Harpenden Town Council s4

Harpenden Town Council s4

<p>Dear Councillor 12 March 2015 </p><p>You are hereby summoned to a Planning B Committee meeting to be held on Tuesday 17 March 2015 at 7.30 p.m. in the Town Hall. On Rota: Councillors Rosemary Farmer, Mrs Linacre, Thomas, Dr Frosh </p><p>To assist in the speedy and efficient dispatch of business, members requiring further information on items included on the Agenda are requested to enquire prior to the meeting.</p><p>Yours sincerely</p><p>John Bagshaw Town Clerk</p><p>Recording, filming and broadcasting The Town Council record all public meetings held in the Council Chamber. Under new legislation members of the public are able to record, film and broadcast from a designated area. Please be aware that the meeting will be recorded and might be filmed or broadcast.</p><p>1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE</p><p>2. DECLARATION OF INTEREST</p><p>Members are reminded to make any declarations of disclosable pecuniary and/or personal interests that they may have in relation to items on this Agenda. You should declare at this part of the meeting or when it becomes apparent your interest by stating: (a) the item you have the interest in; (b) whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest and the nature of the interest, whereupon you will not participate in the discussion or vote on that matter, unless dispensation has been requested and granted; (c) whether it is a personal interest and the nature of the interest.</p><p>3. MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING B COMMITTEE HELD ON 17 FEBRUARY 2015. Circulated herewith. Pages 1-12</p><p>4. PUBLIC QUESTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDING ORDER 62. 5. APPLICATIONS REGISTERED WEEK ENDING 27/02/2015. THREE WEEK PERIOD EXPIRES 20/03/2015. APPLICATIONS REGISTERED WEEK ENDING 06/03/2015. THREE WEEK PERIOD EXPIRES 27/03/2015.</p><p>APPENDIX A Pages 13-22</p><p>6. LETTERS OF OBJECTION APPENDIX B Pages 23-26</p><p>5/2015/0435 – 12 West Way Harpenden</p><p>7. APPEALS </p><p>No appeals received</p><p>8. PRIOR NOTIFICATIONS</p><p>No prior notifications received. </p><p>9. LIST OF WEEKLY ST ALBANS DISTRICT COUNCIL DECISIONS </p><p>APPENDIX C Pages 27-42</p><p>10. APPLICATIONS FOR TREE WORKS APPENDIX D Pages 43-50</p><p>11. DATE OF NEXT MEETING St Albans District Council Planning (Development Control) Committee North meeting to be held on Monday 13 April 2015</p><p>Town Council representative: Cllr Newns</p><p>Planning A Committee meeting to be held on Tuesday 31 March 2015. Cllrs M Ellis, Mrs Vincent, Newns and Williams</p><p>12. CLOSE Harpenden Town Council APPLICATIONS REGISTERED WEEK ENDING 27/02/2015. THREE WEEK PERIOD EXPIRES 20/03/2015. APPLICATIONS REGISTERED WEEK ENDING 06/03/2015. THREE WEEK PERIOD EXPIRES 27/03/2015. ______Ref: 5/15/0038 Category: Ward: Harpenden East ***** Proposal: Vehicle crossover and new driveway at 62 Station Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 4TL For Mr Mark Binnington</p><p>HISTORY: 5/2014/2809 Part single, part first floor rear extension, widening of existing side dormer window, new openings to side elevation and alteration to existing openings HTC: No objection provided no loss of amenity to neighbouring properties and subject to appropriate design and use of materials on this locally listed building sited in the Harpenden Conservation Area. Policies 72 (v), 85 (i) (c) & 87 of the District Plan refers. SADC: Refuse. 1. By reason of the siting of the widened dormer window within the side roof slope, the design of the proposed single storey side and rear extension and the proposed windows to the part single, part two storey rear projection, the proposal would result in an awkward, contrived and unsympathetic form of development that would be detrimental to the character and appearance of the original locally listed building, the street scene and fails to preserve and/or enhance the character and appearance of the Harpenden Conservation Area. The proposal would be contrary to the aims of the National Planning Policy Framework and Policies 69 (General Design and Layout), 72 (Extensions in Residential Areas), 85 (Development in Conservation Areas) and 87 (Locally Listed Buildings) of the St Albans District Local Plan Review 1994 2. By reason of its depth, height and close proximity to the shared boundary with No. 64 Station Road, the proposed single storey side and rear extension and part two storey, part first floor rear extension would result in an overbearing visual impact and loss of light for the occupiers of that property to the detriment of their residential amenity, contrary to Policy 72 (v) (Extensions in Residential Areas) of the St Albans District Local Plan Review 1994 and the National Planning Policy Framework. 3. By reason of its depth, height, close proximity to the shared boundary with No. 60 Station Road and the site level difference between the application site and No. 60 Station Road, the proposed part two storey, part first floor rear extension would result in a significant reduction in light received to the kitchen of No. 60 to the detriment of the amenities of the occupiers of that property, contrary to Policy 72 (v) (Extensions in Residential Areas) of the St Albans District Local Plan Review 1994 and the National Planning Policy Framework.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: TO BE CONSIDERED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/0432 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Ground floor rear extension at 11 Oulton Rise Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 4PL For Mr & Mrs Liz & Paul Hage</p><p>NO HISTORY</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: NO OBJECTION ______Ref: 5/15/0435 Category: Ward: Harpenden East ***** Proposal: Raising roof to form a two storey dwelling with loft accomodation, part single storey, part two storey side extension and first floor rear extension at 12 West Way For Mr David Southall</p><p>HISTORY: 5/2014/2595 Raise roof height to convert single storey to two storey dwelling and habitable loft space, two storey side extension, first floor rear extension, new roof lights, alterations to openings, demolition of garage and new hard stand for parking HTC: Recommend refusal regarding size and scale of the proposal which would be likely to have an overbearing impact resulting in loss of amenity and privacy to neighbouring property, 14 West Way. Policies 69 (i) and 72 of the District Plan refer. SADC: Application withdrawn.</p><p>RECOMMENDATON: TO BE CONSIDERED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/0369 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Discharge of Condition 4 (surfacing and surface water) of planning permision 5/2014/2631 dated 14/11/2014 for the Partial demolition of dining room and construction of part first floor, part two storey side and single storey rear extension with new roof over existing extension, alterations to openings and new vehicle access at 52 Lea Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 4PG For Mr Robert Cammack</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/0385 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Ground floor rear and side extension and loft conversion with rear dormer and raised gable at 30 St James Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 4PB For Mr Sukh Saini</p><p>NO HISTORY</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: NO OBJECTION ______Ref: 5/15/0366 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Single storey side and rear extension (resubmission following withdrawal of 5/2014/3387) at 23 Grove Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 1QG For Mr & Mrs T Woods</p><p>HISTORY: 5/2014/3387 Single storey side and rear extension HTC: No objection SADC: Application withdrawn.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: NO OBJECTION SUBJECT TO APPROPRIATE DESIGN AND USE OF MATERIALS ON THIS LOCALLY LISTED BUILDING IN THE HARPENDEN CONSERVATION AREA. POLICIES 85 (i) (c) & 90 OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFER. ______Ref: 5/15/0250 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Part single, part two storey front, side and rear extensions and widening of existing crossover at 82 Townsend Lane Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2RQ For Mr I Fletcher NO HISTORY</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: NO OBJECTION PROVIDED NO LOSS OF AMENITY TO NEIGHBOURING PROPERTIES. POLICY 72 (v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFER. ______Ref: 5/15/0319 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Discharge of Condition 12 (scheme of investigation) of planning permission 5/2013/1702 allowed on appeal dated 09/06/2014 for the Two, semi-detached dwellings with associated parking and landscaping including cycle storage sheds following demolition of existing workshop buildings (resubmission following refusal of 5/2012/1513) at 1 Cowper Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 5NF For Greenways Properties </p><p>RECOMMENDATION: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/0141 Category: Ward: Harpenden East ***** Proposal: Installation of external non-food locker (resubmission following approval of 5/2014/2342 dated 4/11/2014) at 103-105 Lower Luton Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 5AL For Tesco Stores Ltd</p><p>HISTORY: 5/2014/2342 Installation of external non-food locker HTC: Express concern over the projected increase in footfall and traffic to the area which could have a detrimental effect. Policy 40 of the District Plan refers. SADC: Permit</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: TO BE CONSIDERED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/0144 Category: Ward: Harpenden East ***** Proposal: Advertisement Consent - Display of four non-illuminated vinyl signs to external non-food locker (resubmission following approval of 5/2014/2431 dated 29/10/2014) at 103- 105 Lower Luton Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 5AL For Tesco Stores Ltd </p><p>HISTORY: 5/2014/2342 Installation of external non-food locker HTC: Express concern over the projected increase in footfall and traffic to the area which could have a detrimental effect. Policy 40 of the District Plan refers. SADC: Permit</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: TO BE CONSIDERED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/0146 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Addition of two windows to ground floor south elevation at 10 Hilltop Walk Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 1AU For Mark Eddison</p><p>NO HISTORY</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: NO OBJECTION ______Ref: 5/15/0509 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Two front bay windows, single storey side, part single, part two storey rear extensions and side canopy roof at 5 Elliswick Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 4TP For Mr Jeremy White </p><p>NO HISTORY RECOMMENDATION: NO OBJECTION ______Ref: 5/15/0547 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness (proposed) - Hip to gable loft conversion incorporating rear dormer window and two front rooflights at 42 Marquis Lane Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 5AE For Mr & Mrs C Scott</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/0578 Category: Ward: Harpenden East Proposal: Single storey side and rear extension, loft conversion with one rear dormer window and front rooflights at 11 Common Lane Batford Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 5BU For Mr D Daniel </p><p>HISTORY: 5/ 2015/0242 Discharge of conditions 2 (details of materials), 4 (hard and soft landscape), 8 (completion of rear facing openings), 9 (disposal of surface water) and 10 (on site parking) of planning permission 5/2014/1820 dated 08/09/2014 for the detached three bedroom house. HTC: No comment required by the Committee. SADC: Pending.</p><p>5/14/1820 Detached three bedroom dwelling, extension of existing vehicle crossover and insertion of new openings on the ground and first floor rear elevation of No.11 Common Lane (amendment to approval 5/2013/2152) HTC No objection. SADC: Permit</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: NO OBJECTION ______Ref: 5/15/0244 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Garage conversion and front extension and widening of existing crossover at 20 Jameson Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 4HQ For Mr & Mrs J Guy</p><p>HISTORY: 5/2005/0912 Two storey side extension. HTC: No objection SADC: Permit</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: NO OBJECTION ______Ref: 5/15/0279 Category: Ward: Harpenden North ***** Proposal: Rear single storey extension and increase in car parking area at 25 Park Rise Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 3AP For Mr & Mrs Kam & Ros Miah </p><p>HISTORY: 5/2007/2496 Single storey side extension and loft conversion including roof alterations and five rear dormer windows. HTC: No objection SADC: Permit</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: TO BE CONSIDERED BY THE COMMITTEE</p><p>______Ref: 5/15/0309 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness (proposed) - Single storey rear extension at 161 Westfield Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 4ND For Mr James Lawrence RECOMMENDATION: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/0410 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Discharge of Condition 6 (hard and soft landscape) of planning permission 5/2013/2120 dated 5/13/2120 for the Replacement dwelling (resubmission following refusal of 5/2013/0474) at Greatfield Lodge 3 Greatfield Close Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 3HP For Mr & Mrs Gareth </p><p>RECOMMENDATION: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/0533 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Discharge of Conditions 3 (samples of materials), 5 (hard and soft landscaping works), 6 (soft landscaping plant schedules and specifications), 10 (method of wheel washing) of planning permission 5/2014/0303 allowed on appeal dated 15/01/2015 for the erection of two detached dwellings with new driveway acess and associated landscaping works at Land to the Rear of 69 Roundwood Lane Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 3BS For Robert Van Der Welle</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/0543 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Part single, part two storey side extension including new porch and single storey rear extension at 12 The Close Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 3ND For Mr & Mrs Simon Winspear</p><p>NO HISTORY</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: NO OBJECTION SUBJECT TO NO LOSS OF AMENITY TO NEIGHBOURING PROPERTY, NO 11 THE CLOSE AND PROVIDED THAT THE PROPOSED WINDOWS ON THE FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION REMAIN OBSCURELY GLAZED IN ORDER TO PROTECT THE PRIVACY OF THE NEIGHBOURING PROPERTY. POLICY 72 (v) OF THE DISTRICT PLAN REFERS. ______Ref: 5/15/0550 Category: Ward: Harpenden North Proposal: Single storey front and side extension following demolition of existing at 6 Westfield Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 4HL For Mr & Mrs S Brown</p><p>HISTORY: 5/2009/0743 Part single, part two storey rear extension and alterations to openings HTC: No objection provided no loss of amenity to neighbouring properties. Policy 72 (v) of the District Plan refers. SADC: Permit</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: NO OBJECTION ______Ref: 5/15/0265 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Creation of basement and sunken courtyard at Wheatfield Lodge 10 Wheatfield Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2NY For Mr Marvin Rust</p><p>HISTORY: 5/2008/0116 Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of one, six bedroom dwelling HTC: No objection provided previous reasons for refusal have been addressed. SADC: Permit</p><p>5/2007/2629 Replacement detached six bedroom dwelling (resubmission following refusal of 5/07/1907) HTC: Concern expressed that previous reasons for refusal have not been addressed SADC: Refuse. By reason of its excessive height and bulk, the proposed development would substantially fail to relate to the character and appearance of the street scene in this part of Wheatfield Road, even taking into account the modern residential development on the adjacent neighbouring site. The proposal would appear dominating and overbearing within the surrounds and would represent an overdevelopment of the site, giving a cramped appearance in the street scene and having an unsatisfactory relationship with existing development, to the detriment of the amenities of the locality in general. The proposal would therefore be contrary to Policy 70 (preamble), (i) (Design and Layout of New Housing) of the St. Albans District Local Plan Review 1994, which seeks to achieve a high standard of environment. Appeal allowed.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: NO OBJECTION PROVIDED ALL NECESSARY BUILDING REGULATION APPROVAL IS OBTAINED BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF DEVELOPMENT. ______Ref: 5/15/0446 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Single storey front, side and rear extensions and pitched roof to garage at 23 The Deerings Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2PF For Mrs Lee Bradnam</p><p>NO HISTORY</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: NO OBJECTION ______Ref: 5/15/0455 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Discharge of Conditions 4 (hard and soft landscape) and 5 (soft landscape) of planning permission 5/2014/0448 dated 15/07/2014 for the Two storey detached dwelling and detached garage (resubmission following refusal of 5/2013/1885) at Land Adjacent Electricity Sub Station Cross Lane Harpenden Hertfordshire For Mr O Clegg</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/0488 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Non Material Amendment - Change to window and garage design on front elevation of planning permission 5/2014/3257 dated 04/02/2015 for Demolition of existing and erection of two storey dwelling with integral garage, habitable roofspace and basement at 18 Penny Croft Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2PB For Mr David Mulholland HISTORY: 5/2014/3257 Demolition of existing and erection of two storey dwelling with integral garage, habitable roofspace and basement (amendment to planning permission 5/2014/1288 dated 27/08/2014) HTC: No objection SADC: Permit</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: NO OBJECTION ______Ref: 5/15/0562 Category: Ward: Harpenden South Proposal: Single storey and two storey side and rear extension at 65 Grove Avenue Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 1EZ For Mr G McNamara</p><p>HISTORY: 5/2014/0582 Two storey side and single storey rear extension HTC: Express concerns regarding insufficient parking provision in relation to the additional bedroom incorporated into the scheme. Policy 40 of the District Plan refers. SADC: Permit</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: NO OBJECTION ______Ref: 5/14/3633 Category: Ward: Harpenden West ***** Proposal: Front lightwell with railings, spiral staircase and insertion of basement windows at 64 Luton Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2UR For Ms Lucy Bachmann</p><p>HISTORY: 5/14/1956 Front lightwell with railings and insertion of basement windows HTC: No objection subject to appropriate design and use of materials on this locally listed building in the Conservation Area. Policies 85 (i)(c) and 87 of the District Plan refers. SADC: Permit</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: TO BE CONSIDERED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/14/3634 Category: Ward: Harpenden West ***** Proposal: Hip to gable roof extension incorporating loft conversion, front rooflight, rear dormer window and new side window at 64 Luton Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2UR For Ms Lucy Bachmann</p><p>HISTORY: 5/14/1956 Front lightwell with railings and insertion of basement windows HTC: No objection subject to appropriate design and use of materials on this locally listed building in the Conservation Area. Policies 85 (i)(c) and 87 of the District Plan refers. SADC: Permit</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: TO BE CONSIDERED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/0480 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Discharge of Conditions 5 (protect trees), 8 (hard and soft landscape) and 9 (soft landscape) of planning permission 5/2013/1858 dated 11/10/2013 for the Construction of two blocks consisting of 26 apartments, alterations to vehicular access to Townsend Lane, parking, landscaping and ancillary works following demolition of existing hotel building and section of wall fronting Luton Road (resubmission following withdrawal of 5/2013/0965) at The Glen Eagle Hotel 1 Luton Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2PX For Mr Michael Margereson</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: NO COMMENT REQUIRED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/0482 Category: Ward: Harpenden West ***** Proposal: Replacement external ATM machine at 1 High Street Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 2RS For HSBC Group Plc </p><p>HISTORY: 5/2013/2530 Listed building consent - replacement internal self service machine - application withdrawn</p><p>5/2010/2207 Installation of an external ATM HTC: No objection SADC: Permit</p><p>5/2010/2144 Display of one internally illuminated fascia sign, three non-illuminated fascia signs, two internally illuminated hanging signs and non-illuminated ATM signage HTC: No objection to the three non illuminated fascia signs and ATM signage. However, recommend refusal to the internally illuminated signage. The Town Council opposes all internally illuminated signs both within and outside the Conservation Area. Policies 85 (i) and 90 (vii) of the District Plan refer. SADC: No objection to the three non-illuminated fascia signs and ATM signage, however, recommend refusal to the internally illuminated signage. The Town Council opposes all internally illuminated signs both within and outside the conservation area. Policies 85 (i) and 90 (vii) of the District Plan refer.</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: TO BE CONSIDERED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/0494 Category: Ward: Harpenden West ***** Proposal: Single storey rear extension at 35 Tennyson Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 4BD For Mr & Mrs Baxter</p><p>NO HISTORY</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: TO BE CONSIDERED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/0519 Category: Ward: Harpenden West ***** Proposal: Single storey side extension following removal of existing garage, addition of front canopy porch and alterations to openings at 45 Southdown Road Harpenden Hertfordshire AL5 1PG For Mr Jon Loveday</p><p>HISTORY: 5/11/2381 Conservation Area Consent - Demolition of existing garage and conservatory HTC: No objection subject to appropriate design and use of materials in the conservation area. Policy 85(i) (c) of the District Plan refers. SADC: Permit</p><p>5/2011/2295 Single storey side and rear extensions HTC: No objection subject to appropriate design and use of materials in the Conservation Area. Policy 85(i) (c) of the District Plan refers. SADC : Permit</p><p>5/2009/0665 Loft conversion with rear dormer window and insertion of rooflights to front and rear elevations HTC: No objection provided no loss of amenity to dwellings at rear of the property Policy 72 (v) of the District Plan refers. SADC: Permit</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: TO BE CONSIDERED BY THE COMMITTEE ______Ref: 5/15/0530 Category: Ward: Harpenden West Proposal: Listed Building Consent - Cleaning stone cross and steps with high pressure steam, re-point steps and cleaning and rewaxing of bronze surfaces at War Memorial Church Green Harpenden Hertfordshire For Mr John Bagshaw</p><p>HISTORY: 5/09/0255 Listed Building Consent - Restoration of Harpenden war memorial HTC: No comment submitted as Town Council is applicant. SADC: Permit</p><p>RECOMMENDATION: FOR REASONS OF TRANSPARANCY TO REFER THIS APPLICATION DIRECTLY TO ST ALBANS DISTRICT COUNCIL AS THE TOWN COUNCIL IS THE APPLICANT</p>

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