Pretty Darn Old Stuff

Pretty Darn Old Stuff

<p> 1 SUN #2 Pretty Darn Old Stuff (Classic to Middle Ages)</p><p>Student Contact Info from SUN #1 Phone/Email</p><p>Table Of Contents</p><p>1. Student Contact/Table of Contents</p><p>2. Table of Contents (Cont) 3. My Grade Page 4. Process: Ch. 11 * 5. Notes: Ch. 11 6. Roman Senate Project */ 7. Roman Senate Project Instructions</p><p>8. Process: Ch. 12 *</p><p>9. Notes: Ch. 12 10. COT Essay #3 Grading ** 11. COT Essay #3 Grading Directions 12. Process: Ch. 13* 13. Notes Ch. 13 14. Process: Ch. 14 * 15. Notes: Ch. 14 16. TSEA ** 17. TSEA Directions and DBQ Intro 18. Trade Project ** 19. Trade Project Directions 20. Process: Ch. 15 * 21. Notes: Ch. 15 22. Tang/Song Poetry * 23. Info on Islam, China, and Japan 24. Process: Ch. 16 * 25. Notes: Ch. 16 26. Process: Ch. 17 * 27. Notes: Ch. 17 28. Taglines Project ** 29. Taglines Directions 30. Feudalism Project ** 31. Feudalism Directions 32. Process: Ch. 18 * 33. Notes: Ch. 18 34. Primary Source – SOAPSTone * 35. DBQ Format and SOAPSTone 36. Process: Ch. 19 * 37. Notes: Ch. 19 38. Process: Ch. 20 * 39. Notes: Ch. 20 40. Mongol Diary ** 41. Directions Mongol Diary</p><p>38 Process: Ch. 20</p><p>1. Analyze England, France, and Spain’s able to unify when the Italian states and the Holy Roman Empire struggled? What were the foundations of these new nation-states? (10)</p><p>2. What can the turbulent religious world of the High Middle Ages tell us about Europe during this period? What roles did St. Thomas Aquinas, the Franciscans and Dominicans, and the popular heresies play? What role did investiture contest play?</p><p>36 Process: Ch. 19</p><p>1. In the epic, Sundiata, the point is made that the lion king has turned his capital, Niani, into “the navel of the earth.” What does this statement mean? What role did Sundiata and Mansa Musa play in its rise? (12)</p><p>2. Culturally analyze the differences the Bantu and Sub- Saharan African societies had that were different from other societies (pick 2-3 cultural attributes). </p><p>41 Directions: Mongol Diary You are a member of the Golden Horde. Taking what you know from the book and from the primary sources (primary source link online from book website), write a diary that depicts the life and culture of the Mongols. Follow the criteria below to complete this project:</p><p>1. On page 40 write your diary entries for this project. You will write three different entries that should cover no more than a year of time. Use dates that are relevant to the Mongol time period. 2. In your entries you should display 3 aspects of Mongol culture. 3. Your three entries should account for the story of yourself as a Mongol and others within your horde. You can portray the first person life of any member of the horde. </p><p>35 DBQ Format and SOAPSTone DBQ Format: 1st Paragraph – Thesis. 2nd Paragraph – From your thesis you created at least two groupings (qualifications of your arguments of how the documents are addressing the issue that the prompt gives). For this paragraph you will choose one of those groups. Discuss first what the documents are about that are in that group (each and individually). After each document is explained (shows understanding) then explain how that document is tied back into your thesis. After you have done this for each document then give POV for at least one of the documents. Then end the paragraph with another document that would help your thesis. 3rd Paragraph: Repeat what you did for 2nd paragraph, however have it deal with another group. (IF NECESSARY) 4th Paragraph: (3rd group – probably last group) Repeat with another group what you did in Paragraphs 2/3. SOAPSTone – Speaker – The voice that is telling the story/author of document. Who are they? What is their position/job? Subject – What are they writing about? Occasion – What time period, and what was going on that would precipitate the document. Audience – Who are they writing this to? Who would be affected by it? Purpose – What is the reason behind what was written? Tone – The attitude of the writer. What word choices do they use that display aspects of bias and POV?</p><p>34 SOAPSTone Assignment Write out each part of SOAPSTone for the document (about monks) that you received. S- S-</p><p>32 Process: Ch. 18</p><p>1. Marco Polo wrote that the Mongols were “stout and valiant soldiers, and inured to war.” Why would he write this? Why couldn’t they turn their conquests into long-lasting empires? (12)</p><p>2. Analyze the rise of the Ottoman Turks. How did they benefit from other conquerors who came before them? How important was the conquest of Constantinople?</p><p>26 Process: Ch. 17 1. Examine the role played by Charlemagne in the establishment of a powerful Europe. Why would he make this stipulation: “And the weapons, which are carried against the enemy, shall be well cared for, so as to keep them in good condition. . .?”(12)</p><p>2. Analyze the role the Viking invasions played on Europe. How did the role of Christianity affect Europe during the early Middle Ages? </p><p>29 Review Project Directions: Taglines Tagline: A marketing slogan that helps promote a certain product (for example - A Movie). You will all be making up Taglines for chapters from the textbook. To do this assignment you will need to do the following criteria: 1. You will make six taglines on page #28. Each tagline has to be: A. Specific to a certain chapter. B. Incorporate either a different theme or aspect of PERSIA. 2. You must have a tagline for 6 different chapters of your choice. (Chs. 1-17) 3. After you have written the tagline, write a brief explanation as to why this tagline applies to that chapter. 4. After your explanation include the time period this chapter includes and where on the Map the chapter refers to.</p><p>24 Process: Ch. 16</p><p>1. Analyze trade and religious changes during this particular time. Focus on the Indian Ocean Basin and Islam as affecting India. (13) 2. Why did a powerful, centralized state like the Tang dynasty in China never arise in India, after the collapse of the Guptas? What factors might help explain this fact? How was India affected by its lack of political unification?</p><p>14 Process: Ch. 14</p><p>1. Analyze Islamic tolerance. Explain Muhammad’s role as “seal of the prophets.” (12) 2. Analyze the culture of the people in Arabia prior to Islam. What major changes occurred when Islam was introduced? 10 COT Essay Grading Sample #1: Received 1 point for their thesis because they qualified both change and continuity of the Romans in the last centuries of the classical era. Earns 1 point for addressing continuity accurately. Earned the second point for addressing change in religion in Rome. Earned two points for evidence that addressed both continuity and change through mention of things like Paul of Tarsus, George the Wonderworker, St. Augustine, spreading Christianity along the silk road, and Gladiators/slavery and toleration by the government. Received point for analyzing why Christianity changed Rome culturally in more than one way through the time period. Total score 6/7. 17 TSEA & Intro to DBQ On page 16 you will be working on matching a thesis to a statement, evidence, and analysis a few times. This is good practice for your COT essay. DBQ Stuff</p><p>1. Acceptable Thesis: 1. Place/Time 2. Address the prompt issue (argument) 3. Qualifications of the prompt issue (at least 2) – GROUPINGS. 1 pt.</p><p>2. Understanding of all the documents. (Kind of a thesis – summary sentence – of each document). 1 pt. 3. Evidence FROM THE DOCUMENTS – Use evidence from the documents to SUPPORT YOUR THESIS. 2 pts. 4. POV – Point of View (bias). The bias deals WITH THE AUTHOR. 1 pt. 5. Grouping - Must group the documents in at least two ways (and must have at least 2 documents per group – do NOT double up docs to groups). 1 pt. 6. Other Documents - Must name (or create) a document that would help support your thesis, and explain HOW that document would support your thesis. 1 pt. Scoring Guidelines for DBQ:</p><p>1. Thesis: Acceptable – 1. P/T (place and time covered by documents). 2. Addresses the prompt by making an argument that deals with the subject of the prompt (i.e. social for DBQ#1). 3. Qualifies the argument – Suggest qualifying by how you group. 1 point</p><p>2. Understanding: Show understanding of the meaning of all of the documents. Must in some way show understanding (usually by making statements about the document that convey the idea or concepts of the document). 1 point 3. Supports Thesis using Evidence from Documents: Uses the documents in a way that support the thesis – how documents support the social arguments that you made for DBQ#1. 2 points (2 pts. for using all 6, 1 pt. for using 4). 4. Analyzes Point of View: Must convey the reasoning behind why the author of the document made the comments or wrote the document they did. Must give a reason why it was written, not just restate what was written. 1 point 5. Grouping: Analyzes the documents by grouping them in at least 2 ways. Groups should be made based on aspects of social culture. For example – grouping by “treatment of women,” and “family relations” would be two such acceptable groupings. However “Japan” and “China” groups would not be acceptable. 1 point 6. Other Document: Identifies at least one document that would help further the analysis of the thesis that was made. Must identify a document (real or imaginary – but plausible) that would be explained how it would further the thesis (i.e. don’t just name or explain document, but explain why it would be useful). 1 point</p><p>16 TSEA COT Essay 1. Thesis: (change/continuity, date/place, qualify change/cont.) P/T, A, Q S: Christianity began slowly spreading through Rome. E: The followers of Christ taught his teachings after his death in the 1st century CE throughout parts of the Roman Empire. A: Christianity remained slowly spreading at first due to the way in which the leader of the religion, Christ, was treated by the Roman Empire. 2. Thesis: During the 2nd Century BCE to the 2nd Century CE, China began to change its political culture. S: E: Yellow Turban uprising begins in the 1st to 2nd Century CE which showed discontent with the government in China. A: </p><p>3. Thesis: The Greek culture remained continuous due to a sense of intellectual humanism from 600 BCE to 200 BCE. S: Stories passed down from earlier Greeks established a sense of human importance. E: A: </p><p>4. Thesis: S: The religious ideas of the Indian people played a major role in establishing social norms. E: A:</p><p>19 Directions: Trade Project</p><p>You are a Middle Ages Arabian trader. You will have some type of product that you will be trading. Once you know your item for trade you will make an accounting chart to keep track of your trade business. There will be several steps to the trade project. Step 1: Find other traders to trade goods with. You may trade goods you have for their goods, or you can buy outright with money their goods after agreeing upon a price. Account for all of your trades on the accounting sheet on page 18.</p><p>Step 2: Pick the items that you will sell at the market. Once you have picked these items, they are sold and must be taken out of your inventory of items on page 18.</p><p>Step 3: You will find out the market conditions and market price of your goods, and then account for the money that you have made from selling those goods on the market. Account for this as well on page 18.</p><p>Step 4: After repeating steps 1-3 a few times we will see who the best trader is. You will also answer the questions below on this page.</p><p>What did you learn about the process of trade? Why is it important? How would it have affected the Islamic Empires? </p><p>Per 5 Market Conditions: Farming Surplus! Food (all): 3 money each Precious Metals and Gems: 6 money each Finished Goods: 5 money each</p><p>Market Conditions Round 2: WAR!!! Food (all): 9 money each Gems/Metals (most): 5 money Finished Goods (most): 8 money each Weapons: 13 money each Iron: 10 money each</p><p>Market Conditions Round 3: New Trade Routes Opened, and Mysterious Mine Collapse. Food (all): 5 money each Gems/Metals (most): 4 money each Finished Goods (all): 6 money each Gold/Diamonds/Silver: 12 money each</p><p>Per 2</p><p>Market Conditions 1: WAR! Foods (all) – 8 money each Precious Metals/Gems (most) – 6 money each Iron – 10 money each Finished goods (most) – 7 money each Weapons – 12 money each</p><p>Round 2 Market Conditions: Worker Revolt! Foods (all): 12 money each Precious Metals/Gems: 6 money each Finished Goods: 10 money each</p><p>Round 3 Market Condition: New Trade Routes and Mysterious Mine Collapse Foods (all): 4 money each Precious Metals/Gems (most): 5 money each Diamonds/Gold: 13 money each Finished Goods (all): 5 money each</p><p>11 COT Essay #3 Grading You will receive several samples (3) of the third COT essay. You will grade these samples on page 10. Make sure you do the following:</p><p>1. Review the scoring guidelines for the essay that will be passed out to you. 2. Put the sample # and a narrative as to why they got a point. Make sure you are specific in your explanation as to why they got a certain point(s). Give reference to the essay, for example write, “In the sentence that starts off with ‘The Roman empire’ in the third paragraph shows…” 3. Make sure to put the final point total for the essay after your narrative out of the 7 points total.</p><p>10 COT Essay Grading</p><p>Sample #1 – The essay got the thesis point because it states the place/time, an argument for change and continuity, and it qualifies what that change and continuity were. They received a point for addressing political continuity with regards to Rome establishing a strong empire throughout the period. They received the second point for addressing change with regards to cultural religious views of the Romans. The essay received two points for the evidence as they gave evidence for both change and continuity in such things as gladiators, the silk spreading of Christianity, Paul of Tarsus, George the Wonderworker, St. Augustine, and even explanations of emperor divinity, and Roman citizenship throughout the empire. The essay received a point for giving analysis with regards to reasons why Christianity was a threat and was eventually changed. Total Score: 6/7</p><p>12 Process: Ch. 13</p><p>1. Analyze the differences between the political, intellectual, and other cultural hallmarks of the Byzantine and Western Roman Empire. What could be the cause of these differences? (12) 2. What was the significance of Constantinople? Analyze Byzantine decline. </p><p>8 Process: Ch. 12 1. Analyze the fall of the Han and Roman empires. What specifically lead to their downfalls? (12)</p><p>2. Analyze the spread of Christianity. Could it be suggested that Christianity spread with great plagues of disease? Why? 7 Roman Senate Project You will be a senator of Rome. As a senator of Rome you will be faced with trying to solve some of the problems that are facing the Roman Empire. Your job will be to propose laws to the Emperor to help save the Roman Empire from falling. To do this you will:</p><p>1. Get into groups of 3-5 that will be your senator groups so that you can discuss and debate any proposed laws to solve the problems of Rome. 2. Once a problem has been presented to you your group will come up with a proposal that you will write on page 6. Then when two groups have proposed their solutions those proposals will be written down as the senate proposal on page 6. 3. The entire senate will vote on the proposal, if passed it will go to the emperor and he will either adopt it or reject it (or parts of it) as law.</p><p>4. Each solution that becomes law could affect other problems that are facing Rome. Period 5 Senate Proposals. Problem #1: Make the barbarians citizens in exchange for their loyalty and they can contribute to the society. Common people guard the border and we pay them. FAILS TO FIND A SOLUTION TO GIVE TO THE EMPEROR. Emperor Decides: Send more troops to the borders to protect the empire from attack. Problem #2 Senate Proposal: If people pay their taxes they get some kind of reward for paying their taxes (a big party, etc.). Emperor has adopted some of your proposal. Problem #3 Senate Proposal: Build more schools and have compulsory education. Trade technology and information with other societies/civilizations. Send spies to other countries to obtain their technology. PASSES – To the Emperor Period 2 Senate Proposals Problem #1: Emperor Passes: More of a military presence (troops/weapons), Raise taxes to pay for the military, and begin making a wall. PASSES –</p><p>Problem #2: Sell the houses that are vacant to those who are willing to buy, however they must be Roman and use the sale toward taxes. PASSES – </p><p>Problem #3: Using taxes to recruit former teachers have compulsory education for the youth. Offer supplemental classes to increase skills for those in certain professions (laborers, architects, engineers, doctors, etc.). Exchange ideas with other civilizations, once we are caught up with their technology then begin advancing on our own. NO PROPOSAL TO THE EMPEROR. 3 My Grade Page Assignment My Score Pts Possible Transfer from SUN 1 </p><p>4 Process: Ch. 11</p><p>1. What ideas and teachings made Jesus so unpopular? Analyze the rise of Augustus to power. (11)</p><p>2. Analyze the ability of Rome to create such a huge and long lasting empire, where unlike the Greeks were not able to be as large or as long lasting.</p>

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