. Do you have any objection to this report being published on EuropeAid Co-operation Office website? If so, please state your objections here.</p><p>9 No objection, on the contrary we shall be pleased to have this Action publicised.</p><p>Name of the contact person for the Action: Loretta Gropuzzo</p><p>Signature: ………………………………Location: City of Pula</p><p>Date report due: 26th January 2009 ..…Date report sent: ………………………………</p><p>10</p>

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