MONDAY, OCTOBER 11,1966 Avorag* Daily Net Press Run The Weather PAGE TWENTY-FOUR Fte the Week Ended romenat of U. S. W tifMm M f iaW.. iianrI|f«Bltr lEv^n fns l^i^raUi Ooteber 0, lOiS Partly cloudy, ehanoa af mew- Bertha Boret Group of Bco- 14,452 ora tonight, low around 40i ■iib* About Town ond CongragaUonal Church will Member of the Audit Ewpttttig ilpmlh ly fair, oool tWaorrow, high M sponsor a wearlnr apparel dem­ MuohM tsr lUlf Bureau of Clroulatlea mld-oe*. Mambera of tha OrUtoforo onstration tomorrow at 3 p.m. at Open Bvsnlnge uiittl_B_r.^ Manehottar-^A City o f VUtaga Charm Colombo Society will meat to* the church. Refreshments will to e—•Phon* nltht at 7:30 at the W. P. Quish be served. Funeral Home, 225 Main St., to b b r n h ’S VOL. LXXXV, NO. 10 (FOURTEEN FAGES) MANCHES’TER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1965 (CluMlfled Advertising on Page 11) PRICE SEVEN eS N T i pay reepects to a member, the Robert Dlgan, achool attend- lata Peter CIfnettL ahce supervisor and Walter For­ tin, recreation director, will W W Auxiliary will eponeor a spMtk and discuss “Our Youth— Noge Wing Barvest Dinner Saturday at the The Shape of Some Needs In poM home. Serving:* will be at Our Community" at a meeting Over Heart |1^^0 and 7:30 p.m. Tlcketa may of the Manchester Ministerial Bus Strike Impact be purchaaed at the door. Association on Wednesday at 11 8LAGEL8B, Den­ Indonesia Conp Chief a.m. at Temple % th Sholom, mark (AP) — Jena Ander- Chapman-Joy Circle of North iOO E. Middle T pk^F or lunch­ sen's girl friend said she Methodist Church will meet on eon reservations, cqhtact Rabbi would not aee him any Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Leon Wind. Dues for the year Reduced by Holiday more. He went home and Church. Ladle* are reminded to will be accepted. wrote her that "No one \ bring Hems for a silent auc­ shall ever see me alive tion. Hostesses will be Mrs. La Daughters of Liberty, No. 126, HAR’TFORD (AP) __t^o get labor and managoment<fctlve, lald It might Uke several again.” Under Arrest in Verne Holmee, Mrs. Emcet LOLI, will meet tomorrow at negotiators bapk to the bargain daya to work out arrangements Then he disappeared. An­ Whapplee and Mrs. Roy Wil­ Connecticut Co. bus drivers 7:30 p.m. at Orange Hall. Of­ and mechanics struck today Ing table m quickly as possible 'Ilte 780-member local of the dersen's father alerted po­ iam s. ficers are reminded to wear He said, " I offer both sides Amalgamated Association of lice, a search was organ­ 'ita. in the Hartford, New Ha­ Street, Electric Railway and white gown A my continued cooperation when­ ized, but no trace of the 80- Oreen School PTA will have ven and Stamford areas but ever either or both of them feel Motor Coach Employes, AFL- year-old man was found. Communists Its first meeting of the season The Women’s Auxiliary to the midmoming reports in the that I can be of help.” CIO, originally scheduled the Last night, he came home on Wednesday at the school. Hartford County Medical Asso­ three cities indicated traf­ strike for midnight Oct. 1. again, very much alive, but After potluck at 6:30*p.m. and a ICUSTOM ROYAL REFRIGERATOR Company and union officials Fleeing to A 72-hour postponement put If extremely dirty and with a ciation will sponsor a rummage fic was moving smoothly. offered to cooperate In keeping dtort business meeting, the par­ sale Friday from 2 to 8 p.m. at off un mldhlght Oct. 3, Then terrible smell. It was raining and It was Co­ chartered school buses running. ents will vl.>»lt the children's management made a contract He had climbed down In­ the West Hartford Armoiry, 896 lumbus Day. The holiday worked But Walter Blerwagen, the un­ Java’s Hills classrooms. Teachers will dis­ Farmington Ave. Proceeds will gives you such complete protection! two ways. Many offices were to the public sewer system ion's Intsmatlbnal represents- (See Page Two) cuss the curriculum for the be lised for scholarships for closed, but some stores were and thought about hli lost KUALA LUMPUR. Ma­ ichoot year. PTA dues will be young peo]Me pursuing medical holding big sales. love for four days and laysia (A P )— Jakarta ra­ c collected. or nursing careers. Good used Emergency parking areas, nights. "Never mind about the dio t(xlay announced the clothing, toys, books, bric-a- opened In .the three cities to ac­ capture of the leader of the The Reddington Rock Riding brac, home-cooked foods, and comodate the cars driven down­ girl," he said, "I want a Club, Inc. of Ellington will meet plants will be for aaJe. The pub­ town by bus-less commuters and Strike Affects Town bath.” attempted coup in Indo­ Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the lic is invited. NO shoppers, were not being nesia, and thousands of home of Miss Donna Paquin, strained Immediately. Communists were reported 63 Summerset Dr., EJast Hart­ Manchester Chapter of taking to the hills of cen­ ford. Future club events will [DEFROSTING Officials of the Connecticut On Three Routes SPEBSQSA will meet tonight at Co. and the union representing tral Java to escape an army be planned. NYC Water 8 at Bunche School, Otcott St. EVER! the bus drivers and mechanics The strike against the Connecticut Co. affects Man­ dragnet. said the chartered school bus chester in three ways: The Hartford-Manchester run, a The army - controlled govern­ 2 Manchester WATE5S wlU meet South School PTA will meet Gaining for ment radio said the coup leader, tomorrow at the Italian - Amer­ service, unaffected by the strike crosstown run (part of the Hartford run), and the East tomorrow at the school. There Lt. C3ol. lintung, wa* arrested In ican Club. Weighing in will be was operating normally. Catholic High School run, which takes students to the will be a pot luck at 6:30 p.m. Most schools were closed In Center in the morning and afternoon. the Tegal region of central Java from 7 to 8 p.m. Mrs. George Foreign Finery at International Luncheon First Time with the cooperation of civil­ Bowden of Andover, a club before the meeting. Members observance of Columbus Day. The Hartford - Manchester?'----------------------------------------------- are reminded to bring silver­ Mrs. Doris Perrett, president of United Church Women of Manchester, admires the colorful route has stops at Broad St., ian*. member, will Show her collec­ costumes of Miss Rosita Flnkelsteln of Mexico City and Miss Pancrasia Kinabo of Tanzania, The strike, which had been nately on Hartford Rd. and W. NEW YORK (AP) — A pro ware. Mars. Maurice 'Willey of the South Ehtd, Manchester The broadcast gave no detaiU tion of stones and artlclea made Africa. The girls were guests at an International visitors luncheon Saturday at North Metho­ postponed three tirnes, was an­ Center St., while Connecticut gram to conserve water and from stone. Manoheater, Northeast Region­ nounced at 12:20 this morning Oreen and Depot Square. It buses use Center St. some long overdue rain have of the capture. al vice president of PTA of Oon- dist Church. The event was part of the 16th annual Welcome to Connecticut Weekend spon­ makes a total 41 half-hour Untung was an obBcnire officer sored by Service Bureau for Women’s Organizations. Visitors, mostly students, were enter­ by Gov. John Dempsey, who However, for those who would combined to turn the tide In neoUcut, will speak on "Why trips a day. In President Sukarno’s body­ tained for the weekend at the homes of several area families. Miss Flnkelsteln Is a student had been working with negotia' walk and switch, Silver Lane New York Chty's reservoirs. Bother with PTA." Since today Is Columbus Day guard until he led the "30th of at Annhurst College, South Woodstock. Mlsa Kinabo Is at the University of Connecticut. tors In his office tor the past has the following approximate The city’s upstate reservoirs Iwo nights. and there la no school at East September” movement that (Herald Photo by Oflara.) schedule: have — (or the first Ume In Union leaders had rejected Catholic, the strike does not Im­ tried to seize power on that Tire Hockemum Dog Club will Every 16 minutes after the many months — not only kept Dempsey’s plea late Monday mediately affect It. Usually, bwo dale. meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at hour a bus leaves the Center pace with the dally demand (or Manchester Lodge of Masons night for another postponement blues m ^ e each of the two There ha* been speculation Watering Community Center. Immaculate Conception Moth, and goes to Hartford via Hart­ water but have raised their lev­ Frank J. Parker of A'von, breed­ will meet tomorrow at 7 :30 p.m. of the walkout runa abroad that Sukarno master­ em (Srcle will meet Wednesday ford Rd. and Spencer St.; els. er and Judgre, will conduct a at the Masonic Temple. After a ONLY I "All citizens of the state are, Bus service In Manchester minded the attempt to get rid of at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Every 16 minutes before the Since last Friday about 9.8 handling clinic to explain how business meeting, the Fellow- 3 MORE DAYS In varying degrees, affected by and to Hartford 1s stUI pro­ army generals who opposed the Michael EMenbum, 166 Ludlow hour, a bus leaves the Center blUion gallons of water have run to show doge in breed classes.
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