<p> NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Page 1 of 19</p><p>NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB FOUNDED 1970</p><p>RULES</p><p>NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Amended AGM 2017 Page 1 of 19 NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Page 2 of 19</p><p>1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Title 1.2 Objective 1.3 Colours 1.4 Management 1.5 Affiliated Clubs 1.6 Categories of Club Membership</p><p>2. MEMBERSHIP ELIGIBILITY 2.1 Full Membership 2.2 Retired Full Membership 2.3 Retained Full Membership 2.4 Affiliated Membership 2.5 Honorary Membership 2.6 Life Membership 2.7 Election of Members 2.8 Membership Generally</p><p>3. MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTIONS 3.1 Subscription Rates 3.2 Methods of Payment</p><p>4. OFFICERS 4.1 General</p><p>5. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 5.1 Membership 5.2 Meetings 5.3 Vacancies & Sub-Committees</p><p>6. STANDING COMMITTEE ON RULES 6.1 General</p><p>7. FINANCIAL YEAR 7.1 Financial Year 7.2 Operation of Bank Accounts 7.3 Annual Accounts</p><p>NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Amended AGM 2017 Page 2 of 19 NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Page 3 of 19</p><p>8. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 8.1 Date 8.2 Reports to be presented 8.3 Elections</p><p>9. ORGANISATION OF AFFILIATED CLUBS 9.1 Responsibilities 9.2 Financial Assistance 9.3 Membership 9.4 Affiliation to the Club</p><p>10. ADMISSION TO THE CLUB 10.1 Members 10.2 Members’ Guests 10.3 Children 10.4 Others</p><p>11. SUPPLY OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS AND TOBACCO 11.1 General 11.2 Permitted Hours 11.3 Persons under the age of 18 11.4 Changes to Club Rules</p><p>12. NORMAL OPENING HOURS OF THE CLUB PREMISES 12.1 Monday to Thursdays 12.2 Fridays 12.3 Saturdays 12.4 Sundays 12.5 Others</p><p>13. GENERAL 13.1 Events 13.2 Suspension of Membership 13.3 Interpretation of Rules</p><p>NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Amended AGM 2017 Page 3 of 19 NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Page 4 of 19</p><p>1. INTRODUCTION</p><p>1.1 Title 1.1.1 The title of the Club will be ‘The Norfolk County Council Staff Sports and Social Club’, hereafter referred to as ‘The Club’.</p><p>1.2Objective 1.2.1 The objective of the Club will be: - a) to promote the sporting, social and leisure activities of its members. b) to be self-financing.</p><p>1.3 Colours 1.3.1 The colours of the Club will be amber and black.</p><p>1.4 Management 1.4.1 Subject to the overriding authority of the Club at a General Meeting, a committee will be responsible for all matters of management of the Club. 1.4.2 The Committee will be ‘The Sports and Social Club Management Committee’, hereafter referred to as ‘The Committee’.</p><p>1.5 Affiliated Clubs 1.5.1 Affiliated clubs authorised by the Committee may be set up to deal with sectional interests, hereafter referred to as ‘Affiliated Clubs’.</p><p>1.6 Categories of Club Membership 1.6.1 The Club will have the following categories of membership: a) Full b) Retired c) Retained d) Affiliated e) Honorary f) Life</p><p>NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Amended AGM 2017 Page 4 of 19 NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Page 5 of 19</p><p>2 MEMBERSHIP ELIGIBILITY</p><p>2.1 Full Membership 2.1.1 Any person employed by Norfolk County Council. 2.1.2 Any person formerly employed by Norfolk County Council whose employment is transferred to another organisation and whose membership was current at the date of transfer and maintains continuity of membership. 2.1.3 Any person employed by a District Council within the administrative county of Norfolk. 2.1.4 Any person employed by an organisation that provides a service working in partnership with, or previously provided by Norfolk County Council. 2.1.5 Serving Members of Norfolk County Council.</p><p>2.2 Retired Membership 2.2.1 Any person upon retiring from qualifying employment under Rules 2.1.1 to 2.1.5</p><p>2.3 Retained Membership 2.3.1 Any person upon being made redundant from qualifying employment under Rules 2.1.1 to 2.1.5, and who is a social club member at the time of that redundancy.</p><p>2.4 Life Membership 2.4.1 Any person who the Committee decides has rendered special and outstanding service to the Club.</p><p>2.5 Honorary Membership 2.5.1 The President and Vice-President(s) of the Club will be granted Honorary Membership whilst in office if, on election, membership of the Club is not already held. 2.5.2 Any person employed by the Club who is not eligible in their own right for any other category of membership. Membership to cease upon leaving as a result of termination of such employment, except those Club employees leaving as a result of redundancy or retirement. 2.5.3 Any person in employment of UNISON whilst their employment is based at County Hall and who is it not eligible under Rules 2.1 to 2.4.</p><p>NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Amended AGM 2017 Page 5 of 19 NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Page 6 of 19</p><p>2.6 Affiliated Membership 2.6.1 Co-habiting partner of a Club member eligible under Rules 2.1 to 2.5 who are not themselves eligible for such membership under those Rules. 2.6.2 Any member of an Affiliated Club who is not eligible for membership under Rules 2.1. to 2.5 but is eligible for membership under Rule 9.3.1 or Rule 9.3.2. 2.6.3 The total number of such members not to exceed 40% of the total membership of each Affiliated Club at the time of affiliated membership being granted. 2.6.4 Under exceptional circumstances the Social Club Management Committee, may, at its discretion waive Rule 2.6.3.</p><p>2.7 Election of Members 2.7.1 Application for membership must be made on the form prescribed by the Committee. 2.7.2 Any candidate whose application for membership is declined by the Committee will have the right of appeal to a general meeting of the Club, called in accordance with Rule 6.1.3</p><p>2.8 Membership Generally 2.8.1 The annual period of Club Membership runs from 1st April of any given year to 31st March of the following year. 2.8.2 Any person elected to any form of membership will be eligible for membership of any of the Affiliated Clubs. 2.8.3 Upon election all members will be issued with an official membership card. 2.8.4 Any member ceasing to qualify as eligible within the definitions of Rules 2.1 to 2.6 will relinquish their membership at the end of the membership year.</p><p>NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Amended AGM 2017 Page 6 of 19 NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Page 7 of 19</p><p>3. MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTIONS</p><p>3.1 Subscription Rates 3.1.1 The annual subscription to the Club will be an amount and operative from a date agreed by the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting of the Club. 3.1.2 The following arrangements will apply to Retired Members from 1st July 2017: (a) Social Club members who have paid subs for the 12 month period leading up to retirement and who are members at the time of retirement will be entitled to free life membership on payment of a one-off sum which will be the annual subscription rate at the time of retirement. (b) Social Club members who have not paid subs for the 12 month period leading up to retirement and who are members at the time of retirement will have the option of paying a one- off sum that will give them life membership. This lump sum will be twice the annual subscription rate at time of retirement. (c) People who are not Social Club members at the time of retirement will have the option of paying a one-off sum equivalent to the twice the annual subscription rate in return for life membership.</p><p>3.2 Methods of Payment 3.2.1 Upon election, all members will agree to the deduction of subscriptions from salary or pay the full amount of the annual subscription by cash or cheque as per Rule 3.2.2. 3.2.2 Members elected to membership after 1st April in any year will pay a subscription calculated on a pro rata basis for the remainder of the membership year. 3.2.3 Members who fail to pay their subscriptions forfeit their membership and the rights and privileges of membership. Those members paying by cash or cheque on an annual basis should do so by the 1st of April of any given year and will not be reinstated to membership until this subscription has been received.</p><p>NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Amended AGM 2017 Page 7 of 19 NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Page 8 of 19</p><p>4. OFFICERS</p><p>4.1 General 4.1.1 The Officers of the Club, who except in the case of President and Vice-President(s) will be ex-officio members of the Committee, will consist of: President Vice-President(s) with a maximum of two Honorary Secretary Honorary Assistant Secretary Honorary Treasurer Honorary Assistant Treasurer Honorary Publicity Officer Honorary Activities Officer Honorary Assistant Activities Officer Honorary Bar Secretary Honorary Assistant Bar Secretary Honorary Maintenance Officer Honorary Auditors Any other Officer, the appointment of which the Committee may from time to time deem to be necessary.</p><p>4.1.2 No person should hold more than one officer post at any one time. However, should a post become vacant, it may be necessary for the Committee or Officers to appoint an existing Officer of the Club to undertake those duties on a temporary basis until a new Officer can be appointed. 4.1.3 The offices of President and Vice-President(s) will be open to any persons whom the Committee deem to be fit to hold the office. 4.1.4 A sub-committee comprising the Chairman and four other non- officer members of the Committee will review the level of honorarium applicable to officer posts annually. A report of the sub-committees recommendations will be submitted to the Annual General Meeting. 4.1.5 Nominations for Officers and four other Committee members must be proposed and seconded by Full or Associate Members and submitted to the Honorary Secretary and suitably displayed not less than seven days before the Annual General Meeting at which the elections will take place.</p><p>NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Amended AGM 2017 Page 8 of 19 NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Page 9 of 19</p><p>4.1.6 Any elected Officer who, in the opinion of a majority of their fellow elected Officers, is not adequately fulfilling the duties of their post may be suspended by the Committee pending a full investigation. If sufficient grounds are established, the Committee may then remove said Officer from their post. The individual concerned will have the right to appeal such a decision by requesting a Special General Meeting in accordance with Rule 6.1.3. Should any individual who has been subject to this procedure then chose to stand for re-election, the Committee will advise the Annual General Meeting of this previous action, prior to the item relating to election of Officers for the coming year. 4.1.7 No arrangements may be made for any Officer to derive directly, or indirectly, any monetary or other benefit from the discharge of their duties, apart from to benefit the Club as a whole or any indirect benefit a person derives by reason of their duties contributes to the general gain of the Club as a whole.</p><p>NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Amended AGM 2017 Page 9 of 19 NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Page 10 of 19</p><p>5. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE</p><p>5.1 Membership 5.1.1 The Committee will consist of the Officers and four Club Members, to be elected by a vote at the Annual General Meeting, together with an individual representative from each of the Affiliated Clubs. The Norfolk County Council branch of UNISON members may also nominate two members. 5.1.1 Affiliated Members and Honorary Members will not be eligible for election to the Committee at the AGM, but may serve on the committee if nominated representatives of affiliated sports clubs.</p><p>5.2 Meetings 5.2.1 The Committee will meet not less than quarterly. A quorum will consist of not less than eight members.</p><p>5.3 Vacancies & Sub-Committees 5.3.1 The Committee will have the power to: Co-opt up to two additional members Fill casual vacancies Appoint Sub-Committees and representatives to other bodies as may be required.</p><p>NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Amended AGM 2017 Page 10 of 19 NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Page 11 of 19</p><p>6. STANDING COMMITTEE ON RULES</p><p>6.1 General 6.1.1 The Rules will be kept under constant scrutiny to ensure that they are up-dated and relevant to the objectives of the Club. The standing committee on Rules will comprise of the Chairman and four other Committee members appointed by the Committee. 6.1.2 Subject to the agreement of Norfolk County Council and the Licensing Authority, these Rules may be added to, repealed or amended by resolutions at an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting of the membership, provided that no such resolution will be deemed to have been passed unless it be carried by a majority of at least two thirds of the members voting thereon and provided also that not less than ten days before such meeting notice of such a resolution will have been made available to all members. 6.1.3 The Honorary Secretary will summon a Special General Meeting of members on receipt of a requisition signed by any ten of them as soon as is reasonable and in any case not later than two months after the receipt thereof. Any such summons will specify the business to be transacted including any business specified in any requisition then outstanding. 6.1.4 The Committee may summon a Special General Meeting at any time on giving not less than 10 days of their intention. 6.1.5 All classes of membership will have equal voting rights.</p><p>NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Amended AGM 2017 Page 11 of 19 NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Page 12 of 19</p><p>7. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS</p><p>7.1 Financial Year 7.1.1 The financial year will be 1st April to 31st March.</p><p>7.2 Operation of Bank Accounts 7.2.1 A deposit account will be opened in the name of the Club with a bank or a Building Society at the discretion of the Honorary Treasurer. There will be three Trustees comprising Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary and Chairman of the Committee. The signature of the Honorary Treasurer and one other Trustee will be necessary for the withdrawal of monies from the account. 7.2.2 A current account will be opened in the name of the Club at an appropriate bank and operated by the Honorary Treasurer and the Honorary Assistant Treasurer.</p><p>7.3 Annual Accounts 7.3.1 The Honorary Treasurer will prepare an annual income and expenditure account and a balance sheet as soon as possible after the end of the financial year. The accounts shall be inspected by a sub-committee of the Management Committee comprising the Chair of the Management Committee and two committee members of the club as chosen by the Management Committee.</p><p>NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Amended AGM 2017 Page 12 of 19 NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Page 13 of 19</p><p>8. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING</p><p>8.1 Date 8.1.1 The Committee will call an Annual General Meeting of the Club within two months of the end of the financial year.</p><p>8.2 Reports to be presented 8.2.1 The Honorary Secretary will prepare an annual report of the work of the Committee over the Chairman’s signature. 8.2.2 The Honorary Treasurer will present the accounts for the previous financial year.</p><p>8.3 Elections 8.3.1 Elections will be held for Officer posts and for election to the Committee.</p><p>NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Amended AGM 2017 Page 13 of 19 NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Page 14 of 19</p><p>9. ORGANISATION OF AFFILIATED CLUBS</p><p>9.1 Responsibilities 9.1.1 Each Affiliated Club will draw up its own rules and constitution, which must be submitted to the Committee for approval. 9.1.2 Each Affiliated Club will be responsible for its’ own activities and will arrange their own organisation, including finance.</p><p>9.2 Financial Assistance 9.2.1 Application for financial assistance may be made to the Committee if necessary. The Committee may require any such application to be supported by a revenue account and balance sheet and a report of the Affiliated Club’s activities during the proceeding 12-month period.</p><p>9.3 Membership 9.3.1 Membership of Affiliated Clubs will only be available to persons already in membership of the parent Club. However, should any Affiliated Club be unable to function the Affiliated Club will be permitted to accept members in accordance with Rule 2.6.3 and Rule 2.6.4 9.3.2 The acceptance of someone as a member of an affiliated club must be ratified by the social club management committee under Rules 2.6.3 and 2.6.4.</p><p>9.4 Affiliation to the Club 9.4.1 Only Affiliated Clubs that comply with these Rules will be entitled to use the prefix ‘Norfolk County Council Staff Sports and Social Club’ and will be allowed to nominate a representative to serve on the Committee.</p><p>NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Amended AGM 2017 Page 14 of 19 NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Page 15 of 19</p><p>10. ADMISSION TO THE CLUB</p><p>10.1 Members 10.1.1 Admission to the Club will be by membership card, which is not transferable.</p><p>10.2 Members’ Guests 10.2.1 Any member may bring a maximum of five guests on any one occasion and guests must sign the visitors book. Members will be responsible for the conduct of their guests and for the purchase of alcohol for consumption by their guest(s). The admission of guests will at all times be kept under review by the Committee who will have the power to restrict admission from time to time as it deems appropriate. 10.2.2 Persons eligible for membership under Rules 2.1 cannot normally be signed in as guest except when Rule 10.2.3 or 10.2.4 are being applied. 10.2.3 Persons eligible for membership under Rule 2.1 can be signed in as a guest if they have applied to be a social club member and their membership application is pending. 10.2.4 In certain circumstances, such as for special events, the management committee, may, at its discretion, allow the suspension of Rule 10.2.2</p><p>10.3 Children 10.3.1 Children may accompany members into the Club at all times unless they are specifically excluded from attending a particular function by resolution of the Committee. 10.3.2 Children under the age of 18 do not count as guests and as such there is no requirement for their names to be entered in the visitors book. 10.3.3 Members are responsible for the control of such children at all times whilst on Club premises and therefore no child will be allowed on to the premises unless accompanied by a member. 10.3.4 Children under the age of 18 will not be supplied with alcohol, in accordance with the Licensing Act, 2003.</p><p>NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Amended AGM 2017 Page 15 of 19 NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Page 16 of 19</p><p>10.4 Others 10.4.1 The following persons other than members and their guests may be admitted to Club premises and may be supplied with intoxicating liquor for consumption on the premises: - a) Members of visiting sports teams from premises holding a Club Premises Certificate. b) Members of visiting sports teams from premises not holding a Club Premises Certificate, provided they have been signed into the visitors book as per Rule 10.2.1 c) Officials and others immediately connected with such teams, subject to the procedure outlined in Rule 10.4.1 (b) if applicable. d) Persons attending social functions organised with the consent of the Committee, the number of such functions not to exceed 12 in any one year, or such number as indicated by the Licensing Authority.</p><p>NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Amended AGM 2017 Page 16 of 19 NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Page 17 of 19</p><p>11. SUPPLY OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS AND TOBACCO</p><p>11.1 General 11.1.1 The supply by the Club of intoxicating liquors and tobacco will be under the control of the Committee who will arrange for the sale thereof to the members at such prices as will, as far as possible (after payment of Excise Duty) prevent any loss accruing to the Club. 11.1.2 No arrangements made by made for any person to receive any commission, percentage or similar payment at the expense of the Club with reference to the purchases of alcohol by the Club. 11.1.3 No arrangements may be made for any person to derive directly, or indirectly, any monetary or other benefit from the supply of alcohol to members or guests, apart from to benefit the Club as a whole or any indirect benefit a person derives by reason of the supply contributes to the general gain of the Club as a whole. 11.1.4 No intoxicating liquors or other articles for the sale of which a licence is required will be supplied except to members, their guests and other persons as provided under Rule 10.4</p><p>11.2 Permitted Hours 11.2.1 The permitted hours for the sale of excisable liquors will be: - From 10.00hrs to 01.00hrs – Sundays to Saturdays 11.2.2 The Committee will have the power to amend the licensing hours within the scope of the Club Premises Certificate and the Licensing Act, 2003.</p><p>11.3 Persons under the age of 18 11.3.1 There will be no sale of intoxicants to persons under 18 years of age, in accordance with the Licensing Act, 2003.</p><p>11.4 Change to Club Rules 11.4.1 The Rules will not be altered so as to authorise any presently unauthorised sale of intoxicants, except by leave of the Licensing Authority, save for the purpose of allowing such sales as are provided for by the Licensing Act, 2003.</p><p>NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Amended AGM 2017 Page 17 of 19 NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Page 18 of 19</p><p>12. NORMAL OPENING HOURS OF THE CLUB PREMISES</p><p>12.1 Mondays to Wednesdays 12.1.1 From 12.00 hrs to 14.00 hrs & from 17.30 hrs to 23.00 hrs</p><p>12.2 Thursdays 12.2.1 From 12.00 hrs to 14.00 hrs & from 17.00 hrs to 23.00 hrs</p><p>12.3 Fridays 12.3.1 From 12.00 hrs to 14.00 hrs & from 16.30 hrs to 23.00 hrs</p><p>12.4 Saturdays 12.4.1 When Norwich City are playing at home: From 12.00 hrs to 23.00 hrs 12.4.2 When Norwich City are not playing at home: From 19.00 hrs to 23.00 hrs</p><p>12.5 Sundays 12.5.1 Closed unless Norwich City are playing at home. Times to be publicised.</p><p>12.6 Other 12.6.1 The Committee may at their discretion authorise the Club premises to be open at such times as may be appropriate, provided these fall within the confines of the Club Premises Certificate.</p><p>NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Amended AGM 2017 Page 18 of 19 NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Page 19 of 19</p><p>13. GENERAL</p><p>13.1 Events 13.1.1 All events taking place on the Club premises must be authorised by the Committee. 13.1.2 On not more than six occasions during the financial year the Committee may charge members for admission to the Club premises.</p><p>13.2 Suspension of Membership 13.2.1 If any member fails to conform to these Rules or is guilty of conduct prejudicial to the best interests of the Club or Norfolk County Council, the Committee Chairman may, after consultation with the President and/or Vice-President(s), suspend that persons membership. 13.2.2 Notice of the suspension will be given in writing over the Chairman’s signature to the member concerned. 13.2.3 Any suspension will be reported to the first available meeting of the Committee for consideration. 13.2.4 Notification of the Committee’s decision will be given in writing over the Chairman’s signature to the member concerned, together with an invitation to appear before the Committee and appeal if appropriate. 13.2.5 The decision of the Committee after any such appeal has been heard will be final.</p><p>13.3 Interpretation of Rules 13.3.1 The Committee will determine, and be the sole arbiters of any question that may arise on the interpretation of these Rules or anything relative to the Club not provided for in these Rules.</p><p>NCC STAFF SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB RULES Amended AGM 2017 Page 19 of 19</p>
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