<p> United Streaming Correlations to: Essential Question & MAPS Benchmarks</p><p>Essential Question Correlating Benchmark/GLEC Citation from the United Streaming Science Second Grade 2nd Grade Science Elementary Video Adventures: Weather and Climate. How does weather change the Standard 2: All students will describe and explain how Discovery Channel School. Earth? the earth's features change over time. 2005. unitedstreaming. 10 July 2006 Describe the natural changes in the earth's surface. <http://www.unitedstreaming .com/> </p><p>High School Go to the Science Department Chemistry folder on the MSHS L:Drive to see many video titles correlated to the Chemistry curriculum OR Click here to see these correlations Math Grade 6-8</p><p>Citation (MLA) How can data be used to create Discovering Math: Statistics Represent and interpret data and Data Analysis (Grades 6- change in our world? 8). Discovery Channel School. Represent and interpret data using circle graphs, 2006. D.RE.07.01 unitedstreaming. 25 June stem and leaf plots, histograms, and box-and-whisker plots, and 2007 select appropriate representation to address specific questions. <http://www.unitedstreaming .com/> D.AN.07.02 Create and interpret scatter plots and find line of Citation (MLA) best fit; use an estimated line of best fit to answer questions Mathematical Eye: Graphs. United Learning. 1989. about the data. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming .com/> </p><p>Citation (MLA) How can using patterns help to Discovering Math: Statistics Understand and solve problems and Data Analysis (Grades 6- solve everyday problems? 8). Discovery Channel School. involving rates, ratios, 2006. unitedstreaming. 25 June and proportions 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming N.FL.07.03 Calculate rates of change including speed. .com/> N.MR.07.04 Convert ratio quantities between different Citation (MLA) Discovering Math: Statistics systems of units, such as feet per and Data Analysis (Grades 6- second to miles per hour. 8). Discovery Channel School. 2006. N.FL.07.05 Solve proportion problems using such unitedstreaming. 25 June methods as unit rate, scaling, 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming finding equivalent fractions, and .com/> solving the proportion equation a/b = c/d; know how to see patterns about pro Citation (MLA) Mathematical Eye: Ratio and Scale. United Learning. 1990. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming .com/> </p><p>Citation (MLA) How does computation of Discovering Math: Number Compute with rational numbers Theory (Grades 6-8). rational numbers help to solve Discovery Channel School. everyday problems? Solve problems involving operations with 2006. N.FL.07.07 unitedstreaming. 26 June integers. 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming N.FL.07.08 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide positive and .com/> negative rational numbers fluently.* N.FL.07.09 Estimate results of computations with rational numbers. </p><p>Citation (MLA) How does knowing about the Discovering Math: Statistics Compute statistics about data sets and Data Analysis (Grades 6- statistics of a set of data help to 8). Discovery Channel School. understand the world around Calculate and interpret relative frequencies and 2006. D.AN.07.03 unitedstreaming. 25 June us? cumulative frequencies for given data 2007 sets. <http://www.unitedstreaming .com/> Citation (MLA) D.AN.07.04 Find and interpret the median, quartiles, and Statistics. United Learning. 1989. interquartile range of unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming Understand the concept of similar .com/> polygons, and Citation (MLA) Project Mathematics: solve related problems Similarity. United Learning. 1996. G.TR.07.03 Understand that in similar polygons, unitedstreaming. 26 June corresponding angles are congruent 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming and the ratios of corresponding sides .com/> are equal; understand the concepts of similar figures and scale factor. G.TR.07.04 Solve problems about similar figures and scale drawings. G.TR.07.05 Show that two triangles are similar using the criteria: corresponding angles are congruent (AAA similarity); the ratios of two pairs of corresponding sides are equal and the included angles are congruent (SAS similarity); ratios of all pairs of corresponding sides are equal (SSS similarity); use these criteria to solve problems and to justify arguments. G.TR.07.06 Understand and use the fact that when two triangles are similar with scale factor </p><p>Citation (MLA) Adventurous World of Understand and represent linear Algebra, The, Program 3: Linear Equations. Standard functions Deviants. 2002. unitedstreaming. 27 June A.PA.07.06 Calculate the slope from the graph of a linear 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming function as the ratio of “rise/run” for a .com/> pair of points on the graph, and . express the answer as a fraction and a decimal; understand that linear functions have slope that is a constant rate of change. Social Studies Grades 3-5 Where is the earth’s water? Third Grade Social Studies Water: A First Look. Rainbow Educational Media. 1999. Where does water come from? 3G4 Understand the concept of regions. unitedstreaming. 25 June How much of the water on earth 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming is available for human use? .com/> How do you know if water is SEGMENT 2 fresh water or salt water? Natural Phenomena: Lakes, Rivers, and Other Water Sources. United Learning. 1998. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming .com/> Ecosystems: Nature in Balance. AIMS Multimedia. 1993. unitedstreaming. 27 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming .com/> How does water look in Third Grade Social Studies Life in a Drop of Water. Rainbow Educational Media. different regions of the world? 3G4 Understand the concept of regions 2001. How does water look in an unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 ocean, lake, river, or pond <http://www.unitedstreaming ecosystem? .com/> How does soil look in different E.SE.03.45 Recognize and describe different types Living Soil, The. AIMS Multimedia. 1983. regions of the world? of earth materials (mineral, rock, clay, boulder, unitedstreaming. 27 June How does soil look in an ocean, gravel, sand, soil). 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming lake, river, or pond ecosystem? .com/> Segment 1 How does surface tension affect L.OL.03.34 Identify and compare structures in aquatic insects? familiar animals used for controlling body temperature, support, movement, food-getting, and protection. What is a pond? Third Grade Social Studies Lakes, Ponds, and Pools. Environmental Media. 2001. How does water affect other 3G4 Understand the concept of regions. unitedstreaming. 25 June life? 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming .com/> How do ponds change over L.OL.03.2 Plants and animals have life cycles. Both Our Wonderful Wetlands. United Learning. 1993. time? plants and animals begin life and develop into unitedstreaming. 26 June adults, reproduce, and eventually die. The details of 2007 this life cycle are different for different organisms. <http://www.unitedstreaming .com/> Forested Wetlands. Environmental Media. 2001. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming .com/> Wetland Biomes: Essential and Endangered. Rainbow Educational Media. 1998. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming .com/> How do you use your senses to Third Grade Social Studies learn about the world (pond) 3G4 Understand the concept of regions. around you? How do living things change L.OL.03.33 Describe the life cycle of familiar Animal Profiles: Frogs. Rainbow Educational Media. during their lives? animals including the following stages: egg, young, 1991. adult; egg, larva, pupa, adult. unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming .com/> </p><p>How do animals survive in their L.OL.03.34 Identify and compare structures in Animal Profiles: Frogs. Rainbow Educational Media. environment? familiar animals used for controlling body 1991. How does an organism succeed unitedstreaming. 25 June temperature, support, movement, food-getting, 2007 to its environment? and protection. <http://www.unitedstreaming How does an organism adapt to .com/> its environment?</p><p>L.OL.03.34 Identify and compare structures in Frogs: Facts and Folklore. Discovery Channel School. How do frogs and toads differ? familiar animals used for controlling body 2000. temperature, support, movement, food-getting, and unitedstreaming. 25 June protection. 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming .com/> </p><p>How is energy transferred L.EC.04.34 Identify familiar organisms as part of a You in the Food Web. United Learning. 1998. through food chains and food food chain or food web. unitedstreaming. 25 June webs? 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming .com/> </p><p>How is a river formed? Third Grade Social Studies River Biomes: Essential and Endangered. Rainbow How does a river and a pond 3G4 Understand the concept of regions. Educational Media. 2001. compare? unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming .com/> </p><p>Where are rivers located on 3G1 Use grid lines on a map to describe locations earth? and give direction and distance between Where do the rivers begin and locations. end? 3G3 Compare and contrast various map How do the lengths of rivers projections and globes as representations of compare? Earth, using distortion and limitations as criteria.</p><p>What do you think of when you E.ES.03.7 The supply of many natural resources is imagine clean water? limited. Humans have devised methods for What causes water to become extending their use of natural resources through polluted? recycling, reuse, and renewal. E.ES.03.8 Humans depend on their natural and How does pollution impact constructed environment. Humans change rivers? environments in ways that are helpful or harmful for themselves and other organisms. </p><p>What effect do I have on the E.ES.03.7 The supply of many natural resources is Junior Environmental Scientist: Water: Pollution and environment? limited. Humans have devised methods for Solutions. United Learning. Why should I care about the extending their use of natural resources through 2000. recycling, reuse, and renewal. unitedstreaming. 26 June environment? 2007 E.ES.03.8 Humans depend on their natural and How can we keep water clean? <http://www.unitedstreaming constructed environment. Humans change .com/> environments in ways that are helpful or harmful for themselves and other organisms. </p><p>Eskimo bead shawl. Paul Fuqua. 1.1.1 Use historical and Native Americans: The First Peoples. 100% 2004. st How did the 1 Native modern maps to locate Educational Videos. 1998. unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 Americas get here? unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ migration routes and http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ How did their habitats affect Petroglyph of a small animal such as how they lived? a frog or horned lizard. Paul Fuqua. peoples living in the desert 2004. Southwest, the Pacific unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Northwest, the nomadic Petroglyph showing the sun. Paul nations of the Great Plains, Fuqua. 2004. unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 and the woodland <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Adobe building (1). Paul Fuqua. peoples east of the 2004. Mississippi River and unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ compare their interactions An Eskimo family with their hide- covered igloo.. IRC. 2005. with the environment, unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 political and social <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> structures, economies, technology, customs, warfare, and religious practices.</p><p>1.2.1 Locate and draw the Exploring the World: Spanish Explorers of Map of European North Atlantic Where and how did the 1st North America. United Learning. 2000. crossings to 1587.. IRC. 2005. major land and water unitedstreaming. 27 June 2007 Age of unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 Europeans go exploring? Discovery (1400-1550), The. United Learning. <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> routes of European 1998. explorers using historical unitedstreaming. 27 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> and New World Encountered, The. Rainbow Educational Media. 1998. modern maps and case unitedstreaming. 27 June 2007 studies of individual http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ New World Explored, The. Rainbow explorers to explain the Educational Media. 1998. unitedstreaming. 27 June 2007 technological, personal, <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> and cultural developments </p><p> that made sea exploration possible.</p><p>1.2.2 Explain the aims, Age of Discovery (1400-1550), The. United Samuel de Champlain (1567?- Why did the 1st Europeans Learning. 1998. 1635).. IRC. 2005. obstacles, motivations, unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 go exploring as far as the http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Americas? and consequences for Pilgrims and Puritans: The Struggle for European exploration and Religious Freedom in England (1517-1692). What happened because of United Learning. 1997. their explorations? colonization of the unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Americas (e.g., economic, political, religious, social, and global).</p><p>What is the difference TEAMS: Student as an Historian: Back to the 1.3.1 Use primary and Past. Los Angeles County Office of Education. between a primary source secondary sources (letters, 2000. and a secondary source? unitedstreaming. 27 June 2007 diaries, maps, documents, <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> narratives, pictures, and TEAMS: Student as an Historian: Staff Development. Los Angeles County Office of graphic data) to identify Education. 2000. unitedstreaming. 27 June 2007 the characteristics of early <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> ( not American Indian life and downloaded ). early colonial life in North America.</p><p>Compare and contrast Moving to America: Then and Now. 100% "Dog Dance of the Dakotas," by Seth 1.3.2 Analyze the Educational Videos. 2002. Eastman.. IRC. 2005. Africans, Europeans, and similarities and differences unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 Native Americans. <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> among Africans, Champlain battling the Iroquois, Europeans, and American 1615.. IRC. 2005. unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 Indians <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> who converged in the western hemisphere after 1492 by comparing their political systems (e.g., political authority, civic values, governmental structure), social organizations (e.g., population, settlements and urbanization, family structure, gender roles, communication systems), economic systems (e.g., systems of labor, trade, concepts of property, land use, selection of natural resources), and religious beliefs, practices, and values.</p><p>Seeds of Liberty: Causes of the American Battle of the Thames and the death 1.3.3 Discuss the impact Revolution. Rainbow Educational Media. 1993. of Tecumseh.. IRC. 2005. How did Europeans of European contact on unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> influence the Native American Indian tribal Americans? identities and cultures by comparing the different approaches used by the various European powers (e.g., British, French, and Dutch) in their interactions with American Indians.</p><p>Native Americans: The First Peoples. 100% 1.3.4 Discuss the impact Educational Videos. 1998. How did Native Americans of American Indian contact unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> influence Europeans? on European cultures in both Europe and in North America.</p><p>Essential Question Correlating Citation from the United Streaming Images/Songs/Quiz Benchmark/GLEC Elementary Video Adventures: Weather and 2nd Grade Science Climate. Discovery Channel School. 2005. How does weather change Standard 2: All students unitedstreaming. 10 July 2006 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> the Earth? will describe and explain how the earth's features change over time. Describe the natural changes in the earth's surface. Making the Thirteen Colonies: The Southern Southern British colonies 2.1.1 Describe Southern Colonies. United Learning. 2003. How does habitat effect patterns of settlement and unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 created.. IRC. 2005. <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> how people live? control including the unitedstreaming. 28 June impact of geography 2007 How do other people effect (landforms and climate) on <http://www.unitedstreaming how people live? .com/> settlement, development of one-crop economies (plantation land use and growing season for rice in Carolinas and tobacco in Virginia), relationships with American Indians (such as Powhatan), development of the colonial government (such as House of Burgesses), Bacon’s Rebellion, and the development of slavery, including growth of African population.</p><p>Making the Thirteen Colonies: New England A map of "Plimouth Colony" 2.1.2 Describe New Colonies. United Learning. 2003. England’s patterns of unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 in the spring of 1621.. IRC. <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> settlement and control 2005. including the impact of unitedstreaming. 28 June physical 2007 http://www.unitedstreaming. geography (landforms and com/ climate) on settlement, Northern settlements become relations with American royal colonies.. IRC. 2005. Indians (e.g., unitedstreaming. 28 June Pequot or King Phillip’s 2007 War), growth of agricultural <http://www.unitedstreaming and non-agricultural .com/> economies, the development of government including establishment of town meetings, development of legislatures and growth of royal government, and religious tensions that led to the establishment of other colonies.</p><p>Making the Thirteen Colonies: The Middle 2.1.3 Describe Mid- Colonies. United Learning. 2003. Atlantic patterns of unitedstreaming. 27 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> settlement and control including the impact of physical geography on settlement, the growth of Middle Colonies economies (e.g., breadbasket), Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam, Quaker settlement in Pennsylvania, subsequent English takeover of middle colonies, and immigration patterns leading to ethnic diversity in middle colonies.</p><p>2.1.4 Compare the Compare and contrast the regional settlement various regions we have patterns of the Southern studied. colonies, New England, How do these regions and the compare to Canada and Mid-Atlantic colonies. Central and South America? Make general comparisons to settlements in Canada and Central and South America.</p><p>Slave Ship. Discovery Channel School. 1998. Colonial trade routes.. IRC. 2.2.1 Using historical and unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 How did trade change life in modern maps and charts, <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> 2005. colonial America? American History: Abolishing Slavery in unitedstreaming. 26 June explain the development of America. Discovery Channel School. 2005. the Atlantic Trade unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> <http://www.unitedstreaming System (Triangle of Trade) American Slavery: The Southern Plantation Way of Life. United Learning. 2003. .com/> including the trade routes, unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 the people and goods that <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> were traded, the impact of trade routes on the geographic diffusion of Africans in the Americas (including the Caribbean and South America), and the Middle Passage.</p><p>2.2.2 Describe the life of free Africans in the American colonies.</p><p>Underground Railroad, The. AIMS Multimedia. 2.2.3 Analyze how 2002. How did Africans learn Africans living in North unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> from past and present? America drew upon their African past and also used European and American Indian customs and values to develop a distinctive culture in the America.</p><p>What did others learn from American Slavery: The Southern Plantation An 1826 pro-slavery 2.2.4 Analyze how Africans Way of Life. United Learning. 2003. Africans? living in North America unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 cartoon.. IRC. 2005. http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ unitedstreaming. 28 June influenced European Animated Hero Classics: Harriet Tubman. culture and life in the NEST. 1996. 2007 unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming colonies. <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> America in a Changing World, 1793-1799. .com/> United Learning. 2003. unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 Advertisement for Abolition <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> by the Anti-Slavery Society. Corbis. 2007. unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 http://www.unitedstreaming. com/ Illustration of Children Presenting Petition To End Slavery. Corbis. 1830. unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming .com/> Slave Emerging From a Mail Crate. Corbis. 2006. unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming .com/> </p><p>How did differences in the 3 2.3.1 Compare and Making the Thirteen Colonies: The Southern regions cause conflict? contrast life in the New Colonies. United Learning. 2003. unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 England, Mid-Atlantic and <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Southern colonies, Making the Thirteen Colonies: New England Colonies. United Learning. 2003. focusing on unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 similarities and differences <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Making the Thirteen Colonies: The Middle in political, economic, Colonies. United Learning. 2003. religious, and social unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> institutions and Early Settlers: The Era of Colonization. 100% Educational Videos. 2003. humanenvironment unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 interactions. http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ American Revolution, The: From Colonies to Constitution: The American Colonies. United Learning. 2001. unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> </p><p>American History: Colonial America. Discovery Channel School. 2006. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> </p><p>Diversity of Colonial Communities, The: 1700- 1750. Rainbow Educational Media. 1999. unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 http://www.unitedstreaming.com/</p><p>2.3.2 Locate the New Northern settlements become England, Mid-Atlantic, and royal colonies.. IRC. 2005. Southern colonies on a unitedstreaming. 28 June map and compare the 2007 physical http://www.unitedstreaming. com/ characteristics of each Southern British colonies region (e.g., landforms, created.. IRC. 2005. climates, bodies of water, unitedstreaming. 28 June vegetation). 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming .com/> </p><p>How did people of this time American Slavery: The Southern Plantation 2.3.4 Describe the Way of Life. United Learning. 2003. live and make a living? development of the unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ emerging labor force in the colonies (e.g., cash crop farming, slavery, indentured servants).</p><p>How did everyone affect 2.3.5 Describe how events each other? in Great Britain and France affected the colonists and how events in the colonies affected people in Europe.</p><p>Essential Correlating Citation from the United Images/Songs/Quiz Question Benchmark/GLEC Streaming 2nd Grade Science Elementary Video Adventures: Weather and Climate. Discovery Channel School. How does Standard 2: All students 2005. weather change will describe and explain unitedstreaming. 10 July 2006 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> the Earth? how the earth's features change over time. Describe the natural changes in the earth's surface.</p><p>How did these French Explorers: Colonization of Louisiana French Explorers: Colonization of 3.1.1 Describe the and the French and Indian Wars (1689- Louisiana and the French and Indian events lead show role of the French 1763). United Learning. 2004. Wars (1689-1763). United Learning. conflict? unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 2004. and Indian War, the <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 overhaul of British Events Leading Up to War, The: The <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Revolutionary War Series. 100% Events Leading Up to War, The: The imperial policy from Educational Videos. 2004. Revolutionary War Series. 100% unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 Educational Videos. 2004. 1763 to <http://www.unitedstreaming.com unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 1775, and colonial Field Trips to Yesterday: The Road to <http://www.unitedstreaming.com Revolution: Historical Boston. Discovery Field Trips to Yesterday: The Road to dissatisfaction with Education. 2000. Revolution: Historical Boston. unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 Discovery Education. 2000. new policy. <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Map of crucial battles of French and Indian War.. IRC. 2005. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> The Indian uprising of 1763: Pontiac's Rebellion.. IRC. 2005. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/></p><p>How did these Events Leading Up to War, The: The Detail of cartoon concerning repeal of 3.1.2 Describe the Revolutionary War Series. 100% Stamp Act.. IRC. 2005. events lead to revolutionary and Educational Videos. 2004. unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 change? unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ loyalist responses to <http://www.unitedstreaming.com A British tax stamp, 1765.. IRC. British actions such Field Trips to Yesterday: The Road to 2005. Revolution: Historical Boston. Discovery unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 as the Stamp Act, the Education. 2000. <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 Intolerable Acts, the <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Boston Massacre, Founding of Our Federal Government. and the Boston Tea 100% Educational Videos. 2001. Party. unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ American Revolution, The: Rebellion and Preparing to Fight. AIMS Multimedia. 1994.</p><p> unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ American Revolution, The: From Colonies to Constitution: The American Colonies. United Learning. 2001. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Prelude to Revolution (Revised). AIMS Multimedia. 2000. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Symb Taxation Without Representation (Revised). AIMS Multimedia. 2000. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007</p><p>Countdown to Independence: Causes of the American Revolution. Rainbow Educational Media. 1993. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 http://www.unitedstreaming.com/</p><p>Seeds of Liberty: Causes of the American Revolution. Rainbow Educational Media. 1993. unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> </p><p>What were the American Revolution, The: Declaration of 3.1.3 Identify Independence and the War. AIMS goals of women, revolutionary goals of Multimedia. 1994. African unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 different groups of <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Americans, and Americans (women, Merchants at this African Americans, time? merchants).</p><p>Why did we have American Revolution, The: From Colonies 3.1.4 Describe the to Constitution: The Road to Revolution: a First and Second significance of the 1763 - 1775. United Learning. 2001. Continental unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 First and Second <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Congress? Continental Lexington, Concord, and Independence (Revised). AIMS Multimedia. 2000. Congresses. unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Prelude to Revolution (Revised). AIMS Multimedia. 2000. unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> </p><p>What does this <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/>ols of Declaration of Independence. 3.1.5 Describe the America. Discovery Channel School. 2002. Jupiterimages Corporation. 2006. document reveal main principles and unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 about colonial <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> the significance of Declaration of Independence, The: A Declaration of Independence, July thinking? the Declaration of Foundation of Ideas for a New Age. United 4th, 1776.. IRC. 2005. Learning. 1997. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 Independence. unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Revolutionary War, The: Declarations of Independence. Discovery Channel School. 2004. unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com Revolutionary War, The: Declarations of George Washington at Princeton, 3.1.6 Identify the Independence. Discovery Channel School. early 1777.. IRC. 2005. How did these role that key 2004. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 people influence unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> individuals played in <http://www.unitedstreaming.com George Washington on Mount change and leading the colonists Benjamin Franklin: Citizen-Sage of a New Rushmore.. IRC. 2005. conflict? Age. AIMS Multimedia. 1986. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 to revolution, unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Thomas Jefferson, Third President of including George the United States. IRC. 2005. Washington, Thomas What's the Big Idea, Ben Franklin?. Weston unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 Woods. 1976. <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Jefferson, Benjamin unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 Jefferson's Draft of the Declaration of <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Independence. IRC. 2005. Franklin, Patrick Why Don't You Get a Horse, Sam Adams?. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 Henry, Sam Adams, Weston Woods. 2002. <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) .. <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ IRC. 2005. and John Adams. Six Revolutionary War Figures. Weston unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 Woods. 1990. http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 Patrick Henry (1736-1799).. IRC. Real Ben Franklin, The. Discovery Channel 2005. School. 1997. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Patrick Henry addressing VA House of Burgess.. IRC. 2005. http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 Heroes of American History. Discovery <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Channel School. 2001. Samuel Adams (1722-1803).. IRC. unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 2005. <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 Animated Hero Classics: General George http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ Washington. NEST. 1992. John Adams (1735-1826).. IRC. unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 2005. <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ John Quincy Adams (1767-1848).. IRC. 2005. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/></p><p>What is the 3.1.7 Give examples difference of the use of between the use authority and the use of authority and of power without the use of power authority during the without authority? Revolutionary era.</p><p>How did the Lexington, Concord, and Independence Surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga, 3.2.1 Explain how the (Revised). AIMS Multimedia. 2000. New York.. IRC. 2005. colonists win? American colonists unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> were able to defeat Revolutionary War, The: An Army of A poster recruiting men into the the British, describe Amateurs. Discovery Channel School. continental army.. IRC. 2005. 2004. unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 the role of unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> private in Sherburne's Continental important battles Dear America: The Winter of Red Snow: Regiment.. IRC. 2005. such as Saratoga, The Revolutionary War Story of Abigail unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 Jane Stewart, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ major military 1777 . Scholastic. 1999. Washington's HQ at Valley Forge.. unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 IRC. 2005. leaders and military <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 strategy, especially Revolutionary War, The: Winter at Valley <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Forge. Discovery Channel School. 2004. Washington retreats, Long Island, George Washington unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 August, 1776.. IRC. 2005. and his plan for <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 achieving victory. <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/></p><p>How did women, New York Up Close: Native Americans. Portrait of Abigail Adams after a 3.2.2 Analyze the Discovery Channel School. 2006. painting by Benjamin Blythe. Corbis. African role of women, unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 2006. Americans, <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 African Americans, Revolutionary War, The: A Harvest of <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Native American Indians, Victory. Discovery Channel School. 2004. Marie Joseph Paul, Marquis de Americans, other unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 Lafayette.. IRC. 2005. international powers, <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 nations, and <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> and individuals help Revolutionary War, The: The Fortunes of individuals in helping War . Discovery Channel School. 2004. win the war? unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 shape the outcome of <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Animated Hero Classics: General George the war (Abigail Washington. NEST. 1992. Adams, Mercy Otis unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Warren, Phyllis Wheatley, Six Nations of the Iroquois, and Lafayette).</p><p>How did the 3.2.3 Evaluate the Revolution political, economic, change the rest of intellectual, and the world? social impact of the American Revolution in North America, in the western hemisphere, and throughout the world.</p><p>What ideas and Nation in Crisis (Revised), A. AIMS The Articles of Confederation, 1777.. 3.3.1 Describe the Multimedia. 2000. IRC. 2005. conflicts led to the successes of the unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 Articles of <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Articles of Western land claims by the original Confederation, Confederation, 13 states.. IRC. 2005. the Constitution, unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 explain why the <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> and its Constitution was ratification? written, and describe the struggles over its ratification.</p><p>Understanding the Constitution: Creating Cartoon, "Solid South" trampling 3.3.2 Describe the the Federal Government. Discovery Constitution.. IRC. 2005. What were the major ideas and Education. 2001. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 major ideas of the unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ concepts in the <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> United States Constitution. Constitution, Constitution of the Understanding the Constitution: The Jupiterimages Corporation. 2006. including the 3 Legislative Branch. Discovery Education. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 United States, 2001. <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> branches of unitedstreaming. 25 June 2007 including powers government. <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> of the three branches Understanding the Constitution: The of government and Executive Branch. Discovery Education. 2001. the ways in which unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 the Constitution <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> </p><p> limited the power of Understanding the Constitution: The the national Judicial Branch. Discovery Education. 2001. government. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ Understanding the Constitution: The Legislative Branch. Discovery Education. 2001. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ Our Constitution: The Document that Gave Birth to a Nation. Rainbow Educational Media. 1988. unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> </p><p>What are the 3.3.3 Identify the powers of the powers granted to federal the federal government and government and the states? those reserved for the states. Songs for a Great Day: Proud to Be 3.3.4 Explain the <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> an American. Maryann Harman. How are the state basic organization of Understanding the Constitution: The 2007. and federal Executive Branch. Discovery Education. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 state and federal 2001. About the USA . Twin Sisters. 2007. governments government unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> organized? (separation of Understanding the Constitution: The powers and checks Judicial Branch. Discovery Education. and balances). 2001. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ Understanding the Constitution: The Legislative Branch. Discovery Education. 2001. unitedstreaming. 26 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> Facts</p><p>Compare and This is Our Government. 100% Educational 3.3.5 Distinguish Videos. 2003. contrast the local, among local, state unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> state, and national and national governments. government in the United States and describe the roles of governmental institutions in all three (federalism).</p><p>What are the core TLC Elementary School: We the People: A 3.3.6 Describe the History . Discovery Channel School. 2006. democratic values core democratic unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> and what so they values found in the mean? Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights (common good, justice, liberty, popular sovereignty, life, equality, diversity, pursuit of happiness, truth, patriotism, and rule of law</p><p>What are our Citizenship in the Community. 100% 3.3.7 Describe the Educational Videos. 2003. rights and relationship between unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 responsibilities as <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> rights and Remembering the Past. AIMS Multimedia. citizens? responsibilities of 1994. unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 citizenship (e.g., http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ What It Means To Be An American Citizen. knowing about United Learning. 2003. the laws that govern unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> society, respecting Almost Painless Guide to the Election Process, The. United Learning. 2000. and obeying those unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 laws, participating in http://www.unitedstreaming.com/ Building Character (A Sunburst Title). political life, Sunburst. 1996. staying informed and unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> attentive about public issues, and voting</p><p>Why are our 3.3.8 Explain why rights limited? rights are not absolute and have limits.</p><p>Why were the Bill Future Fright: Losing the Bill of Rights. 3.3.9 Explain the AIMS Multimedia. 1998. of Rights added reasons for the unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> and what do they passage of the Bill of guarantee? Rights and how it reflected the concept of limited government and protections of basic freedoms; describe the main principles guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.</p><p>When are America: A Land of Many People. United 3.3.10 Identify Learning. 2003. Constitutional situations in which unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 rights sometimes <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> specific rights What's Right With America. AIMS questioned? guaranteed by the Multimedia. 1996. unitedstreaming. 28 June 2007 Constitution are at <http://www.unitedstreaming.com/> issue (e.g., religious liberty, free expression, freedom of press).</p><p>3.4.1 Interpret and analyze social science information about the United States from maps, graphs, charts, and tables.</p><p>Use our core 3.4.2 Use core democratic values democratic values to to explain why explain why people people have may differ on a different opinions. resolution to a public Is this a good issue. thing?</p>
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